> Adjutant General’s Office,

j Washington, July 25, 1862.

1.. The following order of the President of the United States communicates information of the death of ex-President Martin Van Burex :

Washington, July 25, 1862.

The President, with deep regret, announces to the people of the United States the decease, at Kinderhook, New York, on the 24th instant, of his honored predecessor, Martin Van Buren.

This event will occasion mourning in the nation for the loss of a citizen and a public servant whose memory will he gratefully cherished. Although it has occurred at a time when his country is afflicted with division and civil war, the grief of his patriotic friends will measurably be assuaged by the consciousness that, while suffering with disease and seeing his end approaching, his prayers were for the restoration of the authority of the government of which he had been the head, and for peace and good will among his fellow-citizens.

As a mark of respect for his memory, it is ordered that the Executive Mansion and the several Executive Departments, except those of War and the Navy, be immediately placed in moirrning, and all business be suspended during to-morrow.

It is further ordered, that the War and Navy Departments cause suitable military and naval honors to he paid on this occa¬ sion to the memory of the illustrious dead.


11.. 0n the day after the receipt of this order, the troops will he paraded at 10 o’clock a. m., and the order read to them. The national flag will be displayed at half-staff. At dawn of day, thirteen guns will be fired, and afterwards, at intervals of thirty minutes between rising and setting sun, a single gun; and at the


close of the day, a national salute of thirty-four guns. The officers of the Army will wear crape on the left arm and on their swords, and the colors of the several regiments will be put in mourning for the period of six months.

By order of the Secretary of War:


Adjutant General.


Assistant Adjutant General.