er PRESENTED BY 1887 CATALOGUE OF Trotting AND Thoroughbred Stock THE PROPERTY OF LELAND STANFORD, PALO ALTO, Santa Clara County, California. SAN FRANCISCO: BREEDER AND SPORTSMAN PUBLISHING Co., PRINTERS. 1887. *) * ; S 2 ee «53 = INTRODUCTORY: Although it has not been the practice heretofore to publish an introduc- tion to the catalogues of Palo Alto horses, the compiler for this year has deemed it proper to make a few prefatory remarks; not by presenting elaborate tables with extended comments, nor by minutely rehearsing performances of the animals incorporated in the list and those of their kindred which have gained distinction. It would be assuredly supererogatory to do more than call attention to what has been done by Palo Alto bred horses, and those by Palo Alto stallions bred by others, as they are too well known to need repetition. Sufficient in this respect to note that the success of this stud since it was organized, is unparalleled in the history of the breeding of trotting horses. In the early days of trotting very little attention was given to ‘“ blood,” which in this sense is synonymous with breeding. Little was known of the ancestry of many celebrities of the olden time, and few owners or drivers thought it had any bearing on the question. While it was recognized that the get of some sires were better adapted for fast harness work, the supposition was that the really fast trotter was a sort of an accident, and no attempt was made to systematize the breeding of trotters until long after the sport had become popular. Therefore, trotting pedigrees which run back half a century are somewhat shadowy, unless there are thoroughbred crosses; and, in every instance when the pedigree could be clearly established, some of that blood can be found. But it has been a point with many writers on trotting blood, to question that portion of a genealogical tree which embraced racing strains, and pedigrees which were accepted at the time the horses were alive, have been discardedon the ground that some old man, an octogenarian perhaps, had a shadowy recollection that it was different. In order that this catalogue should compare with general impressions, some of these ‘‘ corrected” pedigrees have been adopted; not with the intention of endorsing, but as a matter which has little bearing on the subject. It is better to look at what is close at hand, than speculate on the right or wrong of the records of fifty years ago. When the disputed crosses comprise one thirty-second. one sixty-fourth, perhaps a still less amount of the whole blood, it is scarcely worth while to make it a bone of contention. Then again, these same writers, when ‘‘unknown” appears, jump to the 1V conelusicn that it must be a ‘‘cold” strain. This is not warranted, especially in California pedigrees. Among the large number of mares brought here during the great excitement of forty-nine and the early fifties, there were unquestionably many of them of good breeding. Brought from countries where the thoroughbred predominated, from sections where the most popular strains of trotting blood of that era were valued, it is altogether likely that the favorite horses of their owners would accompany them. Then, too, with a journey before them of thousands of miles, over a country which did not furnish supplies of any kind save grass, and in places little of that, men who had the means to choose, would select the very best, and therefore, when a pedigree runs back to an “‘emigrant” mare, it is a fair inference that in that case ‘‘unknown” is more likely to mean good blood than that of a *‘ scrub.” While in this catalogue are embraced all of the most popular strains of the East, there are two families with numerous representatives, which belong to California exclusively, and of these it may be proper to give a short sketch. These are Belmonts and St. Clairs. Fortunately the blood of Belmont is as well attested as that of Lexington, without the smallest opportunity for the usual quibbling. By American Boy from imported Prunella by Comus, bred by Garret Williamson of Ohic. and brought to this coast when quite young by Mr. Williamson’s sons, his descendants figure on the turf, track and road, and many race- horses, trotters and pacers owe to him the main portion of their blood. The youngest Belmonts are now twenty-one years, and therefore sons and daughters are rare, although there are a number of granddaughters at Palo Alto, most of them being by Langford and Don Victor. The St. Clairs labor under the disadvantage of the founder of the family being in the ‘‘unknown ” class, so far as pedigree is concerned, though by _the best possible of all tests, public performances, they are not only known but renowned wherever fast trotters are admired. It is useless to speculate on the breeding of St. Clair, though reasoning from analogy it must have been ‘“‘high.” Among all the St. Clairs ever seen on the track or read, with one exception, there was the highest quality exhibited. Lady St. Clair, who had the fastest five miles on record, had the form and finish of a thoroughbred, and every one of the St. Clair mares, and even the erand- daughters, at Palo Alto, closely approximate the same model. Stallions of inferior breeding do not beget such animals, and while the veil which obseures the actual blood of St. Clair is impenetrable, the form, finish, spirit and capabilities of his descendants are better certificates of merit than the genealogy extending to the royal mares, if lacking these charac- teristics. Then when to these are united the most wonderful aptitude to acquire the fast trotting gait, when in the second generation they have con- quered and occupy the highest place in three instances, in this case the unknown must be acknowledged, so far as actual merit goes, to be potent. Lady St. Clair, Mayfly and Mayflower were daughters. The former paced five miles in 12:54°4, and likewise showed a trotting gait that gave promise of great speed if cultivated. Mayfly trotted nearly twenty years ago in 4 2:3014, at that time about the topnotch in California, and Mayflower, encum- bered with fore shoes which weighed nearly two pounds each, and with rolls of shot almost as ponderous, on each front pastern, made a mile in 2:3014. This was also done in the early days of trotting on this coast which gives it greater significance. After years of constant labor hauling heavy loads, and undergoing such abuse as would have broken the heart of most horses, Occident, in 1873, trotted a mile in 2:16%4. He was the first horse to drop below 2:17, and the first of the grandsons or granddaughters of St. Clair to gain distinction. The above-named were bred, as may be termed, Haphazard. Nothing is known of the blood of their dams, that of Occident to all appearance hav- ing a dash of native blood, while in all probability the dams of Mayfly and Mayflower were the progeny of *‘American” mares. But when the blood of St. Clair was blended with that of Electioneer, and due attention was paid to development. there followed startling results. In 1880, Fred Crocker, then two years old, trotted a mile in 2:2514, and the next year Wildflower, two years, trotted in 2:21, and Bonita, two years, in 2:2444. Wildflower became incapacitated from a severe attack of. distemper, so severe that great portions of flesh were eaten away, ears curtailed and a hole corroded through the membrance which separates the nostrils. Bonita, at four years, obtained a record of 2:18%4 and ‘‘trained on” as is proved by her trotting last year in 2:184%. But by far the greatest performance, excepting the 2:21 of Wildflower, was that of Manzanita, and few will question that it can be classed with the best when age is taken into consideration. When four years old she not only trotted in 2:16, but also defeated the best of her age, among them the great Patron. It is not the intention to present illustra- tions which have not been made in public, or the value of this blood could be shown in a much stronger light. And this sketch, etching would be a better name, is drawn in order to give those at a distance a little insight into the merits of the St. Clairs; and the summary shows: The fastest five miles either pacing or trotting, the fastest record up to 1874, the fastest and second fastest two-year-old record, the fastest four-year-vld, and three of the blood with records below 2:19. It is manifestly beyond a reasonable limit to enter into an analysis of the various strains of blood which are recorded in this catalogue. Besides the stallions there is a galaxy of mares such as never were congregated on one stud farm before. In fact, the compiler takes it upon himself to say that, it would be a difficult matter te equal them if the searcher had un- limited money at his command and the whole world to select from outside of Palo Alto. Neither is there any necessity for dilating on the blood further than to call attention to the great variety, and the number of what is now called ‘* oilt-edged” trotting pedigrees. Whoever fails to satisfy himself on the score of breeding must have peculiar ideas. The greatest living sire at the head of the stud, seconded by stallions which, rated by form, breeding and performances, cannot be excelled, and with two hundred and eighty-five V1 broodmares eminently qualified to be mated with them, what more on this head can be desired ? Although there is no actual necessity for elaboration, the compiler would be well pleased to go fully into the merits of the subject. But in that case many chapters would be required and a good-sized volume afford none too much space. There is a necessity, however, for brevity, and keep- ing that requirement in view compels curtailment to the briefest space. There never was a catalogue of any magnitude, or stud-book, or collec- tion of pedigrees of any kind, that was free from errors. This is not supposed to be an exception, though it is hoped that the mistakes are few and of minor importance. The plan of stud-books has been followed in indexing. All that are named will be found, and the few without a distinctive appellation, under their dams. Since the forms went to press Lot Slocum has lowered his record to 2:174%4, and Old Nick, by Electioneer from Stockton Maid, has gained a record of 2:23. JOS. CAIRN SIMPSON. San Francisco, September 1587. American: .....%: ACh eoltio chars Amoric¢any Girls ence a. 5a, 56 126 146 136 199 50 176 258 132 259 14] PAGE, IAM Ob GU Bers sacha tes say cite cles 53 PA TETIG AGA «oi! 2 te oie es + ah 52, 54 PAIMIOUILVS ES © fercrayerd. nie Con dete tieugies 54 BOM Gt coe petocltatderdateteisela stalotets! aie 54 AIPA rag) Saiseeieels ree aleld 55 ATYLY: 2 sre atm trecss sacle 55 Amy Gardner . 287 Annie Benton......... . $4 IATISEUS Jeepers whe 6 SATIS ELITE aoe beincte tt Sve tare 95 IATICCRO Se ktec.e altars cone & sto ees $1 EATEN OUS «(cfs icis- araies si oaes .13, 53 PAMIEO TMA eRe ch aatvoslsotniene ss 81 PXPUTOCITG Ise ue em sy ar5. hime ste 56 INPROOMM eit See) | kis Gana 49, 56 ATOMS ee io eect » «crates 55 1 G20) Wee Re eR eC. SAI Pe 53 PRE OVC teeny hres Se enie te 247, 262 FASANO es. aettovats 257 20S AWE Olle Panera aes ee: > cyt eens «tte 56 ENO say atest vescin aisle estan ..56, 60 Ash. Rieticc hue eirieve ms OF MTG PANSIUD Vint traaverenstaee start hese ay he -57, 58 LAS OEE |, Oe RRO OC cio CeCe 58 SHAUL EMSS ok he caleba ce is.e 6 tale 59 Aurelia (Electioneer)........... 60 Aurelia (Wildidle).......... 255, 259 PATELROME Me eens to, oeustacetis ses ecleees 60 AAI OOM y siasis ayes she ected lets 13, 159 Terie off hice Ko) We a RAS OO 61 AEM ER eH a ehh ent cree eee 61 Barnes A doleermacccntcrrceroencers 62 Bentricerrerperet, east rs 63 BeautifallBells cynic nes ates ee 64 BEIM Onis eis sisters ciole finve\bheinie sf 64 Bell Campbell. ee sae 66, 183 BSG ster. arte ardent Chen svesevesere evden 65 leila ete cant soo acon aoc ague 71 Relilerishe sire Sata crs varsreeerueets 66 Bell Mic Clay Wy. cere aie retinas 174 IBenelactoPn scans ae LU 7fape lee IBS eee Ais Noa oat ICON 12 IBETLOMOGDs clone eeloeinet hydeless eater 122 BentOM HHTOIC cst intestines 9, 268 IB ENO TMA eee vers ape ictnbetareciete ll Benton WaK yet cases es eve ce ep 67 LEIA neato oa baad ooo c 260, 284 Barbies . 2 Suto cun gy caren es ctopeas 68, 69 Bertin. /.. afin cle see nisin 5a, G7 BASS oem cs crete ne conte siete 68, 69 Bessie Hooker............. 256, 284 Bessie Shannon... 3.2.2 ociess 0.33 255 AOU Geol. ee ete eit rats rela erelclere ea) BTW O Wass dite orese cracahecsie ate amperes 233 BISA vs. vagsithe team strstr ol ia 206 PBL ATM OY farses cies -faictaraasiotso elec saeee 69 AOTC 2 oratories dcisiateseacrouaenels 73 IlOOMINE 7 io rte sectaaets 70 PROVING ss oista nee ae teraiees oreo 172 Bonnie: 0". accra eae 52, 70 eho | ee SER ESEN SS, ceeyy <2 71 IOV GBT Aio ns: :- wictethst WiNy bret oereretarn 71 pay dell: ease eer soadetite ope 221 Roxhomrny.)ccnedete sce 30, 167 BING OG AES... ted aesisey on .254, 284 riche Myes) Sess eke peaenere< 72, 206 prilltgntic. ..- ceo: page eta Aeterna BUG otis. — 2 iretereneee aieiateNs 695 372 BYP Ge edo eek Mee eee 248, 271 IBTUNEHECS -o:2 5 shera ceo avin uae ahs 73 Brutus eso Soest ueeaieys 248, 288 Cl ial «ns aro benterrto ad: eocke te 74 @amiolg ccs, wos cas oo senses 74, 75 Meni dtd ate HS, ..ciccelol aisle olnveekenrs 198 Captain Smith ned asieeeceies 157 GareGr 46 his ace we ee eames 92 Glarlishas, cache .uc hun cteein eae 18 Cbirerer@ ato wet eis aces iDelon Caspean........ eae Ne 176 Cassandreses ene circ: -nynenye 75 (CHSBIGEN hte at ath co ense hie 75, 76 OAC See ieae crctite eee terene thiscenesiics ce 77 OGGIh en inane ow eee artes 76, 262 Ceailiag Au eancs eee ae 77 MEIC rir: aati asta coven ae 23, 76 Celia Bein), Wares) aan cavec: .253, 286 Chancellor. os sc. c.cieire 285. Charlo yin, oak on wi ccie Seas contortion 58 Charley /Uaw lore yrs cioeocreiirte 52 Chime Bellis sc 7 -ieeetsen een 78 Chimes... -.- HERES SS omens 64 ATCC EE eye ices sicic nkete raat aero 201 @nistmas) 2 sicci Geese ee 138 Clair ss ph anne ales Scie me ee 78 Glaremonmt vno. cee eee 79 @lavences Pooks ae eee Ae 78 @laralbel jen ca tisk re ecko eee 78 CilamicarSOyrs cs ia.s eee chapateeeten hareene 79 Ol Cha eer ez strato (0) Olay (Clay) ey Act tveitns ccs ponte 108 Clay (Electioneer) ........... foe 57 Clay (Hed lhow)m.s2s sews 157 Cleopatra’. ver wiaieee tesa 80 Ohiftome S222 aces taht eee 78 Chitton’ Bell. 5.7... .14, 78 DONT tracert coer ere eee 32. ca Colman oi. M eee ae «eect 222 Col. Benton 52icciee neon 104 Columbine: . Sco nee. see 81 Commotion! 2) crease a ree 221 Comrpdeck sas oaneay Le cele 28, 81 Conguesh 5... ted neecireee 262 Consalatiow),:5.-34.4-5 --}- sae 82 Conpianee; hae ee nee 82 Contention..... 2 esl aa eter ecto 80, 83 Goran e: seni See kr ele, = 78, 83 Cornelia (Carnelian)......... . 261 Cornelia (Fred Low)... ....-.. 84 Cornelia (Isonomy).... 263, 281 Cormmucopias... cee. vane ec Oey aE Gud Sokiesuac aig a's eigen cists -| sete 262 Cutaway i .n0s5 aS pagent 263 MY arc 2 ei V5 owes a Fie bas ORE »- 247, 288 ix PAGE. Czar. Se areitteieaisieverrhe aise eotage 103 MOAN AY oa atin tos een 2s 60m « 85 BED. eesti sceaces se 85, 86 Teg tS: Oa Re ee ee 85 Bs arse nn aic wid einia'e wn oe etic 89 sme WiINDIE. 15 sais d~ s\ccawarererseye 87 (ER Se ees aa epee 87, 88 MUTED CO cise) ers, stevens) wh oiteravanns sil 268 MD GIBIN Gasecteters eho: Steicielsiepave averere-etella 101 OUP TORT CRIS PE ae 88 [DS CCID Sass Se Dee Sieeeas 87 Sb iaeshemste esse ctetevetin c) x's. anche). mogeyonererercbers 205 MIR eres Peeves tolls avate, sia ataighte are. Oke 88 NORE tend aa the aye isicteie io eee MOR 90 MMR ate ie so wkd aie her 89, 133 PN PAIELS tid) alo ors ine ss cares, 137 HST eee Vaca Ae moods soicde fie: ead anaes 58 IAIN VERT VAM ree o's), ale’ sj- eis sss\s s alavn stele 265 Mamie! Lewis...) 2 2026 see wee 265 WSL pterey ses ascites. vee oetsterons 105, 135 PT SUINTE 4 nto 's 6 oe ls eines vw oe ei 254, 266 A ae ge Oe Rete ieee 167 HHT pra cords oe once eic, cis Sake 255, 268 SMG TIGUN Mesut dataretecsiere Ness dave etetaters 106 SCAU a ore teks eee Nebets ato stoke 951, 267 T2170 (SUING facet Ren Reig te eat olsetes 106 PSIAVOUE wea Shes tates, he lars 107, 113 glares cane tat oareta cic or Seles 266 APOC rere rete & tiaiers store isa's & wleelerers © 244 PD OETA Gk chacesten re sfous cvseeibs 249, 275 DUE Betis ets seta: ois os <> Sve ote cu cestere 108 Bio ra) AWGGrsOd, 6). feist er 108, 109 TUR OTUCE tory «Pah oic,ee'nrolsl «ee ee ee 109 Florence Anderson ............ 109 1s Fajr Lovage aye ee Spears at See 110 BLS Serene vaiege aie o's oe ernie 85, 110 REM othe as oincee sieaneeiare 273 lO wert Git. f53o 1050 8 wiererere 111, 170 MUS ERG peg cise volo 5) die are wie Wa cuehs 170 Blushing Belles oi a iicines crests 111 BUT O A crs o:<.4 beeen ernie soe Sesh 204, 267 PRC eis, cc areas «es ein i ocyrarr sth 268 PS CMO GKER 2 5 (ira cs Amore rear 176 Frolic (Harry Clay)..........++ 112 Prolic. (Thunder). ........2622% 268 PAGE. Frog Prous), 2)... sae a anle Pillgaile yc os. ss ue ieee eee MBP SS ieee aia Coat ee ee 258 Gabmelie si. cms eee 114, 120 Gambarals it: ait aes 119 Garapheliay. 0 \) 5 eects 115 Gardey, ij asicrancctresie Maee ee Gartield ir. aioe hiceenon ees 133 Garland Sages an osc te eee 287 GR ZOlLa). Setordino cine re +o LIA SIG Gazelle (Hambletonian)......... 116 Gazelle \(Primis))oas.ces eee 115, 172 Gems... Bee eee ee 122 Gen: sBentone yn. oesn ence eee 4 GeOtitey Wie a nde ura: ae 250, 270 George Crocker cigs asc ues 176 GEOERIBNB cine epee ce sen tae 119 EOPOIG : Co's a 5 lo ho HERS EN 118 Gerhardings ee. ee eee 256, 271 (Gerbil. so nvacie cee ere 116, 117 Gortradeitissellie.-..- eee eee 87 petaways xos00 Catena tos 269, 271 Gilberta.. (motes nee 118 RDDIS Wii icine oe See eee eee 118 Glencairn (also called Lot Slo- CUTS at scticae hohe 119 Glen Cota nen shsctane eee 119 Glen daar: -sccewus pee eee 270 Glendale. 3 ehccns vege eee 119 GlendGw. sere eee 270 GlenNnes,, GPS aad ioe Re 120 Glenola.. hoes ow cco er eeeee 119 Gilimpse...\\; sansesee Cece 248, 264 Gloom’... Wy Gage eee 119 Gnome’... 5 skeen teem Oe 118 Golden Slippers..............00. 185 GONGRWAY so.c hades Saeco keene 271 GoGdiGitt.: artes cae hee 30, 184 GOngOr: joie eee 253, 266 Goulars a ears vcikglee ee eae 272 Greontield..... .encch bce eee 148 Gretoheni; 4) .caeosl ee. eee 121 Grindalia:: } dc x.uch vee sce ee 119 Grisetles ocr cee ee es 115, 121 Gritses 225s Seen eee 119 Guardsman). os aaeneswia se ee 270 PAGE, Gen , 2223), ecia/ Oe) anne) a tee sane eae eee GUase aaa eter 115, 122 Gey PSU hee et lois. sae 118 ELAM yd reeetine oie eran cs cies 25, 215 ERT OOUTE Shi. cs. cere «1 Ce 215 Re rrietiti, recy onitae es 0 eee 123 Harry Peyton’. 07605) 50. seen 187 Hattie... 2. ee Sete > 122, 176 Hattie Hawthorne............. 123 TLC COLT Auto clesek coe are 143 ELS Len ar eer en eae pct vicina 48 eM Oy. 33 Se ae ae 164 Helpmiate. 2..." Suste wie heiioe olperene 124 Hronmtehtas 5s. eae eee 124, 133 Blenry Wis cece cise eee 133 leritamiy. 2. stink i Qa 220 FLCTM AN. fo oe reek acca 118 Finda GROses ss soo. Vea eee 64 Et orsIMiins\ 55a eee 164 TLOWAEC. 25 tcc) eins Seal eee 158 Bammer 5 ee oo) oo pee 91 1a hy olsra (ol leone Geet digs Ge atte oi 27, 158 Fda oe ee ee 125 Mem AY Fs ..s Scacaiheuc sen 168 TV OMOSS ios toilets am coslteke eee 268 TA Win», | 5 Sac eeaeee oe 176 EIOVAY Sohics «badass Re 220 MGTIO S Niece cee ail aunt eine aes 126 Dray heehee ois uk aioe a, 126 Tpaney oi aay totes ei entero 126, 141 Raat eRe GPE oc; Seen Bic, 126; e127 TSonomy ects eek ey eee 35, 127 eka eis aa ae od ee 125 Evanho es sai loeeraete ene 14, 127 DVAMMNE i ia.2 Seiewletahs eee 127 1 BA SEROTEC Sa i uc icee 127 DanetiN: deat caearn eee 253, 259 DP BBOD is ic vahcvets se, ole la alonatiatontee ene 274 Jennie Benton............. 128, 130 Pennie [Cx cies haecocenan ae 273 AG SSIG) 5 255 aly crenece ere cals ON 168 TOBSIGA eis taal eerste sehr ae 128, 239 aFMUAIT HE er ceack heute snc ke ee 130 DUC ss hn oo roi 129 ewe'6) 6) 61014 BPleivie « a 6,0 e816 aula pW ialh Sih O18 Mie Wl SreTS 0 6) de 6 6, Bs 6 'a.0 si ale Ce SC ere) ie iC Oe Ie hs ste et eaC Wi Katharion Kathleen ey Ce oe Cn ok ce a Rt tit Lady Agnes Lady Amanda Lady Beecher Lady Dooley Lady Ellen Lady Evangeline PG FMR Ge: 3 isso ss os aed seals Lady Lowell Lady Morgan Hap dthoads.s «scFv ct Fhe Maddy Baalhy oo... eek aut Lady Thorn, Jr Bee VEEN grins su) en gas aie oles old Lady Zetler Laelia 1 Bhoye Gey ce¥o gee 6 Aye a ae Reet Oy age © 6 © 0 2 0 68 «806 66 ce 6 00 06.0 bs 96) 6 xi o ens: #16) Pea 0e 6 nse. e's» sian en & i i a a ar ee wee 135, Lot Slocum (See Glencairn).... Lou Whipple Lowell Coe ete eee tenes cee uce aie Lula Sprague Lula Wilkes MaGrarcria pao. hacen senere xc Vian tral cies ea 155, Madrone pc CET ai ee Sa OO cee ta Maggie Mitchell Maiden PIR) 0) C6KS 6 ioe encaiwyele ele | ele, ae Coe ee ee etc ese ree ees ee ey Mammon (See Howard) ........ MERRIE 08 Ae al > ic ona, so ta 46 Maple Miche) Blew (0],8 0 (0 [e)\@ @)e 5; = <0 ie lelgle ee ee PlLebe e.cfe mca wes vicie sec ca wes O).0um <6 wa We deb erie\ swale je 6 te ele Bin) OM wie) we: Olp \s).ey0) Sin ape (el eiiapeyelS PCT Ce MPR SRE Sy SMe By Marplot Marshra eee eee wee eee eee eee eet so eee Bey Quicem 2.) 'c se ate tae MAC aig Yo. dato ul dire see cei WRG Cain Foca hao eotkcs oo PAS 172, 0 PeVE ETE aa eae eet Bact as 163, MIS CE eh iy a darcte ees, tierce ree ee Miler codes 5 Fetes se wae eek Merlin _ 141, Mins Ghtet coca picncntels ators ; Wiss) "Beecher... 25 asc oe 133; Miss Campbell WETS Ss Get! roe tot Setiitcat enccko Ge WIRES Kin Omi araceiteo is cies 136, Miss Lancaster Marre y tems wrens ae urls Miss Sedgwick Muss.iShelton.2 22 .)..%.61teodtee WEISS: Wakleor See -ore erry 188, NEGA esto). -\n eNotes Mohawk Chief Mom dir cies sledva28/ omnia ene WHOM RE 25 wep cts s,s (orale oleiorn ts 192, Xii Morning Glotyen cen -reae o 166, 194 Rr bE a5 See ne Ans oe ee 166 NEGHGIOREZ nctercaitlw® sc klee 2 cee 92 Whaat Sorat Pacnchaatieiets © snc ree 277 Wie zelle a Miss Galea ivan see 277 ni Livy Shc} ep teaetes kara ey Aas ae: 277, 278 Ril big bul Doeae eee NC eta pe 25 3. 278 Whayar tiles 2 cy sternite atte atene oot 174, 194 INR ITERG MeL tecmtn laces ost aiete 195, 198 Napoleon; i... .s-a0s dads wees 206 Natherleigh ccm jie. ser scien ners 196 Nevid ads 3. ccainvacttate7 aes 31, 138 INEd ‘COO Kc scGieveas enone 2 Nellie Bentonge: (atinaneder 195, 199 Nellie Walken... i...25 <5 Seer 196 gs (ete ee aaa Sere Re NR 16, 197 WWephe yi a o/cte.s:cieinfoncieh stare bicatereteter 3 Nettie Benton. -.siecicren.ctae 196, 197 Nettie Weallser citer 196, 197 REC G Sous 2.2 Meee ec eres 198 ari} 2 Se OPE er ase *2 129 INET ha is'c.iasty bya tar bs rae olia?t oie ea 37 INES Bi 5 LAA edirctateeces ieheitec role aiem went 279 Womadieiins, facsicd ls Secerstsustorel bane 198 INGE COEDS cif hanists be Coe eee 199 Wear Lagi: 5 2-2 3155, cevansrn ics oe eter 95. MMO RTA 5.) ean 2 5 Slee siete eee 199 INGA RULE anapcacotitestoaraethe! crenata 12, 199 TNOAS WY; Systnisenstonetors terstare or aston 11, 199 Nowa: fem bla. ciccnienioe a eter 279 OMe ties. Oe cS essed eee 200. OwpmlammMes:.).\..cetrealey-)< eee 268 Orphas: Girl ....252.44.8csaereee 200. Galdas daca eee 252, 258 Pato: sAltOre era aera as 135 “87 Pato Alto Belles yogi Gees 64 Parkvallesesicscs Sten ate 60 PPAEO GUICB: Fyfe fone eictosctete leet crattter 176 Pagillatenadnsanaasane des hoe eae 280 PAULIEE Cae ade aiee selene 201, 206 PEAT Vs Aare 176; 201 Peel ogi sitalae seteatoae oe 248, 283 Penelopelyon 7s cocmattotaa eee 202, 204 Pepi (eco reese ces 2) 187 Peruvian Bitters........ St eee 196 BEML CSE CrisDiS colo ope pra atc mses sve’ oem Mare 280 BOE TOMBTISGIS Bae fuss stor. 01e5a ersancienee 281 ESE ITIIES Vg Aas ie ea 225 MGM foc hehciespe Uc, csspe Sim, s.asnc cv olPaie 187 Lalor C116 (ye cane ere 250, 283 Phoebe Anderson........... 109, 282 "2 GTEC Ae Ses See ea ee 5 Pere BLOG Shere ae. fois wie nee rca 203 “ETAT es ents Se 202, 203 EO LASER Gos o.y.. «oid 5 9's Stes 203 Balerigtiaven : iitccie sn. kc adores 204 PAM OUNARS ichtetsre stg dlc cede cakes 204 ELA IGIS— 2a a Sa eee aes Eee 204 EMR UALG |: cisicis 0's 5 selene 205 BEVIN OTA cz: wate c bic'ks os missle 20, 201 C2 LOr OE a ne ec eee 268, 283 Bama DONNA. 6c, cearsee’t 205 PP GEMCOaaccte td ac, stengonrn Meena 273 IPrusgian. Maids): 2. as setecsicms 206 Woeen Bens eee ok act eet Mi ene ls ose 284 RESTO Ta oe rata 5\o a ae elee ian caste 267 | ES 2 2 ae ine i SP 2075 ALL Ee MRETSUMAM so: SoA ae Gaict Aefortierer patos 208 LES AEEVO Aerie ORS ae, ore tear 207, 211 PRED EG GR Ce hei Oh ens sede. te 78, 208 MECO OVC sts ftnlsisterais.= aysis's there) y o'er 85 NCO Lhe mere sso spe eden ee 285 / SEVER 285 [RG STiNDy SO cist meter Geese 209, 285 10132000) Ao Lhe Sy Re ana ee ear ae 145 ULGRN Us ebro. aha a/b aioe ee 210 BES SEO Mores fe G,8 alae, cv's.ccteevanerstetes 15, 208 ED ENON TEU NPE Ale tarsy sha vav.otslotecakcoxens clemnees 286 MEO Dass ies briyolels Sitiel se asians 285 TEE) AO GGL: CE eee ee Seto 285 ANE ae 2 Sats Pah cious tcsminas Rtan iss 211 LEE VSY 1 GST INA aia a ee co 21y iT PUMUELO OG fete Giscaa18 oedema 212 ES OMSIMIPMABSS e's « onelstc cdissia ache sins 212 POUCH Gene o wale, ea aes totes 64, 213 TRYOTSEE HU, 05 = eR eae ee Se 286 Blip Benton wos: kleine lca are 213, 222 Pallig ‘Gi seee ettes ocak fic 214, 287 AGE. ullie*Gardner<..0o:s5s..2s8.: 287 Balhertamiet. 1.50. cave ieee h 215 PRUIGHROMLAG SA's a, 216 S12 od ae eae eC ate by 70, 217 Babemellny aks cco. Sie 113, 218 PUMGIIMOM A), whee eae 245 Shannon: Rose... 4 66.2 254, 264 1 Seta i i oO 218 ‘YN LoD: Rae be ny oe CL 220 RHO. its pes GRA aes Maas 219, 220 Dister to irene aia. hs. 2... 141, 220 SUELO Nes ae eae ee 265 Summa ulal owe wada a. ee 222 PNG OLS ot Noa ee 221 Sontag Mohawk ............... 222 2 Sa) a ea 205, 222 2 Le Peg CNS en aed Dead 223 SORIA oats toe. <: yes 17, 222 5 58:5) An a ee ee ee 223 SE ROE CE COTS ey ae LI 223 ie beloar sneeatt. shee ek bei te 64 Sime ustiepacare.eace. os leche 106 pe pee ees nie EIR 1.2 2 8 137 DUOP HAMM Sn: o5:5 5's vies vee ee 151, 224 Suisun.) NARI assis Se 225 SUlGATIBI ceo aoe 224 Bwanol ado bons chances ae 234 MB OLLG ethics syi,cc hie check 225 RYE SIE Sree eras ie ct ceasana ct oR 225 MCRL OVO Dey aets sistent oN 288 NSTC NTA ES Res Se Pe Aber at 150 MGI OR Rae ste ace share severe erate 226, 227 A Ee 210424 Cs Ay eine 227 PREY EDULE odor se Pattad tea esha eed oe 227, 229 dl Tak SQ Ie path oxen ene RR ey 133, 228 BIR OTCAS Mee cele ee. Eee 228, 229 MUD hd eth eauAie lashes cane eee te 229 CEPA arettS x) .s: «levi POEs 2: 229 ome Bertone. cis: << atone ava OF BONG TG Fonte eMne tarsi uee tacieve) 3. onsen 2 SRS 44 ATED REY ISTE, 3 See a eae Ri ay Por 230 Asli ity ase Aor okis ee ete ean 60 MIG eects share arn Wea, onde! 2 62, 230 (Ue CU TT e Aan ata Caietne ttt Stam eg Ene 62 LCPNCES ITE Ae Seats ite Sect TE Ries 62 X1V Unis peas eect close te BE tote 62 URETIT RIE RG ht a) os nid is Mea aed Co arerhaiia ors 231 Nin ITAMIET os evi ice cme ee aurcieiets 275 Victoria (Don Victor)...... 175, 231 Victoria (Fred Low)........... 58 IWIGERESE Sais es ucctici ie enentonre mare 232 WAN CEONZO te epttesne sas sine gees 22, 231 Viola ers rivets Acc nbe roceae 233 Wioletinnk otictsosasetaslge terete 233 Wie bavtcnis. 2 eeese-cetieeeetena cee 235 Wramiel ais si edd wee eee eet ease alsa Warloe Kirt sateen eanelshas 24, 196 Waterloo. card can hc steve, . aah 143 Wiad acaitiene odin Soroce areata ehalbyeeeis 233 Wraveléticcan.. Sacccel cates cartier 233 Wii RATIO! Se Raia ctorercret oie My ete erent 234 Wihipple’smlast sis. 7.0 cree: 180 Miri ose okd a aeemeo code Vacs c 7, 151 \yVilen ofS tiei0h Ss Signmens rccadiowin oleae 29, 169 PAGE, NWVNIERIET ho ie ieee aiciotas ehretaltete 151, 246 WalidMBOiytient: de ncraatere s:chcveenere 23, 234 Wald hower nous ceaciooes Sse 170, 234 SVG aaa ys os Jac) ex reker lial sve! soMene eo 168 Wraildredtaek ics sauces ios S208 235, 236 Walthe lyin al i) sscc% cia visyalels memes 236 Wialli@rockers: vo crtcan cle ole stoners 12, 176 Wall HIOREMCG i ici. wtslt, cc stern 41 AV Al boon al eG Sees Ears B Baer orekcic 236, 237 Walurinmetens jot. -ciscicierree eee 111 SW EUS rim oth reverts Hs sce avec tee 87 WillO Baye. oeitere oo ach ace ere eee 238 WWAVTRO TL ces Povcholsbarateve eich nak kereye Sake 238 WANTOWs los cece sree soe ee 248, 263 WOodhowengcic.c. caters hee ee 170 SWiG@ Tih 3 15.cea sco cvartve’s claire 46 IWOGISGY:: a! «atin tte oie eatets 9, 234 Wiyandotte's << cacniaco ner 238 Vong Josselyuesnsencisreteee 239 ADDENDA. Sales, deaths, etc., since the body of this catalogue was printed. SOLD. B. c.; foaled 1887; by Electioneer, dam Beautiful Bells. Page 64. B. f.; foaled 1886; by Electioneer, dam Maple. Page 38. B. c.; foaled 1885; by Gen. Benton, dam May Day. Page 21, 169. . Ch. g.; foaled 1885; by Norway, dam Myrtha. Page 21. DIED. Ch. f.; fonled 1887; by Piedmont, dam Elsie. Page 99. B. f., Doe; foaled 1885; by Electioneer, dam Dora. Page 90. Blk. m.; Ameriquita; foaled 1878; by Electioneer, dam * America. Page 52, 54. GELDED. Ivanhoe, br. c.; foaled 1883; by Electioneer, dam Isma. Page 14. are Stock ing Trott ay SCALLIONS. ELECTIONEER 125, b. s., 15.24 hands; white hind feet; foaled May 2, 1868; bred by Charles Back- man, Orange Co., N. Y. By Rysdyk’s Ham- bletonian. First dam, Green Mountain Maid (dam of Pros- pero, 2.20; Elaine, 2.20; Dame Trot, 2.223; Storm, 2.262; and Antonio, 2.287; by Sayre’s Harry Clay, 2.29. Second dam, Shanghai Mary, a very fast trotting mare, pedigree not traced. Hambletonian (Rysdyk’s), by Abdallah. First dam, Charles Kent mare, by imp. Bell- founder. Second dam, One-Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by imp. Messenger. Abdallah, by Mambrino, son of imp. Messenger. Dam, Amazonia, by a son of imp. Messenger. Hambletonian, (Bishop’s), by imp. Messenger. First dam, Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. Harry Clay (Sayre’s), by Neave’s Cassius M. Clay, Jr. Dam by imp. Bellfounder. Cassius M. Clay, Jr. (Neaves’s), by Cassius M. Clay, son of Henry Clay, by Andrew Jackson. First dam, by Chancellor. Second dam, by Engineer Second, sire of Lady Suffolk, by Engineer. Chancellor, by Mambrino, son of imp. Messenger. Dam by imp. Messenger. Engineer 2d, by Engineer, son of imp. Messenger. First dam, by Plato. Second dam, by Rainbow. Plato, by imp. Messenger. First dam, Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. Rainbow, by imp. Wildair. First dam, by General Heard’s True Briton. Second dam, imp. mare, by Duke of Bolton’s Starling. ELECTIONEER’S get have the following fast records: Yearling, Hinda Rose, (fastest to date) = - 2.86% Two Year Old Wildflower, “ 2-21 Palo Alto (Stallion), puble trial = 2-208 ne At © Bonita; = 2.245 ce ‘¢ Fred Crocker, 2-254 es * ‘ Bell Boy oe . 7S Se 7 mo COrTie G2) = = = 2.27% i eS oS pais (Stallion) = = - 2.29% ef 2 . ‘SUISUN, = = = = 2.314 "f as “Aas = = = = = eee ef oe *“ Chimes (Stallion) - < a 2-304 Three Year Old Hinda Rose, - - - 2 193 ‘Manzanita: > = = = 3.23% ne Ms “ Sphinx (Stallion) = = 2.244 es a “ Rexford (Stallion) 2.24 Four Year Old Manzanita, (fastest to date) - 2.16 es Bonita. - = 2-182 : vk * Antevolo (Stallion) = = 2.193 oe 3 ‘““ Palo Alto (Stallion) : - 2.204 a cS Albert W5(Stallion) i — = 2:25 4 ANNO et ae ce 2miles. - 4.51 Hy ih « CarriesGis) = 2 == = 2.24 - « © [Lot Slocum (Glencairn) - 2.21% i ss *“ St. Bell (Stallion) = = 2.244 re 3 *“ Azmoor (Stallion) - = 2.30} = SEO eo Cy (Stallion) % = = 2.30} Five Year Old >** = a = = 2.25 oo * Lot Slocum (Glencairn)- = 2.19 Six Year Old Anteeo (Stallion) = = - aie SS AGSIY. © 5 aa = = 2-174 Seven Year Old Albert W.., (Stallion) : = BOE i “ Peruvian Bitters(pacer)- ~ 2.233 Hight Year Old Albert W., (Stallion) = = ee a io Wallis (Stallion) y's: = 2.28% : ne “ Stella, = = = +) 2a ai NEPHEW, br. s., 15.1 hands; bred by James T. Talbot, Kentucky; foaled 1874. (4 year old record, 2.36.) By Hambrino, 2.214. First dam, Trotting Sister, by Alexander’s Abdallah. Second dam, Lydia Talbot, by Taylor’s Messenger. Hambrino, by Edward Everett. First dam, Mambrina, by Mambrino Chief. Second dam, Susie, by imp. Margrave. Third dam, Barbara Allen, by Collier. Nephew’s Roll: Two Year Old Elite (gelding), - = = 2.34 Three Year Old Voucher (gelding), + = ae eee (aes phere ot cx/t) ©: ear - - 2.281 Four Year Old Baby Mine. = = = - .2.32% pig! co Mel S Ee (Stallion), - = 3 2.01 ze “ Fred Arnold (Stallion), = = “2.508 x ** Barney Horn (gelding), Pacer = 2-233 Five Year Old Voucher, (gelding), = = B. M., Lottie M., = = = = 2.24 GENERAL BENTON, 1755, b. s., 16 hands; white near hind ankle; foaled 1868; bred by General Benton, Jefferson County, N. Y. By Jim Scott. First dam. Lady Benton, by Gray’s Hambletonian. Second dam, by Partridge’s Blucher. Third dam, by Bush’s Messenger. Jim Scott, by Rich’s Hambletonian. First dam, by Stub Tail, son of Hungerford’s Blucher, by Blucber. Second dam, Old Peg, by Greenbush Hambleto- nian, son of Mambrino. Hambletonian (Gray’s) by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Dam by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Hambletonian, (Bishop’s), by imp. Messenger. First dam, Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. Blucher (Partridge’s), by Blucher, son of Duroc. Messenger (Bush’s), by imp. Messenger. First dam, Queen Ann, by Celer. Second dam, by Figure. Third dam, imp. mare Leader. Hambletonian(Rich’s), by Abdelkader, son of Abdallah. First dam, by Trustee. Second dam, by Abdallah. General Benton is the sire of: Sallie Benton, 3 year old record, ae a ee Helen, 3 as i ~ = 2.3801 Sallie Benton,4 “ = * 7 = +. ees Bonnie, Be as = 2.25 Helen, Aino h ee yee “dost heat against — 223 Geo. H., spe R= 2 262 (Gipsy Queen, - Ther: sen Ones: 2.294 PIEDMONT, 904, ch. s., 16.1 hands; foaled 1871; bred by H. A. Ferguson, Lexington, Ky. By Almont. Record 2.17% First dam, Mag Ferguson, by Mambrino Chief. Second dam, by Grey Eagle. Almont, by Alexander’s Abdallah. First dam, by Mambrino Chief. Second dam, by Pilot Jr. Third dam, Pope mare, said to be thoroughbred. Mambrino Chief, by Mambrino Paymaster, son of Mambrino and mare by imp. Paymaster. Grey Eagle, by Woodpecker. Dam, Ophelia, by Wild Medley. Abdallah (Alexander’s) by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Dam, Katy Darling, by Bay Roman, son of imp. Roman. Pilot Jr., by Pilot. First dam, Nancy Pope, by Havoc. Second dam, Nancy Taylor, by Alfred. ANSEL, b. s., 16 hands; foaled April 29, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Annette, by Lexington. Second dam, Grey Eagle mare, by Grey Eagle. Third dam, Mary Morris, by Medoc. Fourth dam, Miss Obstinate, by Sumpter. Fifth dam, Jennie Slamerkin, by Tiger. Sixth dam, Paragon, by imp. Buzzard. Seventh dam, Indiana, by Butler’s Columbus. Highth dam, Jane Hunt, by Wade Hampton’s Paragon. Ninth dam, Moll, by imp. Figure. Tenth dam, Old Slamerkin, by imp. Wildair. Eleventh dam, imp. Cub mare, by Cub. Twelfth dam, Amaranthus’ dam by Second. Thirteenth dam, dam of Leede’s Flash and Fop, by Starling. Fourteenth dam, sister to Vane’s Little Partner, by Croft’s Partner. Fifteenth dam, sister to Guy, by Greyhound. Sixteenth dam, Brown Farewell, by Makeless. Seventeenth dam, by Brimmer. HKighteenth dam, by Place’s White Turk. Nineteenth dam, by Dodsworth. Twentieth dam, Layton Barb mare. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) “1 CLAY, 4779, black and tan stallion, 15 hands; foaled Feb- ruary 22, 1879; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. Record 2-25. First dam, Maid of Clay, by Henry Clay. Second dam, by Dey’s Messenger. Third dam, by Ballface Consol. Henry Clay, by Andrew Jackson, son of Young Bashaw. Dam, the famous trotting mare Surrey. Dey’s Messenger by Liberty, son of imp. Messenger. Dam, by Coriander, son of imp. Messenger. Ballface Consol, by Bond’s Consol. Dam, by Coriander, son of imp. Messenger. Maid of Clay has Four in the 2.30 list. WHIPS, b. s., 16 hands; white near hind foot; foaled March 19, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Lizzie Whips, by Enquirer. Second dam, The Grand Dutch $., by Vandal. Third dam, by imp. Margrave. Fourth dam, Mistletoe, by Cherokee. Fifth dam, Black Eyed Susan by Tiger. Sixth dam, by Alfred. Seventh dam, by Algerine. Kighth dam, by Grey Alfred. Ninth dam, by Americus. Tenth dam, by imp. Medley. Eleventh dam, by imp. Shark. Twelfth dam, by imp. Fearnaught. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) ALFRED, 5328, b. s., 16.3 hands; small star; foaled April 12, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Alice, by Almont. Second dam, Norma, by Alexander’s Norman. Third dam, by Sir Wallace. Fourth dam, Eagletta, by Grey Eagle. Fifth dam, Marv Howe, by Tiger. Sixth dam, Lady Robin, by Robin Grey. Seventh dam, by Quicksilver. Kighth dam, by Meade’s Celer. - ALBAN, 5332, b. s., 16.1 hands; hind feet white; foaled April 15, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Lady Morgan, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Second dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse. Third dam, Lady Marvin, by Young Traveler. Fourth dam, by Sea-gull, son of Duroc. BENTON FROLIC, b.-.s., 16.1 hands; few white hairs in forehead; foaled April 10, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Frolic, by Thunder. Second dam, imp. Siskin, by Muscovite. Third dam, Little Finch, by Hornsea. Fourth dam, Hinda, by Sultan. Fifth dam, Katharina, by Woful. Sixth dam, Landscape by Reubens. Seventh dam, Iris, by Brush. HKighth dam, by Herod. Ninth dam, by Goldfinder. Tenth dam, by the Sedley Arabian. Eleventh dam, Vanessa, by Regulus. Twelfth dam, by Fox. | Thirteenth dam, by the Bloody Shouldered Arabian. Fourteenth dam, by Bassett Arabian. Fifteenth dam, an Arabian mare. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) WOOLSEY, 5337, b. s., 16 hands; foaled March 17, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Waxana, by General Benton. Second dam, Waxey, by Lexington. 10 MOHAWK CHIEF, black and tan stallion, 15.2 hands; near hind ankle white, with tips of white on front heels; foaled August, 1866; bred by Mr. Quigley, New York. By Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. First dam, Lady Perrine, by Toronto. Second dam, Tommy Thompson mare, by For- man’s Grey Messenger. Third dam, by Revenge (Bond's). Toronto, by Mountain Boy (a fast trotter from near Toronto, Canada). First dam, by Honest John. Second dam, by imp. Nimrod. Honest John, by John Richards. Grey Messenger (Forman’s), by imp. Messenger. Dam, of Revenge and Fearnaught blood. Revenge (Bond’s), by Ball’s Florizel. Dam, Miss Dance, by Ashe’s Roebuck. Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, by Abdallah. First dam, Charles Kent mare, by imp. Bellfounder. Second dam, One-Hye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by imp. Messenger. Abdallah, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia, by son of imp. Messenger. Mambrino, by imp. Messenger. Dam, by imp. Sourcrout. Bishop’s Hambletonian, by imp. Messenger. First dam, Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. 11 No. 3 NORWAY, 5325, ch. s., 16.2 hands; foaled March 17, 1879; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Gen- eral Benton. First dam, Norma, (dam of Lucy Cuyler, 2.153), by Alexander’s Norman. Second dam, by Sir Wallace. Third dam, Eagletta, by Grey Eagle. Fourth dam, Mary Howe, by Tiger. Fifth dam, Lady Robin, by Robin Grey. Sixth dam, by Quicksilver, son of imp. Medley. Seventh dam, by Meade’s Celer. Alexander’s Norman, by the Morse horse. First dam, by Jersey Highlander. Second dam, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. (See No. 214.) No. 4 BENTONIAN, 5324, b. s., 16 hands; strip; off fore ankle white; hind ankles white; foaled April 20, 1878; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Lucetta, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, Lucy Almack, by Young Engineer, son of Engineer 2d, sire of Lady Suffolk. Engineer 2d, by Engineer, son of imp. Messenger. First dam, by Plato, son of imp. Messenger. Second dam, by Rainbow, son of imp. Wildair. YOUNG STALLIONS. No. 1 BENEFIT, 5327, b. s., 16 hands; strip; foaled April 10, 1879. By General Benton. First dam, Lucetta, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, Lucy Almack, by Young Engineer son of Engineer 2d, sire of Lady Suffolk. Engineer 2d, by Engineer, son of imp. Messenger. First dam, by Plato, son of imp. Messenger. Second dam, by Rainbow, son of imp. Wildair. No, 2 WILL CROCKER, 5333, b. s., 15.3 hands; off hind foot white; foaled May 5, 1881. By Electioneer. Dam, Melinche, by St. Clair. (See No. 196.) No. 3 NORVAL, 5335, b, s., 15.3 hands; near hind foot white; foaled January 25, 1882. By Electioneer. Dam, Norma, by Alexander Norman. (See No. 229.) 13 No. 4 AZMOOR, b. s., 15.2 hands; crescent in forehead; off hind foot white; foaled January 29, 1882. By Electioneer. Dam, Mamie C., by imp. Hercules. (See No. 172.) No. 5 PALO ALTO, 5353, b. s., 16 hands; foaled February 15, 1882. By Electioneer. Record, 2.20% Dam, Dame Winnie, by Planet. (See No. 67.) No. 6 ANTINOUS, 4778, b.s., 15.2 hands; foaled April 9, 1882. By Electioneer. Dam, American Girl, by Toronto Sontag. (See No. 13.) 14 No. 7 CLIFTON BELL, 5338, b. s., 16.1 hands; few white hairs in forehead; off fore foot white; near hind foot and ankle white; foaled March 5, 1883. By Electioneer. Dam, Clarabel, by Abdallah Star. (See No. 54.) , b. s., 15.2. hands; foaled March 10, 1883. By Electioneer. Dam, Miss Peyton, by imp. Glengarry. (See No. 209.) No. 9 IVANHOE, 5339, br. s., 16.2 hands; hind feet and ankles white; foaled April 1, 1883. By Electioneer. Dam, Isma, by General Benton. (See No. 127.) 15 No. 10 _ KRISS KRINGLE, 5340, br. s., 15.3 hands; few white hairs in forehead; foaled April 16, L883. By Elec- tioneer. Dam, Lady Thorn, Jr., by William’s Mambrino. (See No. 144.) No. Il REXFORD, 5342, b.s., 15.1 hands; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled April 27, 1883. By Electioneer. Dam, Rebecca, by General Benton. (See No. 243.) 2 VERA OLD saa Nes No. 12 ELECTRICITY, 5344, br. s., 16.2 hands; near hind foot white; foaled January 18, 1884. By Elec- tioneer. First dam, Midnight, by Pilot. Jr. Second dam, Twilight, by Lexington. Third dam, Daylight, by imp. Glencoe. Fourth dam, Darkness, by Wagner, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) Pilot, Jr., by Pilot. First dam, Nancy Pope, by Havoc. Second dam, Nancy Taylor, by Alfred. Midnight, (dam of Jay-Eye-See 2.10 and Noontide 2.204), died at Palo Alto, January 19, 1884. No. 13 NEMO, 5847, br. s., 15.2 hands; white hairs in tail; foaled March 2, 1884. By Clay. Dam, Nettie Benton, by General Benton. (See No. 225.) 17 No. 14 SPORT, 5351, gr. s., 16 hands; foaled March 19, 1884. By Piedmont. Dam, Sontag Mohawk, by Mohawk Chief. (See No. 259.) No. 15 , b. s., 16 hands; star; off hind foot white above ankle; foaled April 4, 1884. By Pied- mont. Dam, American Girl, by Toronto Sontag. (See No. 13.) No. 16 BENEFACTOR, b. s., 16 hands; crescent and snip; near hind leg white half way; off fore foot and off hind foot white; foaled April 6, 1884. By General Benton. Dam, Frolic, by Harry Clay. (See No. 105.) w 18 No. 17 CARLISLE, ch. s., 15.3 hands; strip; white spot on off fore coronet; near hind leg white; foaled April 17, 1884. By Piedmont. First dam, Idabelle, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, Godfrey Star, by Seeley’s American Star. Third dam, by Hector, son of La Tourett’s Bell- founder. No. 18 ELECTRO, bl. s., 15.2 hands; near hind foot and ankle white; off hind foot white; foaled May 3, 1884. By Eleetioneer. Dam, Fatina, by Berlin. (See No. 95.) No, 19 ADMONT, 5349, b. s., 14.3 hands; large star; foaled May 4, 1884. By Piedmont. Dam, Addie, by Hambletonian Chief. (See No. 4.) 19 No. 20 , b. s., 15.1 hands; small star; foaled May 5, 1884. By Electioneer. Dam, Waxana, by General Benton. (See No. 279.) YEAR OL Sian No. 21 MONTEITH, b. s., 16.1 hands; crescent in forehead; near hind foot white; outside of off hind foot white; foaled January 22, 1885. By Electioneer. Dam, Mamie C., by imp. Hercules. (See No. 172.) No. 22 LAWRENCE, 53888, b. s., 16 hands; small white spot in forehead; foaled February 3, 1885. By Gen- eral Benton. Dam, Laura C., by Electioneer. (See No. 147.) No. 23 POMONA, b. s., 15.2 hands; hind feet white; foaled Feb- ruary 4, 1885. By Hlectioneer. Dam, Pearl, by George Lancaster. (See No. 233.) 21 No. 24 , b. s., 15.3 hands; foaled February 10, 1885. By General Benton. Dam, May Day, by Wissahickon. (See No. 188.) , br. s., 16 hands; star; near fore foot white; white spot on back of near hind foot; off hind foot white to ankle; foaled February 15, 1885. By General Benton. Dam, Mattie, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. (See No. 184.) No. 26 ,ch.s., 15.3 hands; strip; near hind foot white; off hind leg white; foaled February 28, 1885. By Norway. Dam, Myrtha, by Contractor. (See No. 221.) 22 No. 27 b. s., 16 hands; little white on near hind foot; foaled March 4, 1885. By General Benton. Dam, Lilly, by Electioneer. (See No. 151.) No. 28 VINCENZO, 5392, b. s., 15.1 hands; near hind foot white; off fore heel white; foaled March 12, 1885. By Electioneer. Dam, Victoria, by Don Victor. (See No. 275.) No. 29 b. s., 15.1 hands; fore feet white on inside above aukles; near hind foot white to ankle; foaled March 12, 1885. By Electioneer. Dam, Prussian Maid, by Signal. (See No. 240.) 23 No. 30 WILD BOY, 5394, b.s., 15.2 hands; foaled March 13, 1885. By General Benton. Dam, Wildflower, by Electioneer. (See No. 280.) No. 31 : b. s., 15.3 hands; star, strip and snip; near fore foot white; near hind foot white; foaled Mareh 17, 1885. By Whips. Dam, Gabrielle, by Mohawk Chief. (See No. 107.) No, 32 CEDRIC, 5378, b. s., 15.3 hands; small star; off hind foot white to ankle; foaled March 18, 1885. By Electioneer. Dam, Cecil, by General Benton. (See No. 50.) 24 No. 33 WARLOCK, b. s., 16 hands; small star and snip; hind feet white above ankles; foaled March 22, 1885. By Whips. Dam, Nellie Walker, by Thorndale or a son of Edwin Forrest. (See No. 224.) | No, 34 —br. s., 15.1 hands; foaled March 31, 1885. By Eros. Dam, Alice by Almont. (See No. 8.) No. 35 b. s. 15.1 hands; near hind foot white; inside of off hind foot white; foaled April 10, 1885. By Electioneer. Dam, Nadine, by Wildidle. (See No, 222.) 25 No. 36 rn. s., 15.3 hands; inside of off hind foot white; foaled April 20, 1885, By Dexter Prince. Dam, Daisy D., by Electioneer. (See No. 66.) No. 37 HANS, b. s., 15.3 hands; near hind foot white; foaled April 22, 1885. By Whips. Dam, Sallie Hamlet, by Hamlet. (See No. 251.) No. 38 b. s., 15.1 hands; hind feet white; foaled April 29, 1885. By General Benton. First dam, Florence, by Electioneer. Second dam, Florence Anderson, by Enquirer. Third dam, Sally Anderson, by imp. Glencoe. Fourth dam, Chloe Anderson, by Rodolph, ete. ‘ No, 39 ¢ a TOWELL, b. s., 14.3 hands; of hind foot white t : foaled May 10, 1885. By Electioneer. Dam, Lady Lowell, by Schultz’s St. Clair. (See No. 140.) YEARLING STALLIONS. No. 40 b. s., 15.2 hands; small speck in forehead; foaled Jan. 18, 1886. By Electioneer. Dam, Mamie C., by imp. Hercules. (See No. 1%2.) No, 41 HYPERION, ch. s.,15 hands; foaled Feb. 5, 1886. By Piedmont. Dam, Mamie, by Hambletonian Jr. (See No. 171.) No. 42 b. s., 15.2 hands; fore feet white; foaled Feb. 7, 1886. By General Benton. Dam, Gazelle, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. (See No. 110.) 28 No. 43 blk. s., 14.8 hands; near hind foot white; foaled Feb’y 11, 1886. By Electioneer. Dam, Consolation, by Dictator. (See No. 59.) No. 44 , b. s.. 15.1 hands; star; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled Feb’y 17, 1886. By Alfred. Dam, Miss Peyton, by imp. Glengarry. (See No. 209.) No. 45 CONRAD, b. s., 15 hands; star; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled Feb’y 17, 1886. By Electioneer. Dam, Columbine, by A. W. Richmond. (See No. 58.) 29 No. 46 WHIPSTER, b. s., 14.2 hands; foaled Feb’y 20, 1886. By Whips. Dam, Maybird, by Fred Low, son of St. Clair. (See No. 187.) No. 47 , b. s., 14.2 hands; foaled Feb’y 20, 1886. By Woodnut. Dam, Wildflower, by Electioneer. (See No. 280.) No, 48 , b. s., 15 hands; star; hind feet and ankles white; foaled Feb’y 21, 1886. By Electioneer. Dam, Glenne, by Messenger Duroc. (See No. 116.) 30 No, 49 ELLISON, blk. s., 14.3 hands; near hind foot white around coronet; foaled Feb’y 25, 1886. By Elec- tioneer. Dam, Lady Ellen, by Carr’s Mambrino. (See No. 138.) No. 50 BOXHORN, ch. s., 15.1 hands; star; near hind foot white; foaled Feb’y 26, 1886. By Ansel. Dam, Mary, by Fred Low, son of St. Clair. (See No. 183.) No. 51 GOOD GIFT, b. s., 15.1 hands; little white on near hind foot; foaled February 27, 1886. By Electioneer. Dam, Miss Gift, by Wildidle. (See No. 206.) 3] No. 52 BOYDELL, b. s., 15.1 hands; near hind foot white to ankle; foaled February 28, 1886. By Electioneer. Dam, Sontag Dixie, by Toronto Sontag. (See No. 258.) No, 53 , br. s., 14.3 hands; hind feet white; foaled March, 4, 1886. By Will Crocker. Dam, Grisette, by Wildidle. (See No. 118.) No. 54 NAVIDAD, b. s., 15.1 hands; strip; near hind foot and ankle white; foaled March 7, 1886. By Whips. Dam, Lady Thorn, Jr., by William’s Mambrino. (See No. 144.) 32 No. 55 COIN, b. s.,15 hands; hind feet white; foaled March 7, 1886. By Electioneer. Dam, Cecil, by General Benton. (See No. 50.) No, 56 , b. s., 15.1 hands; large star; hind feet and | ankles white; foaled March 12, 1886. By Will Crocker. Dam, Eliza Dolph, by Wildidle. (See No. 83.) No, 57, -, b. s., 15.1 hands; few white hairs in fore- head; foaled March 20, 1886. By Benefit. Dam, Alice, by Almont. (See No. 8.) 33 No, 58 , b. s., 15 hands; near hind foot white; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled March 22, 1886. By Will Crocker. Dam, Mollie Shelton, by Rifleman. (See No. 215.) No, 59 , b. s., 15 hands; snip: hind feet and ankles white; foaled March 24, 1886. By Whips. Dam, American Girl, by Toronto Sontag. (See No. 13.) No, 60 , b. s., 15 hands; star; hind feet and ankles white; foaled March 25, 1886. By Electioneer. Dam, Maria, by Don Victor. (See No. 176.) 34 No. 61 , b. s., 14.1 hands; foaled March 25, 1886. By Electioneer. Dam, Bright Eyes, by General Benton. (See No. 42.) No. 62 CLARY, b. s., 14.3 hands; large star and small snip; little white on off hind heel; foaled March 28, 1886. By Clay. Dam, Emma Robson, by Woodburn. (See No. 87.) No. 63 , b. s., 14.2 hands; hind feet white; foaled March 30, 1886. By Electioneer. Dam, Lina K., by Don Victor. (See No. 153.) 35 No, 64 —, rn. s, 15.1 hands; hind feet white; foaled April 3, 1886. By General Benton. . Dam, Daisy D., by Electioneer. (See No. 66.) No. 65 ISONOMY, ch. s., 15 hands; star; foaled April 9, 1886. By Piedmont. Dam, Ivy, by Don Victor. (See No. 128.) No. 66 , b. s., 14 hands; foaled April 11, 1886. By Electioneer. Dam, May Queen, by Alexander’: Norman. (See No. 192.) 36 No. 67 -——— b.s., 14.2 hands; foaled April 20, 1886. By Electioneer. Dam, Minx, by Don Victor. ~ (See No. 202.) No. 68 b. s., 14.3 hands; star; hind feet white; foaled April 25, 1886. By Electioneer. Dam, Barbara Maid, by A. W. Richmond. (See No. 25.) No. 69 br. s., 14.2 hands; hind feet white; foaled April 27, 1886. By Electioneer. Dam, Mollie Cobb, by General Benton. (See No. 214.) LSE. b. f., star; parrot mouth; off hind foot white; foaled Feb. 16, 1884. By General Benton. First dam, Mohawk Waxey, by Mohawk Chief. Second dam, Waxey, dam of Alpha, by Lexington. No. 71 NINA, b. f., star; foaled March 16, 1884. By Piedmont. First dam, Nancy, (dam of Medora, 2.334), by John Nelson. Second dam, by Illinois Medoc. Third dam, by Abdallah. John Nelson, by imp. Trustee, etc., ete. No. 72. b. f., crescent in forehead; off hind foot white; foaled March 20, 1885. By Eros. First dam, Kate Gift, by Lodi. Second dam, Ruby, by Winnebago. Third dam, Ellen Jordan, by Blacknose. Fourth dam, Emily Jordan, by imp. Jordan, etc., etc. 38 No. 73 b. f., star; hind feet and ankles white; foaled Feb. 22, 1885. By Fallis. First dam, NanaS., by Hubbard. Second dam, by Nana Sahib. No. 74 —br. f., near hind foot white; foaled March 14, 1885. By Electioneer. First dam, Camilla Urso, by Lodi. Second dam, Annette, by Lexington. Third dam, by Grey Eagle. Fourth dam, Mary Morris, by Medoc. Fifth dam, Miss Obstinate, by Sumpter, etc. No. 75 -, b f., star and snip, off hind foot and ankle white; foaled March 20, 1886. By Electioneer- First dam, Maple, by Nutwood, 2.18. Second dam, Addie (dam of Manon 2.21), by Hambletonian Chief. Third dam, by Harry Clay, 2.29. Hambletonian Chief, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Dam, by Superior. 39 No. 76 , b. f.; foaled March 12, 1886. By Piedmont. First dam, Unis, by Electioneer. Second dam, Barnes’ Idol, by Idol, son of Mam- brino Chief. Third dam, Ella Norton, by The Colonel. Fourth dam, Verbeni, by imp. Leviathan. Fifth dam, Hippona, by Pacific, ete., etc. No. 77 ————-—, bh. f.; foaled February 19, 1886. By Nephew. First dam, Tehama, by Joe Daniels. Second dam, Revole, by Woodburn. Third dam, by Langford. Fourth dam, Mary Blaine, by Boston. , b. f., small white spot on off hind foot; foaled February 12, 1887. By Alban. First dam. Miss Shelton, by Electioneer. Second dam, Mollie Shelton, by Rifleman. Third dam, Eva Bascombe, by Lodi. Fourth dam, Ariadne, by Belmont. GELDINGS. No. 79 b. g., black points; foaled April 3, 1877. By Priam. First dam, Nancy (dam of Medora 2.333), by John Nelson. Second dam, by Illinois Medoc. Third dam, by Abdallah. No. 80 b. g., near hind foot white; black spots around coronet; foaled May 21, 1878. By General Benton. First dam, Nancy, (dam of Medora 2.334), by John Nelson. Second dam, by Lllinois Medoc. Third dam, by Abdallah. No. $1 —, b. g., few white hairs in forehead; near fore foot white; hind ankles white; foaled March 13, 1884. By Fallis. First dam, Alameda, by Langford, son of Belmont and Liz Givens by i imp. Langford. Second dam, Lady Bell, by Belmont. Third dam, bs y Lance, son of American Eclipse. 4] No. 82 , blk. g., foaled Feb’y 20, 1885. By Nephew. First dam, Tehama, by Joe Daniels. Second dam, Revole, by Woodburn. Third dam, by Langford. Fourth dam, Mary Blaine, by Boston. No, 85 WILL FLORENCE, ch. g., strip; foaled April 11, 1886. By Piedmont. First dam, Florence, by Electioneer. Second dam, Florence Anderson, by Enquirer. Third dam, Sally Anderson, by imp. Glencoe, ete. COLES: No. 84 , b. c., foaled Feb. 21, 1887. By Clay. First dam, Nana S., by Hubbard. Second dam, by Nana Sahib. BROOD MARES. No. 1 ABBESS, b. m., 15.1 hands; few white hairs in forehead; few white hairs on left nostril; foaled March 2, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, Abbie, by Almont. Second dam, Norma, by Alexander’s Norman. Third dam, by Sir Wallace. Fourth dam, Eagletta, by Grey Eagle. Fifth dam, Mary Howe, by Tiger. Sixth dam, Lady Robin, by Robin Grey. Seventh dam, by Quicksilver, son of imp. Medley Highth dam, by Meade’s Celer. PRODUCE. June 7, 1885, b. c., gelded, (dead,) by Dexter Prince. 1886, barren. April 1, 1887, b. f., by Woolsey. (Stinted to Whips. ) d4 No. 2—Standard ABBIE, b. m., 16 hands; gray hairs on off fore ankle; foaled 1875; bred by Col. R. West, Lexington, Ky. By Almont. First dam, Norma, by Alexander’s Norman. Second dam, by Sir Wallace. Third dam, Eagletta, by Grey Eagle. Fourth dam, Mary Howe, by Tiger. Fifth dam, Lady Robin, by Robin Grey. Sixth dam, by Quicksilver, son of imp. Medley, etc., etc. Almont, by Alexander’s Abdallah. First dam, by Mambrino Chief, etc., ete. PRODUCE. April 29, 1879, b. ¢., Towne, gelded (sold), by Elec- tioneer. 1880, barren. March 2, 1881, b. f., Abbess, by Mohawk Chief. March 18, 1882, b. c., gelded (sold), by Electioneer. April 14, 1883, b. ec. Abbott (sold), by General Benton. 1884, barren. Feb’y 9, 1885, b. f., (sold), by General Benton. March 1, 1886, b. f., by General Benton. April 14, 1887, b. f., by Ansel. (Stinted to Alban.) No. 3—Standard ADA, b. m., 15.1 hands; strip; four white legs; foaled May 8, 1875; bred by Chas. Backman, Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Messenger Duroc. First dam, Adele, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, Lady Franklin, known in Hartford as Canada Girl. PRODUCE. March 10, 1881, ch. c., gelded (sold), by Wild Idle. April 1, 1882, b. f., Adele, by General Benton. 1883-4, barren. April 1, 1885, ch. c., (sold), by Piedmont. 1886, barren. 1887, not bred. (Stinted to Alban.) 46 No. 4 ADDIE, b. m., gray hairs on off hip; saddle marks; foaled 1868 (dam of Manon; record, 2.21), bred at Cornwall, Orange Co., N. Y. By Hamble- tonian Chief. Dam, by Sayre’s Harry Clay (2.29). Hambletonian Chief, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Dam, by Superior. PRODUCE. July 14, 1877, b. f., Manon 2.21 (sold), by Nutwood. Aug. 7, 1878, b. f., Manette, by Nutwood. 1879-80, barren. March 28, 1881, b. f., Maple (dead), by Nutwood. March 1, 1882, ch. c., Woodnut 2.253 (sold), by Nut- wood. 1883, barren. May 4, 1884, b. c., Admont, by Piedmont. April 11, 1885, b. c., (sold), by Electioneer. March 19, 1886, ch. f., Addie A. by Whips, March 28, 1887, b. f., by Ansel. (Stinted to Electioneer.) 47 No. 5. ADELAIDE, ch. m., 16 hands; foaled 1867; bred by Wm. White, Lexington, Ky. By Black Donald, brother to Joe Hooker. First dam, by Capt. Beard. Second dam, Alida by Buford. Third dam, Sarpusette, by imp. Sarpedon. Fourth dam, Susette, by Aratus. Fifth dam, Jenny Cockracy, by Potomac. Sixth dam, Timoleon’s dam, by imp. Saltram. Seventh dam, by Symme’s Wildair. Kighth dam, by Driver, son of imp. Othello. Ninth dam, by imp. Fallower. Tenth dam, by imp. Vampire. Black Donald, by Mambrino Chief. , First dam, by Canada Chief, son of Davy Crockett. Second dam, by Kavanaugh, son of Bertrand. Third dam, by American Eclipse. Fourth dam, by Potomac. PRODUCE. April 2, 1881, bl. c. (sold), by Governor Sprague. April 27, 1882, b. c., gelded (sold), by Electioneer. 1883, barren. May 31, 1884, b. c. (sold), by Electioneer. 1885, barren. Feb’y 12. 1886, b. f., by Clay. Feb’y 18, 1887, b. c., by Whips (Stinted to Clay.) 48 No. 6—Standard ADELE, b. m., 15.3 hands; strip; near fore and off hind legs white; foaled April 1, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Ben- ton. First dam, Ada, by Messenger Duroc. Second dam, Adele, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Lady Franklin, known in Hartford as Canada Girl. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) No. 7—Standard ALAMEDA MAID, ch. m., 16 hands; white spot on left side of neck; bred by Josiah Sessions, Cal. By Whipple’s Hambletonian. Dam, Mary Taylor, by Biggart’s Rattler. Record, 2.27% PRODUCE. May 20, 1880, b. f., Helen (2.30), by General Benton. 1881, barren. Jan. 26, 1882, b. f., Alamira (sold), by Electioneer. 1883, barren. Apr. 30, 1884, b. f., by Electioneer. May 29, 1885, b.f. Amal (sold), by Clay. 1886, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electricity. ) 49 No. 8—Standard ALICE, b. m., 16 hands; black spot on off flank; foaled 1873; bred by Col. R. West, Lexington, Ky. By Almont. First dam, Norma, by Alexander’s Norman. Second dam, by Sir Wallace. Third dam, Eagletta, by Grey Eagle. Fourth dam, Mary Howe, by Tiger. Fifth dam, Lady Robin, by Robin Grey. Sixth dam, by Quicksilver, son of imp. Medley, ete., etc. Almont, by Alexander’s Abdallah. First dam, by Mambrino Chief. Second dam, by Pilot, Jr. Third dam, Pope mare, said to be thoroughbred. PRODUCE. March 16, 1878, b. c., gelded (sold), by Contractor. May 1, 1879, b. f., (dead) by Electioneer. April 12, 1880, b. c., Alfred, by General Benton. April 27, 1881, b. f., Aragon, by General Benton. May 11, 1882, b. c., Albert, gelded (sold), by Electioneer. April 23, 1883, b. c., (gelded), by General Benton. March 17, 1884, (dead foal), by Electioneer. March 31, 1885, br. c., by Eros. March 20, 1886, b. c., by Benefit. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Alban. ) 50 No. 9 ALTA BELLE, br. m., 16 hands; star; near hind foot white; foaled March 23, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. (Full sister to Hinda Rose. Record, one year old, 2.364; two year old, 2.31; three year old, 2.193.) First dam, Beautiful Bells, 2.293, by The Moor. Second dam, Minnehaha, by Bald Chief. Third dam, by Abdallah. Fourth dam, by Engineer 2d. (Stinted to Piedmont.) No. 10 ALVARETTA, b. m., 15.1 hands; star; hind feet and ankles white; foaled May 11, 1876; bred by Leland Stanford, Cal. By George Lancaster. Dam, Melinche (dam of Fred Crocker, 2.254), by St. Clair. George Lancaster, by Royal George. Dam, Lady Lancaster, by Jim Brown, son of Win- nebago, by imp. Glencoe. PRODUCE. Jan’y 19, 1882, b. c., Aleck, gelded (sold), by Elec- tioneer. Jan’y 27, 1883, b. f., Alma (sold), by Electioneer. March 1, 1884, b. f., Alva, by Electioneer. Feb’y 16, 1885, b. f., by Electioneer. 1886, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips.) 5] No. 1l—Standard ALVINZA, ch. m., star and strip; near fore leg white; hind legs white; foaled April 26, 1879, bred by Peter Coutts, Mayfield, Cal. By Whipple’s Hambletonian. Dam,by Whipple’s Hambletonian. Whipple’s Hambletonian, by Guy Miller. First dam, Martha Washington, by Burr’s Wash- ington. Second dam, by Abdallah. PRODUCE. March 11, 1885, ch. c., (gelded), by Don Victor. - 1886, barren. May 10, 1887, b. f., by Woolsey. (Stinted to Alfred.) No. 12—Standard AMERICA, b. m., 15.2 hands; near hind heel white; foaled May 10, 1873; (dam of Bonnie, 2.25); bred by Chas. Backman, Stony Ford, Orange Oounty, N. Y. By Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Fanny Star, by Seeley’s American Star. Second dam, Monnell mare, by Abdallah, son of Mambrino. PRODUCE. April 1, 1878, bl. f., Ameriquita, by Hlectioneer March 14, 1879, br. f., Bonnie, 2.25, by General Benton. April 12, 1880, b. ¢, American (gelded), by Mohawk Chief. Jan’y 15, 1881, b. c. (dead), by Mohawk Chief. Jan’y 20, 1882, b. f. (dead), by General Benton 1883-84, barren. Feb’y 2, 1885, b. c., Charley Taylor (sold). by General Benton. 1886, barren. Feb’y 27, 1887, b. f. by Alfred. (Stinted to Alban.) 53 No. 13—Standard AMERICAN GIRL, b. m., 153 hands; near hind foot . white; off hind heel white; foaled 1874; hred by Charles Stanford, Schenectady, N. Y. By Toronto Sontag. First dam, Laura Keene, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Second dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse. Third dam, Lady Marvin, by Young Traveler. Fourth dam, by Seagull, son of Duroc. Toronto Sontag, by Toronto Chief. Dam, the famous mare Sortag, by Harris’s Hamble- tonian. Exton Eclipse, by American Eclipse, Dam, by Eaton. . Young Traveler, by Blind White Messenger, son of imp. Messenger. Dam, Abiezet Pierce mare, by imp. Messenger. PRODUCE. May 17, 1878, ch. c. (dead), by General Benton. May 15, 1879, b. f., Bertha, by Electioneer. May 7, 1880, b. f., Mollie Cobb, by General Benton. Apr. 22, 1881, b. f., Argo (sold), by Electioneer. Apr. 9, 1882, b. c., Antinous, by Electioneer. Apr. 8, 1883, b. c., Americus, (gelded), by Piedmont. Apr. 4, 1884, b. c., by Piedmont. Mar. 28, 1885, br. c. (dead), by Ansel. Mar. 24, 1886, b. c., by Whips. Mar. 21, 1887, br. f., by Ansel. (Stinted to Norval ) 54 No. 14—Standard AMERIQUITA, bl. m., 15.3 hands; near fore foot white; off hind fetlock white; foaled April 1, 1878; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, America, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, Fanny Star, by Seely’s American Star. Third dam, Monnell mare, by Abdallah, son of Mambrino. PRODUCE. Feb’y 8, 1882, br. c. (gelded), by General Benton. 1883, barren. Jan’y 7, 1884 br. f., Amethyst, by General Benton. Jan’y 22, 1885,b. c. (sold), by General Benton. 1886, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Piedmont.) No. 15 AMLET, b. m., 15.2 hands; star; hind legs white half-way; foaled February 20, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Fallis. First dam, Alameda, by Langford. Second dam, Lady Bell, by Belmont. Third dam, by Lance, son of American Eclipse. Fallis, by Electioneer. First dam, Felicia, by Messenger Duroc. Second dam, Lady Fallis, by Seely’s American Star. Third dam, Beck mare, by Long Island Black Hawk. PRODUCE. May 12, 1887, br. c., by Woolsey. (Stinted to Alfred.) 5d No. 16 AMRAH, b. m., 16 hands; foaled 1879; bred by John Coombs, San Jose, Cal. By Nutwood. PRODUCE. April 10, 1886, b. c., (sold) by Electioneer. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips.) No. 17—Standard AMY, br. m., 16 hands; few white hairs in forehead; hind feet and ankles white; foaled July 10, 1875; bred by Chas Backman, Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Messenger Duroc. First dam, Amanda, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, by Cardinal. Third dam, Rhoda (dam of Dr. Parmlee), by One- Kyed Kentucky Hunter. PRODUCE. May 8, 1879, b. c. (dead), by Mohawk Chief. May 10, 1880, b. c. (dead), by Don Victor. 1881, barren. April 3, 1882, br.c., Arbutus, gelded (sold), by Elec- tioneer. May 26, 1883, b. c. Albion, (sold) by General Benton. May 19, 1884, b. c. (gelded), by Piedmont. 1885, barren. March 25, 1886, br. c. (dead), by Whips. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Norval.) 56 No. 18—Standard ARAGON, b. m., 16 hands; foaled April 27, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Alice, by Almont. Second dam, Norma, by Alexander’s Norman. Third dam, by Sir Wallace. Fourth dam, Eagletta, by Grey Eagle. Fifth dam, Mary Howe, by Tiger. Sixth dam, Lady Robin, by Robin Grey. Seventh dam, by Quicksilver, son of imp. Medley. Kighth dam, by Meade’s Celer. PRODUCE. April 25, 1885, br. f., Aphrodite (sold), by Clay. 1886, barren. 1887, not bred. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) No. 19—Standard AROL, br. m., 16 hands; star; near hind leg white; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled March 14, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Elec- tioneer. First dam, Aurora, 2.27, by John Nelson. Second dam, the Lamott mare. PRODUCE. April 9, 1885, ch. f., Arodi, by Piedmont. March 40, 1886, b. c., Adiel (gelded), by General Benton. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Piedmont.) 57 No. 20 ASH, b. m., 15 hands; small star; hind feet and ankles white; foaled March 15, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Ashland, by Ashland. Second dam, by Collier, son of Sir Charles. Third dam, by Illinois Medoc. Ashland, by imp. Glencoe. Dam, Mary Bell, by Seagull, son of Duroc. PRODUCE. March 31, 1886, b. c. (gelded), by Benefit. March 11, 1887, b. ¢., by Alfred. (Stinted to Piedmont.) No. 21 ASHBY, b. m., 16 hands; large star; near hind foot white; foaled March 21, 1882; bred by Leland Stan- ford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Ashland, by Ashland. Second dam, by Collier, son of Sir Charles. Third dam, by Illinois Medoe. Ashland, by imp. Glencoe. Dam, Mary Bell. by Seagull, son of Duroc. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 58 No. 22 ASHLAND, ch. m., 15.3 hands; strip; off fore leg white; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled 1867; bred by Nathan Coombs, Napa, Cal. By Ashland. First dam, by Collier (son of Sir Charles and Brenda, by Young Whip, son of Cook’s Whip). Second dam, by Illinois Medoce. Ashland, by imp. Glencoe. Dam, Mary Bell, by Seagull, son of Duroc. PRODUCE. April 17, i875, b. c., Don (gelded), by Fred Low. April 18, 1876, b. f., Victoria (sold), by Fred Low. * April 13, 1877, b. c., (gelded) by Mohawk Chief. March 24, 1878, b. f. (dead), by Electioneer. April 15, 1879, b. c., Charley gelded (sold), by Mohawk Chief. March 28, 1880, b. f., Easter (dead), by Electioneer. March 15, 1881, b. f., Ash, by Electioneer. March 21, 1882, b. f., Ashby, by General Benton. 1883, barren. April 1, 1884, b. c. gelded (dead), by Clay. 1885, barren. March 25, 1886, ch. f., by Will Crocker. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Clay.) No. 23—Standard ASTHOREH, br. m., 15.2 hands; near hind coronet white; white spot on off hind heel; foaled May 21, 1879; bred by Charles Backman, Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Kentucky Prince. First dam, Sheba, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam by Harris’s Hambletonian. Kentucky Prince, by Clark Chief, son of Mambrino Chief. First dam, Kentucky Queen, by Morgan Eagle, son of Green Mountain Morgan. Second dam, by Blythe’s Whip, son of Blackburn’s Whip. Third dam, by Martin’s Brimmer. Fourth dam, by Quicksilver, son of imp. Medley PRODUCE. March 28, 1884, ch. f., by General Benton. 1885, barren. March 19, 1886, br. c., (gelded), by Ione. March 25, 1887, br. c., by Woolsey. (Stinted to Alfred.) 60 No. 24—Standard AURORA, ch. m., 16 hands; strip; near hind leg white; roan spot on left side; foaled, 1866; bred by A. H. Lamott, San Francisco, Cal. By John Nelson. Record, 2.27. Dam, The Lamott Mare. John Nelson, by imp. Trustee. Dam, The Redmond Mare, by Abdallah. PRODUCE. July 28, 1874, bl. c., Twilight (gelded), by Fred. Low. 1875-76-77, barren. August 1, 1878, ch. c., gelded, (sold), by General Benton. 1879, not bred. March 14, 1880, br. f., Arol by Electioneer. 1881, (premature,) by Electioneer. March 4, 1882, b. f., Aurelia (sold), by Electioneer. 1883, barren. April 15, 1884, b.., Parkville (sold), by Electioneer. 1885, barren. April 18, 1886, b. c. (gelded), by Clay. May 3, 1887, b. c. (dead), by Clay. (Stinted to Clay.) 61 No. 25 BARBARA MAID, gr. m., 15.1 hands; foaled July 9, 1881; bred by L. J. Rose, Sunny Slope, Cal. By A. W. Richmond. First dam, Barbara, by Bald Chief. Second dam, Abdallah Pet, by Spaulding’s Abdal- lah. Third dam, by Woodpecker. Fourth dam, by Bertrand. a Ws Richmond, by Simpson’s Blackbird, First dam, by Rattler, thoroughbred. Second dam, by Spotted Ranger, called in Ohio an Arabian; probably an Opelousas horse. PRODUCE. April 28, 1885, ch. f. (sold), by Piedmont. April 25, 1886, b. c., by Electioneer. April 11, 1887, blk. f., by Clay. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) No. 26—Standard BARNES, ch. m., 15.2 hands; grey hairs in forehead; strip and snip; hind legs white; grey hairs on off hip; bred by General W. H. L. Barnes, San Francisco. By Whipple’s Hambletonian. First dam, by Chieftain. Second dam, by Jim Crow. Chieftain, by Hiatoga, alias ‘‘Old Togue.” Dam, by Trimble’s Eclipse. PRODUCE. March 27, 1884, b, f., by General Benton. Mareh 12, 1885, bz 'é, ’(sold), by Electioneer. March 8, 1886, b. f., by Alfred. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 62 No. 27—Standard BARNES’S IDOL, ch. m., 15.2 hands; few white hairs in forehead; near hind foot white; foaled 1870; bred by W. E. Barnes, Tennessee. By Idol, son of Mambrino Chief. Record, 2 miles-5.16%. First dam, Ella Norton, by The Colonel. Second dam, Verbena, by imp. Leviathan. Third dam, Hippona, by Pacific. Fourth dam, Miss Gallatin, by Gallatin. Fifth dam, Roxana, by Collector. Sixth dam, by imp. Shark. PRODUCE. May 6, 1878, b. c. (gelded), by Mohawk Chief. June 8, 1879, b. f., Unique (sold), by Electioneer. 1880, barren. Jan’y 15, 1881, b. f., Unis (sold), by Electioneer. Jan’y 30, 1882, b. f., Undine (sold), by Electioneer. Feb’y 9, 1883, b. f., Uinta, by General Benton. April 6, 1884, b. f., by Fallis. March 26, 1885, ch. c. (gelded), by Norway. March 22, 1886, ch. c. (gelded), by Norway. 1887, barren (Stinted to Alfred. ) 63 No. 28 BEATRICE, b. m., large star; near fore heel white; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled April 24, 1881: bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Wild Idle. First dam, Bettie Mohawk, by Mohawk Chief. Second dam, Lady Butler, by John Nelson. Wild Idle, by imp. Australian, out of Idlewild, by Lex- ington. PRODUCE. March 7, 1885, br. c. (gelded), by Clay. April 1, 1886, b. c. (gelded), by Clay. March 13, 1887, b. c., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Nephew.) 64 No. 29—Standard BEAUTIFUL BELLS, bl. m., 15.2 hands; star; strip; off hind ankle white; foaled 1874; bred by L. J. Rose, Sunny Slope, Cal. By The Moor. Record, 2.29% (Dam of Hinda Rose, record, 2.363 at 1 yr. old; 2.31 at 2 yrs. old; 2.193 at 3 yrs. old.) First dam, Minnehaha, by Bald Chief. Second dam, Nellie Clay, by Strader’s Cassius M. Clay, Jr. Third dam by Abdallah. Fourth dam by Engineer 2d. The Moor by Clay Pilot, son of Neave’s Cassius M. Clay, Jr. First dam, Belle of Wabash, by Copperbottom Colt, son of Copperbottom of Kentucky. Second dam, said to be by Vermont Black Hawk. Bald Chief (Steven’s), by Bay Chief, son of Mambrino Chief. First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Hunt’s Commodore, son of Mambrino. Second dam, by Hunt’s Brown Highlander. Third dam, by Potomac. PRODUCE. Feb’y 27, 1880, br. f., Hinda Rose (2.193), by Elec- tioneer. March 23, 1881, br. f., Alta Belle, by Electioneer. March 7, 1882, blk. c., St. Bel., 2.244, (sold,) by Hlec- tioneer. April 28, 1883, b. f., Rosemont, by Piedmont. April 4, 1884, br. c., Chimes, 2.334, (sold), by Elec- tioneer. March 25, 1885, br. c., Bell Boy, 2.274, (sold), by Elec- tioneer. April 16, 1886, b. f., Palo Alto Belle, by Electioneer. April 3, 188%, b. c., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 65 No. 30—Standard BELLE, ch. m., 15.2 hands; near hind foot and ankle white; foaled May 11, 1879; bred by Chas. Backman, Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Ken- tucky Prince. First dam, Belle of Richmond, by Rysdyk’s Ham- bletonian. Second dam, Belle of Richmond, by Bathgate’s Grey Norman. Norman, (Bathgate’s), by the Morse horse. Dam, by Harris’s Hambletonian. Kentucky Prince, by Clark Chief, son of Mambrino Chief. First dam, Kentucky Queen, by Morgan Eagle, son of Green Mountain Morgan. Second dam, by Blythe’s Whip, son of Blackburn’s Whip. Third dam, by Martin’s Brimmer. Fourth dam, by Quicksilver, son of imp. Medley. PRODUCE. April 27, 1883, b. ¢., (gelded), by Bentonian. 1884, barren. March 10, 1885, b. c., (gelded), by Fallis. March 24, 1886, b. f., by Ione. March 16, 1887, ch. f., by Woolsey. (Stinted to Alfred.) a 66 No. 31 BELL CAMPBELL, ch. m., 15.2 hands; star; off hind toot white; foaled March 2, 1883; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Miss Campbell, by Endorser. Second dam, Cynthia Sue, by Joe Stoner. Third dam, Sue Washington, by Revenue. Fourth dam, Sarah Washington, by Garrison’s Zinganee. Fifth dam, Stella, by Contention. Sixth dam, by imp. Speculator, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Electioneer. No. 32 BELLE ISLE, b. m., 15.3 hands; no marks; foaled May 2, 1883; bred by Leland Stanford, Palto Alto. By Piedmont. First dam, Idabelle, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, Godfrey Star, by Seeley’s American Star. Third dam, by Hector, son of La Tourett’s Bellfounder. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 67 No. 33 BENTON WAXEY, b. m., 15.2 hands; small star; near fore foot white; hind feet and ankles white; foaled April 21, 1882; bred by Leland Stan- ford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Mokawk Waxey, by Mohawk Chief. Second dam, Waxey (dam of Alpha) by Lexington. PRODUCE. April 29, 1886, b. f., by Regalia. 1887, barren (Stinted to Nephew. ) No. 34—Standard BERTHA, b. m., 16.1 hands; few white hairs in forehead; near hind coronet white; foaled May 15, 1879; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, American Girl, by Toronto Sontag. Second dam, Laura Keene, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Third dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse. Fourth dam, Lady Marvin, by Young Traveler. Fifth dam, by Seagull, son of Duroc, etc., ete. PRODUCE. April 3, 1887, b. f. by Benton Frolic. (Stinted to Benton Frolic.) Me ‘" , ese Bae he a ‘ | 68 No. 35 BERTIE, ch. m., 15.3 hands; star; foaled May 19, 1884; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Piedmont. First dam, Bijou, by Electioneer. Second dam, Alameda, by Langford. Third dam, Lady Bell by Belmont. Fourth dam, by Lance, son of American Eclipse. Piedmont, by Almont. First dam, Mag Ferguson, by Mambrino Chief. Second dum, by Grey Eagle. (Stinted to Alfred.) No. 36--Standard BESS, b. m., 16 hands; hind feet and ankles white; foaled April 14, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Bijou. by Electioneer. Second dam, Alameda by Langford. Third dam, Lady Bell, by Belmont. Fourth dam, by Lance, son of American Eclipse. PRODUCE. April 4, 1886, b.c., (gelded), by Regalia. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Nephew. ) 69 No. 37 BIJOU, b. m., 16 hands; hind feet and ankles white; foaled June 24, 1878; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Alameda, by Langford. Second dam, Lady Bell, by Belmont. Third dam, by Lance, son of American Eclipse. PRODUCE. April 14, 1882, b. f., Bess, by General Benton. April 25, 1883, b. c., (gelded), by General Benton. May 19, 1884, ch. f., Bertie, by Piedmont. 1885, barren. March 22, 1886, b. c., (gelded), by Piedmont. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Alban.) No.38 BLARNEY, br. m., star; hind feet and ankles white; foaled 1873; bred by S. J. Salyers, Kentucky. By Blarney Stone. First dam, Geneura, by Lexington. Second dam, by imp. Glencoe. Third dam, Ann Merry, by Sumpter. Fourth dam, Grecian Princess, by Blackburn’s Whip. Fifth dam, Jane Hunt, by Hampton’s Paragon, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. Feb’y 8, 1881, br. c. (sold), by Wild Idle. Feb’y 20, 1882, b. c. (gelded), by Electioneer. 1883, barren. April 6, 1884, b. f., Britta, by Bentonian 1885-86, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 70 No. 39—Standard BLOOMING, b. m., 15.2 hands; strip; fore feet and ankles white; near hind leg white; foaled May 28, 1871; bred by Charles Backman, Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Messenger Duroc. First dam, Lady Cardinal, by Harry Clay. Second dam, by Cardinal. Third dam, Harry Clay’s dam, by imp. Bellfounder. Messenger Duroc, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Satinet, by Roe’s Abdallah Chief. Second dam, Cat Bird, by Whistle Jacket. Third dam, Lyon Mare, by Bertholf Horse, son of imp. Messenger. Fourth dam, by Duroc, son of imp. Diomed. PRODUCE. April 12, 1878, b. c. (gelded), by Mohawk Chief. June 9, 1879, b. c. (gelded), by Mohawk Chief. 1880-81, barren. March 26, 1882, ch. f., Sarah, by Shannon. 188%, barren. May 18, 1884, b. f., by Benefit 1885-86, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Benton Frolic.) No. 40— Standard BONNIE, b. m., 15.3 hands; few white hairs in forehead; fad feet white to ankles; foaled March 14, 1879; bred by Leland Bieocd Palo Alto. By General Benton. Record, 2.25. First dum, America, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, Fanny Star, by Seely’s American Star. Third dam, Monnell Mare, by Abdallah, son of Mam brino. (Stinted to Piedmont.) ee ee ee 71 No. 41 EOYDANA, b. m., 15.2 hands; foaled 1870; bred by J. S. Boyd, Ky. By imp. Knight of St. George. First dam, Sallie Wallace, by Star Davis. Second dam, Evelyn, by American Eclipse. Third dam, Hannah Maree, by Gohanna. Fourth dam, Sallie Maree, by Carolinian. Fifth dam, by imp. Jack Andrews. Sixth dam, by imp. Driver, etc., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 7, 1879, b. f., Belle Boyd (sold), by Springbok. Feb’y 26, 1880, b. c., Boyd, gelded (sold), by Mohawk Chief. Feb’y 7, 1881, b. c. (sold), by Norfolk. Jan’y 24, 1882, b. f. (sold), by Shannon. April 4, 1883, b. ¢. (gelded), by Flood. 1884, barren. March 8, 1885, b. c. (gelded), by Bentonian. 1886, barren. March 10, 1887, b. c., by Clay. (Stinted to Clay.) No. 42—Standard BRIGHT EYES, b. m., 15.2 hands; star; near hind foot white; foaled May 15, 1878; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Prussian Maid (pacer, 2.19), by Signal. Second dam, Lady Jaspar. PRODUCE, June 23, 1883, b. f., Brilliant (sold), by Electioneer. 1884-5, barren. March 25, 1886, b. c., by Electioneer. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips.) No. 48 BRITTA, b. m., 15 hands; star; foaled April 6, 1884; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Bentonian. First dam, Blarney, by Blarney Stone. Second dam, Geneura, by Lexington. Third dam, by imp. Glencoe. Fourth dam, Aun Merry, by Sumpter. Fifth dam, Grecian Princess, by Blackburn’s Whip. Sixth dam, Jane Hunt, by Hampton’s Paragon, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Piedmont. ) 73 No. 44—Standard BRUNETTE, br. m., 15.1 hands; hind feet and ankles white; foaled 1859; bred by Joseph Harker, Long Island. By Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Kate, by Bellaire, sire of Red Bird. Second dam, pacing mare of Comic blood. Brunette is sister to Bruno, 2.293; Young Bruno, 2.222. Breeze, 2.24, Daniel Boone, record 2.31, trial, 2.26. Carl Burr trial, 2.243, and Jack Archol, 2.29. Brunette and Bruno, double harness, public trial, 2.25}. The produce of Old Kate sold for over $70,000. PRODUCE. March 12, 1884, b. f , Blonde, by General Benton. 1885-6, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Alban. ) , No. 45.—Standard. CAMILLA, b. m., 15.1 hands; near hind ankle white; foaled 1879; bred by Charles Backman, Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Kentucky Prince. First dam, Camille, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, Emma Mills, by Seeley’s American Star. Third dam, by Rediker’s Alexander W., son of Alexander W., by Cole’s Messenger. Kentucky Prince, by Clark Chief, son of Mambrino Chief. First dam, Kentucky Queen, by Morgan Eagle, son of Green Mountain Morgan. Second dam, by Blyth’s Whip, son of Blackburn’s Whip. Third dam, by Martin’s Brimmer. Fourth dam, by Quicksilver, son of imp. Medley. PRODUCE. April 14, 1885, b. f., by Norway. 1886, barren. April 28, 1887, b. c., (dead), by Woolsey. (Stinted to Alfred.) No. 46.—Standard. CAMIOLA, b. m., 15.2 hands; off hind heel white; foaled May 1.1883. Bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Cassandre, by Fred Low. Second dam, Mater Occidentis, dam of Occident. 2.163. PRODUCE. April 15, 1886, b.c., (gelded), by Regalia. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips. ) ~ Or No. 47. CARRIE C, br. m., 15.1 hands; few white hairs in fore- head; foaled Feb’y 25, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. Record, 2.24. First dam, Maid of Clay, by Henry Clay. Second dam, by Dey’s Messenger. Third dam, by Ballface Consul. Henry Clay, by Andrew Jackson, son of Young Bashaw Dam, the famous trotting mare Surrey. Dey’s Messenger, by Liberty, son of imp. Messenger. No. 48—Standard. CASSANDRE, br. m., 15.1 hands; star; off fore foot and ankle white; hind legs white; foaled March 1, 1875; bred by Leland Stanford, Cal. By Fred Low, son of St Clair. Dam, Mater Occidentis, dam of Occident 2.16. PRODUCE. April 10, 1879, bl. f., Cassie, by Mohawk Chief. April 3, 1880, b. c., (gelded), by Don Victor. 1881-82, barren. May 1, 1883, b.f., Camiola, by General Benton. 1884, not bred. 1885-86, barren. March 38, 1887, b. f., by Woolsey. (Stinted to Whips.) 76 No. 49. CASSIE, bl. m., 15.2 hands; star; near hind foot and ankle white; foaled April 10, 1879; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, Cassandre, by Fred Low. Second dam, Mater Occidentis, dam of Occident 2. 163. PRODUCE. April 30, 1885, b. f., by Don Victor. 1886, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips. ) No. 50. Z CECLL, ch. m., 15.3 hands; few white hairs in forehead; inside of near hind foot white; foaled April 28, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Cuba, by imp. Australian. Second dam, Bettie Ward, by Lexington. Third dam, Mary Cass, by Whalebone. Fourth dam, by imp. Hedgeford, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PPODUCE. March 2, 1884, b. f., Celia, by Fallis. March 18, 1885, b. ¢., Cedric, by Electioneer. March 7, 1886, b. c., Coin, by Electioneer. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electioneer.) No. 51—Standard CECILIA, bl. m., 15.2 hands; star; off fore foot white; one-half of near hind foot white; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled 1880; bred by L. J. Rose, Sunny Slope, Cal. By Del Sur. First dam, Cecilia Clark, by Clark Chief, son of Mambrino Chief. Second dam, by Captain Beard. Third dam, by imp. Envoy. Fourth dam, by imp. Tranby. Fifth dam, Lucilla, by Trumpator. Sixth dam, Lucy, by Orphan, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book. ) PRODUCE. Feb’y 16, 1885, bl. c., C. C., (gelded,) by Clay. March 14, 1886, br. f., by Electioneer. Feb’y 18, 1887, br. f., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electricity. ) No. 52. CELIA, b. m., 16.1 hands; off hind foot white; foaled March 2, 1884; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Fallis. First dam, Cecil, by General Benton. Second dam, Cuba, by imp. Australian. Third dam, Bettie Ward, by Lexington. Fourth dam, Mary Cass, by Whalebone. Fifth dam, by imp. Hedgeford, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) Fallis by Electioneer. First dam, Felicia, by Messenger Duroc. Second dam, Lady Fallis, (dam of Socrates, Kis- ber, 2.30, and grand dam of Clingstone, 2.14), ky Seeley’s American Star. (Stinted to Nephew. ) 78 No. 53. CLAIR, ch. m., 15.2 hands; star; foaled February 16, 1882; bred by Wm. Corbitt, San Mateo, Cal. By Arthurton. Dam, Lady St Clair 2.20, (pacer) by St. Clair. Arthurton, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Bachmun’s Imogene, by Seeley’s Ameri- can Star. Second dam, Curry’s Abdallah, by Abdallah. Third dam, by imp. Bellfounder. Fourth dam, by Royalist. Fifth dam, by Hardware. (Stinted to Will Crocker.) No. 54. CLARABEL, b. m., 16 hands; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled May 30, 1872; bred by Chas. Backman, Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Abdallah Star, son of American Star, Jr. First dam, Fairy, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, Emma Mills, by Seeley’s American Star. Third dam, by Rediker’s Alexander W., son of Alexander W., by Cole’s Messenger. PRODUCE. May 10, 1878, b. c., Clifton, (gelded), by General Benton. April 21, 1879, b. f., Rebecca, by General Benton. May 4, 1880, b. f., Cora, by Don Victor. April 38,1881, ch. c., (gelded), by Don Victor. March 5, 1883, b. c., Clifton Bell, by Electioneer. Feb’y 10, 1884, ch. c., Clarence, (dead), by Piedmont. May 18, 1885, br. c., Chime Bell(sold), by Electioneer. April, 23, 1886, b. f., by Electioneer. April, 7, 1887, br. f., by Electioneer . (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 79 No. 55. CLAREMONT, ch. m., 15.2 hands; strip; near hind foot white; foaled 1881; bred by Wm. Corbitt, San Mateo, Cal. By Arthurton. Dam Lady St. Clair, 2.20 (pacer) by St. Clair. PRODUCE. Feb’y 9, 1886, ch. f., by Le Grande. 1887, twins, (premature), by Le Grande. (Stinted to Will Crocker. ) No. 56. CLARIURSO, br. m., 15.1 hands; small snip; near hind foot white under fetlock and inside of coronet; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled March 25, 1883; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Camilla Urso, by Lodi. Second dam, Annette, by Lexington. Third dam, by Grey Eagle. Fourth dam, Mary Morris, by Medoce. Fifth dam, Miss Obstinate, by Sumpter. Sixth dam, Paragon, by imp. Buzzard, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Piedmont. ) No. 57—Standard. ; CLEOPATRA, br. m., 15 hands; strip; fore feet and suki white; near hind leg white; inside of off hind | . foot white; foaled May 17, 1873; bred by Leland Stanford, California. By Prod” Low, | son of St. Clair. ae Dam, Mater Occidentis, dam of Occident 2.162. F ; PRODUCE. April 19, 1879, b. f., Contention, by Mohawk Chief. March 24, 1880, b. c., (gelded), by Don Victor. 1881, barren. Jan’y 10, 1882, br. c., (gelded), by General Benton. 1883- 84, not bred, ais 1885-86-87, barren. Baie) (Stinted to Whips. ) 81 No. 5#%—Standard COLUMBINE, b. m., 15.3 hands; small star; little white on near hind heel and coronet; foaled 1873; bred by Jos. Cairn Simpson, Cal. (Dam of Anteeo, 2.164, and Antevolo, 4-year-old record in a race 2.193) By A. W. Richmond. First dam, Columbia, by imp. Bonnie Scotland. Second dam. Young Fashion, by imp. Monarch. Third dam, Fashion, by imp. Trustee. Fourth dam, Bonnets o’Blue, by Sir Charles. Fifth dam, Reality, by Sir Archy. Sixth dam, by imp. Medley, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) A. W. Richmond, by Simpson’s Blackbird. First dam, by Rattler, thoroughbred. Second dam, by Spotted Ranger, called in Ohio an Arabian, probably an Opelousas horse. PRODUCE. May 3, 1882, br. c., Anteros (sold), by Electioneer. 1883, barren. March 30, 1884, b. f., Antonia, by Electioneer. 1885, barren. Feb’y 17, 1886, b. c., Conrad, by Electioneer. April 3, 1887, b. f., by Hlectioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 82 No. 59— Standard CONSOLATION, bl. m., 16 hands; small star; foaled 1878; bred by George H. Brasfield, Georgetown, Ky. By Dictator (sire of Director, 2.17; Phallas, 2.132; and Jay-Hye-See 2.10). First dam, Belle, by Alexander’s Norman. Second dam, Vic., by Mambrino Chief. Third dam, Fly, by Columbus, Jr. Fourth dam, Paradise, by Second Duke of Bedford. Fifth dam, by Bryant’s Matchless, son of Tom, a Narraganset pacer. - PRODUCE. April 17, 1882, b. f., Constance, by General Benton. 1883 84, barren. March 10, 1885, b. f. (sold), by Electioneer. Feb’y 11, 1886, b. c., by Electioneer. April 14, 1887, br. f., by Ansel. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) No. 60 CONSTANCE, b. f., 16 hands; star; crescent shape; off hind ankle white; black spots on coronet; foaled April 17, 1882; bred by Leland Stan- ford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Consolation, by Dictator, (sire of Director, 2.17; Phallas, 2.132; and Jay-Hye- See, 2.10). Second dam, Belle, by Alexander’s Norman. Third dam, Vic., by Mambrino Chief. Fourth dam, Fly, by Columbus, Jr. Fifth dam, Paradise, by Second Duke of Bedford. (Stinted to Nephew.) 83 No. 61 CONTENTION, b. m., 15.2 hands; star; snip; near fore and near hind foot white; off hind leg white; foaled April 19, 1879; bred by Leland Stanford; Palo Alto. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, Cleopatra, by Fred Low. Second dam, Mater Occidentis, dam of Occident 2.162. PRODUCE. June 2, 1883, b. f. (dead), by Bentonian. May 21, 1884, b. c. (gelded), by Bentonian. April 21, 1885, b. f., by Norway. 1886, barren. March 29, 1887, b. f., by Woolsey. (Stinted to Whips.) No. 62 CORA, b. m., 15.3 hands; near hind foot and fetlock white; foaled May 4, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alito. By Don Victor (son of old Belmont and Maria Downing, by American Eclipse). First dam, Clarabel, by Abdallah Star. Second dam, Fairy, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Emma Mills, by Seeley’s American Star. Fourth dam, by Rediker’s Alexander W., son of Alexander W., by Cole’s Messenger. PRODUCE. May 6, 1884, br. c., Don Marvin, (sold) by Fallis. May 5, 1885, b. c. (sold), by Electioneer. April 21,1886, b. f., by Electioneer. April 12,1887, b. f., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer, ) 54 No. 63—Standard CORNELIA, br. m., 15.2 hands; few white hairs in fore- head; snip; near fore foot white; off hind foot white; foaled 1874; bred by Leland Stanford, California. By Fred Low, son of St. Clair. Dam, Mater Occidentis, dam of Occident 2.163. PRODUCE. Jan’y 22, 1881, b. f. (dead), by Cheatham Mohawk. Jan’y 15, 1882, br. f., Annie Benton, by General Benton. March 29, 1883, br. c. (gelded), by General Benton. 1884, not bred. March 9, i885, b. c., (gelded), by Don Victor. March 8, 1886, b. f., by lone. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips. ) No. 64 CORNUCOPIA, bl. m., 15.2 hands; star; foaled April 3, 1879; bred by James Blackburn, Kentucky. By Vigil. First dam, Rivulet, by Rivoli. Second dam, Bosio, by imp. Eclipse Third dam, Young Gypsy, by imp. Mercer. Fourth dam, Gypsy, by American Eclipse, ete. Vigil by Virgil, dam Regan, by Lexington. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. May 1, 1885, b. c., (dead), by Dexter Prince. 1886, not bred. May 3, 1887, blk. f. by Clay. (Stinted to Clay.) No. 65 DAISY C. rn. m., 15.3 hands; off fore foot white; hind feet white; foaled 1873; bred by L. J. Rose, Sunny Slope, Cal. By The Moor. First dam, Grey Dale, by American Boy, Jr. Second dam, by Winfield Scott. Third dam, by Florizelle, son of Gray Eagle. The Moor, by Clay Pilot. First dam, Belle of Wabash, by Copperbottom Colt, son of Copperbottom of Kentucky. Second dam, said to be by Vermont Black Hawk. PRODUCE. May 2, 1878, rn. f., Daisy Miller, (sold), by Elec- tioneer. May 2, 1879, br. c., Redeye, gelded, (sold), by Mohawk Chief. April 10, 1880, rn. c., gelded, (sold), by Electioneer. March 15, 1881, rns i. ‘Daisy D., by Electioneer. Feb’y 21, 1882, br. c., (gelded), by General Benton. April 11, 1883, rn. f., Flossy, by General Benton. 1884, not bred. April 5, 1885, b. c. (gelded), by Piedmont. March 19, 1886, b. f., (dead), by Ione. May 14, 1887, b.c., by Woolsey. (Stinted to Alfred.) 86 Be No. 66--Standard DATSY: D., tn: ni4516 hands: off hind foot anite to sailed : foaled March is 1881; bred by Leland Stan- — ford, Palo Alto. By Hiceaoween =e . First dam, Daisy C., by The Moor. Second dam, Grey Dale, by American Boy, Jr. | Third dam, by Winfield Scott. Fourth dam, by Florizelle, son of Grey Eagle. PRODUCE. April 20, 1885, rn. c., by Dexter Prince. ho 3, 1886, rn. c., by General Benton. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) No. 67—Standard DAME WINNIE, ch. m., 15.2 hands; small star; white on off hind foot; foaled 1871; bred by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn, Kentucky. By Planet. First dam, Liz Mardis, by imp. Glencoe. Second dam, Fanny G., by imp. Margrave. Third dam, Lancess, by Lance. Fourth dam, Aurora, by Aratus. Fifth dam, Paragon, by imp. Buzzard, son of Woodpecker. Sixth dam, Indiana, by Columbus. Planet, by Revenue, son of imp. Trustee. First dam, Nina, by Boston. Second dam, imp. Frolicksome Fanny, by Lottery, etc., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 1, 1879, b. f. (dead), by Smuggler. 1880, barren. March 6, 1881, b.c., gelded, (sold), by General Benton. Feb’y 15, 1882, b. c., Palo Alto, 2.203, by Electioneer. Keb’y 7, 1883, b. f., Gertrude Russell, by Electioneer. Jan’y 20, 1884, b. c., Diavolo, (sold), by Shannon. 1885, barren. March 18, 1886, b. f., Winna S., by Electioneer. March 5, 1887, b. c., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) No. 68 DELIA, b. m., 15.2 hands; foaled May 2, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Dixie, by Billy Townes. Second dam, by Sir Charles. (Stinted to Piedmont.) 1; oN ie ne ee H { F 88 No. 69 DIANA, b. m., 15.2 hands; foaled May 9, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Don Victor. First dam, Lilly Roberts, by Mohawk Chief. | Second dam, Lady Roberts, by Butterfield’s St. Clair. Third dam, by Belmont. Don Victor, by Belmont. First dam, Maria Downing, by American Eclipse, etc. PRODUCE. March 13, 1885, b. f., by Fallis. - 1886, barren. 1887, not bred. (Stinted to Nephew. ) No. 70 DIXIE. ch. m., 15.1 hands; strip; white hairs on flanks; foaled 1864. By Billy Townes. Dam, by Sir Charles. Billy Townes, by Old Billy Townes. First dam, Adrianna, by Andrew. Second dam, Spindle, by Gohanna. PRODUCE. April 11, 1881, b. c., gelded, (sold) by Electioneer. May 2, 1882, b. f., Delia, bv Electioneer. May 21, 1883, b. f., (dead), by Bentonian. May 12, 1884, b. c., (gelded), by Bentonian. 1885, barren. March 20, 1886, b. f., by Clay. May 7, 1887, b. f., by Clay. (Stinted to Alfred. ) 89 No. 71—Standard DOLLY, br. m., 15.2 hands; foaled May 380, 1879; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Lady Dooley 2.311, by McCracken’s Black Hawk. Second dam, the Hedge Mare. PRODUCE. April 20, 1883, b. c., Daly, (sold) by General Benton. June 9, 1884, b. f. (dead), by General Benton. 1885, barren. April 18, 1886, b. c., (gelded) by General Benton. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Benton Frolic) are 90 No. 72 DORA, ch. m., 16 hands; star; strip and snip; off fore leg white; hind legs white; foaled May 25, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Don Victor (son of Old Belmont and Maria Down- ing, by American Eclipse). First dam, Irene, by Mohawk Chief. Second dam, Laura Keene, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Third dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse. Fourth dam, Lady Marvin, by Young Traveler. Fifth dam, by Seagull, son of Duroc. Exton Eclipse, by American Eclipse. Dam, by Exton. Young Traveler, by Blind White Messenger. Dam, Abiezet Pierce Mare, by imp. Messenger. Belmont, son of American Boy and imp. Prunella, by Comus. PRODUCE. March 9, 1885, b. f., Doe, by Electioneer. 1886, barren. Feb’y 28, 1887, b. f., by Electioneer., (Stinted to Electioneer. ) ee gt No. 7%3—Standard EDITH, b. m., 15.2 hands; few white hairs in forehead; near hind foot white; foaled April 16, 1881; bred by B. J. Treacy, Lexington, Ky. By George Wilkes 2.22. First dam, Edith Carr, by Clark Chief. Second dam, Easter Carr, by Carr’s Edwin Forrest. Third dam, by imp. Margrave. Fourth dam, Kitty Muse, by Shakespeare, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) George Wilkes, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay. PRODUCE. Feb’y 20, 1886, b. c. Hummer, (sold) by Electionecr. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 92 No. 74 EDITH CARB, b. m., 15.3 hands; star; foaled 1872; bred by A. J. Reed, Fayette County, Ky. By Clark Chief (sire of Croxie, 2.193, and Tony Newell, 2.194). First dam, Easter Carr, by Carr’s Edwin Forrest. Second dam, by imp. Margrave. Third dam, Kitty Muse, by Shakespeare. Fourth dam, Eliza Jenkins, by Sir William. Fifth dam, by Orphan, etc., ete. See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) Clark Chief, by Mambrino Chief. First dam, Little Nora, by Downing’s Bay Mes- senger. Second dam, Mrs’. Caudle, dam of Ericson. PRODUCE. April 16, 1881, b. f. Edith, dy George Wilkes. 1882-83, barren. April 18, 1884, br. ce. Career, (sold), by Electioneer. April 9, 1885, b. f. (dead), by Electioneer. April 26, 1886, b. c., Motion (sold), by Electioneer. April 22, 1887, b. f. by Whips. (Stinted to Clay.) 93 No. 75 EDNA, b. m., 15.5 hands; white spot in forehead; near fore- foot and ankle gray; hind feet white; foaled Feb. 10, 1883; bred by Leland Stanford Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Eliza Dolph, by Wild Idle. Second dam, Mamie C. by imp. Hercules. Third dam, by Langford. Fourth dam, Fanny Fowler, by Uncle Fowler. Wild Idle, by imp. Australian. First dam, Idle Wild, by Lexington, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Piedmont ) No. 76 EDON, br. m., 16 hands; foaled April 22, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Emma Robson, by Woodburn (son of Lexington). Second dam, Lady Bell, by Belmont. Third dam, by Lance, son of American Eclipse. (Stinted to Will Crocker. ) 94 No. 77 ; EILA, b. m., 15.2 hands; strip; off fore foot white; hind feet white; foaled May 28, 1882, bred by L. J. Rose, Sunny Slope, Cal. By Sultan or Del Sur. First dam, Eileen Oge, by Norfolk. Second dam, by Owen Dale, son of Belmont. Norfolk, by Lexington. Dam, Novice, by imp. Glencoe, etc., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 13, 1886, b. f., by Electioneer. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electioneer.) No. 78 EILEEN OGH, b. m., 15.1 hands; star; four white feet; bred by Theo Winters, Rancho del Rio, Cal. By Norfolk. Dam, by Owen Dale (son of Belmont and Maria Downing. ). Norfolk, by Lexington. Dam, Novice, by imp. Glencoe, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. May 28, 1882, b. f., Hila, by Sultan or Del Sur. 1883, not bred. April 29, 1884, b. f., Elmira, by Fallis. May 1, 1885, b. f., by Dexter Prince. 1886, barren, March 4, 1887, b. f., (dead) by Alfred. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 95 No. 79—Standard ELAINE, br. m., 15.3 hands; hind feet and ankles white; foaled 1874; bred by Charles Backman, Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Messenger Duroc. Record, 2.20. First dam, Green Mountain Maid (dam of Pros- pero, 2.20; Dame Trot, 2.22; and Elec- tioneer,) by Sayres’ Harry Clay (2.29). Second dam, Shanghai Mary, a trotting mare of note, pedigree untraced. . Messenger Duroc, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Satinet, by Roe’s Abdallah Chief. Second dam, Catbird, by Whistle Jacket. Third dam, Lyon mare, by Bertholf horse, son of imp. Messenger. . Fourth dam, by Duroc, son of imp. Diomed. PRODUCE. April 10, 1882, ch. f., Elsie, by General Benton. 1883, premature, by Piedmont. Feb’y 28, 1884, twins, premature, by Piedmont. Feb’y 20, 1885, ch. f., Anselma, by Ansel. Feb’y 15, 1886, br. f., Norlane, by Norval. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Piedmont.) 96 No. 80 ELEANOR, b. m., 16 hands; few white hairs in forehead; near hind foot white; off hind heel white; foaled May 7, 1879; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Sallie Gardner, by Vandal. Second dam, Charlotte Thompson, by imp. Mickey Free. Third dam, Ada Tevis, by imp. Albion. Fourth dam, by imp. Leviathan. Fifth dam, by Jerry. Sixth dam, by Sir Archy, etc., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 8, 1885, b. c., Errata, (gelded) by General Benton. 1886, barren. April 3, 1887, b. c., by Alban. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) 97 No, 81—Standard ELECTA, b. m., 16 hands; star; hind feet and ankles white; foaled Aprili6, 1875; bred by Charles Backman, Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Electioneer. Hirst dam, Lady Durland, by Seeley’s American Star. Second dam, by Nigger Lance, son of Lance, by American Eclipse. PRODUCE. Feb’y 6, 1882, b. f , Ethel, by General Benton. 1885, barren. April 5, 1884, (dead foal), by General Benton. 1885-86, barren. ; 1887, barren. (Stinted to Benton Frolic.) No. 82 ELITE, bl. m., 15.2 hands; hind feet white; foaled February 10, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, lion, by Enquirer. Second dam, Lute, by Sherrod. Third dam, Nora, by imp. Sovereign. Fourth dam, Chloe Anderson, by Rodolph. Fifth dam, Belle Anderson, by Sir William of Transport, etc., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 27, 1885, bl. f , by Clay. April 12, 1886, br. c. (gelded), by Will Crocker. March 26, 1887, b. f., by Woolsey. (Stinted to Clay.) ” 98 No. 83 ELIZA DOLPH, b. m., 15.3 hands; star; near fore foot white; hind feet white; foaled 1877; bred by J. A. Cardinell, Cal. By Wild Idle. First dam, Mamie C., by imp. Hercules. Second dam, by Langford. Third dam, Fannie Fowler, by Uncle Fowler. Wild Idle, by imp. Australian. First dam, Idle Wild, by Lexington, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. 1881, ch. c. (gelded), by Cardinell’s Nelson J ip Jan’y 27, 1882, b. f., Eloise, by Electioneer. Feb’y 10, 1883, b. f., Edna, by Electioneer. 1884, not bred. Feb’y 2, 1885, b. f., by Fallis. March 12, 1886, b. c., by Will Crocker. Feb’y 10, 1887, b. c., by Clay. (Stinted to Electioneer.) No. 84 ELMIRA, b. m., 15.3 hands; star; off fore foot white: black spot on ankle; hind feet and ankles white; foaled April 29, 1884; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Fallis. First dam, Hileen Oge, by Norfolk. Second dam, by Owen Dale, (son of Belmont and Maria Downing.) | Norfolk, by Lexington. . First dam, Novice, by imp. Glencoe, etc., ete. (See Bruce's American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Nephew. ) 99 No. 85—Standard ELSIE, ch. m., 16 hands; small star; near hind foot and ankle white; foaled April 10, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Elaine, (2.20), by Messenger Duroc. Second dam, Green Mountain Maid, (dam of Elaine, 2.20; Prospero, 2.20; Dame Trot, 2.22; Storm, 2.26%; and Electioneer,) by Sayres’ Harry Clay (2.29). Third dam, Shanghai Mary, a trotting mare of note, pedigree not traced. PRODUCE. April 25, 1887, ch. f., by Piedmont. (Stinted to Piedmont.) No. 86—Standard EMMA, b. m., 15 hands; star; inside of near fore heel white; near hind foot and fetlock white; off hind coronet white; foaled March 31, 1879; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Lady Ellis, by Mohawk Chief. Second dam, Lady Clay, dam of Victor Clay (2.264) by Paymaster. Third dam, by the Morse Horse. PRODUCE. April 14, 1884, b. f., (dead), by Piedmont. 1885, (dead foal), by Piedmont. April 6, 1886, b. ¢., (gelded) by General Benton. April 6, 1887, b. c., by Benton Frolic. (Stinted to Nephew.) L. of C. 100 No. 87 EMMA ROBSON, b. m., 16 hands; strip; off hind leg white; foaled 1872; bred by Put Robson, Cal. By Woodburn. First dam, Lady Bell, by Belmont. Second dam, by Lance, son of American Heclipse. Woodburn, by Lexington. First dam, Lulu Horton, by imp. Albion, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. 1880, b. c., gelded (dead), by Shannon. April 22, 1881, b. f., Edon, by General Benton. May 10, 1882, b. ce. (gelded), by Electioneer. 1883, barren. May 8, 1884, b. f., Emaline, by Electioneer. 1885, barren. March 28, 1886, b. c., Clary, by Clay. March 22, 1887, b. f. by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer.) 101 No. 88 ESTHER, b. m., 16 hands; star; white on inside of off hind foot; foaled 1877; bred by S. B. Wallace, Kentucky. By Express. First dam, by Colossus. Second dam, Capitola, by Vandal. Third dam, by imp. Margrave. Fourth dam, Mistletoe, by Cherokee. Fifth dam, Blackeyed Susan, by Tiger. Sixth dam, by Albert, etc., etc. Express, by Endorser. Dam, Nantura, by Brawner’s Eclipse, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 20, 1881 b. f., Extra, by Electioneer. March 31, 1882, b. c., Express (gelded), by Electioneer. 1883, barren. Feb’y 1, 1884, b. c., Del Norte (sold), by Flood. Feb’y 6, 1885, b. c. (sold), by Don Victor. Jan’y 21, 1886, b. f., Essie, by Clay. Feb’y 13, 1887, b. f., by Piedmont. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) No. 89 ETHEL, b. m., 15.3 hands; hind legs white; foaled February 6, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. ; First dam, Electa, by Electioneer. Second dam, Lady Durland, by Seeley’s American Star. Third dam, by Nigger Lance, son of Lance, by American Eclipse. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) 102 No. 90 EUTICIA, b. m., 14.3 hands; star; near fore heel white; foaled 1873. By Robt. E. Lee (son of St. Clair). PRODUCE. April 16, 1884, b. f., by General Benton. April 6, 1885, b. c. (gelded), by Benton Frolic. 1886, barren. March 14, 1887, b. c. by Woolsey. (Stinted to Whips.) No. 91 EVA T., b. m.,16 hands; small star; foaled March 29, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Lize, by Mohawk Chief. Second dam, Lillian, by Lodi. Third dam, by Billy Cheatham. Fourth dam, Perry Durbin’s Glencoe Mare, by imp. Glencoe. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) 103 No. 92 EVANGELINE, ch. m., 16 hands; large star and strip; foaled April 6, 1879, bred by F. B. Harper, Kentucky. By Longfellow. First dam, Robin Girl, by Enquirer. Second dam, Cynthia Sue, by Joc Stoner. Third dam, Sue Washington, by Revenue. Fourth dam, Sarah Washington, by Garrison’s Zinganee. Fifth dam, Stella, by Contention. Sixth dam, by imp. Speculator, etc. Longfellow, by imp Leamington. Dam, Nantura, by Brawner’s Eclipse, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. Feb’y 17, 1885, ch. c., Czar, (sold) by Flood. Feb’y 9, 1886, b. f., by Clay. 188%, barren. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) No. 93 EXTRA, b. m., 15.3 hands; near hind foot white; foaled March 20, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioner. First dam, Esther, by Express. Second dam, by Colossus. Third dam, Capitola, by Vandal. Fourth dam, by imp. Margrave, etc., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 22, 1886, ch. f. (dead), by Piedmont. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) 104 No. 94—Standard FAIREST, bl. m., 15 hands; near fore foot white; off hind foot white; foaled 1879; bred by Chas. Back- man, Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Kentucky Prince. First dam, Fairy, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, Emma Mills, by Seeley’s American Star. Third dam, by Rediker’s Alexander W., son of Alexander W., by Cole’s Messenger. Kentucky Prince, by Clark Chief, son of Mambrino Chief. First dam, Kentucky Queen, by Morgan Eagle, son of Green Mountain Morgan. Second dam, by Blythe’s Whip, son of Blackburn’s Whip. Third dam, by Martin’s Brimmer. Fourth dam, by Quicksilver, son of imp. Medley. PRODUCE. March 10, 1884, b. c., Col. Benton (sold), by General Benton. March 17, 1885, b. c., Fairmont (sold), by General Benton. 1886, barren. Jan. 31, 1887, ch. c., by Piedmont. (Stinted to Nephew. ) 105 No. 95 FATINA, bl. m., 16 hands; near fore foot white; near hind foot white; foaled 1877; bred by E. H. Miller, Cal. By Berlin. First dam, Lady Lowell, by Capt. Shultz’s St. Clair, son of St. Clair. Second dam, Laura, dam of Doc, sire of Occident, 2.162). Berlin, 2.323 (sire of Thapsin, 2.22?; and Panzy, four- year old record, 2.243). By Reavis’ Blackbird. First dam, Addie Lee, 2.363 (dam of Adair; record, 2.30 at four years old, and 2.17} at six years old). By Culver’s Black Hawk. Second dam, Old Nancy, by Old Morrill. PRODUCE. May 8, 1883, br. c. (gelded), by General Benton. May 3, 1884, blk. c., Electro, by Electioneer. 1885-86, barren. Jan. 28, 1887, b. f., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electricity.) 106 No. 96 FIDELIA, b. m.; few white hairs in forehead; saddle marks; inside of off hind heel white; grey hairs through body; foaled 1866; bred by A. Gold- smith. By Volunteer. Dam, by Roe’s Abdallah Chief, son of Abdallah. Volunteer, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, by Young Patriot. Second dam, the Lewis Hulse mare. PRODUCE. March 16, 1881, b. c., St. Just (sold), by Electioneer. 1882, barren. March 24, 1883, b. f. (dead), by Electioneer. March 18, 1884, b. f. Fenela (sold), by Electioneer. Feb’y 28, 1885, b. c. (sold), by General Benton. Feb’y 14, 1886, b. f., by Whips. Feb’y 23, 1887, b. f., by Clay. (Stinted to Whips. ) 107 No. 97 FIFINE, ch. m., 15 hands; star; snip; near fore foot and ankle white; near hind foot white; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled April 18, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Norfolk. First dam, Frou Frou, by Asteroid. Second dam, Ducatoon, by Wagner. Third dam, Picayune, by Medoc. Fourth dam, Sally Howe, by Sir William of Trans- port. Fifth dam, Lady Robin, by Robin Grey. Sixth dam, by Quicksilver, son of imp. Medley. Norfolk, by Lexington. Dam, Novice, by imp. Glencoe, etc., ect. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 30, 1885, ch. f., by Shannon. 1886, barren. Feb’y 19, 1887, b. f. by Clay. (Stinted to Alfred. 108 No. 98—Standard FLORA, b. m., 16 hands; small star; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled 1879; bred by S. B. Whipple, San Mateo Cal. By Whipple’s Hambletonian. First dam, Young Fly, by Speculation. Second dam, Fly, dam of Countess. Speculation, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Martha Washington, by Burr’s Wash- ington, son of Napoleon. Second dam, by Abdallah. PRODUCE. May 10, 1884, b. ec. (dead), by General Benton. April 30, 1885, b. c., Clay (sold), by Clay. 1886, barren. March 20, 1887, b. ¢., by Ansel. (Stinted to Norval.) No. 99 FLORA ANDERSON, b. m., 15 2 hands; blaze face; balf of off fore foot white; foaled March 31, 18853; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Shannon. First dam, Florence Anderson, by Enquirer. Second dam, Sally Anderson, by imp. Glencoe. Third dam, Chloe Anderson, by Rodolph. Fourth dam, Belle Anderson, by Sir William of Transport. Fifth dam, Butterfly, by Sumpter. Sixth dam, by imp. Buzzard, ete. Enquirer, by imp. Leamington. Dam, Lida, by Lex- ington, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Nephew.) 109 No. 100 FLORENCE ANDERSON, br. m., 15 hands; strip; fore legs white; near hind leg white; foaled 1874; bred by J. L. Montague, Ky. By Enquirer. First dam, Sally Anderson, by imp. Glencoe. Second dam, Chloe Anderson, by Rodolph. Third dam, Belle Anderson, by Sir William of Transport. Fourth dam, Butterfly, by Sumpter. Fifth dam, by imp. Buzzard. Sixth dam, by Dandridge’s Fearnaught. Enquirer, by imp. Leamington. Dam, Lida, by Lexington, etc., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 6, 1879, ch. f., (dead), by Foster. , April 10, 1880, b. f., Florence, (sold) by Electioneer. April 18, 1881, bl. f., Phoebe Anderson, by Monday. April 12, 1882, b. c., gelded, (sold) by Shannon. March 31, 1883, b. f., Flora Anderson, by Shannon. 1884, barren. March 12, 1888, b. f., Fuil Sail, (sold) by Flood. April 2, 1886, b. ¢., (gelded) by Will Crocker. March 27, 1887, b. c., by Clay. (Stinted to Clay.) 110 No. 101 FLORIDA, b. m., 15.1 hands; few white hairs in forehead; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled 1873. By Robert E. Lee. Dam, Fanny, by St. Clair. Robert E. Lee, by St. Clair. Dam, Melinche, dam of Fred Crocker, (2.254) by St. Clair. PRODUCE. May 8, 1883, b. c., (gelded) by General Benton. Jan’y 5, 1884, twins, (premature) by General Benton. Jan’y 28, 1885, b. f., by Clay. April 4, 1886, b.c., (gelded) by Clay. April 10, 1887, b. c., by Whips. (Stinted to Whips.) No. 102—Standard FLOSSY, rn. m., 15.3 hands; off fore foot white; hind feet and ankles white; foaled April 11, 1883; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Dasie C., by The Moor. Second dam, Grey Dale, by American Boy, Jr. Third dam, by Winfield Scott. Fourth dam, by Florizelle, son of Grey Hagle. PRODUCH. May 10, 1886, ch. c., (gelded) by Regalia. 1887, not bred. (Stinted to Whips. ) Nt No. 103—Standard FLOWER GIRL, b. m., 15 hands; near hind foot white; foaled February 23, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Mayflower (dam of Wildflower, 2.21), by St. Clair. PRODUCE. Jan’y 27, 1886, b. f., by Woodnut. Jan’y 31, 1887, ch. c., by Piedmont. (Stinted to Piedmont.) No. 104—Standard FLUSHING BELLE, br. m., 16 hands; hind feet and ankles white; foaled 1872; bred by Harrison Durkee, Flushing L. I. By Dictator (sire of Director, 2.17; Phallas, 2.132; and Jay-Hye- See, 2.10). First dam, Fayette Belle (dam of Mambrino Bertie), by Mambrino Chief. Second dam, Young Flaxey (dam of Blondine, 2.247), by Telegraph. Third dam, Old Flaxey. Dictator (brother to Dexter, 2.174), by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, by American Star. Second dam, Shark’s dam. PDODUCE. April 5, 1883, br. c., Wilmington, (sold) by Fallis. Jan’y 24, 1884, (premature), by Bentonian. 1885-86, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Alban.) No. 105 FROLIC, b. m., 15.2 hands; near hind foot and ankle white; foaled 1878; bred by Eratus Corning, Albany, N. Y. By Harry Clay (2.29). First dam, Maori, by imp. Australian. Second dam, by Lexington. Third dam, by imp. Glencoe. Fourth dam, by Boston. Fifth dam, by Medoc, son of American Eclipse. Harry Clay (Corning’s), by Neave’s Cassius M. Clay, Jr., son of Cassius M. Clay. Dam, by imp. Bellfounder. PRODUCE. April 6, 1884, b. c., Benefactor, by General Benton. 1885, dead foal, by Electioneer. 1886, barren. March 27, 1887, b. f., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer.) No. 106 FROU FROU, ch. 113 m., 15.1 hands; star; white spot on back; foaled 1871; bred by J. W. Hunt, Rey- nolds, Ky. By Asteroid. First dam, Ducatoon, by Wagner. Second dam, Picayune, by Medoc. Third dam, ort. Sally Howe, by Sir William of Trans- Hae dam, Lady Robin, by Robin Grey. Fifth dam, bv Quicksilver, son of imp. Medley. Sixth dam, by Meade’s Celer, ete. Asteroid, by Lexington. First dam, Nebula, by imp. Glencoe, etc., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) May 6, 1880, April 18, 1881, April 16, 1882, March 30, 1885, March 8, 1884, March 14, 1885, March 15, 1886, April 12, 188%, PRODUCE. ch. f., Satanella, by Leveler. ch. f., Fifine, by Norfolk. b. f., (sold) by Flood. ch. c., (gelded) sold, by Shannon. ch. c., (sold) by imp. Young Prince. b. c., (gelded) by Fallis. b. ¢., (gelded) by Clay. ch. f., by Piedmont. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) 114 No. 107 GABRIELLE, b. m., 16 hands; foaled February 29, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mokawk Chief. First dam, Glenne, by Messenger Duroc. Second dam, Glenella, by Woodward Star (son of Seeley’s American Star). Third dam, Shanghai Mary, dam of Green Moun- tain Maid, the dam of Prospero, 2.20; Dame Trot, 9.29: Elaine, 2.20; Electioneer, ete. PRODUCE. March 17, 1885, b. c. (gelded), by Whips. 1886, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips.) No. 108--Standard GAZELLA, br. m., 15.1 hands; foaled 1882; bred by F. Harker, L.I. By Governor Sprague. First dam, Gazelle, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, Hattie Wood, by Sayre’s Harry Clay. Third dam, Grandmother, by Terror (son of Ash- ton’s Eclipse.) Fourth dam, Janet, by Cock of the Rock (eae of Duroc). Fifth dam, by Dubois’ Duroc. Gov. Sprague (2. 201), by Rhode Island. Dam, Belle Brandon, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. (Stinted to Benton Frolic.) 115 No. 109—Standard GAZELLE, b. m., 14.2 hands; off fore foot white; foaled July 14, 1874; bred by E. H. Miller, Cal. By Primus. Dam, Mayfly, dam of Bonita (2.182), by St. Clair. Primus, by Marshall Chief, son of Kilbourn Horse, by Vermont Black Hawk. PRODUCE. May 3, 1879, b. f., Guess, by Electioneer. 1880, barren. April 5, 1881, b. f., Grisette, by Wild Idle. 1882, barren. June 10, 1883, b. c. gelded, (sold), by Electioneer. May 11, 1884, b. f., Garaphelia, by General Benton. April 27, 1885, ch. f., by Piedmont. April 9, 1886, b. f., by General Benton. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips.) 116 No. 110—Standard GAZELLE, b. m., 15.3 hands; outside of near fore coronet white; few white hairs on near stifle; foaled 1865; bred by Charles Backman, Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Record, 2.21. First dam, Hattie Wood (dam of Idol), by Sayre’s Harry Clay. Second dam, Grandmother, by Terror (son of Ash- ton’s Eclipse). Third dam, Janet, by Cock of the Rock (son of Duroc). Fourth dam, by Dubois’ Duroc. PRODUCE. 1878, br. f., Gertie, by Hambletonian Prince (Baird’s). 1882, br. f., Gazella, by Governor Sprague. 1883, not bred. 1884, barren. Feb’y 16, 1885, b. f., by General Benton. Feb’y 7, 1886, b. c., by General Benton. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Alban.) 117 No. 111—Standard GERTIE, b. m., 15.3 hands; foaled 1878; bred by F. Harker, N. Y. By Hambletonian Prince (Baird’s). First dam, Gazelle (2.21), by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Second dam, Hattie Wood, by Sayre’s Harry Clay. Third dam, Grandmother, by Terror (son of Ash- ton’s Eclipse). Fourth dam, Janet, by Cock of the Rock (son of Duroc). Fifth dam, by Dubois’ Duroc. Hambletonian Prince (Baird’s), by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. First dam, Nelly Cammeyer, by Cassius M. Clay. Second dam, by Chancellor, son of Mambrino. Third dam, by Mount Holly, son of imp. Messenger. Fourth dam, by Engineer, son of imp. Messenger. PRODUCE. Feb’y 9, 1884, b. f. (dead), by General Benton. April 26, 1885, b. f. (sold), by General Benton. 1886, barren. May 11, 1887, br. f. by Figaro. (Stinted to Norval.) 118 No. 112 GILBERTA, b. m., 15.2 hands; small star; hind heels white; foaled 1872; bred by Leland Stanford, Cal. By Fred Low, son of St. Clair. Dam, Lady Gilbert. PRODUCE May 8, 1879, b. c., Elector (sold), by Electioneer. 1880-81—82-83-84—85, not bred. Feb’y 25, 1886, ch. c., (gelded), by Whips. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electricity.) No. 113 GIPSY, b. m., 15.1 hands; off hind foot and ankle white; bred by Mr. Paul, Mayfield, Cal. By Paul’s Abdallah. Paul’s Abdallah, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, by Roebreck. PRODUCE. 1878, b. f., Merced (dead), by Electioneer. 1879, b. f., Mercedes (sold) by Electioneer. 1880, b. c., Hernani (sold) by Electioneer. 1881, b. c., Gypsum, gelded (sold) by Elec- tioneer. 1882, not bred. March 6, 1883, b. f., by General Benton. Feb’y 5, 1884, b. c., Gnome, gelded (sold), by Elec- tioneer. 1885, barren. Feb’y 2, 1886, b. f., Gorgie, (dead) by Whips. Jan. 15, 1887. ch. f., by Ansel. (Stinted to Electricity. ) 119 No. 114 GLENCORA, br. m., 15.2 hands; hind feet and ankles white: foaled May 9, 1878; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mohawk Chief. Dam, Lady Gilbert. PRODUCE. March 8, 1882, br. c., Glencairn (Lot Slocum, 2.19), gelded (sold), by Electioneer. March 29, 1883, br. f. Glenola, (sold), by General Benton. March 16, 1884, br. c., Grit (gelded), by General Ben- ton. March 138, 1885, bl. f., Georgina, by Ansel. March 3, 1886, b. f., Gambara, by Ansel. April 15, 1887, br. f. (dead), by Ansel. (Stinted to Norval.) No. 115 GLENDALE, b. m,, 16 hands; oft hind foot white; foaled April 12, 1875; bred by Charles Backman, Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Messenger Duroc. First dam, Antoinette, by Sheppard’s Rattler, son of Biggart’s Rattler. Second dam, by Young Bulle Bock, son of Edward Long’s Eclipse. Third dam, by Edward Long’s Henry Second, son of Sir Henry. PRODUCE. Feb’y 4, 1881, br. f., Gloom (sold), by Mohawk Chief. Feb’y 3, 1882, b. f., Grindelia (sold), by Gen. Benton. 1883, barren. April 8, 1884, b. ce. (gelded), by Bentonian. April 2, 1885, ch. c. (gelded), by Whips. April 12, 1886, b. c. (dead), by Ione. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips. ) 120 No 116 oe b. m., 16 hands; star; near fore foot white; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled April 25, 1875; bred by Charles Bache Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Messenger Dunes First dam, Glenella, by Woodward Star, son of Seeley’ s American Star. Second dam, Shanghai Mary, dam of Green Moun- 3 tain Maid (dam of Prospero, Dame Trot, Elaine and Electioneer). PRODUCE. Feh’y 29, 1880, b. f., Gabrielle, by Mohawk Chief. March 10, 1881, b. c., (dead), by Electioneer. 1882, barren. May 24, 1883, b. c., (gelded), by General Benton. 1884-85, barren. Feb’y 21, 1886, b. c., by Electioneer. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 121 - No. 117 GRETCHEN, b. m., 16 hands; near fore foot white; hind feet and ankles white; foaled 1879; bred by S. B. Whipple, Cal. By Yorktown. First dam, Young Ashcat, by Whipple’s Hamble- tonian. Second dam, Ashcat (dam of Ajax, 2.29), by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Third dam, by Seeley’s American Star. Fourth dam, by Abdallah. Yorktown, by Speculation, son of Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian First dam, Mamie by Joseph. Second dam, Diana. PRODUCE. Feb’y 2, 1885, b. c. (sold), by General Benton. 1886, barren 1887, not bred. (Stinted to Alban. ) No. 118 GRISETTE, b. m., 15 hands; star; hind feet white; foaled April 5, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford. Palo Alto. By Wild Idle. First dam, Gazelle, by Primus. Second dam, Mayfly, dam of Bonita (2.183), by St. Clair. Wild Idle, by imp. Australian. First dam, Idle Wild, by Lexington, etc., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE, March 4, 1886, b. ¢., by Will Crocker. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 122 No. 119—Standard GUESS, b. m., 15 hands; star; near hind ankle white; white on off hind ankle; foaled May 13, 1879; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Elec- tioneer. First dam, Gazelle, by Primus. Second dam, Mayfly. by St. Clair. Primus, by Marshall Chief, son Kilbourn Horse, by Vermont Black Hawk. PRODUCE. March 12, 1884, b. f., Gem, by General Benton. March 12, 1885, b. c., Bentoneer (sold), by General Benton. March 7, 1886, (dead foal), by General Benton. March 9, 1887, b. f., by Benton Frolic. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) No. 120—Standard HATTIE C., b. m., 15.2 hands; hind feet white; foaled April 1, 1879; bred by Tieland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. Dam, Melinche (dam of Fred Crocker, 2 yr. old record, 2.254), by St. Clair. PRODUCE. March 18, 1883, b. f. (dead), by Piedmont. 1884, barren. March 29, 1885, b. f., by General Benton. 1886, barren. Feb’y 6, 1887, b. f., by Piedmont. (Stinted to Benton Frolic. ) 334 So No. 121 HATTIE HAWTHORNE, br. m., 15.3 hands; star; hind feet and ankles white; foaled 1875; bred by F. B. Harper, Ky. By Enquirer. First dam, Little Girl, by Endorser. Second dam, Fanny Holton, by Lexington. Third dam, Nantura, by Brawnevr’s Eclipse. Fourth dam, Quiz, by Bertrand. Fifth dam, Lady Fortune, by Brimmer. Sixth dam, Woodpecker’s dam, by Imp. Buzzard, etc., etc. Enquirer, by imp. Leamington. Dam, Lida, by Lexington, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 25, 1880, bl. c., gelded (sold), by Electioneer. 1881, barren. Feb’y 6, 1882, br. c. (dead), by Flood. Jan’y 21, 1883, br. f., Harriet (sold), by Flood. Jan’y 27, 1884, br. c. (sold), by imp. Young Prince. Feb’y 24, 1885, ch. c. (sold), by Flood. 1886, barren. April 5, 1887, b. f., by Piedmont (Stinted to Piedmont.) 124 No. 122 HELPMATE, b. m., 15.2 hands, white hairs in forehead; hind feet white; foaled 1873; bred by M. B. Gratz, Ky. By Planet. First dam, Full Cry, by Vandal. Second dam, Springbrook, by Lexington. Third dam, Emuckfaw, by Mambrino. Fourth dam, Diana, by Virginia. Fifth dam, by imp. Knowsley. Sixth dam, by imp. Dion, etc. Planet, by Revenue. Dam, Nina, by Boston, etce., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. Feb’y 29, 1884, b. c. (sold), by imp. Young Prince. 1885-86, barren. Feb’y 4, 1887, b. c., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer.) No, 123—Standard HENRIEUTE, b. m., 15.3 hands; near fore heel white; near hind foot white; foaled 1879; bred by Ariel Lathrop, Albany, N. Y. By Gooding’s Cham- pion. First dam, Lady Beecher, by Reserve. Second dam, by Friday, son of imp. Trustee. Champion (Gooding’s), by King’s Champion, Jr., son of Grinnell’s Champion. First dam, Cynthia, by Bartlett's Turk, son of Weddles’ imp. Turk. Second dam, Fanny, by Schobey’s Black Prince. Third dam, Bet, by Rockplanter, son of Duroc. Reserve, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Dam, by Balsorah, son of Busorah (imp. Arabian). (Stinted to Clay.) 125 No. 124 HERMANA, b. m., 15.3 hands; white spot on inside of near hind foot; white spot on front of off hind foot and heel; foaled March 11, 1883; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Sister to Irene, by Mohawk Chief. Second dam, Laura Keene, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Third dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse. Fourth dam, Lady Marvin, by Young Traveler. Fifth dam, by Seagull, son of Duroc. PRODUCE. April 26, 1886, bl. f., by Regalia. 1887, not bred. ; (Stinted to Whips.) No. 125—Standard IDA, ch. m., 16 hands; star; snip; fore feet and ankles white; hind legs white; foaled May 2, 1879; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Idabelle, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, Godfrey Star, by Seeley’s American Star. Third dam, by Hector, son of La Tourett’s Bell- founder. PRODUCE. June 8, 1884, b. f., Issa, by Eros. May 23, 1885, b. f. (sold) by Fallis. 1886, barren. 1887, not bred. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) 126 No. 126 IRENE, br. m., 15.2 hands star and snip; hind feet and ankles white; foaled April, 1872; bred by Charles Stanford, Schenectady, N. Y. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, Laura Keene, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. . Second dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse. Third dam, Lady Marvin, by Young Traveler. Fourth dam, by Seagull, son of Duroc. Exton Eclipse, by American Eclipse. Dam, by Exton. Young Traveler, by Blind White Messenger. Dam, Abiezet Pierce mare, by imp. Messenger. PRODUCE. June 10, 1879, ch. f., Isma, by General Benton. May 25, 1880, ch. f., Dora, by Don Victor. May 10, 1881, b.c., lone (gelded), by General Benton. May 2, 1882, ch. f., Ahwaga, by General Benton. 1883, barren. Feb’y 20, 1884, b.c., Ira, (sold), by Piedmont. Feb’y 15, 1885, b. c. (sold), by Piedmont. 1886, barren. Feb’y 8, 1887, ch. c. by Piedmont. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) 127 No. 127 ISMA, ch. m., 16.1 hands; star; hind feet and ankles white; foaled June 10, 1879;bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Irene, by Mohawk Chief. Second dam; Laura Keene, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Third dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse. Fourth dam, Lady Marvin by Young Traveler. Fifth dam, by Seagull son of Duroc. PRODUCE. April 1, 1883, br.c., Ivanhoe, (gelded), by Electioneer. 1884, barren. Feb’y 8. 1885, br. c., Ivanue, (sold) by Electioneer. 1886, barren. Feb’y 11, 1887, b. f., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Eros.) No. 128 IVY, ch. m,, 15 hands; foaled May 2, 1880, bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Don Victor. First dam, Idabelle, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, Godfrey Star, by Seeley’s American Star. Third dam, by Hector, son of La Tourett’s Bell- founder. Dou Victor, by Belmont (by American Boy). Dam, Maria Downing, by American Eclipse. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. May 22, 1884, b. c. (gelded), by Bentonian. 1885, barren. April 9, 1886, ch. c., [sonomy, by Piedmont. March 19, 1887, b. f. by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 128 No. 129—Standard JENNIE BENTON, b. m., 15.2 hands; off hind foot and inside and back of ankle white; foaled March 4, 1883; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. © By General Benton. First dam, Juniatta (sister to Clay, 2.28), by Fred Low, son of St. Clair. Second dam, Maid of Clay, by Henry Clay. Third dam, by Dey’s Messenger. Fourth dam, by Ballface Consul. PRODUCE. March 28, 1886, br. c. (gelded), by Regalia. 1887, not bred. (Stinted to Whips.) No. 130—Standard JOSIE, b. m., 15.38 hands; near fore foot white; hind feet white; foaled 1881; bred by 8. B Whipple, San Mateo, Cal. By Whipple’s Hambletonian. First dam, Young Josselyn, by Speculation. Second dam, Lady Josselyn. Whipple’s Hambletonian, by Guy Miller. First dam, Martha Washington, by Burr’s Wash- ington. Second dam, by Abdallah. PRODUCE. March 17, 1885, ch. c. (dead), by Piedmont. April 9, 1886, b.c., (gelded), by Whips. May 18, 1887, b. c., by Whips. (Stinted to Whips. ) 129 No. 131 JULIA, gr. m., 15.3 hands; foaled 1874; bred by Leland Stanford, Cal. By Fred Low (son of St. Clair). Dam, Lady Hawkins, by Jeff Davis (son of Argyle, Jr., and Fanny Harper, by Grey Eagle). PRODUCE. April 23, 1878, b. f., Juliet, by Mohawk Chief. 1879, barren. 1880, not bred. Feb’y 20, 1881, gr. f., Judith (sold), by Mohawk Chief. 1882-3, not bred. March 16, 1884, b. c., Julian (gelded), by Bentonian. March 6, 1885, bl. f., by Dexter Prince. March 5, 1886, br. f., by Will Crocker. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Clay.) No. 132 JULIET, b. m., 16 hands; foaled April 23, 1878; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, Julia, by Fred Low. Second dam, Lady Hawkins, by Jeff Davis (son of Argyle, Jr., and Fanny Harper, by Grey Eagle). PRODUCE. May _ 3, 1882, br. f. (sold), by Electioneer. April 20, 1883, b. f,, by General Benton. May ‘8, _ 1884, b. c. (gelded), by Bentonian. May 3, 1885, b. c. (gelded), by Piedmont. May ii, 1886, br. c., Niles (gelded), by Ansel. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Norval.) 130 No. 133—Standard JUNIATTA, br. m., (sister to Clay, 2.25); 15.1 hands; foaled April 10, 1875; bred by Leland Stanford, Cal. By Fred Low son of St. Clair. First dam, Maid of Clay (dam of Carry C., 2.24; Clay, 2.25; Capt. Smith, 2.29); by Henry Clay. Second dam, by Dey’s Messenger. Third dam, by Ballface Consul. Henry Clay, by Andrew Jackson, son of Young Bashaw. Dam, the famous trotting mare, Surrey. Dey’s Messenger, by Liberty, son of imp. Messenger. Dam, by Coriander, son of imp. Messenger. Ballface Consul, by Bond’s Consul. Dam, by Coriander, son of imp. Messenger. PRODUCE. March 27, 1879, bl. c. (dead), by Mohawk Chief. 1880, not bred. March 31, 1881, bl. c. (sold), by Electioneer. March 19, 1882, b. c. (gelded), by General Benton. March 4, 1883, b. f., Jennie Benton, by General Ben- ton. Feb’y 26, 1884, b. f., Juanita, by General Benton. March 16, 1885, b. f. (sold), by Piedmont. 1886, barren. Feb’y 5, 1887, b. c. by Ansel. (Stinted to Woolsey.) 131 No. 134 " KATHLEEN, b, m., 15.2 hands; black points; foaled March 23, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Shannon. First dam, Katharion, by Harry of the West. Second dam, Kathleen, by Lexington. Third dam, Maria Innis, by imp. Yorkshire. Fourth dam, Ann Innis, by American Eclipse. Fifth dam, Miss Obstinate, by Sumpter. Sixth dam, Jenny Slamerkin, by Tiger. Seventh dam, Paragon, by imp Buzzard. Highth dam, Indiana, by Columbus, ete. Shannon, by Monday. First dam, Hennie Farrow, by imp. Shamrock, ete. Harry of the West, by Lexington. First dam, Laura, by imp. Leviathan, etc., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 132 No. 135 LADY AMANDA, b. m., 16 hands; small star; foaled 1871; bred by John Reber, Ohio. By imp. Hurrah. First dam, Lady Lancaster. by imp. Monarch. Second dam, Lady Canton, by imp. Tranby. Third dam, Mary Randolph, by Gohanna. Fourth dam, by Independence. Fifth dam, Meg of Wapping, by imp. Bedford. Sixth dam, imp. fue mae by Alexander, son of Eclipse. Imp. Hurrah, by Newninicn First dam, Jovial, by Bay Middleton. Second dam, by Comus, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 8, 1883, b. {., Amandine (sold), by Flood. March 18, 1884, bie. (sold), by imp. Young Prince. 1885— 86, barren. April 11, 1887, b. f., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Nephew.) 133 No. 136 LADY BEECHER, b. m., 15.2 hands; few white hairs on withers; off hind foot white; bred by Mr. Wilson, Orange Co., N. Y. By Reserve (sire of Oscar, 2.30). Dam, by Friday, son of imp. Trustee. Reserve, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Dam, by Balsorah; son of Busorah (imp. Arabian). PRODUCE. 1879, b. f., Henriette, by Gooding’s Cham- ion. 1880, bi f., Theora, by Gooding’s Champion. 1881, b. c., Henry W., (sold), by Gooding’s Champion. 1882-83, not bred. April 9, 1884, ch. f,, Miss Beecher, by!Piedmont. 1885, barren. 1886, (twins premature), by Clay. Feb’y 7, 1887, b. c. by Clay. (Stinted to Clay.) No. 137—Standard LADY DOOLEY, br. m., 15.1 hands; white spots on back; By Mc Cracken’s Black Hawk. Record, 2.31%. Dam, the Hedge mare. PRODUCE. June 23, 1878, br. c., Garfield, gelded (sold), by Gen- eral Benton. May 31, 1879, br. f., Dolly, by Electioneer. 1880, barren. May 4, 1881, b. c., Doolittle, gelded (sold), by Elee- tioneer. April 27, 1882, b. f. (sold), by Electioneer. June 12, 1883, b. c. (gelded), by General Benton. 1884-85-86, barren. March 20, 1887, b. c., by Woolsey. (Stinted to Alfred.) 134 No. 138—Standard LADY ELLEN, b. m., 15.2 hands; few white hairs in fore- head; foaled 1875; bred by Jesse D. Carr, Cal. By Carr’s Mambrino. Record, 2.28. First dam, by Owen Dale, son of Belmont. Second dam, Ida May, by Belmont. Third dam, by Red Buck, son of Bertrand. Carr’s Mambrino, by Mambrino Patchen, son of Mam- brino Chief. First dam, by Mambrino Chief. Second dam, by imp. Jordan. Third dam, by Bertrand. Fourth dam, by Cherokee. Mambrino Patchen (brother to Lady Thorn, 2.18), by Mambrino Chief. First dam, by Gano, son of American Eclipse. Second dam, by Sir William, son of Sir Archy. Mambrino Patchen is the sire of London, 2.204; Kate Middleton, 2.23, and eleven in the 2.30 list; and his daughters have produced Cleora, 2.183; Rosa Wilkes, 2.18; Alcantara, 2.23; Alegone, 2.22, ete. PRODUCE. Feb’y 6, 1882, b. c. (dead), by Electioneer. Jan’y 13, 1883, b. c. (dead), by Electioneer. Feby 1, 1884, b. f., Ella, 2.334, by Electioneer. Jan’y 30, 1885, b. f. (sold), by Electioneer. Feb’y 25, 1886, br. c., Ellison, by Electioneer. Feb’y 17, 1887, b. c., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 135 No. 139 LADY KLINE, br. m., 15.1 hands; near hind foot white; off hind heel white; foaled June, 1875; bred by Charles Stanford, Schenectady, N. Y. By Mohawk Chief. Dam, by Sparkle (son of Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, and mare by Hill’s Black Hawk). PRODUCE. June 8, 1879, b. f., Lina K., by Don Victor. May 10, 1880, b. f. (dead), by Don Victor. 1881, barren. Feb’y 3, 1882, b. f. (sold), by General Benton. 1883, barren. Jan’y 25, 1884, ch. ec. (dead), by Piedmont. Feb’y 25, 1885, b. f. (dead), by General Benton. March 28, 1886, b. c. (gelded), by General Benton. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips. ) No. 140 LADY LOWELL, bl. m., 15 hands; star; near fore foot white; near hind foot white; foaled 1863; bred by Mr. Lowell, Sacramento, Cal. By St. Clair (Shultz’s). Dam, Lavra, dam of Doe, sire of Occident (2.16?). St. Clair (Shultz’s), by St. Clair. PRODUCE. 1877, bl. f., Fatina, by Berlin. April 18, 1883, ch. f.. Lorita, by Piedmont. May 10, 1884, b. f., Lady Agnes, by Electioneer. May 10, 1885, b. c., Lowell, by Electioneer. April 14, 1886, blk. f., by Electioneer. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electricity). 136 No. 141 LADY MORGAN, b. m., 15 hands; white hairs back of withers; foaled 1865; bred by H. M. Pierson, Ramapo, N. Y. By Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse. Second dam, Lady Marvin, by Young Traveler. Third dam, by Seagull, son of Duroc. Exton Eclipse, by American Eclipse. Dam, by Exton. Young Traveler, by Blind White Messenger, son of imp. Messenger. Dam Abiezet Pierce mare, by imp. Messenger. PRODUCE. April 22, 1880, br. f., Miss Knox, by Knox. April 15, 1881, b. c., Alban, by General Benton. April 4, 1882, ch. f., Morgianna, by General Benton. April 17, 1883, b. f., Marion, by Piedmont. 1884, barren. March 14, 1885, b. f., Marinda (sold), by General Benton. 1886, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) 137 No. 142 LADY RHOADES, br. m., 15 hands; star; foaled 1870; bred by T. A. Rhoades, Sacramento, Cal. By Genera! Taylor. PRODUCE. April 25, 1876, bl. c., Dolphin, gelded (sold), by Fred Low. 1877, barren. 1878, not bred. April 27, 1879, b. f., Stella 2.30,(sold), by Electioneer. 1880, barren. 1881, b. ¢., Lorentine, gelded (sold), by Electioneer. April 16, 1885, b. c. (gelded), by Piedmont. 1886, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips.) No. 143—Standard LADY SCULLEY, br. m., 16 hands; small star; white spot on off fore heel; near hind heel and coronet white; foaled 1866; bred by M. Scully, Santa Clara, Cal. (Dam of Vanderlyn, 2.21.) By Joseph. First dam, by Easton’s Black Hawk. Second dum, by Belmont. Joseph, by Hermes. First dam, Patsy Anthony, by imp. Priam. Second dam, by Virginia, etc. EKaston’s Black Hawk, by Old David Hill. Belmont, by American Boy, out of imp. Prunella, by Comus. PRODUCE. April 2, 1884, b. f., by Electioneer. 1885, slipped foal, by Electioneer. Feb’y 19, 1886, b. f., (dead), by Electioneer. Jan. 22, 1887, slipped foal, by Electioneer. (Stinted to Piedmont.) 138 No. 144—Standard LADY THORN, Jr., bl. m., 16 hands; large star and snip; foaled 1870; bred by Jno. McDonald, Mt- | Sterling, Ky. (Dam of Santa Claus, 2.173.) ! By William’s Mambrino. First dam, Kate, by Highland Chief, son of Mam- brino Chief. Second dam, by Magowan’s Halcorn, son of Peter’s Halcorn. Third dam, by Cockrill’s Highlander, son of Scott's Highlander. Fourth dam, by General Taylor. . Williams’ Mambrino, by Ericsson, son of Mambrino Chief. PRODUCE. April 26, 1881, b. c., Christmas (sold), by Strathmore. April 21, 1882, b. c. (dead), by Electioneer. April 16, 1883, bl. c., Kriss Kringle, by Electioneer. March 28, 1884, bl. c. gelded (sold), by Electioneer. March 24, 1885, bl. c. (sold), by Electioneer. March 7, 1886, b. c., Navidad, by Whips. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 139 No, 145 LADY VIVA, b. m., 15.2 hands; foaled 1880; bred by J. C. Simpson, Cal. By Three Cheers, First dam, Lady Amanta, by imp. Hurrah. Second dam, Lady Lancaster, by imp. Monarch. Third dam, Lady Canton, by imp. Tranby. Fourth dam, Mary Randolph, by Gohanna. Fifth dam, by Independence. Sixth dam, Meg of Wapping. by imp. Bedford. Three Cheers, by imp. Hurrah. First dam, Young Fashion, by imp. Monarch. Imp. Hurrah, by Newminster. First dam, Jovial, by Bay Middleton. Second dam, by Comus, ete., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Piedmont.) No. 146 LADY ZETLER, b. m., 14.3 hands; foaled May, 1863; bred by Chas. Zeitler, Sacramento, Cal. By St. Clair. PRODUCE. June 26, 1883, b. c. gelded (sold), by Electioneer. May 27, 1884, b. f., by Electioneer. 1885, barren. June 30, 1886, b. f., by Whips. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips.) 140 No. 147 LAURA C., b. m., 15 hands; few white hairs in forehead; near hind foot white; foaled February 16, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto, By Electioneer. First dam, Fanny Lewis, by imp. Buckden. Second dam, Bay Dick mare, by Bay Dick. Third dam, by Oliver. Fourth pam, Roach Back, by Wagner, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. Feb’y 3, 1885, b. c. Laurence, by General Benton. Jan’y 23, 1886, b. f., by Benefit. March 4, 1887, ch. c, by Alfred. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) 141 No. 148 LAURA KEENE, b. m., 14.3 hands; near hind foot white; foaled 1864; bred by H. M. Pierson, Ramapo, N. Y. By Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse. Second dam, Lady Marvin, by Young Traveler. Third dam, by Seagull, son of Duroc. Exton Eclipse, by American Eclipse. Dam, by Exton. Young Traveler, by Blind White Messenger, son of imp. Messenger. Dam, Abiezet Pierce Mare. by imp. Messenger. PRODUCE. 1871, br. f., Minnie, by Sparkle. 1872, br. f., Irene, by Mohawk Chief. 1873, br. f., Sister to Irene, by Mohawk Chief. 1874, b. f., American Girl, by Toronto Sontag. 1880, b. c., (dead), by Knox. 1881-82, barren. April 7, 1883, ch. f. Lora, by Piedmont. May 22, 1884, ch. c. (gelded), by Piedmont. May 3, 1885, b. f., by General Benton. 1886, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) 142 No. 149 3 r ; LESBIA, b. m., 15.3 hands; star; white spot on off side of nostril; near hind foot white; foaled March 26, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo. Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Lillian, by Lodi. Second dam, by Billy Cheatham. Third dam, Perry Durbin’s Glencoe Mare, by imp. Glencoe. PRODUCE. March 10, 1887, b, f., by Clay. (Stinted to Clay.) 145 No. 150 LILLIAN, b. m., 15.2 hands; star; off hind foot ,white; bred by Nathan Coombs, Napa, Cal. By Lodi. First dam, by Billy Cheatham. Second dam, Perry Durbin’s Glencoe Mare, by imp. Glencoe. Lodi, by imp. Yorkshire. Dam, Topaz, by imp. Glencoe. PRODUCE. June 27, 1873, b. c., Hector, geldedZ(sold), by Fred Low. June 22, 1876, ch. c., Waterloo, gelded (dead), by Young Nelson. May 26, 1877, br. f., Lize, by Mohawk Chief. 1878, barren. . March 1, 1879, br. f.,Lilly, by Electioneer. Feb’y 29, 1880, br. c., (gelded), by Electioneer. Feb’y 11, 1881, b. c., Lennox (gelded), by General Benton. March 26, 1882, b. f., Lesbia, by General Benton. 1883, barren. May 2, 1884, b. c. (gelded), by Geo. Lancaster. 1885, not bred. March 23, 1886, b. f., by Will Crocker. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Clay. ) 144 No. 151 LILLY, br. m., 15.3 hands; few white hairs in forehead; near hind foot white; foaled March 1, 1879; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam; Lilly, by Lodi. Second dam, by Billy Cheatham. Third dam, Perry Durbin’s Glencoe mare, by imp. Glencoe. PRODUCE. March 26, 1883, b. f., Lola, by General Benton. 1884, barren. March 4, 1885, b. c., by General Benton. 1886, barren. Feb’y 22, 1887, b. f. (dead), by Piedmont. (Stinted to Piedmont.) 145 No. 152—Standard LILLY B., bl. m., 16 hands; star; heel and front of off hind foot white; grey hairs in leg; foaled 1879: bred by Col. R. West, Ky. By Homer. First dam, Maggie Lee, by Blackwood. Second dam, by Alexander’s Abdallah. Third dam, a pacing mare. Homer, by Mambrino Patchen, son of Mambrino Chief. First dam, Sally Chorister, by Mambrino Chorister, son of Mambrino Chief. Second dam, by Blood’s Chief, son of Blood’s Black Hawk. Third dam, by Moore’s Pilot, son of Pilot Jr. Blackwood, by Alexander’s Norman. First dam, by Mambrino Chief. Second dam, by Hunt’s Commodore. Alexanders Abdallah, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Dam, Kate Darling, by Bay Roman. Mambrino Patchen, by Mambrino Chief (has 13 in the 2.30 list). PRODUCE. March 10, 1884, br. f., Lira (sold), by Electioneer. March 4, 1885, br. f., (sold), by Electioneer. Feb'y 21, 1886, br. c., Reno (sold), by Electioneer. April 14, 1887, br. f., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 10 >= ee) i ee 146 No, 153 LINA K., b. m., 15.1 hands; star; hind feet and ankles white; foaled June 8, 1879; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Don Victor. First dam, Lady Kline, by Mohawk Chief. Second dam, by Sparkle, son of Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Don Victor, by Belmont. First dam, Maria Downing, by American Eclipse, ete., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 5, 1885, b. f., (sold), by Electioneer. March 30, 1886, b. c., by Electioneer. March 16, 1887, b. c.,by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) No. 154 LIZE, br. m., 15.2 hands; white spots on back; foaled May 26, 1877; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, Lillian, by Lodi. Second dam, by Billy Cheatham. Third dam, Perry Durbin’s Glencoe mare, by imp. Glencoe. PRODUCE. March 29, 1881, b. f., Eva T., by Electioneer. April 4, 1882, br. c. (gelded), by Electioneer. April 29, 1883, b. f., by General Benton. 1884, barren. Feb’y 21, 1885, b. f., Alaska (sold), by Electioneer. April 9, 1886, b. c., gelded (dead), by Clay. 1587, barren. (Stinted to Clay.) : ie No. 155 LIZZIE, b. m., 14.2 hands; star; near hind foot white; ‘ j an foaled February 8, 1881; bred by Leland Stan- Ay ford, Palo Alto. By Wild Idle. First dam, Lizzie Miller, by Fred Low. Second dam, Mayflower (dam of Wildflower, 2.21), by St. Clair. Wild Idle, by imp. Australian . Dam, Idle Wild, by Lexington, etc., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. ; March 4, 1885, b. f., by Fallis. , Feb’y 8, 1886, b. f., by Eros. q Jan. 27, 1887, b. c., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer.) 148 No. 156 LIZZIE COLLINS, br. m., 15.3 hands; few white hairs in forehead; foaled 1870; bred by Mr. Collins, Ky. By Stansifer’s Woful. First dam, by Berthune. Second dam, by Blacknose. Woful (Stansifer’s). by Woful, son of Long Island Black Hawk. Dam, the dam of Tom Wonder, by Tom Hal. Berthune, by Sidi Hamet. Dam, Susette, by Aratus. Blacknose, by Medoce. Dam, Lucy, by Orphan. PRODUCE. March 10, 1882, b. f., Linda (sold), by Electioneer. April 10, 1883, b. f. (dead), by Electioneer. March 27, 1884, bl. c. (sold), by Electioneer. March 6, 1885, br. f. Greenfield (sold), by Electioneer. Feb’y 14, 1886, b. f. (dead), by Electioneer. April 8, 1887, br. f., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioueer. ) 149 No. 157 LIZZIE H., ch. m., 15.2 hands; strip; near hind leg white; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled 1877; bred by Mr. C. C. Bemis, San Francisco, Cal. By Whipple’s Hambletonian. First dam, Lizzie Harris, by Comus. Second dam, by Arnold Harris. Whipple’s Hambletonian, by Guy Miller. First dam, Martha Washington, by Burr’s Wash- ington. Second dam, by Abdallah. Comus, by Green’s Bashaw. Dam, Topsy, by Prophet, son of Hill’s Black Hawk. Arnold Harris, by Whalebone. Dam, Sportsmistress, by American Eclipse. PRODUCE. April 22, 1884, b. c. (sold), by Electioneer. 1885, barren. Feb’y 9, 1886, ch. f., by Piedmont. Jan. 27, 1887, b. f., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Nephew.) 150 No. 158 LIZZIE HALL, br. m., 15.1 hands; snip; hind feet white; foaled July 18, 1878; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, Lady Hall, by American Boy, Jr., son of Belmont. Second dam, Lady Bell, by Belmont. Third dam, by Lance, son of American Eclipse. PRODUCE. June 25, 1883, b. f., by General Benton. May 23, 1884, b. f. (dead), by Piedmont. 1885, barren. April 4, 1886, b. f. (dead), by General Benton. 1887, barren. } (Stinted to Alfred. ) No. 159—Standard LIZZIE MILLER, b. m., 15 hands; small star; foaled April 17, 1876; bred by Leland Stanford, Cali- fornia. By Fred Low (son of St. Clair). Dam, Mayflower (2.303), dam of Wildflower (2.21), and Manzanita (2.16), by St. Clair. PRODUCE. Feb’y 8, 1881, b. f., Lizzie, by Wild Idle. 1882, barren. May 2, 1883, b. c, Tehama, gelded (sold), by Hlec- tioneer. 1884--5, not bred. 1886, barren. March 11, 1887, b. c. (dead), by Whips. (Stinted to Whips. ) 151 No. 160 LIZZIE WHIPS, br. m., 15.3 hands; near hind foot white; foaled 1874; bred by General A. Buford, Ky. By Enquirer. First dam, the Grand Dutch $, by Vandal. Second dam, by imp. Margrave. Third dam, Mistletoe, by Cherokee. Fourth dam, Blackeyed Susan, by Tiger. Fifth dam, by Alfred. Sixth dam, by Algerine, ete. Enquirer, by imp. Leamington. Dam, Lida, by Lexington, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 19, 1880, b. c., Whips, by Electioneer. March 22, 1881, br. f., Wanda (sold), by Norfolk. Feb’y 28, 1882, ch. f., Stephanotis, by Shannon. Feb’y 1885, b. ¢., Whittier, by Flood. Feb’y 5, 1884, br. f. (sold), by Flood. Jan’y 26, 1885, ch. c., (sold) by Flood. June 23, 1886, blk. f. Lizzie C., by Clay. Feb’y 12, 1887, ch. c. by Piedmont. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 152 No. 161 LORA, ch. m., 15 hands; few white hairs in forehead; foaled April 7, 1883; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Piedmont. First dam, Laura Keene, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Second dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse. Third dam, Lady Marvin, by Young Traveler. Fourth dam, by Seagull, son of Duroc. Exton Eclipse, by American kclipse. Dam, by Exton. Young Traveler, by Blind White Messenger, son of imp. Messenger. Dam, Abiezet Pierce Mare, by imp. Messenger. (Stinted to Electioneer.) No. 162 LORITA, ch. m., 15 hands; half moon in forehead; foaled April 18, 1883; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Piedmont. First dam, Lady Lowell, by St. Clair (Shultz’s). Second dam, Laura, dam of Doe, sire of Occident (2.163). St. Clair (Shultz’s), by St. Clair. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 158 No. 163—Standard LODEMA, br. m., 15.2 hands; star; near hind foot and ankle white; foaled June 29, 1879; bred ,by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Nancy, by John Nelson. Second dam, by Illinois Medoc. Third dam, by Abdallah. John Nelson, by imp. Trustee. Dam, the Redmond Mare, by Abdallah. PRODUCE. April 7, 1884, b. f., Lorinne, by General Benton. March 20, 1885, b. f., (dead), by General Benton. 1886, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Piedmont.) No. 164 LOU WHIPPLE, br. m., 15 hands; white hairs in forehead; foaled 1869; bred in California. By Whipple’s Hambletonian (son of Guy Miller, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian and Martha Washington, by Burr’s Washington, son of Napoleon). Record, 2.26% (Stinted to George Lancaster.) 154 No. 165 : LULA, br. m., 15.1 hands; foaled 1864; bred by W. D. Crockett, Scott County, Ky. By Alexander’s Norman. Record, 2.15. First dam, Kate Crockett, by imp. Hooton. Second dam, Mary Blaine, by Texas. Third dam, Fanny Esler, by Conn’s Sir William. Fourth dam, by Whipster Alexander’s Norman, by the Morse Horse. First dam, by Jersey Highlander. Second dam, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. PRODUCE. 1881, br. f., Lula Spraeue, by Governor Sprague. co) 1882, bl. f., Lula Wilkes, by George Wilkes. 1883, not bred. Jan’y 20, 1884, br. f., Lulaneer, by Electioneer. 1885, premature, by Electioneer. 1886, barren. April 24, 1887, b. c. (dead), by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer.) No. 166—Standard LULA SPRAGUE, br. m., 15 hands; foaled 1881; bred by Mr. F. Harker, Long Island. By Governor Sprague (2.203), and he by Rhode Island (2,233). First dam, Lula, (2.15), by Alexander’s Norman. Second dam, Kate Crockett, by imp. Hooton. Third dam, Mary Blaine, by Texas. Fourth dam, Fanny Esler, by Conn’s Sir William. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 155 No. 167—Standard LULA WILKES, bl. m., 15.2 hands; foaled 1882; bred by F. Harker, L. I. By George Wilkes (2.22). First dam, Lula (2.15), by Alexander’s Norman. Second dam, Kate Crockett, by imp. Hooton. Third dam, Mary Blaine, by Texas. Fourth dam, Fanny Esler, by Conn’s Sir William. Fifth dam, by Whipster. George Wilkes, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Dam, Dolly Spanker, hy Henry Clay, etc. (Stinted to Electioneer.) No. 168 MADELINE, b. m., 16 hands; hind feet and ankles white; foaled Jan. 25,1883; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Mamie C., by imp. Hercules. Second dam, by Langford. Third dam, Fanny Fowler, by Uncle Fowler. Fourth dam, a thoroughbred mare, pedigree lost. Hercules, (imp.) by Kingston. First dam, daughter of Toscar, by Bay Middleton. Second dam, Malvina, by Oscar, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Nephew. ) No. 169 MAGGIE MITCHELL, b. m., 15.2 hands; star; hind feet and ankles white; foaled 1870; bred by Dr. Spaulding, Ky. By Clay Pilot. Dam, Mignonette, by Dr. Spaulding’s Abdallah, son of Abdallah, and mare by Star Gazer. Clay Pilot, by Neave’s Cassius M. Clay, Jr. Dam, by Pilot, Jr. PRODUCE. March 13, 1880, k. c., gelded (sold), by General Benton. 1881, barren. Feb’y 28, 1882, b. f. (sold), by Electioneer. March 30, 1883, b. f. (sold), by Electioneer. March 9, 1884, b. c. gelded, (sold), by Electioneer. April 1, 1885, b. c. (sold), by Piedmont. March 27, 1886, b. c. (gelded), by Piedmont. March 13, 1887, b. c., by Whips. (Stinted to Whips.) 157 No. 170—Standard MAID OF CLAY, br. m., 15.1 hands; foaled May 8, 1856; bred by Catlin Webster, Phelps, Ontario Co., N.Y. By Henry Clay. First dam, by Dey’s Messenger. Second dam, by Ballface Consul. Henry Clay, by Andrew Jackson,son of Young Bashaw. Dam, the famous trotting mare Surrey. Dey’s Messenger, by Liberty, son of imp. Messenger. Dam, by Coriander, son of imp. Messenger. Ballface Consul, by Bond’s Consul. Dam, by Coriander, son of imp. Messenger. PRODUCE. May 11, 1873, b. f., Lola Lee(dead), by Robert E. Lee. 1874, bl. c., Clay, (2.25), gelded (sold), by Fred Low. April 10, 1875, br. f., Juniatta, by Fred Low. 1876, br. c., Capt. Smith(2.29), gelded(sold), by Locomotive. 1877-78, barren. Feb’y 22, 1879, br. c., Clay (2.25), by Electioneer. 1880, barren. Feb’y 25, 1881, br. f., Carrie C., by Electioneer. (Carrie C.’s record at 2 yrs. old, 2.273; record 4 yrs. old, 2.24.) 1882-85-84-85-86-barren. 1887, not bred. (Stinted to Alfred. ) Maid of Clay has Four in the 2.30 List. 158 No. 171 MAMIE, ch. m., 15.3 hands; star and snip; near hind foot white; foaled 1874; bred by S. B. Whipple, Cal. By Hambletonian, Jr. First dam, Gilda, by imp. Mango. Second dam, Juliet, by imp. Sovereign. Third dam, imp. Jane Shore, by Whisker. Fourth dam, Wathecote Lass, by Remembrancer. Fifth dam, Gratitude’s dam, by Walnut. Sixth dam, by Ruler. Hambletonian, Jr., by Whipple’s Hambletonian. First dam, Asheat, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, by American Star. Third dam, by Abdallah. PRODUCE. March 25, 1882, b. c., Howard, formerly Mammon, (gelded), by Electioneer. May 10, 18838, ch. f., Mano, by Piedmont. April 21, 1884, b. f., by Electioneer. 1885, barren. Feb’y 5, 1886, ch. c., Hyperion, by Piedmont. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electioneer.) No. 172 MAMIE C., b. m., 15.3 hands; star and strip; foaled 1872; bred by Mr. Cottle, Cal. By imp. Hercules. First dam, by Langford. Second dam, Fannie Fowler, by Uncle Fowler. Third dam, a thoroughbred mare, pedigree lost. Hercules (imp.), by Kingston. First dam, daughter of Toscar, by Bay Middleton. Second dam, Malvina, by Oscar, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. Jan’y 29, 1882, b. c., Azmoor, (2.304) by Electioneer. Jan’y 25, 1883, b. f., Madaline, by Electioneer. Jan’y 29, 1884, b. c., Maurice (gelded) by Bentonian. Jan’y 22, 1885, b. c., Monteith, by Electioneer. Jan’y 18, 1886, b. c, by Electioneer. Jan’y 18, 1887, b. c., by Hlectioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) No. 173—Standard MANETTE, b. m., (sister to Manon, 2.21), 15.1 hands; foaled August 7, 1878; bred by J. W. Knox, New York. By Nutwood (2.182). First dam, Addie, by Hambletonian Chief. Second dam, by Harry Clay, (2.29). Nutwood, by Alexander’s Belmont. First dam, Miss Russel, by Pilot Jr. Second dam, Sally Russel, by Boston. Third dam, Maria Russel, by Thornton’s Rattler. PRODUCE. April 18, 1885, b. f., by Eros. April 10, 1886, b. c., Electric, (sold), by Electioneer. April 5, 1887, b. c., by Whips. (Stinted to Electioneer.) 160 No. 174 MANO, ch. m., 15.2 hands; few white hairs in forehead; foaled May 10, 1883; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Piedmont. First dam, Mamie, by Hambletonian, Jr. Second dam, Gilda, by imp. Mango. Third dam, Juliet, by imp. Sovereign. Fourth dam, imp. Jane Shore, by Whisker. Fifth dam, Wathcote Lass, by Remembrancer. Sixth dam, Gratitude’s dam, by Walnut. Seventh dam, by Ruler. Hambletonian Jr., by Whipple’s Hambletonian. First dam, Eshcat, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, ete. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) No. 175 MARALITA, ch. m., 15.3 hands; foaled Feb’y 22, 1883; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Maybell, by Electioneer. Second dam, Mayflower (2.303), dam of Wildflower (2.21), and Manzanita (2.16), by St Clair. (Stinted to Piedmont.) 161 No. 176 MARIA, b. m., 15 hands; star; inside of near hind foot white; foaled May 4, 1879; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Don Victor. First dam, Minnie, by Sparkle. Second dam, Laura Keene, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Third dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse. Fourth dam, Lady Marvin, by Young Traveler. Fifth dam, by Seagull, son of Duroc. Don Victor, by Belmont. Dam, Maria Downing, by American Eclipse. Sparkle, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Dam, by Hill’s Black Hawk. PRODUCE. May 23, 1884, b. f., by Fallis. 1885, barren. March 25, 1886, b. c., by Electioneer. March 10, 1887, b. c., by Electioueer. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 11 162 No. 177—Standard MARIA PILOT, ch. m., 16.1 hands; star and strip; near fore foot and ankle white; hind legs white; foaled 1870. By Dr. Herr’s Mambrino Pilot. Dam, by Magna Charta, sire of Hannah D. (2.224). Mambrino Pilot, by Mambrino Chief. Dam, Juliet, by Pilot, Jr. Magna Charta, by Morgan Eagle (sire of 7 in the 2.30 list). PRODUCE. June 22, 1879, ch. f., Marplot, by General Benton. 1880, not bred. Jan’y 15, 1881, b. f., Martha, by Mohawk Chief. Jan’y 28, 1882, b. f., Morea (sold), by Electioneer. May 26, 1883, b. f., (sold), by Electioneer. 1884, barren. 1885, premature, by Piedmont. March 25, 1886, b. f., by Ione. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips.) 163 No. 178—Standard MARIETTE, bl. m. 16 hands; white on off fore and off hind heels; foaled 1874; bred by Chas. Back- man, Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Messenger Duroc. Dam, Lucy Almack, by Young Engineer, son of Engineer Second, sire of Lady Suffolk. Messenger Duroc, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Satinet, by Rose’s Abdallah Chief, son of Abdallah. PRODUCE. March 29, 1880, br. f., Melissa, by Mohawk Chief. 1881-82, barren. April 17, 1883, b. ce. (sold), by Piedmont. 1884-85-86, barren. . Feb’y 25, 1887, br. f. (dead), by Ansel. (Stinted to Norval.) No. 179--Standard MARPLOT, ch. m., 16 hands; star; snip; hind feet and ankles white; foaled June 22, 1879; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Maria Pilot, by Herr’s Mambrino Pilot. Second dam, by Magna Charta (son of Morgan Eagle, sire of 7 in the 2.30 list). PPODUCE. March 5, 1886, ch. c., gelded (dead), by Piedmont. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips.) 164 No, 180 MARSHRA, b. m., 15 hands; off hind coronet white; foaled 1869; bred by A.J. Alexander, Woodburn, Ky. By Planet. First dam, Vandalia, by Vandal. Second dam, Victoire, by imp. Margrave. Third dam, Argentile, by Bertrand. Fourth dam, Allegranti, by imp. Young Truffle. Fifth dam, imp. Phantomia, by Phantom. Sixth dam, by Walton, etc. Planet, by Revenue. Dam, Nina, by Boston, etc., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. May 2, 1880, b. c. (dead), by. Leveller. 1881-2, barren. March 1, 1883, ch. c., Hello gelded (sold), by Shannon. 1884, barren. Jan’y 23, 1885, b. f.. Hit or Miss, (sold) by Shannon. Jan’y 28, 1886, b. f., by Clay. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) Re No. 18t—Standaré MARTHA, b. m., 15.2 hands; large star and strip; near : fore footwhite; hind legs white; foaled January = 15, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, Maria Pilot, by Herr’s Mambrino Pilot. Second dam, by Magna Charta (sire of Hannah D., 2.221) by Morgan Eagle. ‘ PRODUCE. March 2, 1885, ch. ec. (gelded), by Piedmont. f 1886, barren. March 6, 1887, b. c. (dead), by Woolsey. (Stinted to Whips. ) 166 No. 182 MARTI, ch. m., 16.1 hands; star; gray hairs on near hip; foaled 1874; bred by S. B. Whipple, Cal. By Whipple’s Hambletonian (sire of 10 m 2.30 list). Dam, Ida Martin, by Rifleman. Whipple’s Hambletoniau, by Guy Miller, son of Rys- dyk’s Hambletonian. Dam, Martha Washington, by Burr’s Washington, son of Napoleon. Rifleman, by imp. Glencoe. First dam, Rodolph mare, by Rodolph, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. May 13, 1878, br. c., Martinez(gelded), by Electioneer. May 3, 1879, b. c., Marlet (gelded), by Electioneer. 1880, barren. April 26,1881, b. f., Morning Glory, by Electioneer. 1882-83, barren. Feb’y 2, 1884, b. c., Mortimer, (sold), by Electioneer. 1885, barren. April 24, 1886, b. c., (gelded), Claudio, by Clay. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Eros.) 167 : No 183—Standard MARY, b. m., 15.3 hands; grey hairs through face; off hind foot white; foaled 1874; bred by Leland Stan- ford, Cal. By Fred Low, son of St. Clair. Dam, Rio Vista Maid, by John Nelson. John Nelson, by imp. Trustee. Dam, the Redmond mare, by Abdallah. PRODUCE. March 31, 1879, b. c., Fay (gelded), by Electioneer. 1880-81-82-83, not bred. April 16, 1884, b. c. (dead), by Fallis. March 21, 1885, ch. f., Macra, by Ansel. Feb’y 26, 1886, ch. c., Boxhorn, by Ansel. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electricity.) No. 184—Standard MATTIE, (formerly Josephine), b. m., 15.3 hands; star; on fore heel white; hind feet and ankles white; foaled 1867; bred by Charles Backman, Stony Ford, Orange Covnty, N. Y. By Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Record, 2.22%. Dam, Lucy Almack, by Young Engineer, son of Engineer Second (sire of Lady Suffolk), by Engineer, son of imp. Messenger. PRODUCE. Feb’y 15, 1885, br. c., by General Benton. Feb’y 1, 1886, b.f., by General Benton. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) 168 No. 185 MAY, b. m., 14.3 hands; white spot on front and heel of near hind coronet; foaled February 19, 1881, bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Wiid Idle. Dam, Mayflower (2.803), dam of Wildflower (2.21), and Manzanita (2.16), by St. Clair. Wild Idle, by imp. Australian. First dam, Idlewild, by Lexington. Second dam, Florine, by imp. Glencoe, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 12, 1885, b. f., Idlemay, py Electioneer. Feb’y 12, 1886, b. f., Jessie M., by Electioneer. Jan’y 17, 1887, b. f., Wild May, by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) No. 186—Standard MAYBELL, b. m., 15 hands; foaled March 24, 1878; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Elec- tioneer. Dam, Mayflower (2.303), (dam of Wildflower 2.21, and Manzanita 2.164), by St. Clair. PRODUCE. March 29. 1882, b. c., Madrono (gelded), by General Benton. Feb’y 22, 1883, ch. f., Maralia, by General Benton. 1884, barren. Feb'y 18, 1885, ch. f., Manoa (sold), by Piedmont. Jan’y 28, 1886, ch. f. (dead), by Woodnut. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Piedmont.) 169 No. 187—Standard MAYBIRD, br. m., 14.3 hands; foaled March 15, 1875; bred by Leland Stanford, Cal. By Fred Low (son of St. Clair). Dam, Mayflower (2.303), (dam of Wildflower 2.21, and Manzanita 2.16), by St. Clair, PRODUCE. April 24, 1883, b. c., gelded (sold), by Electioneer. 1884, not bred. March 14, 1885, b. f., by Piedmont. Feb’y 20, 1886, b. c., Whipster, by Whips. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips.) No. 188 MAY DAY, b. m., 15.1 hands; few white hairs in forehead; foaled May 1, 1877; bred by J. C. Flood, Menlo Park, Cal. By Wissahickon. First dam, Norah Marshall, by Union, son of Young Morrill. Second dam, by American Star. Wissahickon, by William Welch. First dam, Lady Montague, by Mambrino Chief. Second dam, Bellamira, by imp. Monarch, ete. PRODUCE. April 29, 1883, b. c., May Dream, gelded, (sold) by General Benton. 1884, barren. Feb’y 10, 1885, b. c., by General Benton. 1886, barren. March 11, 1887, b. c., by Whips. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) No. 189--Standard MAYFLOWER, b. m., 14.3 hands; foaled June 2, 1864; bred by P. Morlath, Sacramento, Cal. By St. Clair. Record, 2.30%. Dam of Wildflower (fastest two-year-old record to date 2.21), and Manzanita (fastest four-year- old record to date 2.16). PRODUCE. March 15, 1875, b. f., Maybird, by Fred Low. April 17, 1876, b. f., Lizzie Miller, by Fred Low. March 25, 1877, br. f., Mayflower Mohawk, by Mohawk Chief. March 24, 1878, b. f., Maybell, by Electioneer. March 5, 1879, b. f., Wildflower (2.21), by Elec- tioneer. Feb’y 23, 1880, b. f., Flower Girl, by Electioneer. Feb’y 19, 1881, b. f., May, by Wild Idle. Feb’y 25, 1882, b. f., Manzanita (2.16), by Electioneer. April 7, 1883, b. f., Floweret, by Electioneer. 1884, barren. March 21, 1885, b. f., Woodflower, by Ansel. 1886, barren. 1887, (premature) by Ansel. (Stinted to Electricity. ) 1741 No. 190 MAYFLOWER MOHAWK, br. m., 15 hands; white on near fore heel; white on off hind heel; white spot on front of off hind foot; foaled March 25, 1877; bred by Leland Stanford, Cal. By Mohawk Chief. Dam, Mayflower, 2.503, (dam of Wiidflower, 2.21, and Manzanita, 2.16), by St. Clair. PRODUCE. May 23, 1882, b. c. gelded (sold), by Electioneer. 1883, barren. 1884, twins, premature, by General Beuton. April 6, 1885, b. c. (gelded), by Norway. March 12, 1886, b. f., by Ione. Feb’y 13, 1887, b. f., by Woolsey. (Stinted to Whips. ) 172 No. 191—Standard MAYFLY, b.m., 14.2 hands; near hind foot white; foaled 1862; bred by John E. Miller, Sacramento, Cal. By St. Clair. Record 2.30%. Dam of Bonita. (Two-year-old record, 2.2 (Four-year-old record, 2.4 (Seven-year-old record, 2.1 eae to HPloobolet ae ee PRODUCE. July 13, 1874, b. f., Gazelle, by Primus. March 31, 1877, br. f., Mecca, by Mohawk Chief. May 28, 1878, br.c. (dead), by Mohawk Chief. May 21, 1879, b. f., Bonita, 2.18% (sold), by Elec- tioneer. 1880, barren. April 17, 1881, b. c. (gelded), by Wild Idle. 1882-83-84-85-86, barren. 1887, not bred. (Stinted to Whips.) it td “yews 173 No. 192—Standard MAY QUEEN, b. m., 15.1 hands; star; foaled 1868; bred by F. G. Hill, Paris, Kentucky. By Alexan- der’s Norman. Record, 2.20. First dam, Jennie, by Crockett’s Arabian. Second dam, by Davy Crockett, the Pacer. Crockett’s Arabian, by imp. Arab Mokhladi, out of Lula’s dam. May Queen has twenty-four heats to her credit. PRODUCE. Jan’y 28, 1884, b. f., Maiden, by Electioneer. April 28, 1885, b. c. (sold), by Electioneer. April 11, 1886, b. c., by Electioneer. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electricity, ) 174 No. 193—Standard McCA, ch. m., 16.1 hands; strip; near hind leg white; foaled 1871; bred by Col. R. West, Kentucky. By Almont. First dam, Dolly (dam of Thorndale, 2.223, and Director, PAY by Mambrino Chief. Second dam, by a son of Potomac. Third dam, by Saxe Weimer. Almont, by Alexander's Abdallah. First dam, by Mambrino Chief, etc. PRODUCE. April 11, 1878, b. f., Myrtha, by Contractor. June 15.1879, b. f., Mohawk McCa, by Mohawk Chief. 1880-81-82 -83, barren. March 12, 1884, b. f., Macaria, by Clay. March 29, 1885, br. ae (sold). by Clay. April 2, 1886, b. f., Bell McClay aly, by Clay. April 22, 1887, ch. f. , by Whips. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) No. 194 MECCA, br. m., 15 hands; star; near fore foot white; off hind foot white; foaled March 31, 1877; bred by Leland Stanford, Cal. By Mohawk Chief. Dam, Mayfly, dam of Bonita (2.183), by St. Clair. PRODUCE. April 21, 1884, b. f., Meta, by Piedmont. March 30, 1885, b. f., by Benton Frolic. 1886, barren. Jan. 27, 1887, b. c., by Ansel. (Stinted to Electricity. ) as ee 175 No. 195— Standard MEDORA, b. m., 15.1 hands; star; off hind foot white; foaled June 4, 1874; bred by Leland Stanford, Cal. By Fred Low (son of St. Clair). First dam, Prussian Maid (pacer 2.19), by Signal. Second dam, Lady Jasper. PRODUCE. June 9, J879, b. c. (gelded), by Don Victor. May 12, 1880, b. f., Victoria, by Don Victor. 1881-82-83-84, not bred. April 4, 1885, b. f., by Don Victor. March 21, 1886, b. f., by Whips. 1887, not bred. (Not Stinted.) 176 No. 196--Standard MELINCHE, b. m., 15.1 hands; near hind foot white; off hind foot and ankle white. By St. Clair. Dam of Fred Crocker (2.254 at 2 years). PRODUCE. 1872, b. c., Caspean, gelded (sold), by Fred L ow. May 15, 1873, b. ¢., Illium, gelded (sold), by Fred Low. 1874, bi. f., Paroquita (sold), by Fred Low. May 19, 1875, b. f., Pearl, by George Lancaster. May 11, 1876, b. f., Alvaretta, by George Lancaster. 1877, barren. March 23, 1878, b. c¢., Fred Crocker (gelded), by Electioneer. April 1, 1879, b. f., Hattie C., by Electioneer. May 10, 1880, b. c., George Crocker (gelded), by Electioneer. May 5, 1881, b. c., Will Crocker, by Electioneer. May 2, 1882, b. f., Mischief, by Electioneer. 1883, barren. May 22, 1884, b. f., by Piedmont. 1885, barren. 1886, not bred. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips.) Eé No. 197 MELISSA, bl. m., 15.2 hands; off hind heel white; foaled March 29, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, Mariette, by Messenger Duroc. Sécond dam, Lucy Almack, by Young Engineer, son of Engineer 2d, sire of Lady Suffolk. PRODUCE. March 22, 1886, br. f., by Ione. March 28, 1887, b.f., by Clay. (Stinted to Whips.) No. 198—Standard MILLIE, b. m., 15.2 hands; star; near hind foot and ankle * white; foaled June 1879, bred by George Kimball, San Francisco. By Milton Medium. Dam, Belle (dam of Overman, 2.194), by Me- Cracken’s Black Hawk, sire of Sisson Girl (2.28). Milton Medium, by Happy Medium. Dam, by Sackett’s Hambletonian, son of Rysdyk’s H-umbletonian. PRODUCE. April 18, 1884, b. c. (gelded), by General Benton. April 6, 1885, b. f. (sold), by General Benton. March 30, 1886, b. f., by General Benton. April 10, 1887, b. f., by Whips. (Stinted to Whips. ) 12 178 No. 199 MILLS, b. m., 16.1 hands; bred by Edgar Mills, San Francisco. By Whipple’s Hambletonian. First dam, San Jose Damsel, by Easton’s Black Hawk. Second dam, by Red Bill, son of Medoc. + Whipple’s Hambletonian, by Guy Miller. First dam, Martha Washington, by Burr’s Wash- ington. Second dam, by Abdallah. PRODUCE. Feb’y 12, 1884, b. c., Milo (geided), by General Benton. 1885-86, barren. 1887, not bred. (Stinted to Eros.) 179 No. 200 MINNIE, br. m., 14.3 hands; star; near hind ankle white; foaled July, 1871; bred by Charles Stanford, Schenectady, N. Y. By Sparkle (son of Rysdyk’s Hambletonian). First dam, Laura Keene, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Second dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse. Third dam, Lady Marvin, by Young Traveler. Fourth dam, by Seagull, son of Duroc, Exton Eclipse, by American Eclipse. Dam, by Exton. Young Traveler, by Blind White Messenger, son of imp. Messenger. Dam, Abiezet Pierce mare, by imp. Messenger. PRODUCE. May 4, 1879, b. f., Maria, by Don Victor. May 8, 1880, b. f., Minx, by Don Victor. May 9, 1881, b. c., gelded (sold), by Wild Idle. 1882-83, barren. May 7, 1884, b. c., gelded (sold), by Dexter Prince. April 17, 1885, b. f. (sold), by General Benton. 1886, barren. March 20, 1887, b. f., by Alfred. (Stinted to Alban. ) s 180 No. 201 MINNIE NORRIS, b. m., 15 hands; strip and snip; near hind leg and off hind foot white; foaled 1878; bred by Willis Hull, Cal. By Leinster. First dam, Lady Tyler, by Belmont. Second dam, Jenny. Branch, by Tom Branch. Third dam, Isabella, by Weaver’s Rob Roy. Fourth dam, by Melle Melle. Leinster, by imp. Australian. Dam, Luileme, by Lexington, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. Jan’y 29, 1884, ch. c¢., Whipple’s Last (gelded), by Whipple’s Hambletonian. Feb’y 18, 1885, b. f., by Bentonian. March 18, 1886, b. c. (gelded), by Will Crocker. March 17, 1887, b. c., by Clay. (Stinted to Alfred. ) 181 No. 202 MINX, b. m., 15 hands; off hind heel and fetlock white; foaled May 8, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Don Victor. First dam, Minnie, by Sparkle. Second dam, Laura Keene, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Third dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse. Fourth dam, Lady Marvin, by Young Traveler. Fifth dam, by Seagull, son of Duroc. Don Victor, by Belmont. First dam, Maria Downing, by American Eclipse, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. May 24, 1884, b. c. (gelded), by Bentonian. May 12, 1885, b. f., by Electioneer. April 20, 1886, b. c., by Electioneer. -. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) No. 203—Standard MISCHIEF, b. m., 16 hands; hind feet white to ankles; foaled May 2, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. Dam, Melinche (dam of Fred Crocker, 2-year-old record, 2.254), by St. Clair. PRODUCE. April 27, 1887, b. c., by Piedmont. (Stinted to Benton Frolic.) No. 204 MISS BEECHER, ch. m., 15. 1 hands; foaled April 9, 188: bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. Piedmont. . . @: First dam, Lady Beecher, by Reserve (sir Oscar, 2.30). a Second dam, by Friday, son of imp. Trustee. _ Reserve, by Rysdyk’ s Hambletonian. Dam, by Balsorah, son of Busorah (imp. Arabia (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 183 No. 205 MISS CAMPBELL, ch. m., 15 hands; star and snip; off hind foot white; foaled 1870; bred by J. Harper, Ky. By Endorser. First dam, Cynthia Sue, by Joe Stoner. Second dam, Sue Washington, by Revenue. Third dam, Sarah Washington, by Garrison's Zinganee. Fourth dam, Stella, by Contention. Fifth dam, by imp. Speculator. Sixth dam, Pompadour, by imp. Valiant, etc. Endorser, by Wagner. : First dam, Fannie G. (dam of Liz Mardis), by imp. Margrave, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 17, 1879, b. f. (sold), by Longfellow. April 7, 1880, b. c., gelded (sold), by Electioneer. April 20, 1881, b. c., gelded (sold), by Electioneer. 1882, barren. March 2, 1883, ch. f., Belle Campbell, by General Benton. 1884, not bred. March 22, 1885, b. f., by Fallis. March 22, 1886, ch. f., by Will Crocker. April, 7, 1887, b. f., by Clay. (Stinted to Clay.) * 184 No. 206 MISS GIFT, br. m., 16 hands; small star; near hind heel and inside of foot white; foaled 1880; bred by Col. W. W. Gift, Cal. By Wild Idle. First dam, Kate Gift, by Lodi. Second dam, Ruby, by Winnebago. Third dam, Ellen Jordan, by Blacknose. Fourth dam, Emily Jordan, by imp. Jordan. Fifth dam, Ellen Tree, by Henry. Sixth dam, Betsy Ransome, by Virginian, ete. Wild Idle, by imp. Australian. Dam, Idle Wild, by Lexington, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. Feb’y 27, 1886, b. c., Good Gift, by Electioneer. Feb’y 3, 1887, b. c., by Piedmont. (Stinted to Hlectioneer. ) 185 No. 207—Standard MISS KNOX, br. m., 15.2 hands; few white hairs in fore- head; near hind foot and ankle white; foaled April 22, 1880; bred by Charles Stanford, Schenectady, N. Y.. By Knox. First dam, Lady Morgan, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Second dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse. Third dam, Lady Marvin, by Young Traveler. Fourth dam, by Seagull, son of Duroc. Knox, by General Knox, son of Vermont Hero. Dam, Clementine, by Logan, son of imp. Trustee. Exton Eclipse, by American Eclipse. Dam, by Exton. Young Traveler, by Blind White Messenger, son of imp. Messenger. Dam, Abiezet Pierce mare, by imp. Messenger. PRODUCE. April 22, 1884, b. f., Golden Slippers (sold), by Electioneer. 1885-86, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Nephew. ) 186 No. 208 MISS LANCASTER, ch. m., 14.8 hands; hind feet white; foaled May 4, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Don Victor. First dam, Lady Lancaster, by Jim Brown. Don Victor, by Belmont. First dam, Maria Downing, by American Eclipse. Jim Brown, by Winnebago, son of imp. Glencoe. PRODUCE. Feb’y 20, 1885, b. f. (sold), by Electioneer. Feb’y 6, 1886, ch. c. (gelded), by Benefit. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Alfred.) 187 No. 209 MISS PEYTON, b. m., 15 hands; star; near hind foot white; foaled 1876; bred by Col. Bailie Pey- ton, Tenn. By imp. Glengary. First dam, Romping Girl, by Jack Malone. Second dam, Fanny McAllister, by O'Meara. Third dam, by imp. Leviathan. Fourth dam, imp. Anna Maria, by Truffle. Fifth dam, imp. Phantomia, by Phantom. Sixth dam, by Walton, etc. Imp. Glengary, by Thormanby. Dam, Carbine, by Rifleman, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 29, 1881, b.c., Peyton, gelded (sold), by Elec- tioneer. March 8, 1882, b.c., Harry Peyton (sold), by Shannon. March 10, 1883, b. c., by Electioneer. Feb’y 28, 1884, b. c., Pepin, gelded (dead), by Elec- tioneer. Feb’y 1, 1885, ch. c., Merlin (sold), by Shannon. Feb’y 17, 1886, b. ¢., ‘by Alfred. Feb’y 25, 1887, ch. f. , by Piedmont. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) No. 210 MISS SEDGWICK, ch. m., 16 hands; star; near hind foot and ankle white; off hind foot white; foaled 1868; bred by Mr. Snow, Stockton, Cal. By Owen Dale. First dam, an Eastern mare supposed to be thor- oughbred. PRODUCE. April 29, 1886, b. f., by Ione. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Alfred.) 188 No. 211—Standard MISS WALKER, b. m., 16 hands; foaled February 9, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Nellie Walker, by Thorndale, or a son of Edwin Forrest. Second dam, Rosalind, 2.217, by Alexander’s Abdallah. Third dam, Burch mare, by Brown Pilot, son of Copper Bottom. PRODUCE. Feb’y 18, 1887, b. c., by Ansel. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) No. 212 MISS WILLIAMSON, ch. m., 15.1 hands; foaled April 19, 1882; bred by Warren Cottle, San Jose, Cal. By Ware’s Bismark. First dam, by Owen Dale. Second dam, Musidora, by Belmont. Third dam, a Thoroughbred Mare, by a son of Bertrand, ete. Bismark (Ware’s), by Jack Tremble. First dam, by Yorkshire Boy. Second dam, a Thoroughbred Mare. Jack Tremble, by Belmont. First dam, by Limber John, son of Kosciusco, by Sir Archy, etc., etc. (Stinted to Norval. ) 189 No. 213 MOHAWK McCA, b. m., 16.1 hands; strip; four white legs; foaled June 5, 1879; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, McCa, by Almont. Second dam, Dolly, by Mambrino Chief. Third dam, by a son of Potomac. Fourth dam, by Saxe Weimer. PRODUCE. March 23, 1884, b.f., by Fallis. 1885-86, barren. 1887, not bred. (Stinted to Norval.) 190 No. 214—Standard MOLLIE COBB, b. m., 15.3 hands; foaled May 7, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, American Girl, by Toronto Sontag. Second dam, Laura Keene, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Third dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse. Fourth dam, Lady Marvin, by Young Traveler. Fifth dam, by Seagull, son of Duroc. Toronto Sontag, by Toronto Chief. Dam, the famous mare Sontag, by Harris’s Ham- bletonian. Toronto Chief (2.243), sire of Thomas Jefferson (2.23) by Royal George. First dam, La Rue mare, by Blackwood. Second dam, by Prospect (thoroughbred). PRODUCE. June 13, 1884, br. f. (dead), by Electioneer. 1885, barren. April 27, 1886, br. c., by Electioneer. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips. ) 191 No. 215 MOLLIE SHELTON, b. m., 15.1 hands; near hind heel white; foaled 1872; bred by George Treat, Cal. By Rifleman. First dam, Eva Bascom, by Lodi. Second dam, Ariadne, by Belmont. Third dam, Susie Hawkins, by Jack Hawkins. Fourth dam, Lola Montez, by Grey Engle. Fifth dam, Corinna, by Trumpator. Sixth dam, Directress, by Director, etc. Rifleman, by imp. Glencoe. First dam, the Rudolph mare, by Rodolph. Second dam, Butterfly, by Sumpter, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. 1879, b. c. (dead), by Wild Idle. Feb’y 24, 1880, b. c., Tom Benton, gelded (sold), by General Benton. March 8, 1881, b. f. (dead), by General Benton. Feb’y 25, 1882, br. f., Miss Shelton (dead), by Elec- tioneer. 1883, barren. 1884, not bred. Feb’y 14, 1885, b. f., by Fallis. March 22, 1886, b. c., by Will Crocker. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Clay.) 192 . 216 MONORA, -b. m., 15.3 hands; large star and snip nearly | Bamaeeted white spot on front of each fore foot; hind feet and ankles white; foaled March 21, 1884; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Fallis. First dam, Mozelle, by Monday. Second dam, Camilla Urso, by Lodi. Third dam, Annette, by Lexington. Fourth dam, by Grey Eagle. Fifth dam, Mary Morris, by Medoc, etc. Fallis, by Electioneer. First dam, Felicia, by Messenger Duroc. Second dam, Lady Fallis (dam of Socrates Kisber 2.30, and g. d. of Clingstone, 2.14,) by Seeley’s American Star, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Nephew. ) ? No. 217 MONTE BELLE, b. m., 16 hands; little white on off hind heel; foaled 1878; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mohawk Chief. Dam, Swan, by Belmont. PRODUCE. April 17, 1883, b. ¢., gelded (sold), by Electioneer. April 16, 1884, bit by Fallis. April. 1, 1885, b. f., by Hlectioneer. April 6, 1886, b. c. ’ (gelded), by Eros. March 22, 1887, b. f., by Clay. (Stinted to Clay.) 193 ‘Ne. 218 MORA, br. m., 15 hands; a little white on off hind heel; foaled 1877. By Mohawk Chief. Dam, by St. Clair. PRODUCE. April 22, 1884, b. c. (gelded), by Bentonian. Aprii 4, 1885, br. f., by Beatonian. 1886, barren. April 5, 1887, b. f., by Woolsey. (Stinted to Alfred.) No. 219—Standard MORGIANNA, ch. m., 15.1 hands; few white hairs in fore- head; off fore foot white; hind legs white half- way; foaled April 4, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Lady Morgan, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Second dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse. Third dam, Lady Marvin, by Young Traveler. Fourth dam, by Seagull, son of Duroc. Exton Eclipse, by American Eclipse. Dam, by Exton. Young Traveler, by Blind White MEsoiesr: son of imp. Messenger. Dam, Abiezet Pierce Mare, by imp. Messenger. (Stinted to Piedmont.) 13 eA be oy q 194 No. 220 MORNING GLORY, b. m., 16.1 hands; star; near hind ankle white; off hind foot white; foaled April 26, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Marti, by Whipple’s Hambletonian. Second dam, Ida Martin, by Rifleman. Whipple’s Hambletonian, by Guy Miller, son of Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Dam, Martha Washington, by Burr’s Washington, son of Napoleon. Rifleman, by imp. Glencoe. First dam, Rodolph Mare, by Rodolph, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Nephew.) No. 221—Standard ‘ MYRTHA, b. m., 15.3 hands; few white hairs in forebead; off fore foot and ankle white; hind legs white; foaled April 11, 1878; bred by Col. R. West, Ky. By Contractor. First dam, McCa, by Almont. Second dam, Dolly (dam Thorndale 2.223, and Director, 2.17), by Mambrino Chief. Third dam, by a son of Potomac. Fourth dam, by Saxe Weimer. Contractor, by Ajax, son of Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Kirst dam, Lady Godley, by Green’s Hamble- tonian, ete. PRODUCE. Feb’y 28, 1885, ch. c., gelded (sold), by Norway. March 17, 1886, b. c. (dead), by Wooduut. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips.) 195 No. 222 NADINE, br. m.,16 hands; foaled May 12, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Wild Idle. First dam, Norah (sister to Charley Champlin, 2. 213), by Messenger Duroc. Second dam, Mary Hulse, by Seely’s American Star. Wild Idle, by imp. Australian. First dam, Idlewild, by Lexington, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 10, 1885, b. c., by Electioneer. March 23, 1886, b. f., by Electioneer. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Nephew.) No. 223—Standard NELLIE BENTON, b. m., 16 hands; foaled February 19, 1880; bred ie Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By er Benton. First dam, Norma, by Alexander’s Norman. Second dam, by Sir Wallace. Third dam, Hagletta, by Grey Eagle. Fourth dam, Mary Howe, by Tiger. Fifth dam, Lady Robin, by Robin Grey. Sixth dam, by Quicksilver, son of imp. Medley. Seventh dam; by Meade’s Celer. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) ee ee an 196 No. 224 NELLIE WALKER, b. m., 15.3 hands; hind feet and ankles white; foaled 1869; bred by Geo. W. Burch, Ky. By Thorndale, or a son.of Edwin Forrest. First dam, Rosalind, 2.213, by Alexander’s Ab- dalliah. Second dam, Burch mare, by Brown Pilot, son of Copperbottom. PRODUCE. March 15, 1878, b. c. (gelded), by Dictator. March 17, 1879, b. c., Peruvian Bitters, 2.234, gelded (sold), by Electioneer. March 14, 1880, b. f., Nettie Benton, by General Benton. Feb’y 12,1881, b. f., Nettie Walker, by Mohawk Chief. Feb’y 9, 1882, b. f., Miss Walker, by General Benton. Jan’y 23, 1883, bl. c. (sold), by Shannon. Jan’y 26, 1884, b. c., Natherleigh (sold), by LElec- tioneer. March 22, 1885, b. c., Warlock, by Whips. April 4, 1886, br. f. (dead), by Clay. March 14, 1887, b. f., by Whips. (Stinted to Whips.) ae 77 To No. 225—Standard NETTIE BENTON, b. m., 16 hands; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled March 14, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Nellie Walker, by Thorndale, or a son of Edwin Forrest. Second dam, Rosalind, 2.213, by Alexander’s Ab- dallah. Third dam, Burch mare, by Brown Pilot, son of Copperbottom. PRODUCE. March 2, 1884, br. c., Nemo, by ae 1885, barren. 1886, not bred. March 22, 1887, br. f., by Ansel. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) No. 226 NETTIE WALKER, b. m., 16 hands; inside of near hind coronet white; foaled February 12, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, Nellie Walker, by Thorndale, or a son of Edwin Forrest. Second dam, Rosalind (2.21}), by Alexander’s Ab- dallah. Third dam, Burch mare, by Brown Pilot, son of Copperbottom. PRODUCE. April 5, 1885, b. f., by Eros. April 22, 1886, b. f., by Ione. mpril 7, 1887, b. ¢., by Whips. (Stinted to Whips.) 198 No. 227 NIECE, b. m., 15.1 hands; foaled April 2, 1884; bred by Geo. W. Trahern, Stockton, Cal. By Nephew. First dam, Belle Mahone, by Norfolk. Second dam, Maid of the Oaks, by Jack Hawkins. Third dam, by imp. Glencoe. Nephew, by Hambrino. First dam, Trotting Sister, by Alexander’s Abdallah, etc. (Stinted to Wili Crocker.) No. 228—Standard NORAH, br. m., 15.3 hands; hind feet white; foaled 1875; bred by Charles Backman, Stony Ford, Orange Co., N. Y. (Sister to Charley Champlin, 2.212.) By Messenger Duroc. Dam, Mary Hulse, by Seely’s American Star. Messenger Duroc, by Rysdyk’ s Hambletonian. Dam, Satinet, by Roe’s Abdallah Chief, son of Abdallah, ete. PRODUCE. April 29, 1879, br. c., Madrone, (gelded), by Mohawk Chief. May 27, 1880, b. c. (gelded), by Don Victor. May 12, 1881, br. f., Nadine, by Wild Idle. 1882-3, barren. April 26, 1884, b. c., (sold), by Piedmont. April 20, 1885, bl. c., Candidate (sold), by Electioneer. 1886, barren. April 2, 1887, br. f. (dead), by Ansel. (Stinted to Nephew. ) 199 No. 229 NORMA, gr. m., 15.3 hands; foaled 1863 (dam of Lucy Cuyler, one-half mile to wagon, 1.053, and trial, 2.153); bred by Dr. S. F. Gano, Lexing- ton, Ky. By Alexander’s Norman. Record, 2-333. First dam, by Sir Wallace (Todhnunter’s). Second dam, Eagletta, by Grey Eagle. Third dam, Mary Howe, by Tiger. Fourth dam, Lady Robin, by Robin Grey. Fifth dam, by Quicksilver, son of imp. Medley. Sixth dam, by Meade’s Celer. Alexander’s Norman, by the Morse horse. First dam, by Jersey Highlander. Second dam, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. PRODUCE. 1873, b. f., Alice, by Almont. 1875, b. f., Abbie, by Almont. 1877-78, barren. March 17 1879, ch. c., Norway by General Benton. Feb’y 19 1880, b. f., Nellie Benton, by Gen. Benton. 1881, barren. Jan’y 25, 1882, b. c., Norval, by Electioneer. 1883, barren. Jan’y 18, 1884, br. c., Norcott (dead), by Electioneer. Jan’y 17, 1585, gr. c. (sold), by Electioneer. 1886, barren. Jan’y 28, 1887, ch. c., by Ansel. (Stinted to Electricity. ) 200 No. 230 ODETTE, br. m., 15 hands; foaled February 24, 1880; bred by Peter Coutts, Mayfield, Cal. By Electioneer. Dam, Queen, by Young Consternation, son of imp. Consternation. PRODUCE. April 15, 1884, b. ¢., (sold) by Piedmont. March 26, 1885, b. ¢ (sold), by General Benton. Feb’y 27, 1886, b. f., by General Benton. Feb’y 2, 1887, b. c., by Benton Frolic. (Stinted to Nephew. ) No. 231—Standard ORPHAN GIRL, b. m.,15.3 hands; few white hairs in fore- head; foaled March 24, 1883; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Piedmont. First dam, Lucetta, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, Lucy Almack, by Young Engineer, son of Engineer 2d, sire of Lady Suffolk. Engineer 2d, by Engineer, son of imp. Messenger. First dam, by Plato, son of imp. Messenger. Second dam, by Rainbow, son of imp. Wildair. PRODUCE. April 16, 1887, b. f., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 201 No. 232 PATTI, b. m., 15 hands; large star; foaled March 28, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Don Victor. First dam, Prussian Maid (pacer, 2.19), by Signal. Second dam, Lady Jasper. Don Victor, by Belmont. First dam, Marie Downing, by American Eclipse, etc. (See Bruce's American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. Feb’y 16, 1885, b. f., by Bentonian. March 16, 1886, b. f., by Electioneer. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Nephew.) No. 233 PEARL, b. m., 15.2 hands; snip; four white feet; foaled May 9, 1875; bred by Leland Stanford, Cal. By George Lancaster. Dam, Melinche (dam of Fred Crocker, 2.25}), by St. Clair. George Lancaster, by Royal George. Dam, Lady Lancaster, by Jim Browne. PRODUCE. March 10, 1881, b. f., Chiquita (dead), by Electi 1882-83-84, barren. Feb’y 4, 1885, b. c., ‘Pomona, by Electioneer. Feb’y 13, 1886, LeMe , by Piedmont. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips. ) 202 No. 234 PENELOPE, b. m., 16 hands; star; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled May 2, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, Planetia, by Planet. Second dam, La Henderson, by Lexington. Third dam, Kitty Clark, by imp. Glencoe. Fourth dam, Miss Obstinate, by Sumpter, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. Feb’y 14, 1887, br. c., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer.) No. 235 PINEY, b. m., 15.2 hands; few white hairs in forehead; foaled January 23, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Piney Lewis, by Longfellow. Second dam, Lew Lewis, by Endorser. Third dam, Sue Lewis, by Lexington. Fourth dam, Nebula, by imp. Glencoe, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Piedmont. ) 203 No. 236 PINEY LEWIS, b. m., 15.3 hands; strip; hind feet white; foaled 1874; bred by F. B. Harper, Kentucky. By Longfellow. First dam, Lew Lewis, by Endorser. Second dam, Sue Lewis (sister to Asteroid), by Lexington. Third dam, Nebula, by imp. Glencoe. Fourth dam, Blue Bonnet, by imp. Hedgeford. Fifth dam, Grey Fanny, by Bertrand. Sixth dam, by imp. Buzzard, ete. Longfellow, by imp. Leamington. Dam, Nantura, by Brawner’s Eclipse, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. 1880, b. c. (dead), by Mohawk Chief. 1881, barren. Jan’y 23, 188%, b. f., Piney, by Electioneer. Jan’y 23, 1883, b. c. (dead), by Electioneer. Feb’y 3, 1884, b. f. (sold), by imp. Young Prince. Feb’y 26, 1885, br. c. Pine Tree (sold), by Flood. March; 3, 1886, b. f., by Clay. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Nephew.) 204 No. 237 PLANETIA, ch. m., 15.1 hands; small star; foaled 1871; bred by M. H. Sanford, Ky. By Planet. First dam, La Henderson, by Lexington. Second dam, Kittie Clark, by imp. Glencoe. Third dam, Miss Obstinate, by Sumpter. Fourth dam, Jennie Slamerkin, by Tiger. Fifth dam, Paragon, by imp. Buzzard. Sixth dam, Indiana, by Columbus, ete. Planet, by Revenue. Dam, Nina, by Boston, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. May 21, 1879, ch. f., Fostress, by Foster. May 2, 1880, b. f., Penelope, bv Mohawk Chief. 1881, barren. Feb’y 16, 1882, ch. c., Ned Cook (sold), by Flood Feb’y 8, 1883, b. ¢ , Plato (sold), by Shannon. Feb’y 18, 1884, ch. f., Plantress (sold), by Flood. March 2, 1885, ch. c. (sold), by Monday. 1886, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 205 No. 238 PLAYMATE, b. m., 15.2 hands; strip; near fore leg white; hind feet and ankles white; off fore foot white; foaled April 14, 1882; bred by Peter Coutts, Mayfield, Cal. By Monday. First dam, Plaything, by Alarm. Second dam, The Pet, by Vandal. Third dam, Magnetta. by Mahomet. Fourth dam, Minerva Anderson, by imp. Luz- borough. Fifth dam, by Sir Charles, ete. Monday, by Colton. First dam, Mollie Jackson, by Vandal, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Nephew.) No. 239 PRIMA DONNA, b. m., 15.2 hands; star; off fore foot and ankle white; hind legs white half way; foaled 1877; bred by Leland Stanford, Cal. By Mohawk Chief. Dam, Mater Occidentis (dam of Occident, 2.163). PRODUCE. May 23, 1882, b. f., Soprano, by General Benton. 1883, barren. March 3, 1884, ch. f., Diva, by Piedmont. Feb’y 18, 1885, b. ec. (gelded), by Piedmont. Jan’y 28, 1886, ch. f., by Piedmont. Feb’y 27, 1887, br. f., by Ansel. (Stinted to Benton Frolic.) 206 No. 240 PRUSSIAN MAID, b. m., 15.1 hands; star and snip;_ branded J. J. on left shoulder; bred by J. M. Jasper, Marysville, Cal. By Signal. Record, 2.19 pacing. Dam, Lady Jasper. PRODUCE. June 4, 1875, b. f., Medora, by Fred Low. May 17, 1876, b. c., Napoleon (gelded), by Fred Low. May 2, 1877, b. f. (dead), by Mohawk Chief. May 15, 1878, b. f., Bright Eyes, by General Benton. April 28, 1879, b.c., gelded (sold), by General Benton. April 5, 1880, b. ¢. (gelded), by Don Victor. March 28, 1881, b. f., Patti, by Don Victor. March 7, 1882, b. c. (gelded), by Shannon. March 12, 1883, b. c. (dead), by Electioneer. March 10, 1884, b. c., Bismark, gelded (sold), by Hlec- tioneer. March 12, 1885, b. c., by Electioneer. Feb’y 23, 1886, b. f., by Whips. March 19, 1887, b. c., by Whips. (Stinted to Whips.) 207 No. 241 RACHEL, br. m., 15.2 hands; foaled 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Rivulet, by Rivoli. Second dam, Bosio, by imp. Eclipse. Third dam, Young Gipsy, by imp. Mercer. Fourth dam, Gipsy, by American Eclipse, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 17, 1886, b. f., by Alfred. March 31, 1887, br. c., by Alfred. (Stinted to Piedmont.) No. 242 RAMONA, dk. b. m., 15.1 hands; small star and snip; : foaled May 22, 1883; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Bentonian. First dam, Rivulet, by Rivoli. Second dam, Bosio, by imp. Eclipse. Third dam, Young Gipsy, by imp. Mercer. Fourth dam, Gipsy, by American Eclipse. Fifth dam, Young Maid of the Oaks, by imp. Expedition. Sixth dam, Maid of the Oaks, by imp. Spread Eagle. Seventh dam, Annette, by imp. Shark, ete. Bentonian, by General Benton. First dam, Lucetta, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, etc. Rivoli, by Revenue. Dam, Topaz, by imp. Glencoe, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Piedmont. ) 208 No. 243—Standard REBECCA, b. m., 16 hands; snip; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled April 21, 1878; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. Dam of br. c., Rexford, 3- year-old record 2.24. First dam, Clarabel, by Abdallah Star, son of American Star, Jr. Second dam, Fairy, by Rvsdyk’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Emma Mills, by Seely’s American Star. Fourth dam, by Rediker’s Alexander W., son of Alexander W., by Cole’s Messenger PRODUCE. April 27, 1883, br. c., Rexford (2.24), by Electioneer. May 10, 1884, b. c. (sold), by Hlectioneer. May 12, 1885, b. f., Rama (dead), by Electioneer. April 23, 1886, b. f., Ariana, by Ansel. April 10, 1887, b. c., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 209 No. 244 REGINA, bl. m., 15 hands; large star; small snip; near fore foot and ankle white; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled February 19, 1884; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Shannon. First dam, Reglin, by imp. Glengarry. Second dam, Rigmarole, by imp. Australian. Third dam, Rescue, by Berthune. Fourth dam, Alice Carneal (Lexington’s dam) by imp. Sarpedon. Fifth dam, Rowena, by Sumpter. Sixth dam, Lady Robin, by Robin Gray. Seventh dam, Maria, by Melzar. Highth dam, by i imp. Highflyer, etc., ete. Imp. Glengarry, by Thormanby. First dam, Carbine, by Rifleman, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Will Crocker. ) 210 No. 245—Standard RESTLESS, b. m., 15.1 hands; star; hind feet and ankles white; foaled June 30, 1879; bred by Charles Backman, Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Kentucky Prince. First dam, Lady Rysdyk, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Second dam, Lady Van Buren, by Wildair. Third dam, Thrall mare, by Young Mambrino, son of Mambrino Messenger, by imp. Messenger. Wildair, by Young Putnam, son of Putnam, by Wood- bury Morgan, son of Justice Morgan. First dam, Paine mare, by Hale’s Green Mountain Morgan. Second dam, by Rockingham. PRODUCE. Feb’y 23, 1883, b. f. (sold), by Electioneer. May 30, 1884, b. c. (gelded), by General Benton. May 10, 1885, b. f., Electioneer Queen (sold), by Electioneer. 1886, barren. 1887, not bred. (Stinted to Alban. 211 No. 246 RIVUILET, bl. m., 15.1 hands: foaled 1873; bred by J. W. Pennock, Kentucky. By Rivoli. First dam, Bosio, by imp. Eclipse. Second dam, Young Gipsy, by imp. Mercer. Third dam, Gipsy, by American Eclipse. Fourth dam, Young Maid of the Oaks, by imp. Expedition. Fifth dam, Maid of the Oaks, by imp. Spread Eagle. Sixth dam, Annette, by imp. Shark, etc. Rivoli, by Revenue. Dam Topaz, by imp. Glencoe, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 3, 1879, bl. f., Cornucopia, by Vigil. April 2, 1880, br. f., Rachel, by Electioneer. May 13, 1881, b. c., gelded (sold), by Electioneer. May 4, 1882, b. f. (sold), by Flood. May 22, 1883, b. f., Ramona, by Bentonian. May 12, 1884, bl. c., Modesto (sold), by Monday. 1885, not bred. Feb’y 8, 1886, b. f., (dead), by Shannon. March 21, 1887, br. c. (dead), by Clay. (Stinted to Clay.) 212 No. 247 ROBIN GIRL, b. m., 15.1 hands; star; inside of near hind foot white; foaled 1873; bred by F. B. Harper, Kentucky. By Enquirer. First dam, Cynthia Sue, by Joe Stoner. Second dam, Sue Washington, by Revenue. Third dam, Sarak Washington, by Garrison’s Zinganee. Fourth dam, Stella, by Contention. Fifth dam, by imp. Speculator. Sixth dam, Pompadour, by imp. Valiant, ete. Enquirer, by imp. Leamington. Dam, Lida, by Lexington, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 6, 1879, ch. f., Evangeline, by Longfellow. 1880, barren. Feb’y 15, 1881, b. f. (sold), by Wild Idle. Feb’y 2, 1882, b. c., Robin Hood (sold), by Shannon. Jan’y 12, 1883, ch. f., Robin Lass (sold), by Flood. Dec’r 24, 1883, ch. c. (sold), by Monday. 1885, barren. Jan’y 24, 1886, b. c. (sold), by Flood. May (1,> 1887, 7b.. 2. by Clay. (Stinted to Clay. ) 213 No. 248 ROSEMONT, b. m., 15.3 hands; star; foaled April 28, 1883; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Piedmont. First dam, Beautiful Bells (record 2.293, and dam of Hinda Rose, record 2.364, at one year old; 2.31 at two years old; 2.194 at three years old), by The Moor. Second dam, Minnehaha, by Bald Chief. (Stinted to Electioneer.) No. 249 SALLIE BENTON, gr. m., 15.3 hands; white on off side of near hind heel; foaled March 27, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. 4-year-old record, 2.17%. First dam, Sontag Mohawk, by Mohawk Chief. Second dam, Sontag Nellie, by Toronto Sontag. Third dam, Nellie Gray. Mohawk Chief, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Lady Perrine, by Toronto, etc. Toronto Sontag, by Toronto Chief. First dam, Sontag, by Harris’s Hambletonian. (Stinted to Electioneer.) 214 No. 250 SALLIE G., ch. m., 15 hands; star and snip; foaled Feb- ruary 9, 1884; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Flood. First dam, Sallie Gardner, by Vandal. Second dam, Charlotte Thompson, by imp. Mickey Free. Third dam, Ada Tevis, by imp. Albian. Fourth dam, by imp. Leviathan. Fifth dam, by Jerry. Sixth dam, by Sir Archy. Seventh dam, by imp. Dare Devil. HKighth dam, imp. Bolingbroke, by imp. Pantaloon. Vandal, by imp. Glencoe. First dam, Alaric’s dam, by imp. Tranby, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Will Crocker. ) 215 No, 251—Standard SALLIE HAMLET, b. m., 16 hands; few white hairs in forehead; fore heels white; off hind foot white; foaled 1873; bred by Wm. Kinnie, Fayette County, Ky. By Hamlet. First dam, Sallie (dam of Coaster, 2.264), by . Canada Chief. Second dam, by imp. Yorkshire. Third dam, by Woodpecker. Hamlet, by Volunteer. First dam, the Dr. Ostram mare, by Hulse’s Hick- ory, son of Hickory. Second dam, by Bay Roman, son of imp. Roman. Canada Chief, by Davy Crockett. Dam, by Blackburn’s Whip. PRODUCE. March 6, 1882, b. c., Harcourt (gelded), by Elec- tioneer . 1883, barren. March 29, 1884, b. f. (dead), by Piedmont. April 22, 1885, b. c., Hans, by Whips. 1886, barren. March 21, 1887, b. c., by Ansel. (Stinted to Eros.) 216 No. SALLIE SONTAG, ch. m., 15.1 hands; white face; foaled July 4, 1868; bred by Walter M. Queen, Schenectady, N. Y. By Toronto Sontag. First dam, Kate, by Tornado. Second dam, Kate, by imp. Trustee. Third dam, Cassandra, by imp. Priam. Toronto Sontag, by Toronto Chief. Dam, the famous Sontag, by Harris’s Hambletonian. Tornado, son of American Eclipse. PRODUCE. April 25, 1883, ch. c. (gelded), by General Benton. 1884, barren. April 29, 1885, b. c. (gelded), by Benton Frolic. 1886, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Alfred. ) 217 No. 253 SARAH, ch. m., 15.1 hands; strip; near fore foot and ankle white; hind legs white; foaled March 26, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Shannon. First dam, Blooming, by Messenger Duroc. Second dam, Lady Cardinal, by Harry Clay. Third dam, by Cardinal. Fourth dam, Harry Clay’s dam, by imp. Bell- founder. Shannon, by Monday. First dam, Hennie Farrow, by imp. Shamrock, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 26, 1886, b. f., by Electioneer. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 218 No. 254 SATANELLA, ch. m., 15.2 hands; star; foaled May 6, 1880; bred by D. Swigert, Kentucky. By Leveller. First dam, Frou Frou, by Asteroid. Second dam, Ducatoon, by Wagner. Third dam, Picayune, by Medoc, etc. Leveller, by Lever, son of Lexington. First dam, Slyboots, by Rivoli, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 13, 1885, ch. f., by Shannon. March 23, 1886, ch. c. (gelded), by Will Crocker. May 22, 1887, b. c., by Clay. (Stinted to Clay.) NoJ/255 SIGNA, b. m., 15.3 hands; star and strip; fore ankles white; hind legs white, foaled April 20, 1883; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Bentonian. First dam, Nana 8., by Hubbard. Second dam, by Nana Sanib. Hubbard, by Planet. First dam, Minnie Mansfield, byimp. Glencoe, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Alfred. ) reg ee 219 No. 256 SISTER, b. m., 15.3 hands; hind feet white; foaled April 6, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Sister to Irene, by Mohawk Chief. Second dam, Laura Keene, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian, ete. PRODUCE. April 23, 1885, b. ¢. (sold), by Clay. March 4, 1886, b. c., gelded (dead), by Eros. March 10, 1887, dead foal, by Whips. (Stinted to Whips.) 220 No. 257 SISTER TO IRENE, br. m., 15.2 hands; star; hind feet and ankles white; foaled May, 1873; bred by Charles Stanford, Schenectady, N. Y. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, Laura Keene, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Second dam, Fanny, by Extun Eclipse. Third dam, Lady Marvin, by Young Traveler. Fourth dam, by Seagull, son of Duroc. Exton Eclipse, by American Kclipse. Dam, by Exton. Young Traveler, by Blind White Messenger, son of imp. Messenger. Dam, Abiezet Pierce Mare, by imp. Messenger. PRODUCE. April 6, 1880, b. f., Sister, by General Benton. March 29,1881, b. c., Imray (dead), by General Benton. March 19, 1882, b. c. (gelded), by General Benton. March 11, 1883, b. f., Hermana, by General Benton. March 21, 1884, b. f., Sirena, by Fallis. March 20, 1885, b. f., by Piedmont. March 12, 1886, b. f., by Ione. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips.) 221 No. 258 SONTAG DIXIE, ch. m., 15.1 hands; strip; foaled 1872; bred by Charles Stanford, Schenectady, N. Y. By Toronto Sontag. First dam, Dixie, by Billy Townes. Second dam, by Sir Charles. Billy Townes, by old Billy Townes. First dam, Adriana, by Andrew. Toronto Sontag, by Toronto Chief. First dam, celebrated mare Sontag, by Harris’ Ham bletonian. Toronto Chief, by Royal George. First dam, by Blackwood, son of Coeur de Lion. Royal George, by Warrior, son of Tippoo. Dam, by Harris’ Hambletonian. Tippoo, by Ogden’s Messenger. Ogden’s Messenger, by imp. Messenger. Harris’ Hambletonian, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Dam, Munson Mare, by imp. Messenger. PRODUCE. May 2, 1880, ch. c., gelded (sold), by Sir Walkill. June 7, 1881, b. c., Commotion, (2.303) gelded (sold), by Electioneer. 1882, barren. March 29, 1883, ch. f., by Bentonian. April 15, 1884, b. f., by Bentonian. 1885, barren. Feb’y 28, 1886, b. c., Boydell, by Electioneer. Feb’y 16, 1887, b. c., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 222 No. 259—Standard SONTAG MOHAWK, gr. m., 16 hands; (dam of Sallie Benton, four-year-old record, 2.173); hind feet white; foaled 1875; bred by Charles Stan- ford, Schenectady, N. Y. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, Sontag Nellie, by Toronto Sontag. Second dam, Nellie Gray. Toronto Sontag, by Toronto Chief. First dam, Sontag, by Harris’ Hambletonian. Second dam, a mare of Arabian descent. PRODUCE. April 10, 1879, br. c., Eros (sold), by Electioneer. March 27, 1880, gr. f., Sallie Benton (2.173), by Gen- eral Benton. April 29, 1881, b. c., Edos, gelded (dead), by General Benton. 1882, barren. March 3, 1883, br. f. (dead), by General Benton. March19, 1884, gr. c., Sport, by Piedmont. March19, 1885, gr. f., Somnambula, by Electioneer. March 6, 1886, gr. f., Colma, by Electioneer. March 25, 1887, gr. c., by Hlectioneer. (Stinted to Norval.) No. 260—Standard SOPRANO, b. m., 15.2 hands; small star; fore feet white; foaled May 22, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford; Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Prima Donna, by Mohawk Chief. Second dam, Mater Occidentis, dam of Occident, 2.163. PRODUCE. July 5, 1886, b. c. (gelded), by Regalia. 1887, not bred. (Stinted to Whips.) - ie 223 No. 261—Standard SPRITE, ch. m., 16 hands; (dam of Sphinx, 2-year-old record 2.293; 3-year-old record 2.244) few white hairs on inside of near hind leg; foaled 1872; bred by A. J. Alexander, Ky. By Alexander’s Belmont. First dam, Waterwitch (dam of Mambrino Gift, 2.20, and Scotland, 2.223), by Pilot, Jr. Second dam, Fanny Fern, by Kinkead’s St. Law- rence. Third dam, Brenda (thoroughbred). Belmont (Alexander’s), by Alexander’s Abdallah. First dam, Belle, by Mambrino Chief. Second dam, by Bellfounder. Third dam, by Whip. PRODUCE. May 19, 1882, b. c., Spry, gelded, 2.2837, by General Benton. May 16, 1883, b. c., Sphinx, 2.243, sold, by Elec- tioneer. May 21, 1884, b. f. (dead), by Electioneer. April 29, 1885, b. c., Egotist (sold), by Electioneer. April 7, 1886, b. f., by Electioneer. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 224 No. 262 STEPHANOTIS, ch. m., 15.2 hands; star, strip and snip; foaled February 28, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Shannon. First dam, Lizzie Whips, by Enquirer. Second dam, The Grand Dutch $, by Vandal. Third dam, by imp. Margrave. Fourth dam, Mistletoe, by Cherokee. Fifth dam, Blackeyed Susan, by Tiger. Sixth dam, by Alfred, ete. Shannon, by Monday. First dam, Hennie Farrow, by imp. Shamrock, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 8, 1887, b. £., by Clay. (Stinted to Clay.) No, 263 SULTANA, b. m., 16 hands; star and snip; hind feet white; foaled 1880; bred by L. J. Rose, Sunny Slope, Cal. By Sultan. First dam, Gulnare, by The Moor. Second dam, Lulu Jackson, by Jack Malone. Third dam, Leda, by Epsilon.. Fourth dam, imp. Nanny Killum, by Voltaire. Fifth dam, Dolus’ dam, by Comus. Sultan, by The Moor. Dam, Sultana, by Delmonico, son of Guy Miller. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. Feb’y 25, 1886, b. f., by Benton Frolic. March 20, 1887, h. c., by Clay. (Stinted to Alfred.) 225 No. 264—Standard SUSIE, ch. m., 16 hands; (dam of Suisun, two-year-old record, 2.313, public trial 2.284); star and snip; off hind foot white; foaled 1872; bred by Wm. Hamilton, San Jose, Cal. By George M. Patchen, Jr. Record, 2.26% First dam, Santa Clara, by Owen Dale. Second dam, by Red Buck, son of Bertrand. Goo. M. Patchen, Jr., by Geo. M. Patchen. First dam, by Bellfounder. Second dam, by Messenger Hclipse. PRODUCE. May 10, 1883, b. f., Susette, by Electioneer. May 19, 1884, b. f., Suisun 2.314 (sold), by Elec- tioneer. May 22, 1885, b. f., Petti-Sing (sold), by Electioneer. 1886, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) 226 No. 265 TELIE, b. m., 16 hands; snip; foaled February 18, 1882; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. First dam, Texana, by Foreigner. Second dam, Mary Woods, by imp. Yorkshire. Third dam, Margaret Wood, by imp. Priam. Fourth dam, Maria West, by Marion. Fifth dam, Ella Crump, by imp. Citizen. Sixth dam, by Huntsman, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 11, 1886, b. c. (gelded), by Regalia. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electioneer.) i a 227 No. 266 TEXANA, ch. m., 16 hands; strip; near fore heel and off fore foot white; foaled 1864; bred by W. J. Lyle, Ky. By Foreigner, son of imp. Glencoe. First dam, Mary Woods, by imp. Yorkshire. Second dam, Margaret Wood, by imp. Priam. Third dam, Maria West, by Marion. Fourth dam, Ella Crump, by imp. Citizen. Fifth dam, by Huntsman. Sixth dam, by Symmes’ Wildair, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. 1880, ch. f. (sold), by Hubbard. Feb’y 25, 1881, ch. c., gelded (sold), by Hubbard. Feb’y 18, 1882, b. f., Telie, by General Benton. 1883, barren. 1884-85, not bred. March 8, 1886, b. c. (dead), by Electioneer. Feb’y 8, 1887, b. c., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer, ) No, 267 THALIA, b. m., 15 lands; few white hairs in forehead; foaled March 18, 1882; bred by Leland Stan- ford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. First dam, Tippera, by Tipperary. Second dam, Vic, by Austerlitz. Third dam, Mary K., by Oliver. Fourth dam, Rosemary, by imp. Sovereign. Fifth dam, Beta, by imp. Leviathan. Sixth dam, Juliet, by Kosciusko, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Piedmont.) 228 No. 268—Standard THEORA, b. m., 15.2 hands; foaled 1880; bred by Ariel ey. Albany, N. Y. By Gonmedes Cham- pion. First dam, Lady Beecher, by Reserve. Second dam, by Friday, son of imp. Trustee. Champion (Gooding’s), by King’s Champion, Jr., son of Grinuell’s Champion. First dam, Cynthia, by Bartlett’s Turk, son of Weddle’s imp. Turk. Second dam, Fanny, by Schobey’s Black Prince. Third dam, Bet, by Rockplanter, son of Duroc. PRODUCE. Feb’y 22, 1886, b. f., by Eros. Feb’y 26, 1887, b. c., by Whips. (Stinted to Clay.) No. 269 THERESSA, b. m., 15.1 hands; near hind heel white; foaled March 21, 1884; bred by Leland Stan- ford, Palo Alto. By Don Victor. First dam, Tippera, by Tipperary. Second dam, Vic, by Austerlitz. Third dam, Mary K., by Oliver. Fourth dam, Rosemary, by imp. Sovereign. Fifth dam, Beta, by imp. Leviathan. Sixth dam, Juliet, by Kosciusko. Seventh dam, Blank, by Sir Archy, etc. Don Victor, by Belmont. First dam, Maria Downing, by American Kclipse. Second dam, Brownlock, by Tiger, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Stinted to Nephew.) 229 No. 270 TIBBIE, gr. m., — hands; foaled March 5, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mahomet. Dam, Tibbi, by General Taylor. PRODUCE. April 5, 1886, gr. c. (gelded), by Lone. (Not Stinted.) No. 271 TIPPERA, b. m., 15 hands; star; foaled 1874; bred by2W. . Tyrie: Korine, By Teeceiry. First dam, Vic, by Austerlitz. Second dam, Mary K., by Oliver. Third dam, Rosemary, by i imp. Sovereign. Fourth dam, Beta, by imp. Leviathan. Fifth dam, Juliet, by Kosciusko. Sixth dam, Blank, by Sir Archy, ete. Tipperary, by Ringgold, son of Boston. First dam, Roxana, by imp. Chesterfield. Second dam, Levia, by imp. Tranby, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 18, 1882, b. f., Thalia, by Electioneer. 1883, barren. March 21, 1884, b. f., Theressa, by Don Victor. April 4, 1885, b. f., ’ Smoke (sold), he Shannon. 1886, barren. March 6, 1887, b. c., by Clay. (Stinted to Alfred.) 230 No. 272 TRUSTEE, b. m., 15 2 hands; star; near hind foot white; foaled March 8, 1875; bred by Charles Back- man, Stony Ford, Orange Co., N.Y. By Messenger Duroc. First dam, Trustee’s Webb, by Seeley’s American Star. Second dam, by imp. Trustee. Messenger Duroc, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Satinet, by Roe’s Abdallah Chief. Second dam, Cat Bird, by Whistle Jacket, etc. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) : No. 273--Standard UINTA, b. m., 15.1 hands; foaled February 9, 1883: bred o Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Geneal Benton. First dam, Barnes’ Idol, by Idol, son of Mambrino Chief. Second dam, Ella Norton, by The Colonel. Third dam, Verbena, by imp. Leviathan. Fourth dam, Hippona, by Pacific. Fifth dam, Miss Gallatin, by Gallatin. Sixth dam, Roxana, by Collector. PRODUCE. April 1, 1886, b. f., by Regalia. 1887, not bred. (Stinted to Clay.) 231 No. 274—Standard URANIA, br. m., 15.2 hands; near hind foot white; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled 1879; bred by Charles Backman, Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Kentucky Prince. First dam, Lady Belmont, by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Second dam, Kaie (dam of Bruno, Brunette and Breeze), by Bellaire. Kentucky Prince, by Clark Chief, son of Mambrino Chief. First dam, Kentucky Queen, by Morgan Eagle, son of Green Mountain Morgan. Second dam, by Blythe’s Whip, son of Blackburne’s Whip. Third dam, by Martin’s Brimmer. Fourth dam, by Quicksilver, son of imp. Medley. PRODUCE. March 23, 1884, b. c. (gelded), by General Benton. March 14, 1885, b. f. (sold), by General Benton. March 21, 188b, b. f., by General Benton. March 9, 1887, b. f., by Whips. (Stinted to Whips.) No. 275 VICTORIA, b. m., 15.3 hands; near hind foot and ankle white; foaled May 12, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Don Victor. First dam, Medora, by Fred Low, son of St. Clair. Second dam, Prussian Maid, by Signal. Third dam, Lady Jasper. PRODUCE. March 12, 1885, b. c., Vincenzo, by Electioneer. 1886, barren. Jan’y 30, 1887, b.c., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Nephew. ) 232 No. 276—Standard VICTRESS, b. m., 15.2 hands; part of near hind ankle white; foaled April 7, 1876; bred by Daniel Lathrop, Albany, N. Y. By Baird’s Hamble- tonian Prince. First dam, Lady Larkins, (dam of Happy Traveler, 2.273), by Little Jack, son of Long Island Black Hawk. Second dam, by Long Island Black Hawk. Third dam, by Messenger Duroc. Fourth dam, by Duroc. Hambletonian Prince (Baird's) by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian. Dam, Nellie Cammeyer, by Cassius M. Clay. PRODUCE. March 16, 1883, b. f. (sold), by Electioneer. 1884, premature. Jan’y 20, 1885, b. c. (sold), by General Benton. March 12, 1886, ch. f., by General Benton. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Alban. ) 233 No, 277—Standard VIOLET, b. m., 15 hands; near hind foot white; foaled 1878; bred by J. B. Haggin, Cal. By; Elec- tioneer. Dam, Victress (dam of Monarch, 2.28), by Bel- mont, son of American Boy and imp. Prunella, by Comus. PRODUCE. April 19, 1884, b. f., Viola, by General Benton. 1885, barren. March 2, 1886, b. f., by Benefit. Feb’y 5, 1887, b. f., by Alban. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) No. 278 WAVE, b. m., 16 hands; grey hairs on- inside of off hind foot; foaled March 18, 1880; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. Dam, Waxy (dam of Alpha), by Lexington. PRODUCE. May 8, 1885, b. f., Wavelet, by Piedmont. April 25, 1886, b. c., Billow (gelded), Benton. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Piedmont. ) by General 234 No. 279 WAXANA, ch. m., 15.3 hands; few white hairs between left eye and nostril; foaled May 27, 1878; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By General Benton. Dam Waxy (dam of Alpha), by Lexington. PRODUCE. March17, 1882, b. c., Woolsey, by Electioneer. 1883, barren. May 5, 1884, b. c., by Electioneer. April 24, 1885, b. c. (sold), by Electioneer. April 14, 1886, b. f., Sunol, by Electioneer. April 9, 1887, b. c., by Electioneer. (Stinted to Electioneer. ) No. 280—Standard WILDFLOWER, b. m., 15.2 hands; foaled March 5, 1879; bred. by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Electioneer. Two-year-old Record, 2.21. First dam, Mayflower, 2.303, (dam of Manzanita, 2.16), by St. Clair. PRODUCE. March 13, 1885, b. c., Wild Boy, by General Benton. Feb’y 20, 1886, b. c., by Woodnut. April 11, 1887, b. f., by Piedmont. (Stinted to Piedmont.) No. 281 - WILDRED, br. m., 15.1 hands; star; near fore foot white; near hind foot and ankle white; foaled April 7, 1878; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, Wilhelmina, by Messenger Duroc. Second dam, Nellie Wilmarth, by Raven,. son of Hill’s Vermont Black Hawk. Third dam, Jenny Lind, by Young Andrew Jack- son, son of Andrew Jackson, by Young Bashaw. Fourth dam, Polly Sherman, by Bush Messenger, son of imp. Messenger. PRODUCE. May 17, 1882, b. f., by General Benton. June 4, 1883, b. f.; by General Benton. 1884, not bred. March 16, 1885, br. f. (dead), by Norway. April 27, 1886, b. f., by Ione. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Alfred.) 236 No. 282 WILHELMINA, br. m., 15.2 hands; hind feet and ankles white; foaled April 21, 1873; bred by Charles Backman, Stony Ford, Orange County, N. Y. By Messenger Duroc. First dam, Nellie Wilmarth, by Raven, son of Hill’s Vermont Black Hawk. Second dam, Jenny Lind, by Young Andrew Jack- son, son of Andrew Jackson, by Young Bashaw. Third dam, Polly Sherman, by Bush Messenger, son of imp. Messenger. PRODUCE. April 6, 1878, br. f., Wildred, by Mohawk Chief. May 1, 1879, br. f., Wilmina, by Mohawk Chief. 1880, not bred. April 13, 1881, bl. ¢., gelded (sold), by Mohawk Chief. April 5, 1882, b. c. (gelded), by General Benton. June 6, 1883, b. f., by General Benton. May 25, 1884, b. f. (dead), by Piedmont. 1885, not bred. 1886, barren. April 24, 1887, ch. f., by Woolsey. (Stinted to Alfred.) 237 No. 283 WILMINA, br. m., 15.1 hands; inside of near fore and hind heel white; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled May 1, 1879; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Mohawk Chief. First dam, Wilhelmina, by Messenger Duroc. Second dam, Nellie Wilmarth, by Raven, son of Hill’s Vermont Black Hawk. Third dam, Jenny Lind, by Young Andrew Jack- son, son of Andrew Jackson, by Young Bashaw. Fourth dam, Polly Sherman, by Bush Messenger, son of imp. Messenger. PRODUCE. March 31, 1884, b. ce. (gelded), by Bentonian. May 6, 1885, b. f., by Fallis. 1886, barren. April 17, 1887, b. c., by Woolsey. (Stinted to Alfred. ) 238 No. 284—Standard WINONA, bl. m., 16 hands; scar on off hind leg; foaled 1870; bred by Col. R. West, Ky. By Almont. First dam, Dolly (dam of Thorndale, 2.223, and Director, 2.17), by Mambrino Chief. Second dam, by a son of Potomac. Third dam, by Saxe Weimer. Almont, by Alexander’s Abdallah. Dam, by Mambrino Chief, etc. PRODUCE. May 138, 1879, ch. c. (gelded), by Don Victor. April 28, 1880, br. c. (gelded), by General Benton. April 8, 1881, ch. c., Wyandotte (gelded), by General Benton. March 28, 1882, b. f., Winoa (sold), by Electioneer. 1883, barren. Feb’y 3, 1884, b. f., Wamba (sold), by Electioneer. March 2, 1885, br. c. (sold), by Hlectioneer. 1886, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Electioneer.) 239 No. 285. YOUNG JOSSELYN, b. m., 15.1 hands; large star; four white feet; foaled 1876; bred by 8. B. Whipple, California. By Speculation. Dam, Lady Josselyn. Speculation, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Martha Washington, by Burr’s Wash- ington, son of Napoleon. Second dam, by Abdallah. PRODUCE. 1881, b. f., Josie, by Whipple’s Hambletonian. 1882, not bred. 1883-4, barren. 1885, not bred. April17, 1886, b. c. (gelded), by Ione. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Whips. ) ; ee f tone ba) rat } baa ah ; eta! Thoroughbreds sy / : , e ol STALLIONS. MONDAY, b. s.; blaze face with bay star; inside of coronet and heel of near fore foot white ; white hind legs; grey hairs through body; foaled 1864; bred by F. Morris, New Jersey. By Colton. First dam, Mollie Jackson, by Vandal. Second dam, EKmma Wright, by imp. Margrave. Third dam, Fanny Wright, by Silverheels. Fourth dam, Aurora, by Lloyd’s Vingt’un. Fifth dam, Pandora, by Grey Diomed. Sixth dam, by Hall’s Union. Seventh dam, by Leonidas. HKighth dam, by imp. Othello. Ninth dam, by George’s Juniper. Tenth dam, by imp. Traveler. Eleventh dam, imp. mare Selima, by Godolphin Arabian. Twelfth dam, Large Hartley mare, by his a horse. Thirteenth dam, Flying Whig, by Williams’ Wood: stock Arabian. Fourteenth dam, by St. Victor Barb. Fifteenth dam, by Whynot, son of Fenwick Barb. Colton, by Lexington. First dam, Topaz, by imp. Glencoe. Second dam, Emerald, by imp. Leviathan. Third dam, imp. Eliza, by Rubens, etc., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) (Monday died at Palo Alto, July 2, 1884.) 244 FLOOD, b. s.; large star ; white off fore foot; white hind legs ; foaled 1877; bred by Theo. Winters, California. By Norfolk. First dam, Hennie Farrow, by imp. Shamrock. Second dam, Ida, by imp. Balshazzar. Third dam, Mad. Bosley, by Sir Richard. Fourth dam, by imp. Kagle. Fifth dam, Bet Bosley, by Wilkes Wonder. Sixth dam, by Chanticleer. Seventh dam, by imp. Sterling. Kighth dam, by Clodius. Ninth dam, by Silvereye. Tenth dam, by Jolly Roger. Eleventh dam, by Partner. Twelfth dam, by Monkey. Thirteenth dam, an imp. mare from stud of Harri- son, of Brandon. Norfolk, by Lexington. First dam, Novice, by imp. Glencoe. Second dam, Chloe Anderson, by Rodolph. Third dam, Belle Anderson, by Sir William of Transport. Fourth dam, Butterfly, by Sumpter, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) 245 SHANNON, b. s.; star; white off hind leg; grey hairs through body; foaled 1872; bred by A. Mail- lard, California. By Monday. First dam, Hennie Farrow, by imp. Shamrock. Second dam, Ida, by imp. Balshazzar. Third dam, Mad, Bosley, by Sir Richard. Fourth dam, by imp. Eagle. Fifth dam, Bet Bosley, by Wilkes’ Wonder. Sixth dam, by Chanticleer. Seventh dam, by imp. Sterling. HKighth dam, by Clodius. Ninth dam, by Silvereye. Tenth dam, by Jolly Roger. Eleventh dam, by Partner. Twelfth dam, by Monkey. Thirteenth dam, an imp. mare from stud of Harri- son, of Brandon. Monday, by Colton, son of Lexington. Dam, Mollie Jackson, by Vandal, etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) YOUNG STALLIONS. ' WHITTIER, b. c.; star and strip; near hind foot white; foaled February 27, 1883. By Flood. First dam, Lizzie Whips, by Enquirer. Second dam, Grand Dutch $, by Vandal. Third dam, by imp. Margrave, etc., ete. (See Trotting Catalogue, No. 162.) 247 THREE-YEAR-OLDS. —_—_——_—— hb. c.; foaled April 8, 1884. By Shannon. First dam. Kate Gift, by Lodi. Second dam, Ruby, by Winnebago. Third dam, Ellen Jordan, by imp. Jordan, ete. CYRUS, imp. b. c.; star; foaled April, 1884. By Wenlock. First dam, imp. Teardrop, by Scottish Chief. Second dam, Niobe, by Loup Garou. ‘Third dam, Misserima, by Pantaloon, etc., etc. (See No. 32.) ARGYLE, b. c.; hind feet white; foaled May 3, 1884. By Monday. First dam, Cuba, by imp. Australian. Second dam, Bettie Ward, by Lexington. Third dam, Mary Cass, by Whalebone, ete., etc. (See No. 5.) 248 TWO-YEAR-OLDS. PEEL, b. c.; strip; fore legs white; foaled January 22, 1885. By Monday. First dam, Precious, by Lever, etc., ete. (See No. 27.) GLIMPSE, imp. b. ¢.; hind coronets white; foaled Feb- ruary 20, 1885. By Foxhall. First dam, imp. Fairy Rose, by Kisber, etc., etc. (See No. 7.) WINROW, imp. ch. c.; foaled April 17, 1885. By Foxhall. First dam, imp. Cutaway, by Parmesan, etc., ete. (See No. 6.) BRUCE, imp. br. c.; foaled April 22, 1885. By Foxhall. First dam, imp. Goneaway, by North Lincoln, ete. (See No. 14.) BRUTUS, imp. br. c.; foaled April 25, 1885. By Mac- gregor. First dam, imp. Teardrop, by Scottish Chief, etc. (See No. 32.) 249 YEARLINGS. —__—_-—+_—_— b.c.; star; off hind foot white; foaled Janu- ary 19, 1886. By Flood. First dam, Fannie Lewis, by imp. Buckden, etc. (See No. 8.) FLOOD TIDE, b. ¢.; star; near hind foot and ankle white; off hind leg grey; foaled Feb’y 3, 1886. By Flood. First dam, Lady Evangeline, by Leinster, etc. (See No. 18.) —_—§-—#§ b.c.; star; foaled Feb’y 15, 1886 non. First dam, imp. Goula, by Exminster, etc. (See No. 15.) 250 GEOFFREY, b. c.; near fore and off hind foot white; foaled February 16, 1886. By Flood. First dam, Glendew, by imp. Glengarry, etc. (See No. 13.) PHELANDER, ch.c.; star and strip; near hind leg white; foaled March 21,1886. By Wild Idle. First dam, Precious, by Lever, etc. (See No. 27.) ch. c.; large star; near hind foot white; foaled March 31, 1886. By Flood. First dam, imp. Rosetta, by Struan, etc. (See No. 30.) 251 —— —#\— b. ec.; few white hairs in forehead; foaled April 5, 1886. By Flood. First dam, imp. Patilla, by Pero Gomez, etc. (See No. 24.) FESTUS, ch. c.; star; hind feet white; foaled April 7, 1886. By Wild Idle. First dam, Fostress, by Foster, etc. (See No. 10.) KENNETH, b.c.; large strip; near fore leg white; off fore foot and ankle white; hind legs white; foaled April 18, 1886. By Joe Hooker. First dam, Katharion, by Harry of the West, etc. (See No. 17.) 252 PILLARS. ° ch. f.; crescent in forehead; foaled March"13, 1885. By Shannon. First dam, Satanella, by Leveller, etc. (See Trotting Catalogue, No. 256.) b f.; few white hairs in forehead; foaled March 23, 1885. By Don Victor. First dam, Mozelle, by Monday, ete. (See No. 20.) ch. f.; strip; near fore foot white; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled March 30, 1885. By Shannon. First dam, Fifine, by Norfolk, etc. (See Trotting Catalogue, No. 97.) OUIDA, imp., b. f.; star; foaled March 31, 1885. By Foxhall. First dam, imp. Amalia, by Salvator, ete. (See No. 1.) 253 GORGO, imp. blk. f.; star and small snip; foaled March 31, 1885. By Isonomy. First dam, imp. Flirt, by The Hermet, etc. (See No. 9.) JANET N., imp., b. f.; foaled April 4, 1885. By Macgregor. First dam, imp. Amelia, by Lowlander, ete. (See No. 2.) - CERES, imp., ch. f.; strip; near hind leg white; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled April 9, 1885. By Peregrine. First dam, imp. Rosetta, by Struan, ete. (See No. 30.) CORNELIA, imp. b. f.; foaled April 10, 1885. By isonomy. First dam, imp. Petroleuse, by Plebeian, etc. (See No. 25.) 254 BRIDGET, imp. ch. f.; strip; off hind foot white; foaled April 15, 1885. By Foxhall. First dam, Imp. Queen Bess, by Strathconan, etc, (See No. 28.) ——_———--—-b. f.; large star; foaled January 11,1886. By Shannon. First dam, Nova Zembla, by imp, Glengarry, etc. (See No. 23.) SHANNON ROSE, b. f.; small star; foaled February 1, 1886. By Shannon. First dam, imp. Fairy Rose, by Kisber, etc. (See No. 7.) FAUSTINE, b. f.; few white hairs and light strip; foaled March 1, 1886. By Flood. First dam, imp. Flirt, by The Hermit, etc. (See No. 9.) 255 FELICIA, gr. f.; white speck in forehead; foaled March 11, 1886. By Wild Idle. First Dam, Frolic, by Thunder, etc. (See No. 11.) AURELIA, ch. f.; small star; hind feet and ankles white; foaled March 14, 1886. By Wild Idle. First dam, imp. Amelia, by Lowlander, etc. (See No. 2.) ——-—+—- b. f.; small star; foaled March 18, 1886. By Flood. First dam, Reglin, by imp. Glengarry, etc. (See No. 29.) BESSIE SHANNON. b. f.; strip and snip; inside of off hind foot white; foaled March 21, 1886. By Shannon. . ; First dam, Bettie Bishop, by imp. Buckden. Second dam, Bettie Morgan, by Bay Dick, etc. (See No. —) 256 GERHARDINE, bay f.; star; outside of off hind foot and inside of coronet white; foaled March 27, 1886. By Flood. First dam, Imp. Goneaway, by North Lincoln, ete. (See No. 14.) MARCELLA, br. f.; star; foaled April 1, 1886. By Grin- stead. First dam, imp. Meeting, by Adventurer, ete. (See No. 22.) ch. f.; star and strip; foaled April 13, 1886, By Flood. First dam, imp. Amalia, by Salvator, ete. (See No. 1.) BESSIE HOOKER, b. f.; strip; off fore and hind feet white; foaled May 5, 1886. By Joe Hooker. First dam, imp. Queen Bess, by Strathconan, etc. (See No. 28.) GELDINGS. ——-+——— br. g.; small star; foaled April 4, 1883. By Flood. First dam, Boydana, by imp. Knight of St. George, etc. (See Trotting Catalogue, No. 42.) ch. g.; white speck in forehead; off hind foot and ankle white; foaled April 1, 1885. By Don Victor. First dam, Albiou, by Enquirer. Second dam, Lute, by Sherrod, son of Lecompte and Picayune, by Medocg, ete., ete. 17 BROOD MAKES. No. Il. IMP. AMALIA, ch. m., 15.3 hands; star and strip; foaled 1880; bred by the Duke of Hamilton. By Sal- vator. First dam, Thoughtless, by The Hermit. Second dam, Salamanca, by Student. Third dam, Bravery, by Gameboy. Fourth dam, Ennui, by Bay Middleton. Fifth dam, Blue Devils, by Velocipede. Sixth dam, Care, by Woful. Seventh dam, Camarines’ dam, by Rubens. Highth dam, Teppitywitchet, by Waxey. Ninth dam, Hare, by Sweetbriar. — Tenth dam, by Justice. Eleventh dam, by Chymist. Twelfth dam, by South, ete., ete. Salvator, by Dollar. First dam, Savaigne, by Ion. Second dam, Cuckoo, by Elis, etc., etc. (See English Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 7, 1884, imp. ch. f., Fun (sold), by Fiddler. March 13, 1885, imp. b. f., Ouida, by Foxhall. April 13, 1886, ch. f., by Flood. March 27, 1887, b. f., by Wild Idle. (Stinted to Wild Idle.) 259 No. 2 IMP. AMELIA, ch. m., 15.3 hands; star; near fore leg white halfway; hind legs white halfway; foaled 1881; bred by H. S. Constable. By Low- lander. First dam, Melissa, by Hubert. Second dam, Meg, by King Caradoc. Third dam, Nutmeg, by Nutwith. Fourth dam, Macrema, by Sultan. Fifth dam, Dulcinia, by Cervantes. Sixth dam, Regina, by Moorcock. Seventh dam, Rally, by Trumpator. HKighth dam, Fancy (sister to Diomed), by Florizel. Ninth dam, by Spectator. Tenth dam, Sister to Horatius, by Blank. Eleventh dam, by Childers. — Twelfth dam, Miss Belvoir, by Grey Grantham, Thirteenth dam} by Paget Turk. Fourteenth dam, Bettie Percivas, by Leede’s Arabian. Fifteenth dam, by Spanker. Lowlander, by Dalesman (son of King Tom). Dam, Lufra, by Windhound, etc. (See English Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 4, 1885, imp. ch. f., Janet N., by Macgregor. March 14, 1886, ch. f., Aurelia, by Wild Idle. Feb’y 22, 1887, b. c., by Flood. \Stinted to Argyle.) 260 No. 3 IMP. BERNA, ch. m., 15 hands; star; foaled April 11, 1884; bred by R. Howett, England. By Fetterlock. First dam, imp. Queen Bess, by Strathconan. Second dam, England’s Queen, by King of Trumps. Third dam, Gibside Lady, by Rataplan. Fourth dam, Lady Hawthorne, by Windhound. Fifth dam, Alice Hawthorne, by Muley Moloch. Sixth dam, Rebecca, by Lottery. Seventh dam, Daughter of Cervantes. Kighth dam, Expectation, by Herod, ete. Fetterlock, by Parmesan. First dam, Silver Head, by Kingston. Second dam, England’s Beauty, by Birdcatcher, etc. (See English Stud Book.) (Stinted to Shannon. ) 261 No. 4 IMP. CORNELIA.b. m., 15.2 hands; foaled 1880; bred by Mr. Leopold De Rothschild. By Carnelian. First dam, Delight mare, by Delight. Second dam, Bay Rosalind, by Orlando. Third dam, Elopement, by Velocipede. Fourth dam, Scandal, by Selim. Fifth dam, daughter of Haphazard. Sixth dam, daughter of Precipitate. Seventh dam, Colibri, by Woodpecker. Kighth dam, Camilla, by Trentham. Ninth dam, Coquette, by The Compton Barb.* . Tenth dam, Sister to Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian. Eleventh dam, Grey Robinson, by Bald Galloway. Twelfth dam, Grey Wilkes, by Haut Boy. Thirteenth dam, Miss D’ Arey Pet Mare. ae Fourteenth dam, daughter of a Sedbury Royal Mare. Carnelian, by Lecturer. First dam, Tourmaline, by King Ton, ete. (See English Stud Book.) (Stinted to Wild Idle.) 262 No, 5 CUBA, ch. m., 15.2 hands; star; near hind foot and ankle white; foaled 1874; bred by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn, Kentucky. Byimp. Australian. First dam, Bettie Ward, by Lexington. Second dam, Mary Cass, by Whalebone. Third dam, by imp. Hedgeford. Fourth dam, by Plato, son of Sir William of Transport. Fifth dam, by imp. Knowsley. Sixth dam, Thoroughbred mare, brought from Virginia to Kentucky, by Mr. Viley. PRODUCE. May 3, 1879, ch. c., Conquest (sold), by Lever. April28, 1880, ch. f., Cecil (trotter), by General Benton. April21, 1881, ch. f. (sold), by Wild Idle. May 16, 1882, b. f. (sold), by Shannon. May 20, 1883, b. c. trotter (gelded), by Electioneer. May 3, 1884, b. c., Argyle, by Monday. May 11, 1885, b. f. trotter (dead), by Bentonian. 1886, barren. April 2, 1887, br. c. (trotter), by Clay. (Stinted to Flood. ) 263 No. 6 IMP. CUTAWAY, ch. m., 15.3 hands; star; foaled 1876; bred by Prince Solty Koff. By Parmesan. First dam, Bounceaway, by Zuyder Zee. Second dam, Pressforward, by Pyrhus the First. Third dam, Vibration, by Sir Hercules. Fourth dam, Echo, by Emilius. Fifth dam, daughter of Scud or Pioneer. Sixth dam, Canary Bird, by Whiskey. Seventh dam, Canary, by Coriander. Kighth dam, Miss Green, by Highflyer. Ninth dam, Harriet, by Matchem. Tenth dam, Flora, by Regulus. Eleventh dam, daughter of Bartlett's Childers. Twelfth dam, daughter of Bay Bolton. Thirteenth dam, daughter of Belgrade Turk. Parmesan, by Sweetmeat. First dam, Gruyere, by Verulam, etc. etc. (See English Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 7, 1884, ch. c. (destroyed in Envland), by Mask. April 17, 1885, imp. ch. c., Winrow, by Foxhall. 1886, barren. Feb’y 4, 1887, br. c. (dead), by Wild Idle. (Stinted to Argyle.) 264 No. 7 IMP. FAIRY ROSE, b. m., 15.2 hands; foaled 1880; bred by Mr. Leopold De Rothschild. By Kisber. First dam, Hippolyta, by King Tom. Second dam, Daughter of the Star, by Kremlin. Third dam, The Evening Star, by Touchstone. Fourth dam, Bertha, by Rubens. Fifth dam, Boadicea, by Alexander. Sixth dam, Brunette. by Amaranthus. Seventh dam, Mayfly, by Matchem. Eighth dam, by the Ancaster Starling. Ninth dam, by Grasshopper. Tenth dam, by Sir M. Newton’s Arabian. Eleventh dam, by Pert. Twelfth dam, by St. Martins. Thirteenth dam, by E. Hale’s Arabian. Fourteenth dam, the Old Field Mare. Kisber (Derby winner, 1876), by Buccaneer. First dam, Mineral, by Rataplan, etc., etc. (See English Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 4, 1884, imp. b. ¢. (dead), by Fetterlock. Feb’y 20, 1885, imp. b. c., Glimpse, by Foxhall. Feb’y 1, 1886, b. f., Shannon Rose, by Shannon. Feb’y 2, 1887, b. c., by Bishop. (Stinted to Argyle.) No. 8 FANNIE LEWIS, ch. m., 15.3 hands; star; near hind foot and ankle white; foaled 1876; bred by W. H. Withers, Lincoln County, Ky. By imp. Buckden. First dam, Bay Dick mare, by Bay Dick. Second dam, by Oliver. Third dam, Roach Back, by Wagner. Fourth dam, Helen Faucitt, by imp. Tranby. Fifth dam, Nellie Gwynne, by Thornton’s Rattler. Sixth dam. Vixen, by Trafalgar. Seventh dam, Old Nettle Top, by imp. Spread Eagle. Kighth dam, by imp. Shark. Ninth dam, by imp. Janus. | Tenth dam, a thoroughbred mare. Imp. Buckden, by Lord Clifden. First dam, Consequence, by Bay Middleton. Second dam, Result, by Mulatto. Third dam, Problem, by Euclid, etc., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. Feb’y 16, 1881, b. f., Laura C. (trotter), by Electioneer. Feb’y 16,1882, b. c, trotter (gelded), by General Benton. Jan’y 30, 1883, b. ¢., trotter (sold), by Electioneer. Jan’y 16, 1884, ch. f., Fannie L. (sold), by Flood. Feb’y 138, 1885, b. f., Slumber (sold), by Monday. Jan’y 19, 1886, b. c., Ecart, by Flood. Jan’y 17, 1887, br. c., by Shannon. (Stinted to Shannon.) 266 No. 9 IMP. FLIRT, b. m., 16 hands; white hairs in forehead; near hind foot white; foaled 1880; bred by H. Chaplin. By The Hermit. First dam, Romping Girl, by Wild Dayrell (Derby winner). Second dam, Gay, by Melbourne. Third dam, Princess Alice, by Liverpool. Fourth dam, Queen of Trumps, by Velocipede. Fifth dam, Princess Royal, by Castrel. Sixth dam, Queen of Diamonds, by Diamond. Seventh dam, by Sir Peter. Kighth dam, Lucy, by Florizel. Ninth dam, Frenzy, by Eclipse. Tenth dam, by Engineer. Eleventh dam, Twilight’s dam, by Biank. Twelfth dam, Lass o’ the Mill, by Traveler. Thirteenth dam, Miss Makeless, by Young Grey- hound. Fourteenth dam, by Old Partner. Fifteenth dam, by Woodcock. Sixteenth dam, by Croft’s Bay Barb. Seventeenth dam, by Makeless. Kighteenth dam, by Brimmer. Nineteenth dam, by Dickey Pierson. Twentieth dam, Barton Barb Mare. The Hermit (winner of Derby, 1867), by Newminster. Dam, Seclusion, by Tadmor, etc., ete. (See English Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 31, 1885, imp. blk. f., Gorgo, by Isonomy. March 1, 1886, b. f., Faustine, by Flood. Jan. 27, 1887, ch. c., by Wild Idle. (Stinted to Flood.) 267 No. 10 FOSTRESS, ch. m., 15.2 hands; foaled 1879; bred by T. J. Salyers, Kentucky. By Foster. First dam, Planetia, by Planet. Second dam, La Henderson, by Lexington. Third dam, Kitty Clark, by Glencoe. Fourth dam, Miss Obstinate, by Sumpter. Fifth dam, Jenny Slammerkin, by Tiger. Sixth dam, Paragon, by imp. Buzzard. Seventh dam, Indiana. by Columbus. Kighth dam, Jane Hunt, by Hampton’s Paragon. Ninth dam, Moll, by Figure, ete. Foster, by Lexington. First dam, Verona, by imp. Yorkshire. Second dam, Lalla Rookh, by Fox’s Whip. Third dam, by imp. Dion, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 4, 1885, ch. f., Question (sold), by Monday or Shannon. April 7, 1886, ch. c., Festus, by Wild Idle. March 15, 1887, b. f., by Wild Idle. (Stinted to Wild Idle.) No. Il FROLIC, gr. m., 15.3 hands; foaled 1871; bred by R. P. White, N. Y. By Thunder. First dam, imp. Siskin, by Muscovite. Second dam, Little Finch, by Hornsea. Third dam, Hinda, by Sultan. Fourth dam, Katherina, by Woful. Fifth dam, Landscape, by Reubens. Sixth dam, Iris, by Brush. Seventh dam, by King Herod. HKighth dam, by Goldfinder. Ninth dam, by the Sedley Arabian. Tenth dam, Vanessa, by Regulus. Eleventh dam, by Fox. Twelfth dam, by the Bloody Shouldered Arabian. Thirteenth dam, by Bassett Arabian. Fourteenth dam, an Arabian mare. Thunder, by Lexington. Dam, Blue Bonnet, by imp. Hedgeford, ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 14, 1879, b. f., Precious, by Lever. April 10, 1880, b. c., Benton Frolic (trotter), by Gen- eral Benton. March 26, 1881, bl. f., Freda (sold), by Wild Idle. April 6. 1882, gr. c., Del Monte, trotter (gelded), by Electionecer. 1883, barren. March 1, 1884, gr. c., Oriflamme (sold), by Flood. March 23, 1885, bl. f., Idleness (sold), by Wild Idle. March 11, 1886, gr. f., Felicia, by Wild Idle. Feb’y 24, 1887, b. c., by Wild Idle. (Stinted to Flood.) 269 No. 12 IMP. GETAWAY, b. m., 154 hands; few white hairs in forehead ; foaled April 20, 1884 ; bred by The Prince Saltakotl, England. By Balfe. First dam, imp. Goneaway, by North Lincoln. Second dam, Bounceaway, by Zuyder Zee. Third dam, Press Forward, by Pryhus the First. Fourth dam, Vibration, by Sir Hercules. Fifth dam, Echo, by Emilius Sixth dam, daughter of Scud or Pioneer. Seventh dam, Canary Bird, by Whiskey. Kighth dam, Canary, by Coriander, etc. Balfe, by Plaudit, ete. (See English Stud Book.) (Stinted to Flood.) 270 No. 13 GLENDEW, b. m., 16 hands; large star; off hind foot white; foaled 1876; bred by J. and A. C. Franklin, Tennessee. By imp. Glengarry. First dam, Glenrose, by Lexington. Second dam, Sally Lewis, by imp. Glencoe. Third dam, Motto, by imp. Barefoot. Fourth dam, Lady Thompkins, by American Eclipse. Fifth dam, Katy Ann, by Ogle’s Oscar. Sixth dam, Young Maid of Oaks, by imp. Expedi- tion. Seventh dam, Maid of the Oaks, by imp. Spread Eagle. Kighth dam, Annette, by imp. Shark. Ninth dam, by Rockingham. Tenth dam, by True Whig. Eleventh dam, by Bagnre s Gallant. Twelfth dam, py i imp. Regulus. Thirteenth dam, imp. Diamond, a Cullen Arabian. Fourteenth dam, Grisewood’s Lady Thigh, by Croft’s Partner. Fifteenth dam, by Greyhound. Sixteenth dam, Sophonista’s dam, by Curwen Bay Barb. Seventeenth dam, by D’Arcy’s Chestnut Arabian. Highteenth dam, by Whiteshirt. Nineteenth dam, old Montague mare. _ Imp. Glengarry, by Thormanby. Dam, Carbine, by Rifleman, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 27, 1881, ch. f., Glendair (sold), by Norfolk. 1882, barren. Feb’y 18, 1883, b. f., Guenn (sold), by Flood. Feb’y 6, 1884, ch. ¢. (dead), by imp. Young Prince. Jan’y 29, 1885, ch. c. , Guardsman (sold), by Monday. Feb’y 16, 1886, b. c., Geoffrey, by Flood. Feb’y 1, 1887, b. f., by Flood. (Stinted to Flood.) 271 No. 14 IMP. GONEAWAY, b. m., 16.1 hands; strip; inside of off hind coronet white; foaled 1877; bred by Prince Soltakoff. By North Lincoln. First dam, Bounceaway, by Zuyder Zee. Second dam, Press Forward, by Pyrhus the First. Third dam, Vibration, by Sir Hercules. Fourth dam, Echo, by Emilus. Fifth dam, daughter of Scud or Pioneer. Sixth dam, Canary Bird, by Whiskey. Seventh dam, Canary, by Coriander. Highth dam, Miss Green, by Highflyer. Ninth dam, Harriet, by Matchem. Tenth dam, Flora, by Regulus. Eleventh dam, daughter of Bartlett's Childers. Twelfth dam, daughter of Bay Bolton. Thirteenth dam, daughter of Belgrade Turk. North Lincoln, by Pylades. First dam, Cherokee, by Redshank, etc. (See English Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 20, 1884, imp. b. f., Getaway, by Balfe. April 22, 1885, imp. br. c., Bruce, by Foxhall. March 27, 1886, b. f., Gerhardine, by Flood. Feb’y 26, 1887, b. f., by Flood. (Stinted to Argyle.) 272 No. 15 IMP. GOULA, b. m., 15.3 hands; foaled 1881; bred by The Duke of Hamilton. By Exminster. First dam, Goura, by Beadsman. Second dam, Columba, by Charleston. Third dam, Vexation, by Touchstone. Fourth dam, Vat, by Langar. Fifth dam, Wire (sister to Whalebone), by Waxy. Sixth dam, Penelope, by Trumpator. Seventh dam, Prunella, by Highflyer. Kighth dam, Promise, by Snap. Ninth dam, Julia, by Blank. Tenth dam, Spectator’s dam, by Partner. Eleventh dam, Bonny Lass, by Bay Bolton. Twelfth dam, daughter of Darley’s Arabian. Thirteenth dam, daughter of Byerly’s Turk. Fourteenth dam, daughter of Taffolet Barb. Fifteenth dam, daughter of Place’s White Turk. Sixteenth dam, Natural Barb Mare. Exminster, by Newminster (sire of Hermit). First dam, Stockings, by Stockwell. Second dam, Mowerina, by Touchstone, etc., ete. (See English Stud Book.) PRODUCE. Feb’y 15, 1886, b. c., by Shannon. Jan’y 21, 1887, br. f., by Bishop. (Stinted to Flood.) No. 16 JENNIE C., ch. m., 15.2 hands; star; hind feet and ankles white; foaled 1868; bred by Geo. Treat, Cali- fornia. By Norfolk. First dam, Virginia, by Revenue. Second dam, Vorrinne, by imp. Glencoe. Third dam, Ariel, by imp. Sarpedon. Fourth dam, Lancess, by Lance. Fifth dam, Aurora, by Aratus. Sixth dam, Paragon, by imp. Buzzard. Seventh dam, Indiana, by Butler’s Columbus. Highth dam, Jane Hunt, by Wade Hampton’s Paragon. Ninth dam, Moll, by imp. Figure. . Tenth dam, Old Slamerkin, by imp. Wildair. Eleventh dam, imp. Cub mare, by Cub. Twelfth dam, Amaranthus’ dam, by Second. Thirteenth dam, dam of Leede’s Flash and Fop, by Starling. Fourteenth dam, sister to Vane’s Little Partner, by Croft's Partner. Fifteenth dam, sister to Guy, by Greyhound. Sixteenth dam, Brown Farewell, by Makeless. Seventeenth dam, by Brimmer. Highteenth dam, by Place’s White Turk. Nineteenth dam, by Dodsworth. Twentieth dam, Layton Barb mare. Norfolk, by Lexington. First dam, Novice, by imp. Glencoe. Second dam, Chloe A nderson, by Rodolph. Third dam, Belle Anderson, by Sir William of Transport, ete., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 17, 1880, bl. £., Flow Flou (dead), by Monday. April 14, 1882, b. ¢. (dead), by Monday. 1883, barren. March 30, 1884, ch. ¢., Mark Twain (sold), by Monday. mepei | <2) 1885, ch. f., Prudence (sold), by Monday. 1886, barren. Feb’y 7, 1887, b. f., by Bishop. (Stinted to imp. Cyrus. ) 18 274 No. 17 KATHARION, b. m., 15.2 hands; foaled 1873; bred by J. & A. C. Franklin, Tennessee. By Harry of the West. a] First dam, Kathleen, by Lexington. Second dam, Maria Innis, by imp. Yorkshire. Third dam, Ann Innis, by American Eclipse. Fourth dam, Miss Obstinate, by Sumpter. Fifth dam, Jenny Slamerkin, by Tiger. Sixth dam, Paragon, by imp. Buzzard. Seventh dam, Indiana, by Columbus. Eighth dam, by Wade Hampton’s Paragon. Ninth dam, by imp. Figure. Tenth dam, Maria Slamerkin, by Wildair. Eleventh dam, imp. Cub mare, by Cub. Twelfth dam, Amaranthus’ dam, by Second. Thirteenth dam, dam of Leede’s Flash and Fop, by Starling. Fourteenth dam, by Croft’s Partner. Fifteenth dam, sister to Guy, by Greyhound. Sixteenth dam, Brown Farewell, by Makeless. Seventeenth dam, by Brimmer. Highteenth dam, by Place’s White Turk. Nineteenth dam, by Dodsworth. Twentieth dam, Layton Barb mare. Harry of the West, by Lexington. First dam, Laura, by imp. Leviathan. Second dam, by Stockholder, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 6, 1881, b c. (dead), by Monday. March 23. 1882, b. f., Kathleen, by Shannon. March 6, 1883, b. f., Keepsake (sold), by Flood. 1884, barren. : April 7, 1885, b. c., Jason (sold), by Flood. April 18, 1886, b. c., Kenneth, by Joe Hooker. 1887, not bred. (Stinted to imp. Cyrus. ) No. 18 LADY EVANGELINE, b. m., 16 hands; star; hind feet white; foaled 1875; bred by Messrs. Bell & Pearce, Cal. By Leinster. First dam, Tibbie Dunbar, by imp. Bonnie Scot- land. Second dam, Brenna, by imp. Knight of St. George. Third dam, Levity, by imp. Trustee. Fourth dam, Vandal’s dam, by imp. Tranby. Fifth dam, Lucilla, by Trumpator. Sixth dam, Lucy, by Orphan. Seventh dam, Maria, by Melzar. Eighth dam, by imp. Highflyer. Ninth dam, by Baylor’s Fearnaught. Tenth dam, by Ariel, son of Moreton’s Traveler. Eleventh dam, imp. Duchess (called Diamond), by Cullen Arabian. Twelfth dam, Lady Thigh, by Croft’s Partner. ’ Thirteenth dam, by Greyhound. Fourteenth dam, Sophonista’s dam, by Curwen Bay Barb. Fifteenth dam, by D’Arcy’s chestnut Arabian. Sixteenth dam, by Whiteshirt. Seventeenth dam, old Montague mare. Leinster, by imp. Australian. First dam, Luileme, by Lexington. Second dam, Rosette, by imp. Yorkshire. Third dam, Picayune, by Medoeg, etce., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 20, 1882, b. c., Valiant (sold), by Monday. 1883, barren. Jan’y 6, 1884, premature, by Shannon. Feb’y 9, 1885, ch. f. (sold), by Flood. Feb’y 3, 1886, b. c., Flood Tide, by Flood. Jan’y 30, 1887, b. f., by Flood. (Stinted to Flood.) 276 No. 19 IMP. LAELIA, ch. m., 15.2 hands; strip ; four white legs; foaled 1881; bred by Mr. Leopold De Rothschild. By Carnelian. First dam, Masdevallia, by Mandrake or North Lincoln. Second dam, Evelina, by King Tom. Third dam, Agnes, by Pantaloon. Fourth dam, Black Agnes, by Velocipede. Fifth dam, daughter of Walton. Sixth dam, Young Noisette, by Diomed. Seventh dam, Noisette, by Squirrel. Kighth dam, Carina, by Marske. Ninth dam, by Blank. Tenth dam, Dizzy, by Driver. Eleventh dam, by Smiling Tom. Twelfth dam, by Oysterfoot. Thirteenth dam, by Merlin. Fourteenth dam, by Commoner. Fifteenth dam, Coppin mare. Carnelian, by Lecturer. First dam, Tourmaline, by King Tom. (See English Stud Book.) (Not Stinted.) bo =] <= No. 20 MOZELLE, br. m., 14.3 hands; strip; foaled 1879; bred by Richard O’Neil, California. By Monday. First dam, Camilla Urso, by Lodi. Second dam, Annette. by Lexington. Third dam, by Grey Eagle. Fourth dam, Mary Morris, by Medoe, etc. Monday, by Colton. First dam, Mollie Jackson, by Vandal, etc. . (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 6, 1883, b c., Mozart, gelded (sold), by Flood. March 21, 1884, br. f., Monora (trotter), by Fallis. ‘ March 23, 1885, b. f., by Don Victor. March 28, 1886, ch. f., (trotter), by Will Crocker. March 19, 1887, br. f. (trotter), by Clay. (Stinted to Wild Idle) No. 21 IMP. MUSIC, ch. m., 153 hands ; blaze face; near hind leg white; foaled February 20, 1884; bred by Her Majesty, England. By Prince Charlie. First dam, imp Mutiny, by Adventurer. Second dam, Muta, by The Duke. Third dam, Mirella, by Gemma di Vergy. Fourth dam, Lady Roden, by West Australian. Fifth dam, Ennui, by Bay Middleton. Sixth dam, Blue Devils, by Velocipede. Seventh dam, Care, by Woful. Eighth dam, Camarine’s dam, by Rubens. Adventurer, by Newminster. First dam, Palmea, by Emilius. Second dam, Francesca, by Partisan. ete. (See English Stud Book.) (Stinted to Flood.) 278 No. 22 IMP. MUTINY, ch., m., 15.3 hands; star; foaled 1879; bred by Her Majesty. By Adventurer. First dam, Muta, by the Duke. Second dam, Mirella, by Gemma di Vergy. Third dam, Lady Roden, by West Australian. Fourth dam, Ennui, by Bay Middleton. Fifth dam, Blue Devils, by Velocipede. Sixth dam, Care, by Woful. Seventh dam, Camarine’s dam, by Rubens. Eighth dam, Teppitywitchet, by Waxy. Ninth dam, Hare, by Sweetbriar. Tenth dam, by Justice. Eleventh dam, by Chymist. Twelfth dam, by South. Thirteenth dam, Sister to Sir James Lowther’s Babraham. Adventurer, by Newminster. First dam, Palmea, by Emilius, etc., etc. (See English Stud Book.) PRODUCE. Feb’y 20, 1884, imp. ch. f., Music, by Prince Charlie. 1885, premature, by Foxhall. April 1, 1886, br. f., Marcella, by Grinstead. March 8, 1887, ch. f., by Wild Idle. (Stinted to Wild Idle.) 279 No. 23 NOVA ZEMBLA, b. m., 15.3 hands; star; little white on outside of off fore coronet; foaled 1875; bred by J. and A. C. Franklin, Tenn. By imp. Glengarry. First dam, Nevada, by Lexington. Second dam, Lightsome, by imp. Glencoe. Third dam, Levity, by imp. Trustee. Fourth dam, Vandal’s dam, by imp. Tranby. Fifth dam, Lucilla, by Trumpator. Sixth dam, Lucy, by Orphan. Seventh dam, Maria, by Melzar. Eighth dam, by imp. Highflyer. Ninth dam, by Baylor’s Fearnaught. Tenth dam, by Ariel, son of Moreton’s Traveler. Eleventh dam, by imp. Jack of Diamonds. Twelfth dam, imp Duchess (called Diamond), by Cullen Arabian. Thirteenth dam, Lady Thigh, Croft’s Partner. Fourteenth dam, by Greyhound. ’ Fifteenth dam, Sophonista’s dam, by Curwen Bay Barb. Sixteenth dam, by D’Arcy’s chestnut Arabian. Seventeenth dam, by Whiteshirt. Kighteenth dam, Old Montague Mare. Imp. Glengarry, by Thormanby. Dam, Carbine, by Rifleman, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. March 6, 1881, b. c. (sold), by Norfolk. 1882, br. c. (dead), by Shannon. April 4, 1885, b. f., Nisa (sold), by Shannon. 1884, barren. Jan’y 22, 1885, br. f. (sold), by Flood. Jan’y 11, 1886, b. f., by Shannon. 1887, premature, by Flood. . (Stinted to Shannon. ) No. 24 IMP. PATILLA, b. m., 15.3 hands, small star; foaled 1881; bred at The Bonehill Stud. By Pero Gomez. First dam, Young Lady, by Young Melbourne. Second dam, My Lady, by Lambton. Third dam, Little Lady, by Orlando. Fourth dam, Valley, by Voltaire. Fifth dam, Martha Lynn, by Mulatto. Sixth dam, Leda, by Filho de Puta. Seventh dam, Treasure, by Camillus. Highth dam, daughter of Hyacinthus. Ninth dam, Zara, by Delpini. Tenth dam, Flora, by King Fergus. Eleventh dam, Atalanta, by Matchem. Twelfth dam, Lass o’ the Mill, by Oroonoko. Thirteenth dam, by Old Traveler. Fourteenth dam, Miss Makeless, by Young Grey- hound. Fifteenth dam, by Old Partner. Sixteenth dam, Miss Dor’s dam, by. Woodcock. Seventeenth dam, by Croft’s Bay Barb. Highteenth dam, by Makeless. Nineteenth dam, by Brimmer. Twentieth dam, by Dickey Pierson. Twenty-first dam, Burton Barb mare. Pero Gomez, by Beadsman. First dam, Salamanca, by Student. Second dam, Bravery, by Gameboy, ete. (See English Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 13, 1885, imp. br. c., Peter Jr. (sold), by Peter. April 5, 1886, b. ¢., by Flood. 1887, barren. ° (Stinted to Argyle.) 281 No. 25 IMP. PETROLEUSE, b. m.,16 hands; near fore foot white; hind legs white half-way ; foaled 1880; bred by Mr. Leopold De Rothschild. By Plebeian. First dam, Resolution, by Lecturer. Second dam, Annexation, by King Tom. Third dam, daughter of Slane. Fourth dam, Letitia, by Sir Hercules. Fifth dam, Miss Letty, by Priam. Sixth dam, daughter of Orville. Seventh dam, Golden Leg’s dam, by Buzzard. EKighth dam, Hornpipe, by Trumpator. Ninth dam, Luna, by Herod. Tenth dam, Proserpine (sister to Eclipse), by Marske. Eleventh dam, Spiletta, by Regulus. Twelfth dam, Mother Western, by Smith’s son of Snap. Thirteenth dam, by Montague. Fourteenth dam, by Haut Boy. Fifteenth dam, by Brimmer. Plebeian, by Joskin. First dam, Queen Elizabeth, by Autocrat, etc. (See English Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 10, 1885, imp. b. f., Cornelia, by Isonomy. 1886, barren. 1887, barren. (Stinted to Wild Idle.) 282 No. 26 PHOEBE ANDERSON, bl. m., 15.2 hands; strip; near fore and hind legs white; foaled April 18, 1881; bred by Leland Stanford, Palo Alto. By Monday. First dam, Florence Anderson, by Enquirer. Second dam, Sally Anderson, by imp. Glencoe. Third dam, Chloe Anderson, by Rodolph. Fourth dam, Belle Anderson, by Sir William of Transport. Fifth dam, Butterfly, by Sumpter. Sixth dam, by imp. Buzzard. Seventh dam, daughter of Dandridge’s Fearnaught. Kighth dam, by imp. Janus. Monday, by Colton. First dam, Mollie Jackson, by Vandal, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. May 7, 1887, b. f., by Grinstead. (Stinted to Flood.) 283 No. 27 PRECIOUS, b. m., 15.1 hands; foaled April 14, 1879; bred by S S. D. Bruce, N. Y. By Lever. First dam, Frolic, by Thunder. Second dam, imp. Siskin, by Muscovite. Third dam, Little Finch, by Hornsea. Fourth dam, Hinda, by Sultan. Fifth dam, Katherina, by Woful. Sixth dam, Landscape, by Reubens. Seventh dam, Iris, by Brush. Highth dam, by King Herod. Ninth dam, by Goldfinder. Tenth dam, by The Sedley Arabian. Eleventh dam, Vannessa, by Regulus. Twelfth dam, by Fox. Thirteenth dam, by the Bloody Shouldered Arabian. Fourteenth dam, by Bassett Arabian. Fifteenth dam, an Arabian Mare. Lever, by Lexington. First dam, Levity, by imp. Trustee, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. Jan’y 22, 1885, b. c., Peel, by Monday. March 21, 1886, ch. c., Philander, by Wild Idle. March 5, 1887, bee. , by Flood. (Stinted to Wild Idle.) 284 No, 28 IMP. QUEEN BESS, b. m., 16 hands; star; strip; near hind foot white; white spot on front of off hind coronet; foaled 1880; bred by R. Howett. By Strathconan. First dam, England’s Queen, by King of Trumps. Second dam, Gibside Lady, by Rataplan. Third dam, Lady Hawthorne, by Windhound. Fourth dam, Alice Hawthorne, by Muley Moloch. Fifth dam, Rebecca, by Lottery. Sixth dam, daughter of Cervantes. Seventh dam, Anticipation, by Benningbrough. Highth dam, Expectation, by Herod. Ninth dam, by Skim. Tenth dam, by Janus. Eleventh dam, Spinster, by Crab. Twelfth dam (The Widderington Mare), by Partner. Thirteenth dam, Sister to Squirrel’s dam, by Bloody Buttocks. Fourteenth dam, by Greyhound. Fifteenth dam, by Makless. Sixteenth dam, by Brimmer. Seventeenth dam, Place’s White Turk. Kighteenth dam, by Dodgeworth. Nineteenth dam, Layton Barb Mare. Strathconan, by Newminsier. First dam. Souvenir, by Chancellor, etc., ete. (See English Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 11, 1884, imp. ch. f., Berna, by Fetterlock. April 15, 1885, imp. ch. f., Bridget, by Foxhall. May 5, 1886, b. f., Bessie Hooker, by Joe Hooker. 1887, not bred. (Stinted to Flood.) 285 No. 29 RIGLIN Imp , br. m., 15.2 hands; few white hairs in forehead; foaled 1875; bred by E. T. Carr, Tenn. By imp. Glengarry. First dam, Rigamarole, by imp. Australian. Second dam, Rescue, by Berthune. Third dam,. Alice Carneal (Lexington’s dam), by imp. Sarpedon. Fourth (am, Rowena, by Sumpter. Fifth dam, Lady Robin, by Robin Grey. Sixth dam, Maria, by Melzar. Seventh dam, by Imp. Highflyer. Kighth dam, by Baylor’s imp. Fearnaught. Ninth dam, by Ariel, brother to Partner. Tenth dam_ by imp. Jack of Diamonds. Eleventh dam, imp. Duchess (called Diamond), by Cullen Arabian. Twelfth dam, Grisewood’s Lady Thigh, by Croft's Partner. Thirteenth dam, by Greyhound. Fourteenth dam, Sophonista’s dam, by Curwen Bay Barb. Fifteenth dam, by D’Arcy’s chestnut Arabian. Sixteenth dam, by Whiteshirt. Seventeenth dam, old Montague Mare. . Glengarry, by Thormanby. Dam Carbine, by Rifleman, etc., etc. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. ny 25, 1881, br. f., Rita (dead), by Monday. ’y 17, 1882, br. ¢., Regal, gelded (sold), by Shan- non. ‘y 22, 1883, br. c., Regalia (sold), by Shannon. Feb’y 19, 1884, bl. f., Regina, by Shannon. ‘y 20, 1885, b. e., Chancellor (sold), by Monday. March 18, 1886, b. f., by Flood. 1887, barren. (Stinted to imp. Cyrus. ) 286 No. 30 IMP. ROSETTA, ch. m., 16 hands; strip; near hind leg white; off hind foot white; foaled 1881; bred by Mr. Laut. By Struan. First dam, Elegance, by Ely. ) Second dam, Nemesis, by Newminster. Third dam, Varsoviana, by Ion. Fourth dam, daughter of Langar, by Selim. Fifth dam, sister to Cobweb, by Phantom. Sixth dam, Filagree, by Soothsayer. Seventh dam, Web, by Waxy. Kighth dam, Penelope, by Trumpaior. Ninth dam, Prunella, by Highflyer. Tenth dam, Promise, by Snap. Elevenih dam, Julia, by Blank. Twelfth dam, Spectator’s dam, by Partner. Thirteenth dam, Bonny Lass, by Bay Bolton. Fourteenth dam, by Darley’s Arabian. Fifteenth dam, by the Byerly Turk. Sixteenth dam, Taffolet Barb. Seventeenth dam, by Place’s White Turk. Kighteenth dam, Natural Barb mare. Struan, by Blair Athol. First dam, Terrific, by Touchstone, etc., ete. (See English Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April 9, 1885, imp. ch. f., Ceres, by Peregrine. March 31, 1886, ch. c., Rhona, by Flood. March 15, 1887, ch. c., by Wild Idle. (Stinted to Wild Idle.) 287 No. 31 SALLIE GARDNER, ch. m., 15.3 hands; foaled 1873; bred by Arthur Towles, Tenn. By Vandal. First dam, Charlotte Thompson, by imp. Mickey Free. Second dam, Ada Tevis, by imp. Albion. Third dam, by imp. Leviathan. Fourth dam, by Jerry. Fifth dam, by Sir Archy. Sixth dam, by imp. Dare Devil. Seventh dam, imp. Bolingbroke, by imp. Pantaloon. Kighth dam, ‘Cades, by Wormsley’s King Herod. Ninth dam, Stella, by imp Othello. | Tenth dam, imp. Selima, by Godolphin Arabian. - Eleventh dam, large Hartley mare, by his Blind Horse. Twelfth dam, Flying Whig, by Williams’ Wood- stock Arabian. Thirteenth dam, by St. Victor Barb. Fourteenth dam, by Whynot, son of Fenwick Barb. Vandal, by imp. Glencoe. First dam, Alaric’s dam, by imp. Tranby. Second dam, Lucilla, by Trumpator. Third dam, Lucy, by Orphan, etc., ete. (See Bruce’s American Stud Book.) PRODUCE. May ‘7, 1879, b. f., Eleanor (trotter), by Electioneer. May 16, 1880, br. c., trotter, gelded (dead), by Mohawk Chief. 1881, not bred. Feb’y 15, 1882, b.c., Garland (sold), by Shannon. Jan’y 29, 1883, ch. c., Gardey (sold), by Flood. Bep'y. 9, 1884, ch. f., Sallie G., by Flood. 1885, barren. March 7, 1886, ch. f., Amy Gardner (dead), by Flood. 1887, barren. _(Stinted to Shannon. ) 288 No. 32 IMP. TEARDROP, ch. m., 15.3 hands; star; fore feet white; near hind coronet white; off hind foot white above ankle; foaled 1876; bred by Mr. Houldsworth. By Scottish Chief. First dam, Niobe, by Loup Garou. Second dam, Messerima, by Pantaloon. Third dam, Phryne, by Touchstone. Fourth dam, Decoy, by Filho de Puta. Fifth dam, Finessa, by Peruvian. Sixth dam, Violante, by John Bull. Seventh dam, Sister to Skyscraper, by Highflyer. Kighth dam, Everlasting, by Eclipse. Ninth dam, Hayaena, by Snap. Tenth dam, Miss Belsea, by Regulus. Eleventh dam, by Bartlett’s Childers. Twelfth dam, by Honeywood’s Arabian. Thirteenth dam, Byerly Mare (dam of the Two True Blues). Scottish Chief, by Lord of the Isles. First dam, Miss Ann, by The Little Known, ete. (See English Stud Book.) PRODUCE. April —, 1884, imp. b. c., Cyrus, by Wenlock. April 25, 1885, imp. br. c., Brutus, by Macgregor. April . 1886, | OO (dead), by Flood. March 12, 1887, b. f., by Wild Idle. (Stinted to Wild Idle.) >: se shee. ao —_———— - S—~So SS