JNE A,R"f · .;. 1892.;. · ILLUSTRATED Catalogue and Price List MANUFACTURES OF The Chown & Cunningham Co. OF KINGSTON (LIMITED.) PRINTED AT THE BIUTISH WIIIG UFFICE, KINGSTON. .2 í r ì ./ -..J __ . TO THE TRADE. .. .. .. - ------------------ ---------- ------ W _ have_ p}easure in presentin_g ou r L USTR A- T ED CATALOGUE AND PRICE S T FO R 1892. It o pr es_all the li n es manufactured -'þy s, and i ncludes some new designs. Wit h _ our b s! than ks for pas t su pport, w_e gi e as urance to customers that on _o r part _ n eff-':- , . I I, I 1"11, "",,..;J"--" . ':1 """"",' -a;' -a;' .. "' '" _ _ II I' . .: _.---; ..... o \ :, _ r " " a: a: '-''''''''V...,,: '" '!\\ - -==..-..- !l . . it r' ' J " . :,\1, < -J." : ., ,:ð -- - = \ft< '! rry , 0" 'þ.., '-:.þ' :': . \{ ' ( , <; I- r. ).: - ,\: " .-I oJ' / ::::",, , .o' , _ IIII' J .. . / ., "t , 11"11 - - - -:::=- --==-- - -- -- - - '" I :: O"r. - _ I I I ----__ - - .. - ' = .... . .1 =--- -- STANDARD FAVORITE SQUARE, WITHOUT SHELVES. -9- STANDARD FAVORITE WITH BASE, FOLDING END SHELF, AND TEA SHELF. FOR COAL OR WOOD. NO. SlLE OF OVEN. CODE WORD. Pl ICE. 8-18..................18 x 18 x II inches..................Abhor ............... $31 60 9-20..................20 x 20 X 12 " ....................-\bsent................ 36 00 Without Tea Shelf deduEt from list $1.60. EXTRAS-High Shelf, page 24........................ A pple ................ 3 7S High Closet," 2S........................Apricot .............. 10 00 Water Front.................................... \\Tater ............... 3 00 -10- ,_ _ 1',--' II' ',iill ..111'1 I' ',,1111', ""I \.'-\:.'-:'\.'\..."-'\..\..'\: '\.:. ":''':' '- '-"'- '='''-..::"''" ;:-\. , /;; . .. -!)o:"'f;i; ' I ', / ) (ÐJ !ð\ i f,!,f 0 (i2:_ IH" - - 'J"l/d/..1:/ t - - ==-:::- _-------- I Ii tll'::,.,,; 'lI,n 1I;7'1 I 'J . t.:J;; itr."'--=- I ' - d l ill hi "',1' '... ì'- ' \! '. . " . I - 'ß' I ,) II __ =-. _ _' I I <. . '/ï II - ,= "i' ---= -_ =- .. .\ : j . \ :' I IIII< {Od ,\ ., % \ t=f 1" 'i ' I ' ,I III ÔJ; >' II"" ê:::::::::> I' I - 10' 1\ 'III: r 1 '\III b;.:I. I ':..1 III ""P,,,", " .,.,,, .. '. - a; "" -) \ --- - .. .. .. .. '" '"'-- .." \ , t' ?6i<' F -:!: _',!I (. ( - _ \r 4 C\ r l>>.r 1] . , -... ). J Ì\' . ..-( '> - I / ;t f ':j..' I " _ : ,.' - 0 - II(-;) t\ 1"11 'fJ \ . t " \II : I ,. == -- ""'" -1. =- _ . , ,I" n .. --= -== . õDMfa. . ' \ \, -- -,_"': - --= - - STANDARD FAVORITE WITH BASE, RESERVOIR AND TEA SHELF. -13- STANDARD FAVORITE WITH LOW CLOSET, FOLDING END SHELF AND TEA SHELF. FOR COAL OR WOOD. No. SIZE OF OVEN. CODE WORD. PRICE. 8-18..................18 X 18 x II inches....................Accord............. $35 00 9-20..................20 X 20 X 12 " ....................Adapt............... 40 00 \Vithout Tea Shelf deduét from list $1.60. EXTRAS-High Shelf. page 2+.........................Apple............... 3 75 High Closet, " 25..........................Apricot ............ 10 00 \Vater Front.....................................Water.............. 3 00 -I-t-- I ï I" , ,ill III 111 .... , \:.\..\:\."'\:.\: ' '''\..\:.\.'\..\.. ''"'\'\'''' ''\:\:\.."\:\:''''-'\.: ''- ''" ''-'-'''-'''''' . \ " f. jb1 '"I :;:.\ :."" . _ ---=-=c 71,- f r -' . ." - II :! i I : , .i l l ll i - '- rn ' () {,..", =.- =::: ' . " I IO ' J I ' I , I ';) ,,,I!lti r.. , \ ,1('i l (Ø'i Ott. \.:. r. !) I or- ( è:-' 0' ;", i \ ';l l i'IlJ t 11111111: = ,ç:\ 1 \. \- I - II' '}... \ !i \,) I' J' J' _ (I !- i)i\- '- " ----- I/ IÞ ;,.,y . I' .7;!f; J - / ='=.-. - / II! y ,. '/!i CI.!'" ..,; ,_ .. ';;.u . J'; - - y- 'I rt I --;s j." LiI" 1..,/'tIiii 11Ii: ,,;'('....4 a.o . 111:::;h 1'" II I \ 111'1 UJIII ,'I I:" . ------1" "\.,1\If)>'''UlWI li ' WI I ,; -...,,=--- -- . \ ' ': :;:-- ' OÆ ! t ),jf' I " II- '". . =--- -_ 1 :'-11 I ." - @. ' \v. . '1,I11III,,:,...-, ,r-.", 'I . 0 "' ; " I 'I :::aI ,!I,L:.. ....:;:. 1 0 '1 ,;ÖiÀ, . - _ " _I ... - \:!I ,,\ ' '1' 1 ' .....If II!I!:_' -JI;:'\ I, '::- n : II, ,; ;; '1111, ' ." {" :.; "I:- '/ J._ _ __ --" , " 1I1'lî11l",,""" \ 1 'i2-#,....-!ß- \ . c - 0- - - I II1It ," I" t''I!!fI!!: 1M' ---..' I ."y"..-- - "---'- - - '1\IIIIIImftl111Ü1 \", )_) .. , '111" . '(' J ':1 "O . '\ ((." " ,11'" \111111111 - ,,\,>,\. " ' ,I = - - \':"""' ) - - ',-: - - - =; .Jo ES - ",,:\ î - -=-- '" r"I?O (ø :I!I-;- '. , ' ' - _ .1 - nl'l I .\) ,.- STANDARD FAVORITE WITH LOW CLOSET, FOLDING END SHELF AND TEA SHELF. -15- STANDARD FAVORITE WITH LOW CLOSET, RESERVOIR AND TEA SHELF. FOR COAL OR WOOD. NO. SILE OF OVEN. CODE WURD. I'KICE. 8- 18................... 18 x 18 x I I inches................. . Adrift ...... .... ..... ..$4 0 37 9-20...................20 x 20 X 12 " ...................Advance............. 47 00 \\'ithout Tea Shelf dedut{ froin list $ 1.60. E:\. TRAs-High Shelf, page 24-................ ......... .Apple ............... 3 75 High Closet, " 25..................... ..... . Apricot. ............. [0 00 \Vater Front ... ........ ......... ... ............ \"\7 ater............... 3 00 -16- - ---... ",.- 'I \I' 'I'll 11"11' ----.JII ...:.'\.."'--\..'\:\:\.."\."\. \" , " \:.\,,,,-'- '",-'\.:'-'.\ ",,,- '<.;:. '- j , ' " ' ' j W J é (fb 7 _ :.-r ./ ,..."' ,f l , '" -", ' _ _ - "'i, _c _ - ' =- M:;;I ,. ; ,,: -- -J-== __ --=- ;n , hl :1\11 'c. : '.j , ,. J """":':'I íl'- , 'p, .' , ., "':' ' . . :J)..L\ê ' 1, /1 _ -- =-,- , .' --: =- I ) :I' ,,;- 1" "I ./ f! #":s= - ----- - =' - ... I . t/? ? '\ ;1'1l ' D ': ' :!' II ' C,;':- '" i -" ' ; l 'O Q1 :- " '" \ "' .Iq ,1 111 o ' /, I ,,, 1tj c: -- 'J.q3-.... \ 19 'IIIII".k I -.af(5 ì l ,I ( I "" - - :, ) Ii _____ 'r 't"" ::) :<< J ' ,. --== i;\ _ ,' IIJIY ''f 'I'/I i (,1. .bl? -=- -t'!-......... -=-3'";/ -- bl I'"'' /111/ 71 1 1 11 .... _ ...;;:;;fl" I, 11 1 / 1--' - "? ' .' _ _ I III" -_ <,- III ) II I - ""'=:'::':==: .:-::-- ",I' , III"" --===- - , ", '/I;â,;= -=-- , " ''''IIØHÌÌÌii.... -- k. 1'".. ,....I. -' \I ""' "11,,-..- I III' '-:7"',.. ë?;-;;-<-- ,II""_ ','II' ". ' \ 11(0 ," ,,""-,, "'11'1'.' _ - L ',I11"'I",, nl ,I . - - -;- ((' 'lr ' Q '- I , :r - , :. ,':li J b ') J; l \. I . 'I\S" II, II "V. e;. ....-, , _- '\ 'ií" " I 1111 II"'. .. :I , ':, '. " ,1i1,, '\illll!I' I ", I " '.1: :;i , __ cc- _-= ..Ilr'" In ''' I H" ti ll ;IIV' àt'. -- - - - _. ,_) ',, I" ,:II -' _ \II" "I""ï"' J . I _ - _ ' 1111 1\flI" lIInnn""""-""'''' '\(" - -::: - =- 1110 II I 1Ul\\1I: III" lilill\\."J .. - ,\..... - -""" 111111111 III" '''''_ - \' ,\ , ,\ '- - - ", ";/ -J, O .......... __ " fYE5..1'. ".,;, ) ----="' - --=- .! tJR" (ø II!!-. .\) :.-:::... f STANDARD FAVORITE WITH LOW CLOSET, RESERVOIR AND TEA SHELF. -17- STANDARD RANGE. SQUARE WITH BASE. FOR COAL OR WOOD. NO. SIZE OF OVEN. CODE WORD. 1'1< ICE. 8-18...................18 X 18 x II inches....................Bail..................$27 67 9-20...................20 X 20 X 12 " .....................Bank................ 32 00 \Vithout Tea Shelf deduét from list $1.60. SQUARE WITH LOW CLOSET. NO. SIZE OF OVEN. CODE WORD. 8 - I 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 x 18 X I I in c h e s ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bas k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-20..................20 X 20 X 12 " ..................... Beach.............. EXTRAS-High Shelf, page 24-...........................Apple ............... High Closet, " 25..................... ..... . Apricot.. .... ........ Water F ron t ......... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. \\7 a ter ... ... . . . .. . . . . -18- , PRICE. $3 0 67 35 67 3 75 10 00 3 00 (", .-- ---:::; ' - ;. :rs- -,,- . 'ft:r t " ÌI\"\" ,"" ""' ., '..0. ',..t.""'", I ' / :.._ ......f!:...c!f , .n.. 10'" n _ II "'I'" l\"\\\'\i't t .... . .lj ,...o\\___-==_ ' ",' 1118 " . ......,. I' -- ,. 1'>\'\ , iI f..t"" J' J::::1 · l ' i ' . i r ' ' l . (f "". ' 'ì"' t . {7 - "Id " Ì" .-: I -;;: . -- _ J ' 1* . :- , \. 'i-: \ " .'I'. "':' . ( *\.. . ",,$ ,. . , /IN I' . a; - ""', . =- -=- ''''''<.! 'J+, l 1 1 1 "\\ _\I\' ,I'J ß" . : ..j _ "- . '"- .;._ J_ . _ , . _-.r,, I I' " I' '__ If ) '" -"""'"' s;;;;o.-!_ "iÎ f, :.. .' ' !.;' r1," I . ,L.. J-;;;:' ...r; st'f"'fJ'm. 't- -_ \" ;, é' 11 .'1 I " ff 'ti! ;; ß t ,\ ---1f \ ' II" ' , r' : !':: 7:!3 : \ \\ -- _"U' ' " f:: I ---. .....JÞ...1.- .... ""\. ----. --- ---.... ---- -' STANDARD RANGE SQUARE WITH BASE. -19- STANDARD RANGE WITH BASE AND RESERVOIR. FOR COAL OR WOOD. NO. SIZE OF OVEN. CODE WORD. PRICE. 8-18..................18 x 18 x II inches....................Bench ....:..........$33 33 9-20..................20 X 20 X 12 " ...................Bevel................. 39 33 WITH LOW CLOSET AND RESERVOIR. NO. SIZE OF 0\ EN. CODE WORD. PRICE. 8-18..................18 X 18 x I I inches....................Birch ................$3 6 33 9-20..................20X20X 12 " ....................Blank................. 43 00 EXTRAS-High Shelf, page 24.......................... A pple................. 3 75 High Closet, " 25.................... .... ..Apricot............... 10 00 \Vater Frol1t....... ..................... ....... .. Water .......... ...... 3 00 -20- n-. -":" : . ; .:::.-r-1 ,._ _ '- ' '". 1 '."'" ,;.. "". ,-" I "'-""'''i--..'I t .... .'.., '_ .___Ihi \\1\ : . Z \- - -r,- =-- :...:;., "III -::. '" ":i. :_ ; - -- STANDARD RANGE WITH BASE AND RESERVOIR. -21- PERIOD RANGE FOR COAL. WITH REDUCING RING FOR LARGER HOLE OF EACH RANGE. '" ITH END SHELF, NICKEL NAME PLATE AND KNOBS. This Range is quite a favorite as a summer Range. Many are used by housekeepers having small apartments. It occupies little space, and is ample in capacity for the requirements of a small family. NO. SIZE OF OVEN. CODE WORD. PRICE. 8..................... I2! x I2t x 9 inches... ................ Period. ............. $ 10 00 Top is arranged with lo-inch ring and two 8-inch covers, so that a lo-inch Round Boiler or 8-inch Oval Boiler may be used. -22- rill, JIll I': ,.-J ;;1 : Ii, ,111 í _ __ - - --. - -= =-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- - ------ --- - --- - - -- -- = - _ Uh --=:::::: . ..._ ..n.. -=--: )-,"'-,. - "';; . - - - ,'1111;:' :::u n .. h .:: - -.-. . -..... .... _n.. no_ .... ... __ _n_ n hno ..... _____._u..___ ..___h .___uh .j...;;;....::.:::::::::...un_:::::::...:::__ : -::" : ;:;:::::-:r: . _ ...........-- . u..o_. ........._... ..-::.:.;.:.::......:;;..... . -.... ....-_........... .__..n.. ......_h..........__.__. .... ........ .......................--.... -.. . . ..............::.::::.:--- PERIOD RANGE. TWO HOLES. -23- . HIGIH PIPE SHELF. Shelf complete........................... $3 75. Tþe above Shelf can be furnished with all our Ranges. -2-1-- HIGH WARMING CLOSET Closet complete...........................$ro 00. Above closet can be furnished with all our Ranges. -25- Ornamental High Pipe Shelf Shelf complete............................... $2 00. Above Shelf will fit any Range or Cook Stove, with Oval Collar. -26- COOKING STOVES FOR COAL AND WOOD, AND FOR WOOD ONLY. In this department will be found a fine assortment of Cooking Stoves, having a reputation for Style, Quality and Utility. \Ve direct special attention to our new "Grand Favorite," a Wood Stove, which for Elegance and Satisfaétory Results stands Un- rivalled. -27- -VICTOR FAVORITE SQUARE. FOR COAL OR WOOD. NO. SIZE OF OVEN. CODE WORD. 8-16..................16 x 16 x lOt inches............ ...... ...Bar.... ............. 8 - I 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 x 18 x I I " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . Bag.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-18..................18x 18x II " .....................Ball................ No. 8-16 has Flat Dumping Grate. NOR. 8-18 and 9-18 have Vertical Aétion GrateR. -28- PRICE. $16 00 20 00 20 00 - _-=.-- VICTOR FAVORITE SQUARE. -29- VICTOR FAVORITE RESERVOIR AND CLOSET. FOR COAL OR WOOD. NO. SIZE OF OVEN. CODE WORD. PRICE. 8-18..................18 x 18 x II inches....................Bed ...................$28 00 g-18..................1S'X 18 X II " . . . .. . . . . ... . . . .. . . . Box .................. 28 00 Above Stoves have Vertical Aétion Grates. -3 0 - VICTOR FAVORITE RESERVOIR AND CLOSET. -3 1 - FAVORITE HOTEL SQUARE TOP. FOR WOOD OR COAL. 1':U. Sl.lE OF UVEN. LENGTH OF FIRE-BOX. CODE .WORD. I'I-aCE. 10... ............. 3Z-! X zzt X 16............... Z9-in................... Brand...... $39 00 \\ïth Polished Copper Reservoir and Cast Closet. 10............. ... 3Z-! X zzt X 16............... Z9-in.................. Brown...... 56 00 EXTRAs-Coal Lining.............................................Brisk........ ..J. 67 Brass Cock in Reservoir............................ Brush....... I 33 Oven measurements do not include swell of doors. The following testimonial speaks for itself: GENTLEMEN: P AL:\IER HOUSE, } Toronto, June 17, 188 7. Having given The Favorite Hotel Cook purchased from you some time ago a thorough trial, and the cooks being so well pleased with the working of it, both with meats and pastry, I can cheerfully recommend it to anyone requiring such a stove, as it entirely fills the bill. Yours, &c., J. C. PALMER. -3 z - , '-,,- ,",,- , . -5 "'-- ......- IJ ï \ I:.... \. 111\1 .: II '::-.. ,................. i,"" . //11(,. -33- - I.. ..1111.11 . _ illl, :"-'"" ....... "",JllIIIIIIIIIIIIUUII __ _ UlJJUJIllUlIHlpj'l1 - J - :,.,1\:.. .:: ' \1\\II". i\ ,II.: . :.; U\'-' \.1 .\\.... '-"\\\" \ 11111 ",1'10 1 I,."". '.I\W. .-\ \\. \ . ""I ":::':':' I :, .,,1 GRAND FAVORITE SQUARE, WITH BASE AND END SHELF. FOR WOOD. A heavy large stove that will last a lifetinle. NO. SIZE OF OVEN. FIRE-BOX. CODE WORD. PRICE. 9- 26 ..................25 X22 x 15..........30 inches..........Grand ............ $28 00 Oven measurements do not include the swell of doors. -3-4- -:-... L -::::,--' -- _ - _ , , , ---...,. -= - .. - ,\\\\I\\ ' \\\ \\\\\\' :\\ - ,! n,;)IIII/Wlmli/ ': , " , . .', , " .,'>: \ 1111'1\ \\\\\\\\\\\\ '/" , "/ I ;r fij 1 1 1 ;'f !:'!" f ;: 'l I II I ';', -'IIIIII' i: ,. : I Æ(ff.l/ ''{I! _ I.J 1 :: ;. II I I I rj-:1 ':J ( ,11,/ I '.,W----=-- ' in .. t"f!o 1101,,."' " I '", , l Ir: II I \.! I"'. h . ,111..11 III 11111111 ---' t , _ II ,I 1 -:::::::;. I,\ ' \\\\\,\\I' ........... d" " - III/I ' ,- _ _ --.:- I ilMlh _::1/ II',,/ . . I ......" 1III/I/h'"II'h - - =- = . - =- - /- .' e " I ' ', II '" '''''' - . I hili / .t;. ' 1". ,:;: , ! I: ,,' ,111111 1 1 .. I\,r--. 4- .:.." '"' 'S -/ ï ,I,,' , ..11" 'I I ""I! : :t !. i" Ñ . g , ... '. J ' 1J.{ - ; ',I l ) i} ,j I, , , ."11 ø =_- --::;.-: "it.:, :'\" ò- ø !II" ' I r" --=- -;;;:. -= ;Ø =-_ "___J,' .,.,.'11-.,:...' 1'1 I !_=-_ --;___--::-::. ..,,\ "'II\"' II\ ''- -- .---. .." -:-: :I ___--_':G_":-..:t-'- - ,,,' 'II\I\\\\\\\\\ " <-.I ==- ' r -:.'" ::-. - ' "''':1,,: " "II' . \\\ . - ------ ' - _ =,-$. --:; :i ':"'__ -. :( "'//" 1\\\\ ,.' =-- ;" -f.: - -._ - , \ :4 J I / '!,1'; '----._ ( =--,;:",:,:,, ,:, ;;,,; ì''': . .i I-- . .:::- I - =---=- 'f _J: ,\r "" .f _l- ..._,", ( ....-.1. , .... 1 _ti-('I 4' ' """-..---, fl ::' / ': - - - '- - ?- - "::- ' _ l -1 'J!fJr) i , ",. . I)("""' - - - - I , \c':... I..! ,.1 -__ v - _..' ''''':?(?,í.a'';.'-- ..... - - - - , './..i?.. ' I-- _ """ Jj -= -. ,---=- ) ,,-I - - - .-"" yÞ - ' . . -= 1) 1:' 1 . - _ _ , - - _ . ,- í& y -1\ I ,_,, ___ .... - --=--=- _; -----....,-,. =- - ;- - - - -<= - - "'- , 'Çô . ;. . _.._. . _ =' ", 1 == - __ GRAND FAVORITE SQUARE. -35- GRAND FAVORITE WITH RESERVOIR. AND BASE. FOR WOOD. NO. SIZE OF OVEN. FIRE-BOX. CODE WORD. PRICE. 9 -26................. ...25 X 22 X 15...... ..30 inches....... ...Grandasso....... $34 67 The Reservoir is Large, and if necessary, water can be boiled in it. The dmnpers can be arranged to pass heat under Reservoir after heating Oven. -36- - . " t. ; " _ 'II ', _ _" III( ( I. 'IIJ \ f , ,; III _ -=== \ JII'I'I " "'''',""dll, '",,,,, >-:---Ir" _====--_-- - -=: -I 'IN;. \,tJt!P. :> / '< L s ---I / -: j _ -:-. ___ -=- --- c ., 11/ II III"''' f. "iî" I' r I " \.f.è8 ';. I II!h!' l ' .. ,.'I,7LJ : if -=-- - C;:;M') I 1,1. AiiI 1; I ""I'1), 1}" I ) I 11., r/: , !.. /7/' ,ï .,' \ .' ...:.:. '1 II j I!1 j Il'\ l' J ;! j: " 11 ->' -..., II -.!. ,1"11 'ff C- , " ", ) I ./\. ,Æ.., :tf:. f,l! 1 1 ,.. l<';" II, I -. I II ' ':. ) I '.. JI'" I I. I ::;t I II , \ I f"^....... , r = l "r'-' I 11"' ''-:::-- 1I11, I' "'!a.. .:r I ) I j I I 11" 1",. - I I ' I ". ., ih------.,:. ' Ir ' -( .' ., ml ",1: , :: II) I , II "", If'! I 'Ii I " _ _, : II H 1M ::0--- : ,.", I ", ',,,III ",,,,,,I 1111 1/ I! I II i I>., ,I'I' " I I _ /.. - ..:' - - - JJ I' _. .' . :""'11' 1 ' J ( 1'/' II"PJ -- - D\ "', 11" , 111 " 11 1 /---- "--:::..,- - . , I:f. M !lll ij = i ,! ' I ' ' "1,' "/" , ,,' " '\I ," 'I:IIiiõ:::::: -= - --=-- - p. I 9 -. I ' 11: 1 " I, I \ " , -....... ni l"'" - , , 'f "'- ,"" r.; . -e. ti: / : '1 1 1 1 !I;:,,',/ " " _ II " 'i l !' -.J.11 - í , I a II , ' 1 / , L ..a... 1/ \' , r' I " ,.' '" , I ;>; i I' ;I \1 ;a f g t · r.:: ,;1 / -- _ 1: I il I , III".: f' ;ë< _ --= .;;...- - IfM:! ' \:\I I -- f ""- ë-=, \ - ,,' .......----. '.,. . I , ,.--- - - -- - :')\\\\\\1 ' . / ; ;' - -_ ""..... H1kl\' ..=,J'IIII \IIW" II ' --= J : I J r:J..Ir -----.. , "-=-=-....... - - <'" . - ,:: 't' - .::: ' _ '7 '/ --_ tw. ......................x 11 '" '(" ..hl J,_ / " ' ...(V1I .......' - ...... ..., ...... - i) :l4- f"-........ \ r'l-I'} _ ' --- :q \.Ii t;r -.:;.. ..... - .0, \:1' ..." f{1-: . - . III 111111111111 _ 11111 ,, I ,,,,,,.,,, I\ "I l 1I\ IIIII I i ::: . _ -'1I!1IIJ!!jjL l:\ \1 1 . , ,J I f "t'lill rï' I, .-:., \rll ! . \k JJ; i _- .' t \ . . . I \. :' ! l'- "...R1 ',1/1 - -., ' ,II ;... t I. bo-" ' . f .J. ' 1 --= z'; I . --_ - , -"I' 1f {, "" - _ _" \ c ._""', .JI ' 4 ' \ III ----.1 J1i 'II A - 11 - ",'13'1' (3. "':r '") __ J I , I "II ,fitri-\\ \). " . ," , \111: \Qr ".. .=-=- 1_-===S d I __... IIII 11 . - .. :::! I - I ==' lliiiiintl IlIlÎlII' ïñffi""I\I\:;: ,1\ I '! 1'_ -: _ :t ;;. II " , .... CiI ,,- 'lI-".l _ U ñl il",,,: "\I ' "" ; R ' J_\ J', - - Jl I ,r - ------- I - fiili - d- ' c-- , . < ;-/I "-1II1ñ 'ßpLJI I a. - . II , ,II' 'I ". FAMILY FAVORITE SQUARE. FOR WOOD ONLY. -39- FAMILY FAVORITE WITH RESERVOIR. FOR WOOD. NO. SItE UF OVEN. FIRE-BOX. COVE WORV. PRICE. 9-zz-4-hole......zZ XZOX 13t......... z6 inches...........Chair ............. $z8 00 9-z4-4-hole......z4X zz X 14t.........z8 inches...........Chalk ............ 3 1 33 9-z4-S-hole......z4XZZ X 14t.........3S inches...........Charm............ 3 z 67 Oven measnrelnents do not include swell of doors. Four-hole Stoves will be sent unless specified S-hole. Attractive in appearance, moderate in price, and in every way a favorite Stove. -4 0 - - lI r " -e':''' -. - - . --.:- = - - ....- 1.,.,, 1I1I1II1 _ r= \111 1111111_:: 1IIIIijflllNmmIX=-TllIIllIIll\IlI'llllIlIlIn\llIIlII:': :::I IIIIIII_IIIII : 'mlllllllllllllll_l _ _ - ::::-.- " b 'i!ll " ; = _ \ ;:"""- :< .' \, " \ -: ll é --;<;:':(Q ;"" / ! \ 1 1 : .. , . ""-'" '.' r. Ii - Ih. "'\.. " ,:- - .... [1I . ,'(", II \, ç ,J,' I II I e ......-- 5] 1ø l': :I ,þ ,})) ii _ __ .. _1111'; --IIIIIIØîIll""" '- i , i ÇQ ' " J ' 1 6/H1i. _ _ 'e.' _,,' I .,1 ="" I 11 ," ' \ " fllI.l//f/n - - -- --,,\""11 -= --===- . v - I ..........11II1II:1:"IIIIIIIIIIi:"IIIIIIIIIUlmllmllmllll1: '.. ,.i, l\f ,I . liI!. l'. I ,: J." I il - I \I' \"\l,",, - c-' " 1i; ! I I ' I . f (I([ J .'\ \\*"';:";'; I 1/' I } ,'Ii: \ 11'rw1\/ð , . :;- , I \ !li l 11.r; ;" b ---';:'-- ':""11,1 I ,'-=- _ã ==EE= j;:--- 1 \ ' _ __ nüil.' Wl' iJ,1 1iì! . -:W-:-;I"' IIII\íf1ííîííU\I I UltllIlII ,," . . dill .' II,"V , - , .._ ,I "W:> - . ': r---- 1i11!lrllillIf.:' ' I.::I , . s. __ ". G" \ t\I:& ..- p \\' I -=--= _ ,.., I,\ ' 't. ",,. fl, . -" ( >r1- .- - . - . -- \;, "f - :J-l ;-/, ......., """'-- 1111111111'1\ '" FAMILY FAVORITE WITH RESERVOIR. ------------------ FOR WOOD ONLY. -4 1 - FAMILY FAVORITE- I88 7 FIVE-HOLE, SQUARE. FOR WOOD. NO. SIZE OF OVEN. LENGTH OF FIRE-BOX. CODE WORD. PRICE. 9-24...............24 X 22 X I4t ............35 inches..............Compel...... $25 33 Top is arranged with three g-inch holes in front, and two la-inch holes behind, with reducing rings to g-inch. -4 2 - . '" :'_' - ,: I"I.I (.1 BISMARCK SQUARE. FOR WOOD. -47- -- L- i,j. ;'f- i:,:,ap ,,,..... BISMARCK WITH ENCASED RESERVOIR AND CLOSET. FOR WOOD. NO SItE OF OVEN. LENGTH OF FmE-BOX. COVE WOHV. I'HICf':. 9......................25x22X 15............29 inches ............Consign...... $37 00 The Reservoir is made of sheet copper. The dampers are arranged so that heat may be kept on Reservoir, insuring hot water at all times when required. -4 B - =-::'; ;i;;:' :iu. ,,:,\\ . :;-) iõõN.J!1 :g:'1 BISMARCK WITH ENCASED RESERVOIR AND CLOSET FOR WOOD. -49- . FAVORITE COLUMBIAN SQUARE. FOR WOOD. NO. SIZE OF OVEN. LENGTH OF FIRE-ROX. CODE WORD. PRICE. 8-17.................17X 15x 11.............23 inches..............Consult...... $15 4 0 8- 19.................19 x 17 x 12........... ..25 inches............ .Contend...... 17 33 9-19.................19x 17x 12.............25 inches .............Convert...... 17 33 This Stove is neat in appearance, satisfactory in operation, and low in price. It has a good size oven, a large cut top, and wide hearth. -5 0 - - . - = \\== - ,l' lt . \\ FAVORITE COLUMBIAN SQUARE. FOR WOOD. -5 1 - FAVORITE COLUMBIAN WITH RESERVOIR. FOR WOOD. NO. SIZE OF OVEN. LENGTH OF FIRE-BOX. CODE WORD. PRICE. 8- 1 9 ...............19x 17 x 12 .............25 inches...............Cool........... $22 67 9- 1 9......... ......I9x 17 x 12.............25 inches ..............Cork........... 22 67 )Eckel Oyen Medallions and Knobs, Polished Top Edge, Copper Resf'rvoir. Japanned Reservoir Co\'ers. -5 2 - l". "I 1IIIfIlIlIllnllll'....;:::"" .::::!:.. 1,1 I: : "PI , 'III" = "E"_- I' "'=' -53- PRAIRIE FAVORITE FOUR HOLES. FOR WOOD. r-.O. SILE OF OVE/I;". FnE-130X. CODF WURD. PRICE. g.......................23x 131 x 14 ........28 inches.............Chirp.......... $22 yo These Stoves were specially pr pared to meet the demand for a large Elevated Oven Stove. Handsome in design and proportion. In economy of fuel and every day usefulness equals the Square Cook Stove. -54- .. I I H j 1.1 '1 1 1 t F'- I\ \ 'II\\\ '" I\ tf\ '1,1 _ -55- PRAIRIE FAVORITE FIVE HOLES. FOR WOOD. 1\.u. ILE OF OV},.}I;. LENVrh OF FIHE-Uu . COVE \\ UI V. I'HICE. 9 ...................23 x I3tx 1..}..........35 inches................Cloud......... $2..{. 85 These Stoves have many features that will make them fa\"orites. Roomy Tops U inches between back holes and Oven), large Fire-box and Feed-door, Heavy False BottOln, Under \"arming Shelf, . .Jîckel Knobs, support under long centre. -5 6 - -57- . FORBST FAVORITE FIVE HOLES. FOR WOOD. NO. SIZE OF OVEN. LENGTH OF FI E-ROX. CODE WO D. P ICE. 9.................. 2 3 X 13t x 14.............35 inches................ Forest...... $23 44 This Stove has many features that makes it a favorite. Roomy Top (3-in. between back holes and Oven), large Fire-box and Feed-door, heavy False Bottom, Under \Vanning Shelf, Tin-lined Oven Doors, Nickel Knobs and Hinge Pins. -5 8 - -59- PRINCESS ELEVATED OVEN. FOR WOOD. DIRECT PIPE Top. NO. SIZE OF OVEN. LENGTH OF FlI E-130X. CODE \VOI D. PRICE. 9.................. ...23 x I 3 X LJ....... ...... 30 inches............. Princess...... $23 00 Ct'T-OFF PIPF BACK. 9.....................23 X 13i x L...............30 inches..............Printer....... 24 00 :\Iounted with Polished Edgps, Tin-lined Oven Doors, Mica Front Door, Swing Hearth, :\ickel Name Plate and Knobs. -60- -61- SUCCESS ELEVATED OVEN. FOR WOOD. DU{ECT PIPE Top. "'0. ILE OF O\"EN. LENG nr OF FIRE-nux. CODE WURD. I'I{ICE. 9 .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . 2 I ! X I 2 X I 2 t .. . . .. . .. . . . 25 i 11 c h e s. . .. . . .. . . . .. S n c cess.. . ... $ I 8 33 CPT-OFF PIPE BACK. 9................... 21 ! X 12 X IZ!............25 inches............Snccessful.... 19 00 This is a neat, well arranged and proportioned low priced Stove, with all modern impro,-eInents. -62- /I , \ \.' \ -- \ SUCCESS -63- HEATING STOVES ART FAVORITE BASE BURNER. FOR HARD COAL. NO. DIAMETEJ OF FWE-I'OT. . CODE WORlJ. PRICE. 3 0 A...... ................. 13t inches........................ Eulber............... $33 00 4 0 A....................... 15 3 0 B....................... 13t 4 0 B....................... 15 , . ........................ Eulerge.............. 3 6 33 ........................EInpire .............. 29 67 ........................ EInpty............... 33 00 " " This Stove is noted for its beauty of design, its moderate price, and for the satisfaction which it has given to all who have used it. The Stove "B" is the saIne as "A" except that the former has no foot rails and has plain base. -6-+- ., ..... 't .' d::-... ':' ' ,h:# ....;"$!. (."')..-- , . . ,"d .... 1'1' ,'I.' I, _$:!t 5r, N .... , 1t...... ,- '. > 4th .ø! ; ' i: jà , . : ç ;'i.( - , ,.- A!. ' } \\.;, .. , I .1, I 111 1 ._ " --.' " - . ,. " , . , ,,- - ,,-: . ,,-,........ )').': '- l_ t- -io __ - ,1"1 .It,- rìr 'hl -ý . I' l.t.,j -1,< 1 4 tÞ \ .0\ \. 'tJ I tf-(,?l\ / ! I !. I , .'?' r ! T ',-i t?: 1 1 1 1 I,? i' '. I \) I . ,( ,t I j) I ,L..,'_ ',' \ - . I,. ..'M ' I Hl l l lI' " II I , ' . I :=o. " .. , oeO'1' \L !. S', c:..;5). , ë _ ,I _ \ IL'C!Þ' , ' 1-(6"' "I iii J l Q't" , .1 ,t 6"" - _' ' tf :YI , ...n ';:- \1 H 'I ' rr<<=, ':' j t, v1 t,, ' ,U." .. - I ' - -:::::_ I"",," , "I I; "...,.,..".. '- r I I ' ,I .' I _ I .... 1I\':()':O::i'h)=(j:"' _ '" "'- J . -.1J . I 1 '- - - --. - ',:. >l ._' .W \' , 1".1' .iì!-"! -- -, (,:..,- ,\\", "" il l" " ' "_ !L I ' ': -i -- r '(;i l}'7. :' ' \ f"- I ". v.. I ! A ,.; /..... - I ,: .,.,' JJ 'JI/Ã. I i)" '- ' . ?', i , \\. '\'\\\\\\ . _ 11 " \\\w ' -.V , À\ .:;O; . ::}; j!- ,,- __ ; @ j :ll 'f:í 1( . __ . 'iI." - v. , [:::: .;., " "7 ..;r-, I,. / .: ':__:_ - .:: Élo '.fS i- ' '- !Æt j . n I- ( _) . . . .]:;::o : ' "Ã..J' .....f -J - \ . , "/ . .. -.- -, ;I- \ì . .' 'Ir.. . ' ;:; --------.:.\' .... I .... ' .:: - -'- "' 'W : : - . \'. ;.. . ;', - i '<. ! - :: -- - \. .. !!i :: :.: :: :t, - :;." !;"" -- - ........ -;Ii =-=- =: =---- ...-... ..-..-- ART FAVORITE, PARLOR FOR HARD COAL. -65- . ART FAVORITE WITH OVEN. FOR HARD COAL. NO. DIAMETER OF FIRE-POT. CODE WORD. PRICE. 3 0 A..................... 134 inclles.................. ..... Hamlner................$ 37 80 4 0 A..................... IS 3 0 I ..................... I 3 4 0 B..................... I 5 " , , ....... ................ H al)PY............. ...... 39 33 ....... ................ H eathetl ....... ... ...... 34 50 .......................Hebrew................. 36 00 " An excellent Parlor Cook and an unrivalled heater. The oyen is perfect in construction and an ornanlental addition to the Stove. , -66- .r, " i' ;ff t i ,'" , ..,,.:; i, ....t",;jfþ l'" . ' 1í L.:::': .,',' ..f J} ,,-, .lm:,;'::",, ;::::\I_,"" ",":"""\'\"\\it . :1 .'lr '1; \(f:fl\ f .. f,:1 . '.,{. o,. "". f .ÿ.... . Y7.\... ..iiI''''. :,.' r , " '::.. . \ . ÆliØ'BlllfJ _ - ,\.\; . "' , "" . Imll" ,'II :1 ' }". I.."". ?- I h -ltI 1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-:''''''I' ' .I.. : '. ''ii1l;NI. ' i"' <Þ.':"'!:, .. ' ' - 'J ' "''''''It', 11 ":' "''' . '' Kj ' ' ' "I t! - ,' 'L",,\ , I I "'II 'Ii ',' 11 '''""',, "."".I ", . t '.k / :III---. I:I I ' I k, , ". \. : i .. I.r,! "I ) \-'...y f. (i , 'J -'- - -- .,,'_ , :OJ' - I' 'I' (0 1', ? , '" "1.,. i.: ,,\ , i il:; tJJ :jl ,1:'\ I " 'J. "' j'l' 7 I [í;.. ' rð .Jf !,I I 'k('II ' ,,',"",.,:t . iJiiiiõ'""i. " 1! 1' i,," (' I 'I ' (oõ 'lf l ll \ ' , ! ) I' I : ;ç.:r ..,..: ; r ' ij r .'It ' I J:H '.';";' .\ "111'1 I I.! I. I ,'.""" -_. 'it, I ï: '1'_ . I' I"" ,,' ,11 1 '1', '"::"'- . ::-' ---'!!____L"" ' '- " .'. '!" '\\\ \\\\ I"" II -.,. _ . !!!!JII!!. I, - ,. _ - , ", íi ./1 i :"> ;: I ' '\\ ' ": f II@I " 1,1 Ìi ' / .... . -! ,., '1. " ItI l ' ., :/ m . " '0.' I ..-.,; , it ,I , '" I . "/111 -, ( ) 1.tI<} \ \ \,\\\\ \ \\1 \ t:... ."1 " :-r.('- -" .. . .. "\\, r", .\t:t (If.: i ' 'ï"r.'J' JÏ " IU, ß1.. ) ; .' ,) :::> · , }fiffjfff!!f!i#. Y1fII'::; "J ."-' \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . == -=. 1 " < I; :=; - --- . .= ,,=-- == - - - % - --- === -- --- - = ="" - "" -------= I" - , --- - = ART FAVORITE WITH OVEN. FOR HARD COAL. -67- RIVAL FAVORITE FOR HARD COAL. NO. DIAMETER OF FII E-POT. CODE WORD. PRICE. 10 A................ lOt inches inside...................... Helmet............... $ 19 80 20 A................ I 2 10 B................rot 20 I ................ I 2 " " " " . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . H el per. ... . . . ... . . . .. . 2 I 67 .... ......... ... ...... H elnlock............. 16 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H a tt er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 67 " " This Stove is the best value in the market. They always operate satisfaétorily, are attraétive in appearance, Inade of best materials and sold at low prices. So great has been the demand for this favorite heater during the past season that at one time it taxed our capacity to supply the great number required. -68- .; L :'It I ,\ . 1 .\ ' ---- f'- ' ' "- II . -....-- à'l" ".: "!..:.; .. ? . "h-'; ï: .' ,-"j \ I" III. II 1 I I' I'} . ... (It ;):-' ;I. 'd {..',r- j ': m@ 1 'r \' ' I .: . '1 . .' V : ,.II . I I f' , I '. . 4J I hi tl .i ' . . L 'I ßt " ;;;;t. :.. . I . '. 1" I . >i - ! , " i.- 1,1 . - ' I n.Jþ ----". ---C-_ .' ./ . .. - / '" .- Á .. ,-- , 1 . " . , I "I I I' I I .. \ ["'7- _ ,T : , '\ _I.;. ) " , ' '- )j \ - I, 1\. ' I" I' -,\\. '-----. I v).;, (' - '." or ' : r ,_ it _<"_ I ''' '' 0,,*- ,-' - ..-,, r. " Wiiiin'"'''' ø fTJlnrlr r1lllrtnr i '(J -;'- l - l - $ :. .4/ II IIMIIIJ I J iI';/ '1 {J' , .. ., - - - .., . "ß -,- '">\ \ .Ò ø . ! ";f ';. . _ . . \ . -oS-.!:I'IIIII :r 1Ë _-:c-:;-' _ u , . ' _ H .': "".'i III ,,1,1... -, {J{ ClC .' I'IIL, / r,,\ Ii" "'" \'111'..'l'ì 'i L'I', , ,"" II, r -- , ', 1!""'J..1 .JIII ':':: I :';: i - 1.1JQf( ,I" '1 ,., \ . fu I : ::::.. .. ",111 tÎiltJ : \ [30 gI) .,.', "",' 1IS\f.iJ iÏ ):'",,- . 1",'1' ., - . .: ' I /" --'":>- J'';i.;; -: '-/ i!JJ tti :l I -: , . . __ - \, ...-; ;:,... - -;:jf ' ,!!!Jll!. II " - _ , \\",; > t' . .-- - - "".",. -- "1\_"" -:-. .r. _ '"N ,) :/J _ ' I\I . \ , _" i '! -==-=--=- C/. \' == - -_ -f- ,_ : ._ -'" .. -= - - -, I PULLMAN FOR HARD OR SOFT COAL. -77- FAVORITE FRANKLIN FOR HARD OR SOFT COAL. l'U. COIn-; WORD. PRICE. 2............ ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... J estor........ ...... ......... ... ............ $ 8 75 3. . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. J oc ke)T .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . 10 33 The FAVORITE FRANKLIN is neat in design, low in price, and well adapted for small rooms where an open fire is desired. Lined with Fire- brick. -7 8 - y :; FAVORITE FRANKLIN FOR HARD OR sOFT COAL. -79- WASP FOR HARD OH SOFT COAL. WITHOCT FLrE. N(I. VIA:\IETEI{ UF FII{E-I'OT. HEIGHT OF STOVE. COVE \\ OI{V. PHICE. 4................ ..gi-in....................... .Z4- in ............... HOllle....... ..... ..$4 00 5...... ...... .....lot-ill...... ... ...... ... ... ...z6-in............... Horn........... .... 4 67 6............ ..... I I 1- in........................ 28- ill...... ... ...... Hope........... .... 5 67 WITH FL UE. 5......... ... .....lot-in...... ... ............ ...26-in...... ......... Hug ................ 5 00 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I -1- in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 - ill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HUll t ..... . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 The lower fire-pot is heavy. Grate can be raked with poker. The flue and damper in top of two largest sizes enable fire to be controlled and kept running all the tillle. -80- ((({{( -- , J' _' ' ;;- It I/f/;' \ 1{ , -' f '" ',. I - / 1. .: , " , \' ,- - , \ --== == l \ \, ,. r",.,., "- -===- ' - {'!- _ //JI -...i- WASP FOR HARD OR SOFT COAL. . -81- PUG FOR HARD OR SOFT COAL. NO. CODE WORD. PRICE. 30. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. .. H e III p . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . $ 4- 00 4 0 ............. ... ......... ......... ......... Herl).............................. ............ 4 67 60. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hill t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Ó 7 A powerful gloh{' l1('at('r, low in pricf'. -82- ,-=-= I' " 11 1 1 - I' 1111"'" Tl 111111' / -;=' 0\ -:: -- - = _ _ 0 t - S, - - ifft--i g - -- - -t- \.- = <_ ;: _ J. :'- e O e ct. -- - -- - ==.- --=- ,- - --o ;-m\- I:- - - - - , ',"r . '\ .",,<::. . ,\ 1111 ill W ,., \\\; \1IU I' l '- 1;; - ... J =: - =" '" Ç" - - = , ' ,; '. .: - J, . , ' , F ; .; j f 'I' \ '\. _-"'= -----.:. =" - E: I ' I, , - - := --- : - - - . - = _ _ .. . . .' r . ...;,,, . ,, \ ., .." ,,': c ' '1\ '..,. ., '. .. _, fq: ,_<. ,. 1 ; \ '. ï , Y _ t, . t- fi -' 'r. '. .- 7-' \....- \ , . _' . \\f ?c-' :,.- :J!i t2) 12.' " -::: c . :11 " =- - , Æ ì =_1 ,/ I II __ . 'Iilill - -r'illlll" ' 1 \: ItHTJ 11 11 / 1 1 PUG FOR HARD 0 R SOFT COAL. -83- FAVORITE OAK FOR COAL OR WOOD. NO. DIA:\IETEI< OF BODY. LE"IG rH OF WOOD CODE WOI "'';: .--. '' ,.' 'I! : - . :-, :=,--:. ."". "ì , : I I t I ''''"' I --1 t G . :<:;>-. _ >-0 flLI Ij \'II); -::: tUtt '^-..-.9 '-.!) - Q(I, t <' . , ... - ,- . ..., " 'I' ..1 " t , t' "- - - 't' I. .; \ìl' fiE ;'t- -: ': ! i ' -:ì ; \ 'iiS !' ':1' r c> I 't I '" I I Q I IØ=-' :,, II '-'( ! "" 'JI1iÇlïF .Ii1j!6 .!-(?.. ..i.. . l1#LJ!Ll. !f!/? .' r \ \ \- ). .. - ------------- - I I =- .- .,'''11Tij, . - - \:, , - _ ,; 1J)' -=- î. TRUMP FOR COAL OR WOOD. -'8q- FAVORITE COTTAGE DIRECT DRAFT. FOR COAL OR WOOD. NO. LENC;TH OF \\ OOD. CODE \\ URD. PRICE. 23... ... ... ................23 - in...... ... ... ... ...... ....... Kingdon1... ... ............ $ 18 67 25.. . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .25 -ill... . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . KidI1 ey.... . .. . . . .. . . . .. . ... 2 I 60 An ornamental Stove of elegant design, classing with the high order and finish of ART BASE BURNERS. Has Ventilated Sectional Linings, Anti-Clinker Grate, Smoke Arrestor and Back Shelf. -88- i<< : 9 :' \ W 'r.; W f.d' ., ,'1 _ " ..... .. "J.ß{J! . . "f :: ('c ,ft';:', ' : ,' ,i 1 - . .. . oJ', \ ,:; . . f\o .' \. "'.. '.' r - - r.- . 1\\:11\ (' _"_ "'" 1'1 \ .y. .!\' & . '- Ø) I I \'i" 4I. ' ! ,.;' _: : -; f : J ;; 1 :.Iì. " . '1 \ '-= .,Wi G ,. '_ j. ; j".;., "\ .7t.. ,... . ,(\) ; ..,............ ,', " ........<."...:.., ,. : i ! I _ r .@1 - IÍ . _==-_. --'--. 4'. ._: I . t; y{ :;., \ Mill .. 'I" - -- _-=. w- f 1iLÞ1 I --', . '1/111 C,'II" ! - ,,- J (I!/, I l '( I \I!I '!2lt l I " . I Ii II .It ." . . ,Iø:;, "i 1 ,1 1 \ 1 II . I\I' ,laJII '" .:!!!J I Ii. I' I r.-Itl/!j" I " \ 111II'11IJ \j,. , I '" . I ! l -- røti..' ' I, . I Ii. '- '1 ìl, Ii, I,: !,' '''':; -. ->:'. j ""'", 11 Uv \ \! f 'h ! 'I.f/ I,l l ' ß :C-" II I . J .. ,)' I ,l, (.f " _ - I I.,) I, J l1 . "., \ " .@íì(.;,,, : ""'"'' I I d('J\lJ __ , '1-__" ... I : ! [ il\ J _ :,I \,. i f' I ðl! -"""'111 - - -,..- \. : II. I! II,' 11 11 1- =--=- _ /.- - ß 1\ . ,' IWI' ,- --". - - -. .1______ (;\ : . -= illi . UIII--=- - 11' 11 -----: ____ u', .;: <' ,'\!; W -,v.,, ..... - 'III' I __ _ -= , I' .. . .,_ -- ----...- (r:. ( 'r '''',. ',; - . ' ---: \ , r I; 'I " .. , ,\':".- - r [ .u I- i ,I - - .-.:::<: r q :, I - / -;::.. 2f =- - _ _ _ -; æ _ -- ...-- : . .-" \' - " '! - 1:t '- - - - - - FAVORITE COTTAGE COAL OR WOOD. -89- MEDAL FOR WOOD OR COAL. NO. DIAMETER OF BODY. LENGTH OF WOOD. CODE WORD. PRICE. 2 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 - ill.. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .30- in.. . .. ... . . . . . . . . .1\1 edal: . . . . . . . . . . . $ 18 20 A most effective heater, well adapted for large Roon1s, Churches or School Houses. :Made of Cast and Heavy Sheet Iron. Has Double Doors, Hea\'y Grate, Polished Edges, Swing Top, Nickel Medallion and Knohs. -9 0 - - _Q:! Nr _ - MEDAL FOR WOOD OR COAL. -9 1 - f FAVORITE COTTAGE DIRECT DRAFT. FOR WOOD ONLY. NO. LENGTH OF WOOD. CODE WORD. PRICE. 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 - ill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K ee p .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 16 56 25. .. . . . .. . . . . . . .... . .. . .. .. 2 5 - in.. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. Kern el.. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . 18 60 An ornamental Parlor Stoye and f'ffective heater. -9 2 - . j., 'r" ... I .- 4 -- - - -_'::6: , ..... ,. I . ... "' """""" u.'" ^Iob ð : ;,, - ;! , : ... . . II '- - \ ;It :....:,..(.,, ' \ . I .. ,\.I' .\ .=.. < - -...- -'1 .JI'->, \ ',,,II l . rø: , . . .", I J ' f:V'fi I ' I I , " fl fJ;m. > . ,\. : . I -?oj 1ø,;Wi f I '!!:J , . . I, I I' }j ,', t 1 ð . . 1:' '';i; )tP''j _' ' ". I, " . .({i J t f III -- - 1,.. ,_ -i' ,t - - - - - ---=:; 0 "," ' I \\i, -> 1, -' "'1,., , / I I \ :b.1 -,. ( , ., II ' 6'<-" Ibon. , :Þ _?:'iì :m ' --"'" - -JII . 1 .....,1' 1 ,. , :J:'i:tJ / ':!' . ' kt ,lit . I I 0;' '*'! P l lil '.'" . pi - i - ' "1 .', '..." , .) ,,", " ; t".ì:i I h ; '" ___ =-- I - __ I' 1" _ \I\I " IIIII Õ .'1 "JI I' If ' {. :'- ! ,'; "i 1[ 1t ( .;;t1r C. \ , ":I I '. M, \'''''' '-J 1 . ., '. __ __ =- I r- _ _ -.:- !. ,;\-( t...__ I --- _ - q 't /, 1111" , - - - -'L ' '!!,-.':: , c" ,_"11 111U - _ =-=- ___.,-r , ",..." 1/1 I II - :.. ,. .".... " '" 'I' I III' '1,\' :: _- ..: , : 'V' ,-", ' --::- - __ "f '=- ", - - \ !j - ., - =-- .\,,; - ----- r. . -.) /' r 4 4 E ( , CLCGr . u. - EË "\.._ " ..; - - -<'" " -- " , FAVORITE COTTAGE FOR WOOD. -93- SYLVAN FAVORITE FOR WOOD ONLY. NO. I ENG"rH OF \\0111>. COVE WOHO. I'RICE. 3 I .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 - in. . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lan cet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10 33 33... ......... ...... .........24- in... ... ...... ... ...... ... ... Lantern... ... ... ......... 12 00 \Vithout Foot Rail ùedllét from List $0.67. An all cast Stove of very handsome design, low in price, with Pipe Collar on top; one 8-inch kettle hole. The best selling \V ood Parlor Stove in the Inarket, giving perfeét satisfaétion. -94- :-_ _ I ' I \I :\J' II! II _ . H - - \ \ L!- ,/ - _ . :,/.j r ,,'Q..,..c._!i&,,\\Q t\S.II"II' l " . / .11 IIII \"ìhl.\.r. \,. SYLVAN FAVORITE FOR WOOD ONLY. -95- FAVORITE CLARION FOR WOOD. NO. l.EN(;TH OF FlI E-BOX. CODE WOh:D. PI ICE. 27............... ............27 -in... ...... ............... ... Clarion............ ... ... $ 12 50 This handsome Stove is well finished with Polished Sheet Iron Body and Cast Iron Linings, Return Flues, Nickel Foot Rail and End Orna- Inents, Porcelain Water Bowl in Urn. -9 6 - ' \1.071 , ,\}t ," J ' ': . iii ' , ' G + \ j . "!i:-' [' \ ,J! 1. .= [.j ::'.T' i::J .' ,', I ',......J It- I I' - I.. \.". " ì I. t I / - ---::;; ,-;- ,- , ' 1 1 . I , , .. '"/ ---- õö=... Î\ F!011Il1!J V 1: LÍ l ' \, - 'j\ !/Ilf. "ilid,,:.. II' . " ' I / . - UJ}JlJmrnTI]l ,/i l al. ',. I' illj "- -- ,"I :' " '1' I . _7 r" --- - I/; ï j I, f - \ 1 1 \\;'1 (," -I V - ! T " I ., - I r- c, . ,' '; (, 11 I r-' r,. a , ,,' I ! ì _ ! f I - i' , f5!J - j I .' ," '" ,\, i i '.r,, ,: "Írd' ' I ' \ \ t :.; II ' ,'I' l jl ,I " I', i I \ , . I I I _ I I "III -;' """""" II - I I \ I '. \1 _ \ - - I \:' ii, '" ' , '\Þ 1 ' 1I :, II \ \' ), II - I'I I,' . "\ I la, 1\\, I', . i t --=::: :;I I' C',II-= \. '.: \ \"I _\, .r::, ,I! 1 1 \ , ' , , I " = I\ \ 1<' '" "iiil" . '\ ,\ \ ,'., I \ II _ L . II' II' I --== . - ). \,"', À' '",,,,,,"'"'''''' - -- I ", ' , q ' -='. -_ -:: \,. !_. ; -; i , I!'. \ ' '-" I ".'. _ I '\\. -:- - 1.1 ':' I" " . _;.:' -- =--;-- ) ' ' , . -= \;;' I \\nt".' ') _ __ . ;'" , I 't - /' . : ;f "- Ji";\ o O;:4;f I - - - -- "- - -'== l.!:::;::I .-...:.-- FAVORITE CLARION FOR WOOD. 7- HOMESTEAD FAVORITE BOX STOVE. FOR WOOD. NO. LFNGTH OF FIRE-BOX. CODE \\ ORD. WEIGHT. I'HICE. 21........... ..21 inches................ ....N oon........ ....... .68 10s.............. .$5 {a 24. . . . . . .. . . . . .2{ " .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. N ortll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 " Ó 50 ............... 27............. 2 7 " ... ........... ... ... aiL... ... ... ...... 105 " 7 60 ............... 3 0 .......... ...3 0 . , ...... ........ ... ... eed ..... ... ... ... 125 . , 8 50 ............... II as Illnminated Door and is a 11andsome StO\('. -9 8 - I - -- -- = . .1I//JtJJJ!fI('f1l1r!f!I}TfI!!l1ìfr . . -' - r'r 1 ., '\ ' , I I... 11111111n .111,.1111111'". '1'1' , " .,.,'" ""'u,1 / , ".. - .( ] ,. 11 I I' Inn1l " I / L './ \ _ - !õæ!E- =- __. "I,L.!I .lm ltI IIImitIII\\\I'\ y, ___ .- ;Ir : " /' J - . f'''': I' /.-::--- I - ..",/ === ß' I < : j: 1 / Z - u ; r f" / ",; ;f- "':- -, ',: " '. 'iI , ---- -- \ · , "Ji' 4t'%:\t- , . .,, .{C \. ., !z /- Z 1\ \ ' I . / . '*:. ; -'.--:' '" t:' ?' -...--:"!'! \ 1% U 'l, '" ,I-..; . , , , , _ '. / - :. #. .,,; , í z ' \ f I / \ " : ' ': ' --, . ' j ' f 3 . \, ' \ t I ! I / I .I'!f'" '." II Io..l\ r &! b II .. I ' J - I w,. j \" \ \.\ \ " \ í: 1/ 1 \ ' .. I'. ( -"Ò O ... :,' , " - \"j;;'" '1 r 1\' '---- 1: "I \ Lj:i ?,> rj' \'",'\i 1' ,I!\\' III;> .. :1,., . í.l. 'Ir. -"' o';""'.._ . ::..I - 1...,.... 1'''.i "'ë:: .. .'v Æ !oof, ".",,' ",i'_" 1 t Æ ....-..'- I \\, ' =J.:::.' ,f :i, j P ' \ 1' 'I II ' '" . \ -"" .. ""--lJ. ",,= ,'! %i..'f' I / W í --" 1"'" 'J ; 1,,\' ,.. -.: - ';; , , 'Z .,li 11j .7' t é( - -. - ) l 1) I I ! or"."', - .. J ,I 'i -=-- Iiiìiì-- rff'i(tF ' ", - : -', _ ,' ::.: --!:: J' - ==== -... III' -- "' . r: ' . . I ?./ 'Ii. "'\.I --=-- _ -, -.', ,'l'Î _ - ,1'1', . "0 _ - -_ \ 't I u. \ - . / :1i1 ..\:;--> '--p\ , f\ '( -: '\" !l1I4 - rl - *\.. '" IIIIIII:-,.r ,?'II\ ."''' II, .\ _ \if' ..JN - ./ -;;;;: , !! o _ - -:_. .. = = . , - -- \ -- --= - - -- ' :rr cu R AN -t S$"\\) ' / = 'ltINCHfiM I!.':I \N.GS,n" j I' HOMESTEAD FAVORITE FOR WOOD. -99- GRANSHA W FAVORITE BOX COOK. FOR WOOD. NO. LENGTH OF FWE-BOX. CIIDE WORD. PRICE. 27... ... ...... ...... ...... 27 -in.... .......... ......... ...... ice....... ...... ... ... ...... $8 4 0 3 0 ... ...... ... ...... ...... 3 0 - ill.......... ...... ... ... ... .... Night..... ... ...... ... ....... 9 50 This handsome Stove is entirely no\.el in design and construction. The Flue is so arranged that the heat is at all times carried under two 8-inch Cover Holes for cooking purposes. Novel Features are patented. Feet are halted fast. The -100- - " , _ __' :: 'O _- ;>d:,;t : :-.;,- ;{! ";;;.,-; ',., :: , '"""?,: ;;'; ,,, , \'111111;111 11 11111111,11111111" -\; .. ",,' 1111111, -.- . . _ " ' II 'IIIIIIII,1I11 / / " . þ ;'"''II' ''' ,"" ' 11 Lllt''' ' _I :'1 .. I : I , I 1111/1 , . II , ,, " 1111 I .,;,; (',.'__-4- - ___ -..,., II"III ! 'I I i ,I<< - _ s1; ,,: . ,' r""'!:1 r' '1 :: r: j ' : iJl ' " " I ' r II l :! 1 -' " -. W / ' ",... '" 'A .# \ f .,' ) '. ,tf ' ;-/ -= :' ': '- ""\' 17'/t' ia,1 ,', " ':\\ \ ;1 , .> (/' -.' . "" .,r , ... ,/, 1/ " ) I .;! r.- ' ,If;;. ' \ , J'\ "' ... i. ; I \ 1 -,....' " II I 1 t. ,"." '%, ,,-;. 11!!,... fìt I ø 1- <<> I \J '1 I:II '" ,':-,,. ' \b:+ !,I < '\ \ ' I,/;, ! I/ (. ' 'II I :' ,";,';;:;' " , : 1 ' I ':. - - f'e}",. 1 1ì , .',,",\I. )' X.,!" I . , I "'... ,.', - _ .. "'- ,,"$ ,/, Z... :;;; " , J 1/ I. \' \,;' æ"i ,-;: .. --: r, í f; 'I ,; '-' \'11_, , :-:. ; ?) . ; i t5. ' 1 ' t " íl l : 1 1 1 ;1 .,1 Æ. -.-.1""--.!?' I - f IZ I' "t là -_ ..t Ii. ø. Ii -' 'tl tr1."t/"- . . - - \,) ' *' J I ' I , J "1111- _]"f ;'''' - - _-__ h '" , ) I I I , 'r 1 ,...: "" __ I _ 111 11111111111 fJf ti "., 61' . - - _' -- ], ' II 'I ,lrtI...'-- = ."" "''''''11111111 111m 6) ,Ð 0 "0 .III. - ' /c ' , . _ --..". " I /J; - 1.- - : "",- III 1111111 Ðo Q _ Iii' I ,J ' '\ " . 11:111111' ' 0 @ ,fit" . .... '" """');., "' , I' ' ij "' b." ";( ' c .t ,. _." ,;ll'H "-"F- I \ 'i( (.' !4 l - -:::.. 11 'C - IIIIIII.......--=-'--'I: 1/1,\1\-;'\-" II !it. "'-' 1'1 . - - II - - -; - . ' ' .:: '\ - - '\ R iFGE. 7 " WINCHfiM 1!E ,t\GS,nt\ $ ßlr ..:; Fi"""' -" - ,- - GRANSHA W FAVORITE FOR WOOD. -101- . , NORWAY BOX. FOR WOOD. NU. LEN(;TH OF FIRE-BOX. CODE WURD. 1'f.:ICE. 25. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . . .. . .25 -in.. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I':> 011t1 '.' . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. $ 7 63 3 I... ... ....... ... ... '" .....3 I - in... ... ... .......... ... ... Pan)' ... ... ...... ... ......... 10 30 The ORWA y is a full sized, heavy, first-class Box Stove, Blade with Polished Top Edge, Swing Top with Kettle Hole and Swing Hearth. \Ve also make it with Dairy Top. having two Kettle Holes and Short Centre. -102- NORWAY FOR WOOD. - 10 3- PINE KNOT BOX. FOR WOOD. PL\I:\ Top. No. I.ENVrll UF FIRE-BOX. COVE \\Of{U. I'RICE. 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 - in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IJill e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4 37 22. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 - in . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pill t. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 47 28... ... -.. ..................28- in... ... ...... ................ Pilot....... ... ...... ...... 9 00 3 6 . .. ... . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .3 6 - in.. ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. I>ic k .... . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . 13 50 H Ir-;GED Top. 28.. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .28 - in.. . . . ... . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . Pike.. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. 9 30 36. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .36 - in. .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . Pi e r . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 14 00 A neat, first-class Box Stove. -10-1-- ---=- --- - - =O t_ IIDI ok. - _=J _ 1 111 " --= -. \ . - ...... --=--= - --- --- - ----- --- \ ==- - -- on ___;'1:_::..::.:::._ n ----- \ -- O'p .,s.,.t _.o.To." r, = ___= J PI NE KNOT FOR WOOD. - 10 5- . . cñ a.> () ; .., í · - -= .- c- . = , ::\\ . 2 ," I c I I _( \ \ : ia t \ ; I, \ \ I , llr: ;\ I " , \ . " t :! \ :_ - c -' \' I - - _ -- _ - - - - -- --- 1\ ,l w --- -=-=------=::---= Z - ----- - ;2 i r;- - - = - I I , ' I j: II III I ,!I. Iii i( . ' . (/) (/) UJ Z a.> O --J \;:,' -- \ - - 1'1 I : :: 11 : = \1 I' II I 1',- =: II 1\' - I '_ : : \1'1 \111 I = \ \ ' - I - o z < z o ........ --J a3 ëñ ..... 0 Cl) ..c -+-' t:: 0 (/) 0 I-t ..c -+-' . (/) Cl) :> 0 ... Cf) t:: .@ >. :> ro Cl) ..c Cl) 'b.L I-t ro - Cl) I-t ro Cl) (/) Cl) ..c NAME. PRICE , \ ; \lfl\ ': 1 1 ,;, ' ' õ ',' \ , - . 1'1 -" - · -- ._o;1 '\ _ \ I - - - - ,II',%' -- - - ill Iii : :Jj.' f" il I;'. --i"! 11111111111111111111 _:.' . I I == _ . _ I () t-\j:_ : :III ' :' '111 r, I.\ I ; 1 11 11 ' 11 111 " :, \ "," ; III ",' :11,;,1,,, - W,\ .( I :ic' '1111111111 I <:"\'II !!'õ: 11111 \ 'ð ii,- -'1111 "II' '::11111,1 1 :1'"" \ J" jIl'" . . I . -=.;; 11 1 m il, 111':j;;i llll , Þ ri /--- ' LENGTH OF FIRE-BOX. WEIGHT. Lion..................... ..36 i11ches............................ 300.................. $ 18 00 Lio11es .................. .4 8 " ........................... .600.................. 32 30 -106- ....,...'1". I" \I' \ , - - \ %--::- vf', ' ....,. - ...... þ ,_ \ , ,, _-"j -7'" ,'\,.." .. '''', /'',,'_\. 'I'I" -<:", ;:: J . -(!-=,,,,,,,,,,"""""I\ . '1IiIiõi: taJ/:rrrr" ...... "!l"'''\WI\.\''''' ': ''"1 \ \ \\\\\III\\\\\\\\\\\" \ : Urt,nnmtn\\1.. 1\('" .\1\1 \ , ,. ' - := I "'\1\1 "_ w..- f tß F .. p eM fr-r --; Í!; , '- J,:t};if- ý/\ , Ë ',., 'iè' ,Ir .::! -- I"l 'r : _: .;1 : . 3 TAILOR'S OVEN NO. DIAMETER OF TOP. CODE WORD. PRICE. 2...... ......... .........24 inches.......................... Tailor.............. ... ... $ 19 00 This TAILOH.'S OR LAr DRY IRO HEATEH is all cast iron with Brick Lined Fire-pot. It has a Draw Centre Grate, Large Ash-pan, Heayy Corrugated Oven Bottom made in seétions, the hack half-top is stationary; the front seétions slide backwards. - 10 7- "=- I;;;>=- - "I/ .If m....''''''',. .", W/I/Il / II "'"""tlll.':"\\\\\\\\\ III \ \III\III'h;, .. WIIIIIIIII/III"'/II/{' -"'''''''':i;:!If:: :...........111111111''''''11"1 " ....m III ... UIIiIIiü IIlIilt .\ ! !! I\WiJ", . ' _1JfIII-,- -- _ ,I- . - , - -- \- ..:.. ;t.- '" ""< ..__ ""J 'JJ:"....,. " -'::::'11"';;'4. ,.;:. ,_ \""""'''\''''''\'' \ ".1, ai::lrt' ' . "'.n .\tl\\ '1""\\' ìr ' I...."'.' \ \WII I'.... :a lt -= · \:.,., ' â,' AIII. ' -:\ j,' ,F '(.iJl"""'" rr l5 ., """r ') - I - J \ 5';1 1 : ;;.."f,... .' \ - " J , 2' -_ ,. -. , l :=__ _ - - _ : ::::: ,t'-',.!J {=- - :::: =--- Jt . - - - - ,'/ ;; - '- -=: == -.., '- "'''' = ="' . " :C <;: CANDY STOVE PRICE $15.00. This is the best and most economical fuel CANDY STOVE made. It has a Draw Centre Grate, Large Ash-pan, Brick Lined Fire-pot, Three Re- ducing Rings, making holes for Boiler 9, 12, IS and 18 inches in diatneter. LAUNDRY STOVE FOR COAL. For 18 Irol1s, as sllown in cut....................................................$16 00 For 10 Irons, without Top Seélion............................................. IS 00 See illustration on opposite page. -108- . Si.æ. I.ellgth of l< Ire-lJo:... 22 gal 32 30" 2{ {5" 26 60" 27-4- -.-.....,...-- 1'1'1";---';:'"'' " :""",' "'" : II; t: . ..) _ - I I \"" '=1\\\ __ . - -, ---.::: - "'" 'II I -I- " -- , ' "\\'\ I " , r \: U / / / / \I \\ \ ,:, ! '\. I I I ' !, ' f 'I I / I / / I t / . \ ,'. \ ..- - - ,.,j .lJ'ICA' t " /,1 / /', \ , \;' .- . " , ' I I / I -\ '. . E - < i '" / ' _ = _ - - 'I J..-= { !--- -=--- --==-_________ \. c = _. _ ----, _/ ---:j -:c- ..: -= -:",.- .t..... - \ - ::> .11 , .,1' ==------------- 1,,,,,,,"11 . , ' 111111 111 '/',' '. III. ' I \' IV Ú 'ldi Weight Price. about 235 $16 27 28 5 18 20 3 60 2{ 20 {OO 29 00 -=3 AGRICULTURAL FURNACES. FOR WOOD. These Furnaces are mure economical in fuel, quicker and more con- vcnipnt for Boiling than anything that has yet been used for this purpose. \\' e wish to impress on the trade the importance of keeping samples on hand, as we find those that do so do a large traòe in them. The aòvan- tages for cooking food for stock, boiling soap or sugar, rendering lard, &c., will be appreciated on sight. SiLeo 22 gal. 3 0 " {5 " 60 ,. CAULDRONS -=- =- oo c{ 'j --- - - -:--' , - (/ '\1 I _ - ,,\ I - IIC" IL I "rr" ." ,,,,,,,11,"" 1111 ' 1II1I1/1/0I1111111111111111011ll1l1ll1ll lll /l I I"'IIIIIIII III L.' Price. \', \, $ 5 2 5 5 75 8 50 10 25 1 \ \, " ',') These are the samc as used in connection with our AGRICl'L Tl'}{AL FURNACES. For the same purposes. To be set in brick. -110- HOLLOW-W ARE BELLIED POT. Nos............. 7 8 9 10 Price........... 56 7 0 7 6 84 c- -= fI1111Ti" L--: II " , 111'"11111111 ,"lIIlirrn..",'C.,' \ i I\I II ':. I II lll l ,\ 1\1 11 II j II '11 \ ,IIi. \ I III' II \t. I II I 1,/1 Illl "\ '\ ,"I I I!I I , ".I/u ,---- -""' LIPPED KETTLE. Nos.................. 8 Price....... ...... ... 56 9 67 =?iií" ' " ," . ,,," , {' - - ------ -- . 1IIIIf I' 7 :1' I " I 111; il . II III L. \ \ ' \ \ II I '111 --/ STRAIGHT POT. Nos............. 7 Price........... 4 8 7" \- lI hllllll":'-- ",\\\\WIU"\\\.. : ,II I- I I' .:. (' ", , "\ ==- "/ /1 \\\\"'11 - - .. , · '::I\"...,:; mdl1 11I ,,' SPIDER. Nos............. 7 Per Doz.......$z.88 -I II- -- 8 $ 3. 20 8 9 10 56 67 74 )fp 9 $4. 00 10 $+80 . !I! -- ---- - -----: :: . . . :s TEA-KETTLE. Nos.. . . .. . ... ... .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. ... .. . ... ... .. . .. . .. . ... ... .. . ... 7 Price................................ ............... ............... 51 8 9 7 6 10 63 88 -::, -= .:...:- . - -- _ ::J - '&:: r .. '" . '- ;.... .." = __'=!";. - ::3Jr) --= / , ,- .... ........ .?= -===== - - --" .... ........ SCOTCH BOWLS. BAKE KETTLE. Nos......... I Price....... 30 2 3 44 4 With Deep Rimmed Cover. 9 to 17- in . 4 cents per lb. net. 3 6 51 -112- -.= 7;: - =-= ::_:::::: - ... :: i : -=- . -_-_ : -- ø .::< ';,. /' - "4, @J , ---- _ð -- $Þ - -... _-==' ECCENTRIC BELLIED POT No. g-lo-Rounù Bottorn, (holùs 20 quarts)..................................$o 84 No. g-lo-Pit Bottom, (holds 32 quarts)....................................... I 60 iiîîiì in = :=- - =-=-" - II IIIIIIIIIIIII Tlr l ' IIIII ' I " IIIIIIIII II mo, I -' 11111111111 \111\ 11111111 mllill 1 111 1 DEEP LONG PAN No.8...............Soc. No. g...............60c. No. 10..............78c. vVe also Inake Shallow Long Pans (same price) that sit over holes. MASLIN KETTLES No. I...............30c. NO.2...............3 6c . No. 3...............44c. -113- -- HAM BOILER No.8. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I.. 60. No. 9.............$2.00. No 10............$2.33 / / ".' '." . 111. _ . . . . __ 1 J !liJt . ';;; /{I < , . . & / Iqlll lllmllll 11II1 llllllm 1 lIIlllliiIÏi llii ;ii"lii;, ; ;'; ; líw,I_ ; ijTør ;,,1. / CHARM No. 8.............$1.00. N .. $ 1.20. o. 9.... ... .... No 10............$1.25 -11.1- GREY ENAMELED WARE. '................. , " , - .",,, - , " LIPPED PRESERVING KETTLE Grey Enamel inside and outside. TEA-KETTLE. Grey Enamel inside only. Nos.. . ... . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . 8 9 Price................... $ 1.20 $ 1.25 Qts. 3 Doz. $8.30 SCOTCH BOWLS. Grey Enameled inside only. Nos...... 2 3 { 5 75c. goc. $1.10 $1.20 { $8.Ro 5 $9.9 0 6 $12 8 $15 .,. " . -'---- 1":1111 I" :In I J __ _ -;;;;_- -=-_ =3 II IL MASLIN KETTLE. Grey Enameled inside only. Qts. 5 6 7 8 10 12 goc. $1.10 $1.20 $1.30 $1.{O $1.50 Qts.................. I{ 16 20 24- $ 1.75 $2.00 $2.5 0 $3.00 -115- GREY ENAMELED WARE -= BELLIED POT. Nos............... 8 Each.............80c. 9 10 9S c . $1. 2 5 " , \\ \ SPIDERS. Nos............. 8 Each........... 40c. 9 4S c . 10 Soc. . I ,/J " I ' ' , \ II' KETTLE. Nos............ 8 Each.......... 70c. 9 10 8sc. $ 1.00 "TI. Per Set of Pot, Kettle and Spider. Nos.. . . . . . . . . ... 8 Price.. ...... ...$ 1 .go 9 $2.25 10 $2.75 -116- TIN STOVE FURNITURE COPPER BOTTOMED. Nos. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g 9 10 Per Set.............................................................. $4.00 $4.67. $ 5.33 .. .. .. -- - ------- - - - - --- -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- --- -- ----- -------------------- ------------- -------- .. .. .. PIPE SAFE ENDS. .. . 6-Ín. per dozen.....$I.87. 7-Ín per dozen.....$z.oo 7- In . pIpe, dozen paIrs...$Z.4 0 Nickel Handles. Packed 3 doz. in a box. . American Pattern Stove Pipe Dampers. -117- ,; , "L. ,,:I If Ilfli 1 II ' II II :. j i i: I IJ Ii :; i i l 1 J I I !, /-- / ,ç " !:?:,,/:' i :'1 I:, I: ,, " ,J ',,', II' ;" f. 1 ::' ,;,Iil j:J ij;:I! 111 I'HI · 1 1 "1' ' 1: 1 1 ' 1 ' :'11 ' ii l ' ll illl ':!,i 1:1 1'1' 1 1 ill' I ': !II; 11 1 '1 I, I ill' I , ::--- \ ,I, ;, '" . ,,'.;: "":. ii" I 'UI!lIt:'llllllllllnllllll:lIlIlIlIIlIIlIllIlIlIlIlI 111"1111" I I 111111111111111111111111111111111111 I mllml!llllil flPIII' III SIZES. DEPTH. PRICE. 2{X 18 incI1es.............................5 inches ....................................$2 00 30 x 18 3 6xzo " . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. .... ... . .5 " ...... ............ .................. 2 70 " .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ... . . . .. .. . . . .. 5 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 {O These Sinks haye a Bell Trap held firmly in position with two brass screws, so that it cannot be n1Ïsplaced or lost; also a hinged strainer which pennits the cesspool to be cleaned when required. Each Sink fur- nished with Grate for draining plates 011. SINK BRACKETS :'IJ o. I-12{ X 91............................................................. Per pair $0 75 · , 2 - I {t x I 0 .. .. . . . . .. . .. ... ............................................" go " 3 - I fit x I Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " I 05 SINK SPLASH BOARDS 2{ i 11 C' 11 C S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I 00 3 0 3 6 " I 20 " I 50 -118- - ---; -. r\:-- - --- -- -- -- ---s:=- S . - ! III ' t, - --== . - : - - . : - -I- " /," =-- '=-=-C- = 'fl ! - I I j':-- -- - = - ":: =>- j = ;;1 ----= " ' - =- :; , ---::-.' - -- 'IJ iË: =---3 1 15 rtf,' - -' ,' .- - i, ::-l ;!i",==':C: - - ' ..:, ,. ! " - ----- -- '----== ; :: ; 1 == -="":::_-.::: -:.'-J -;.... .;;:. ;t ..g:- ---þ-- =-, --. - -===-- -- :;:---- -, . SINKS PLAIN. SIZE. DEPTH. PRICE. I SILE. DEPTH. PRICE. 20XI4 inches...6 inches.........$1 33 30xI8 inches...6 inches.........$2 4 0 20X 16 " ...6 " ......... 1 55 3 0X 20 " ...6 " ......... 2 55 24 x 16 " ...6 " 1 75 3 6x 20 " ...6 " 3 25 24 x 18 " ...6 " I 87 3 8x 20 " ...6 " 3 75 -119- . SQUARE FLOOR REGISTERS WITH BORDER. PRICE LIST OF SQUARE FLOOR REGISTERS. SIZE OF OPENING. REGISTER ONLY. BORDER ONLY. FACE I'LATE ONLY. 8x 12 $2 80 $1 50 $1 00 10 X I..} ..} 25 I 9 0 I 85 12 X 15 6 00 2 ..}O 2 ..}O 12 X 19 7 50 2 80 3 20 I..} X 22 10 00 3 7 0 3 9 0 NOTE.-\Ve ship all Square Registers with Borders unless otherwise ordered. ROUND FLOOR REGISTERS WITHOUT BORDER. PRICE LIST OF ROCND FLOOR REGISTEHS. SIZE OF OPENINl;. I{EGISTER ONLY. BOI{OER ONLY. FACE PLATE ONLY. 8 inch. $1 85 $1 20 $0 65 9 " 2 25 I 3 0 85 10 . , 2 75 I -1- 0 I 00 IZ ' , 3 60 I 80 I 50 1-1- ' . 5 ..}O 2 ...,- 2 00 -J 2-1- " -::6 50 :'6 -1-5 3 0 " :;:12 15 :::13 -1- 0 24-inch and 30-inch Face Plates and Border:- are Extra Heavy. N OTE.- \V e ship all Round Registers without Borders unless other- wise ord ered. -120- EI] , -1'--".."..U--".II"IIIIII..'I--"--"-I1'I- [IJ .. ......... ..-......"....... ...... ..... ....... .."................... . , r"" "II r...'rl.'r..t r.\'=II..':'.II'=i., ...'r*.., L'..'J . .'; \" ", i'.. J . ..... ,.' I DU! IIIUI I I _.... . 11eI!!' _ ....... .1..',_ ::a:1 õIE -- -r-aa]- 0= .11. _"_ ' , _0 H I- I I _ - /.---..4 >2 "; .11. ....... ,r - " '-j: . J;' ' .... ria' lib '('.,".: - \ 1 Ir --. r;z 1 1- - <> - .I.. "..'J" - _ I -- ,IW! .., I ) -=, '. L'..'. -..å" \ l - - '>. / -. - :- '- t" -i.ã- !,.! ""0,,, = -: ____:? . &i- ,:;;: i i f ' ' L'.. ! ....... - - . -# -... ,- - - ! ..... =..= . 4- .. ' \ ', :,.= :.:.1 . - _ ci , "' h. - = ""-j,."1n :.: = .111., - -4't 'b - _ p E. '" .11. ".'j \ê= ' . - - - - - ' r!J " I ' 1Ii., 'f,!, "I: r å' ,F r I " , - ft, ' Ill..... .11_ {e_ ij -. _ _ ' - == ; E._I. ...... _ _ = tt;: {, -. =..- L'..'J ií== !t -0= :isR a R.iíi___)a:i ri ii :.: = "" I I I I ., :.:..:!iI .111. _. _ f'..ilI L'.. '= '.'Ji'.. :"'..''=:'''..'!'=:''..'!.II1..''= '.. :i'.'J '.. JL'..'J f'..R.II r... rå.åtr..å r...trå.: r. r..å' ...tr"åtr..å1r..*t RS1 SQUARE FLOOR REGISTER ROUND FLOOR REGISTER -121- . . .000'0000 0 . ] I 00 0 r ':'t>. . , .\..... (- , "'I ' 'f. .., c:f -"" 'l "., ? ,', . ,00 o ,. '1 ' I I ! ., 0 Æ' , ,r". , '......... I I I % o .',j . .' . " ,lOr . 0 o i 0 '0 0 0 0 oJ .2 I , , 0 <õ .. :00: Oc o a Q . '" I 8 o ' " ,t'li % OOooo.o .,;>' "I 0 o iIIl .& '?OÞð '000 0 Od\' ft . ,,' I , 'OO'O t ' OOI(j I!: ' , -/ .0 0 " . t l \ 4 'I""I!>O o I " Ii 1 ,111.. . 0 o ''I /: '1...., ", ,..,.,_0 o " " . I. '.óYT i!'! .Ö 'Iii r. 1[':""'00 !I. 0 00 I., ." '" oc:J-T . 00000000 00 . SMOKE PIPE REGISTER SIZE. PIPE HOLE. I'RICE. 7 - in ch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 k - in ch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 00 8 - in ch... . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :.. . . . . .. . 8k- inch. . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... 2 00 Centre Registers and Bottom Rings for 7-inch, $1.00 extra, . :_{ 11'1 ;':,"", . -'r " n, I I 11,1111 1IlllllIlnîillllt" 'JilinlU) ':,I"I-'- lIlli ;l; I I Ji J ' "' 'IL,.., _ ' I Ju L I Ulllm.... ....11111111\1111111 . ..' III.. t.:.--- SCI"Ú I".ç -;-- - ' I ' ',I, /II";' : 1 ,, 1111 1 :: / 1111;11 " ,,' rUr,. . ,IUljlllllll CLOTHES REELS No. I...................,.......................................................... Price $ I 07 NO.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , 80 -122- Å ì' t .....,.( } i 1/11 \\\ e> .0:: - --.,;.,-;' :I P:{' .. oJ J_ .i ' III .. , .iJ . ' ...!./J, I 0" :. Jt JJ J f -' . , ORNAMENTAL I ron Railings and Crestings. SPECIAL CATALOGUE FORWARDED ON APPLICATION. PRICES QUOTED ON RECEIPT OF SPECIFICATIONS. .: 6 80 ' . J H3" 8 gJ .. J 85 t --= --: ?- -- =--: -==- -- -- --? ? - '" '" ROAD SCRAPERS / -' j /'" / j NO. I'RICE. I -Cast Iron, \V rought BaiL................................................... ..$5 00 2-Cast Iroll, \Vronght Bail...................................................... 7 00 3- lr 0I1 l)oint, \V ood Back.............. .......................................... 7 50 - 12 5- OCTAGON SAD HEATER "T J.. - ' ! 1l l " 1 11 11 . ;1 _ W i ll H;,' - "- J ." \ , ð / - ::J /nnlllmlm"IIIIIIIII\\\H ,. ' J,J! IIII/JUII 1111/11111111111111\\\\\\\ 1\ , '>- :'- - ---- - - - J- - . - - \ " t -)il : II =--- '1/ :S - I i _ - I , ' No. I will heat 6 Sad Irons on sides, and one Kettle on top, Price, $3 00 NO.2" " 6" " " " "two" "" " 5 60 . . ------- ------ TINNERS' FIREPOTS. I ì (rJ " j"l)) '. :----_6 - . . All Cast Iron.....................Price $2 00 Castings for Sheet Iron Body, per Set ................................... 1 00 J " I 1 ' \ " \ I ,: I I ' , I I I ' [,,\ [,' :f l ' [IJJ .:',:' I \, , II I , , 1 I ",I , ---, -- -126- BUILDERS' SUPPLIES CHIMNEY CLEAN -OUT BOXES. Size, 12 x II inches...............................................................Price Soc. CEILING VENTILATORS. For Churches, Public Buildings, &c. 4 8 inches dianl eter . . . ... .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. ...... . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . Price $ 10. STABLE VENTILATORS. Size, 9 x.} t illches................................................................ Price 80c. WALL VENTILATORS. \Vith Slide, 91-x7t inches.....................................................Price 75c. Without Slide, 9tx7t inches................................................ " Ssc. SOLID SASH WEIGHTS. Ii-irlch diameter, .} lbs. and upward.......................................3C. per lb. SECTIONAL SASH WEIGHTS. It-inch, 10 ounces "each....................................................... .4C. per lb. It-inch, 8 " ".........................................................}c." It-inch, 15 " "........................................................4 c ." STAIR PLATES. Any length, 6 or 8 inches wide.......................................................Sc. per lb. GALLERY FRONTS, PEW END CASTINGS, COMMUNION RAILS (Standard), PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL IRON COLUMNS. WE 7\lr.F;.NUFF;.CTURE TO ORDER THESE LINES . \Vill be pleased to quote prices, answer any enquiries, furnish cuts, photographs or samples when possible. - 12 7- J: D E:X:. Fran klin Field Rollers Forest Favorite, Elevated Oven Grand Favorite, Cook (Square) " " with Reservoir Granshaw Grey Enameled \Vare Grate, King's Patent.... Hotel, Cook Homestead H aIlI Boiler Hollow-ware King, Favorite Lion and Lioness Laundry Stove Medal PAGE. 65 67 110 47 49 25 51 53 89 93 97 108 122 110 125 117 ...39-43 ...4 1 -45 79 12 4 59 35 37 101 115- 116 6 33 99 114 III . 75 106 10 9 9 1 Art Favorite, Parlor ... " with Oven Agricultural Furnaces Bismarck, Cook (Square) " with Reservoir and Closet Closet, High Columbian, Cook (Square) " with Reservoir Cottage, Parlor (Coal) " (\V ood) Clarion, Parlor Candy Stove Clothes Reels Cauldrons Coolers Dampers Fan1Ïly Favorite, Cook (Square) " " with Reservoir Norway... Oak Period Range Prairie Favorite, Cook (Elevated Oven) " " 5 holes Princess Favorite, Cook Pullman ... 10 3 85 23 55 57 61 pug Pine Knot Pipe Safe Ends Pipe Shelf, High " Ornamental Queen Rival " with Oven Registers Railings and Castings... Standard Range, Square " ,. Extension , 77 83 10 5 117 2{ 26 73 69 7 1 121 12 3 19 21 Standard Fa\"orite Range, Square " " " with Shelves " " " Extension and Tea Shelf " " " Low Closet and Shelves " " " " " Extension 9 II Success, Elevated Oven Syh"an, Parlor Sad Iron Heater Sinks Scrapers Trump ... Tailor's Oven Tinner's Firepots Victor, Cook (Square) " (Extension) vVasp 13 IS 17 63 95 126 118 12 5 87 10 7 126 29 3 1 81