

Lynn W. Simone— Editor-in-chief

Doris M. Whitt— Associate Editor

Jonathan L. Faulkner— Business Manager

Dr. Sam J. Underwood— Advisor

A Student Publication of

High Point College High Point, North Carolina Volume XLII

Steps . . .

Dotting the High Point College campus from the new Horace Ha worth Hall of Science, the first tan- gible result of the Golden Decade Development Pro- gram, to Itoberts Hall, one of the College's original buildings, are steps, steps, and more steps. Just as these steps are symbols of the College's physical progress from its beginnings in 1924 to its present efforts in 1968 so are they symbols of the individual student's inner academic, social, and spiritual prog- ress.

The physical plant of High Point College provides the atmosphere for growth in its students from orientation through graduation as they are molded by scholarship and fellowship. The process of matur- ing and learning is a never-ending one with new steps to be conquered throughout life, but those steps up to the platform to receive that college diploma will be remembered as some of the most significant steps ever taken.


Table of Contents

Introduction I

Dedication 12

Features 14

Social Life 32

Organizations 62

Sports 98

Classes 1 20

Academics 1 90

Advertisements 212

New edifices embellished the old on the cam- pus this year as the Collepe made strides to- ward improvements in facilities. The dedications of Horace Haworth Hall of Science and Dennis H. Cooke Hall, formerly used as the science building, on October 28, 1967, marked the ex- pansion of academic facilities at High Point College. Construction of a new dormitory and an infirmary for the 1968-1969 academic year was bepun this year and illustrated the College's continuing interest in improving conditions for its students on campus.

Other physical changes that pave the campus a new appearance during this year included an outdoor basketball court behind the Student Center, a brick wall around a portion of Harri- son Hall, and a new victory bell tower presented as a gift to the school by the 1967 graduating class. In the course of the year, the College pro- vided many new byways, hallways, and stair- ways for student travel, and the erection of a temporary barbed wire fence in place of an often "unnoticed" keep-off-the-prass sign suppested the administration's desire for these desipnated walkways to be used more consistently.



Coeducational. ^ in 1924 by Methodist Church with aid from

the City of High Point



Buildings Are the Foundation

Education Makes New Strides

Members of the faculty of High Point College have previously taken the same steps that their students are taking now. They have taken it upon themselves to impart the knowledge they have acquired to their students. Development of all the capabilities of each student is a primary purpose of the liberal arts curriculum of the College, and the faculty accomplishes this purpose.

Keeping up with new developments in each par- ticular area of study is a task that each professor must perform. Preparation for each class meeting on the part of the professors insures a better education for the student and shows a method for continued learning for the professor.




Stepping through his academic ca- reer, the High Point College student attends classes in which he takes notes, studies for tests by trying to decipher those notes, crams for final exams, and is either exhilerated or disappointed when grades are posted. However, there always seems to be plenty of time left over for dates, mail, school spirit, and going away for those special weekends. The in- terests of college students take off in many directions.



As a student moves through the four years of his college life, some change almost inevitably occurs in his attitudes toward religion and life. His religious faith is usually either strengthened or weakened by virtue of his separation from home influence. Church attendance becomes a matter of personal choice, and decisions of right and wrong in outward conduct are made through inward searching. Old concepts are challenged by an association with new acquaintances with new ideas about life, requiring a re-examination of self and society on the part of each student.

Affiliated with the Methodist Church. High Point College encourages student participation in religious activities through various religious and service organizations and the annual Reli- gion-In-Life Week. In addition to the sparsely attended nightly devotions in Lindley Chapel, students are provided with transportation to and from Sunday morning worship services by several local churches. Involvement in religious activities on campus range from a complete aloofness on the part of some to a complete seriousness on the part of others.

We Dedicate the 1 968 Zenith to . .

As the student steps forward through his academic career, a few people make lasting impressions on him and his life. In 1961, High Point College added one such person to its faculty. Her continuing influence on a significant part of the student body has earned her the label "teacher" in the truest sense of the term.

No student who has ever sat in one of her classes can doubt her thorough preparation and presentation of study materials in literature, and no one who has ever taken one of her tests can forget the pain of writer's cramp. In some unaccountable way. however, her courses always seem to be spiced with anecdotes about William Faulkner even in a course about Chaucer!

An influential professor's efforts for her students should not go unnoted. Therefore, because of the deep impressions made by her prolific knowledge of literature, her contagious enthusiasm in the classroom, and her sincere interest in the welfare of each student, it is with pleasure and gratitude that we dedicate this yearbook to Mrs. Emily B. Sullivan. Assistant Professor of English.


Mrs. Emily B. Sullivan

At any college, each year is highlighted by special events which are awaited with anxious anticipation and re- membered for many years to come. High Point College is no exception. These special moments comprise a minority of the days in the year but a majority of the memories in the future.

Orientation presented the freshmen with their initial view of college life while the Homecoming festivities provided an- other look at High Point College for the alumni. Students' cul- tural interests were satisfied by concerts and assembly pro- grams. A new innovation this year was collaboration between the High Point Jaycees and the SGA in the production of the Miss High Point-Miss Folden Decade Pageant.


Murray SchisgaPs


Memorial Auditorium NOV. 3-4, 1967 STUDENTS Curtain 8:15 P.M. $1.00


Platters Sing to a

a new queen is crowned ... . . .Miss Susan Fowlkes smiles as Homecoming Queen,

1968 . . .

In spite of microphone difficulty, the Platters concert will be long re- membered as a highlight to Home- coming 1968. The performers' per- sonalities were transmitted even when sound was lacking.

Intermission featured the new queen, Susan Fowlkes, with her fel- low contestants. The honor court con- sisted of Nancy Eaves, first runner- up, and Robin Woodhams, second place winner.

"What are you applauding for? I can't hear anything either!" . . .

Homecoming Displays Decorate

.. . . Mounties' slaughter house brings first prize

. . . Lambda Chi again draws first place in display

competition . . .


Front Lawn

7 -


. . . Victorious Homecoming for all . . .


. . . Delta Sig's boast "Panther Power'1

We're in the out-house now .

Each year during Homecoming, the front lawn of McCulloch Hall is dotted with at- tractive displays for the scrutiny of both stu- dents and alumni. This year the Lambda Chis took first place and the Alpha Gams captured second.

A convincing victory for the Purple Pan- thers brought an end to the excitement of the Homecoming festivities. Alumni depart- ed and students returned to their academic- activities, ending the meeting of the past and present.

, v : >v>- -V

. . "Panthers, please"


Miss High Point-

. . . Susan Hines, second runner-up, competes in swim suit competition . . .

Miss Golden Decade Pageant

A full stage of contestants . . .

. . . Miss Golden Decade 1967

. . . Miss America joins the audience in ap- plause . . .

A "Winter Wonderland" of beauty glam- orized the High Point College stage as starry- eyed contestants vied for the double title of Miss High Point and Miss Golden Decade. Twelve girls made the stage sparkle in eve- ning gown, swimsuit, and talent competition in the two-day event of December 15-16.

Highlighting the pageant were appear- ances by Miss America and Miss North Caro- lina. Miss America's outstanding rendition as a pianist brought forth a standing ovation.

. . . Robin Woodhams per- forms . . .


Miss Dana Scotten Emerges

. An "Impossible Dream" come true .

. . . Anticipation runs hijrh for the four finalists: S. Hines, D. Scotten, C. Lawson, and N. Eaves . . .

. . . Carol Poston, Miss Congenality, per- forms . . .

Culminating the Miss High Point-Miss Golden Decade Pageant was the crowning of Miss Dana Scotten, a sophomore music major from High Point. This final event is always the most exciting of any pageant. In just a few glorious moments are combined a pleasant reflection of the past and anxious hopes for the future.


with Double Crown

. . . Miss High Point '66 relinquishes her ... a congratulatory hug and a winner's

crown . . . smile . . .

. . . Dana Scotten, a new queen, perceives possible future crowns in Miss North Carolina and Miss America . . .


. . . Dr. Richard Bardolph spoke to the Fresh- . . . Parents' Day marked the unveiling of Hor-

men concerning "Rise and Alarm" ... ace Haworth's portrait . . .

. . . Another night of Fall Weekend featured Clifford Currie . . .

Capture the Spotlight

. . . The excitement Leonda generated quickly spread across campus . . .

Occasionally during the year exceptional speakers and performers capture the attention of the cam- pus. This fall saw a captivating Leonda initiate a series of popular coffee houses and a Fall Weekend which was financially disappointing but critically acclaimed. Orientation programs, the Golden Decade Pageant, and faculty recitals provided other signifi- cant diversions during the year.

. . . Sherry Shaffer provided special en- tertainment during the pageant . . .

. . . Students attended excellent faculty recitals


Weekly Assembly Programs

Helen and Ray Gordon, folk-duo . .

the speaker facing his audience

. . . communication without words . . .

a lecture ( ?) on electricity . .


Greet Every Student

. . . American Choreographers Company . . .

Each Wednesday morning at 10:00. the High Point College students are required to assemble in the auditorium for hour-long programs which run the gamut from solid entertainment to unprece- dented boredom. This year's captive audiences heard assorted folk songs, speeches, and monologues and watched excellent exhibitions of mime and ballet. Traditional ceremonies, from the Merchant's Asso- ciation give-away to the Order of the Lighted Lamp induction, again found their places on the 1967-68 assembly roster, helping to create a year of impres- sive programs.

. . . Harry Golden, the Finch lecturer . . .


Freshmen Step Into New Adventures



At last the day had arrived and the campus of High Point College was tilled with new freshmen. The first hectic day included a route from line to line. Presented name tag and room key, the new freshman was shipped through a registering line into the strangeness of a dormitory home. The initiatory lines were followed by a more pleasant one— a line for punch. Lines or no lines the fresh- men somehow survived for the most important aspect of all meeting new people.


Lagging Lines, Crowded Cookouts,


Bondage In Beanies

Days flew by at a fast pace during the orientation period. Freshmen will never forget the hours spent during this time in activities like: dancing, testing, picnicking, and meeting the faculty at a reception. Other vital events during the first few weeks were the beanie capping ceremony, the beanie tickets and fines, the tug-of-war, the beanie burning bonfire afterwards, and learning how to get to lunch on time. Freshman Orientation was made up of these events, and for the freshmen it was a period of adjustment to a new way of life.


Not only are the four years of college a time for development of the mind, but they are also years for development of individual personality, maturity, and independence. Students learn a new respect for and understanding of others. Social and service fra- ternities and sororities provide an atmosphere con- ducive to the development of these qualities.

Students entertain themselves with anything from Sunday night movies to concerts by popular recording artists. This year Glenn Yarborough, Le- onda, and the Platters electrified High Point Col- lege audiences with exceptional professional artistry. Rarely does the student neglect this important so- cial aspect of his college experience.

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Time Leavinfl

Expect to Return

Hour of Return


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AO £2 TfeSyes

Front Row, L. to R. : Pryor, McFarland, Moore, Br id well, Looney, Hutchinson. Rack Row, L. to R.: Meadows, Irwin, Gates, Grimes, Downey. Weatherman.

/l//)/ia /JAi ( J/neya

Biggest pledge class ever for APO. What is the first thing a pledge does when it starts to rain? Campus flicks ... All those cokes . . . Brothers "lose" pins! Grossest I. I>.'s ever . . . Ask Ric if he got any sun at Christmas. Talk to us "Liverpool", Jeff. "Remember the Sheraton." What is Bob's favorite song? How about a dozen doughnuts? Keep trying boys, we'll have a band yet. Going to L.R. again this weekend, Wayne? Slide 'dem chairs boys. Behind the scenes, APO does it again!!

Fall Weekend

APO's snapped pictures for ID cards this year.

lit si

Ladders are dangerous unless you hold your mouth just right!


JIT 01 X J

De//a S/'y/na

Whatta year for Delta Sig! Twenty-three brothers and two pledges came back last August . . . Two pledges added before rush ... Rush begins! ... Taro's does a booming business . . . "Sing Dixie Brubaker" ... the Demolition Derby of Pilot Moun- tain . . . back to Taro's for the Stag ... the Drag was great, they tell me ... Eleven pledges, best men on campus . . . Rich, Lurch, and Bill star in cross- country . . . INITIATION for Collins and Badu . . . Carnation Ball in G-Boro . . . Steve's Thanksgiving party really wild . . . Wilkie leads the way in intra- murals . . . Second semester comes and so does another INITIATION . . . Ken and Tom stand out in tennis . . . Sigs providing leadership on campus Bob and Steve hold top positions in Sophomore Class, Charlie and Brubaker handled the money for the Freshman and Junior Classes and Ace was the Vice- President of the SGA . . . April brings Sailor's Ball . . . Myrtle Beach will never be the same, and neither will we . . . Graduation's here, but only Curly leaves Congratulations, S. B. ... That's about it I guess ... the end of another year for Delta Sigma Phi. We won't forget it soon. See ya'll in August.

Nancy shows them how

Sailor's Ball '67

A 20 JYeJyes



fa^afiiSfo!^ Ho,liday' speaks' Kin«- K°™*ay- Back R°w' l- to Aiien-


^ef/a /L ei a


Delta Sigma

James B. Allison President

Steven J. Matlhiesen Secretary

Daniel J. Eiseit Treasurer

Val E. Zumbro Vice President

P. Richard Badu Stephen B. Benson

Steven E. Breckheimer Stephen L. Burton Glenn E. ChorpeninK David R. Collins Thomas J. Crouch

Michael E. Current Robert V. Donovan Mark J. Doughton Carl L Faiiite Johnny C Lucas

Kenneth I. Machlin

David A. Phillips G. William Ramsey. Ill David F. SchulU James R. Scott. Jr.

Richard C. Smith

Donald E. Staley Tommy Tompkins

Geonre W Vann jarnM H. Wilkerson


AX A 7>fe<fyes

Front Row, L. to R.: Williams, Trump, Holmes, Parker, Cuomo, Hornberger, Samuel. Second Row: Dry, Mc-

Gavin, Froystad, Boleyn, Greenly, Disborough, Garner.

L amSoa ( >ni /l/p/ia

The Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity continued this year with its dynamic program of Fraternalism. The brothers and pledges strived for the top in all areas: scholastic achievement, sports, and social activities.

The Fraternity started out its year on the right foot by pledging fourteen outstanding men. With this addition the Lambda Chi's built even stronger their brotherhood and fellowship.

Keeping up the Lambda Chi tradition of public mindedness, the Fraternity held many projects in- cluding washing of school cars, helping with the United Appeal, Mills Home Orphanage, Christmas and Easter parties, just to name a few.

Of course the year was enlightened by the Lambda Chi social events. Rememberable events such as the Drag Rush dance, stag party, H. A. Costume Ball, combo parties, the outstanding White Rose Formal and the annual Beach Party.

All Lambda Chi's can look back on a year of hard work and hard play ; a year of reward, and a year of great Fraternalism.

axa works for faculty member

axa annual open house


David L. Mason President



Lambda ( >/ii Afp/ia

Wilton A. Smith, Jr. Secretary

Richard L. Braun, Jr.

John D. Cornet Vice President

David L. Mowery Treasurer

Clay T. Carpenter, Jr.

David J. Cerchio

Richard L. Chappell

Sam A. Davis, II Fred N. Eshelman James P. Fetner Richard W. Folts H. Gary Holland

Philip R. Keefer Kenneth E. Martin Richard G. Mock Barney P. Peeler Judson C. Richardson

Robert G. St. John Edward S. Stratton, Jr. Ray T. Taylor Roper A. Wittenberg John L. Woods

JJi Ttappa /J//)/ j a

Pikas sing "Bless You" at O. D. while we got "Higher and Higher" . . . Rush . . . Slickest pledges yet. Gangster's Ball . . . Reaves, are you the Sweetheart again this year? Steve, is she going to N. C. State again, it's just Go, Go, Go, Go! Hell Man, been to the University of Venice lately? Chemical head, nothing but pay toilets at the Uni- versity of Maryland. Uh! Sharpie and Fidlo got Honeys back home and kVs at UPC. Give me that "old Pika spirit" Brotherhood, friendship and intra- murals.

"Mr. Met" money, money, money, Shelvy, Shelvy, Shelvy, Ginger, Ginger. Lucy. Brow lost his pin, sweatshirt and etc. at L. R. . . . Virg, do you fine Sara Lee 10'; after the loth. Poo Bear and Big Mike had a challenge last night, they both lost. Big Dick's dates always hang. Kinney, pick your nose any! Chuck, popped any corks lately? Coston, are you going Phi Mu or is she going Pika. Hondo is the Baby !

Sweater Girl and the big choice projects Dream Girl week end was out of sight ! Then it is the Beach trio and Crash City at 0. D.

Well just SOMF!

I1KA TfeSyes

Look at that 240 lb. line!

The Pikas really back their fraternity!


John R. Reaves MichaelJ. Sombar, Jr. Richard M. Spiker John R. Williams


Front Row, L. to R.: Kendall, von Dreele, Riveria, Lewis, Trepper, Crawford, Wilmer. Back Row, L. to R.

Kaub, Yaunts, Leng, Shumate, Sossoman, Crater, Wall, Hickey.

The year's hardly begun and already . . . Zippy is pickled . . . Bill and "Sugar" break the Alpha Gam rebellion . . . John jumps for joy . . . Hoke takes a vacation for late celebration of the 4th of July . . . Silver Tongued Huey explains dues! Stag and drag parties are great successes fifteen great new pledges . . . then Fall Weekend Party . . . Glenn Who-Ogden? White has wild fall-weekend date ... Ted's smash with Alumni! Where's Dave's room? Frank ie, lend me your car . . . Pledge-Brother foot- ball game rousing success . . . Applegate working on penalties . . . Ray questioned by Florida cops? Sapp repledges . . . Dudley, you ready to race . . . Kiley wants new tooth for X-mas . . . take break for exams, then New Year's party in D. C. ... Forest another Ali ... Syracuse comes to the Big House . . . Gomer, AGD sweetheart . . . Pat Who? Gary? Jungle, what's on your washcloth?

Sweetheart Dance in February . . . Lagos be- comes part of NIL . . . Papa Mann and Marshall seen on campus ... Is there enough Goode in the world? Seward wins Fred Astaire contest . . . Gouge is superman . . . Sharpe thinks Sociology is a better major anyway . . . Dreamgirl highlite of the year . . . Hit the books for final exams . . . Beach trip successfully rounds out a ureat year.

ox Sponsor Barbara Mize


Another Theta Chi serenade

Don't forget, My foot's down there!

William R. White President

Thomas L. Kiley Vice-President

( psifon AJpJia


Jneia GJii

David G. Ackerman Jeffery S. Hulick Secretary Treasurer

Robert E. Applegate

John C. Bloom

Raymond W. Blosse Allen C. Eastback

Daniel J. Ennis Craig D. Furman

Alan C. Gouge Michael D. Hoke Charles E. Kurkjian William J. Lagos Jon H. Mann

J* K

John E. Marshall Gary J. McMahon Evan D. Pearson James N. Pusey Ted Renfro Robert P. Robertson

Gary V. Sappenfield John G. Seward Doug E. Smith William A. Stewart Frankie C. Thigpen John P. Winters


Greeks participate in the many phases of Co-Rec The KD slave auction always attracts a host of pros- night, pective slave drivers.

The Panhellenict Council presented a successful "Sadie Phi Mu Robin Woodhams partici-

Hawkins Dance." pates in a beauty pageant.

The Phi Mu sorority aims for victory in intramurals



The beginning of a Greek intramural basketball game.


Alp/ia Defh J£eia

"Alpha Delta Theta . . . We will rejoice in Chris- tian fellowship." Now at the end of another year, our bond of fellowship, made up of sisterhood and Christian service, has been strengthened by nine months of fun, work, and worship together. From orientation until graduation we were busy taking advantage of the opportunities that our sorority offered.

Our pledges brought new life and new activities into the group. Getting to know each individually . . . secretly delivering "happies" . . . the visit to the Thomasville orphanage ... the project and pro- gram for the sisters . . . initiation . . . until sisters forever !

We strived to live up to our role as a service sorority by taking part in service activities on cam- pus. Returning trays from the infirmary to the cafeteria, straightening the clubrooms on Sunday, and helping serve refreshments at the faculty meet, ings were small, but helpful services for the college.

In February we got into the spirit of Valentine- giving by having Heart Sisters. Surprises and little gifts say "I love you, Sister" in such a fun-filled, exciting way. Each Wednesday night we held de- votions in the dorm. This special time of meditation united us spiritually as truly "Sisters in the Service of God."

The two big highlights of the year were our fall and spring retreats at Millbrook Farm. These were two memorable weekends of fellowship everything from a spaghetti supper to a violent pillow fight. The buildings, the natural surroundings, and the joy of working and playing together created a truly wonderful experience.

At the end of school separations must be made, but not without one last fling at our beach party. However, even during the separation of distance and time of the summer months, Alpha Delta Theta are Sisters forever.

The sleeping (?) beauties (?)

AA0 7J/ecI9

Sing we together


f 1 H


¥ >

Front Row L. to R.

Rogers, Clause Knitter Scott, Bowers, George, Herman. Long, Hamlin, Combs, Crater.

n, \ . W d Y Vnnv"; MaV1?e1ny' ?U!hes' Gibbs- Bo«well. Sigman. Van Anda. Hinkleman, Haddock, Ogden, Woods, \ates. King, Petree, Holcomb, Brewer, Deck, Bova.


yi/p/ia Delia 3 fie t a

Susan A Griffin Ann Luff


Vice President


i ft o ?! **

N. Carol Huff Barbara J. Barnes W Delra A. B|ackburn Janet L,

Secretary •jj' Treasurer

Patricia J. Barbour C. Dianne Davis Judith A. Davis Kobyn R. Deckel Leslie J. Elmore Patricia S. Caah

Sherry L. Franz Martha J Hadley Judy E. Harvey M. Linda Huff

Margaret A. Kirkman Fuchsia A. Lackey Betty J Logan Barbara A. McDiaimi.l Virginia E. McDonough

Angela D. Miller Jane E. Phillips Janet A. Seigler Sherry L. Shaffer Joyce L. Shipley


Sherilyn J. Sullivan Linda L Sykes S. Alice Thompson Sue E. Van Gilder Doris M. Whitt


ArA Wecfyes

Front Row L. to R.: Stear, Verman. McCorkle, Dav, Humphries. Back Row L. to R.: Bell. Duda, Patterson. Pipes. Lupton. Parsons. Sherrill, Dixon, Pecht, Pickel, Brown.

Aipna ( Jam ma


Rush . . . Best pledges ever . . . one even smaller than Scheuffle . . . long straight hair . . .

Memories Mize and her unpredictable pin ... Lynnie-pooh and her candlelights . . . Williams' un- usual weekends X. J. and Charlotte . . . Winches- ter here on week-ends ? ? ?

Show us your feet Judy . . . Berryman and her non-study habits . . . Heather's job at Schrafts . . . Patti's constant diet . . . Sylvia's affair with the water cooler . . . Shelly's hearty laugh . . . Bobbi fi- nally breaks the Taylor tradition . . . Penny "climbs every mountain" . . . Pat's field hockey team . . . Sturm without a Payne . . . dorm council member lying in the hall in a blanket . . . Carol Ann doing a modern dance . . . Suzanne and Zelda finally found out when initiation was ! ! ! Sandy leaving for Watts Hospital . . . Poole graduating early . . . our new Mrs. Bland and Mrs. Culler . . .

Candy sales Seranades Intramurals Homecoming Initiation Hen parties Rose Ball 0. D. and because of all these things we love Alpha Gam.

Catch that Alpha Gam smile

Alpha Gam Beauties on Display


c7amma C

0/ Afpfia CJamma Delia

Ann N. Scott

Diane E. Abbott

Diane P. Niland Vice President

Susan A. Applegate

Barbara L. Taylor Secretary

Nancy L Berryman

Gail Hetherincton Treasurer

Kalherine G. Chappell

Catherine H. Cline

Patricia M. Coffey

Allison M. Gleu-

Donna H. Goettsche

Sharon L Harshbarger

Emilie L. Pickett Barbara W. Poole Carol A. Poston Sylvia D. Piatt Lorraine A. Reidda Suzanne G. Robinson Betty W. Rogers

W. Carol Scheuffle Donna L. Shelly Patricia A. Smith P. Kay Stewart Joann P. Sturm Linda J. Sturm Lynne F. Swink

Nancy E. Taylor Patricia A. Tyler Janice K. Watt. Diane U Williams Penny Williamson Carol F. Winchester Kathleen Zellmer

- " - " -i uurar

High Po»nt College High Point. North Car. i| 1



Gamma Gamma chapter, ever stressing quality, not quantity, pledged the twelve best girls that High Point College had to offer. As always the year be- gan and ended as a Kappa Delta year.

This is how it went. Grovey told Spas to "Just Walk On By," and by the way Seigle, "I Think You've Got Your Fools Mixed Up." Looks like Jack is waiting for that Italian flyer. Rut fy, you are so shook up and bless you, Lee. Where is that crazy Mimi? We hear that K. K. left lipstick traces, and Hop-along Hairfield has acquired racing stripes. But, wait, tune in tomorrow for Part CXI of David and C. squared. Hey Bev, keep it down. Deanie is looking for a ride to . . . anywhere! Listen Fang, stop fiddling around or you might get homey. Doody went from XKE to SAE in three seconds flat. II. II. Esq. is now selling little pencils. How was that first meeting, Karen? and who is that old lady in the fuzzy sweater? Issacs still advocates blind dates, and gosh we miss Hunt. Beam's dates are really blind. Dorsay and KD sweetheart are. Sander's heart washed ashore on Tripoli. Que-pasa with Tricky Cruit? Pat, are you still gold digging? Bean- head got frost bitten. Date's date, date was blitzed by the claw. Suggestion for McEwan pick up a T. V. Guide. Susie loves Sneek-a-Snack, and Joyce and C. M. at last alone? El's lamp is lit. and it caught all of Anne's skirts, but anyway the rotten banana peeled off to Nassau.

And onward to the beach. If your heart can take it, come fly with us.

High Point's Best!


, } k 3:\

The Pepsi Generation?

Front Row L. to R.: Jackson, Lawson, Rehberg, Smith. Back Row L. to R.: Hubbard. Rabb, Phillips, Twitty, Craig. Willis, Waters.


Elinor K. Bradint1 President

M. Dorsay Jones

Nadine M. Sadler

A. Lelia Cheney

Betsy M. Haiifield

Joyce S. Kait

Linda C. Sanders

Clayton W. Cleaves

Kathie L. Keller

Sheryl L. Smith

Catherine E. Cruit

Nancy L. Hunter

Diana L. McEwan

Jeanne C. Vanneman

Elaine M. Seisle Vice President

Patricia F. Boyles

Karen R. Ciamy

Helen E. Rounds

Helen H. Wilson


OM JJfeJyes

Front Row. L. to R.: Snead. Arnold, Mathenv, Williams, Blackshare, Siceloff, Denver, Letherman ; Back Row L. to R.: Hardy, Willis, Shackelford, Haynes. Hill. Brooks. Stark. Duncan, Campbell. Catron, Hill.

Amidst the happiness and sorrows which we all shared, Phi Mu completed another successful year. We returned from summer vacation with all the en- thusiasm which binds us together. We worked hard from the start and were rewarded with sixteen wonderful pledges. Leslie and Sharon finally rode the goat along with Cherie, Connie and Leslie Steele. Candlelights became quite popular and Les and Britt finally received the pin for which they've been pin- ing. Louise got a thirty diamond ring and a boy to parachute into the football field. Cherie's library studies paid off well. Teague is beginning to hear wedding bells along with school bells- Lynn and Claudia are still in hot pursuit their goal Duke! Janet and CK always at the gym. Maggie and Dana add to the Phi Mu Five, while Robin with her guitar is really a star. Judy takes economics trying to improve the treasury. Linda without Tim and Dim without Pete you'll never see. Alice, you say you're going to join the Air Force? Cathy, Lynn, and Carol fighting for the phone booth make quite a crew. Pete and Bob, what needs to be said! Marcy, how's your teddy bear? Cheryl's seat belts keep Phi Mu's close. Donna wants to pledge axa. Irene chases Charles on the Beltway. Ellen is our wise owl. Vic- key, Phyllis, and Sandy form the basement crew. Nancy, Ellen, and Connie, real peaches they are. Is Sherwood majoring in Art? Our one real talent, Ann. Dana's our beauty and will represent us well in the Miss Golden Decade Pageant. All this is just a part of life in Phi Mu.

Hey you, Rushees!

'Fess Up


Sharon L. Baker

Donna S. Henderson

Margaret B. Leary

Sharon D Sherwood

Sandra Kyles Secretary


Irene F. Caputo

Leslie C. Steele

Catherine A Millei

Louise Pierce

Phyllis A. Sturdivant

Connie R Oumpton

Carol A Lancashire

Leslie A. McCall

Maicia D Kainei

Sylvia H Teaituc

Judy L. Paikci Treasurer

Mary D LaSalla

Linda A Meyer

Vicky L Wimhetly

Carolyn P Brill Vice President

Lynn C. Edmonds

Alice W. Seymour

Roberta A Woodhams


ZcVc/ J a a ~7lfpha

Rush is over Hallelujah Zeta did it again

our fabulous fifteen pledges! Who can find time to study amidst bridge games with Glo, the "great doublet-" and Nancy's songfest to the tune of "Roomie Love" the discussion of which way Joannie will turn that picture today, Ellen and Marty returning from their mountain trips'.'

Did I hear Marilyn say something finally or was it only Rita's "honk"? Searching for letters in the Dempsy Dumpster, Tricia? Margie and her "by the 10th, girls". Greenwood, how many did you finally grab for that p-irty at 0. I).? Lynn is still looking for somone to pose ! Some rock, Winstead ! ! Donna hands junior marshal honor to Sue. Pamn

is it the "Tombs" or Texas this weekend? P.C. loves P.C. and Betty's still looking for watermelons and talent, or is it her KA Brute?

These memories are only small reminders of the great friendships and intangible ideals that can not fill any scrapbook yet will fill our hearts and minds always when one Zeta meets another anytime, anywhere.

Remember . . .

ZTA 7fe<fyes

Front Row. L. to R. : Scronce, Cunningham, Smith. Second Row. L. to R.: Rushing, Palermo, Amberg, Currie, Laney, Shernll. Third Row. L. to R.: Marsh, Billhimer, Williamson. Williams, Johnson, Monday.

Happiness is New Zeta Pledges

Break time, again?

Delia ^Jamma

Rita E. Bowden Elizabeth O. Carter Lynn M. Donnington Patricia L. Elliott Susan M. Fischer

Linda F. Greenwood Pamela L. Klinedinst Nancy B. Lefler

Marilyn J. Stephenson Gloria F. Troutman Joan P. Warren Ellen L. White Carol L. Winstead


. . . acquiring funds . . .

. . . moments alone for creativity . . .


. . . discoveries in the laboratory ... ... going up and down stairs . . .

. . . utilizing the new pool table . . .


Dormitory Life Means . . .

.a do-it-yourself beauty parlor.

.that long distance call.

.demerits. .

.rainy days. . .


uncomfortable typing.

...and a few hours of study.


Many students at High Point College find it profitable and enjoyable to participate in the various campus organizations. Whether the individual is interested in campus poli- tics, religious activity, publications, or fine arts, he can find his niche in some extracur- ricular organization on campus. Sometimes good rapport results in new friendships, sometimes bad communication results in friction, but always the experiences involved in these activities increase the student's un- derstanding of his peers.

This year, bold steps were taken in the im- provement of several organizations. As it happens every year, each of this year's or- ganizations displayed its own personality. Some campus groups lost prestige while some newly formed organizations made significant contributions to the campus in their first year. Participation in these activities aided in the development of well-rounded individ- uals.







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Student Government Association

Organized for and by the students, the Student Government Association functions through three separate bodies the Executive Council, the Legis- lature, and Judiciary Council.

The elected officers are responsible for super- vision of assembly programs, the orientation com- mittee, and special events. This year all three bodies have worked toward greater unity.

One of the biggest events this year was having Miss America at High Point College to crown our Miss Golden Decade. Her presence, along with the presence of Miss North Carolina, helped to make the pageant, sponsored by the Student Government Association in connection with the High Point Jay- cees, one of the most exciting ever held in this area.



Barbara McDiarmid, Secretary

Jim Coston, Treasurer

Forrest Dover, President

Jim Allison, Vice-President


Robbie Myers, Speaker; Patty Finks. Secretary; Brian Ditzler, Speaker Pro-tem.

Student Legislature

Composed of elected representatives of the major organizations on campus, the Student Legislature acts on proposed measures which improve the aca- demic and social atmosphere of the college.

Legislature and its committees were very busy this year with concerns such as arranging the big social weekends, revising the Penal Code and the Student Government Constitution, running week- long coffee houses featuring professional entertain- ment, creating the Student Public Affairs Com- mittee, reactivating the Student Congress, and con- sidering academic changes ranging from increasing the allotted number of class cuts for juniors and seniors and allowing credit to be given for publica- tions participation.

First Row, L. to R.: Robertson, Stewart, Welch, Hardister, Chorpening. Second Row. L. to R.: Johnson, Gragg, Peterson, Carle, Taylor. Third Row, L. to R.: St. John, Kurkjian, Turner. Brown.


Carrying the responsibility and duty of try- ing all cases concerning infractions of the rules of the Student Government Association and High Point College, the Judiciary Council has worked toward the goal of handling all cases involving any student, with the exception of cases involv- ing extreme moral charges.

In carrying out their judicial duties, the Coun- cil follows the principles of the innocence of the accused until guilt is proven.

This year the Judiciary Council, as the high- est Judicial body on campus, has achieved their goal of insuring the rights of the student at High Point College through a combined effort with the Dean of Students, the Student Personnel Committee, and the administration.

Judiciary Council

Rosetta Rlackwelder, Secretary ; Carol Scheuf fie, Prosecutor.

Susan Applegate, Chief Justice

Co™etR°C^uchtOR': Ho,comb' Johns- Shackelford. Back Row. L. to R.: Quinn,


Mike Hoke, President, gets mail from the new day student mailbox.

Disunity among day students due to the fact that most are married, hold jobs and are town-oriented is the major problem which the Day Student Council attempts to solve.

Among their projects this year were the co-spon- soring with the S.G.A. of an orientation week dance and a "Day Students for Campus Office Campaign."

OFFICERS: Corn, Holmes, and Owen Are you going in through the trunk?


Scholastic Honor Society

One of the greatest honors anyone can receive at High Point College is to be invited into the Scholastic Honor Society.

In order to become a member, a senior must have a quality point ratio of 2.25. A junior may become a member upon completion of 75 semester hours with a quality point ratio of 2.75.

The Society has as its goals the stimulation of a desire for learning and recognition of outstanding scholarship.

Faculty Members

Student Members

Dr. Lew Lewis, President Dr. H.E. Conrad, Vice-President Miss Marcella Carter, Secreta ry-Treasu rer

Mr. Hobart Allred Mr. Samuel Carter Dr. Dennis Cooke Dr. Stuart C. Deskins Dr. E. Roy Epperson Dr. George H. Hobart Dr. William Lazaruk Dr. William Locke Dr. Charles Mounts Dr. Wendell Patton, Jr. Dr. Christopher Wilson Mr. Nathaniel Yarborough

Elinor K. Brading Charles L. Cox Charles D. Crews Elizabeth B. Daniels Lynn C. Edmonds Marion T. Edwards Barbara L. Everhart Tommy H. Holmes T. Steven McLain Suzanne Martin Leonard S. Palmer James G. Picka Lloyd K. Prevette Steve H. Riggs Donald R. Saunders Lynn Y. Tuggle Randolph P. Waugh


Order Of The Lighted Lamp

Each year in one of the college assemblies, a number of students are inducted into the Order of the Lighted Lamp. Organized in 1935, it is the oldest honor society on the High Point College campus. In order to be considered for membership, a student must have maintained a 1.75 average in his previous five semesters at High Point College and must have displayed outstanding character and leadership in his college career. Current members of the society make nominations and a majority of the faculty must approve each nomination.

Student Members

Elinor K. Brading James C Coston Lynn C Edmonds Jonathan L Faulkner Susan A. Griffin Mary-Jo Hall Dianne J, Holt Cheryl M. Kendle Suzanne Martin Robert E. Myers Margaret A. Neese James G. Picka Robert P. Robertson Ann N. Scott Lynn W. Simone William A. Stewart Barbara L. Taylor


Junior Marshals

Being chosen a Junior Marshal is the highest honor that can be given to any junior by High Point College. The marshals are the twenty students with the highest over-all scholastic average for the first two years of college.

The duties of the marshals range from putting out assembly bulletins to ushering at various college functions. One of the most important tasks of the marshals is helping at graduation time.

At the end of the school year there is a banquet given in the marshals' honor.

Tom Holmes and Jim Picka

Co-Chief Marshals

■1— ■— m

L. to R. First Row: Weiss, Auman. Griffin, Pratt, Fischer, Fielden, Chappell. Second Row: Saunders, Gaffnev, Holcomb, Idol, Sigmon, McDowell. Third Row: Holmes, Owen, Guyer. Picka. Tuxhorn, Calhoun.


Kappa Delta Pi

"Eager to promote a closer bond among students of Education and to enter into more intimate fellowship with those dedicated to the cause of teaching as a profession" is the description of the spirit of Kappa Delta Pi, an honor society in education, according to the preamble of the society's constitution and bylaws. Kappa Mu chapter was installed at High Point College on May 27, 1965, and was the first honorary fraternity on campus. Individuals are invited to join the society based on hij,rh scholarship and an exhibited good professional attitude.

L. to R. First Row: Martin, Edmonds, Weiss, Holcombe, Pratt. Second Row: McDowell, Daniel, Faulkner, Hall, Wimberly.

Alpha Phi Gamma

Established at HPC in November of 1966, the Delta Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Gamma, honorary journalistic fraternity, had nine- teen members this year.

The purpose of Alpha Phi Gamma is to recognize and honor individual achievement in the field of journalism as demonstrated through student publications.

This year Alpha Phi Gamma had many projects on the agenda. Among these were hopes to arouse interest in the fraternity among other colleges in the area and plans for a publications workshop.

L. to R. First Row: Gilbert, Whitt, P. Smith, Horigan, M. Smith, McDiarmid, Simone, Eddinger. Second Row: Mr. Baker, Mc- Nulty, Baity, Vann, Bridwell. Shaffer, Barnes, Shaw, Dr. Underwood.


Student Christian Association

It was the purpose of the Student Christian As- sociation of High Point College to help students, faculty, and administration to develop a deep aware- ness of the love of Cod and to help them grow into a meaningful relationship with God, Jesus Christ, and their fellowmen fellow students, professors, and persons in general through the encouragement of and participation in religious activities of the College and community.

Summer Job Opportunities Committee includes Sherry Shaffer, Jane Phillips, Lynda Long.

OFFICERS: Leslie Elmore. Secretary; Bob Dodd, Treasurer; Charlie Teague. President; Nancv Nash, Vice- President.


L. to R., First Row: Boswell, Shipley, Clause. Masten. Billhimer; Second Row: Deck, Gibbs. Ogden, Wolfe, Deck- er, Shaffer, Norwood, Logan; Standing: Harvey, Lackey, Huff, Bova, Hughes, Honevcutt. Luedeke, Bovd, Woods, Williams.

Fellowship Teams

OFFICERS: John Farmer, Jim Elkins, Barbara McDiarmid, Doris Whitt, Angela Miller, Paul Gabriel, Larry Adams, Donna Hutchison, Wanda Wise.

Fellowship Teams is an organization of college students devoted to and interested in helping the youth groups of churches throughout the state. The students learn by helping others to find themselves.

Team visits usually occur on weekends- The mem- bers live in the homes of the church families. They give instruction in recreation, worship, program planning, and the purposes of the fellowship.

The retreat at Millbrook started the year off with a real "bang". Swimming, sports, recreation, and fellowship made the weekend a very special occasion.

Fellowship Team members enjoy their Training Re- treat.


The Circle Revolves

Members excitedly decorate for M.S.F. OFFICERS & MEMBERS: Shiplev, Grimes, Tanner,

a coffeehouse. Williams, Harvey, Adams, Davis.

Pogo characters ask the question, "Whose God is dead?"

The Methodist Student Fellowship and the Baptist Student Union with the guid- ance of the Student Christian Association, this year transcended denominational bar- riers to form an all-inclusive group, THE CIRCLE. In this fusion, they endeavored to discover themselves as individuals, to relate to each other, and to react to the changing world in totally different ways.

Through programs designed as "encoun- ters" with humanity and God, they sought to view the realities of their lives and to re- spond. These "encounters" alternated in style from "coffee houses" in the Student Center to lectures in the band room. Included were such varied events as a Pogo Character's drama. "Whose God Is Dead?", psychedelic "happenings", and lectures on "The Christian Views Existentialism" and "The Human Side of Christ" and the film "Only a Man."

Guest folksinger captivates the audience.


Women's Dormitory Council

Standing: Yoe, Neese, Klay. Parker, Shelly, Sturm, Thompson, Peterson, Hall; Seated: Johns, Kait, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Turpin, Housemothers, Decker, Hay- den.

With its many obligations, the Women's Dormi- tory Council at High Point College tries to develop in resident women individual honor and personal responsibility. This year governing decisions of the Council were made during the Monday night Coun- cil meetings- Members of the Council hear many complaints: no hot water, slamming doors, "no dating during the week for freshman women really ! !"

Health inspection was a great threat, but then so were the weekly room inspections made by Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Turpin, the housemothers.

Duties such as checking freshmen during closed study and remembering to lock up on the right night were part of being a member of the Women's Dormi- tory Council.

Ann Neese, President, relaxes on new bed which will be in the new dormitory.

Bobbie Taylor reclines as she enjoys a nightlv phone conversation.

r Fi

A dorm council member doing what?


Bill Sevier, President

Men's Dormitory


The Men's Dormitory Council this year had as its major achievement the painting of the third floor lounge of McCulloch Hall and the installation of a new carpet. It might be said that these "stal- warts of justice" have worked hard to better the living conditions in the dormitories. With the initia- tion of the "Busy" signs and the co-operation of all residents of the dorms, a relatively ostentatious year has been achieved.

Being the governing body of McCulloch and Millis dormitories, the Council governs and guides with the aid of Mrs. Lung and Mrs. Mc Keekin-Kerr, resi- dent counselors, who serve in an advisory capacity.


I am cleaning the floor

L. to R.; Seated: Sevier, Gragg. Tuxhorn. Standing: Prince, Ackerman, Smith, Faulkner-


Tower Players

MEMBERS: Cornet, Boccucci, Danburg, Gilbert, Shaffer, Barnes, Ditzler, Billhimer. Phillips, Austin, Gabriel, Bouc- her, McKenney. Wilkes.


H.P.C Thespians

Toe-typing is a demanding part of a performance.

Preparation before a Tower Players' production.

"What a pity the Tower Players of High Point Col- lege are giving the Murray Shisgal one-act plays 'The Tiger' and 'The Typists' only two nights," wrote Greensboro Daily News entertainment editor Jim McAllister after the first Tower Players Production of this academic year on November 3 and 4. "The Tiger", a violent confrontation of a ferocious non- conformist and a respectable housewife, and "The Typist", the story of the struggle of two office work- ers to rid themselves of loneliness and frustrations, were both highly acclaimed.

The success of this production followed the popular production of "Little Mary Sunshine", which filled the stage with light song and dance in the spring of 1967. Enthusiasm defined this musical from the enjoyment found in the behind-the-scenes prepara- tions to the magic that came across the footlights.

Chief Brown Bear (Pat Austin) shows Corporal Jester (Rob Sale) how to be a "heap big injun."


Long hours of practice and hard work aided the High Point College Choir in producing many mem- orable programs during the past year.

After a triumphant performance of Haydn's Lord Nelson Mass with the North Carolina Sympho- ny Orchestra in the spring of 1967, the Choir be- gan the new year with several appearances in col- lege assembly programs. Their annual Christmas concert was highlighted by an inspirational perform- ance of The Song of Christmas.

The Choir, directed by Mrs. Frances Redding, be- lieves in enriching the lives of people by way of song and spiritual joy and capped the year with a spring tour and participation in the dedication of Wesley Memorial Methodist Church, singing Brahm's Requiem.

OFFICERS: Jane Wagner, Rik Danburg, Tommy Hall, Joe Patterson, Doug Rayle-

Martha Hadley decorates the Choir bulletin board with Peanuts characters.

Bass section practices their parts in a sectional re- hearsal.


Choir practices for one of their weekly ap- Mrs. Redding directs the Concert Choir,

pearances m assembly.

L. to R., First Row: Bond, Duda, Harris, Corn, Hadley, Scotten, Davis, Williams, Leary, White; Second Row: Bripgel Seamon, King, Shipley, Huff, Taylor, Miller. Wagner, Woodhams, Clause: Third Row: Applegate, Nelson. Ravle. Calloway. Paterson. Sharp. Dodson ; Fourth Row : Phil- lips, Driscoll, Clendaniel, Edwards, Jordan, King, Hall. Danburg, and Mrs. Redding, director.


High Point College Band

The High Point College Band worked hard this year in trying to get a well organized and well rounded sound. The Band is composed of students who are interested and appreciate music of all types. The director is Mr. C. Robert ( lark. Each student found enjoyment in their participation in the Band.

Mr. Clark directs the Band during an afternoon rehearsal.

Musical Arts Club

J. Theise, R. Woodhams, J. Wagner. J. Patterson, J. Jones, M. Hadley, Dr. Lewis, D. Rayle, L. King, T. Albertson, J. \Yhite, M. Learv, Mrs. Redding, J. Bond, Mrs. May. Not pictured: R. Sale, B. Bigham, D. Scotten.

The Musical Arts Club is an organization of music majors and minors. Fine Arts faculty members are sponsors for the club. Members serve as ushers at concerts and recitals, give receptions at these events, and publicize department functions. The highlight of the year for the club this year was the annual Fine Arts Festival, held in the fall of the year for the purpose of promoting fine arts events on campus.

Jenny Bond helps usher at the Fac- ulty Recital.


Society for Advancement of Management

Dedicated to the development of tomor- row's managers today is the Society for Ad- vancement of Management (S.A.M.). The High Point College Chapter is one of many University Chapters throughout the nation They provide a bridge between the theoreti- cal training of the classroom and the practi- cal world of business and management.

Objectives of the High Point College chap- ter are to bring together executives in busi- ness and students preparing to go into busi- ness and to serve as an effective medium for the exchange and distribution of information on the problems, policies and techniques of management in industry. This year these objectives were obtained through plant visi- tations, speakers, and dinners.

OFFICERS: Mr. Robinson, advisor, J. Needham, W. Harding, J. Davis.

First Row, L. to R.: White. Harrington, Howie, Andrews, Golden, Davis, Therrell ; Second Row: Holmes, Boyles, Crimes. Traveria, Gragg, Weatherman, Nelson ; Third Row: Bishop, Irwin, Freeman, Brown, Waldon, Jones, Brown, Harriss, Needham; Fourth Row: Hardister, Stirewalt, Jones, Harding, Bryant, Robinson, Davis.

Executive Committee meeting at the State Convention of the Society for the Advancement of Management.


Inter -Fraternity Council

Serious purpose, creative and constructive contri- butions to the college and the community, and fos- tering the development of good character and fel- lowship among the member fraternities character- ized the activities of this year's Inter-Fraternity Council, the governing body for the four Greek let- ter social fraternities at High Point College, Delta Sigma Phi, Lambda Chi Alpha, Pi Kappa Alpha, and Theta Chi.

The Inter-Fraternity Council experienced a struc- tural improvement by promoting an advisory con- ference with national fraternity representatives and by participating in the National Inter-Fraternity Convention in Atlanta, Georgia.

The strength of the Inter-Fraternity Council is derived from the co-operation of the fraternities. Through this co-operation, the I.F.C. co-ordinated fraternal functions and rush for the Greeks, award- ed the I.F.C. Scholarship Trophy, and with the help of the Panhellenic Council, planned co-rec night and Greek Week.


Panhellenic Council

Governing all four sororities on the 1 1 i jrh Point College campus is the Panhellenic Council, whose purpose it is to strengthen the bonds of friendship among sorority members, thus strengthening the entire Greek system.

This year the Council carried out a most impres- sive and effective rush season consisting of a skit to introduce the rushees to the Greek system and several meetings with the rushees to answer their questions concerning rush.

The Council held a very successful Sadie Hawkins Dance and, in conjunction with the Inter-Fraternity Council, planned and carried out the annual Creek

Week. The Council also decorated the cafeteria for a unique and exciting Halloween Dinner and has been responsible for the advertisement of all athletic events on campus.

Lastly, the Panhellenic Council, has worked in strengthening the Junior Panhellenic Council, which functions as the regular Council with the exception that its members consist of girls from the four pledge classes. The establishment of the Junior Pan- hellenic Council was just another way of preparing sorority girls to take their place in the ever improv- ing and active Greek system on the High Point Col- lege campus.

OFFICERS: L- to R.: L. Cheney, Treasurer; S. Fischer. An informal meeting of the Panhellenic Coun-

Vice-President ; S. Applegate, President; M. LaSalla. Secre- cil.


MEMBERS: Berryman, Williams, Britt, LaSalla. Ebert, Scott, Cheney, Brading. Fischer, Donington.


Student National Education Association

Promoting enthusiasm for teaching as a means of personal fulfillment in life is the desire of the Student National Education Association. The Calvin Wiley Chapter of High Point College is a member of the SNEA, a professional organization for those desiring to teach.

Workshops and conferences informed members of new methods and teaching improvements. Sub- scriptions to state and national magazines kept stu- dents up to date in education. Varied programs illustrated all aspects of the profession and intro- duced members to student-teacher situations. Proj- ects, such as tutoring, helped members to develop teaching skills and an understanding of pupils.

OFFICERS: Linda Weiss, Sharon Sherwood, Susan Griffin, Fuchsia Lackey, Alice Thomp- son, Mary-jo Hall.

L. to R. Sherwood, Hall, Dark. Lackey, Denver, Edmonds, Martin, Brown, Weiss, Williams, Bowman, Hokombe, Shellv. Thompson, Covington, Griffin, Willis, Poole, Scott. Faulkner, Newman, Taylor, Williams, Pickett, Beck.

Annual Spring Convention was held in Ashe- ville in 1967.

Regional meeting was sponsored by the HPC chapter in October, 1967.


English Club

Advised by Dr. Sam Underwood, the English Club provided an opportunity for interested students to delve into problems of literary criticism and to ex- press their own ideas through creative works of their own.

Club projects such as the Theatre Enrichment Series netted revenue which met club expenses and provided a fund from which money was drawn to finance club programs. Meeting twice monthly, the English Club had as its guests outstanding lecturers and professors from the southeast and members of the High Point College faculty who presented orig- inal compositions, essays, and poems in intellectually stimulating programs.

Bob Donovan, v. president: Richard Chappell. presi- dent.

Front Row. L. to R.: Phillips. Shaffer. Back Row: McDiarmid, Sturdivant, Burton, Kiger, Hoke. Berryman. Chappell. Barnes, Donovan.


OFFICERS: Lynda Long, Sherry Shaffer, and Richard Quinn.

Forensic League

To develop interest and skill in the fields of public speaking, debate, oral interpretation, and reader's theatre is the purpose of the Forensic League.

Beginning in October, the debate team traveled to Auburn University, Lenoir Rhyne College, and Wake Forest University compiling an impressive record by defeating such schools as the University of Virginia, the Uni- versity of Maryland, Randolph-Macon College, Peabody College, Davidson College, and the University of Florida.

The Forensic League sponsored a speech contest in December, a reader's theatre production, and a spring debate tournament for approximately eight area colleges.

Readers Theatre Forsenic members are ready to leave for another

successful match.


Donna Williams kept the an- nual retreat alive with her singing.

Group discussions were many at the retreat at Camp Wenasa.

S, Humanics Student Association

Founded on the High Point College campus in 1965, the American Humanics Foundation has con- tinued to grow to its present membership of twenty- four.

The Student Association met weekly this year to hear speakers and to conduct necessary business. Field trips were held periodically to youth serving agencies for a t'iist-hand U»«>k into future positions for students. The annual retreat, held at the begin- ning of the fall semester, was the highlight of the year's activity for the students in the Humanics Student Association at High Point College.


Rowden Gabriel.

Seated, McDonough, Davis, Standing. Disborough, Austin,

Sealed- Matthews Mr Moodv. Allred. Monday. Williams, Billhimer. Bowden, McDonough. Standing: Disbor- oi'gh D:u is Alde^soii.' Jones; Austin. McFarland, Downey, Bridwell, Capek, Moore. LaGrange, Gabriel, Cornet. Hutchison.


Women's Athletic Association

A wonderful and productive year was seen by the Women's Athletic Association in 1967- 68. While promoting an interest in recrea- tion and athletic activities, the girls in the Association participated in such activities as field hockey and volleyball. Intramurals were an integral part of the year for the As- sociation along with such money-making projects as selling candy and a bake sale. As a result of the events of this year, the Wo- men's Athletic Association ended the year with an emphasis upon physical fitness and good sportsmanship.

Cheryl Kendle supervised Co-Rec Night.

L <o R.. First Row: Feimster Hadock, Coffey. Kendle, McCall, Havden. Miss Clarv; Sec- ThL fil i , p ilhams. Palermo Hewlett Reidda, Daniel, Matheny, Cosman, Knight; Third Row, L. to R.: Outland, Swigart, Chisholm, Brading, Cruit, Tuttle Svkes


Physical Education Majors Club

First Row. L. to R.: Palermo, Coffey, Hadock, Hayden, Howlett, Feimster, Cosman; Second Row, L. to R.: Robertson, Whitehead, Danburg, Briggs, Farkas, Perlozzo, Xanfelt ; Third Row, L. to R.: Swigart, Chisholm, Reid- da, Brading, Kendle, Tuttle, Cruit, Sykes, Knight.

The Physical Education Majors Club promotes a pro- fessional attitude in the field of Physical Education. Through various activities the members broaden their scope and understanding of their field.

The majors are active in the basketball ad campaign and each year sponsor Co-Rec Night for the entire student body. As a closing for the year the annual Awards Banquet is held which honors the varsity teams of the college.

The Concession Stand is kept busy during basketball games. Bobby Robertson, President, is an ef-

ficient organizer.


Circle K

OFFICERS: Johnson, Boyd, Moore, Hardister

Circle K is the largest college organization in existence there are over 77~i clubs throughout the United States and Canada. Proud of this heritage. Circle K intended to extend its service programs throughout High Point.

First and last a service organization. Circle K has devel- oped and conducted successfully many activities through- out our country. The High Point Chapter inaugurated a calendar of social and other school activities as its primary service project this year. Other programs were in the plan- ning stages.

As in Kiwanis, the Circle K motto is "We Build." Circle K has proved itself to be not merely an organization, but a driving force, developing leadership for tomorrow while creating a better college or university community today.

Second Row. L. to R.: Gragg, Hudson. Quinn, Rother, Yaun, McLain, Jones, Ditzler Brown Hall- First Row, L. to R.: Dr. Gratiot, advisor. Smith, Waldron, Millman, Muller, Bo'yles- Seated-' Johnson, Moore, Hardister, Boyd.


Apogee Staff

Greg Jaeger, Business Manager, discusses the print- ing of the Apogee with Co-editors Mike Hoke and Richard Chappell.

Faced with the same situations that had mani- fested themselves in previous years, this year's Apogee staff spent first semester begging for poe- try, prose, book reviews, and art work and was flooded with these materials second semester.

The year was composed of late meetings, confer- ences with Dickel & Daniels, searching for the love theme, putting it in, and finally the publication of the finished product Apogee, 1968, High Point College's artistic extravaganza!

Reading Committee consistes of L. Crowder, B. Peterson, D. Gilbert, M. Matthews, and E. Brading.

Staff members take time out for ping pong at the annual CSPA convention in N. Y. C.

Mike Hoke's word is heeded.


Hi-Po Staff

Now in its forty first year of existence. The Hi-Po has grown from a sporadic publication of little con- sequence to a weekly newspaper that gets things done.

Rated one of collegiate Carolina's top newspapers by the Charlotte News and Observer's annual con- test. The Hi-Po continued to grow this year, and with its growth came better dissemination of news, thought provoking comment, and illuminating in- depth news and feature articles.

In the future. The Hi-Po will continue its program of expansion to become a force not only on campus but also in the community.

J. McNulty. Managing editor; S. Shaffer, Feature editor; B. Barnes, Copy editor.

Mr. Ira Baker, advisor, talks with Dave Gilbert, Editor.

Columnists: B. Ditzler, S. Stevens, L. Adams, B. Donovan, J. Phillips, M. Hoke.

Joe McNulty relaxes after another successful issue is completed.


J. Mailleue, rewrite; M. Deck and L. Chisman, copy; J. Scott, reporter; and L. Long, cartoonist.

R k

A weekly staff meeting.

Sports staff: J. Keats, C. Hardy, 0. Hundley.

T. Belch helps Joe and Dave lay-out the advertising section.


Zenith Staff

Dr. Sam J. Underwood, advisor, is lively at meetings.

Publishing a yearbook is a long process requiring work on the part of many people. This year the Zenith has sought to become truly a stu- dent publication by including more students on the staff.

This year's Zenith pages are marked by a new paper finish and a new style of print. An experimental modern layout, a different style on division pages, and a new emphasis on copy were aspects of the Zenith which gave the book a new flavor.

Lay-out Staff: B. Holcomb, J. Davis, M. Bridwell, editor, S. Melton, M. Cusano, R. Miller, R. Jones, S. Franz.

Business Staff: R. Lort. T. Linton, R. Jones, J. Faulkner, Business Manairer D. Marsh. R. Miller. '

Photographers: D. Bishop and S. Smith

Feature Staff: W. Wise, editor, and B. Herman.

mm *** -/%

D. Whitt, Assistant editor and L. Simone, Editor.

Greek Staff: P. Klinedinst, M. Cusano, L. Greenwood, editor, D. Marsh.

A hectic day in the Zenith office as the yearbook shape.

Typists: B. Holcomb, R. Miller, S. Martin, S. Melton.

Copy Staff: B. Sigmon, editor, D. Williams, S. Farlow.

Class Staff : B. Holcomb, D. Marsh, J. Duncan, edi- tor, B. Herman, S. Franz.

slowly takes


Athletics is an important part in the life of each student at High Point College, whether through di- rect participation or observation from the sidelines. The beginning of basketball season brings an end to the athletic dormancy of the first few college months and evokes an excitement on the campus that is unparalleled during the rest of the year.

In each sport the preparatory steps taken be- fore the actual contests include many hours spent on recruiting new players, forming and practicing plays, and analyzing team mistakes. These prepara- tions pay off when the final statistics are accumu- lated at the end of the season.



Leading the cheers at the IIPC basket- ball games was this year's excellent squad of cheerleaders. Many hours of practice serve as preparation for their work dur- ing the exciting Panther contests.

A new look was prominent in this year's cheerleaders. Many new gh-ls re- ceived positions on the squad this year, being selected on the basis of try-outs held before the student body in assem- bly. Many compliments were given to the cheerleaders on their new uniforms this year.

Cheerleaders promote spirit for the bas ketball season.

We have the pep that a great school needs.

Kneeling, L. to R.: C. Phillips, S. Yoe, Captain; N. Stear; Back row, L. to R.: B. Taylor, C. Poston, W. Duda, I). Abbott, J. Keets, R. Woodhams, B. Harding.

Sock it to 'em now!

Every jump must be perfect.


Pantherettes of HPC

Representing tiie distaff side of I li j.rh Point College basketball were the Pantherettes. Carrying a superior previous record into this year's contests, the girl's bas- ketball team performed well against their opponents. Their schedule included games with Western Carolina. UNC-G, and Mitchell College.

Kneeling L. to H.: M. Tuttle. B. Hodock ; Second row. L. to R. : M. Bogue, C. Palermo. D. Feimster. J. Knight, L. Sykes; Third row. L. to R.: W. Howlett. S. Swigart, L. Reidda, C. Kendle. Miss Clary

Miss Clary, coach, gives the team a pep talk. Perfect pass for a successful shot.

Where's that ball?


Introducing . . .

The Coach . . .

Robert Vaughn

The Captain . . .

Gene Littles

The Starting Five . . .

Homey Colbert Picka Littles Tatgenhorst

The Team

First row, L. to R.: B. Thomas, J. Lambert, G. Littles, B. Webb, J. Bowman, J. Colbert; Second row, L. to R.: L. Wall, G. Holmes, S. Tatgenhorst, J. Picka, R. Horney. F. Piacente, C. Hoyle, D. Witt ; T. Hall and W. Shaw, managers.

Their Season, '67-'68


Campbell 59

Pfeiffer 56

Campbell 74

Asheville Biltmore 82

Atlantic Christian 86

Elon 63

North Carolina A&T 83

Georgia Southern 82

Stetson University 93

Morris Harvey 80

Western Carolina 74

Appalachian 81

Wilmington 68


82 79 82 94 82 67 79 85 93 80 81 88 85


Elon 90

Pfeiffer 70

Guilford 92

Lenoir Rhyne 71

East Carolina 77

Catawba 87

Western Carolina 108

Appalachian 88

Atlantic Christian 86

Lenoir Rhyne 72

Guilford 74

Catawba 69

And That Panther Enthusiasm/


92 95 71 64 83 86 90 97 84 81 64 86


Panther Teamwork

The Panthers plan their strategy during a time-out.

Tatgenhorst works at defense. Gene Littles captured a berth on the All-Carolina's

Conference Team for the third consecutive year.

The High Point defense squelches Elon.


Stifles Opponents

Picka emerges at the top of a tower of players.


Carolina's Conference Basketball

Eyes in the Greensboro Coliseum focus on Jim Pieka.


Fascinates the Crowds

Panther Powerhouse— Great Year

Cross Country Team

First Row, L. to R.: G. Clemson, R. Woodruff, F. Hardenstein. Coach Davidson ; Second Row, L. to R.: R. Danburg, B. Carter, captain , W. Mantz, R. Smith, R. Ross.

Once around the track in practice.

Opponents HPC

St. Andrews 44 17

UNC at Charlotte 41 19

Methodist College 42 19

St. Andrews 44 17

Pembroke 28 30

Methodist College 39 21

North Carolina State 15 40

Pembroke 30 26

Appalachian 31 25

Davidson 25 31

Appalachian 25 25

Washington and Lee 36 21

State Meet Eighth place

District 26, NAIA Fifth place

Low score wins

Doug Fryer builds up his stamina for cross country.





St. Andrews

W. Virginia University

American International College

Long Island University



St. Andrews


Atlantic Christian






Belmont Abbey


Lenoir Rhyne

Atlantic Christian




Belmont Abbey

Western Carolina





Conference Tournament First District 26— Second Place

First Row, L. to R.: D. Hickey, N. Perlozzo, D. Ackerman. R. Nanfelt, D. Miller D Rich - Sec- ond Row. L. to R.: B. Boleyn, D. Cooke, P. Wilmer, B. Robertson, D. Mowery, J Kaub, B. La- gos; Third Row. L. to R.: R. Blosse, M. Gebicke. J. Wood, D. Mitcham, S. Crater, K. Ruhl, D. Smith, manager.



Excellent diamond performances were expected from Robertson, Cook, Mowery and Nanfelt.

Calisthenics limber up the team


Carolina's Conference Champions 1 967


Fencing Team Organizes

In their second year of organization, the High Point College Fencing Team was in the process of building, trying to create more student interest in the year-round sport in order to gain fi- nancial help. Bob White, a nationally known fencer, has helped the team this year in developing balance, speed, and coordination with foil, sabre, and epee. Fencing is unique in that the fencer must be on offense and defense at the same time.

This year the team competed against such schools as Duke University, VMI, Wake Forest University, N. C. State, UNC-G, and UNC at Chapel Hill. The team also participated in the Novice Championships at Duke and placed well in invitational tournaments at High Point and Raleigh. The State Fencing Championship was held at High Point College on March 23, 1968.

L. to R.: J. Gates, Mr. White. D. Marsh, R. Badu, T. Webb, L. Meyer, R. Quinn. D. Steves, T. Linton.

On Guard!



Purdue University- Atlantic Christian Pfeiffer College Guilford College Wake Forest Elon College Western Carolina Western Carolina Elon College Pfeiffer College Appalachian Newberry Atlantic Christian Guilford College Pembroke

Tennis Team

L. to R.: T. Linton, H. Walker, F. Thigpen, K. Machlin, P. Hundley, G. Freeze, Coach Morris.

Hundley demonstrates his backhand skill.

Machlin, No. 1 man on the team, practices for com- petition.

Pre-season doubles practice is important.


Golf Team

L. to R.: R. Bennett, K. Tingle, R. Taylor, G. Sappenfield, K. McCracken, R. Waugh.

Randy Waugh attempts a 15 ft. putt.


Kneeling L. to R.: M. Lewis, D. Bowley, R. Woodruff, R. Ross, Coach Davidson; Second row, L. to R.: D. Malpass, R. Danburg, G. Clemson, B. Carter, T. Grace, B. Farkas. F. Hardenstein, R. Steffen; Third row, L. to R.: R. Smith, W. Mantz, B. Fidler, T. Riley, G. Markland, H. Alger, B. Dry, R. Jones; Captains: Rich Smith. Charlie Rock.

Track Team

Opponents HPC

Atlantic" Christian 54 91

Washington and Lee 74 73

Wofford 70 75

Davidson 60 58

Wofford 53 58

Appalachian 65 80

Lynchburg 60 85

Davidson Relays Seventh Place

District 26 Second Place

Conference Second Place

Coach Bob Davidson


Rick Steffen greets the hurdles with confid- ence.


In no place is the advancement of the student in college life more clearly seen than in the steps from class to class. Excitement about his new endeavor permeates the freshman student, while the sopho- more is given self assurance by being an upper- classman. The junior is usually a forward-looking individual with more involvement in his major and its meaning in his future life. Realization of the proximity of graduation is the mood of the senior year.

Although each class step has its own distinct traits, the classes at High Point College are not completely separate entities. A strong interrela- tionship among classes is created through fellow- ship in extra-curricular activities.

High Point, North Carolina STUDENT ACCOUNT CARD

Student's N»me and Address

Simonei Lynn Wood 1031 Lowden Avenue Union, New Jersey

vecount Number 1128—


Bobby Robertson, President


Gary McMahon, Vice-President


Realization of the proximity of graduation from college became clearer to the senior because of the many things in which only a senior could participate measurement for cap and gown, selection of a gift to the school, the Graduate Record Exam. To the senior student, however, graduation not only mark- ed an ending but also represented a beginning, a threshold leading to the future . . . and the future is as close as tomorrow.

The senior assumed a role of leadership as he re- collected his previous years at High Point College, feeling that his experience had qualified him as a satisfactory advisor for underclassmen. The senior continued on his path of seeking and achieving, cul- minating his college experience on that magic day of Commencement, May 19, when he took the giant step from student to alumnus.

Ann Scott, Secretary

Bobbi Taylor, Treasurer


Every Senior's Dream

The final step of the college career is the trek up West College Drive to receive the diploma at Commencement.

Susan L. Applejrate

Alexandria, Va. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Jennie L. Auman

Archdale, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education


Robert J. Betterton

Brigantine, N. J. B.S. Biology

Gloria S. Blackburn

High Point, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary- Education

Elinor K. Brading

Alexandria, Va. A.B.T. Physical Education

William M. BiRham

Charlotte, N. C. A.B.T. Music Education

John C. Bloom

Cranbury, N. J. B.S. Accounting

Margaret M. Botsch

Lexington, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Patricia F. Boyles

Pinnacle, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

James W. Brady

High Point. N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Priscilla M. Brant

High Point, N. C. A.B. Art

Mansell R. Bridwell

Honea Path, S. C. B.S. Human Relations


Stephen L. Burton

Critz, Va. A.B. English

Timothy E. Cassell

Winston-Salem, N. C A.B. Social Studies

Clifton E. Brown

Winston-Salem, N. C. A.B. History-Political

Daniel F. Cagle, Jr.

Durham, N. C. A.B. History-Political Science

J. David Cerchio Wilmington, Del. B.S. Accounting

Kenneth A. Bulla

High Point, N. C. B.S. Business

Judith C. Carlton

Lexington, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Richard L. Chappell

High Point, N. C. A.B. English

John F. Carter, Jr.

Thomasville, N. C. A.B.T. Physical Education

Donald 0. Clendaniel, II

Milford, Delaware A.B. Sociology

Catherine H. Cline

Paris. Illinois A.B.T. Elementary Education


David W. Cole, Jr.

High Point, N. C. A.B. History - Political Science

Cherie Covington

Wadesboro, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Charles L. Cox

High Point, N. C. A.B History-Political Science


James E. Cook. Jr.

Greensboro. N. C. A.B. History - Political Science

Patricia A. Cowden

Greensboro, N. C. A.B. Sociology

David F. Crawford

Granite Falls, N. C. A.B. English

Donald E. Cooke

Brown Summit, N. C. A.B.T. Physical Education

Jean Vanneman joins in the excitement at Co-Rec Night.


Jimmy C. Cranford

Denton, N. C. A.B. Psychology

Gary B. Craver

Lexington, N. C. B.S. Business

Charles D. Crews

Greensboro, N. C. A.B. Religion-Philosophy

Catherine E. Cruit

Aberdeen, Md. A.B.T. Physical Education

Virginia A. Dark

Siler City, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Peggy C. Davis

Adelphi, Md. B.S. Mathematics

Elizabeth B. Daniel

High Point, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Peter R. Davis, Jr.

Miami, Florida B.S. Human Relations

Janet J. Daniel

Roxboro, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Robert V. Dodd

Shelby, N. C. A.B. Religion

Forrest R. Dover

Bessemer City, N. C. A.B.T. Physical Education


Orientation is a vital part of the first step that students take as they begin their life at college.

Donna L. Ebert

Greensboro, N. C. A.B. History

Diane H. Eckman

Cornwall. N. Y. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Lynn C. Edmonds

Richmond, Va. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Rosemary L. Edwards

Siler City, N. C. A.B. English

Steve W. Elliott

Greensboro, N. C. B.S. Business


The Alpha Phi Gamma initiation ceremony recognized several seniors for their participation in publications.

Paul D. Ensley

High Point, N. C. B.S. Business Administration

Barbara L. Everhart

Welcome, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Hazel Faulkner

Liberty, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Jonathan L. Faulkner

Ridgewood. X. J.

A.B. History Political Science

Darrell L. Frye

Trinity, N. C. B.S. Business Administration

Craig A. Furman

Rockville, Md. A.B. History- Political Science

Larry W. Garrison

Winston-Salem, N. C. A.B. History- Political Science

Cornelia B. Gentry

Roxboro, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education



David E. Gilbert

Pfafftown, N. C. A.B. English

Allison M. Glew

Saugus, Mass. A.B. Sociology

Susan A. Golden

Mount Airy, N. C. B.S. Business Administration

Ralph G. Goode

Connelly Springs, N. C. A.B. History-Political Science

Donna H. Goettsche

Arlington, Va. A.B. English

Anne L. Greco

Alexandria, Va. A.B. French

Monica E. GoRRin

Willingboro, N. J. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Patricia G. Hall

Greensboro, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Sam G. Hardister, III

Clemmons, N. C. B.S. Accounting - Business Administration

Laura J. Groce

Asheville, N. C. A.B. Sociology

Sharon L. Harshbarger

McLean, Va. A.B. Art

Martha J. Harrington

Chapel Hill, N. C. B.S. Business Administration

Lana G. Harris

High Point, N. C. B.S. Mathematics


Michael D. Hoke

High Point, N. C. A.B. English

H. Garry Holland

High Point, N. C. A.B.T. Physical Education

Harry A. Hill

Greensboro, N. C B.S. Business Administration

Elizabeth A. Horigan

Bethesda, Md. B.S. Biology

Roberta L. Howie

Waxbaw, N. C. B.S. Business Administration

Wanda G. Howlett

High Point, N. C. A.B.T. Physical Education

Jesse W. Hulin

Asheboro, N. C. A.B. Psychology

Sherry V. Ingram

High Point, N. C. A.B. History

Jeffrey S, Hulick

Cranbury, N. J.

B.S. Accounting


Dianne J. Holt

Charlotte, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

David B. Hucks, Jr.

High Point, N. C. B.S. Accounting

Kay A. Jackson

Wilmington, Del. A.B.T. Elementary Education



Upperclassmen played a significant role in Orientation Week.

Cheryl M. Kendle

Williamsport, Md. A.B.T. Physical Education

Kenneth L. Kendrick

Spray, N. C. A.B. Social Studies

Thomas L. Kiley

Wilmington, Del. B.S. Business Administration


A song by the choir is always a part of the High Point College Commencement Ex- ercises.

Mary Klausman

High Point, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Frank H. LaGrange

West Palm Beach, Fla. B.S. Human Relations

Charles E. Kurkjian

Exton, Pa.

A.B. Sociology, Psychology

Sandra E. Kyles

Statesville, N. C. A.B. English

Mary D. LaSalla

Raleigh, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Jerry L. Lambert Stephen M. Laney

Nappawee, Ind. Charlotte, N. C.

A.B.T. Physical Education A.B.T. Physical Education



Sandra G. Lee

Thomasville, N. C B.S. Mathematics

George T. Leverett. Ill

High Point. N. C. B.S. Mathematics

John W. Lockman

Lintolnton. N. C. A.B. Sociology

Barbara A. McDiarmid

Raeford, N. C. A.B. English


Delores A. McDonald

High Point, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

T. Steven McLain

Hiddenite, N. C. A.B. History

Gary J. McMahon

Huntington, N. Y. A.B. Psychology

Joseph F. McNulty

Asheboro, N. C.

A.B. History- Political Science

Kenneth I. Machlin

Silver Spring, Md. B.S. Mathematics

John E. Marshall

Statesville, N. C. B.S. Business Administration

Suzanne Martin

Alexandria, Va. A.B.T. Elementary Education


Who's Who in American

Lynn Wood Simone

Zenith Editor-in-Chief, Alpha Phi Gamma President, Junior Marshal, Orientation Committee, Order of the Lighted Lamp.

Robert Patrick Robertson

Junior Class President, Senior Class pres- ident, Order of the Lighted Lamp, Physical Education Major's Club President, Baseball Captain, All Conference.

Colleges and Universities

Margaret Ann Neese

Women's Dormitory Council President, Assem- bly Committee, President's Study Committee on Student Affairs, Zenith Staff— Class Editor, Junior Marshal.

Claudia Lynn Payne

Phi Mu President, Student Christian Association Vice President, Women's Dormitory Council Corre- sponding Secretary, Fellowship Teams, English Club.

David Everidge Gilbert

Tower Players, Apogee Staff, Alpha Phi Gamma, Hi-Po— Editor-in-Chief, Alpha Phi Omega.

Lynn Carol Edmonds

Student National Education Association Vice President, Kappa Delta Pi President, Order of the Lighted Lamp, Phi Mu Sorority, Junior Marshal.

1 4 Seniors Are Honored

for Service and Leadership Abilities

Ann North Scott

Alpha Gamma Delta President, Senior Class Secretary, Junior Class Secretary, Miss Student Teacher, National Panhellenic Council.

Cassandra Isahelle Ritchie Student Government Association Secre- tary, Alpha Gamma Delta First Vice-Pres- ident, Student Legislature Secretary, Pres- dent's Student Advisory Committee, Queens College Exchange Program.

Susan Lee Applegate

Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity, Panhel- lenic Council President, Vice President, Judiciary Council Secretary, Prosecu- tor, Chief Justice President's Special Ad- visory Committee, Student National Ed- ucation Association.

Dianne Julene Holt

Kappa Delta Sorority— Editor, Home- coming Queen 1966, Panhellenic Council President, Chief Cheerleader, Miss Golden Decade.

Barbara Ann McDiarmid

Zenith Editor-in-Chief, Student Government Associa- tion— Secretary, Alpha Phi Gamma Fraternity, Alpha Delta Theta Sorority, President's Advisory Council.

Barbara Leigh Taylor Alpha Gamma Delta Recording Secretary, Sophomore Class Treasurer, Senior Class Treasurer, Cheerleader, Student National Education Association.

Seniors . . .

Lynn Edmonds' family visited the High Point College plant on Parents' Day this fall.



Sidney W. Nance

Thomasville, N. C. B.S. Mathematics

Katherine L. Newman

Allendale, N. J. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Leo R. Palmer, III

High Point, N. C.

A.B. History- Political Science

Larry T. Neal

Belews Creek, N. C. A.B.T. Physical Education

Eric L. Okin

Arlington, Va. B.S. Business Administration

Margaret A. Neese

Fayetteville. N. C. A.B. Religion

Carl A. Orton, II

Winston-Salem, N. C. B.S. Business Administration

Susan M. Newbill

High Point, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Leonard S. Palmer, Jr.

Salem, Va. B.S. Biology

Claudia L. Payne

Montgomery, Ala. A.B. English

Linda W. Payne

High Point. N. C. A.B. Religion


Seniors . . .

S. Dianne Phipps

Hiph Point, N. C. B.S. Business Administration

Emilie L. Pickett

Denton, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Lloyd K. Prevette

Hiph Point, N. C. B.S. Business Administration

Cynthia A. Pillsbury

Charlotte, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Ronald E. Price

Cambridge, Md. A.B. History

Barbara W. Poole

Orlando, Fla. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Carolyn P. Prillaman

Collinsville, Va. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Richard C. Prince

Tampa, Fla. A.B.T. Physical Education

Edward F. Pryor

Hendersonville, N. C. A.B.T. Physical Education

Lorraine A. Reidda

Succasunna, N. J. A.B.T. Physical Education

Judson C. Richardson

Lynnfield, Mass.

B.A. History- Political Science



Steve H. Riggs High Point, N. C. A.B. History

Arthur R. Robb, Jr.

Winston-Salem, N. C. B.S. Business Administration

Roy Schumacher asks for some information during one of Dr. Patton's question and answer assemblies.

Robert P. Robertson

Wantagh, N. Y.

A.B.T. Physical Education

Betty W. Rogers

Alberta, Va. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Helen E. Rounds

Westfield, N. J. A.B. Sociology

Robert G. St. John

Pensacola, Fla. B.S. Business Administration

Robert M. Sale

Ronda, N. C. A.B.T. Music Education

Betty G. Sanderford

Whiteville, N. C. A.B. Sociology


Gary V. Sappenfield

Greensboro, N. C. B.S. Mathematics

Anna M. Sawyer

High Point, N. C. A.B. Psychology

Ann N. Scott

Fort Ord, Cal. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Roy D. Schumacher

Haddonfield, N. J. A.B. History

Janet A. Seigler

Monroe, N. C. A.B. Fine Arts

William E. Sevier

Asheville, N. C. B.S. Mathematics

Lynn W. Simone

Union, N. J. A.B. Sociology

Donna L. Shelly Camp Butler, Okinawa

A.B.T. Elementary Education

Patricia A. Smith

Annapolis, Md. A.B. Art

Rudy L. Smith

High Point, N. C. A.B. Sociology

Wilton A. Smith, Jr.

Hillerest Heights, Md. B.S. Business Administration



Dennis R. Snead, Jr.

Greensboro, N. C. B.S. Accounting

Michael J. Sombar, Jr.

Milford. Del. A.B. History- Political Science

Steven L. Spencer

Madison. N. C. A.B. History- Political Science

Sammie L. Steele

High Point, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Martha L. Sterling

Wyoming, Del. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Charles H. Stirewalt, Jr.

Old Fort, N. C. B.S. Business Administration

Edward S. Stratton

Afton, Va. A.B. History- Political Science

Forrest Dover relaxes from his pitching duties on the baseball team.


Edward Stratton prepares to make posters to publicize a campus activity.

Charles P. Teague

Asheville. N. C. A.B. Religion- Philosophy

Sylvia H. Teague

Charlotte, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education


Phyllis A. Sturdivant

Lexington, N. C. A.B. English

Nancy E. Taylor

Eutavv, Ala. A.B. French

Barbara L. Thayer

High Point, N. C. A.B. Sociology

Barbara L. Taylor

Denton, N. C. A.B. English

Ray T. Taylor

Durham, N. C. A.B. History- Political Science

Frankie C. Thigpen

Pikeville, N. C. A.B. History- Political Science


Ted L. Thomas

Gastonia, N. C. A.B. History- Political Science

Martha J. Tuttle

High Point, N. C. A.B.T. Physical Education

Sue E. Van Gilder

Millville, N. J. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Robert E. Tuttle

Lewisville, N. C. B.S. Business Administration

Janice W. Tysinger

Lexington, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Honda J. Upton

High Point, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education



culminate four years of work

at graduation, their common destination.

Joan P. Warren Randolph P. Waugh Ellen L. White

Walkertown, N. C. Asheville, N. C. Saugus, Mass.

A.B. English A.B. Religion B.S. Business




William R. White

Stony Point, N. C. A.B. History- Political Science

Vicky L. Wimberly

Reidsville, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

James E. Whitehead

Camp LeJeune, N. C. A.B.T. Physical Education

Shelhy J. Wilkes

Hijrh Point, N. C. B.S. Biology

Carol F. Winchester

Monroe, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Carol L. Winstead

Roxboro, N. C. A.B. English

Anthony W. Workman

Winston-Salem, N. C. B.S. Business Administration

Herman K. Williams

Lexington, N. C. B.S. Business Administration

Patsy S. Womack

High Point, N. C. A.B.T. Elementary Education

Clark S. Yokley

High Point. N. C. A.B.T. Physical Education

Val E. Zumbro

University Park, Md. B.S. Business Administration



Stepping closer to the achievement of his im- mediate goals, the junior became absorbed in his courses more than in previous years. He did allot some time though for participation in class func- tions.

Money-making projects received the most em- phasis in the Junior Class during the 1967-68 school year. Funds from such events as a car wash and a student-faculty basketball game enabled the class to produce the long awaited Junior-Senior Prom on March 8, 1968.

Besides the excitement of the Prom the junior also received special joy from receiving his class ring. Comparison of rings was a common custom among students in their junior year. This part of being a junior, as well as others, served as a prelude to the more important year to come.

Bill Stewart, President


Steve Breckheimer, Treasurer

Judy Garner, Secretary Ted Ken fro, Vice-President


Juniors Admire Class Rings


Junior transfers got their first taste of HPC during orientation picnic.

David L. Ackcrman

Bethesda, Md.

Larry Adams

Manchester, Conn.

Raymund Alderson High Point. N. C.

Charles D. Allen

Shelby. N. C.

James Allison Waldorf. Md.

John D. Amnions

Arden, N. C.

Brenda Sue Auman

Archdale, N. C.

Ray Baity

Greensboro, N. C.

Sharon Baker

Charlotte, N. C.

Gary B. Barker

Greensboro, N. C.

Patricia L. Beaver

Spindale. N. C.

Lynda Beck

Winston-Salem. N. C

Pamela Beck

Lexington, N. C.

Stephen Benson Orlando. I la.

Detra Blackburn

Mount Airy. N. C.

Rosetta Blackwcldcr

Concord, N. C.


David B. Bishop

Oxford, Md.

Ray Blosse

Mallow Heights, Md.

Ann Bollinger

Annvillc. Fa.

Belty K. Bowman

Lumbcrton. N. C.

Larry Boylcs

Mount Airy, N. C.

Brcnda Bradford

Great I alls, Va.

Steve Breckheimer Fairport, N. Y.

Delores Brewer

Kagle Springs, N. C.

Rodney Briggs

I ayetteville, N. C.

Carolyn Britt

Charlotte, N. C.

Jasper Brown


Jimmy Brown

Westfield, N. C.

Mary Brown

Yadkin, N. C.

Daniel Calhoun

Kernersville, N. C.

Sheila Campbell

Spindale, N. C.

Irene Caputo

Silver Spring, Md.

Clay Tom Carpenter

Norwood, N. C.

Linda Case

McLeansville, N. C.

►Catherine Chappell

Greensboro, N. C.

John Chernault

High Point. N. C.

Lee Cheney

Hampton. Va.

Glenn Chorpening

Orlando. Fla.

Larry Clapp

Liberty, N. C.

Margaret Clapp

High Point, N. C.


Junior Bill Lagos took a precise foul shot in the student-faculty game sponsored by the Junior Class.

Clayton Cleaves

Charlotte, N. C.

Pat Coffey Devon, Pa.

David Collins

Salisbury, N. C.

Richard Collins

High Point. N.C.

Clarence Ray Conrad

Thomasville, N. C.

John Cooley

Prospectville, Pa.

Lynda Corn

High Point, N. C.

John Cornet Orlando. Fla.

Ray Corriher

Winston-Salem. N. C.

Susan Cosman Albany. N. Y.

Jim Coston

Raleigh, N. C.

Phyllis Crater

Winston-Salem, N. C.

Stephen Crater

Winston-Salem, N. C.

Thomas Crouch North tast, Md.

Linda Crowder

Bethesda. Md.

Rik Danburg

Gainesville, Fla.


Derrick Davis

Winston-Salem, N. C.

James Davis, Jr. Chamblee, Ga.

Jeanne Davis

High Point, N. C.

Judith Davis

Fayetteville, N. C.

Dave Disbotough Wilmington. Del.

James Dodson

Sandy Ridge. N.C.

Lynn Donington

Morris, N. J.

Priscilla Donnell

Sandord, Maine

John F. Driscoll

Somerset, Mass.

Joy Duncan

Concord, N. C.

Nancy G. Eaves High Point. N. C.

Wayne Eddinger Thomasvilk, N. C.

Gilbert Edwards

Asheboro, N. C.

Jeannette Edwards High Point, N. C.

Daniel Eisert

Louisville, Ky.

Jim Elkins

Durham, N. C.

Ann Everhart

Thomasville, N. C.

Carl Eagge

Leaksville, N. C.

Bill Farkas

Westfield, N. J.

Joel Farlow

High Point. N. C.

Dorcas Feimster

Hamptonville, N. C.


Sunshine brought two students' studies outdoors by the flowing fountain.

Martha Fielden

Silver Spring, Md.

Susan Fischer

Bethesda, Md.

Richard holes North Hill. Del.

Susan Fowlkes

Pom pa no Beach, lla.

Laird Mason Freeman High Point, N.C.

Douglas Fryei

Hagerstown, Md.

Pat Gaffney

Randlcman, N. C.

Jesse Garmon

Colfax. N. C.

Harold Garner

Winston-Salem, N. C.

Judith Garner

LaPlata. Md.

Blair Garnett

High Point. N. C.

Walter Gragg

Connelly Springs, N. C.


V irginia A. Gray High Point, N. C.

Linda Greenwood

Kernersville, N. C.

Susan Griffin

Guantanamo Bay. Cuba

Robert Guyer

High Point, N. C.

Phyllis Haddock

Stark, Ha.

Martha Hadley

Asheboro, N. C.

Mary -jo Hall

Durham, N. C.

Wayne T. Hall

Statesville, N. C.

Elaine Hamrick

Shelby, N.C.

William Harding

Wilmington, Del,

Cynthia Hardy

Southport, N. C.

Stephen Harrison

Thomasville, N. C.

Katherine Hayden

Bethesda, Md.

Barbara Haywood High Point. N. C.

Wyatt F. Hearp

Rockingham, N. C.

Gail Hetherington

Hampton, N. J.

Martha Fielden and Rik Danburg perform the proper ceremony of crown- ing Doug Fryer "Mr. Silver Century" at the faculty-student game.

Joan Mobson

Martinsville. Va.

Konald llorney

Julian, N. C.

Nancy llolcombe

StatesvUle, N. C.

Karen Hubbard

AshevUle, N. C.

Karen Hollingsworth

Lexington. N. C.

Linda Hull

High Point. N. C.

Tommy Holmes

High Point, N. C.

Carol Huff

High Point. N. C.

Joseph Hoover

Prospect Park, Pa.

Lynda Huffman High Point, N. C.

Nancy Hunter

Fanwood, N. J.

Betty Idol

High Point, N. C.

Jeffrey Irwin

Wilmington, Del.

Steve James

High Point, N. C.

Patricia Jolly

tlkin, N. C.

Larry Jones

Salisbury, Md.

M. Dorsay Jones Durham, N. C.

Lawrence Jordan

Trinity, N. C.

0 5D2

^^^^ ^^^j^^ ^

1 A ill

Ken Jurney

Harmony, N. C.

Laraine Kenerly

Thomasville, N. C.

P t 't



Judy Kievning

Livingston. N. J.

Susan Kiger

Rural Hall, N. C.

Donna Kirk

Cheverly, Md.

Margaret Kirkman

Greensboro, N. C.

Fuchsia Lackey

Fallston, N. C.

William Lagos Wheaton, Md.

William Land

High Point, N. C.

Stephen Lasine

High Point. N. C.

Ellen Law

Charlotte, N. C.

Margaret Leary

High Point, N. C.

Eugene Littles

Washington, D. C.

Cynthia Lockhart-Mummery

McLean. Va.

Louella Loflin

High Point, N. C.

Johnny Lucas

Cocoa, I la.

Ann Luff

Hackettstown, N. J.

Leslie McCall

Cheverly, Md.

Junior Rich Smith relaxed after lunch with members of the other three classes, exemplifying the strong inter-class communication at HPC.

Virginia McDonough

Matawan, N. J.

Phyllis McDowell

High Point. N. C.

Diana McEwan

Cynthia. Ky.

Jonathan Mann

High Point, N.C.

Gary Maxkland

Advance, N. C.

Beth Marshall

Greensboro, N. C.

Kenneth Martin

Wayne, Pa.

Janet Masten

Winston-Salem. N.C.

Gail Merritt

Shelby. N. C.

Catherine Miller

Tampa, Ha.

Rachel Miller

Winston-Salem, N. C.

Barbara Mize

Silver Spring, Md.

Beverly Moliter

Lexington Park, Md.

Bob Montgomery

Stratford, N. J.

James D. Moore

Asheboro, N. C.

Hugh Alexander Moran

High Point. N.C.

Bill Lagos was one of many juniors who made time for gab sessions on the Student Center steps.


4 4




Elaine Murphy

Thomasville, N. C.

Robert E. Myers High Point, N. C.

Patricia Nance

Charlotte, N. C.

Russell Nanfelt

Rockville, Md.

Jerry Needham

Pinnacle, N. C.

Joseph Needham

Pilot Mt., N. C.

Danny Nelson

Madison, N. C.

Diane Niland

Arlington, Va.

Deidre Norman

Pilot Mt., N. C.

Cheryl Owen

High Point, N. C.

Paul Scott Owen, Jr.

High Point, N. C.

Bruce Parisi

(Jlcn Rock, N. J.

Judy Parker

Aurora, Col.

Danny Parsons

Winston-Salem, N. C.

Paul Payne

Yorktown, Va.

Barney Peeler

Lawndale, N. C.

Henry Penry, Jr.

Clermont, Fla.

Herbert Penry, III

Lexington, N. C.

Barbara Peterson

Fuquay-Varina, N. C.

Joan Peterson

Irvington, N. J.

David A. Phillips

Peabody. Mass.

Jane Phillips

Vista, Va.

James Picka

Baltimore, Md.

Sylvia Pratt

Charlotte. N. C.


Juniors Acquainted Themselves

Ellen Ragland

High Point, N. C.

Gaiy Ragland

Alexandria, Va.

Maicia Rainer

Silver Spring, Md.

Douglas Rayle

Greensboro, N. C.

Virgil Reid

Candor, N. C.

Ted Renfro

Rockville. Md.

Glenn D. Rich

Asheboro, N. C.

Lois Robinson

Woodbury Heights, N. J.

Charles Rock

Virginia Beach, Va.

Shirley Rockenbaugh

Washington. D. C.

M in tie Saintsing

Thomasville, N. C.

Danny Scales

Winston-Salem, N. C.

Carol Scheuffle

Arlington, Va.

James Scott

Leaksville, N. C.

Elaine Seigle

Alexandria. Va.

Sharon Sherwood

Atlanta, Ga.

Mary S. Siceloff

Lexington, N. C.

Loiselle Sigman

Hickory. N. C.

Dennis Sigmon Elkin, N. C.

Richard Sink

Lexington, N. C.


With Faculty

Talmadge Sink High Point, N. C.

Russell Wayne Sink

Lexington, N. C.

Beulah Joan Smith High Point, N. C.

Kenneth Smith High Point, N. C.

Martha Smith

Asheboro, N. C.

Richard Smith

College Park, Md.

Katherine Spoon

Apopka, Ha.

Donald Staley

Garner. N. C.

Susan Steed

Warrenton, N. C.

Jerry Wayne Stevens

Greensboro, N. C.

William Stewart

Wheaton. Md.

Better relationships between faculty and students defined the junior year, as illustrated by Dr. Underwood and Jim Allison.


Donna Stines Marshall. N. C.

Henry T. Stutts

High Point, N. C.

Dorothy Styles

Asheville, N. C.

Alice Thompson

Graham. N. C.

Diana Tolson

Centre ville, Md.

Ired Tucker

Asheboro. N. C.

Linda Tucker

Burlington. N. C.

David Tuxhorn Springfield. 111.

George Vann Wlicaton. Md.

Jane Wagner

Lexington, N. C.

Jean Wakenight

Washington, D. C.

Thomas Waldron

Allentown, N. J.

Ldwin W. Walker

Winston-Salem. N. C.

Steve M. Wall

High I'oint, N. C.

Thomas Warth

High Point, N. C.

Janice Watts

Charlotte, N. C.

Kenneth Weatherman

Lewisville, N. C.

Tim Webb

High Point, N. C.

Linda Weiss

High Point. N. C.

Lesley Welch

Long Branch. N. J.

Gay L. Whitfield

Llkin. N. C.

Doris Whitt

Roxboro, N. C.

James Wilkerson

Milford. Del.

Diane Williams

Eagle Springs. N. C.


Student Center Provided Diversion

John Williams

Ridgewood, N. J.

Linda Williamson

Jacksonville, Ha.

Penny Williamson

Raeford. N. C.

Rebecca Willis

I ayetteville, N. C.

Helen Wilson

Greensboro, N. C.

Vicky Wilson

Lexington, N. C.

Patricia Wimbish

Clinton, N. C.

Frances Winncy

Jacksonville. I'la.

John Winters

Mountain Lakes. N. J.

Wanda Wise

Broadway. N. C.

Jeffrey Wood Baltimore, Md.

Sharon T. Wood High Point. N. C.

John Woods

Charlotte. N. C.

Philip Xindaris

Peabody, Mass.

Thomas A. Yaun

Atlantic City, N. J.

John Younts

Trinity, N. C.

Common to the Student Center was a game of cards, here enjoyed by Gary Markland.

Bob Donovan, President


Completion of the basic college requirements be- fore actually entering a major field was the main concern of the sophomore at High Point College. The Survey of World Literature and other core courses were completed with enthusiasm by some, with reluctance by others. To the sophomore who had already decided upon his major, the termina- tion of core courses meant plunging into the more interesting higher courses; to the sophomore who was still searching for an appropriate major, the end of the first two years in college meant an un- easy feeling, being forced to come to a decision.

Once again, the sophomores began the school year with the traditional beanie program for the fresh- men, which ended with the expected sophomore de- feat at the tug-of-war. A dance featuring the music of the Paupers followed the tug-of-war. This dance was made possible by the success of this year's Bea- nie Court.

Unprecedented enthusiasm was displayed by the sophomores in the production of a talent show open to all High Point College students. Broadening of activities, both academic and extra-curricular, was characteristic of the sophomore of 1967-68.

Steve Matthiesen, Vice-President


Carol Poston, Secretary Percy Hundley, Treasurer


Sophomores Tackle World Literature

Barry Allen

Greensboro. N. C. Bob Applegate

Alexandria. Va. Janel Auman

Seagrove, N. C. Larry Austin

Asheboro. N. C. Pat Austin

Jersey City. N. J.

Richard Badu

Ridgcwood. N. J. Pat Barbour

Oceanport. N.J. Barbara Barnes

Rutherfordton, N. C.

Caryl Beam

Cherryville.N.C. David Benson

High Point. N.C.

Naney Berrynian Arlington, Va.

Phil Blaek

High Point. N.C.

Linda Blaekshare

Richmond, Va.

Beverly Bliven

Charlotte. N.C. Cheryl Bodenhanier High Point. N. C.

Mary Sue Boque

Fremont. N. C. Jenny Bond

Arnold. Md. Bob Bonnaffon

I alls Church. Va. Patty Borden

Potomac. Md. Linda Boswell

Greensboro. N. C.

Jerry Bolts

Thomasville, N. C. Rita Bowden

Gastonia. N. C. B. Gray Bowman

High Point, N. C. Richard Boyd

Vienna. Va. Muni Bratt

Olney. Md.

Richard Braum

I alls Church. Va. Kris Briegel

Chamblee, Ga. Martha G. Broi>ks

Edison. N. J.

Martha Jane Brooks High Point. N.C. Arnold Brown

Fairfield, Conn.



4 A 44

4 fc* *4 .<

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Sophomores Marty Brooks and Lyn Nevitt leave the cafeteria with pro- visions for an afternoon snack.

1 £ A

Janice Brundigc

High Point. N;C. Beverly Bullin

High Point. N.C. Tim Callaway

Ml. Airy. N. C. Bruce Campbell

St. Thomas. V. I. Richard Capek

Bethesda. Md.

Richard Carr

Beverly. Mass. Belly Carter

Wilmington, Del. Hill ( ,,rkr

Rockville. Md. Pat Cash

Roanoke. Va. Linda Cooper

Colfax, N. C.

Harold Creasman

High Point. N.C. Tommy Crews

Kerncrsville. N. C. Connie Crumpton

Roxboro, N. C. Carol Crutchfield

Greensboro. N. C. Michael Current

Hamptonville. N. C.

Karen Czamy

Westfield, N. J. Ann Davis

High Point, N.C. Carol Davis

Carthage. N.C. Sam Davis

High Point. N.C. Robyn Decker

Summcrfield. N. C.


Sophomore Dale Sakers took advantage of the autumn colors on High Point College campus.

Jo Deininger Miami. I la

James DeViney

High Point. N. C. Brian Ditzler

Chevy Chase. Md. Bob Donovan

RockviUe, Md Mark Dough (en

Lincoln, Del

Sidney Downey

Anderson. Ind. Barbara Dunn

Wilmington. Del Chuck l akes

Arlington. Va. Mien I astlack

Woodbury. N.J Patricia I lliott

Denton. N. C.

Leslie Flmore

Lincolnton, N. C. Dan Ennis

New Brunswick. N. J

Dale EnSOI

Westminster. Md

Fred Pshelman

High Point, N.C. John Farmer

Lumberton. N. C.

Gloria Faucette

Haw River. N. C. Jim Fetner

Asheboro. N. C".

Patricia Kinks

Woodstock. Va

Janice Former

Raleigh. N.C. Judy Foster

High Point. N.C.

-if 1 <"*



. I



Sherry Kranz

Frostproof, Fla.

Kaye Kurr

Lexington, N. C. Paul Gabriel

Cary.N.C. Bruce Garner

High Point. N.C.

John Gates

Granny. Mass.

Millie Gihson

Rockingham. N. C. Ken ( lillcspic

Winston-Salem. N. C. Fred Gold

Rosellc.N. J. Alan Gouge

Washington, D. C. Edward Grant

llyuttsville. Md.

Alex Gray

Greensboro. N. C. Warren Grimes

Smithfield, N. C.

Sharon Hall

ThomasviUe, N. C. Judith Harris

Potomac. Md. Judy Harvey

West Long Branch. N.J.

Bill Hatchl

Arlington. Va. Marty Hedrick

High Point. N. C. Donna Henderson

Rockville. Md. Pamela Hendricks

Cumberland. Md. Anita Hill

High Point. N.C.

Gene 1 1 ill

Lexington, N. C. Tommy Hill

Ashcboro. N. C. Wayne Holder

Pinnacle, N. C. Robert Holliday

Thomasvilk, N. C. David Holton

Baltimore. Md

T om Houck

Winston-Salem, N. C. Ld Howard

High Point. N. C. Marjorie How ard

Chapel Hill. N. C.

Percy Hundley

Smithfield. Va.

Donna Hutchison

Asheville. N. C.




a Jit**

Talent at the piano was displayed by Mark Doujrhton at the "Get Acquainted Party."

Keith Mann

High Point. N. C. Jovita Mask

Connelly Springs, N. C. Frances Matthews

Cherry Hill, N. J. Martha Mathews

Cherry Hill. N. J. Steven Matthiesen

Catonsville, Md.

John Meadows

Tobaccoville, N. C. Linda Meyer

Annapolis, Md. Angela Miller

Wilmington, N. C.

Kenneth Millman

Lincoln. Del. Johnny Midi

High Point, N. C.

Robert Mohlmann

Port Jefferson, N. Y. Kay Mooney

High Point, N. C. Diane Morrison

Arlington, Va. Judy Musgiave

Lexington, N. C. Michael Myers

\\ inston-Salcm. N. C.

Nancy Nash

Hallandalc, Ra. Linda Neighbors

High Point. N. C. Judy Ness

CockeysvUle, Md. Lyn Nevitt

Port Washington, N. Y. Robert Nickell

Allison Park, Penn.


David Nifong

Winston-Salem, N. C. Haul Obermueller

Baltimore, Md. lidna Oliver

High Point, N. C. Ann Outland

Pikeville, N. C. Linda Paskal

I alls Church, Va.

Joseph Patterson

High Point. N. C. Martha Payne

ThomasviUc, N. C. Lvan Pearson

Pitman, N. J. Nick Perlozzo

Cumberland, Md. Doug Perryman

Lexington, N. C.

David Phillips

Pinetops, N. C. Vicki Phillips

Winston-Salem, N. C. Louise Pierce

Alexandria, Va. Toni Pope

High Point, N. C. Carol Ann Poston

Shelby, N. C.

Rebecca Proehl

Lynchburg, Va. James Pusey

Avondale. Penn. Richard Quinn

Kernersville, N. C. William Ramsey

Mountainside, N. J. Ellen Reed

Winston-Salem. N. C.

Laraine Klay assisted in making assignments as the dormitories filled up.



Sheryl Smith

Springfield. Va. Martha Smithcy

North Wilkesboro. N C. Patricia Southard

High Point, N.C. Leslie Steele

Wilmington. Del. Marilyn Stephenson

Arlington. Va

Kay Stewart

Apopka, I la. Joann Sturm

Midland Park. N J. Linda Sturm

Newport New s, Va. Sherry Sullivan

Lenoir. N. C. Gary Summers

Hyattsville, Md.

C. L. Sumpter

Lenoir. N. C. Linda Sykes

Burlington, N. C.

Linda Tanner

Hyattsville, Md. Genie Thomas

Forest City. N. C.

Marie Thompson

Asheboro, N. C.

Keith Tingle

W ilmington. Del. Tommy Tompkins

Pompton Plains. N.J.

Ann Townscnd

Roanoke. Va. Tony Townsend

Lexington. N. C. Robert Trepper

Wilmington. Del.

Patrieia Tyler

Arlington. Va. Jane VanAnda

Fairfax, Va. Teddie Wagoner

Lexington. N. C. Hal Walker

Asheboro, N. C. Harold Walker

Thomasville. N. C.

John Wall

Greensboro, N. C. C'arolvn Ward

Greensboro. N. C. Wayne Whitehead

Wilmington. Del, Bruee Wilbur

I alls Church, Va. David Williams

Lexington, N. C.


Sophomore Caryl Beam and SGA President Forrest Dover garnered the weekly linens from the linen service.

Donald Williams

Moorestown. N. J. Nancy Williams

Thomasville, N. C. Robert Williams

Ashcboro, N. C. Daniel Wilt

Baltimore. Md.


Annandale, N. J. Gerald Wood

Winston-Salem. N. C. Wayne Woodell

High Point. N.C. Robin Woodhams

Bethesda. Md.

Elizabeth Woods

Durham, N.C. Shirley Yoc

Granite Quairy. N. C. Barbara ZaJcos

High Point. N.C. Kathleen Zellmer

Bethesda. Md.


Charles Golff. Treasurer; Larry Johnson, President; Glennell Certain, Secretary; Ron Woodruff, Vice-Presi dent.



As 257 beanies seemingly popped up all at once on the campus September 4 the Freshman Class made its first impression as a separate entity apart from the other three classes. The freshman was re- quired to wear his purple and white beanie until his class's victory over the sophomores at the traditional tug-of-war October 4.

Upon his initial step into college life, awe and con- fusion permeated the freshman's mind and body, from the slight repulsion resulting from the first view of his dormitory room conditions to the un- expected enjoyment of the first class conducted by what later became his favorite professor. Learning the give and take process required to share a room with a person from a different background and get- ting used to the idea of not having each class five

days a week were small tasks which required adjust- ment on the part of the new college student.

Perhaps the most confusing event in which the freshman was required to participate was registra- tion, the conglomeration of information cards, room numbers, and a seemingly unending list of profes- sors and course names and numbers.

The freshman soon became settled, however, be- ginning participation in the various school activities, from sports to publications, and concentrating on the

projects of his own class, the Freshman Talent Show and the Freshman Dance, both events during the second semester illustrating the freshman's grad- ual involvement in the main stream of High Point College life.


Registration Frustrates Freshmen


Wade Allen

Greensboro, N. C. Barbara Allred

Durham. N. C. Susan Allred

Concord, N. C. Margaret Amhere,

Bethlehem, Pa. Fred Amos

High Point, N. C.

Bob Anderson

Seymour. Conn. Suzanne Arnold

Naples, I- la. Sheri Auman

Kensington, Md. Gary Austin

Kandleman, N. C. Roger Ayers

Shelby, N. C.

William Ayers

Vero Beach, 1- la. John Banks

Plymouth. Mass. David Barker

Thomasville, N. C. Becky Barta

Annandale, Va. Ted Belch

Hish Point. N.C.

Jane Bell

Fulton, Mo Richard Bennett

Orlando. Fla. Peggy Billhimer

Belhesda. Md. Susan Blackwell

High Point. N. C. Nancy Bland

Virginia Beach, Va

Carolyn Boccucci Camp Springs, Md.

William Boleyn l ulls Church. Va.

Kathy Boucher Hyattsvilk, Md.

Charlie Bova

Oceanport. N. J. Stephen Bowditch

Melrose. Mass.

Laura Bowers

Newport New s. Va. Tom Bowers

Irvington. N. J. Dori Brew er

Silver Spring. Md.

Krank Brewer

Thomasville. N. C. Alexander Brown 1 Hartford. Conn.


Jean Brown

High Point, N.C. Lee Brow n

Ridgewood, N. J. Mike Brown

Asheboro. N. C. Susan Brown

Charlotte, N. C. Von Bullin


Greg Burrow

High Point. N. C. Thomas Butler

Jamestown, N.C. David Byrd

High Point. N. C. Lynn Campbell

Garden City, N. Y. Mn hat- 1 ( arle

Wilmington. Del

Pam Catron

Springfield. Va Glennell Certain

Silver Spring. Md Suzanne Chisholm

Rockingham, N. C. Carol Clause

Greensburg, Ohio

Judy Clement

Stuart. Va

Sue I lis

Levittown, N. Y.

Dennis Conner

Kings Mountain. N. C. Suzy Cow an

Statesville. N. C. Nancy Craig

Slier City. N.C. Carol Crater

Winston-Salem. N.C.

Freshmen got ready for the first weekend at home.


Freshmen Took Tests Galore

Jimmy C rawford

Pikcsville, N. C. Rita Crow

Moiganton, N. C. Tim Culbrcth

Greensboro. N. C. Rnsanne Cunningham

Wilmington. Del Gary Cuomo

Princeton. N. J.

Carol Currie

Williamsburg. Va. Michael Cusano Hartford. Conn.

Charles Dalton

Madison, N.C. Diane Day

Livingston. N. J. Mary Deck

Forest City, N. C.

Kathryn Denver

Wilmington. Del.

Bonnie Dixon

Crewe, Va. Marta Dockery

Winston-Salem, N. C. Linda Doss

Stuart, Va. Benton Dry

Albemarle. N. C.

Wendy Duda

Alexandria. Va. Nancy Duncan

Greensboro. N. C. Nancy Fastening

Charlotte. N. C.

Shirley J. Fallow

High Point. N. C.

Reynold Fisher

Maple Shade. N.J.

Jane Litzgerald

Concord, N. C.

Carlton Fitzgerald

Silver Spring. Md Nancy Forshicr

Springfield, Va. Rita Fowler

BooneviUe, N.C. Linda Franklin

Fairfax, Va

George Freeze

Wenonah, N.J. Marty Froystad

WestfieW, N. J.

Don Gaddy

Ramseur, N. C. Anne Gatlin

Asheboro. N. C.

Lonnie Gatlin

Randleman. N. C.


Concentration and knowledge played a major part in Orientation Week testing.

Mark Gebicke

Adelphi, Md. Judith George

Massapequa I'ark. N. Y.

Rebecca Gibbs

Marion. N. C. Patrick Gibson

High Point. N.C. Charles Golff

McLean, Va. bllen E. Grassi

Little Neck. N Y. Gary Greenly

Denton, Md.

Woody Griffin

Greensboro. N. C. Susan Groome

High Point, N.C. Karen Hamilton

Mooresville. N. C. Carol Hamlin

Washington, D. C. Frank Hardenstcin

Somerville, N.J.

Susan Haynes

Reidsville, N. C. Boyce Herlocker

Asheboro, N. C. Barbara A. Herman

Doylestown. Pa. Donald Hickey

Arlington, Va. Harriet Hight

I ranklinton, N. C.

Sally Hill

Charlotte, N.C. Susan Hill

Miami. I la Linda Hinkleman

Cary.N.C. Gay Hinshaw

Randleman, N. C James Hobson

Booneville, N.C.


Freshman Neal Loman wrote a letter home.

Debbie Kitchnei

Arnold. Md

Nancy Kirkman

Greensboro. N. C. Jane Knight

Norlina, N. C. Bill Kornegay

Greensboro, N. C.

Phyllis Lancy

Monroe. N. C.

Virginia Lanier

Lexington, N. C. Libby Law son

High Poinl.N.C. Carolyn Leatherman

RockviUe, Md. Jim Long

Yardley. Pa. Michael Lewis

Brooklyn Park. Md.

Thomas Linton

Huddonfield. N. J. Ernest Loman. Jr.

Greensboro. N. C. Sally Lomax

Asheboro. N. C. Lynda Long

Forestvule, Md. Robert Looney

Elizabeth City, N.C.

Ronald Lort

I Ikton. Md. James Luedeke

Wilmington. Del Lynne Lupton

Arlington. Va. Robert McClellan

Last Hartford. Conn Caroline McCorkle

Annandale. Va.

Bob McDonald

High Point. N.C. Bill McFarland

HartK. Del Lee McGavin

Arlington. Va. Doug McKenney

Rockville, Md Gail Mabe

Ridgeway, Va.

Jane Mailleue

Sunbury . Pa Dianne Marsh

Potomac. Md Jennifer Marsh

Morrisvillc, N. C.

Trudy Matheny

Forest City. N. C. John Matthews Trinity, N. C.



Roy Mullocks

High Point, N C. Linda May

Annandale. Va. Sheila Melton

Greensboro, N. C.

Dennis Miller

Forest Heights. Md. David Mitcham

High Point. N.C.

Jim Monaghan

Manchester. Conn. Lvon Monday

Asheville, N. C. Christy Moore

Arlington. Va. Hugh Moore. Jr.

Chamblee, Ga. John Morris

Kernersville, N. C.

Richard Muller

Miami. F la

Helen Myers

Alexandria. Va. Charles Nelson

High Point. N.C. Phillip Norwood

Gainesville. I la. Wanda Ogden

Roanoke Rapids, N. C.

Barbara Overman

Whitakcrs. N. C.

Jana Owen

High Point. N. C.

Chen Palermo

Linden. N.J.

Kristen Parker

Pawtucket. R I

Linda Parsons

Jacksonville. Ha.

Nancy Patterson

Alexandria. Va Melinda Peabody

Princeton. N. J.

Allison Pecht

Livingston. N. J.

Mary Petree

Greensboro, N. C.

I rank Piacente Hartford, Conn.

Phyllis Pickel

Berkeley Heights. N.J. Paula Pipes

Alexandria. Va.

Nanc\ Powell

High Point, N.C. Rodney Prevail

High Point. N. C. Curtis Quakenbush

Graham. N C


Ross Strickland received a check from his parents as they departed.

Jean Rabb

Raleigh. N.C. Linda Rector

Winter Park. I la. Linda Reed

Winston-Salem, N. C. Betsy Richardson

Arlington. Va. Luis Rivera

Alexandria. Va

Wanda Roark

Martinsville. Va. Lois Rogers

Clifton. N. J Mark David Rother

Bethesda. Md. Ken Ruhl

Ridgewood. N.J. Cathy Rushing

McGuire Al B,N. J.

Lawrence Russell. Jr.

Thomasville, N. C.

Robert Samuel

Alexandria. Va. M. Virginia Sapp

Georgetown. Del Ray Sapula

East Hartford. Conn. George Sarbacher

Chevy Chase, Md

Terry Scearce

Rcidsville. N.C. Barbara Schmidt

Virginia Beach, Va. Wayne Schoenhut

Seaside Park, N. J. Judith Scott

Palls Church. Va. Tom Sharp

High Point, N.C.

Carey Sherrill

StatesviUe, N.C. Ruth Shernll

W llmington, Del. John Shumate

Greensboro, N. C. Rick Shumate

Greensboro, N. C. Barb Smith

Pompano Beach, [ la.


Moving In Requires Patience


Aft * *A *fc

Sandy Turner

Madison, N. C. Pat Twitly

Pompano Beach. Ha. Celeste Tyler

Winter Park, Ha. Linda Tysor

Asheboro, N. C. Cliff Vaughn

High Point, N. C.

Richard von Dreele

Silver Spring. Md. Harry Wagner

Hmh Point, N. C. Bill Walton

Charlotte. N. C. Ann Washburn

Arlington, Va. Melissa Waters

Alexandria. Va.

Jane Way

Asheboro, N. C. Ken Weatherman

Lewisville, N. C. Kathy Weaver

Olin, N. C. Jean Webb

Asheboro, N. C. Bill Webb

Greenbelt, Md.

Rosiland Welborn

High Point. N.C. Charles Wharton

Ruffln, N. C. Danny White

Hickory. N.C. Linda L. White

Harmony, N. C. Donni Williams

Cheverly, Md.

Lynne Williams

Atlanta. Ga. Sue Willis

Raleigh. N. C. Paul Wilnei

AUentown, Pa. Dale Wolfe

Washington. D. C. Don Woodruff

Roselle. N. J.

Ronald Woodruff

Roselle. N. J. Gayle Woodward

Greensboro, N. C. Bobbi Yates

Linthicum. Md. Sharon Yates

Wilmington. Del. Angela Jean Young

High Point. N. ('.


With the advent of the new Horace Haworth Hall of Science, the academic situation at High Point Col- lege was improved through expanded facilities that effected changes in many departments. The addi- tion of new courses and the improvement of equip- ment were helpful steps taken to aid the student in pursuit of one of three degrees offered by the Col- lege: the Bachelor of Science, the Bachelor of Arts, and the Bachelor of Arts in Teaching.

A new five-day class schedule came into effect this year as students and faculty alike rejoiced over the system with no Saturday classes. Both building and planning innovations enhanced the student's scholastic advancement this year at High Point College.

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Board of Trustees

Dr. Holt McPherson, Chairman

Mr. Horace S. Haworth, Vice Chairman

Mr. Charles E. Hayworth, Treasurer

Dr. Wendell M. Patron, Secretary

Mr. Stanford R. Brookshire

Dr. Charles R. Carroll

Mrs. D. S. Coltrane

Mr. J. Harriss Finch

Dr. C. L. Gray

Rev. M. E. Harbin

Mr. C. Felix Harvey III

Mr. William R. Henderson

Mr. Delos S. Hedgecock

Mr. Josh L. Home

Bishop Earl G. Hunt

Mr. Charles L. Kearns

Mr. A. J. Konnce

Mr. Charles W. McCrary

Mr. Blaine Madison

Mr. James H. Millis

Governor Dan K. Moore

Dr. W. Stanley Potter

Mrs. Katie MacAulay Rankin

Mr. W. Roger Soles

Mr. William E. Stevens

Rev. Thomas B. Stockton

Mr. William F. Womble

New members of the Board are fascinat- ed at a meeting.

Board members gather at the annual meeting in Raleigh.


Dr. Wendell M. Pattern

Serving in his ninth year as President of Hi>h Point College, Dr. Wendell M. Patton ex- ecutes the administrative duties of the institu- tion. Under the direction of the Board of Trus- tees, Dr. Patton oversees the operations of the four administrative branches of High Point Col- lege: Academic Affairs, Student Affairs. Public Affairs, and Business Affairs.

Dr. Patton's educational background includes courses of study at Wofford College, the Univer- sity of Georgia, Purdue University, and Colgate University and the B.S.. M.S., Ph.D.. and LL.D. degrees. In addition to fulfilling his ever-increas- ing executive duties, Dr. Patton is also constant- ly aware that he is a representative of High Point College wherever he goes. He carries out his responsibilities with dignity and efficiency, making new friends for High Point College each year.


Dr. Wendell M. Patton

President of High Point College

Mr. N. P. Yarborough


Dr. David W. Cole

Dean of the College

Mr. W. Lawson Allen

Director of Development

Mr. David H. Holt

Director of the Evening School

Mr. F. Lee Edwards

Dean of Students



Mr. Robert E. Phillips

Director of Admissions

Mr. Joseph P. Forte

Director of Financial Aid

Mr. Earle G. Dalbey

Business Manager

Mr. Wesley W. Gaynor Bursar

Mr. John W. Goins

Director of Information Services

Dr. Dennis H. Cooke Dr. Louis B. Pope

Director of Teacher Education Director of Guidance

Miss Beverly Deal Mr. Leslie E. Moody

Executive Secretary of Alumni Affairs Resident Administrator,

American Humanics Foundation

Mrs. Dorothy Hays

Director of Religious Activities





Mr. Jack Thompson

Supt. of Buildings and Grounds

Mrs. Frances McMeekin-Kerr, Mrs. Mary Bennett. Mrs. Hazel Long, Mrs. Mozelle Tur- pin, Housemothers.

Mrs. Spurrie. Secretary to President, Mrs. Blake, Secretary Registrar's Office, Mrs. Austin. Secretary Dean's Office, Mrs. Prince, Secretary to Dean of Admission, Mrs. Mays, Secretary of Dr. Conrad and Mr. Holt.

Mrs. Webb, Manager of the Book Store, and Mrs. Davis, Clerk.

Mrs. Bobbie Thompson, Nurse


Mrs. Saunders. Mrs. Furr, Mrs. Gaynor, Wood, Business Office.

Mrs. Green Mrs. Cagle Mrs. Cecil,

Student Personnel Dr. Cook's Secretary

Mrs. White Mrs. Collins Mrs. Parks

Mr. Levy, Mr. Goins Mr. Brown Mr. Watson



Mrs- Hazzart, Mrs. Ingram, Mrs. Simmons, College Relations.

Mr. & Mrs. Tuttle, Mr. & Mrs. Wright



Biology Department

What was new in the Biology Department this year? A whole new beginning course! After much consideration, Biology professors decided to replace Botany and Zoology courses with a beginning course of two semesters in General Biology. So that some students could complete their science credits, Botany and Zoology were offered for the last time in 1967- 1968.

One could not overlook the great contribution the new Horace Haworth Hall of Science made to the Biology students and professors this year. The large lecture halls and newly equipped laboratories served as big assets to the department. Senior Biology majors were able to do more research as they had a special area for such assignments.

Dr. Dorothy Stewart, Ph.D.

Department Head

Dr. William Lazaruk, Ph.D.


Business Department

Moving to the first floor of the newly renovated Cooke Hall greatly improved the facilities of the Business Department. Special features were the fur- niture which is designed especially for business class- rooms and the seminar room which is air conditioned and has wall-to-wall carpeting.

Besides having two new faculty members, Mr. Lowe and Mr. Robinson, the Business Department instituted a new system at H.P.C. whereby business- men from High Point teach from experience. This is thought to be more effective than textbook instruc- tion.

A high point for the Business Department was the Church Management Institute held in October which was underwritten by the Board of Higher Education of the Methodist Church. Thirty ministers were taught principles of management, insurance and investments.

Mr. James L. Nelson, M.S. Department Head

Mr. Clyde M. Lowe. M B A.

Mr. Daniel R. Odom, M.B.A.

Chemistry Department

The Department of Physical Sci- ence stressed the ability to think and reason in scientific thought. The methods of science, particularly mathematics, physics and chemistry demanded on the part of the student a logic and accuracy of reasoning not found anywhere.

With the new million-dollar science building, students with an interest in this field had access to better facilities than ever before. The stu- dent who is proceeding to profession- al specialization in engineering, med- icine, dentistry, teaching or other field of endeavor was offered ad- vanced courses which stressed basic- principles and the importance and im- pact of fundamental science on pro- fessional and industrial activity.

The courses for students who were majoring in chemistry were compre- hensive and thorough and conformed to the minimum standards of the American Chemical Society.

Dr. Christopher L. Wilson, Ph.D.


Dr. Dennis H. Cooke, Ph.D.

Department Head

Mrs. Nancy W. Shelton, M.Ed.

Each year many students graduate from High Point College to become teachers throughout the country. In the Education Department, which is accredited by the Ac- creditation of Teacher Education, Prospec- tive teachers received a Secondary School Certificate for teaching a specific subject or an Elementary Certificate for teaching in the primary grades.

In addition to offering the required courses, the Education Department tried to co-ordinate the over-all, general educational objectives of the College. A Student Teaching Program was offered whereby the student gained the experience of classroom work. The College also had chapters of Kappa Delta Pi, the National Honor Society of Education, and SNEA to create interest in teaching and education.

Education Department

Miss Ruth Worthington, Ed.S.

Dr. H. H. Peterson, D.Ed.

Dr. James A. Thacker, Ph.D.


English Department

There were many changes in the English Depart- ment in 1967-68. Edward Sigmon, a graduate of High Point College who obtained his Master of Arts at Appalachian University, returned to teach American Literature. For the first time in seven years, History of the English Language was offered, taught by Dr. .Mounts.

Freshmen used programmed materials to review grammatical principles and were required to read five novels each semester.

The English Department was very proud of two student lecturers, Michael Hoke and Richard Chap- pell, who lectured at the college and in the High Point community. This was the first series of public lectures ever given by High Point students in the field of English.

Dr. Sam J. Underwood, Ph.D. Department Head


Mr. William R. Phillips, A.M.

Mr. Ira L. Baker, M.S.

Mrs. Shirley Rawley, M.A.

Mr. Edward Sigmon, M.A.

Mrs. Emily Sullivan. M.A.

Dr. C. E. Mounts, Ph.D.


Fine Arts Department

Dr. Lew J. Lewis, Ed.D. Department Head

This year the Fine Arts Department continued to develop performers, artists, and teachers and to foster an understanding and appreciation of the arts on the part of the general student body.

An important addition to the Fine Arts Depart- ment was Mrs. Carolyn Broderson, teaching speech and drama.

In addition to the Fine Arts Festival during the fall semester, several displays of talent were events of the spring semester. Mrs. May and Mrs. Redding gave recitals in piano and voice, respectively. Two joint-recitals were given by students during the second semester one by Jenny Bond and Rob Sale, pianists, and one by Jane Wagner, pianist, and Douglas Ray lt\ organist. Recitals in oral interpreta- tion by speech students and in original composition by music theory students were also on the agenda in the Fine Arts Department.


History Department

Dr. A. Paul Gratiot. Ph.D. Department Head

Mr. David Holt, M.A. Dr. Harold E. Conrad, Ph.D. Mrs. E> K Washington, M.A

Headed by Dr. Paul Gratiot, the History Depart- ment tried to offer as many courses as possible so that each student could study to reach his own goals in the realm of history. In addition to particular history courses, courses in Political Science and Geography.

In the fall of 1967, High Point College added Mrs. Washington and Mrs. Motsinger to the History De- partment staff while Mr. Holt became a full-time professor.

Perhaps the biggest change in the department this year is the Western Civilization classes. For four years these classes met jointly twice a week for lecture and then broke down into small discussion groups for the third weekly class. This year Western Civilization classes returned to their former schedule of three classes a week consisting of small groups.

Dr. S. C. Deskins, Ph.D.


Mr. L. E. Moody. M. A.

The purpose of the Humanica Department is to provide the best possi- ble undergraduate background for young men and women who are look- ing forward to professional leadership in youth-serving agencies. Some of the careers open in this field are: Y.W.C.A., W.M.C.A., Girl Scouts, Girls' Clubs, Boy Scouts of America, Boys' Clubs, juvenile courts, training schools, Junior Achievement, recreational therapy, and counseling related fields.

In addition to a specific curriculum of courses not ordinarily found at the undergraduate level, the program sought to enrich the experience and understanding of its students through work projects, field trips to agen- cies, and other extra-curricular features.

With only four such departments on college campuses in America today, the department at High Point College is progressing. When the need for an associate administrator becomes necessary, there will be one on campus.


Language Department

Dr. Arthur E. Le Vey. Ph. D. Department Head

Mr. Juan Miranda. A. B.

The Modern Language Department has many objectives: to teach the student to understand the foreign language as spoken by an educated native, to teach the student to speak in order to express simple concepts with proper ac- cent and idiom, to teach the reading and writing of the foreign language, to give advanced students a background of the oral language and of the literature so that they may pursue them for their own cultural and professional re- quirements, and to induce majors to continue their educa- tion in graduate study.

Foreign language students have access to the language laboratory in order to improve their speaking and listen- ing comprehension. Since linguistic ability is essential if we are to continue to hold our place in a world of shrinking distance, the Foreign Language Department performs an invaluable service.

Miss Berta Hirtzler. M A.

Mr. N. P. Yarborough. A. M.

Mr. Thomas E. Scott, A.M.


Mathematics Department

Several new courses in the Mathe- matics Department were based on their new teletype machine. This machine punches cards, writes computer pro- grams and then transmits them to the computer at the Triangle Universities Computation Center. Located in the Research Triangle, the computer is the largest kind that is made. The basic computer course offered this year was Introduction to Computer Science, which was available to anyone with three years of high school math or one year of college math. A Spring semester course in Fortran, the computer pro- gramming language, was also offered. Although it had been offered before, Linear Programming utilized the com- puter for the first time.

Other additions to the department were a course in Basic Statistics, which had not been offered in several years, and a new faculty member, Mrs. Shar- rock. The department was proud that they had twice as many seniors in seminar in 1967-68 as ever before.

Mr. Carlton .1. Cook, M.S. Department Head

Miss Louise Adams, A.M.

Mr. Theo F. Hotz, M.S.


Physical Education Department

Striving to develop an appreciation for the rules and laws of exercises and healthful living in a com- plex society is the yon\ of the Physical Education Department. Through a four point program, the department prepared physical education majors for coaching in elementary and secondary schools and prepared men and women to consider work in related areas, such as the Y.M.C.A.

The department had an Intramural Athletic Pro- gram, offered on a seasonal 'oasis, which gave wide range for competition in both individual and team sports. Forty-eight percent of the total student body participated in this program at one time or another. The Intercollegiate Athletic Program was another such program offered.

Progress was the key word in this department. This year the gymnasium had a new tartan floor. The tennis courts were resurfaced as well as installed with center straps. Also, Methods and Materials and Swimming were new courses offered.

Dr. Charles M. Morris, Ed.D. Department Head

Mr. Charles F. Hartman, A.M.

Mr. Robert D. Davidson, M.E.

Mr. Robert F. Vaughn, M.A.

Miss Betty Clary, M.Ed.


Psychology Department

Several students in the Psychology De- partment made interesting experiments and surveys last year. Some of the topics were the following: "Library Usage A Com- parison of Eight Piedmont Colleges" by John W. Buffum; "Attitude Change of Re- ligious Ideas After One Semester of College" by Tom Patterson: "Vietnam Survey" by John Roberts.

An interesting course offered in the de- partment was Small Croup Process, which was on a self-direction basis. The students studied themselves and their interaction with each other. Having obtained more space in Roberts Hall when the Business Depart- ment moved to Cooke Hall, the department hopes to ljmit the number of courses they teach and do them well, rather than add too many more. If they develop in a certain area, it will probably lie in the area of Social Psychology.

Dr. William P. Matthews, Ph.D.

Department Head


Religion Department

Having increased the number of courses offered in philosophy in the last few years, the Department of Religion and Philosophy hopes that they will soon be able to offer a major in that field. Most of the courses offered by the department have been religion courses. Resides Logic, now offered every year, and Plato, a new course this year, the department is planning to offer Philosophy of Science, Aesthetics, and Existentialism.

The department was very proud of its publication, "The High Point College Review of Theology and Philosophy," edited by Dr. Crow, which contained articles written by members of the department and other members of the faculty.

This year for the first time there were two stu- dents, Daniel Crews and Morris Calhoun, who did honors work through individual research under the direction of Dr. Crow.


^ 1

Mrs. Dorothy Hays, M.R.E.

Dr. William R. Locke, Ph.D.

Department Head

Dr. Earl P. Crow, Ph.D.

Reverend H. Samuel Carter, B.D.

Dr. Owen M. VVeatherly, Ph.D.


Department Head

Sociology Department

This year for the first time, students taking Social Work and Social Case W ork were able to work for ten weeks each semester with public agencies in the city of High Point. This involved working with juve- nile delinquents in the Domestic Relations Court and with the City Parks and Recreation Service. During the second semester, some of the students taking the Social Work course worked with the North Carolina Manpower Development Corporation under the local mobility project.

Making up the Sociology Department were two part-time professors in the evening school and two full-time professors. The department hopes to have another full-time professor next year.

Mr. William F. Cope, M.S.


The business and professional community of High Point takes steps each year to sup- port the College, and the High Point College students utilize many of the facilities in the city. Each year the High Point Merchants' Association sponsors a High Point College Day in which various businesses give away prizes to acquaint the students with the city. High Point college is becoming more and more a relevant part of the community.



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Main Street

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New South Gate Shopping Center 1628 South Main High Point, N. C.


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Montilieu and Southgate



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"Finest Pizza & Spaghetti in High Point" House of Good Food

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Shoes for the Entire Family

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207 N. Main St. High Point, N. C.

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Hiph Point College Students Welcome

Phone 883-0810



"Your Chevy Service Center"

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TERRY'S Automotive Wholesale, Inc.

717 S. Main St., High Point, N. C.


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"Car of the Year"

408 National Highway Thomasville, North Carolina

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121 National Highway Thomasville, North Carolina


"See Us in the Sheraton Hotel" High Point, North Carolina

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Italian Sausage Specialists

Imported Italian Delicacies

11 Center St. Off Union Square Elizabeth, N. J.


Box 1129

Thomasville, N. C.


Since 1906


A. W. Klemme, Jr., President High Point, N. C.


Shower facilities in McCulloch Hall.



Abbott, Diane E. -100, 122, 49

505 N. Garfield St.

Arlington, Va. Academics- 188

Ackerman, David 0.-43,77,1 50,1 1 0

6308 Blackwood Rd.

Bethesda, Md. Adams, D. Lawrence- 73,74,94, 1 50

176 Broad St.

Manchester, Conn. Adams, Miss Louise-206

1318 Guyer St.

High Point, N. C. Administration- 1 92 Advertisements -2 12 Albertson, Thomas 6.^:82

906 Blain St.

High Point, N. C. Alderson, Raymond D. -89, 150

600 Runyon Dr.

High Point, N. C. Alexander, Cathie R.

1640 Northwest Blvd., Apt. 16

Winston-Salem, N. C. Alger, Hugh G. -4 1 ,1 22,1 1 6

Box 151, Star Rt. Eustis, Fla. Allen, Barry L.-166 901 S. Elm St. Greensboro. N. C. Allen. Benjamin W.-36.178 306 Tate St. Greensboro, N. C. Allen, Billie L. 906 Circle Dr. High Point, N. C. Allen, Charles D.-150 Route 3 Shelby, N. C. Allen, Mr. W. Lawson-192

906 Circle Dr.

High Point, N. C. Allison, James B. -37, 64,1 50,1 61

Box 235

Waldorf, Md. Allred, Barbara J. -89,1 78

1307 Leon St., Apt. F

Durham, N. C. Allred, Susan A. -178

1 19 Cedar Dr.

Concord, N. C. Alpha Delta Theta-46,47 Alpha Gamma Delta-48,49 Alpha Phi Gamma-71 Alpha Phi Omega-34,35 Alsop, Dan R.-

201 3 Eastchester Dr.

High Point, N. C. Amberg, Margaret E. -54, 178

825 Hawthorne Rd.

Bethlehem, Pa. Ammons, John D.-150

Rt. 2, Box 412

Arden, N. C. Amos, Fred B. -40, 178

1300 Ashley Ave.

High Point, N. C. Anderson, David H.

Rt. 7

Greensboro, N. C. Anderson, Robert J.- 178

83 Squantuck Rd.

Seymour, Conn. Andrews, Donald E.-122

435 E. Main St.

Moorestown, N. J. Andrews, Nancy S. 83.122

117 White Oak Dr. Siler City, N. C.

Apogee Staff- 9 3

Applegate, Robert E. -43, 81, 166

3504 Halcyon Dr.

Alexandria, Va. Applegate, Susan L.-49,66,85,l 22,1 37

3504 Halcyon Dr.

Alexandria, Va. Armfield, Jennie B.

221 Hillcrest

High Point, N. C. Arnold, Suzanne- 52, 1 78

1825 Fourth St., S.

Naples, Fla. Auman, Brenda Sue - 1 50

118 Northeast Dr. Archdale, N. C.

Auman, Janet A. -70, 150

P. O. Box 144

Seagrove, N. C. Auman, Jennie L.-122

118 Northeast Dr.

Archdale, N. C. Auman, Sheri D.-178

5106 Flanders Ave.

Kensington, Md.

Austin, Gary E.- 1 78

310 Sunset Dr.

Randleman, N. C. Austin, Larry E. 1 66

401 Plummer St.

Asheboro, N. C. Austin, Patrick H. - 35 ,78,79,89,1 66

2 Jones St.

Jersey City, N. J. Ayers, Roger E.-178

2910 Poplar Circle

Shelby, N. C. Ayers, William R.-178

736 Rio Mar Dr.

Vero Beach, Fla.


Babb, Claudia H.

493 Babb's Rd.

W. Suffield, Conn. Badu, P. Richard-37, 166,1 1 3

429 Albin Ct.

Ridgewood, N. J. Baity, Raymond A. -71, 150

Rt. 6, Box 335

Greensboro, N. C. Baker, Mr. Ira L. -94, 201

910 Johnson Ave.

High Point, N. C. Baker, Sharon L. 53,1 50

1513 Paddock Circle

Charlotte, N. C. Band-82

Banks, John F. 47,178

8 Brewster St.

Plymouth, Mass. Baptist Student Union-75 Barbour, Patricia J . 47,166

37 Werah PI.

Oceanport, N. J. Baker, David E. 178

Rt. 1, Box 384

Thomasville, N. C. Barker, Gary B.- 1 50

2317 N. Elm St.

Greensboro, N . C. Barnes, Barbara J. -47, 71 ,75,78,87,94.1 66

111 Maple St.

Rutherfordton. N. C. Barta, Beckv Lu 178

3912 Oak Hill Dr.

Annandale, Va. Baseball- 1 10 Basketball- 102 Bateman, Barry E.-122

213 Park Ave.

Spray, N. C. Beam, Lynn C. -5 1 ,1 66,1 75

408 Farris Dr.

Cherryville, N. C. Beard, Alton R.

Reynolda Rd., Box 993

Winston-Salem, N. C. Beasley, Jane P.

823 Arbordale Dr.

High Point, N. C. Beatty, Linda G. 122

3309 High Point Rd.

Greensboro, N . C. Beaver, Patricia L. 150

612 Nebraska St.

Spindale, N. C. Beck, Lynda C. -86, 150

Lewisville. N. C. Beck, Pamela C. 150

2 37 Fairview Dr.

Lexington, N. C. Belch, Ted W. 95,178

Rt. 5, Box 68

High Point, N. C. Bell, Elizabeth Jane-48,178

834 Court Street

Fulton, Mo. Bennett, Judith H.

2330- A Kersey St.

Greensboro, N. C. Bennett, Richard L. 178,115

1 225 Vassar St.

Orlando, Fla. Bennett, Mrs. S. T. 195

High Point College

High Point, N. C. Benson, David E. 35,166

1 61 1 Richland St.

High Point, N. C. Benson, Stephen B. 37.1 50

6021 Thames Way

Orlando, Fla. Berryman, Nancy L. 49,85,87,166

4701 N. Kittmar Rd.

Arlington, Va. Betterton, Robert J. 123

334 - 37th St.

Brigatine, N. J. 227

Biddle, Carol A.

149 Exeter Rd.

Massapequa, N. Y. Bigham, William M. 123

2521 Hampton Ave.

Charlotte, N. C. Billhimer, Peggy S. 54,73.74,78,89,178

381 1 Bellwood Rd.

Bethesda, Md. Billings, Johnnv 1. 40,41,123

Rt. 9

Lexington. N. C. " Bishop, David-83,95,1 5 1

Tred Avon Ave.

Oxford, Md. Black, Phillip L.- 1 66

1205 Fifth St.

High Point, N. C. Blackburn, Detra A. -47,1 50

1381 Gwynwood Dr.

Mount Airy, N. C. Blackburn, Gloria S.-- 123

1222 Guyer St.

High Point, N. C. Blackshare, Linda S.- 52,166

6808 Kensington Ave.

Richmond, Va. Blackwelder, Lucy R.-66.1 50

912 Union St., S.

Concord, N. C. Blackwell, Susan E. - 1 78

507 Decatur St.

High Point, N. C. Blair, Mrs. Nancy

140 Frazier

High Point, N. C. Blanciak, Thomas A. 40

258 Sherman Ave.

Vandergrift, Pa. Bland, Nancy L. 178

6341 Knob Hill Dr.

Virginia Beach, Va. Blandv, Mary E.

P. O. Box 385

Smithfield, N. C. Blaner, Sally L.

Box 443

Jamestown, N. C. Bliven, Beverley A. 5 1 ,1 66

7321 Watercrest Rd.

Charlotte, N. C. Bloom, John C. 43,123

Half Acre Rd.

Cranbury, N. J. Bloss'e, Ravmond W.-43.1 51 ,1 1 0

2325 Kirby Dr.

Marlow Height, Md. Board of Trustees-190 Boccucci, Carolyn 78,178

7316 Taft Rd.

Camp Springs, Md. Bodenhamer, Cheryl S.-166

409 Richardson St.

High Point, N. C. Bogue, Mary S. -101, 166

P. O. Box 2

Fremont, N. C. Boleyn, William -3 8,1 78,1 10

3122 Vinewood PI.

Falls Church. Va Bollinger, Ann B. 151

726 E. Maple St.

Annville, Pa. Bond, Jenny O. 81,82,166

Rt. 2

Arnold, Md. Bonnaffon, Robert A. 166

3505 Duff Dr.

Falls Church, Va. Borden, Mary P. -166

10501 S. Glen Rd.

Potomac, Md. Boswell, Linda F. 46,73,1 26

2220 Oak Hill Dr.

Greensboro, N . C. Botsch, Margaret M 123

31 6 Rosemary Dr.

Lexington. N. C. Botts. Teresa G. 1 66

P. O. 1416

Deland, Fla. Boucher. Kathleen I . 78.178

4900 Donovan PI.

Hyattsville, Md. Bova, Charlotte S. 46,73.78,178

349 Port au Peck Ave.

Ocenaport, N. J. Bowden, Rita E. 55.89.166

41 8 S. Marietta St.

Gastonia, N. C. Bowditch. Stephen J. 178

1029 Franklin St.

Melrose. Mass. Bowers. Laura J. 46,178

610 Randolph Rd.

Newport News, Va.

Bowers, Thomas R.-178

1137 Grove St.

Irvington, N. J. Bowman, Betty K. -86, 151

1019 Riverside Blvd.

Lumberton, N. C. Bowman, Bowman G. 166

514 Bridges Dr.

High Point, N. C. Bowman, Jimmy W. 103

405 Janice Ave.

High Point, N. C. Boyd, Buford

310 Clairview

Kingstree, S. C. Boyd, Richard H. 92,166

300 Broadleaf Dr.

Vienna, Va. Boyles, Carolyn S.

P. O. Box 655

Pilot Mt., N. C. Boyles, Larry H. - 83.92,1 5 1

1362 Gwynwood Dr.

Mount Airy, N. C. Boyles, Patricia F. 51,123

Rt. 1

Pinnacle, N. C. Bradford, Brenda J. 151

P. O. Box 65

Great Falls, Va. Brading, Elinor K. -51, 85, 90, 91, 9 3, 123,1 34

5341 Thayer Ave.

Alexandria, Va. Brady, James W.- 1 23

702 O'Neill St.

High Point, N. C. Brant, Priscilla M.-123

9 1 1 Lewis Ave.

Rockville, Md. Braica, Linda J.

125 Lindale Drive

High Point, N. C. Bratt, Meredith G. -51, 166

3315 Emory Church Rd.

Olney, Md. Braun, Richard L., Jr. 39,84,166

3517 Pinetree Ter.

Falls Church, Va. Breckheimer, Steven E.- 37,48,166

1 84 West Church St.

Fairport, N. Y. Brewer, Dorothy W.- 46.178

12545 Two Farm Dr.

Silver Spring, Md. Brewer, James F. 178

P. O. Box 203

Thomasville. N. C. Brewer, L. Delores 151

Rt. 1, Box 154

Eagle Springs, N. C. Bridwell, Mansell R. - 34,71,89,96,123

1 01 Virginia Ave. Honea Path, S. C.

Briegel, Kristina L. 81,1 66

4243 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd.

Chamblee, Ga. Briggs, Rodney G. 91,151

Paladin Dr.

Fayetteville, N. C. Britt, Carolyn P. -53, 85, 1 51

1033 Habersham Dr.

Charlotte, N. C. Broderson, Mrs. Carolyn 202

1027 Wellington Ave.

High Point, N. C. Brooks, Martha G. 52,160,167

73 Eden Ave.

Edison, N. J. Brooks, Martha J. 166

Rt. 2, Box 1 59

High Point, N. C. Broos, Jeffrey L.-92

Rt. 2, Box 27

Lexington, N. C. Brown, Alexander C. 83,178

2 3 Beacon Hill Rd. E. Hartford, Conn.

Brown, Arnold W. 35,1 66

305 North Cedar Rd.

Fairfield, Conn. Brown, Clifton E.-124

919 Arbor Rd.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Brown, Jasper M. -83, 151

21 5 W. Chestnut St.

Trov, N. C. Brown, Jean W. 86,179

403 Aberdeen Rd.

High Point, N. C. Brown, Jimmy R. 15 1

Rt. 2, Box 199

Westfield, N. C. Brown, Lee C. Ill 1 79

2 10 Katherine Rd.

Ridgewood. N. J. Brown, Mary F. 151

Rt. 1 , Box 214

Yadkin, N. C. Brown, Michael Bruce 179

1 125 Cliff Rd.

Asheboro, N. C.

Brown, Susan Elizabeth-48,65,179

1020 Wimbledon Dr.

Charlotte, N. C. Brundige, Janice I. 167

1 16 Penny Rd.

High Point, N. C. Bryant, Michael I. -83

27 Culbreth Ave.

Thomasville, N. C. Bulla, Kenneth A. 124

1032 East College Dr.

High Point, N. C. Bullin, Beverly F.- 1 67

1419 Chatham Dr.

High Point, N. C. Bullin, Chester V. 179

4201 Orvil Lane

Winston Salem, N. C. Burrow, Gregory A. 179

1620 W. Lexington Ave.

High Point, N. C. Burton, Stephen L. 37,87,179

Critz, Va. Burton, Mrs. William Y. 202

3256 Robinhood Rd.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Butler, Thomas D. 179

Oakdale Rd.

Jamestown, N. C. Byerly, Janie M.

208 Spring St.

Thomasville, N. C. Byrd, John D., Jr. 179

2506 Lowe Ave.

High Point, N. C.


Cagle, Dan F.-124

1 100 Leon St., Apt. 1 1

Durham, N. C. Calhoun, Daniel M. -70, 151

290 Bodenhammer St.

Kernersville, N . C. Callaway, E. Timothy- 35,81,167

Rt. 4

Mount Airy, N. C. Calvert, Richard Geary 900 N. Larrimore St. Arlington. Va-

Campbell, Bruce G.- 67 Box 806

St. Thomas, Virgin Islands Campbell, John N.

404 Wall St.

Lexington, N. C. Campbell, Lynn E. - 52,1 79

104 Meadow St. Garden City, N. Y.

Campbell, Sally M. Rt. 1

Taylorsville, N. C. Campbell, Sheila E. 151

Box 307

Spindale, N. C. Capek, Richard L. 81,167

9509 Lindale Dr.

Bethesda, Md. Caputo, Irene F. -53, 151

105 Claybrook Dr. Silver Spring, Md.

Carle, Michael G. -65, 179

2610 Bittersweet Dr.

Wilmington, Del. Carlton, Judith C.-124

2207 Marion Dr.

Lexington, N. C. Carpenter, Clav T., Jr. -39,1 51

Route 2

Norwood, N. C. Carpenter, James W.

205 Copley St.

Lexington, N. C. Carr, Richard H. 35,167

19 Cross St.

Beverley, Mass. Carter, Elizabeth O.- 35,167

18 Wayne Dr., Woodside Manor

Wilmington, Del. Carter, Rev. H. Samuel 209

Rt. 6, Box 252

Asheboro, N. C. Carter, Johnny F.-124

505 Randolph St.

Thomasville, N. C. Carter, Miss Marcella-195

1009 H. Hamilton St.

High Point, N. C. Carter, William H.- 36, 1 67,1 09,1 1 6

Day Road

Rockville, Md. Case, Linda K.-151

Rt. 1, Box 231

McLeansville, Va. Cash, Patricia S. -47. 167

1434 Wellsley St., N.W.

Roanoke, Va. Cassell, Timothy E.- 1 24

Rt. 4. Box 69

Winston-Salem, N. C.

Catron, Pamela J. -52, 179

8207 Langbrook Rd.

Springfield, Va. Cherchio, J. David-39,124

1 109 Graylyn Rd.

Wilmington, Del. Certain, Glennell- 1 76,1 79

8405 16th St.

Silver Springs, Md. Chappell, Katherine G. -49, 151

Rt. 2

Brown Summit, N. C. Chappell, Richard L.-39,70,93,124

1010 Ferndale Dr.

High Point, N. C. Chastain, George W.

1319 Kimory Ave.

High Point, N. C. Cheerleaders 100 Cheney, Allison L. -SI, 85, 151

317 Elizabeth Lake Dr.

Hampton, Va. Chernault, John P.-l 51

5 1 2 Gatewood Ave.

High Point, N. C. Chisholm, Katie S. -90, 91, 179

1421 Cumberland Cr.

Rockingham, N. C. Chisman, Leilani L.-95

9 Pine Lane

Hampton, Va. Choii-80,81

Chorpening, Glenn E. -37,65,1 51

Autumnvale Dr.

Orlando, Fla. Circle K-92 Clapp, Larry G.-l 51

Rt. 3

Liberty, N. C. Clapp, Margaret M-151

207 Pine St.

High Point, N. C. Clark, Mr. C. Robert -82

Box 678

Kernersville, N. C. Clary, Miss Betty Jo-90,1 01 ,207

1 101 Council Ave.

High Point, N. C. Clause, Carol Lynn-46,73,8 1 ,179

4950 Massillon Rd.

Greensburg, Ohio Cleaves, Clayton W. -51, 152

610 Lansdowne Rd.

Charlotte, N. C. Clement, Judy 1.-179

Ararat, Va.

Clendaniel, Donald O. -81 ,1 24

206 S.E. Front St.

Milford, Del. Cline. Catherine H. - 49,124

403 W. Court St.

Paris, 111. Coble, Mr. H. E.-208

830 Circle Dr.

High Point, N. C. Coffey, Patricia M. - 49,90,9 1 , 1 52

315 Forrest Hills Ct.

Devon, Pa. Colbert, James C- 103

2316 Ainger PL, S.E.

Washington, D.C. Cole, Dr. David W.-192

1006 Emery Rd.

High Point, N. C. Cole, Miss Elizabeth J. -202

William & Mary Apt.

High Point, N. C. Cole, Ruffin Reid

1 20 Kinview Dr.

High Point, N. C. Collins, David R. -37, 152

Box 37

Cleveland, N. C. Collins, Richard A.- 152

1208 Greensboro Rd.

High Point, N. C. Combs, Alison S. -46, 179

190 Elm Place

Levittown, N. Y. Conally, Mr. Thomas G.-199

307 Mendenhall Rd.

Jamestown, N. C. Conclusion

Conner, Dennis E.-179

703 W. King St.

Kings Mtn., N. C. Connor, Irene T.

417 Rockspring Rd.

High Point, N. C. Conrad, Clarence R. 152

Rt. 1, Box 162

Thomasville, N. C. Conrad, Dr. Harold E. - 1 93, 1 95,20 3

80 5 E. Farriss Ave.

High Point, N. C. Cook, Col Carlton J. -206

701 Hillcrest Dr.

High Point, N. C. Cook, James E. -41, 125

4108 Dogwood Dr.

Greensboro, N. C.

Cooke. Dr. Dennis H. 194.200

924 Kingston Rd.

High Point. N. C Cooke. Donald K. 40.1 25.110

Rt. 2. Box 1 52

Brown Summit. N. C. Cooley. John W. 35.152

Limekiln I'ike

Prospectville, Pa. Cooper. Linda G. 167

Box 4

Colfax. N. C. Cooper. Martha C.

1218 Delk Dr.

High Point. N. C. Cope. Mr. William F. 210

Rt. 1 . Box 236

Kernersville. N. C Corn, Lynda B. 67.75,81,1 52

1519 Delk Dr.

High Point. N. C. Cornet. John I). 2

1 1 34 Guernsey Ave. Orlando. Ha

Corriher, A. Ray. Jr I S2 Rt. 1. James St.. Apt. 16 Winston Salem. N. C.

Cosman. Susan J. 90.91.152

2 2 Belvidere Ave. Albany. N. Y.

Coston. James C. 41.64.152

2604 Bedford Ave.

Raleigh. N. C. Covington. Cherie 53.86.1 25

507 Morven Rd

Wadesboro. N. C. Cowan, Mary S.- 179

417 front St.

Statesville. N. C. Cowden. Patricia A. 54.125

708 Rollingwood Dr

(ireensboro. N. C. Cox, Charles L 125

Rt. 5. Box 195

Asheboro, N. C. Craig. Nancy F. 50.65,179

Rt. 4

Siler City, N. C. Cranford, Jimmv C- 126

107 Welch Dr.

High Point, N. C. Crater, Carol 46,179

Rt. 4. Fraternity Ch. Rd.

Winston Salem. N. C. Crater. Phvllis D - I 52

264 N. Hawthorne Rd.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Crater, Stephen G. 152.110

1 1 64 Lockland Ave.

Winston-Salem. N. C. Crater. Stephen R

3505 Imperial Dr.

High Point. N. C. Craver. Garv B. 42.1 26

Rt. 1 , Box 260

Lexington. N. C. Craver, Rebecca J

804 Hillcrest Dr. High Point. N. C.

Crawford. David F.-I25 Rt. 1

Granite Kalis. N. C. Crawford, James L.. 111-42,180

P. O. Box 38

Pikeville, N. C. Creagmile, Sharon G.

805 Circle Dr. High Point, N. C.

Creasman, Harold R.-167

1924 A. Chestnut st I xi

High Point. N. C. Crews. Daniel 126

2 I 1 Cedar St.. Apt. 55

(ireensboro. N. C. Crews. Tommy G.- 167

Rt. 5, Box 1

Kernersville, N. C. Crockett. M. I ulK

627 W. Levington Ave.

High Point, N. C. Crosscountry 109 Crouch. I homas J . - 37. 1 52

614 S. Main St. North I ast. Md.

Crow. Dr. Farl B. 209

82 1 Circle Dr.

High Point. N. C. Crow. Rita B. 180

615 Meeting St Morganton, N C

Crowder. Linda M. 93.152

7836 Hampden Lane

Bethesda. Md. Cruit, Catherine E. 51.90.91,126

Bus 457 Aberdeen. Md

Crumpton, Connie R 53.167

Rt 3

Roxboro. N. C. Crutchfield. Linda C. 167

Rt. 9. Box 469

i ireensboro. N t. Culhreth. I imoth\ M. 180

Rt. 1. Box 183

(.reensboro. N. C.

Cunningham, Rosanne- 54,i8o

1 62 5 N. I rankhn St.

Wilmington. Del Cuomo. Gar\ P 38.180

64 Lillie St

1'rinceton, N. J. Current. Michael I 38.167

Rt 2

Hamptonville, N. C.

Cume. Carol 54.180

Rt. 2. Box 17

W ilhamsburg, Va. Cusano. Michael A. 96.97.180

1 1 7 Harbison Ave Hartford, Conn C/arn\ . Karen R. 5 1 .1 67 904 Penn Ave Westfield, N. J.


Dalbev. Mr. Parle G. 193

300 Nutbush Circle

Jamestown, N. C. Dalton. Charles W. 180

Rt. 3

Madison. N. C. Dalton. David L.

2826 Westhdge Rd.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Danburg. Rik R.,152.109,155.1 16

212 S.W. 43rd Terrace

Gainesville. Ha. Daniel. Kli?abeth B.- 53.71.126

790 Dogwood Circle

High Point. N. C. Daniel. Janet J. 90.126

Rt. 3

Roxboro, N. C. Dark. Virginia A. 86.126 317 N. Garden Ave. Siler City. N. C.


Day Students-67 Davis, Carol D 47,167

Box 688

Carthage. N. C. Davis, Derrick L. 40 153

1909 Butler St.

Vj inston-Salem, N. C. Davis. I li/abeth A. 167

500 Greenwood Dr High Point. N. C.

Davis, I \elvn J. 153

Rt. 4. Box I91A

tulax, Va. Davis. Gail Paige- 89

Valle\ brook Dr.

Jamestown. N. C. Davis. James H. 83.153

3719 Gladne> Dr

Chamblee. Ga. Davis. Judith A.,96.153

206 Pinecrest Dr.

Fayetteville. N. C. Davis. Peggy C. -83, 126

10115 Phoebe Lane

Adelphi. Md. Davis. Peter R., Jr 1 26

42 50 S. W 96 Ave.

Miami, I la Davis, Samuel A. 39.167

306 Kenncd\ Ave.

High Point. N. C. Da\ , Diane I 48.1 80

20 laconic Rd.

Livingston, N. J. Da) . Fleming H

Rt. 4. Box 336A

High Point. N. C. Davidson. Mr Robert D 207.109.1 16

602 W 1 arriss Ave. High Point. N C

Deck. Mar) D.

R.I I). 3. Box 69

I orest City, N. C. Decker. Robyn R.

Rt. 2

Summer field, N. C. Dedication 12.13

Deininger, Ret hi J 168

2001 N.Vi . 26 St. Miami. 1 Ij Delta Sigma Phi 36.37

Denver. Kathr>n L. 5 2,86.180 205 I lorence Ave ilmington, Del. Deskint, Dr. S. C. 203

Rt. 8, Box 601

Greensboro. N. C. Devinev . James J . - I 68

1 701 McCuinn St.

High Point, N. C. I iisb. irough I Kw id K9. 1 5 i

603 Ashford Rd

^ ilmington . 1 >el. Ditller, Brian 1 65.78,92.94.168

8035 Glendale Rd.

Chevy Chase. Md. Dixon. Bonnie Dell 48.180

501 Powell St. Crewe. Va.

Docker\ , Marta M. 180 1314 Peace Heaven Rd

Winston-Salem, N. C. Dodd. Robert V. 72.126

Route 2. Box 220

Shelby, N. C Dodson. James C. 81,153

Route 1

Sandv Ridge. N. C. Donington. Lynn M. 55.85.1 53

183 Watcliuns Ave.

Morris. N. J. Donovan, Robert V.- 37.87.1 64. 1 68.98

14122 Arctic Ave.

Rockville. Md Dorm Life 60.61 Doss. Linda J. 180

Glenwood I errace

Stuart. Va.

Dough ten, Mark J. Box 85 Lincoln. Del

Dover. Forrest, R 4i .64.84

Route 2

Bessemer Cm . N. C. Downev. J. Sidne\ 34.89.168

4515 Mounds Rd

Anderson. Ind. Driscoll. John 1 . 8 1.15 3

82 Adams St.

Somerset. Mass. Duda, Wendy B. 48,81.100,180

400 Sk> hill Rd

Alexandria, Va. Duncan, Jov F. -97,1 53

Route 1. Box 157

Concord. N. C. Duncan. Nancv C. 52.180

505 Audubon Dr.

Greensboro. N. C.

Dunn. Barbara K. 168 180 3 Bryce Or. w Umington, Del.


Kakes, Charles F. -41, 168

5654 fighth Rd. N

Arlington. Va. fastening. Nancj a. iso

22 1 7 Eastwa) Dr.

Charlotte, N. C. fastlack. Allen C— 43,168

73 N. Woodland Ave.

Woodburv . N. J. Eaves, Nancy C- 21.22.1 5 3

510 Sherbrook Dr.

High I'oinl. N. C. Ebert, Donna L. 55.85,1 27

61 3 Catallna Dr.

Greensboro, N. C. I ckman, Diane H.- 127

16 Walnut St.

Cornwall. N. Y. Eddinger, Harold W.-71.1S3

»N Unil\ Si

Thomasville. N. C. f dmonds. Lynn C- 5 27. 1 35,1 38

352 4 Margate Dr.

lion Air, Va. t dwards. Mr. P Lee I

909 W. College Dr.

High Point. N. C. f dwards. Gilbert H. -81. 153

1820 Kaleigh Kd.

Asheboro, N. C. I dwards. Jeanetle C. - I S3

1110 Barbee St.

High Point. N. C.

Edwards, Rosemary L.-I27

Box 374

Siler City, N. C. F.gan, Jay A.

Woonsocket. R.I. 1 iscrt. Daniel J 37.1 53

6802 I egenbush Lane

Louisville, Ky. I lkins, James R. 153

2208 Pershing St.

Durham, N. C\ Elliott, Patricia L.- 55.168

Route 3

Denton, N. C. I lliott, Steve W. 127

1005 Gra> land St

Greensboro. N. C. Elmore, Leslie J. 47,72,168

Route 3

Lincolnton, N. C. Embler, Bettj S.-43.I68 1402 Guyei St.

High Point. N. C. fnglish Club 87 F.nnis, Daniel J .

College Farm Rd

Middlesex, N. J. I nslej . Paul I) 128

1 1 1 I N. Hamilton St.

High Point. N. C. Ensor, Dale D. 35.1 68

267 W. Main St.

Westminster, Md. fpperson. Dr. V. Roy 199

1115 Delk Dr.

High Point, N. C. Lshleman, I red N.-39

7 1 4 Quaker Lane

High Point. N. C". Everhart, Ann D.- i S3

Route 1, Box 2 16

Thomasville. N. C. Everhart, Barbara L.-I28

Box 82

Welcome, N. C. F

facult\ 197

Pagge.C'arl L. 37.84,153

103 Park Ave.

Leaksville, N. C. Parkas, William O. 9I.IS3.I 16

2403 Whittier Ave.

Westfield. N. J. 1 arlow. Joel W.- 153

I I 1 1 Carter St.

High Point, N. C. I arlow, Shirley J. 97.180

1011 N. Rotarv Dr.

High Point. N. C. Parmer. John A - 35.73. 1 68

S09 E. 18th St.

Lumherton. N. C. Faucette, Gloria M.-I68

Box 31

Haw River. N. C. Paucette. Philip W Route 1

Brown Summit, N. C.

Faulkner. Jonathan L.- 71 .77,86,96. 1 28

375 Goffle Rd.

Ridgewood, N. J. features 14.15

leimster, Dorcas F Route i

I lamptonville, N. C. fellowship leams-73 l-encing- 1 1 3 I etner. James P 39.168

I 25 S Randolph \ve

Asheboro, N. C. I Idler, William A.-41.1 16

211 »:. Walnut St.

Cleona. Pa I iclden. Martha C". 70.154.155

1607 Tinberline Rd.

Silver Spring. Md. I inks. Patricia A. 65,168

428 W. High St.

Woodstock, Va Fischer, Susan

9205 Villa Drive

Bethesda, Md.

fisher, Revnold A - 180

28 N. Cedar Ave.

Maple Shade. N. J. Fitzgerald, Claudia J.- 180

1 54 Spring St.. N.W.

Concord. N. C". I itxgerald, Leonard P. 40.180

1909 Hint Hill Rd.

Silver Spring. Md. I ivecoat. Morris L

Route 5. Box 181 A

High Point, N. C. Flj nl, Rovce M.

1 I 5 Mc'.rgan Rd. Winston Salem. N. C.

l olls. Richard W - 39.154

2 2 Windsor Rd North Hill. Del.

forensic League 88

I orshier. Nancv H - 180

67 1 | Ruskin St.

Springfield, Va. Forte, Mr. Joseph P. 193

65 I) William & \lar\ Apts.

High Point. N. C. former, Janice P - 1 68

4509 Baylor Court

Raleigh. N. C. 1 oster. Jud\ C I 68

1607 N. Centennial St.

High Point. N. C. fowler. Rita L.- 180

Route 2

Booneville. N. C. 1 owlkes. Susan D. 17.154

224 S.W. I Ith Ct

Pompano Beach. I la. I ranklin, Linda J . 1 80

4115 Dorforth Dr.

Fairfax, Va. Franz, Sherrj L. 47, 96.97. 169

3SS "F"St.

I rost proof , I la I ra/ier, Kenneth A.

201 C'restwood Circle

High Point. N. C. I reenian. Laird M.- 83.1 54

3 1 0 Louise Ave. High Point. N. C.

Freeze, George T - 180.1 14 6 W. W illow St.

Wenonah, N. J.

Freshman Class I 76

Froystad, Martin B. 38.180

22 3 Massachusetts St. Westfield. N. J. I rye, Darrell L 128 Route 3 Irinity. N. C,

fryer. Douclas P. 154.1 55,109

28 Pin Oak Terrace

Hagerstown. Md. I ur man, Craig D. - 4 3,1 28

4412 Norbeck Rd.

Rockville, Md. I urr. Kaye G. 169

Route 3

Lexington, N. C


Gabriel, III, Paul L. 7 3,

31 3 W. Cornwall Rd

Cary, N. C. Gaddy, Donald C. 180

Kimrey St.

Ramseur. N. C. Gaffney, Lanu, P., Jr. 70.155

Route I

Randleman. N. C. Garland, Mary K.

806 ferndale Blvd.

High Point, N. C. Garmon, Jesse W.— I 54

Route I , Box 699

Colfax, N. C. Garner, Harold H„ Jr. 154

Route 7. 602 I Club Knoll Rd.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Garner, Judith II. 148,1 54

Box 102, Route 3

Lal'lata, Md. (.arner. William B - 38,169

37 I 9 Benthrook Dr.

High Point. N. C. Garnett. Benjamin B.-1S4

2ioi dgedale Dr. High Point. N. C. Garrison. Larrv W. 1 28 Route 6

Winston Salem, N. C. Gates. John C. 34.169.1 13 I Sherwood Dr.

Granby, Mass.

Gatlin. Elizabeth A. 180

1747 Brook Dr.

Asheboro. N. C. Gatlin. William L.- 180

Route 2

Randleman, N. C. Gaynor. Mr. Wesley W. 193

2405 P. Lexington Ave.

High Point, N. C. Gebicke, Mark P. I 10

2831 Powder Hill Rd.

Adelphi, Md. Gentr) , Cornelia B.- I 28

21 I Ridge Rd.

Roxboro, N. C. (.>c.rge, Judith A.- 46

96 (.rand Blvd.

Massapei|ua Park. N. Y. Gcrringer, Karen I .

618 S. Holden Kd.

Greensboro, N. C. (iibbs. Rebecca D. 46.72.181

62 5 State St.

Marion, N. C.

Gibson, Mildred L.- 169

232 P. franklin St.

Rockingham, N. C. Gibson, Patrick I.- 181

2100 Alpine Dr.

High Point, N. C. Gilbert, David P. 7 1,78,93.94.95,129,135

Route 1

Pfafftown, N. C". Gillespie. Kenneth R. 36.169 123 Carol Rd. Winston-Salem, N. C.

Glew. Allison M. 49,195

6 (ireenwood Ave.

Saugus, Mass. Goettsche, Donna H. 49,129

6243 Williamsburg Blvd.

Arlington. Va. Goggin, Monica P. I 29

37 Middlebury Lane

Levittown, N. J. Goins. Mr. John W.- 193

Route 2. Box 99

Summerfield. N. C. Gold. I red T. -35. 169

430 I fifth Ave.

Roselle. N. J. Golden. Susan A. -83. 1 29

336 Pipers Gap Rd.

Mt. Airv. N. C. Golf Team 115 Golff. Charles A. 36,171,181

1450 Waggaman Circle

McLean, Va. Goode. Ralph G 43.129

Connellv Springs, N. C. Gouge. Alan C. 43.169

2452 Tulaw Td., N.W.

Washington. D. C.


Gragg, Walter A.- 78,83,92,154

Route 1 . Box S

Connelly Springs, N. C. Grant, John E.- 169

S703 83rd Plate

Hyattsville, Md. Gratiot. Or. A. Haul 92.203

633 Colonial Drive

High Point. N. C. Cratsi, Ellen E.- 1 81

250-38 Thornhill Ave.

Little Neck, N. Y. Gray, Lee A. - 169

Route 8, Box 209

Greensboro, N. C. Gray, Phillip R.

Route 3. Box 217

Randleman. N. C. Gray, Virginia A. 155

912 Rotarj Dr

High Point, N. C. Greco. Anne L. 51.129

2007 Valley Drive

Alexandria. Va. Green. Lillian T.

196 Westover Dr.

Lexington. N. C. Greenly, Clary A. 38,181

301 Kerr Ave.

Denton, Md. ( Ireenwood, I inda I 55.97.1 55,197

Route 3

Kernersville. N. C. Griffin, Susan A. -47, 86. 155

li,,x 37 PWC, FPO

New York 09593 Griffin, Woodrow II. 36,70,181

4644 Itrompton Dr.

Greensboro. N. C. Grigg. Karen M.

15 39 N.W. Blvd.

Winston-Salem. N. C. Grimes. Warren L. 34.74.83,169

I 1 2 Johnston St.

Smithfleld, N. C.

Groce. Laura J . - 129

24 Tampa Ave.

Asheville, N. C. Groome, Susan G. 181

900 Arbordale Dr.

High Point. N. C. Guyer. Robert W. 70,155

1402 Eastchester Dr.

High Point. N. C.


Haddock. Phyllis D. 46.155

Route 2, Box 93A-2

Stark, Ha. Hadley, Martha J. 47.80,81.82.155

I 26 Ridgecrest Rd.

Asheboro, N. C. Hairficld, Betsy M.-5 1

410 N. Green St.

Morganton, N. C. Haithcock, l< and) ' I

1606 Valley Ridge Dr.

High Point, N. C. Hall. Mary-jo- 71,76.86.155

Route t, Box 348

Durham. N. C. Hall. Patricia G. 129

Route 8. Box 320

Greensboro, N. C.

Hall, Sharon L. I 69

Route 5, Box 5S

Thomasville. N. C. Hall. Wayne T. -80.8 1 .92. 1 55. 1 03

Route 4, Box 370

Statesville. N. C. Hamilton. Karen L.-18I

218 N. Academy St.

Mooresville, N. C. Hamilton. Mrs. Lester E. 195

1 2 08 Guilford Ave.

High Point. N. C. Hamlin. Carol J. 46.181

6406 Dahlonega Rd.

Washington, I). C. Hamrick, Elaine N. - 1 55

Route 8

Shelby, N. C. Hants, Sara K.

Route 1

Linwood, N. C. Harbin. Melton T.

1003 Lakewood Dr.

Monroe. N. C. Hardenstein. Prank H- 181,109,1 16

3 Beechwood Rd.

Somerville, N. J. Harding. William L. 83.100.155

208 Country Club Dr.

Wilmington. Del. Hardister. Sam C, III - 65.83,92 . 1 29

Route 1

Clemmons, N. C.

Hardy, Cynthia L. -52.95.1 55

209 River Dr.

Southport, N. C. Harrington. Martha J. -55.83. 1 29

419 Cameron Ave.

Chapel Hill, N. C. Harris. Judith M.-81 .169

1 1 705 Devilwood ct. Potomac. MJ Harris. Lana G. 1 2') P. O. Box 646

ShaUotte, N. c.

Harris. Ronald J. -83

P. O. Box 646

Shallotte. N. C. Harrison. Cherl T.

2 10 Pine Vallev Rd.

High Point. N. C. Harrison. L. Lvnne

715 E. Guilford St.

Thomasville, N. C. Harrison. Stephen l< 155

Route Box 342

Thomasville. N. C. Harshbarger. Sharon L. 49.129

1 703 Macon St.

McLean, Va. Hart man, Mr. Charles V. 207,1 10

708 Hedgecock Rd.

High Point. N. C. Harvey, Judy E.-47.73.74.I69

31 Hilltop Rd.

West Long Branch. N. J. Ilatchl, William A - 169

4417 first St.. South

Arlington. Va. Hayden. Katharine L. -49. 90,91 ,1 55

6004 Landon Lane

liethesda. Md Haynes, Larrv S.

516 ITint St.

High Point, N. C. Hay nes, Sharon IS

i s i : i >elk i>r

High Point, N. C. Ilawies, Susan D. 52,181

18 37 Pennrose Dr.

Reidsville. N. C Hays, Dr. L. M. 2 10

1300 Merry Hills Dr.

High Point. N C. Havs, Mrs. L. M. 194,209

I 300 Merry Hills Dr.

High Point. N. C. Hav wood. Barbara L. I 55

713 Lindsav St.

High Point. N. C. Hearp. \\\att 1 . 155

Route 7. Box 345

Rockingham. N. C. Hedgecock. Jr.. I arh A

Route 6

Winston-Salem, N. C. Hedrick. Martv L.- 169

123 Scott Ave

High Point. N. C. Henderson. Donna S. 53,169

14310 Yosemite Ct.

Rockville, m.i Hendricks. Pamela M. 46,169

394 Mc Mullen Hwy.

Cumberland. Md. Herlocker. Ray B.. Jr. 181

62 5 S. I avetteville St

Asheboro, N. C. Herman. Barbara A.

Cold Spring Creamery Rd.

Doj lestown, Pa.

Hetlierington. Gail -49, 155

R E D. I. Box 104

Hampton. N. J. Hicks. Steven L.

5005 Hilltop Rd

Greensboro. N. C. Hight, Harriet B - 181

112 Cheatham St

Franklinton, N. C.

Hill. Anita V I d'l

1007 w. Collete Dr.

High Point. N. C. Hill. Bobby F... Jr.- 1 69

Route 8. Box 238

Lexington. N. C. Hill. Ilarrv A. -35, 1 30

1007 Westridge Rd.

Greensboro. N. C. Hill. Renie R.

708 Hardeman St.

Thomasville, N. C. Hill. Sara R.

102 Cottonwood Dr.

Jamestown. N. C. Hill. Sara W.- 52.181

1526 Lilac Rd.

Charlotte, N. C. Hill. Susan H.-S2.18I

13040 Old Cutler Rd

Miami. Fla.

Hill. lomnn W 164

1318 Northside Terrace

Asheboro. N. C. Hiuklenian. Linda 1 46.1 81

309 Briarcliff Dr.

Cary, N. C. Hinshaw . <.a\ I I K I

Route 3. Box 533

Randleman. N. C. Hi Po 94,95

Hirt/ler, Miss Berta 205

202 I dgedale Dr.

High Point. N. C. Hobson. James B I 56

Route 1

Boonville, N C. Hobson . J(»an M . 15 6

81 1 Carter St.

Martinsville. Va. Hodock. Bettv S. 90.91.101

505 Valley Rd., Ext.

Charlottesville, Va. Hofmann, Michael U.- 182

316 f leer Rd.

Thomasville, N. C.

Hoke. Michael I). 43.67.87,93.94.1 30

227 Montlieu Ave.

High Point. N. C. Holcomb, Beth L. 46.66,75,96.97,182

4428 Paul Jones Lane

Virginia Beach, Va.

Holcombe. Nancy L.- 70,7 1 ,86, 1 5 6

Route 4. Box 408

Statesville. N. C. Holder. I red W. 35,1 69

R.I 1). I

Pinnacle. N. C. Holland. Herman G 39.1 30

216 Druid Dr.

High Point. N. C.

Holland. James E. Route 2

Walnut Cove, N. C. Holliday, Jr.. Robert H. 36,169

1 1 1 School St.

Thomasville, N. C. HollinfSWorth, Karen N.-156

306 A West Center St.

Lexington. N. C. Holmes. John G.— I 82,103

5206 Upshur St.

Bladensburg. Md. Holmes. Tomrm H.

1403 E. Chester Dr.

High Point. N. C. Holt, Mr. David H.- 1 92. 1 95,203

128 Clifton Street

Kernersville, N. C. Holt. Dianne J.- 27,5 1 .1 30.1 37

2920 Crosby Rd.

Charlotte. N. C. Holton. David L.-169

543 Woodlynn Terrace

Baltimore, Md. Homecoming- 16-19

Honeycutt, Linda A.— 73 P. O. Box 25 Euquay -Varina. N. C.



Hoover, Joseph M.

837 Tenth Ave.

Prospect Park, Pa. Horigan. Elizabeth A. -71, 130

9212 Topeka St.

Bethesda Md. Hornberger, Stephen G. 38,182

403 Twinbrook

Rockville, Md. Hornev, Konald E. -156, 103

Box 27

Julian. N. C. Hortman, Judith A. -182

1904 Kynwyd Rd.

Wilmington. Del. Hotz, Mr. Theo F.-206

688 Chestnut St., Apt. "F"

Greensboro, N. C. Houck, Thomas B. 169

240 B New Drive

Winston-Salem, N. C. Howard, Edward E. 169

2546 Amesbury Kd.

Winston Salem, N. C. Howard, Geraldine

600 E. Lexington Ave.

High Point, N. C. Howard. John F.

Route 3

Kernersville. N. C. Howard. Marjorie L. -55. 169 Box 985

Chapel Hill, N. C. Howe. Aileen N.

441 Merritt Dr.

Mt. Holly, N. J. Howell, David L.

719 Walnut St.

Winston-Salem. N. C. Howie. Roberta L. 83.130

Box 188

Waxhaw. N. C. Howlett. Wanda G. -90.91 . 101 .1 30

804 Arthur Ave.

High Point. N. C. Hovle. Charles R. -182, 103

246 Canaan St.

Carbondale, Pa. Hubbard. Karen A. -50,1 56

1 17 Frances Dr.

Asheboro. N. C. Hucks. David B.- 1 30

1006 Sherrod Ave.

High Point. N. C. Hudson, David R. -92, 182

R.F.D. 1

Rising Sun. Md. Huff. Mary L. -47, 156

127 Eastchester Dr.

High Point, N. C. Huff, Nancy C.-47, 73,81 .1 56

1816 Eastchester Dr.

High Point. N. C. Huffman. Lynda A. -156

818 Quaker Lane

High Point, N. C. Hughes. Marilyn 46.73.182

Whispering Pines, N. C. Hughes. Roy S.

1030 Randolph St.

Thomasville, N. C. Huhck. Jeff rex S -43.130

Half Acre Rd. Cranbury. N. C.

Hulin. Jesse W.-130 Route 1

Asheboro. N. C. Humanics Student Association-89 Humphries. Carolyn L. 48,182

2710 Hemlock Ave.

Alexandria, Va. Hundley, Percy L. -95, 164, 169,1 14

1 102 S. Church St.

Smithfield, Va. Hunt. Carlton M. 182

Route 2. Box 71

Jamestown. N. C. Hunter. Nancy L. -5 1,1 56

105 Chetwood Terrace

Fanwood, N.J. Hunter. Paul S.-182

Route 9

Winston-Salem. N. C. Hutchens, James I ,

1 169 Johnsontown Rd.

Thomasville. N. C. Hutchison. Donna J. -73. 169

1 1 6 Longvieu Rd.

Asheville. N. C. Hutchison, Glen D. -34.89, 182

116 Longview Rd.

Asheville, N. C. Hyatt. Gilbert E. -36. 182

LaPlata. Md.


Idol. Bettv J. -70, 156

3700 N. Main St., Ext.

High Point. N.C. Idol, Mr. Manvon L.-206

Route 3

Winston-Salem, N. C. Ijames. Steve M.- 1 56

2817 Westchester Dr.

High Point. N. C. Ingram. Dorothy C.-I82

Route 5, Box 383 A

High Point. N. C. Ingram. Sherry V.-130

Route 4, Box 62

High Point. N. C. Inter-Fraternity Council-84 Irwin. Jeffrey W. -34, 83. 156

I 1 Maryland Ave.

Wilmington. Del. Isaacs, Carol L. - 5 1

R E D. 1. Box 319

Lincoln, Del.

Jackson. Kay A. 51,130

1019 Faun Rd.. Graylyn Crest

Wilmington. Del. Jackson. Susan C. -50. 182

1019 Faun Rd., Graylyn Crest

Wilmington. Del. Jaeger. Gregory L. -93, 170

101 Chaucer Rd.

Charlottesville, Va. Janer. Denise R.-I82

87-36 Marengo St.

Hollis. N. Y Jensen, Ralph F. 40

MOQ 2119

Camp Lejeune, N. C. Jessup, Janie E.

408 Crestline Dr.

High Point. N. C.


Johns, Cheryl E. -53. 66. 76

121 Danube Ave.

Tampa, FTa. Johnson. Carl W.-170

2310 Lowe Ave.

High Point. N. C. Johnson, Cheri L. -54, 182

436 N.E. 2nd St.

Pompano Beach, Fla. Johnson. Herbert R.

Route 2

Randleman. N. C. Johnson, Janice M.-182

Route 7, Box 194 G.

Greensboro, N. C. Johnson. Kenneth P. -75.92, 170

140 Leigh St.

Warwick. R. I. Johnson. Larry 13.-65,176,182

2003 Rockford St.

Mt. Airy, N. C. Johnson, Timisha H.

623 N. Main St.

Kannapolis, N. C. Johnson, Thomas H.

1 24 May view Ave.

High Point, N. C. Jolly, Patricia A.- I 56

Route 2, Box 94-A

Elkin, N. C. Jones. Donna R.— ' 31

Box 27

Pinnacle. N. C. Jones, III. E. Street

1 109 Guyer St.

High Point. N. C. Jones. Jerry V.-82

4032 Ryandale Rd.

Winston-Salem. N. C. Jones. Johnny E.-83

I 200 Wedgewood Dr.

Winston-Salem. N. C. Jones. Lawrence C.-156

206 W. Philadelphia Ave.

Salisbury, N. C. Jones, Marjorie C— 1 82

2203 E. Green Dr.

High Point. N. C. Jones. Mary D.-5 1 .156

502 Morehead Ave.

Durham. N. C. Jones, Norma O.

1 18 Ashland St.

High Point, N. C. Jones Russell A 16

21 Carlisle Dr.

Livingston. N. J. Jordan. Lawrence A. 81.156

Route 1

Trinity. N. C. Judiciary Council 66 Junior Class- 148 Junior Marshals- 70 Jurnev, McKinlev V. -41. 156

Route 1

Harmony, N. C. K

Kain, Marv E.-170

1730 N. "D" St.

Lake Worth. ITa. Kait. lovce S. -51,76

SOI Enderby Dr.

Alexandria, Va. Kappa Delta 50.5 I Kappa Delta Pi— 71 Kaub. Joseph G. -42. 182.1 10

6341 Landover Rd.

Cheverlv, Md. Kcefer. Philip R. 39

5830 Carlvle St.

Cheverlv. Md. Keets. John D.-95. 1 00. 1 70

254 Mill Rd.

Northfield, N. J. Keever. Deloris A. -170

408 Carev Ave.

High Point, N. C. Keller. Kathie L.-S1.131

3416 Tulane Dr., Apt. 14

W. Hyattsville. Md. Kelly, Carol A. -170

1418 Madison Ave.

High Point. N. C. Kendall. Gary M. -42, 182

Route 2, Box 129

Axton, Va. Kendle. Cheryl M. -53,90.9 1 .10 1 . 1 3 1

Route 1, Box 78

W'illiamsport. Md. Kendrick, Kenneth L.-131

852 Aiken Rd.

Spray. N. C. Kenerley, Laraine S.-1S6

Box 271

Thomasville, N. C. Kennington, James L. Box 494 Gretna, Fla.

Key, Robert F.- 170

Route 10. Box 92

Greensboro, N. C. Kievning, Judy E.-49.1S7

39 Burnet St.

Livingston, N. J. Kiger, Susan E. -49,87,1 S7

Simmons Rd.

Rural Hall, N. C. Kiley, Thomas L. -43,84, 1 31

1 1 8 Prospect Ave.

Talleyville, Del. King, Carl L. I 32

118 Hughes St.

Asheboro, N. C. King, Linda C. -46,80,8 1 , 1 70

304 White Road

Little Silver, N. J. King, Thomas H. -36, 182

418 So. DuPont Rd.

Wilmington, Del. Kinney. James M. -41. 170

1824 Pershing St.

High Point. N. C. Kirchner, Deborah H. 183

Route I, Box 420

Arnold, Md. Kirk. Donna L.-1S7

5805 Carlyle St.

Cheverly, Md. Kirkman, Margaret A. -47. 1 57

1224 Highland Ave.

Greensboro. N. C. Kirkman. Nancy E.-183

3805 Pleasant Garden Rd.

Greensboro, N. C. Kirkman. Mr. O. Arthur

501 W. High Ave.

High Point. N. C. Kisiah. Martha A.

1715 Oberlin Dr.

High Point. N. C. Kla\ , Laraine E. -76. 1 70,1 82

2406 Adams Ct.

Sanford, Ma. Klinedinst. Pamela L. -55,97. 1 70

5301 Oakland Rd.

Chevy Chase, Md. Knight. Jane E. 90,9 1,101,183

Box 252

Norlina. N. C. Knitter, Karen C.-46.170

1979 Main St.

Waterport. N. Y. Korncgav William R. 16.I8J

1410 Seminole Dr.

Greensboro, N. C. Kurkjian. Charles E. -43. 65. 1 32

504 E. Meadow Lane

Chester, Pa. Kyles, Sandra E. -53, 172

I 23 Magnolia St.

Statesville, N. C.


Lackey. Euchsia A. -47. 73, 86, 1 57

Eallston, N. C. Lagos, William J. -43. 1 52, 1 57. 1 58. 1 10

2606 Arvin St.

Wheaton. Md. LaGrange, Frank H. 3S.75.89, 132

2579 Meadow Rd.

West Palm Beach, I la. Lambda Chi Alpha 38,39 Lambert, Jerry L. 132,103

703 N. Jackson St.

Napanee, Ind.

Lanam, Kip A.- I 70

3857 Pinewood Terrace

Ealls Church. Va. Lancashire, Carol A. 53.1 70

335 Wahl St. Somerset, Mass. Land, William W.-1S7

1005 Barbee St.

High Point, N. C. Lane, Curtis C.

625 Carrington Lane Winston-Salem, N. C. Laney, Phyllis L. -54. 183

1 301 Virginia Ave.

Monroe, N. C. Laney, Stephen M.-4I.I 32

3209 Barnhill Dr.

Charlotte, N. C. Lanier, Virginia C- 183

Route 10. Box 124

Lexington. N. C. LaSalla. Mary 1).- 1 32

2104 Dunhill Dr.

Raleigh, N. C. Lasine, Stephen B. - 157

1324 Heathclilf Rd.

High Point. N. C. Latham. Audrev M.

1021 Sherrod St.

High Point, N. C. Lathan. Robert B.-170

I 10 Westbrook Dr.

Butner. N.C. Lauder. Margaret A.

506 Steele St.

High Point. N. C. Law. Ellen E.-S3.1 57

2426 Westlield Rd.

Charlotte, N. C. Lawson, Elizabeth L. 50.183

341 I Langdale Dr.

H)gh Point, N. C. Lawson, Stephen R.

1216 12th St. PL. N.W.

Hickory. N. C. Lazaruk. Dr. William 197

219 Greenway, Cedarwood

Jamestown, N. C. Leary, Margaret B.- S3. 81 .82.1 57

790 Dogwood Circle

High Point. N. C. Leatherman. Carolyn B. 52.83

13212 Valley Dr.

RockvUle, Md. Lee, Sandi G. I 33

204 E. Guilford Dr.

Thomasville. N. C. Lefler. Nancy B. - 55. 1 70

1403 Audubon Ave.

Aiken, S. C.

Legislature -65 Leng, Horace G.-I83

19 Hilltop Rd.

Yardley. Pa. Lent/. Laura K.

1006 Albert Ave.

High Point. N. C. Leverett, George T.-133

607 North Ave.

High Point. N. C. LeVey. Dr. Arthur E.-20S

Rowella Apts. 19

High Point. N. C. Lewallen, Faye- 1 70

I 2 2 Briggs Place

High Point, N. C.

Lewis, Elizabeth A.- 170

3410 Country Club Rd.

Winston-Salem. N. C. Lewis, Dr. Lew J. -82, 202

202 Shadow Vallev Rd.

High Point. N. C. Lewis, Michael C. -42.1 83.1 1 6

306 Sixth Ave.

Baltimore, Md. Lewis. Virginia

309 Tate St.

Greensboro. N. C. Linton. Thomas W. -36.96. 1 83. 1 1 3,1 14

216A Haddon Hills Apts.

Camden. N. J. Lipe. Ill, Bruner C.-170

3210 rorestvicw Dr.

High Point. N. C. Littles. Eugene S.- 1 03. 1 57. 1 02

212 36th St. N.E.

Washington, D. C. Locke, Dr. William R.-209

1409 Wendover Dr.

High Point. N. C. Locke, Mrs. William R.-I97

1 409 Wendover Dr.

High Point. N. C. Lockhart. Mummery, C- 1 57

1728 Baldwin Dr.

McLean, Va. Lockman. John W.-133

Route I

Iron Station. N. C. Loflin, Mattie L. 157

1018 Sherrod Ave.

High Point, N. C. Logan. Betty J. -47. 73. 1 70

597 12th Ave., N.E.

Ilickorv, N. C. I uliy, I Men P. ^ <. I7i>

10603 Orchard St.

Fairfax, Va. Loman. Ernest N. 182.183

Route 5, Box 718

Greensboro, N. C. Loniax. Sara R. - 183

71 1 Lee St.

Asheboro, N. C. Long, Mrs. Lester J.- 195

High Point, College

High Point. N. C. Long, Lynda L. -46.72.88,95. 1 83. 1 86

8208 Beltz Dr.

Forestville. Md. Looney. George R. -34. 183

301 1 Trull Ave.

Greensboro, N. C. Lort. Ronald J. 96.183

S12 North St.

Elkton, Md. Lott, Bonnie J.- 1 70

McCormick Ave., R.F.D.

Hammonton. N. J. Lowe. Mr. C. Marshall- 198

632 Rockspring Rd.

High Point. N. C. Lucas. Johnnv C. -37,1 57

961 Kaufman St.

Cocoa, Fla. Lowe, Mary W.

2301 Sharon Lane

Charlotte. N. C. Luedcke. James E. -73, 183

17 Boulder Brook Dr.

Wilmington, Del. Luff. Ann-47.157

421 Sharp St.

Hackettstown, N. J. Lupton, Mary L. -48, 183

3336 N. Kensington St.

Arlington, Va. Lytle. Margaret 1.-170

330 Montlieu Ave.

High Point, N.C.


Mcuau, Leslie A. -53,90.157 2907 Tremont Ave. Cheverly, Md. McCallum. Joseph A. 260 N. Elm St. Maxton, N. C. McCarter. Dolores F. 224 Crestwood Circle High Point. N. C. McCaskill, Clement L.-I70 Box 5

Seagrove, N. C. McCTellan, Robert L.-I83 805 Tolland St. East Hartford, Conn. McCorkle. Caroline W.-48.183 4920 Kingston Dr. Annandale. Va. McCracken, Kevin B.-170. 115 921 1 Holly Oak Dr. Bethesda. Md. McCullv. Dale J. -170 91 1 Tanley Rd. Silver Spring, Md.

McDiarmid. Barbara A. -47,64.7 1 ,73.87. 1 33. 1 37 Route I

Red Springs. N. C. McDonald. Delores A.- 133

300 N. Scientific St.

High Point, N. C. McDonald, Jr. John R. -40, 183

2421 Woodruff St.

High Point, N.C. McDonough. Virginia E. -47.89. 1 58

44 Ayrmont Lane

Matawan, N. J. McDowell. Phvllis K. -70,7 1. 1 58

510 Kenned\ Ave

High Point. N. C. McEwan. Diana L.—S 1,158

803 Arhordale Dr.

High Point, N. C. Mcl arland. William W.-34.89.I83

Route 1. Box 133

Hartly. Del. McC.avin. Lee 11.-38.183

3027 N. Peary St.

Arlington, Va. McGhee. Joseph T.. Jr. -170

3100 Centennial St.

High Point. N. C. McKennev. Douglas M -78.183

14223 Clayton St.

Rockville. Md. McLain. Talmage S 92.133

1S..\ 14. Route I

tliddcnite, N. C. McMahon, Garv J. -43, 1 20.1 33

275 Bay Ave.

Huntington, N . Y . McMeekin Kerr. Mrs. James- 195

High Point College

High Point, N. C. McMullan, Ellen P.

706 Rockspring Rd.

High Point. N. C . McNultv. Joseph F., Jr.-7 1 ,94,95, 1 33

905 Glenwood Rd.

Asheboro, N. C. Mi Pliers., n, I h.imas I

3505 Guess Rd.

Durham. N. C. Mahe. Betty <',.- 183

Magnolia St.. Box 267

Ridgewav . Va. Machlin. Kenneth I. 37.133.1 14

3615 Janet Rd.

Silver Spring, Md. Mailleue. Jane S. 95.183

Route 1

Sunbury, Pa. Malpass. Jr., H. 1 16

2434 E. Lexington Ave.

High Point. N. C. Mann, Jonathan Herman 43

410 Entwistle St.

Hamlet, N. C. Mann, Joel Keith 171

305 Green Oak Dr.

High Point. N. C. Mann. Marv Ann

Route i. Guilford Rd.

Jamestown. N. C. Mant/, Walter A. 40.109,1 16

605 Cranbrook Rd.

Cocke vsville. Md. Markland. C.ary E- I 58,1 63, 1 1 6

Route 1

Advance, N. C.

Marsh, Dianne Leigh -96,97. 1 83.1 1 3

10125 Gary Rd.

Potomac. Md. Marsh, Jennifer Dianne- 54. 1 83

Route 1. Box 161

Morrisville, N. C. Marsh. Walter Currcll

615 Colonial Dr.

High Point. N. C. Marshall. John Edward- 43.1 33

322 S. Race St.. Box 546

Statesville. N. C. Marshall. Li/beth Jeanne 158

3324 Rockingham Rd.

Greensboro. N. C. Martin. Cheryl Lynn-86

702 C handler St.

High Point. N. C. Martin. Kenneth-39. 1 58

705 Eagle Rd.

Wavne. Penna. Martin, Su/anne 71,97,133

1317 Juliana Place

Alexandria. Va. Mask, Jovita Sue- 171

Route 2. Box I 120

Connelly Springs, N. C. Mason. David Lee-39,138

654 Glen Ave.

Westlield, N. J. Masten, Janet Louise -47,73. 1 58

2 109 Waughtown St.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Mathenv. Trudy Diane -46, 5 2, 90, 183

Box 110

Eorest City, N. C. Matthews, I ranees Jean- 39,171

1 19 Mansfield Blvd. S.

Cherry Dill. N. J. Matthews. John Edward- 183

R. E.D.I. Box 26A

Trinity. N. C. Matthews. Martha Kav 93.17 1

I 19 Mansfield. Blvd. S. Cherrv Hill. N. J.

Matthews. Dr. W. P. 208

I I 14 N. Centennial High Point. N. C.

Matthiesen. Steven J - 37. 1 64, 1 7 I

6124 Wheatland Rd.

Baltimore. Md. Mattocks, Rov Wade- 184

2312 Purdy St.

High Point. N. C. May. Mrs. George T. -82.202

1921 Gaston St.

Winston-Salem, N. C. May. Linda Marie- 184

6901 Braddock Rd.

Annandale, Va. Meadows. John Arlis 34.171

Route I

Tobaccoville, N. C. Melton. Sheila Arlene-96.97.1 84

411 Creekridge Rd.

Greensboro, N. C. Men's Dormitory Council-77

Merritt. Gail E.- I 58

917 LaEavette St.

Shelbv. N. C. Methodist Student f ellowship 74 Meyer. Linda A. 53.171.1 13

Apt G2 Perry Circle

USNA Annapolis, Md.

Meyerhoeffer, E.dward H.

2005 Apex Place

High Point, N. C. Michael, Libby E.

Box 215

Welcome, N. C. Miller. Angela Dean -47,73,8 1 . 1 7 1

Route 3, Box 309

Wilmington, N. C. Miller. Catherine A. -53. 1 58

45 1 7 Shamrock Rd.

Tampa. Ela. Miller, Dennis L. -184,1 10

503 Oneida Way Eorest Heights, Md.

Miller. Rachel A. -96,97. 158

Route 10, Jones Rd.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Miller. Stephen M.-138

Route I

Boonville. N. C. Millnian. Kenneth M-92.171

Lincoln, Delaware Miranda. Mr. Juan- 205

614 West Eirst Street

Winston-Salem, N. C. Mish. Johnny E.-171

108 Columbus Ave.

High Point, N. C. Miss Golden Decade-20-23 MitCham, David L. 184,1 10

616 lledrick Ave.

High Point. N. C. Mitchell, Jack T.

104 Starling Ave.

Martinsville, Va. Mize, Barbara A. -42,49, 1 58

10108 Kinross Ave.

Silver Spring, Md. Mock. Richard G. -39, 138

Route 1

Levvisville, N. C. Mohlmann. Robert F„ Jr.— 171

117 Oakwood Rd.

Port Jefferson, N. Y. Molitor. Beverly J.-1S8

1 50 Sunrise Drive Lexington Park. Md.

Monaghan. James B.-184

2 I Hepdec Rd. Manchester, Conn.

Monday. Carole E. -54. 89, 184

52 Albemarle Place

Asheville, N. C. Montague. Anne E.

1 28 N. King Charles Rd.

Raleigh. N. C. Montgomery, Robert T. -78, 1 58

1 5 Oxford Ave.

Stratford. N. J. Moody, Mr. L. E. -89, 1 94.204

I 107 Guilford Ave.

High Point. N. C. Mooney. Kay A.- 171

3105 Kivett Dr.

High Point. N. C. Moore, Christy A.- 184

2891 Abingdon Ave.

Arlington, Va. Moore, Jr., Hugh McVay-34,89,1 84

3625 Keswick Dr.

Chamblee, Ga. Moore, James D. - 92,1 58

Route 6, Box 281

Asheboro, N. C. Moran. Hugh A.- 1 58

3019 Kivette Dr.

High Point, N. C. Morris. Dr. Charles M. -207,1 14

91 1 W. College Dr.

High Point, N. C. Morris. John D. 111-184

298 Bodenhamer St.

Kernersvillc. N. C. Morrison. Diane C.-171

3935 N. Roberts Lane

Arlington. Va Morrison, James C, Jr.

Shattalon Apts.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Mosteller. Svlvia Mae

3964 Glenn High Rd.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Motsinger, Mrs. Carl L.-193

I I 2 Delray Ave.

High Point, N. C. Mounts. Dr. C. E.-201

71 S Montlieu Ave.

High Point, N. C. Mowery. David L. -39. 1 38. 1 10

Route 5

High Point. N. C. Muench, Paula A.- 138

504 Avalon Place High Point. N. C.

Muller. Richard Lee- 92.184

1645 S.W. 67th Court

Dade. Ela. Murphv. Elaine G.-159

Route 4, Box 326

Thomasville, N. C.

Murphv, Thomas A. J.

152 Bellevue Place

Yonkers, N. Y. Musgrave, Judv D.-171

Route 10. Box 685

Lexington. N. C. Musical Arts CTub-82 Myers, Helen L - 184

3904 Melvern Place

Alexandria. Va. Myers, Michael W.-I71

1 1 S Harper St.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Myers, Robert E- 65.1 S9

1013 Barbee St.

High Point, N. C.


Nahors. Johnny J

1 809 Davie Ave.

Statesville. N. C. Nance, Patricia J. 49,1 59

3118 Pinehurst Place

Charlotte, N. c.

Nance. Sidney W.-139

R.iute 3. Box 140

1 homasville, N. C. Nanfelt. Russell II. 91,159,1 10

4703 Mercury Dr.

Rockville, Md. Nash, Nancy R. 53.72,171

460 Paradise Isle Blvd.

Hallandale, I la.

Neal, Larry T. 1 39

Route I. Box 91

Belew Creek, N. C. Needham, Jerry W. 83.159

Route 1

Pinnacle. N. C. Needham. Joseph O. 83.1 59

301 Kc\ St . II,, \ 301

Pilot Mtn.. N. C. Neese, Margaret A. 76.1 35.138

1450 Pine Valley Loop

Fayetteville, N. C.

Neighbors. Linda L.- 171

106 l isher Ave.

High Point. N. C. Nelson. Charles L. 184

606 Forrest St.

High Point, N. C. Nelson. Danny Z. -81, 83. 159

Route I

Madison. N. C. Nelson. Mr. James L.

607 Montlieu Ave. High Point, N. C.

Ness, Judith A.- 171

10402 Greentop Rd.

Cockevsville, Md. Nevitt, Carolyn 1). 53.167.171

148 Luuuer Rd

Port Washington, N. Y. Newbill, Susan M.- 139

1711 Cedrow Dr.

High Point. N. C. Newman. Katharine L.- 49,86.139

38 Talman Place

Allendale, N. J. Nickell. Robert 1 ., Jr.- 171

4364 Winchester Dr.

Allison Park, Pa. Nifong, David P. 172

Route 5

Winston Salem, N. C.



7 3,184

Niland Diane P. 49,159

956 N. Lebanon St.

Arlington. Va. Norman. Deirdre L.-

Route I . Box 205

Pilot Mountain, N Norwood, Phillip w

3408 Astro Court

Raleigh, N. C. Nuckolls. Joseph I .

2881 Northbridce Rd.

Winston Salem. N. C.


Obermueller, Paul E.- 172

1004 I dmondson Ave

Baltimore. Md. Odom, Mr. Daniel R

1 80 I Arden Place

High Point, N. C. Ogden. Wanda J. 46.73.184

438 Carolina St.

Roanoke Rapids, N. C i il in. I ri< l i 19

2415 N. Rockingham St

Arlington, Va. Oliver. I dna II 172

3514 lan\ard Rd

High Point. N. C. I iman, lames 1 1

Route 10, Box 422

Lexington. N. C. Order of the Lighted Lamp- 69 Organizations 62.63 Orientation i irton, Carl a. i 39

601 Laurel St

Winston-Salem. N. C. Outland, Kdith A. 53.90.172

Box 172

Pikeville, N. C. Overman. Barbara A.- 184

Box 197

\S Intakcrs. N. C. Owen, Ann Cheryl 67,159

612 O'Neill St.

High Point. N. C. Owen. J ana R. 184

612 O'Neill St.

High Point, N. C. Owen. Paul S., Jr.- 70,159

312 Louise Ave.

High Point, N. C.

Pace. Dorothy H. Route 1

Pleasant Garden. N. C. Palermo. Cheri A. - 54.75,90.9 1 . 1 0 I . I 84

1 5 Yale Terrace

Union, N. J. Palmer, Leo Roj . Ill l 39

1038 W. College Dr.

High Point. N. C. Palmer. Leonard S.. Jr. - 1 39

804 Apperson Dr.

Salem, Va. Panhellenic-85

Pantherettes 101 Parisi. Bruce A. -41. 159

62 Thurston Terrace

Glen Rock, N. J. Parker. Carol E.

2009 W. Rotary Dr.

High Point, N. C. 235

Parker. Darrell 1. -38

2009 W. Rotarv Dr.

High Point. N. C. Parker. Ernstena P.

Route 4

Kernersville. N. C. Parker. Judv L. -53. 76, 1 59

342 Neward St.

Aurora, Colo. Parker. Kristen D - 184

54 Spring St.

Paw tucket. R. I. Parks. Betty A.

Route 2

Trinity, N. C. Parsons. Danny R.-159

131 Louella Dr.

Winston-Salem, N. c.

Parsons, Linda J. -48. 1 84

4ii4 Churchwell Rd

Jacksonville. I la. Paskal. Linda J. -172

3426 Stone) brae Dr.

halls Church, Va. Patterson, Jr.. Joseph S. 40.80.8 1 ,82. 1 72

1 201 1 orresl St.

High Point. N. C. Patterson, Nancv D. 48.184

1405 Juliana Place

Alexandria, Va. Patton, Dr. W. M. 191,192

821 W. College Dr.

High Point. N. C. Patton, III, Wendell M.

821 W. College Dr.

High Point. N. C. Payne. Claudia L. 53,1 35.1 39

382 Holly Ridge Dr.

Montgomery. Ala. Payne. Martha M - 172

1702 W. Lexington Ave.

1 homasville, N. C. Pay ne, Paul R 1 59

York House. Naval Weapons St.

\ orktown, \ .i Peabodv. Melinda A. 184

389 Jefferson Rd

Princeton. N.J. Peace. I rankle

416 Springdale Ave.

Winston Salem, N. C. Pearson. I van D. -43, 1 72

209 Lakeside Ave.

Pitman. N. J. Pearson. Sharon S.

225 Charles Ave.

High Point, N. C. Pecht. Allison (,.-48.184

42 Baker Rd.

Livingston, N. J. Peeler. Barney Paris 39.159

Belwood Sta.

Lawndale. N. Y. Peeples, Janet K.

Route 1

Gibsonville. N. C. Pelfrey . Henry. Jr.- 1 59

1904 S. Lake Shore Dr.

Clermont. I- la. Penr\ . Herbert T.. 111-159

Route 10. Box 322

Lexington, N. C. Perlozzo, Nicholas A. -91, 172,1 10

129 Race St.

Cumberland. Md. Perov. Nancy L.

1221 Carter St.

High Point. N. C. Perrvman. Kenneth D.— 172

Route 10

Lexington. N. C. Peterson. Barbara K -65.93.1 S9

Route 2

I uquav-Varina. N. C. Peterson. Dr. H. H. 200

1604 W. Lexington Ave.

High Point. N. C. Peterson. Joan M.- 49.1 59

125 Laurel Ave.

Irvington. N. J. Petree. Mary E. -46. 184

2505 Camden Rd.

Greensboro. N. C. Petty. Fredricka J.

92 3 S. Cox St. Asheboro. N. C.

Phillips. ChervT A. -50. 100

118 I ox Hill Rd.

Hampton. Va. Phillips. David A. 37.159

5 Kenwood Rd.

Peabodv, Mass. Phillips, David W. -81. 172

104 Edgewood Dr.

Pinetops, N. C. Phillips. Jean G.

1842 Elizabeth Ave.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Phillirs. Jane E. -47, 72, 75. 7 8, 87, 94. 159

Stuart. Va.

Phillips, Joan B.

1420 Grantham l)r

High Point. N. C. Phillips, Mr. Robert E. 193

1420 Grantham Dr.

High Point, N. C. Phillips, Vicki J - 172

1935 Butler St.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Phillips, Mr. William R.-20I

1200 Biltmore St.

High Point. N. C. Phi Mu Sorority 52,53 Phipps, S. Dianne 140

341 5 Imperial Dr.

High Point, N. C. Physical Education Majors Club 91) Piacente Frank A., Jr.- 184,103

SS Hatbush Ave.

Hartford. Conn. Picka. James G. -70.1 59,103

8809 Victory Ave.

Baltimore, Md. Pickel, Phyllis J.- 48,184

249 Chaucer Dr.

Berkeley Hgts., N. J.

Pickett. I millc 1 . 49.Sft.140 Box 8

Denton, N. C. Pierce. Louise 53,1 72

1502 Middlebury Dr.

Alexandria, Va. Pi Kappa Alpha 40,41 Pillsburv, Cynthia A - 140

2425 Vail Ave.

Charlotte. N. C. Pipes, Paula M. -48.1 84

4010 Taney Ave.

Alexandria. Va. Poole, Barbara W. 49.86.140

1 100 S. DeLaney St.

Orlando. Ma. Pope, Dr. L. B.- 194

Sedge Garden Rd.

Kernersville, N. C. Pope, Toni M.-172

3-B Chestnut Ct. Apts.

High Point. N. C. Porter, Mr. Raiford M.- 202

222 Hawthorne Rd., N.W.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Poston. Carol A. 22 .49.100.1 64.1 72

103 Perry St

Shelby, N. C. Powell, James B.

213 High St.

Granville. N. C. Powell, Nancy C— I 84

15 18 Homewood Ave.

High Point, N. C. Pratt. Sylvia D. 49.70.159

1636 Lombard Circle

Charlotte. N. C. Pre vat t, Rodney T - 184

507 I Grimes Ave.

High Point, N. C. Prevette, Lloyd K. 140

Route 1, Lazy Acres Estates

Lewisville. N. C. Price. Joseph B.

Route 2

Monroe, N. C. Price. Ronald E. 41.140

1001 Willow mere Lane

Cambridge, Md. Prillaman, Carolvn P. -140

304 Nola Rd.

Collinsville. Va. Prince. Richard C.

3822 San Luis

Tampa. Ha. Pritchard, Roger <_>.

5 94 Vance St

Asheboro. N. C. Probert, Mrs. Charles A.

1024 Wellington

High Point. N.C. Proehl. Rebecca A. - 172

1621 McKinney Ave.

Lvnchburg. Va. Pryor. Edward F - 34. 1 40

Route 6. Box 148

Hendersonville. N. C. Pugh. Phyllis A.

1704 Centennial Ave.

High Point, N. C. Purdom, Dr. E. G.

5109 Friendly Rd.

Greensboro, N. C. Pusey, James N. -42, 1 72

Avondale. Pa.


Ouakenbush, Curtis R.-184

Route 2

Graham, N. C. Ouinn, Richard A. -66,88,92.1 72. 1 1 3

106 Mountain View Dr

Kernersville, N. C.


Rabb. Jean M. 50.185 204 Furches St. Raleigh, N. C. Ragland. Ellen L.- 160 87 Hillcrest Dr. High Point. N. C. Ragland. Gary W.- 160 102 Ml. Vernon Ave. Alexandria. Va. Rainer. Marcia I). 5 3,160 1 3206 Bregman Rd. Silver Spring, Md. Kj.nsci . < leorge U 111 37.1 72 1101 Sylvan Lane Mountainside. N J. Raper. Cheryl C.

Box 5 1 5, Peachtree M Lexington. N. C. Rawley. Mrs. D. A., Jr. -201 1027 Wellington High Point, N. C. Ravle. M. Douglas 1300 ElwcU Ave. Greensboro. N. C. Reaves. John R. 41 Route I . Mashie Dr. Pfafftown. N. C. Rector. Linda L.- 185 I 67 I l egion Dr Winter Park, Fla. Redding. Mrs. Donald S - 81.82,202 I 109 Countrv Club Rd. High Point. N. C.



d. Linda Calherine- Route 5

Winston-Salem, N. C.

Reed, Virginia 1- lien

2 7 24 East Sprague St.

Winston-Salem. N.C. Reeves. Brenda R.-I73

112 1 Montlieu Ave.

High Point. N. C. Rego. Philip M. 40,173

1931 Optimist Lane

Charlotte. N. C. Rehberg, Susan J. -50. 173

610 S. View Terrace

Alexandria, Va. Reid. Jr.. Virgil C - 160

Box ill

Candor. N. C. Reidda, Larraine A. 49.90.91,101.140

14 Highland Ave.

Succasunna, N. J. Rcnfro. Harold E. 43.84.148,160

145 19 Carrolton Rd.

Rockville. Md. Rice. Katherine K.-173

Leesburg Pike

Falls Church. Va. Kith. Glenn Darrell- 160.1 10

22 11 Portage Parkway

Asheboro, N. C. Rich. Wanda G.-173

Route 5, Box 171

Trinity, N. C. Richardson. Elizabeth A.-

19 18 N Ouantico St.

Arlington. Va. Richardson, Judson C 39,140

1 8 Grey Lane

Lynnfield. Mass. Richardson. Patrick I .

Box 125

Winston-Salem APS, N. C. Richardson. Stephen I

3308 Arlington Dr.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Riggs. Steve H.- 141

324 Phillips St.

High Point. N. C.




Ritchie, Cassandra I. E. 136

586 Blo,>mingdale Rd.

Kingsport, Tenn. Rivera, Luis P. -42, 185

2520 N. Stevens St.

Alexandria Va. Roark. Wanda C- 185

58 Hillcrest Ave.

Martinsville, Va. Robb. Arthur R., Jr.- 141

2029 West Polo Rd.

Winston-Salem. N. C. Robbins. Gerald L.-173

R.F.D. 2, Box 85

Milford. Del. Robertson. Robert P.-,134.


40 Deer Lane

Wantagh. N. Y. Robinson, Mr. Joseph W.-I98

1009 5th Court

High Point. N. C. Robinson, Lois B.-160

248 Holly Ave.

Woodbury Heights. N. J. Robinson. Suzanne G. 49,1 73

1219 W. Northwood St.

Greensboro. N. C. Rock. Charles C, Jr. - 160,1 16

2117 Windward Shore Dr.

Virginia Beach, Va.

Rockenhaugh. Shirley M.- 160

5009 Belt Rd.. N.W.

Washington. I>. C. Rogers, Betty W. -49, 141

Alberta, Va. Rogers. Mr. i. Wilson- 198

507 Sherbrook Dr.

High Point. N. C. Rogers. Lois E.-46.I85

36 Dohertv Dr.

Clifton, N. J. Rook, Michael S.-173

6104 Sunset Rd.

Greensboro, N. C. Ross. Richard W. 109,1 16

I (>04 Woodmoor I ane

McLean, Va. Rother, Mark D. -92, 185

4859 Singleton Dr.

Bethesda. Md. Rounds, Helen E. 51.141

603 Clark St.

Westfield. N. J. Ruhl. Kenneth J. 185.1 10

451 Sterling Place

Ridgewood. N. J. Rushing. Catherine L. -54, 185

423S-C Falcon Cts. N.

McGuire A IB, N. J. Russell. Lawrence J., Jr. - 1 85

9 Lambeth Dr.

Thomasville, N. C. Russell. Rosemarv

Route 1

Troy, N. C.

Sadler. Nadine M. -51, 173

4 Marcia Ct.

Rockville. Md. Saintsing. Mintie S.-160

Route 4

Thomasville. N. C. Sakers. Dale J. -168, 173

3 N. Constance Dr.

Glenriddle. Pa. Sale. Jenniffer C.

Route 2. Box 19

Ronda. N. C.


Sale, Robert M. -79, 141

Route 1, Box 201

Ronda, N. C. Salmon, William W.-173

Route 2

Carthage, N. C. Samuel, Robert A. -38. 185

1 103 Croton Dr.

Alexandria, Va. Samuels, Randall A.

5-B Chestnut Ct. Apts.

High Point, N. C. Sanderford. Betty C..-141

1 102 Pinckney St.

Whiteville, N. C. Sanders, Linda C— 51,173

1814 Woodcrest Dr., Box 756

Asheboro, N. C. Sapp, Mary V. 185

114 W. Fine St.

Georgetown, Del. Sappenfield, Gary V. -43, 142, 1 IS

622 Korest St.

Greensboro. N. C. Sapula, Raymond E.-185

261 Godwin St.

East Hartford, Conn. Sarbacher, George W.- 40, 185

321 1 Leland St

Bethesda. Md. Saunders. Donald R.-170

4210 N. Main St.

High Point, N. C. Sawyer, Anna M.-142

114 N. Joiner St.

High Point. N. C. Scales, Jr.. Joseph D.- 1 60

161 Kdgewood Circle

Winston-Salem, N. C. Scearce, Terry W.-18S

Route 7, Box 421

Reidsville, N. C. SchCUffle, W. Carol-49.66.160

3906 N. Upland St.

Arlington, Va. Schmidt, Barbara G.— 185

1917 Charla Lee Lane

Virginia Beach. Va. Schnell, Mrs. Adelaide- 195

918 Ferndale Blvd.

High Point, N. C. Schoenhut. Wayne L.-185

7 Island Avenue

Seaside Park, N. J. Scholastic Honor Society-68 Schultz. David L.-37

25 Sipple Ave.

Baltimore. Md. Schumacher. Roy D.- 141,142

858 Edge Park Dr.

Haddonfield. N. J. Scott, Ann N.- 49.84,86,1 36,1 42

234 Ardennes Circle

Fort Ord, Calif. Scott. Jr.. Ellis R.-I73

21 19 S. Fayetteville St.

Asheboro. N. C. Scott, Jr., James- 37.1 60

Route 2, Box 102

Leaksville, N. C. Scott, Judith A. -46,95. 120, 185

6533 Jay Miller Dr.

Falls Church, Va. Scott. Mr. Thomas E.-205

Rt. 6. Union Dr.

Winston Salem, N. C. Scotten, Dana L.- 29.23.5 3.8 1 , 1 73

901 Circle Dr.

High Point. N. C. Scronce. Lorraine D 54.173

Route 5, Box 888

Hickory, N. C. Seigle, Elaine M.- 5 1,8 1,1 60

507 N. Quaker Lane- Alexandria. Va. Seigler, Janet A. -47, 142

1629 Sells St.

Monroe. N. C. Senior Class- 120.1 2 I Sevier. William E- 7 1,1 42

51 Hillcrest Rd.

Asheville, N. C. Seward. John G. 43.173

1101 Tanley Rd.

Silver Spring. Md. Seymour. Alice W. -53,173

9200 Tuckerman St

Lanham, Md. Shackelford, Sharon E.-S2.66.173

2001 Chestnut Dr.

High Point, N. C. Shaeff, George F.-173

208 W. 46th St.

Reading. Pa.

Shaffer, Sherry L.- 47.7 1 .72,73.78,87,88.94,1 73

1 1037 Timberlake Rd.

Lynchburg, Va. Sharp, James T. -81. 185

930 E. Dayton St.

High Point. N. C.


1 oulksidc


Sharpe. Larry B.-I73

Route 2. Box 96

Stoneville, N. C. Sharpe, Thomas P.

2727 Alamance Rd.

Burlington. N. C. Sharrock, Mrs. W. R.

Hamlin Ct.

Jamestown, N. C. Shaver. Jhonias L.

2439 Sink St.

Winston-Salem. N. C. Shaw . Bettie Jo

408 Pine Valle) Dr.

High Point. N. C. Shaw, Willie G., Jr. -7 1 ,1 73,1 03

2604 Marble St.

Winston-Salem. N. C. Sheets. Linda L.-173

4501 Knollwood Dr.

High Point. N. C. Shelly. Donna Lee-42,49. 76.86

3005 Broad River Dr.

Burton, S. C. Shelton, Mrs. John M. 200

2901 St. Claire Rd.

W inston-Salem. N C. Sherrill, Joan C. 54,185

325 Oakwood Dr.

Statesville, N. C. Sherrill. Ruth L.-48,

2412 Lanside Dr

Wilmington. Del. Sherwood, Sharon D.

3300 W. Roxboro Rd.

Atlanta, Ga. Shields. William L.-173

Box 66

Pleasant Garden, N. C.

Shipley, Joyce L.- 47,73.74.81 , 1 7 3

I 1 303 Emack Rd.

Beltsville. Md. Shumate, John D. 42,1 85

2001 Fairfax Rd.

(Ireensboro, N. C. Shumate, Ricky I- .

1 706 Hemingwav Dr

Greensboro, N. C. Siceloff. Mar\ Su/anne- 52.160

601 Isabel Dr.

Lexington, N. C. Sigmon, Dennis H., Jr. 70,97.160

315 Hillcrest Dr

Elkin. N. C. Sigmon, Mr. Edward 20 1

Arvin Trailer Park

Jamestown, N. C. Sigman, Loiselle 46, 1 60

Route I . Box 374

Hickory. N. C.

Simmons, Joan I .

1 105 Camden Rd.

High Point, N. C. Simone. L>nn W. 7 1,97.134,142

1031 Lowden Ave.

Union. N. J. Sink. I tta I vel\ n

Route 3

Lexington, N. C. Sink. Richard L - 160

320 West Fifth St.

Lexington. N. C. Sink, Russell W.- 161

Route 3, Box 2

Lexington, N. C.

Sink. Talmadge S.-16I

512 Richardson St

High Point, N. C. Sisk. Peggy J.

Route 5

Winston Salem. N. C. Smith, Anita F.- 173

703 Overbrook Dr.

High Point, N. C. Smith. Barbara A.- 185

750 S.E. Fifth Court

Pompano. Kla. Smith. Beulah J.- 161

1507 N. Hamilton St.

High Point. N. C. Smith. Clarence B., Jr.- 186

Route 2

Advance, N. C. Smith. David B. -92, 186

2313 Cool Spring Rd.

Adelphi, Md. Smith. Deborah L.-186

31 1 Kennedy Ave.

High Point. N. C. Smith. Donald E.- 186.1 10

606 Collett St

Morganton, N. C. Smith, Douglas E. -43. 173

629 Yorkshire St.

Roanoke. Va. Smith. I red 1) 173

816 Circle Dr

High Point. N. C. Smith, John S.-173

6008 86th Place

Hvattsville, Md. Smith. Kenneth D.- 161

1414 Cloverdale

High Point, N. C. Smith. Linda C. -54.186

35 15 Washington Blvd. Apt 304

Arlington. Va. Smith, Linda V.- 186

Coddington Kd.. Box 276B

Hunterdon. N. J. Smith, l indie) W

Route 4. Box 186B

Greensboro. N. C. Smith. Luc\ S. -50, 186

Faycttcville Rd.

Rockingham, N. C. Smith. Martha S.-7 1 .1 6 1

346 Cliff Rd.

Asheboro. N. C. Smith. Patricia A. 49.71.142

Box 25A, Route 2

Annapolis. Md. Smith, Richard C- 37,1 57,161,109,1 16

6022 Westchester Park Dr.

College Park, Md. Smith. Rud\ I 142

K I D. Box 164

Onancock, Va. Smith. Shervl L.— 51.174

5314 Piliow Lane

Springfield, Va. Smith. Stephen R. -96. 186

1 39 Spring St.

Woodburv, N. J. Smith. Wilton A., Jr.- 39.77,1 42

5 308 Blacksnake Dr.

Hillcrest Heights. Md. Smithev , Martha W.- 1 74

Sunset Dr.

North Wilkesboro, N. C.

Snead. Jr., Dennis R.- 143

4245 Ashland Dr.

Greensboro, N. C. Snead. Elizabeth A.— 52,186

18 Fairer Kd.

Tanglin, Singapore, Sig. Snider. Karen E.

4626 Edgefield Kd

Helhesda. Md. Social Life- 32. 33 Society for the Advancement

of Management - 83 Sombar. Michael J.. Jr. -41, 143

504 New St.

Milford, Del. Sophomore Class 164.165 Sossoman. John C. Ill 42,186

US Laurel Hills Dr.

Morganton. N. (.'. Southard. Patricia A.- 174

Koute 3. Box 77

High Point. N. C. Sowers. Donna K.

601 Willoubar Terrace

High Point, N. C. Spaugh. Arthur T.

1 32 1 Trinitv Ave.

High Point, N. C. Speaks. Phillip L.-36

441 Crews St.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Spencer, Steven L.-143

438 Hunter St

Madison, N. C. Spiker. Richard M 41

11251 anley Kd

Silver Spring. Md Spoon, Katherine I .161

P. O. Box 1095

Apopka. Ela. Sports 98.99 Staley, Donald E. -37. 161

502 Northwood Circle

Garner, N. C. Staley, Marv L.

500 Birchwood Dr.

High Point, N. C. Stallings. Callin M

412 N. Third St.

Smithfield. N. C. Stanlev, Randolph L.

512 Pine Vallc\ Dr.

High Point. N. C. Stark. Selena S - 52,1 86

19th St.

Chesapeake Beach, Md. Stear, Davene N. 48,100,186

Otrs. A. NAS. N. Y.

Brooklyn, N. Y. Steed, S. Susan- 161

Box 542

Warrenton, N. C. Steele. Leslie C. -53. 174

I :n Banbun I 'i . U md>or Hills

Wilmington. Del. Steele. Sammie L.-143

107 Kersev Dr.

High Point. N. C. Stephenson. Marilyn J. -55. 1 74

4009 N. Stafford St.

Arlington. Va.

Sterling. Martha L - 143

102 S. Layton Ave.

Wyoming, Del. Stevens, Jerry W. 161

601 Kirkman St.

Greensboro, N. C. Steves, David A - 94.186.1 1 3

6010 27th Ave.

HillCTCIl Heights, Md. Stewart. Dr. Dorothy R. 197

317 Ardmore Circle

High Point, N. C. Stewart. Phyllis K. 49.174

1412 Lakecrest Dr.

Apopka. I la. Stewart, William A. 43.65.148,161

3608 Isbell St.

Wheaton. Md. Stines. M. Donna- 1 62

Route 4

Marshall, N. C,

Stirewalt. Charles, H-, Jr. - 83.143

P. O. Box 314

Old Port. N C. St. John. Robert (..

232 1 Glamis Dr.

Pensacola, I la.

Stratton. I dward S., Jr.- 39.1 43,1 44

Afton House

Alton, Va. Strickland. Ross M. 185,186

143 Maple Ave.

Northport. N. Y. Stroud. Beit) I

Fraziet Apt. 22

Guilford College. N. C. Student Christian Association 72

Student Government Association i>4 Student National Education Association- 86 Sturdivant. Phvllis A. 53.87.14-4 Route 6

Lexington, N. C. Sturm. Joann P. 49.174

P. O. Box I 16

Midland Park, N. J. Sturm. Linda J. 49.76.174

49 Lakeshore Dr.

Nesvport News. Va. Stutts. Henrv T - 162

3408 Crcenhill llr

High Point. N. C. St\les. Dorothy I). - 162

Box 72 32

Asheville. N C Sullivan, Mrs. C. N. 201

1 202 Greenway Dr. High Point, N. C.

Sullivan, Shenlyn J. 47,174

1062 Hibnten Lane

Lenoir, N. C. Summers. (Iar\ L 174

7215 Glenridge Dr

Hyattsville, Md. Sumpter. ColUs L.-174

126 Regal Dr.

Lenoir. N. C. Swigart. Nora Sue 90.91.101

2 u Church St Cambridge City . Ind.

Sw ink. L\ nne I 4y Route 5

Greensboro, N. c.

Swit/er. Dale I . 1 86

30 Eighth Ave.

Haddon Heights. N. J. Sykes. Linda 1. -47 .90.9 1 . 1 0 I I 74

2228 Lac\ St

Burlington, N. C.

Tanner. Linda K 186

5706 38th Ave.

Hyattsville. Md Tanner, Patricia A. 74.174

547 falls Kd.

Rocky Mount. N. C. Tatgenhorst. Steve C. 103

3910 N Main St.

High Point, N C. Taylor. Barbara L. 49,76.86,100.120,137

Box 66

Denton. N. C. Taylor, Naru\ I 44.65,144.181

Box 672

Eutaw, Ala. Taylor. Ra\ 1 .- 39.144,1 I 5

1009 Sycamore St.

Durham. N. C. Teague. Charles P -72.144

35 Brevard Rd.

Asheville. N. C. Teague. Inez 1

6 Swaim Dr.

Thomasville, N. C. Teague, Sylvia H.- 5 3. 144

1932 W. Blvd.

Charlotte. N. C.


T hacker, Dr. James A.

814 E. I arriss Ave.

High Point. N. C. Thayer, Barbara L.- 144

Route 5, Box 326

High Point, N. C. Iheise. Valerie A.- 82,186

74 Lauren Ave.

Deer Park, N. Y. I herrell, Katherine E.-83

790 Dogwood Circle

High Point, N. C.

Thigpen. I rankle C. 43,144,114

P. (). Box 245. P

Pikeville. N. C. Thomas. I rank D.-14S

540 Forrest Ave.

High Point. N. C. I lioinas. John H.

Route 9, Box 107

Winston Salem. N. C. I nomas, Lueli L

71 1 N. Weldon St.

Gastonia, N. C. Thomas, Martha E.-174

206 West haven

Forest City, N. C.

Thomas, Mary L.-I4S

3810 Gilmore Dr.

Greensboro, N. C. I nomas, Richard L. 40,103,186

3508 Spencerville Rd.

Burtonsville. Md. Thompson, Mr. Jack L. -195

900 Sixth St.

High Point, N. C. Thompson. Mrs. Jack L.— 195

900 Sixth St.

High Point. N. C. Thompson, Marie I.— 174

Route 3, Box I 17

Asheboro, N. C. Thompson, S. Alice-47,76,86.1 62

Route 1 . Box 253

Graham, N. C. Tingle. Keith D. -174, 1 15

608 Baldwin Lane

Wilmington, Del. Tolson. Diana D.-162

Kidwell Ave.

Centreville. Md. I ompkins, Tommy 37,174

34 Sunset Rd.

Pompton Plains, N. J. Torres. Robert. Jr

3910 N. Main St

High Point, N. C. I ow nsend, Ann C - I 74

336S Paslev Ave.

S.W. Roanoke, Va. Traveria. Jorge I - 83.145

801 Acosta St.

Jacksonville. Ela. Trepper. Robert E. -42, 174

1 1 9 Rockingham Dr.

Wilmington, Del. Trogdon. Richard J.

Route 1. Box 429

Eranklinville. N. C. Troutmaji, Gloria F.— 55,145

917 S Juniper St.

Kannapolis, N. C. Trump. Stanlev J - 38. 1 85

39 Beechwood Rd.

Asheville. N. C. Tucker. I red E.- 162

162 1 I bird St.

Ash.-boro, N. C. Tuck-.r. Linda J - 162

- 1 1 2 S. Ashland Dr.

Burlington. N. C. Tuggle. M L\ nn 145

Route 3. Box 267C

High Point. N. C. Turner. Samuel E., Jr. -65, 1 87

405 Colonial Dr.

Madison. N. C.

Turpin, Mrs. Mozelle B.-76.I95

High Point. N. C. Tuttle. Martha J. -90.91 .101 . 1 45

712 Glenmore Circle

High Point, N. C. Tuttle. Robert F..-14S

Route 1

Lewisville. N. C. Tuxhorn. David M. -70. 71. 162

Route 7

Springfield, ill. T witty, Patricia G. -50. 187

701 N.E. 7th St.

Pompano Beach, Ela. Tyler. Merrv Celeste- 187

471 Sylvan Dr.

Winter Park. Fit. I>ler, Patricia A. -49, 174

2901 N. Underwood St.

Arlington. Va.

Tysinger, Janice W.— 145 Route 7

Lexington, N. C. Tysor, Linda L.-187 133 E. Dorsett Ave. Asheboro, N. C.


Underwood, Dr. Sam J.-7 1 ,96, 1 6 1 ,20 1

503 E. Farriss Ave.

High Point, N. C. Upton, Ronda J. -145

2206 Plainview Dr.

High Point, N. C.


VanAnda, Jane M. -46, 75, 174

10611 Howerton Ave.

Fairfax, Va. Van Gilder, Sue Ellen-47,145

Main Road

Cumberland, N. J. Vann, George W. -37, 71, 162

1 1208 Bybee St

Silver Spring, Md. Vanneman, Jeanne C. 5 1,146

309 Central Ave.

Woodbury Heights, N. J. Varner, Brenda T.-146

Route 2, Box 153

Lexington, N. C. Vaughn, Howard C, Jr. -187

910 Brentwood St.

High Point, N. C. Vaughn, Mr. Robert F. -207, 102

1629 Lakewood Dr.

High Point, N. C. Vestal, Steve A.- 146

Route 3, Box 107

Thomasville, N. C. Von Dreele, Richard W. -42, 187

3520 Coronado Dr.

Louisville, Ky.


Wagner, A. Jane-80,8 1 ,82,1 62 Route 1 , Box 422 Lexington, N. C.

Wagner, Harry R.-187

1306 B Eaton Place

High Point, N. C. Wagoner, Forrest S.

Box 122

Appomattox, Va. Wagoner, Teddie V.-174

Route 10

Lexington, N. C. Wakenight, Jean M.-l 62

2900 30th St., S.E.

Washington, D. C. Walden, Richard A. -35

3725 Wabash Dr.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Waldron, Thomas J. -92,1 62

80 South Main St.

Allentown, N. J. Walker, Edwin W.- 1 62

2115 Link Rd.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Walker, Hal H. -174, 114

1 16 S. Elm St.

Asheboro, N. C. Walker, Joseph V.-146

2909 Dellwood Dr.

Greensboro. N. C. Walker, Ronald L.

703 E. Kearns Ave.

High Point, N. C. Walker, Stephen D.

Route 4, Box 62H

Thomasville, N. C. Walker, William H.-174

106 W. Green St.

Thomasville, N. C. Wall, John W. -42, 174

2804 Fairfield Ave.

Greensboro, N. C. Wall, Larry R.-103

1014 Grant St.

High Point, N. C. Wall, Steve M.-162

209 Overbrook Dr.

High Point, N. C. Walton, Bill R. -40, 187

2215 Pembroke Ave.

Charlotte, N. C. Ward, Carolyn A. -174

Route 1, Box 382

McLeansville, N. C. Warren, Joan P. -55, 146

Friendly Rd., Box 86

Kernersville, N. C. Warth, Thomas M.-162

3700 Greenhill Dr.

High Point, N. C.

Washburn, Ann— 187

25 5 1 32nd Rd., N.

Arlington, Va. Washington, Mrs. E. K.-203

Bundy Rd.

Jamestown, N. C. Waters, Melissa M. -50, 187

4200 Hatton Court

Alexandria, Va. Watson, Mrs. Edison E.-198

536 Overlook Street

Greensboro, N. C. Watts, Janice K. -49, 162

4126 Faulkner PI.

Charlotte, Va. Waugh, Randolph P. -146,1 15

4 Buena Vista Rd. Asheville, N. C.

Way, Jane E.- 187

118 N. Elm St.

Asheboro, N. C. Weatherly, Dr. Owen M.-209

1605 Chatham Dr

High Point, N. C. Weatherman, Kenneth W. -34, 83, 162

Route 1

Lewisville, N. C. Weaver, Maria K.-l 87

Olin, N. C. Webb, Mrs. D. B.-195

3300 N. Centennial

High Point, N. C. Webb, Michael T.- 162,1 1 3

3300 N. Centennial

High Point, N. C. Webb, Nancy J. -187

616 E. Salisbury St.

Asheboro, N. C. Webb, William R.- 187.103

7 F Crescent St.

Greenbelt, Md. Weeks, Dr. Leo-191,197

701 Sunset Dr.

High Point, N. C. Weiss, Linda M. -70,7 1 ,86,1 62

A3B Emerywood Ct. Apts.

High Point, N. C. Welborn, Rosiland A. -187

3921 S. Main St.

High Point, N. C. Welch, Lesley-65,162

486 Hampton Ave.

Long Branch, N. J. Wharton, Charles R.-187

Box 5 5

Rockingham, N. C. White, Charles D.-187

581 11th Ave. Circle, N.W.

Hickory, N. C. White, Ellen L. -55, 83. 146

7 Sterling Ave.

Saugus, Mass. White, Judith L.-82

1 540 Westbrook Circle

Gastonia, N. C. White, Linda L.-187

Route 1, Box 77

Harmony, N. C. White, William R. -43, 1 47

Box 1 38

Stony Point, N. C. Whitehead, James E.-91 ,147

572 1 Delaware Ave.

Camp Lejeune, N. C. Whitehead, Wayne A. -174

607 Ivydale Ave.

Wilmington, Del. Whitfield, Gay L.-162

713 Elk Spur St.

Elkin, N. C. Whitt, Doris M. -47,7 1 ,73,97, 1 62

5 1 3 N. Main St. Roxboro, N. C.

Who's Who-1 34,1 37

Wilbur, Bruce A. -174

6438 Maplewood Dr

Falls Church, Va. Wilkerson, James H. -37, 162

Box 78

Milford, Del. Wilkes, Shelby-78,147

27B Daniel Brooks Apts.

High Point, N. C. Wilkes, Mr. Sherrell R.-208

404-AW. Lexington Ave.

High Point, N. C. Williams, Mrs. Arthur B.-195

P. O. Box 437

Jamestown, N. C. Williams, David H.-174

503 Westside Dr.

Lexington, N. C. Williams, Diane L. -49, 84, 86,1 62

Box 6

Eagle Springs, N. C. Williams, Donald D.-175 20 Valley View Terrace Moorestown, N. J.


Williams. Donna L. -54, 73, 89, 90, 1 87

2 349 Belleview Ave.

Cheverly, Md. Williams, Herman K. -86,1 47

1 205 Holly Grove Rd.

Lexington, N. C. Williams. John R.-41.1 63

1 60 Godwin Ave.

Ridgewood, N. J. Williams, Lvnne A. -52, 187

1488 Fama Dr., N.E.

Atlanta, Ga. Williams, Nancv J. -97, 175

108 Warner St.

Thomasville, N. C.

Williams, Robert P.-38.74.17S

720 Oakmont Dr.

Asheboro, N. C. Williamson, Linda C. -49, 163

Route 1

Raeford, N. C. Williamson, Linda C 54,163

1834 Talbot Apt. 2

Jacksonville, I- la. Willis, Agnes R. -52, 86, 163

1 17 John St.

Rayetteville, N. C. Willis, Susan G. -50, 187

2900 Everett Ave.

Raleigh, N. C. Wilmer, Paul S.-42 ,1 87, 1 1 0

2819 Crest Ave., N.

Allentown, Pa. Wilson, Dr. C. L.-199

207 Shadow Vallev Rd.

High Point, N. C. Wilson, Vicki L.-l 63

31 1 W. Fifth Ave.

Lexington, N. C. Wimberly, Vicky L. -53, 71, 147

2012 Richardson Dr.

Reidsville, N. C. Wimbish, Patricia M.— 1 63

Coharie Acres

Clinton, N. C. Winchester, Carol F. -49, 147

1 104 Lakewood Dr.

Monroe, N. C. Winnev, Frances J.- 1 63

1677 Geraldine Dr.

Jacksonville, Fla. Winstead, Carol L. -55, 147

304 N. Main St.

Roxboro, N. C. Winters, John P. -43,1 63

31 Ravnold Rd.

Mt. Lakes. N. J. Wise, Wanda L. -73, 96, 163

Box 66

Broadway, N. C. Witt, Daniel M. -175, 103

304 S. Augusta Ave.

Baltimore, Md. Wittenberg, Roger A. -39, 175

R.E.D. 1

Annandale, N. J. Wolfe, Nancy D. 73,1 87

3271 Van Hazen St., N.W.

Washington, D. C. Womack. Patsv S.-147

45C William & Mary Apts.

High Point, N. C.

Women's Athletic Association 91 Women's Dormitory Council 76

Wood, Gerald L.-l 75

1 920 Burgoyne Court

Winston-Salem. N. C. Wood, Jeffrey H. -163,1 10

747 Charing Cross Rd.

Baltimore, Md. Wood, Leonard D.

300 Monmouth Ave. Durham, N. C.

Wood, Linda G.

1206 Brentwood St.

High Point, N. C. Wood, Sharon T. 163

301 2 Kivette Dr. High Point, N. C.

Woodell, Wavne E. - 1 75

402 0 Knollwood Dr.

High Point, N. C. Woodhams. Roberta A. -24,44, 5 3,8 1 ,82, 1 00, 1 7 5

7714 Radnor Rd.

Bethesda. Md. Woodruff. Donald W.-187

508 W. 9th Ave.

Roselle, N. J. Woodruff, Ronald R. - 176, 187,1 10,109

508 W. 9th Ave.

Roselle, N.J. Woods, Elizabeth B. -46, 73, 175

1022 Anderson St.

Durham, N. C. Woods, John L. -39, 163

1 5 32 Maryland Ave.

Charlotte, N. C.

Woodward. K (,a\le 187 3009 Masonic Dr. Greensboro, N. C.

Workman, Anthony W,- 147 2327 Sink St.

Winston-Salem, N. C. Worthington, Miss Ruth- 200 82 3 Fifth St. High I'oint. N. C.

Wright. Susan P

1 5 40 Beaucrest St.

High I'oint. N. C.

Xindaris. I'hilip 1 7 3 Prospect St. Peabody, Mass.


Yarborough. Mr. N. P.- I 92 ,205

1431 Wilshire lllvd.

High Point, N. C. Yates, Roberta K 46.187

31 1 N. Camp Meade Rd.

Linthicum, Md. Yates. Sharon K 187

2120 Shipley Rd.

Wilmington, Del. Yaun, Thomas A. 92.163

1633 Woodlvnne Blvd.

Atlantic C'itv. N. J Yoe. Shirley L. 76.100.175

P. O. Box 27

Granite Quarry, N. C. Yokley. Clark S.- 147

K3H 1 mervwood Court High Point, N. C.

Young. Angela J - 187

301 Rockspring Rd.

High Point. N. C. Younts. John W.-163

Route 1

Trinity. N. C.

Xakos. Barbara J.-I7S

1417 Welborn St.

High Point, N. C. Zeilmer, Kathleen- 49,175

5603 Ontario Circle

Bethesda, Md. Zenith Staff-96,97 Zeta lau Alpha- 54,55 Zumbro, Val K.-37.84.147

41 16 Kast West Highway

Hyattsville, Md.


During his college experience the student is profoundly influenced by the steps he takes physical, social, service, religious, and academic. How- ever, the steps of learning and experience do not end with graduation. Students will use their college background as a foundation on which to build, reaching higher echelons and becoming more useful citizens.

Throughout the 1968 ZENITH we have attempted to share these dif- ferent facets of college life with you. There have been many long hours of work and frustration in putting the yearbook together. The results show many innovations that can be found throughout the book. We hope the students recognize and appreciate these different aspects and realize the work that has gone into this year's ZENITH.

Each year there are outstanding members of the staff with whose help the yearbook could not have been published. Among them are Doris Whitt, associate editor, Jon Faulkner, business manager, Steve Smith and Dave Bishop, our tireless photographers. A special "thanks" goes to Bucky Sig- mon, the copy editor and Dr. Underwood, our advisor. They were always there when needed with that helping hand.

The staff hopes you, the students, enjoy your 1968 ZENITH. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my entire staff for a job excellently done. Working together they have put out the best yearbook High Point College has ever seen. Thus, may the students of High Point College take pride in the 1968 ZENITH and continue their steps forward in the learn- ing process of life. ,

Lynn Simone Editor-in-Chief



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