s 333.91 M26PRAR 2002 2002 ANNUAL REPORT to the GOVERNMENTS OF CANADA, UNITED STATES, SASKATCHEWAN AND MONTANA by the POPLAR RIVER BILATERAL MONITORING COMMITTEE COVERING CALENDAR YEAR 2002 'MISSOURI RIVER STATE DOCUMENTS COLLECTION UC Z: 2003 December 2003 MONTANA STATE LIBRARY 3 0864 1002 4160 6 2002 ANNUAL REPORT to the GOVERNMENTS OF CANADA, UNITED STATES, SASKATCHEWAN, AND MONTANA by the POPLAR RIVER BILATERAL MONITORING COMMITTEE COVERING CALENDAR YEAR 2002 December 2003 Poplar River Bilateral Monitoring Committee Department of State Washington. D.C.. United States Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada Ottawa. Ontario. Canada Governor's Office State of Montana Helena. Montana. United States Ladies and Gentlemen: Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management Regina, Saskatchewan. Canada Herein is the 22nd Annual Report of the Poplar River Bilateral Monitoring Committee. This report discusses the Committee activities of 2002 and presents the proposed schedule for the year 2003. During 2002. the Poplar River Bilateral Monitoring Committee continued to fulfil the responsibilities assigned by the governments under the Poplar River Cooperative Monitoring Arrangement dated September 23. 1980. Through exchange of Diplomatic Notes in March 1987. July 1992. July 1997, and March 2002. the Arrangement was extended. The Monitoring Committee Arrangement is currently extended to March 2007. The enclosed report summarizes current water-quality conditions and compares them to guidelines for specific parameter values that were developed by the International Joint Commission under the 1977 Reference from Canada and the United States. After evaluation of the monitoring information for 2002. the Committee finds that the measured conditions meet the recommended objectives. The Committee notes that the flow-weighted concentration of total dissolved solids in streamflow in the East Poplar River at the International Boundary remains close to the long-term objective of 1.000 milligrams per litre, but did not exceed the objective in 2002. Based on IJC recommendations, the United States was entitled to an on-demand release of 617 dam' (500 acre-feet) from Cookson Reservoir in 2002. Montana requested the release be made during May 1-31. 2002. A volume of 542 dam (439 acre-feet) was delivered to the United States during this period. In addition. dail\ flows in 2002 met or exceeded the minmtum flow recommended by the IJC. During 2002. monitoring continued in accordance with Technical Monitoring Schedules outlined in the 1992 Annual Report of the Poplar River Bilateral Monitoring Committee. Yours sincerely. Robert Davis Chairman. United States Section 7 / JacK Stults Member. United States Section ^" o^ / v 200 I 150 I 100 O - 50 o> 1- Figure 3.3 Cumulative Volume Hydrograph of On-Demand Release. 3.2.5 Surface-Water Quality The 1981 report by the IJC to Governments recommended: For the March to October period, the maximum flow-weighted concentrations should not exceed 3.5 milligrams per litre img/L) for boron and 1500 mg/L for TDS for any three consecutive months in the East Poplar River at the International Boundary. For the March to October period, the long-term average of flow- weighted concentrations should be 2.5 mg/L or less for boron, and 1000 mg/L or less for TDS in the East Poplar River at the International Boundary. For the period prior to 1982. three-month moving flow-weighted concentration (FWC) for boron and total dissolved solids (TDS) was calculated solely from monthly monitoring results. Since the beginning of 1982. the USGS has monitored specific conductance daily in the East Poplar River at the International Boundary, making it possible to derive boron and TDS concentration using a linear regression relationship with specific conductance. Thus, the three-month FWC for boron and TDS for the period 1982 to 2002 was calculated from both the results of monthly monitoring (water-quality samples collected by both Canada and the United States) and the statistical analysis of daily specific 10 conductance readings collected by the USGS. During some years, estimated monthly water-quality sample data may be used in order to complete regression calculations of 3-month and 5-year flow- weighted concentrations. Estimated monthly water-quality samples are based upon concentration data from neighboring water-quality samples and specific-conductance data on the date of the missing water- quality sample (or date midway between neighboring water-quality sample). The Bilateral Monitoring Committee adopted the approach that, for the purpose of comparison with the proposed IJC long-term objectives, the boron and TDS data are best plotted as a five-year moving FWC which is advanced one month at a time. Prior to 1988, long-term averages were calculated for a five-year period in which 2.5 years preceded and 2.5 years followed each plotted point. Beginning in 1988, the FWC was calculated from the five-year period preceding each plotted point. For example, the FWC for December 2002 is calculated from data generated over the period December 1995 to December 2002. The calculations are based on the results of samples collected throughout the year, and are not restricted to only those collected during the months bracketing the period of irrigation (March to October) each year. Total Dissolved Solids TDS is inversely related to streamflow at the International Boundary station. During periods of high runoff such as spring freshet. TDS decreases as the proportion of streamflow derived from ground water decreases. Conversely, during times of low streamflow (late summer, winter) the contribution of ground water to streamflow is proportionally greater. Because ground water has a higher ionic strength than the surface water entering the river, the TDS of the stream increases markedly during low flow conditions. TDS water-quality sample data collected by Environment Canada and the USGS in 2002 are shown in Figure 3.4. There were seven water-quality samples obtained this year with TDS concentrations ranging from 702 mg/L on April 18 to 1.080 mg/L on June 13. The proposed short-term objective for TDS is 1 .500 mg/L. The three-month moving FWC for TDS for the period of record is presented in Figure 3.5. The TDS 11 Figure 3.4: IDS Concentration for 2002 Water-Quality Samples from East Poplar Ri\«r at International Boundary Q 400 ♦ 1005 Figure 3.5; Three-Month Moving Flow-Weighted TDS Concentration for East Poplar Ri\«r at International Boundary 1600 1400 --J 1200 E Short- Term Objective ■ Water-quality sample derived data Regression derived data ^ ^ j^ ^ ^ y& ^ ^ ^ ^'^ ^f& ^ j& V V V V V Y ^" V ■^" ^^^^^,.Tr^^^^^^^ 12 objectives have not been exceeded during the period of record. On inspection of the plot in Figure 3.5, it is apparent that the three-month moving FWC increased gradually, year by year, up until the spring runoff of 1997, when an exceptionally heavy snowmelt contributed sufficient water of low ionic strength to the river and the reservoir to dilute the accumulated salts built up in the system. Dissolved-solids concentrations were slightly lower in 2002 relative to those recorded in 2001; however, low spring runoff and higher contribution from ground water have kept the TDS level close to the long-term objective of 1.000 mg/L. The five-year moving FWC for TDS (Figure 3.6) did not exceed the long-term objective of 1.000 mg/L in 2002. The maximum monthly value calculated in 2002 was about 943 mg/L. which is slightly less than the previous year maximum monthly value of 948 mg/L. The daily TDS values, as generated by linear regression from the daily specific-conductance readings, from January 1990 through December 2002 are shown in Figure 3.7. The data show an abrupt drop in TDS corresponding to the snowmelt runoff occurring during the spring of each year. The relationship between TDS and specific conductance applied to data collected from 1974 to 2002 is as follows: TDS = (0.62518 x specific conductance) + 34.202 (R- = 0.84. n = 605) 13 Figure 3.6: Fi\e-Year Moving Flow-Weighted TDS Concentration for East Poplar Ri\«r at International Boundary Figure 3.7: Daily TDS Concentration. 1990 through 2002: East Poplar Ri\^r at International Boundary (regression-deri\«d data) 14 Boron Boron water-quality sample data collected by Environment Canada and the USGS in 2002 at the East Poplar River at International Boundary are shown in Figure 3.8. There were seven water-quality samples obtained this year with boron concentrations ranging from 1.28 mg/L on May 28 to 2.06 mg/L on June 13. The three-month moving FWC for boron for the period of record is shown in Figure 3.9. The short-term objective of 3.5 mg/L has not been exceeded over the period 1975 to 2002. It can be seen that the data derived from water-quality samples and that derived from regression with specific conductance are similar, with the highs and lows in some degree of correspondence. This suggests that the regression generation of boron and TDS values is. in general terms, a valid procedure despite problems which arise from attempting to generate representative concentration and flow data for an entire month, based on a limited number of samples. The five-year moving FWC for boron displayed in Figure 3.10 remained well below the long-term objective of 2.5 mg/L. From mid- 1993 to the end of the data period there is a gradual decrease in the computed boron concentrations. Boron concentrations are not as well-correlated with specific conductance as TDS. Boron is a relatively minor ion. and does not in itself contribute to a large degree to the total load of dissolved constituents in the water. Accordingly, it appears likely that the standard deviation of dissolved boron (relative to the long-term mean boron concentration) may be greater than that of the major cations (sodium, potassium, and magnesium) and anions (sulphate, bicarbonate, and chloride) around their respective long-term mean concentrations. Daily boron concentrations for the period January 1990 through December 2002 are shown in Figure 3.11. The relationship between boron and specific conductance applied to data collected from 1974 to 2002 is as follows: boron = (0.00129 x specific conductance) - 0.0434 (R- = 0.58, n = 605) 15 Figure 3.8:. Boron Concentration for 2002 Water-Quaiity Samples from East Poplar Ri\«r at International Boundary 1.6 1.4 1.2 Figure 3.9: Three-Month Moving Flow-Weighted Boron Concentration for East Poplar River at International Boundary snort-Term Objective Water-quality sample derived data Regression derived data A CO Cb Q '\y\\\ya:i<^' (\ f^ > ) O) P5 f&-^>i&^>^>^^vT''^v?''^-^v?'-s?'^^^ 16 Figure 3.10: Fi\«-Year Mo^ng Flow-Weighted Boron Concentration for East Poplar Ri\er at International Boundary Figure 3.11: Daily Boron Concentration, 1990 through 2002: East Poplar Hw/er at International Boundary (regression-deri\«d data) ;^: 17 Other Water-Quality Variables Table 3.1 contains the multipurpose water-quality objectives for the East Poplar River at International Boundary, recommended by the International Poplar River Water Quality Board to the IJC. The table shows the number of samples collected for each parameter and the number of times over the course of the year that the objectives were exceeded. In the table, multiple replicate samples collected during the annual quality control exercise are treated as a single sample, but where an objective was exceeded in a replicate sample, this is charged against the single sample noted. As the table shows, all parameters were within the appropriate objectives. 18 Table 3.1 Recommended Water-Quality Objectives and Excursions, 2002 Sampling Program, East Poplar River at International Boundary (units in mg/L, except as otherwise noted) Parameter Objective No. of Samples Excursions USA Canada Objectives recommended by IJC to Governments 11 Boron, dissolved 3.5/2.5(1) 6 6 0 1 Total Dissolved Solids 1.500/1.000(1) 6 6 0 II Objectives recommended by Poplar River Board to the IJC Cadmium, total 0.0012 2 6 0 Fluoride, dissolved 1.5 6 6 0 Lead, total 0.03 2 6 0 Nitrate 10.0 6 6 0 Oxygen, dissolved 4.0/5.0 (2) 6 6 0 Sodium adsorption ratio 10.0 6 5 0 Sulphate, dissolved 800.0 6 6 0 Zinc, total 0.03 1 6 0 Water temperature (Celsius) 30.0 (3) 6 6 0 pH (pH units) 6.5 (4) 6 6 0 ( 1 ) Three-month average ol flow-weighted concentrations should be <.V5 mg/L boron and <1 .500 mg/L TDS. Five-year average of | flow-weighted concentrations (March to October) should be <2.5 mg/L boron and <1 .000 mg/L TDS. (2) 5.0 (minimum April 10 to May 15). 4.0 (minimum, remainder of the year). (3) Natural temperature (.April 10 to May 15). <30 degrees Celsius (remainder of the year). (4) L^.ss than 0.5 pH units above natural, minimum pH = 6 5 19 3.3 Ground Water 3.3.1 Operations SaskPower's supplementary water supply project continued to operate during 2002. The supplementary water supply project currently consists of 21 wells with a total of 10 discharge points. No wells were added or deleted from the well field during the year. The majority of ground-water production in 2002 occurred during the fall to spring period. This is a typical operational pattern for the project and is done to minimize water losses. However, pumping was maintained through the 2002 summer period due to low spring runoff. In 2002. ground-water production decreased to 4.927 dam' from the 2001 total of 5.307 dam total. Production from 1991 to 2002 has now averaged 5.040 dam' per vear. Prior to 1991. the wells used for supplementary supply were part of a dewatering network for coal-mining operations. This resulted in the high production levels experienced in the early to mid 1980's. With the drought of the late 1980's and early 1990's. it was evident that there was a continued need for ground water to supplement water levels in Cookson Reservoir. Consequently the wells were taken over by SaskPower for use as a supplementary supply. Poplar River Power Station Supplementary Supply 1974 1976 1978 1980 198? 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 ?000 2002 Figure 3.12 Supplementary Water Supply 20 SaskPower has an approval for the supplementary supply project to produce an annual volume of 5,500 darn's/year. This approval was extended by Sask Water in 1996. Future revisions to the approval will likely include conditions requiring termination of pumping (with the exception of wells supplying domestic users) when the reservoir is above a specified level. In addition to the supplementary supply, SaskPower also operates the Soil Salinity Project, which is located south of Morrison Dam. The project was initiated in 1989 to alleviate soil salinity which had developed below the dam. The salinity project consists of a network of production wells which discharge into the cooling water canal, which in turn discharges to Cookson Reservoir. Operation of the salinity project continued in 2002 with production of 631 dam of ground water. This was much lower than the 2001 production level of 819 dam . and substantially lower than the average annual production of 880 dam^/year since the project inception in 1990. Production remains below optimal levels due to ongoing mechanical problems in the production wells with only PW 87104 being in service at year's end. An ongoing well rehabilitation program is expected to restore production to the levels achieved in the early 1990's. Approximately 65 percent of the total volume pumped came from wells PW87103 and PW87104 which are located on the east side of the river and the remainder was produced from PW90109 and PW90108 on the west side of the river. 21 Poplar River Power Station - Salinity Project 1000 2 900 I 800 a 0 700 3 o c 600 •D |- 500 3 a. 1 400 3 > 300 200 100 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Year Figure 3.13 Pumpage from Salinity Control Project 3.3.2 Ground- Water Monitoring Saskatchewan In 1996 nineteen new piezometers were installed in the Hart Coal Seam and a further eighteen piezometers from the Frenchman aquifer testing program were added to the supplementary supply monitoring network that year. With these extensive additions, no new piezometers have been added to the monitoring network since that time. Currently, about 180 piezometers are monitored as part of this project. Figure 3.14 shows the drawdown contours in the Hart Coal seam aquifer as of December 2002. Note that the 1 -metre drawdown contour extends less than 1 kilometer south of the International Boundary. There have not been significant changes in the cone of depression over the past several years, suggesting 22 that the system has approached a semi-equilibrium condition. Consequently, only minor drawdown fluctuations in response to climatic and production variations are expected. The goal of the Salinity Project is to lower ground-water levels in the Empress sands below Morrison Dam to approximately pre-reservoir levels. This is equivalent to roughly two to three metres of drawdown, and was achieved by the end of 1995 and again by the end of 1996. However, reduced production over the past several years and increased recharge from higher reservoir levels and precipitation has led to a significant contraction in the project's cone of depression. Figure 3.15 shows the cone of depression in the Empress Sands as of December 2002. Under the current operational situation, the project is clearly falling short of its goal to lower ground-water levels along the East Poplar River between Morrison Dam and the International Boundary. SaskPower has undertaken a comprehensive evaluation of their entire piezometer network (including water level and water-quality piezometers). This evaluation involved compilation of geologic and hydrogeologic data and a computer model of the area. SaskPower has asked the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority and Saskatchewan Environment to review the study. It is their hope that they can reduce their current monitoring levels from approximately 450 piezometers to about 150 piezometers. 23 Figure 3.14 Drawdown for Hart Seam Aquifer as of December 2002 24 Figure 3.15 Cone of Depression in the Empress Sands Due to the Salinity Control Project as of December 2002 25 Montana Water-levels in monitoring wells (6, 7, 9. 13. 16. 17. 19. and 22) that penetrate the Fort Union Formation and/or Hart Coal Seam were rising during 1997 and 1998. and have leveled off or decreased during the last four years (1999 to 2002). Hydrographs of selected Fort Union/Hart Coal wells (6, 7. 17, and 19) are shown in figure 3.16. Hydrograph of Selected Wells Fort Union - Hart Coal Aquifers -Well 6 -Well 7 -Well 17 -Well 19 Figure 3.16 Hydrograph of Selected Wells - Fort Union-Hart Coal Aquifers 26 The potentiometric surface in the Fox Hills/Hell Creek artesian aquifer (well 11) has shown very little fluctuation or change throughout the 24-year (1979-2002) monitoring period. Water levels in monitoring wells (5. 8, 10, 23, and 24) that penetrate the alluvial and/or outwash aquifer show considerable fluctuation due to seasonal and/or pumping changes. Hydrographs of selected alluvial wells (10. 23, and 24) and Fox Hills well (11) are shown in Figure 3.17. Hydrograph of Selected Wells Alluvium and Fox Hills Aquifers 2434 -Well 10 -Well 11 -Well 23 -Well 24 0)0'-c\jcr)-^iocDr-coa)CT)a)cna)0000 (D n3 0 c 00 q 2 0 00 s ^- 5^ ^ ^ !3 ~ — ■ LT, rg ^ ^ < 2 Q C c VIRON CANAl c c u E c 00 00 00 U !S C 03 0 0 d rO S q 0 d V U-, 00 fNl nC 0 q Z U >• (Ni u c cE ^ c 0 ^^^ 0 0 ^— U-, ^ c^ e ^~ CM 0 u 0 <~< 0 c r<-l oc 00 ^— 00 u". ^- ^- r-- ca ^' '^ d d ro 0 rsi r^ rg •n; — y — 00 0 V d V V (> 0 rv) ^ rg X — — >.; a. >> it .a > "00 E >• _J _j E -J 03 U _5J 'E E 2. E 00 L. ~5b u u E "00 E _j Z £ C C ~Sb E _J TO ■a TO -6 OJ TO z <£ E ■^ ;S "5 ~ob E a: H. c/3 "00 "a c "*"_ u , . !« cJ^ (/5 c X c« 5^ c E 0 TO i^ >, < y E E c c u 0 E u E E T3 c 15 '-a d 00 -0 to E '■5 OJ 2 'J c 3 OJ C E "oi > ■a c > 3 1 CS c c !S W "* u - — x: 3 3 0 X 0 c H B. CQ H CL u u. -^ Z 0 CO 00 N H U u ^ E HIGHLIGHTS FOR 2002 The Poplar River Power Station completed its nineteenth full year of operation in 2002. The two 300-megawatt coal-fired units generated 4,456.200 gross megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity. The average capacity factors for Units No. 1 and 2 were 80.1 percent and 86.7 percent, respectively. The capacity factors are based on the maximum generating rating of 305 MW/h for both Unit No.l and Unit No. 2. Similar to other years, scheduled maintenance was completed in the spring and fall of 2002. Monitoring information collected in both Canada and the United States during 2002 was exchanged in the spring of 2003. In general, the sampling locations, frequency of collection, and parameters met the requirements identified in the 2002 Technical Monitoring Schedules set forth in the 2001 annual report. The recorded volume of the Poplar River at International Boundary from March 1 to May 31. 2002 was 3,960 dam (3,210 acre-feet). Based on International Joint Commission (IJC) recom- mendations and the assumption that the recorded flow is the natural flow, the United States was entitled to a minimum discharge on the East Poplar River of 0.028 cubic metres per second (m Vs) (1.0 cubic feet per second (ft7s)) for the period June 1. 2002 to August 31, 2002 and 0.028 m /s (1.0 ftVs) for the period September 1. 2002 to May 31, 2003. The minimum flow of 0.028 mVs (1.0 ft /s) for the period January 1 to May 31. 2002 had previously been determined on the basis of the Poplar River flow volume for March 1 to May 31. 2001. Daily flows in 2002 met or exceeded the minimum flow recommended by the IJC. In addition to the minimum flow, the IJC apportionment recommendation entitles the United States to an on-demand release to be delivered on the East Poplar River during the twelve-month period commencing June 1. Based on the runoff volume of 4,390 dam (3.880 acre-feet) recorded at the Poplar River at International Boundary gauging station for March 1 through May 31. 2001, the United States was entitled to an additional release of 617 dam (500 acre-feet) from Cookson Reservoir during the succeeding twelve-month period commencing June 1. 2001. Montana requested this release to be made between May 1 and May 31. 2002. A volume of 542 dam (439 acre-feet), in addition to the minimum flow, was delivered during this period. The 2002 five-year total dissolved solids (TDS) flow-weighted concentrations were below the long-term objective of 1,000 milligrams per litre (mg/L). The maximum monthly value calculated in 2002 was 943 mg/L, which was less than in 2001. Boron concentrations for 2002 continued to remain well below the long-term objective of 2.5 mg/L. Ill AN^fEX 1 POPLAR RIVER COOPERATIVE MONITORING ARRANGEMENT CANADA-UNITED STATES Al - 1 September 23, 1980 POPLAR RIVER COOPERATIVE MONITORING ARRANGEMENT I. PURPOSE This Arrangement will provide for the exchange of data collected as described in the attached Technical Monitoring Schedules in water-quality, water quantity and air quality monitoring programs being conducted in Canada and the United States at or near the International Boundary in response to SaskPower development. This Arrangement will also provide for the dissemination of the data in each country and will assure its comparability and assist in its technical interpretation. The Arrangement will replace and expand upon the quarterly information exchange program instituted between Canada and the United States in 1976. II. PARTICIPATING GOVERNMENTS Governments and government agencies participating in the Arrangement are: Government of Canada: Environment Canada Government of the Province of Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management Government of the United States of America: United States Geological Survey Government of the State of Montana: Executive Office III. POPLAR RIVER MONITORING COMMITTEE: TERMS OF REFERENCE A binational committee called the Poplar River Bilateral Monitoring Committee will be established to carry out responsibilities assigned to it under this Arrangement. The Committee will operate in accordance with the follow ing terms of reference: Al -2 A. Membership The Committee will be composed of four representatives, one from each of the participating Governments. It will be jointly chaired by the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States. There will be a Canadian Section and a United States Section. The participating Governments will notify each other of any changes in membership on the Committee. Co-chairpersons may by mutual agreement invite agency technical experts to participate in the work of the Committee. The Governor of the State of Montana may also appoint a chief elective official of local government to participate as an ex-officio member of the Committee in its technical deliberations. The Saskatchewan Minister of the Environment may also appoint a similar local representative. B. Functions of the Committee The role of the Committee will be to fulfil the purpose of the Arrangement by ensuring the exchange of monitored data in accordance with the attached Technical Monitoring Schedules, and its collation and technical interpretation in reports to Governments on implementation of the Arrangement. In addition, the Committee will review the existing monitoring systems to ensure their adequacy and may recommend to the Canadian and United States Govemments any modifications to improve the Technical Monitoring Schedules. 1. Information Exchange Each Co-chairperson will be responsible for transmitting to his counterpart Co-chairperson on a regular, and not less than quarterly basis, the data provided by the cooperative monitoring agencies in accordance with the Technical Monitoring Schedules. Al -3 2. Reports (a) The Committee will prepare a joint Annual Report to the participating governments, and may at any time prepare joint Special Reports. (b) Annual Reports will i) summarize the main activities of the Committee in the year under Report and the data which has been exchanged under the Arrangement: ii) draw to the attention of the participating governments any definitive changes in the monitored parameters, based on collation and technical interpretation of exchanged data (i.e. the utilization of summary, statistical and other appropriate techniques); iii) draw to the attention of the participating governments any recommendations regarding the adequacy or redundancy of any scheduled monitoring operations and any proposals regarding modifications to the Technical Monitoring Schedules, based on a continuing review of the monitoring programs including analytical methods to ensure their comparability. (c) Special Reports may, at any time, draw to the attention of participating governments definitive changes in monitored parameters which may require immediate attention. (d) Preparation of Reports Reports will be prepared following consultation with all committee members and will be signed by all Committee members. Reports will be separately forwarded by the Committee Co-chairmen to the participating governments. All annual and special reports will be so distributed. Al -4 3. Activities of Canadian and United States Sections Tlie Canadian and United States section will be separately responsible for: (a) dissemination of information within their respective countries, and the arrangement of any discussion required with local elected officials; (b) verification that monitoring operations are being carried out in accordance with the Technical Monitoring Schedules by cooperating monitoring agencies; (c) receipt and collation of monitored data generated by the cooperating monitoring agencies in their respective countries as specified in the Technical Monitoring Schedules; (d) if necessary, drawing to the attention of the appropriate government in their respective countries any failure to comply with a scheduled monitoring function on the part of any cooperating agency under the jurisdiction of that government, and requesting that appropriate corrective action be taken. IV. PROVISION OF DATA In order to ensure that the Committee is able to carry out the terms of this Arrangement, the participating governments will use their best efforts to have cooperating monitoring agencies, in their respective jurisdictions provide on an ongoing basis all scheduled monitored data for which they are responsible. V. TERMS OF THE ARRANGEMENT The Arrangement will be effective for an initial term of five years and may be amended by agreement of the participating govemments. It will be subject to review at the end of the initial term and will be renewed thereafter for as long as it is required by the participating govemments. Al -5 ANNEX 2 POPLAR RIVER COOPERATIVE MONITORING ARRANGEMENT TECHNICAL MONITORING SCHEDULES 2002 CANADA-UNITED STATES A2- 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREAMBLE A2 - 3 CANADA STREAMFLOW MONITORING A2 - 5 SURFACE-WATER-QUALITY MONITORING A2 - 7 GROUND- WATER PIEZOMETERS TO MONITOR POTENTIAL DRAWDOWN DUE TO COAL-SEAM DEWATERING NEAR THE INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY A2 - 10 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING - POWER STATION AREA A2 - 12 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING - ASH LAGOON AREA WATER LEVEL A2 - 14 WATER QUALITY A2 - 17 AMBIENT AIR-QUALITY MONITORING A2 - 22 UNITED STATES STREAMFLOW MONITORING A2 - 25 SURFACE-WATER-QUALITY MONITORING A2 - 27 GROUND-WATER-QUALITY MONITORING A2 - 29 GROUND-WATER LEVELS TO MONITOR POTENTIAL DRAWDOWN DUE TO COAL-SEAM DEWATERING A2 - 31 A2-2 PREAMBLE The Technical Monitoring Schedule lists those water quantity, water-quality and air quality monitoring locations and parameters which form the basis for information exchange and reporting to Governments. The structure of the Committee responsible for ensuring the exchange takes place is described in the Poplar River Cooperative Monitoring Arrangement. The monitoring locations and parameters listed herein have been reviewed by the Poplar River Bilateral Monitoring Committee and represent the basic technical information needed to identify any definitive changes in water quantity, water-quality and air quality at the International Boundary. The Schedule was initially submitted to Governments for approval as an attachment to the 1981 report to Governments. Changes in the sampling locations and parameters may be made by Governments based on the recommendations of the Committee. Significant additional information is being collected by agencies on both sides of the International Boundary, primarily for project management or basin-wide baseline data purposes. This additional information is usually available upon request from the collecting agency and forms part of the pool of technical information which may be drawn upon by Governments for specific study purposes. Examples of additional information are water quantity, water-quality, ground-water and air quality data collected at points in the Poplar River basin not of direct concern to the Committee. In addition, supplemental information on parameters such as vegetation, soils, fish and waterfowl populations and aquatic vegetation is also being collected on either a routine or specific studies basis by various agencies. A2-3 POPLAR RIVER COOPERATIVE MONITORING ARRANGEMENT TECHNICAL MONITORING SCHEDULES 2002 ■ CANADA A2-4 STREAMFLOW MONITORING Daily mean discharge or levels and instantaneous monthly extremes as nomially published in surface water data publications. Responsible Agency: Environment Canada No. on Map Station No. Station Name 1* 11AE003 (06178500) East Poplar River at International Boundary 2 11AE013*** Cookson Reservoir near Coronach 3 11AE015*** Girard Creek near Coronach Cookson Reservoir 4 11AE014*** East Poplar River above Cookson Reservoir 5 Fife Lake Overflow** 6* 11AE008 (06178000) Poplar River at International Boundary * - International gauging station ** - Miscellaneous measurements of outflow to be made by Sask Water during ' periods of outflow only. *** - Sask Water took over the monitoring responsibility effective July 1/92. A2-5 CANADA UNITED STATES HYDROMETRIC GAUGING STATIONS (CANADA) A2-6 SURFACE-WATER-QUALITY MONITORING Sampling Locations Responsible Agency: Environment Canada No. on Map Station No. Station Name 1 00SA11AE0008 East Poplar River at International Boundary Responsible Agency: Saskatchewan Environment 1 Data collected by: Sask Power No. on Map Station No. Station Name 2 12386 East Poplar River at Culvert Immediately below ■' Discontinued Cookson Reservoir 3 12368 Cookson Reservoir near Dam 4 12377 Discontinued Upper End of Cookson Reservoir at Highway 36 5 12412 Discontinued Girard Creek at Coronach, Reservoir Outflow 6 7904 Fife Lake Outflow A2-7 PARAMETERS Responsible Agency: Environment Canada ENVIRODAT* Code AnalvticaJ Method Sampling Frequ Station No. I 10151 Alkalinily-phenolphthalein Potentiometric Titration BM 10111 Alkaiimiy-total Potentiometnc Titration BM 13102 Alummum-dlssolved AA Direct BM 13302 Aluminumexiracted AA-Direct BM 07540 Ammonia-total Automated Colourimetric BM 33108 Arsenic -dissolved ICAP-hydride BM 56001 Barium-loial AA-Direci BM 06201 Bicarbonates Calculated BM 05211 Borondissolved ICAP BM 96360 Bromoxynil Gas Chromatography BM 48002 Cadmium-lolal AA Solvent E.xiraction BM 20103 Calcium AA-Direci BM 06104 Carbon-dissoived organic Automated IR Detection BM 06901 Carbon-paniculate Elemental Analyzer BM 06002 Carbon-total organic Calculated BM 06301 Carbonates Calculated BM 17206 Chloride Automated Colourimetnc BM 06717 Chlorophyll a Spectrophotometric BM 24003 Chromium-total A A -Solvent E.xtraction BM 27002 Cobalt-total AA Solvent Extraction BM 36012 Coliform-fecal Membrane Filtration BM 36002 Coliform-total Membrane Filtration BM 02021 Colour Comparator BM 02041 Conductivity \^'heatsIone Bridge BM 06610 Cyanide Automated UV-Coiounmetric BM 09117 Fluoride-dissolved Electrometric BM 06401 Free Carbon Dioxide Calculated BM 10602 Hardness Calculated BM 17811 Hexachlorobenzene Gas Chromatography BM 08501 Hydroxide Calculated BM 26104 Iron-dissolved AA Direct BM 82002 Lead-total AA Solvent Extraction BM 12102 Magnesium AA- Direct BM 25104 Manganese-dissolved A A Direct BM 07901 N particulate Elemental Analyzer BM 07651 N- total dissolved Automated UV Coiounmetric BM 10401 NFR Gravimetric BM 28002 Nickel-total AA Solvent Extraction BM 07110 Nitrate/Nitnie Colourimetnc BM 07603 Nitrogen-total Calculated BM 10650 Non-Carbonate Hardness Calculated BM 18XXX Organo Chlorines Gas Chromatography BM 08101 Oxygen-dissolved Winkler BM 15901 F paniculate Calculated BM 15465 P-total dissolved Automated Colourimetnc BM I85XX Phenoxy Herbicides Gas Chromatography BM 15423 Phosphorus-total Colourimetnc (TRAACS) BM 19103 Potassium Flame Emission BM 11250 Percent Sodium Calculated BM 0I120I SAR Calculated BM 00210 Saturation Index Calculated BM 34108 Selenium-dissolved ICAP hydnde BM 14108 Silica Automated Colourimetnc BM 11103 Sodium Flame Emission BM 00211 Stability Index Calculated BM 16306 Sulphate Automated Colourimetnc BM 00201 TDS Calculated BM 02061 Temperature Digital Thermometer BM 020T3 Turbidity Nephelometry BM 23002 Vanadium-total AA Solvent Extraction BM 30005 Zinc -total AA-Solvent Extraction BM 10301 PH Electrometric BM 92111 Uranium Ruometnc MC * Computer Storage and Retrieval System AA Atomic Absorption NFR Nonfilterable Residue ICAP - Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Environment Canada IR infrared MC Monthly Composit UV - Ultraviolet BM Bimonthly (Alternate months sampled by USGS) A2-8 CANADA UNITED STATES LEGEND A SASKATCHEWAN ENVIRONMENT ■ ENVIRONMENT CANADA SURFACE-WATER-QUALITY MONITORING STATIONS (CANADA) A2-9 GROUND- WATER PIEZOMETERS TO MONITOR POTENTIAL DRAWDOWN DUE TO COAL-SEAM DEWATERING NEAR THE INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY Responsible Agency: Sask Water* Measurement Frequency: Quarterly Piezometer Location Tip of Screen Perforation Zone Number Elevation (m) (depth in metres) 52 NW 14-1-27 W3 738.43 43 - 49 (in coal) 506A SW 4-1-27 W3 748.27 81 -82 (in coal) 507 SW 6-1-26 W3 725.27 34-35 (in coal) 509 NW 11-1-27 W3 725.82 76 -77 (in coal) 510 NW 1-1-28 W3 769.34 28 - 29 (in layered coal and clay) * Data Collected by: SaskPower A2- 10 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETERS TO MONITOR POTENTIAL DRAWDOWN DUE TO COAL-SEAM DEWATERING A2- 11 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING - POPLAR RIVER POWER STATION AREA SPC Piezometer Number Completion Formation C525 Empress C526 Empress C527 Empress C528 Oxidized C539 Empress C540 Empress C737 Empress C739 Empress C740 Empress C741 Empress C743 Empress C746 Mottled Till C747 Mottled Till C748 Mottled Till C756 Empress Water levels measured quarterly SPC Piezometer Number Completion Formation C739 Empress Samples collected annually A2- 12 (0 CO a: LU o Q. Q£ UJ > Of < Q. o Q. h- «>« < S So: LU O CD Q£ LU O o LU !=l H \- Z n n C/J LU O III LU C/3 O P M _i LU < < h- Qi ^2 u X o Q- LU ■ ^ < A cr^ >5 (T H c^^ L__| UJ— 1 o o ^ ^ o < o A2- 13 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING— ASH LAGOON AREA-WATER LEVEL SPC Piezometer Number Completion Formation C529 Empress C533 Empress C534 Oxidized Till C535 Empress C536 Empress C537 Empress C538 Empress C542 Empress C653A Unoxidized Till C654 Unoxidized Till C655A Unoxidized Till C655B Unoxidized Till C711 Oxidized Till C712A Unoxidized Till C712B Intra Till Sand C712C Mottled Till C712D Oxidized Till C7L3 Oxidized Till C714A Unoxidized Till C714B Mottled Till C714C Oxidized Till C714D Oxidized Till C714E Empress C715 Oxidized Till C716 Oxidized Till C717 Oxidized Till C718 Mottled Till 1 C719 Oxidized Till, C720 Oxidized Till C721 Oxidized Till 1 C722 Oxidized Till 1 C723 Oxidized Till A2- 14 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING— ASH LAGOON AREA-WATER LEVEL (Continued) | SPC Piezometer Number Completion Formation C724 Mottled Till C725 Oxidized Till C726A Oxidized Till C726B Mottled Till C726C Oxidized Till C726E Empress C727A Unoxidized Till C727B Mottled Till C727C Oxidized Till C728A Oxidized Till C728B Unoxidized Till C728C Mottled Till C728D Oxidized Till C728E Empress C731 Empress C732 Empress C734 Empress C742 Empress C745 Oxidized Till C749 Mottled Till C750 Unoxidized Till C751 Unoxidized Till C752 Unoxidized Till C753 Oxidized Till C757 Unoxidized Till C758 Intra Till Sand C763A Mottled Till C763B Oxidized Till C763C Mottled Till 1 C763D Unoxidized Till C763E Empress C764B Mottled Till A2- 15 1 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING— ASH LAGOON AREA-WATER LEVEL (Continued) | SPC Piezometer Number Completion Formation C764C Oxidized Till C764D Unoxidized Till C764E Empress C765A Empress C765C Oxidized Till C765D Oxidized Till C765E Mottled Till C766 Intra Till Sand C766A Empress C767 Intra Till Sand C767A Empress C767B Unoxidized Till C775A Oxidized Till 1 C775C Unoxidized Til! C776A Oxidized Till C776B Oxidized Till C867B Oxidized Till C867C Unoxidized Till C868B Oxidized Till C868C Unoxidized Till C869B Oxidized Till C869C Unoxidized Till C870E Empress C871B Oxidized Till C871C Unoxidized Till C872B Oxidized Till C872C Unoxidized Till C873E Empress Water levels measured quarterly A2- 16 Responsible Agency: Saskatchewan Environment Data Collected bv: SaskPower GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING- ASH LAGOON AREA - WATER QUALITY SPC Piezometer Number Completion Formation C529 Empress C532 Empress C533 Empress C534 Oxidized Till C536 Empress C538 Empress C653A Unoxidized Till C655A Unoxidized Till C712A Unoxidized Till C712B Intra Till Sand C712C Mottled Till C712D Oxidized Till C713 Oxidized Till C714A Unoxidized Till C714C Oxidized Till C714D Oxidized Till C714E Empress C715 Oxidized Till C716 Oxidized Till C718 Mottled Till C719 Oxidized Till C726A Oxidized Till C726C Oxidized Till C726E Empress C728A Oxidized Till C728B Unoxidized Till C728C Mottled Till A2- 17 1 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING- 1 ASH LAGOON AREA - WATER QUALITY (Continued) SPC Piezometer Number Completion Formation C728D Oxidized Till C728E Empress C731 Empress C732 Empress C734 Empress C742 Empress C745 Oxidized Till C749 Mottled Till C750 Unoxidized Till C751 Unoxidized Till C752 Unoxidized Till C753 Oxidized Till C757 Unoxidized Till C758 Intra Till Sand C763A Mottled Till C763B Oxidized Till C763D Unoxidized Till C763E Empress C766 Intra Till Sand C767 Intra Till Sand C767A Empress C775A Oxidized Till C775C Unoxidized Till C867B Oxidized Till C867C Unoxidized Till C868B Oxidized Till C868C Unoxidized Till C869B Oxidized Till C870E Empress C871B Oxidized Till A2- li GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING- ASH LAGOON AREA - WATER QUALITY (Continued) | SPC Piezometer Number Completion Formation C871C Unoxidized Till C872B Oxidized Till C872C Unoxidized Till C873E Empress Samples collected annually. A2- 19 PARAMETERS Responsible Agency: Saskatchewan Environment Data Collected bv: SaskPower ESQUADAT" Code Parameter Analytical method Sampling Frequency Station No.; Piezometers 10101 Alkalinit\-tot Pot-Tilranon A 13105 Aluminum-Oiss AA-Direct 3" 33104 Are«nic-Diss Flamcless AA A 56104 Banum-Diss AA-Dircct A 06201 Bicarbooales Calculated A 6106 Boron-Diss Colourimetr>' 3" 48102 Cadmium-Diss AA-Solvent Extract (MIBK) A 20103 Calcium-Diss AA-Direcl A 06301 Cttrbunatcs Calculated A 17203 Chioride-Diss Colourimetry A 24104 Chrommm-Dtss AA-Direct A 27102 Coball-Diss AA-Solvent Extract (MIBK) A 02011 Colour Comparator A 02*41 Conductivity Conductivity Meter 3 29105 Copper-Diss AA-Solveni Extract (MIBK) A 09103 Fluondc-Diss Specific Ion F.lcclmdc A 26104 Iron-Diss AA-Direct A 82103 Lcad-D.ss AA-Solvent Extract (MIBK) A 12102 Magnesium-Diss AA-Direci A 25104 Manganese- Diss AA-Direct A 42102 Mol>b 30105 Zmc - Diss. AA-Solvent Extract (MIBK) A * Computer storage and retrieval system -Saskatchewan Environment No zinc or iron for Piezometers C531 to C538. SYMBOLS: AA-Atomic Absorption A-Annually "Analyze annually for these Piezometers Nos AA - solvent extract (MIBK) - sample acidified and extracted with Methyl isobutyl Ketone. 4-4 times/year 3-3 times/year. A2-21 Ambient Air-Quality Monitoring Responsible Agency: Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management Data Collected by: SaskPower j No. On Map Location Parameters Reporting Frequency 1 Coronach (Discontinued) Sulphur Dioxide Continuous monitoring with hourly averages as summar\ statistics. Total Suspended Parti cuJ ate 24-hour samples on 6-day cycle, corresponding to the national air pollution surveillance sampling schedule 2 International Boundan- Sulphur Dioxide Continuous monitoring with hourly averages as suniman statistics. Total Suspended Particulate 24-hour samples on 6-day cycle, corresponding to the national air pollution surveillance sampling schedule 3 PRPS Site Wind Speed and Du-ection Continuous monitonng with hourly averages as suiiimar> statistics METHODS Sulphur Dioxide Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management Pulsed fluorescence Total Suspended Particulate Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management High Volume Method A2-22 I \^^__^ Fife V/ ) -^ \ ~Yx '-'3'"^ /•■/ V , — \ ° ^ r- 0\ \ \ Q- \ 17 Cookson \ VV 1 \ Reservoir ) \ ^"^^^^^x^^^/X N '•% ( CANADA V^ ^~"\l^ _\ 2jiL.._^_. UNITED STATES 0 5 10 1 ' ' II 15 KILOMETERS 1 1 \\ Scobey 1 1 0 5 10 MILES AMBIENT AIR-QUALITY MONITORING (CANADA) A2-23 POPLAR RIVER COOPERATIVE MONITORING ARRANGEMENT TECHNICAL MONITORING SCHEDULES 2002 LINITED STATES A2-24 STREAMFLOW MONITORING Responsible Agency: U.S. Geological Survey No. on Map Station Number Station Name 1* 06178000 (11AE008) Poplar River at International Boundary 2* 06178500 (11 AE003) East Poplar River at International Boundary * International Gauging Station A2-25 CANADA UNITED STATES 0 5 10 15 KILOMETERS I ' — H ^ 0 5 10 MILES HYDROMETRIC GAUGING STATIONS (UNITED STATES) A2-26 SURFACE-WATER-QUALITY MONITORING " Station Locations Responsible Agency: U.S. Geological Survey No. On Map uses Station No. STATION NAME 1 06178000 Poplar River at Intemalionai Boundary 2 06178500 East Poplar River at Iniemational Bountdary PARAMETERS | Annual Sampling Frequency 1 Analytical Code Parameter Analytical Method Site 1 Site 2 29801 Alkalinity - lab Elect. Titration 5 6 01106 Aluminum - diss ICP 2 2 00625 Ammonia +Org N-iot Colorimetric 5 6 01000 Arsenic ■ diss AA. hydride 2 2 01002 Arsenic - tot AA, hydride 1 1 01010 Beryllium - diss .AA. flame 2 2 01012 Beryllium - toi/rec A.A. flame 1 1 01020 Boron - diss ICP 5 6 01025 Cadmium - diss AA. GF 2 2 01027 Cadmium - toi/rec AA. GF - Persulfate 1 2 00915 Calcium - diss AA. flame 5 6 00680 Carbon - tot Org Wet 0\idation 1 1 00940 Chloride - diss IC 5 6 01030 Chromium ■ diss AA. GF 2 2 0103-4 Chromium - lot/rec AA. GF 1 2 00080 Color Electromeiric. visual 5 6 00095 Conductivity Wheaistone Bridge 5 C 01040 Copper - diss AA. GF 2 2 00061 Discharge - inst Direct measurement 5 6 00950 Fluoride ■ diss Colormeiric. ISE 5 6 01046 Iron ■ diss .AA. flame 5 6 01045 iron - tot/rec AA. name 1 2 01049 Lead - diss AA. GF 2 2 01051 Lead ■ toi/rec AA. GF ■ Persulfate 1 2 00925 Magnesium - diss AA. flame 5 2 01056 Manganese ■ diss .A.A. flame 2 2 01055 Manganese - toi/rec .AA. name 1 2 01065 Nickel ■ diss ,AA. GF 2 2 01067 Nickel ■ tot/rec AA. GF- Persulfate 1 2 00613 Nitrite ■ diss Colorimetric 5 6 00631 Nitrate + Nitrite - diss Colorimetric 5 6 00300 Ox\gen-diss Oxygen membrane 5 6 00400 pH' Electromeiric 5 6 00671 Phos, Ortho-diss Colorimetric 5 6 00665 Phosphorous - tot Colorimetric 5 6 00935 Potassium - diss .AA. flame 5 6 00931 SAR Calculated 5 6 80154 Sediment - cone. Filtration-Gravimetric 5 6 80155 Sediment - load Calculated 5 6 01145 Selenium ■ diss .AA. hydride 2 2 01147 Selenium tot AA. hydride 1 1 00955 Silica -diss Colorimetric 5 6 00930 S