
338.13 A7MVA MAR/APR 2004 *



Montana State Library

3 0864 1003 0477 6



Montana Department of Agncultiire

March-Apnl 2004

The M

ontana A^i'icvilture Developnient Council Announces Latest Round of Awards

The Montana Agnculture Development Council oversees the Montana Growth Through Agriculture Program; which is the Council's funding source for investing in appropriate projects. Nine agricultural development projects were recently awarded S360,000. Projects approved at the December 2003 council meeting in Helena included both marketing and business development proposals and intend to pro%'ide investment fiinds to:

Montana Tamale Company Mon/a/ia Tama/e production expansion project, Co/strip;

Peaks & Prairies Oilseed Growers Cooperative - adding value to Montana grown oilseed crops, Malta;

Laid in Montana Emu Products expand distribution of emu oil and other haid in Montana emu products, Kalispell;

Montana Mountain Smoke, Inc. development of marketing plan and marketing materials for smoked fish products, Montana City;

Lolo Peak W mery consultant services and mnery production expansion, Missoula;

Cream of the West, LLC. —product expansion mth market enhancement, Harlowton;

Montana Farmers Union —feasibility analysis of marketing Montana agricultural products in Sacramento, California, Great Falls;

Montana Cooperative Development Center. Inc. revolving capitali:^ation fund for privati-^tion, Helena; and

Governor's Office of Economic Oppormnit}- -feasibility analysis to assess conditions affecting rail freight competition in Montana

and to analy^ possibilities to improve rail freight competition, Helena.

The next deadline for project applications to the Montana Growth Through Agriculture program is April 30, 2004. The councU will re\-iew the January 31, 2004 deadline applications March 16-17, 2004 in Great Falls, Montana. For more information and application materials, contact Matt McKamey, GTA Program Manager of the Agriculture Marketing & Business Development Bureau at the Montana Department of Agriculmre at 406-444-2402 or by email at agrfg),state.mt.us.

Value Added Opportunities

Ine Atkins diet, touting a kigli-protein and low carbokydrate diet, exploded onto tke scene in 2003, spawning tke entrance oi low car bokijdrate products into tke locd and beverage industnj. Newlow^ carbokvjdrate product stores are opening evenj daij across tke nation, providing opportunities upon wkick small nicke companies can capitalize.

Tke influx ol Atkins-friendlij products is evidenced bij researck indicating tkat low- or no-carbok\jdrate lood and beverage products numbered 339 in 2002, compared to only 47 in 1999. Furtkermore, according to Atkins Nutritionals, 12.7 percent ol tke U5. adult population (or rougklij ZJ.4 million people) eitker lollows or claims to kave tried tke Atkins diet. Anotker 18.4 percent, or 36.7 million, saij tke\j plan to tnj Atkins.

To meet tke demands of Atkins followers, Montana companies could tout tke low-carbokijdrate nature of products tkat are alreadij sugar- and carbokijdrate free, suck as ckeese and meat products.

Witk questions about Atkins or otker value-added opportunities, contact Angelijn DeYoung at (406) 444-2402 or bi) email at aAr@state.mt.us.


Business Developnient and Marketing Assistance

As in most small businesses, production of your products likely consumes most of your time, leaving little room for marketing and otker vital business development activities. Tke Montana Department of Agriculture s Marketing and Business Development staff can kelp. We offer one-on-one individual consultations at your facilitij to discuss kow we can kelp you develop and expand your company.

We will be visiting Billings area businesses on April 27- 29; Glasgow area on May 12-14; and Miles City area on June 2.— A. If you would like us to call on you and see your facility or to discuss your business needs, please let us know of your interest.

If you kave any questions, feel free to contact Angelyn DeYoung at 406-444-2402 or by e-mail at agr@state.mt.us. We look forward to assisting you witk developing and expanding your businesses.

Free Nutritional Anakjsis

Montana companies can obtain a FRF.F. nutritional analysis of food products, ready in two weeks, from Montana State University - Extension Nutrition. Tkis could mean a savings of an average of $800 in lab analysis fees. Tke resulting analysis complies witk information necessary for state and FDA nutritional labeling requirements, and it s free.

For more information, contact Lynn Paid, Ed. D, RD, Montana State University - Extension Nutrition, (406) 994-5702, fax (406) 994-7300, email at lpaul@mon tana.edu. More information is also available at www.montana.edu/extensionnutrition/docs/ nutritionanaylsis.ktm.

Tkanks to MSU-Extension for tkis very valuable and cost-effective service for Montana s value-added businesses!


2004 Trade Skows

Specialty Food Industry

2-3 Apr Made In Montana Show Great Falls, MT

2-4 May Fancy Food and Confections Chicago, IL

9-11 May Gourmet Products Show San Francisco, CA

Food Service & the Hospitality Industry

27-29 Jun Southwest Foodservice Expo

Grocery & Convenience Store Industry 2-4 M;iy US Food Export Showcase

Gift Industry'

27-30 NLir 23-25 Apr 22-25 Mav

Boston Gift Show BiUings Market Association Int'l Jewelry Fair/Gen Merch.

Natural & Organic Trade Shows

22-25 Apr Canadian Health Food Expo

Industry-Specific Trade Shows

16-18 Mir International Pizza Expo

14-17 Apr National Craft Brewers


Chicago, IL

Boston, MA Billings, MT New Orleans, LA

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Las Vegas, NV San Diego, CA

406-444-4392 212-482-6440 800-272-SHOW



914-421-3200 406-652-6132 630-241-9865


812-949-0909 303-447-0816

Specialty' food & gift products Gourmet and confections Gourmet food

Food service industry'

Food and beverage products

Gourmet and gift items Gift & specialty food items Jewelry and general merchandise

Natural products industry*


Brewing industry

^aFiiiancial DeacQi


April 30 GTA Investment App. Deadline* April 30 Trade Show Assistance App. Deadline*

MT Dept. Agriculture 406-444-2402 MT Dept. Agnculture 406-444-2402

Value-added financial assistance. Financial assistance to attend shows.

♦Please contact the Montana Department of Agriculture for more information. ** For booth space and shipping details, contact Sarah Goan at 406-444-2402 or at agrfgstate.mt.us.

Montana Department of Agriculture and Montana 1^ Department oi Commerce Host Export Readiness Seminars

Montana companies interested in exporting agricultural or food products internationally can take the first step toward successful exporting and get one-on-one help at export readiness seminars scheduled for March 2004.

"There are a number of issues businesses need to address before successfully expanding into the world market," says Ralph Peck, director of the Montana Department of Agriculmre. "Success can depend on pricing exports for international markets, ensuring products reach the right customers in target countries, verifying that product labels are appropriate for country access, and many other country specific issues."

Export readiness seminars sponsored by the Montana Department of Agriculture and Montana Department of Commerce in conjuction with The Western US Trade Association (WUSATA) provide one-on-one sessions with international marketing sales and logistics staff During the two-hour private consulting sessions, processors can receive answers to marketing, transportation, labeling and pricing concerns.

The seminars are free of charge and will be held March 29-30, 2004, Great Falls, Montana. Space is available on a first come, first serve basis.

To register for the export readiness seminars or for more information, contact Sarah Goan, International Marketing Officer, at the Montana Deparmient of Agriculmre at (406) 444-2402, or by e-mail at agr(a),state.mt.us.

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Montana Slate Library

3 0864 1003 0475 0



Montana Deparmicnt of .\griculuirc

Mav-lunc 2004

Montana Agriculture Development Council Announces Latest Round o{ Awards

^The Mtmtana Agnculturc Development Council o\ersees the Montana Growth Through Agriculture Program, which is the Council s tunding source for investing in appropriate projects. Nine agriculmral development projects were recently awarded a total of 5265,000. Projects approved at the March 2004 council meeting in Great Falls included both marketing and business development proposals and intend to provide investment funds to:

The Orchard at Flathead Lake, LLP - expansion of organic cherry processing and marketing, Kalispell; Kimm Seed Potatoes - integrate manure feasibility and commercialii^tion, Manhattan; Big Sky Qualit}' Wool LLC expansion of worsted wool mill and marketing, Broadus;

Mountain Lake Fisheries - development of marketing plan and marketing materials for whitefish caviar, Columbia Falls; Pindar Peaks Seasoning and Dressing consultant services and marketing material development, Butte; Montana Stockgrowers Association - cooperative beef promotion across Montana, Helena;

Accurate Freeze Branding LLC - consultant services and marketing material development for the ACCUFree^e System, Anaconda;

Wiota, LLC business development plan for financing expansion of Wiota hay handling equipment, Nashua; and HiOside Farms Dairy —feasibility and expansion of Hillside Dairy Farms, Charlo.

The next deadline for project applications to the Montana Growth Through Agriculture program is July 31, 2004. The council will re\'iew the April 30, 2004 deadline applications )une 7-8, 2004 in Lewnstown, Montana. For more information and application materials, contact Matt McKamey, GTA program manager of the Agriculture Marketing & Business Development Bureau at the Montana Department of Agriculture at 406-444-2402 or bv email at agr(g).state.mt.us.

W 2004 Trade Skews

22-25 May Int'ljeweln- Fair/Gen Merch.

New- Orleans, L\


Jewelry and general merchandise

27-29 Jun Southwest Foodse^^•ice Expo

Dallas, TX


Food ser\-ice industry

Montana's Ckoice 2004

The 2004 Montana's Choice promotion will run May 19 through June 1, 2004, in Albertson's across the state. On May 27, 2004, the department will host a kickoff press conference at the Montana .\venue .Albertson's in Helena, promoting the Montana's Choice statewide acti\'ities. Montana companies with product in the Montana Avenue xAlbertson's are invited to provide samples of their products to the press conference participants and customers throughout the day. Due to the immense time and monetar}' resources statewide in-store promotions require, the department will host only one in-store promotion in Helena for the kickoff.

Television and radio announcements uill be run during the promotion, encouraging Montanans to seek out Montana products, using the Montana's Choice logo as a guide. Furthermore, in-store items such as shelf talkers, shopping lists and bag stuffers encourage customers to purchase and will help them find Montana products. Each Albertson's in Montana will also feature a display of Montana's Choice products, highlighting the array of our state's products available in their store.

In order to increase customer awareness, every time a customer uses the .Albertson's Preferred Savings Card (PSC) and purchases a Montana product, they will receive a special message on their receipt. The message will say, "Thank you for purchasing Montana's Choice products! Your purchases of Montana products help our economy!"

We look forward to another successful Montana's Choice promotion. With questions, contact Angelyn DeYoung, 406-444-2402, adeyoung@,state.mt.us.

Governor s Agriculture and Tourism Mission Delivers Positive Message ALout Montana to Dvisiness Partners in tlie Paciiic Rim

Montana Governor Judy Martz led an agriculture and tourism delegation on a nine day mission to ]apan and Taiwan. The delegation had 24 meetings with importers, companies, commodity groups, government officials, educational institutions and business organizations over the course of the mission.

Highlights of die business-packed trip started off in Seatde, Washington, on April 1 5, 2()U4, with meetings widi Columbia Grain International where president Tom Hammond emphasized the demand for Montana origin wheat by their overseas customers. Later in the day the group was hosted by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Affairs Office in Seatde, where Director General |ack C.K. Chiang and his staff reiterated their commitment to working with Montana and promoting agricultural and business trade, tourism and culmral relationships. The next morning, pnor to departure for Taipei, Taiwan, Governor Martz and several delegates met with Japan Consul General Tadahiro Abe and discussed the Japan market and relations with the U.S.

In Taipei, Taiwan, delegates met with the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF), the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), the Montana Asia-Pacific Trade Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), China Grain and Product Research & Development Institute, U.S. Wheat Associates and the Taiwan Millers Association. The high point of the day was an hour-long session between Governor Judy Martz and the newiy re-elected Taiwanese President Chen. During the conversation, Governor Martz emphasized the need to open Taiwan's market to US beef and Montana's commitment to producing agricultural products that the Taiwan market wants: beef, wheat for milling, organic products and ingredients for processing.

The demand for Montana wheat in Taiwan was evident from meetings at the China Grain and Product Research & Development Institute, U.S. Wheat and the Taiwan Millers Association. Mr. Ching-Ho Huang, Secretary General of the Taiwan Flour Mills Association commented that 90 percent of the wheat being imported into Taiwan comes from the United States, of that quantity, 90 percent comes from Montana. He also noted that Taiwan millers received their first shipment of hard white winter wheat recently and suggested Montana growers consider producing hard white winter wheat.

Tokyo was the next stop on the agenda and the first meeting was with the Starzen Co. Ltd, Japan's largest meat merchandiser handling both imported and domestic meat supplies, and former owner of the Selkirk Ranch in Dillon. Starzen is a major importer of U.S. beef and president Mr. LIzurahashi stated he was hopeful that the market would reopen soon, and when it does, Starzen plans to resume importing U.S. beef

In Osaka, agriculture delegates met with the Agricultural Trade Office for a briefing on trade opportunities in western japan. Osaka ATO Director Emiko Purdy informed the delegation that they are organizing a reverse media mission to the States, now planned to include Montana, in late August, 2004, as part of a program to improve the Japanese public's opinion and knowledge of food safety in the United States and U.S. food production. A meeting followed with Japanese meat buyers and importers and the opportunity to put forward Montana's commitment to seeing the resumption of U.S. beef exports to Japan.

The last stop of the day in Osaka, also organized by ATO Osaka, was a tour for the delegation of a major regional grocery chain to accenmate the importance of packaging and product qualit}' to the Japanese consumer. The final day of meetings took the delegation to the ATO Tokyo office for a briefing on the grain purchasing system in Japan by US Grains Council japan Director Carey Sifferath and LIS. Wheat Associates Director Takeo Suzuki.

Agriculture delegates were able to meet with Nisshin Flour Milling, the largest miller in Japan, the first meeting between a Montana delegation and the Japanese milling company.

Governor Martz and the agriculture delegates were also able to visit Nippon Flour Mills Company Ltd, parent company to Great Falls-based Pasta Montana. Key company executives including CEO Hiroslii Sawada and Chief Executive Officer of Pasta Montana Katsutaro Nishihara were also in attendance. Mr. Sawada commented that this was a 'historic day' as it was the first time a Governor visited the company. Governor Martz and Mr. Sawada discussed Montana's long-standing relationship with Nippon and Pasta Montana's positive impact on Montana's economy and business community.

inancial Deadlines

July ,5l GIA Investment App. Deadline* MT Dept. Agriculture 406-444-2402 \'alue-added financial assistance.

July 31 Trade Show Assistance App. Deadline* MT Dept. Agriculture 406-444-2402 Financial assistance to attend shows.

*PIease contact the Montana Department of Agriculture for more information.

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338.13 A7MVA JUL/AUG 2004

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Montana Slate Library

3 0864 1003 0390 1



Montana Department of Agnciilmrc

I ulv- August 2004

Montana A^riciiltvire Development Council Announces Latest Round oi Awards

The Montana Agnculture Development Council awarded a total of 5181,406.00 in Montana Gro-wth Through Agnculmre program funds at its June 2004 meeting in Leuistown. The Council, which oversees the Montana Growth Through Agnculmre Program, reviewed mne agnculmrally focused marketing and business development proposals and intends to pro\'ide investment funds to:

.\ir Design, Inc. - Business Development Plan, Scobey;

Great Falls Development Authorin,-, Inc. - Development of a \ alue-Added Commodity Park as a State Agricultural Park, Great Falls;

Plain-Msta Dairy - Methane Recovery from Small Dairy Operations, Manhattan;

Country Mercantile at the "Pumkin Patch" - Market Planning for Business Expansion, Fromberg;

On Th\Tne Gourmet Inc. - Feasibility Study to Determine the Shelf Stability of On Ffyyme Gourmet Products, Bridger;

Western Montana Growers Cooperative - Increase the I lability of Market Produce Fanners in Western Montana, Ronan;

Great Northern Growers Montana Producer Cooperative - Feasibility Study and Marketing Research for lalue-Added Producer Grown PrOatina Gluten Free Oat Products, Sunburst; and

Montana Organic Association - Provide Financial Assistance for Start-Up and Conference Expenses for the Montana Organic Association, Helena;

The next deadline for project applications to the Montana Grou^ Through Agnculmre program is fuly 31, 2004. The council will review the Jul\- 3 1 , 2004 deadline applications late in August, 2004. For more information and application materials, contact Matt McKamey, GTA Program Manager of the Agnculmre Marketing & Business Development Bureau at the Montana Department of Agriculture at 406-444-2402 or by email at agr@.state.mt.us.

^m Cvilinanj Award lor Excellence

Chefs from all over Montana were inv-ited to participate in the first Culinary Excellence Award at Buck's T-4 Lodge on June 14, 2004 hosted by the Montana Department of Agriculmre. The event was designed to assist Montana chefs and restaurant managers in feamnng more Montana ingredients in their menu items. A total of nine chefs were chosen as finalists to compete in Big Skv.

A special highlight of the event was involvement by Kat)- Keck, a nationallv recognized chef and cuUnan,' professional and journalist from New York Cit}'. Her accomplishments include st)ling culinary segments for The Rosie O'Donnell Show, The Today Show and Late Show \iith Da\'id Letterman. Ms. Keck participated as a chef competition judge and provided an address discussing national restaurant industry procedures and trends.

.Another featured participant was Chef Dieter Doppelfeld, a Certified Master Chef and board member of the American Culinary Institute's National Chef Board. His accomplishments include working as an executive chef for the Westin hotels in Chicago and .Anchorage, advising die Universit}' of .Alaska on the creation of its food service department and directing the program there for 17 years. Most recently. Chef Doppelfeld was part of the faculu* at the Culinary Instimte of Amenca's Greystone campus in Napa, California. Chef Doppelfeld judged the chef competition and spoke on the topic of recipe development.

Three gold awards were presented for best appetizer, best entree and best dessert. Chef Rick Hilles of Triple Creek Ranch in Darby won best appetizer and best dessert. Hilles' appetizer was Amaltheia Dair\- goat cheese and beet terrine with pink lady apples and apple-pepper gastrique. His uinmng dessert was poached pear uith Wilcoxson's mountain bern- ice cream on a shortbread cookie dri2zled with hucklebern,- and chocolate sauce.

The winning entree went to chef Eric Trager from Bridge Creek Back Countrj' Kitchen in Red Lodge. His entree was Garden Cit)- Fungi morel and \\ild mushroom, smffed Montana Legend Flat Iron steak with honey shallots, and Amalthia Dairy goat cheese and scalloped potato tower.

For more information on the event contact Angelyn De Young at the Montana Department of Agriculture at 406-444-2402 or by email at agr(S:state.mr.us.

Montana Department oi Agriculture Directories

The Montana Department of Agriculture is planning for the Agribusiness Resource Directory and the Montana Food & Beverage Directory inclusion forms to be sent in July 2004. Printing of the publications is set to start January 2005, at the beginning of the legislative session.

The Agribusiness Resource Directory is an important tool that is utilized by farmers, ranchers and agricultural businesses. It is a resource that includes Montana agricultural business owners who produce or supply Montana products. This publication, which has been distributed nationally and internationally, provides listings of Montana agricultural products suppliers as well as numerous state agricultural organizations.

The Montana Food & Beverage Directory is a list of producers and processors that vary in size, product and market reach. The Montana Department of Agriculture has developed the directory to provide a guide to food and beverage products produced within Montana.

Although both directory listings are extensive, the Department wants to ensure all agricultural products suppliers and processors are represented. If you know of any unlisted companies that wish to be included in fiiture editions, please have them contact the Agricultural Development Division of the Montana Department of Agriculture at 406- 444-2402, or via e-mail at agr(g!state.mt.us.

If you have any comments or questions about the directories or if the department can be of any assistance to you, please contact us.

^m Department oi Agriculture Informational Bootk Calendar

July 8-1 1 Chouteau County Fair, Fort Benton

July 15-18 Blaine Count)' Fair, Chinook

July 22-25 Marias Fait, Shelby

July 29-Aug 1 Last Chance Stampede & Fair, Helena

Aug 3-7 Lake Count)' Fair, Ronan

Aug 10-13 Sweetgrass County Fair, Big Timber

Aug 11-15 Great Nortliern Fair, Havre

Aug 18-22 Tn-Count)' Fair, Deer Lodge

Aug 26-20 Eastern Montana Fait, Miles City

Sept 1-5 Ravalli CounU' Fair, Hamilton


inancial Deadl


July 31 GTA Investment App, Deadline* July 31 Trade Show Assistance App. Deadline*

MT Dept. Agriculture 406-444-2402 MT Dept. Agnculture 406-444-2402

Value-added financial assistance. Financial assistance to attend shows.

♦Please contact the Montana Department of Agriculture for more information.

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