AN ANALYSIS OF MANGROVE FORESTS ALONG THE GAMBIA RIVER ESTUARY: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF ESTUARINE RESOURCES Robert R. Twilley 1 Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies^ Horn Point Laboratories P.O. Box 775 Cambridge, Maryland 21613 Consultant Report to The University of Michigan Gambia River Basin Studies River Resources Team Great Lakes and Marine Waters Center The University of Michigan International Programs Report No. 6 1985 1 Present address: Department of Biology, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana 70504 2 Contribution No. TS-34-85 from the Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, University of Maryland TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS v INTRODUCTION 1 STUDY AREA 2 The Barrage 7 MANGROVE ANALYSIS 10 Mangrove Community Types • 10 Species Distribution and Zonation • 13 Forest Structure 16 Areal Distribution 19 Litter Productivity 23 Background • 23 The Gambia 26 Exchange of Detritus and Nutrients 30 Detritus 31 Nutrients 38 Allochthonous Organic Matter 46 Background 46 The Gambia 47 Mangroves and Fisheries 50 Introduction 50 The Gambia 52 MANGROVES AND ESTUARINE RESOURCES 54 Mangrove Stress 54 Disease • • 55 Drought . . . 56 Impact of Proposed Development 60 REFERENCES 66 APPENDICES iii SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Mangroves along the Gambia River estuary cover an area of 60,000 to 70,000 ha with approximately 12% of this total occurring above the proposed barrage at Balingho. Most of the mangroves in the meso- and oligohaline sections of the estuary represent riverine forests inhabited by Rhizophora racemosa , R. harisonii , R. mangle , and Avicennia africana . Inland of these forests are basin mangroves dominated by the latter two species. In the higher salinity areas of the river, and up in the larger bo Ions, fringe and scrub mangrove forests are more common. The riverine and basin forests are dominated by trees >20 m, while forests in higher salinity areas have less structure and are generally <7 m. Based on forest structure statistics of the mangroves of The Gambia, the following litter productivity rates (t dry mass •ha'^yr""^-) were estimated for categories based on tree height: Rhizophora (>20 m) - 18.8; Rhizophora (7-20 m) a 10.4; Avicennia (>7 m) » 11.6; Avicennia plus Rhizophora (<7 m) * 4.0. Ratios of litter export to litter productivity were estimated based on results of other studies that have demonstrated the following relationship between the magnitude of detritus export and tidal amplitude: riverine forests a 0.94; fringe forest « 0.5; and basin forests a 0.2. Ratios used for mangroves in The Gambia were 0.73 for Rhizophora >20 m and 7 - 20 m in height, and 0.5 for Avicennia >7 m and Avicennia plus Rhizophora <7 m tall. Personal observations of minimum leaf litter accumulation in the riverine and basin mangrove forest of The Gambia substantiate the use of ratios above 0.5 for these forests. Based on these estimates of litter productivity and export to litter productivity ratios, detritus export was 289 gC'nT^yr" 1 . Total export for mangroves along the Gambia River estuary was 181,040 tC'yr"" 1 with 40,080 tC'yr" 1 occurring above the barrage and 140,960 tC^yr" 1 below the barrage. Organic carbon inputs to the Gambia River estuary from phytoplankton net productivity was estimated at 14,782 tC'yr" 1 based on 1Z *C02 uptake studies in 1983. Organic carbon inputs to the Gambia River estuary from river discharge at Goulombo is equal to 15,960 tC-yr -1 . Total organic carbon loading to the Gambia River estuary is 211,782 tC - yr -1 , of which about 85% was contributed by allochthonous inputs from mangroves . The nonconservative behavior of nitrate, phosphate, and total suspended solids in bolons suggests that mangrove forests are a sink for these constituents. Such trapping mechanisms are occurring where the concentrations of these constituents in estuarine waters are high. The food web associated with mangrove bolons are representative of other mangrove ecosystems. There are four levels of the food chain with detritus serving as a major energy source: detritivores , mixed trophic level, middle carnivores, and higher carnivores. Fish that were associated with the mangrove food chains in the bolons constituted nearly 51.5% of the total catch of the artisanal fishery from vi Banjul to Kaur in 1983. In the upper river, from Kaur to Fatuto, nearly 30% of the annual catch is represented by Tilapia , which is a detritivore found in mangrove bolons. Collectively, these trophic levels of the mangrove food chain represent 40% of the grand total catch of fish for the Gambia River estuary. Mangroves in The Gambia can be classified as existing in a very dry life zone, and are thus very susceptible to slight changes in hydrology. Therefore the present decline and death of mangrove trees along the Gambia River estuary can be attributed to the decline in precipitation over the last decade. The proposed barrage at Balingho will increase the salinity of typically meso- to oligohaline waters of the estuary to hypersalinity levels. Rhizophora racemosa and R. harisonii are very susceptible to salinities >l5°/°° and will not tolerate the change in conditions due to the barrage. The proposed barrage at Balingho will also create a freshwater impoundment upriver with a water level at + 1.7 m GD. This high level of stagnant water will result in a loss of mangrove trees with heights >7 m in the area above the barrage due to drowning of their root systems. These losses of mangroves above and below the barrage will result in a loss of nearly 147,920 tC^yr"" 1 of detritus to the estuary. This decline is equivalent to 82% of the organic matter inputs to the estuary that are presently supporting a detritus-based fishery. Mangrove forests of The Gambia provide a vital natural resource to the artisanal fishery of the Gambia River estuary. vii INTRODUCTION The management of forested wetlands has received considerable attention in the last 15 years because of increased human exploitation of these wetlands as a forest resource, while at the same time natural resource managers have become more cognizant of the importance of these plant communities to the ecology of adjacent aquatic ecosystems. In the intertidal zone of the tropics, forested wetlands or mangroves are a resource in the form of a variety of forestry products and as an important component of estuarine ecosystems* The ex- ploitation of mangroves for forestry products includes saw timber, building material, fence posts, fuelwood, tanins, and charcoal. In some areas of the world, such as Malaysia, these forests are managed for sustained yield to provide these resources. Mangroves have also been acknowledged as contributing to the productivity of coastal ecosystems by providing detritus to various levels of estuarine food chains (Heald 1969, W. E. Odum 1971, Twilley 1982, Twilley 1985). They are also important in the nutrient and sediment dynamics of estuaries as well as contributing to erosion and flood control in coastal areas. Because of these two important roles of mangrove ecosystems as forests and estuarine resources, human manipulations of estuarine ecosystems that may alter or destroy these forests should be carefully evaluated to understand their potential impact on the entire estuarine basin. In the Gambia River estuary, located in West Africa, a salt barrage is proposed in the oligohaline region (Balingho), which will alter the hydrology and salt distribution of this tropical estuary. This report is an analysis of the mangrove forests in this estuary, and of the potential impact of this barrage to estuarine resources associated with these forested wetlands. This report is supplemented with observations made in the field during a trip from 29 June to 2 July 1984 along the Gambia River estuary from Banjul to Georgetown (Appendix A). STUDY AREA The Gambia River estuary is located approximately 13 °N latitude along the west coast of Africa (Fig. !)• The climate in this area is defined as Sub- Guinean within the Tropical Sudanese zone (Richard-Molard 1949) and as tropical semi-dry modified to tropical semi-wet nearer the sea. The climate is dominated by alternating dry Harmattan air mass, which originates in the Sahara, and southwesterly monsoon of humid oceanic air. As a result, there are distinct wet and dry seasons with the former season occurring from June to October (Fig. 2). Rainfall varies considerably from year to year in quantity (mean of about 1,140 mm) and distribution; the highest precipitation is usually in August. Due to Sahel drought, which has lasted through the 1970s, rainfall in the basin has followed a negative slope (m » -19.9 mnryr"" 1 ) for the last 23 yr of record (Arid Lands Information Center 1981) (Fig. 3). Rainfall occurs in high intensity storms with more than 50% of rain accumulated at Bombey, Senegal, falling at an intensity >27 mm*hr~^, and intensities >100 mm*hr~* are not uncommon (Jones and Wild 1975). The difference in maximum and minimum monthly mean air temperatures during the year are only about 3.8 °C for coastal locations, compared to 5.5 °C at Kaur and 7.6°C at Basse which are more than 175 km from the mouth of the Gambia River estuary. The mean annual average of maximum and minimum air temperatures also increases inland from 25.1°C at Cape St. Mary and 25.5°C at Yundum, to 28.4°C at Kaur and 28.1 °C at Basse (Fig. 2). These high annual air temperatures result in evapotranspiration rates (based on Penman method) ranging from 4.8 to 15.0 nnrd"" 1 , with higher rates occurring in April and May during the dry season. CT3 a u < CO cu !3 CO •H s a H CO 4J CO a CD > e cd a cu o C O CO O O o F M M N M M N FIG. 2. Climatic diagrams of air temperature and precipitation for Yundum (near the mouth of the estuary) and Kaur (184 km upriver). Solid areas represent the rainy season, vertical lines the period when rainfall exceeds evaporation, and the dotted area the period when evaporation exceeds rainfall. The years of record are in parentheses following the label. 1500 E E 1000- s o UJ a. 500 / / / 1931-1960 □ 1968-1977 7\ / / / / PI / / v CASAMANCE GAMBIA SALOUM SENEGAL FIG. 3. Change in precipitation along the west coast of Africa from Saloum to Casamance by comparing annual totals from 1931 to 1960 to those from 1968 to 1977 (from Marius 1981). The Gambia River originates in the moist evergreen forests of the Fouta d'Jallon plateau in the Guinean hinterland and flows 1,200 km to the Atlantic Ocean (Fig. 1). The total drainage area is 78,000 km 2 with moderate drainage gradient in Guinea (slope of 1-4%), low gradient in Senegal (slope of - <1%), and virtually no slope over the last 500 km from Gouloumbo, Senegal, to Banjul. Collectively, the geology of the continental sub-basin consists of sedimentary formations (64%), metamorphics (20%), and intrusives (16%); a small band of Quaternary alluvium deposits border the Gambia River bed. Soil parent material is fine textured with little or no sand since the combined silt and clay fractions comprise more than 90% of the mineral material. These iron rich deposits are partially the products of laterite-rich uplands (Dunsmore et al. 1976). The high clay content, consisting of kaolinite with some silica, renders these soils resistant to infiltration. Mean historical runoff is 231 mm or about 21% of precipitation. Annual mean discharge since 1953 has varied from 90-460 nr* e s~^, with decreasing trend since 1970 as a result of the Sahel drought, and peak discharge occurs in early to mid September (Lesack et al. 1984). The transport of solutes by the Gambia River are classified as a river with low runoff (<5 L*s~^*km~2) f warm (>15°C), and low relief. Runoff loss of Na, K, SO4, N, and P from the Gambia River com- pared to precipitation loading rates unto the watershed are low, possibly re- flecting the scarcity of essential nutrients in the watershed for upland plant communities (Lesack et al. 1984). The transport of particulate material also is very low and fits in better with high runoff rivers (>15 L*s~ 1# km~ 2 ) than low runoff rivers (Lesack et al. 1984). The export of particulate and total organic carbon is extremely low compared to rivers around the world (Schlesinger and Melack 1981, Meybeck 1982), with respective transport rates of 0.12 and 0.38 f knfZ-yr"" 1 (Lesack et al. 1984). The Gambia River is tidal to Gouloumbo Bridge in Senegal, 526 km upstream from Banjul, during the dry season. As a consequence of low river discharge (<5 m^ # s~^), two sequential tides are able to penetrate the river at any one time. During this period, salinity normally reaches Carrols Wharf which is 219 km from the mouth. This was observed in July, 1983 (Fig. 4), United Nations Development Programme (1974) reported a salinity of 1.0° / 0O at Kuntaur which is 248 km from Banjul. In wet season there is a rapid increase in river discharge (>1,000 m^*s"^-) and fresh water may be observed only 75 km from the mouth of the river (Herklots 1979). During October 1983, a salinity of a. UJ o z T3 C CO a CO O 60 o rH c0 •H 00 C ON CO CO O 4J o •H 4-1 3 o o o fO cu — (°%) A1INI1VS U 5-i CU xi pa ■u m CO 00 •H ON O r-4 5-! • (U 6 • 0) a > + 1.5 2+1.0 a < CD < +0.5 o > 0.0 UJ I -0.5 • J ■ « t L t MEAN HIGH TIDE ( BANJUL, GD) o- — o © « _. MEAN LOW TIDE (BANJUL,GD) M J J MONTHS N FIG. 5. Water levels in the Gambia River based on Gambia Datum including mean high and low tides at Banjul, and predictions of levels within the impoundment upriver from the barrage at different demands for irrigation based on areas (ha) cultivated with rice (from Coode and Partners 1977, Johnson 1978). water at Kuntaur (231 km upriver) at a rate of 1 nr*s~^ during the dry season would move the saline mixing zone upriver by 1 km (Johnson 1978). The salt barrage is intended to prevent the upriver excursion of salinity which would eliminate irrigation in historically freshwater areas, and to provide a continuous source of water for rice fields in areas that originally could only farm rice during the rain season. The barrage will be built such that maximum water level will be +1.70 m (GD), which is the approximate spring tide level in this area (Coode and Partners 1977). The original hydrologic budgets of water table fluctuations were based on irrigation demands for 24,000 ha of rice which would drop the water table to -1.02 m (GD) by the end of May (Coode and Partners 1977; Fig. 5). Water level changes based on different acreages of rice cultivation (Fig. 5) would range from a low of +1.2 m (GD) if no rice was irrigated to the extremely low levels estimated by Coode and Partners (1977) (calculated by Johnson 1978). In all of these scenarios, minimum water levels were observed at the end of May, and recovery of levels back to +1.70 m (GD) occurred by the end of August. The threshold acreage of rice at which minimum water levels would be below the natural tidal levels during May would be about 8,000 ha. MANGROVE ANALYSIS MANGROVE COMMUNITY TYPES Lugo and Snedaker (1974) developed a classification scheme relating forest physiognomy and functional characteristics among mangroves with their hydrology and geomorphology. Six types of mangroves were identified (Fig. 6) that group environmental factors such as tidal hydrology, rainfall, soil texture, soil salinity, and juxtaposition to estuarine waters with the structure, 10 OVERWASH MANGROVE ISLANDS 1- overwashed by daily tides. 2- high rate of organic exports. 3- dominated by red mangroves but all species may be present. 4-south Florida, south coast of Puerto Rico! 5-sensitive to ocean pollution. FRINGE MANGROVE WETLANDS 1-line water ways. 2-high rate of organic exports. 3-dominated by rec mangrove. 4- throughout south Flor- ida, Puerto Rico and Florida's east and west coast. 5-sensitive to ocean pollution. SCRUB MANGROVE WETLANDS 1-on extreme environments. 2-low organic exports. 3-usually red or |2m black mangroves. 4-southeast Florida south coast of Puerto Rico, high latitudes on west coast of Florida. 5-sensitive to further stress. ^_I s*K>^ £fcr* /TV*! HAMMOCK MANGROVE WETLANDS 1-on land rises in south Florida. 2-low export of organic matter. 3-all mangrove species. 4-south Florida everglades. 5-sensitive to fire and drainage. RIVERINE MANGROVE WETLANDS 1-along flowing waters. 2-high ex- port of organic matter. 3-all man- grove species, reds predominate. 4-south Florida^ north coast of Puerto Rico. 5-sensitive to alterations of water flow. r*> 18m BASIN MANGROVE WETLANDS 1-in depressions or areas of slow water movement. 2-high seasonal ex- port of organic matter. 3-black mangroves predominate. 4- inland locations in south Florida and Puerto Rico. 5-sensitive to alter- ation of sheet flow, sea water in- put, and prolonged high water. FIG. 6. The six mangrove community types from Lugo and Snedaker (1974) . 11 productivity, and nutrient cycling characteristics of the forests. Although this classification system was based on surveys mostly from mangroves in the Americas, it has proven applicable to mangrove forests around the world; such is the case for West Africa. The mangroves along the Gambia River estuary can be grouped into four of the mangrove types based on the scheme by Lugo and Snedaker (1974). The domi- nant type of mangrove along the Gambia River estuary is the riverine mangrove forest which occurs along most of its shoreline, except for near the mouth of the estuary and up in some adjacent bolons. These forests are inhabited by all three Rhizophora species found in this area and are characteristically greater than 10 m in height; they are most noticeable from Tendaba to Elephant Island. Inland of these riverine forests, which are inundated daily by tides, are basin mangrove wetlands which are dominated by Avicennia . These areas are infrequently flooded by tides (spring tides only) and consequently have a different soil texture and chemistry than the riverine forests. At the mouth of the Gambia River estuary there are two types of mangroves. Fringe mangrove wetlands, dominated by Rhizophora mangle , occur along the shoreline of bays and lagoons that have fairly constant annual salinity. The tidal amplitude in this area is about 1.2 m, which would normally support forests with tree heights >10 m. Yet because of the high evapotranspiration rates characteristic of the Gambian climate, forests at the mouth of the Gambia River estuary have tree heights from 5-7 m. These fringe forests are very similar to those along the bays of south Florida, USA. In this same area, there are stands of scrub mangroves occurring more frequently along the more inland shorelines of the bays. Slight increases in the topography, due to storm deposits or more inland juxtaposition from the estuary, along a coastline with 12 such high evapotranspiration rates result in extreme soil salinity conditions. These scrub mangroves, dominated by Avicennia with minor occurrence of Rhizophora and Laguncularia , are usually <2 m tall. SPECIES DISTRIBUTION AND ZONATION Mangroves along the coast of Senegal and The Gambia are the most northern mangroves of the Atlantic type on the west coast of Africa located between 12° and 16°N latitude (Marius 1981). These mangroves extend over an area of 500,000 ha (most of the area is unvegetated tidal flats), half of which are in the estuary of the Casamance River and remainder in estuaries of the Gambia and Saloum rivers. In the Gambia River estuary, mangrove forests are comprised of six species including Rhizophora racemosa , R. harrisonii , R. mangle , Avicennia africana , Laguncularia racemosa , and Cono carpus erectus . Speciation of mangroves along West Africa is very similar to mangroves along the Atlantic coasts of the Americas, yet different to mangroves colonizing the east coast of Africa (Chapman 1976). The typical distribution or zonation of these mangrove species along the shoreline of the Gambia River estuary is also similar to observations along the Americas 1 Atlantic coastline. In the mesohaline and oligohaline regions of the estuary, Rhizophora racemosa occupies a thin strip adjacent to the riverbank. This area of the intertidal zone is inundated twice daily by tides and is commonly associated with recent deposits of soft alluvium of high clay and silt mineral content. Yet these forests typically obtain tree heights greater than 20 m on an elaborate prop root system. Just inland of this fringe of R. racemosa is a stand of R. mangle which is also located in that portion of the intertidal zone flushed daily by tides. Mixed among both of these is R. 13 harrisonii . At the level of mean high water there is usually a mixture of R. mangle and Avicennia africana which is less frequently flooded by tides compared to the pure Rhizophora stands. This group of mangroves, from the monospecific strip of Rhizophora racemosa to the mixed stand of R. mangle and A. africana , constitutes the riverine mangrove forests. Inland of the mixed 11. mangle and Avicennia africana are normally mono- specific stands of Avicennia which are located above mean high water levels. This vegetation band marks a distinct transition zone in vegetation and soil characteristics between the lower and upper intertidal areas. Associated with this zone is usually a sharp rise in soil salinity due to the infrequent nature of tidal inundation and high evapo transpiration rates (Fig. 7). This area of mangrove may be classified as basin mangrove wetland. Soil salinity continues to increase inland of this mangrove zone which is indicated by a gradual decrease in tree height and density of A. africana as distance from the estuary inland increases (Fig. 7). The adjacent more inland zone is usually void of any vegetation due to hypersalinity (pH may drop but salinity is considered a key factor) and is referred to as bare tanne. Inland of this zone may be tannes vegetated with marsh plants including Sesuvium portulacastrum , Philoxerus vermicularis , Paspalum vaginatum , Eleocharis mutata , an( * Eleocharis carribea . This zone is referred to as a herbaceous tanne. These tannes represent the most inland extent of the intertidal zone. The se- quence of these tannes (bare vs. herbaceous) may vary depending on topography which controls where precipitation and runoff may concentrate, resulting in slightly lower soil salinity. In many areas of the upper intertidal zone of The Gambia, the hydrology of this area has been modified by dikes built by humans for the production of rice. 14 MHW MLW 8 6 MANGROVES TANNES RIVERINE ' BASIN HERBACEOUS BARE E CO E < CO | iooo r Moo ui 9 600 QE q x400 o I 120 § 40 55 j<__M K. If JL 50 100 DISTANCE INLAND (m) 150 FIG. 7. Vegetation sequence of mangroves in the Gambia estuary including soil chemistry at 0.5 m depth at distances inland from the estuary. 15 This vegetation sequence varies considerably along the Gambia River estuary, most noticeably by the exclusion of the more inland mangrove associes. In many areas, only the fringe of the riverine mangroves is present, forming a thin strip of mangroves along the estuary • This sequence is not applicable to mangrove forests along the mouth of the estuary where monospecific stands of II. mangle form fringe mangrove wetlands along the bays. Also in this area are scrub mangroves dominated with Avicennia which have no apparent zona t ion pattern. FOREST STRUCTURE The diversity in structure of mangrove forests along the Gambia River estuary is demonstrated in Figure 8 by the change in tree heights along the longitudinal axis of the estuary. These data are personal observations (tree heights measured with clinometer) at sites along the estuary during July, 1984, and indicate higher forest structure in the mesohaline region of thfe estuary. Also apparent is that the higher structured forests are along the north bank of this estuary. This was most noticeable at about 150 km upriver at Bai Tenda and Elephant Island where tree heights on the north bank were 20-30 m compared to only 10 m on the south bank. As discussed above, mangroves at the mouth of the estuary were normally 5-7 m in the fringe forests and only 1 m in the scrub mangrove wetlands. This diversity in forest structure is also reflected in a forestry survey °* Rhizophora mangrove forest (>7 m tree height) along the Gambia River estuary (Forster 1983; Table 1). The complexity index (Holdridge et al. 1971), which uses the variables of tree density, basal area, species number, and tree height to determine forest structure of Rhizophora forests in this survey, ranged from 16 (ui) S1H9I3H 33U1 17 -^ >> $-1 E CO .* 3 4-J ^■^ CO Ui •H > Pd a: Cd •H a. 43 3 & cd a Ul 0) o j_j z SO p c o CO r-4 cd Q CO 7 m) along the Gambia River estuary (from Forster 1983). Western Lower River North Bank and MacCarthy Division Division Island Division Area (ha) 4,692 4,291 Density (N/ha) 371 385 Basal Area (m 2 /ha) 11.8 15.7 Mean Diam (cm) 20 23 Mean Height («) 11 12 Total Volume (m 3 /ha) 103.0 153.2 Damaged Trees* (% of density) 32.0 23.0 Dead Trees (% of volume) 21.0 19.0 Structural Index® 0.48 0.73 Complexity Index & 1.92 2.92 5,461 472 30.3 23 13 208.9 21.0 8.0 1.25 5.00 Total 14,980 416 18.5 24 13 183.5 25 22 1.00 4.00 *including some signs of decay in the crown ^Structural Index - (Mean Height x Basal Area x Density) ? 1,000 Complexity Index » (Mean Height x Basal Area x Density x Species No.) r 1,000 18 1.92 to 5.00 with the lower number associated with the Western Division of the estuary (south bank near the mouth of estuary). The average index for the entire mangrove area along the Gambia estuary was 4.00. Structural indexes of the mangrove forests above Yelitenda were calculated from Johnson (1978) using size class distributions of three categories of mangrove forests based on tree heights: Rhizophora , >20 m; Rhizophora , 7-20 m; anc * Avicennia , >7 m. Using the median diameter at breast height (dbh) for each 5-cm size class starting at 10-cm dbh, and the density of each respective size class, the basal area in a 1 ha stand of each mangrove category was determined (Table 2). Assumptions of tree height are given in Table 2 along with cal- culations of complexity index (Holdridge L971). Complexity indexes ranged from 4.4 to 11.2, with the tall Rhizophora forests having the greater structure. These values are within a range of 2.3 - 72.0 for riverine mangrove forests in Florida, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Costa Rica (Pool et al. 1977; Table 2). The most significant difference among these riverine mangrove forests is density, with forests along the Gambia estuary being less dense. AREAL DISTRIBUTION Estimates of aerial distribution of mangroves along the Gambia River estuary in Table 3 range from 45,000 ha (Giglioli and Thornton 1965) to 71,343 (Checchi and Co. 1981; from Johnson 1978 and Abell 1980). The most accurate estimates based on planimetry of aerial photos are by Rodriguez-Bejaram (per- sonal communiation) , Forster (1983), and Dunsmore et al. (1976) which range from 60,000 to 67,000 ha. Mangroves have been classified based on stand height (m) with 7 m the delineation between tall and short forests (Table 4). Checchi and Company (1981) used estimates above the proposed barrage at Balingho by Johnson 19 TABLE 2. Structural indexes (based on trees with dbh >10 cm) of mangroves in the Gambia River estuary compared with riverine mangrove forests in North and Central America. Basal Tree Height Density (no./O.l ha Area (m 2 /0.1 ha) Complexity* Index Reference The Gambia (above Balingho) Rhizophora: >20 m 39 2.86 11.2 Johnson 1978 Rhizophora: 7-20 m 56 1.38 4.4 •• Avicennia: >7 m 34 3.31 6.7 «« Florida, USA Ten Thousand Island 60 2.17 2.3 Pool et al. 1977 Puerto Rico Vacia Talega 98 1.71 7.5 tt Mexico Roblitos 91 2.41 3.5 .. Isla La Palma Rio de las Canas 145 103 5.59 5.61 41.3 27.7 Costa Rica Mo in Boca Barranca 118 66 9.53 3.18 72.0 6.0 Complexity Index - (Tree Height x Density x Basal Area x No. Species) rlOOO (Holdridge et al. 1971) 20 TABLE 3. Estimates of mangrove distribution along the Gambia River estuary. Mangrove Area (ha) Reference 66,000 Brunt 1959 45,000 Giglioli and Thornton 1965 67,000 Dunsmore et al. 1976 71,343 Checchi and Co. 1981 66,900 Forster 1983 (1978) and estimates below the barrage by Abell (1980) to calculate mangrove distribution by stand height for Rhizophora and Avicennia for the Gambia estuary. Based on these estimates, nearly half the mangroves are >7 m (^36,000 ha) and 10% (6,125 ha) are >20 m. However, Forster (1983) found that about 52,000 ha or 78% of the total coverage was <7 m. He states that these estimates are about double the estimates for short mangroves by Brunt (1959). Thus Brunt's value of about 30,000 ha of mangrove <7 m was similar to those figures presented by Checchi and Company (1981 )• These differences are extreme and further analyses are needed to correct the confusion. This is a very important statistic since the only estimates of litter productivity for the Gambia River estuary are based on stand height. Another important statistic concerning mangrove cover is the areal dis- tribution for the two dominant genuses of mangroves in this estuary, Rhizophora and Avicennia . Most of these forests are monospecific zones of each genus and follow a zonation pattern of Rhizophora inhabiting the fringe mangrove zone adjacent to estuarine waters, and Avicenni a occurring inland of the fringe zone. This zonation pattern probably reflects some gradient in tidal hydrology (and 21 TABLE 4. Two estimates of the areal distribution of mangroves in the Gambia River estuary. Classification system uses tree heights (m). Classification Region <7 m 7-20 m >20 m Total Reference Estimate I Below Barrage Rhizophora Aviceimia Subtotal 11,880 21,590 33,470 18,330 8,310 26,640 2,520 2,520 32,730 29,900 62,630 Abell 1980 Above Barrage Rhizophora Avicennia Subtotal 757 237 994 3,406 708 4,114 3,605 3,605 7,768 945 8,713 Johnson 1978 Total Estuary Rhizophora Avicennia Total 12,637 21,827 34,464 21,736 9,018 30,754 6,125 6,125 40,498 30,845 71,343 Checchi and Company 1981 Estimate II Western Division 16,800 4, 700* 21 , 500 Forster 1983 Lower River Division 12,400 4, 300 16,700 North Bank Division 22,600 5 ,500 28,100 McCarthy Is. Division 100 500 600 Total Estuary 51,900 15 ,000 66,900 *Trees >7 m 22 thus other soil characteristics such as salinity, hydrogen sulfide, etc.), which is significant to estimates of potential detritus export from these intertidal forests. Thus estimates of areal distribution of each genus may enable a prediction of detritus transport rates to the estuary. The only figures available are from Checchi and Company (1981) which estimate that 57% of total mangrove coverage, or 40,498 ha, are of the genus Rhizophora . The impacted area of mangroves above the proposed barrage is 8,713 ha according to Johnson (1978) and 7,930 ha from Rodriquez-Bejarano (personal communication); and both estimates represent 12% of the total area according to figures from Checchi and Company (1981), or 13% based on figures for total mangrove cover by Forster (1983). The area above the barrage represents 59% of mangrove trees >20 m, yet only 3% of the trees <7 m inhabit this area indicating an unequal distribution of tree height along the salinity gradient. Forster (1983) noted that their estimates for total mangrove cover were similar to those by Brunt (1959), indicating that a large-scale loss of mangrove forests may not be occurring. The two estimates do have large differences in the distribution of mangroves according to the 7 m demarcation in tree height as discussed above. Based on these differences, about half of the tall mangrove trees (>7 m) have been eliminated since 1959 and replaced by mangrove forests <7 m. LITTER PRODUCTIVITY Background The purpose of studies on the production and decomposition of litter in forests is to better understand the role of litter dynamics in such ecosystem properties as nutrient cycling, succession, and stability (Bray and Gorham 23 1964). Litter dynamics have been extensively studied in terrestrial forests (Jenny et al. 1949, Brown 1980), while less work has been done on the production and turnover of litter in forested wetlands • Such information is particularly needed for intertidal forested wetlands, such as mangroves, in order to understand the coupling of these forests to the productivity of coastal fisheries* Other interests in the litter production of mangroves include the production of peat that occurs in many of these coastal swamps, and the optimization of managed forests for exploitations such as charcoal, posts, chip wood, and tanins. Litter production values for mangrove forests worldwide range from 1.20 fha""^ # yr~^ for scrub mangroves in south Florida to 23.4 t •ha""-***yr~^ for a 20- yr-old managed forest in Malaysia (Table 5). Grouping mangrove forests by the scheme of Lugo and Snedaker (1974) used in Table 5 separates mangroves into categories that represent forests with similar hydrography. There is a gradient in the frequency in tidal inundation from scrub to basin to fringe mangrove forests, and riverine mangroves are frequently inundated by freshnets from rivers as well as tides. It has been suggested by Pool et al. (1975) that litter production rates in mangroves are a function of water turnover within the forest, and the rank of the means of litter production in Table 5 (riverine > fringe > basin > scrub) supports this hypothesis. An association between wetland hydrology and net primary production has been observed for a variety of wetland communities including Spartina marshes (DeLaune et al. 1979, Steever et al. 1976), Zizania aquatica (Whigham and Simpson 1977), and freshwater forested wetlands (Connor and Day 1976, Brown et al. 1979, Brown 1981, Brinson et al. 1981). Wharton and Brinson (1979) suggested that the production of alluvial swamps was dependent on water 24 TABLE 5, Summary of total litter fall rates for different types of mangrove forests. Mangrove Type Litter Fall (f ha" 1# yr -1 ) Reference Scrub Mangroves Turkey Pt., SE Florida, USA Turkey Pt., SE Florida, USA Turkey Pt., SE Florida, USA Mean + (SE) 2.71 1.20 1.68 1.86 (0.55) Pool et al. 1975 Snedaker and Brown 1981 Basin Mangroves Monospecific Fort Myers, SW Florida, USA Rookery Bay, SW Florida, USA Rookery Bay, SW Florida, USA Clam Bay, SW Florida, USA S. Thailand Mixed Forest Fort Myers, SW Florida, USA Rookery Bay, SW Florida, USA Piiiones, Puerto Rico Turkey Pt., SE Florida, USA Mean + (SE) Fringe and Overwash Mangroves Ten Thousand Is., Florida, USA Ten Thousand Is., Florida, USA Turkey Pt., SE Florida, USA Turkey Pt., SE Florida, USA North River, Florida, USA Cieba, Puerto Rico Mean + (SE) Riverine Mangroves Ten Thousand Is., Florida, USA Ten Thousand Is., Florida, USA Chokolskee Bay, Florida, USA Chokolskee Bay, Florida, USA Gordon River, SW Florida, USA Gordon River, SW Florida, USA Vacia Talega, Puerto Rico El Encanto River, Columbia Sungai Merbok Estuary, Malaysia Matang Mangrove Forest, Malaysia Mean + (SE) 3.51 Twill ey et al. (in press) 5.38 4.69 5.79 Heald et al. 1979 6.70 Christenson 1978 8.68 Twilley et al. (in press) 7.51 9.70 Pool et al. 1975 7.50 Snedaker and Brown 1981 6.61 (0, .70) 10.24 Snedaker and Brown 1981 9.81 10.82 7.71 Pool et al. 1975 8.76 Heald 1969 6.64 Pool et al. 1975 9.00 (0, .72) 10.66 Snedaker and Brown 1981 11.73 11.75 Sell 1977 11.83 14.43 9.09 14.45 Pool et al. 1975 14.09 Hernandez and Mullen 1979 10.07 Ong et al. 1981 23.4 Ong et al. 1982 12.98 (1. .01) 25 movement, not only as a source of silts and clays, but also a supply of nutrients and aeration for optimal growth. Together with the trends observed for different groups of mangroves, these results for a variety of wetlands suggest that the chemical and kinetic properties of tides in intertidal environments may ultimately be expressed in the magnitude of litter and/or net primary production of the plant community. The Gambia There is no published information on the magnitude of litter productivity of mangroves along the Gambia River estuary. In order to evaluate the potential importance of these forests to estuarine resources, litter productivity is a very important index. This report estimates litter productivity of mangroves in the Gambia estuary using an association between forest structure and litter productivity based on information for mangrove forests in United States, Puerto Rico, and Costa Rica (Pool et al. 1975, Pool et al. 1977). An index of forest structure for eight sites in these three provinces was based on tree height (Ht), basal area (BA), and tree density (D) for 0.1 ha plots using the formula: (Ht x BA x D) 1,000. This is similar to Holdridge et al.'s (1971) complexity index, with the omission of the number of species present. Structural index (X) for each site (Pool et al. 1977) was positively correlated with the litter productivity estimates (Y) made at each site (Pool et al. 1975) (Fig. 9). The equation [Y » 4.89 (X) + 5.05, r 2 « 0.85] results in a Y intercept of + 5.05 fha""^ # yr~*. Such a high intercept is due to the fact that structural statistics were gathered only on trees with dbh >10 cm. Since all forestry statistics for mangroves in The Gambia are based on this dbh, this relationship was used. 26 > O => Q O ac a. 10 cm) FIG. 9. Relationship among structural indexes of mangrove forests and their litter productivity estimates • 27 Using this relationship between forest structure and litter productivity, estimates of the productivity of mangroves along the Gambia River estuary were made based on previously discussed forest structure statistics (Table 6). The structural indexes for the four categories of mangrove forests (based on tree heights) used by Johnson (1978) are: Rhizophora trees >20 m s 2.81; Rhizophora trees 7-20 m « 1.09; Avicennia trees >7 m * 1.34; and Avicennia plus Rhizophora trees <7 m « no forestry statistics available. The resulting litter productivity estimates varied from 10.4 to 18.8 t •ha~**yr""% which are within the range for riverine mangroves listed in Table 5 (Twilley et al. in press). The litter productivity value for the forests with tree heights <7 m was based on a value for a mixed forest in South Florida that upon observation by the author was similar to the structure of these forests in The Gambia (Fort Myers, SW Florida, USA; See Table 5). This value is considered a conservative estimate. The areal production of litter for mangrove forests above and below Balingho are calculated from areal distributions estimates of mangroves by Johnson (1978) and Abell (1980), respectively. The total production was 583,670 fyr~l, of which 115,380 f yr"^ (20%) occurred in the impacted area above the proposed barrage at Balingho (Table 6). Estimates were also made of litter productivity of Rhizophora forests with tree heights >7 m in The Gambia using forestry statistics by Forster (1983). This category of forests produced 132,780 f yr" 1 of dry litter mass, most of which occurred in the North Bank and MacCarthy Division of The Gambia (Table 7). 28 TABLE 6. Estimates of litter production (dry mass) for the mangroves above and below Yelitenda based on information from Johnson (1978) and Abe 11 (1980). Mangrove categories are based on species and tree heights (m) . Category Structural Index Production Estimate (fha^'yr" 1 ) Area (ha) Annual Production (f yr" 1 x 10 3 ) Above Yelitenda Rhizophora: >20 m 2.81 18.8 3,605 67.77 Rhizophora: 7-20 m 1.09 10.4 3,406 35.42 Avicennia: >7 m 1.34 11.6 708 8.21 Avicennia plus Rhizophora: <7 m NA 4.0 994 3.98 Subtotal 9,713 115.38 Below Yelitenda Rhizophora : >20 m Rhizophora : 7-20 m Avicennia : >7 m Avicennia plus Rhizophora : <7 m Subtotal Total 2.81 18.8 2,520 47.38 1.09 10.4 18,330 190.63 1.34 11.6 8,310 96.40 NA 4.0 33,470 133.88 62,630 468.29 71,343 583.67 29 TABLE 7. Estimates of litter production (dry mass) for Rhizophora mangroves with tree heights >7 m based on data from Forster (1983). Production Annual Structural* Estimate Area Production Category Index (fha^'yr" 1 ) (ha) (fyr"" 1 x 10 3 ) Western Division 0.48 7.4 4,692 34.72 Lower River Division 0.73 8.6 4,291 36.90 North Bank Division 1.25 11.2 5,461 61.16 MacCarthy Division 1.00 9.9 Total 14,444 132.78 *Structural Index =* (Basal Area x Tree Height x Density) r 1000; based on 0.1 ha plots EXCHANGE OF DETRITUS AND NUTRIENTS Estuarine ecosystems are coupled to intertidal wetlands by tides that create a two-way flux of materials. Problems associated with the measurement of these tidal fluxes have resulted in a controversy surrounding the hypothesis that intertidal wetlands affect the productivity and nutrient cycles of estuarine waters (Teal 1962, Odum and de la Cruz 1963, de la Cruz 1965, Day et al. 1973, Haines 1977, Haines 1979, Nixon 1980, Odum 1980). Estimates of organic carbon export from intertidal wetlands range from 45% (Teal 1962, Axelrad et al. 1976, Roman 1981) to less than 1% (Heinle and Flemer 1976) of their net production, while other intertidal wetlands may import organic carbon (Woodwell et al. 1977). The present view is that the exchange of organic carbon in intertidal wetlands may be site specific depending on the geomorphology and tidal hydrology of the region (Mann 1975, Odum et al. 1979, Welsh et al. 1982). Mangroves represent nearly 75% of the intertidal vegetation in the tropics and 30 the exchange of detritus and nutrients with these forests may strongly influence the productivity of tropical coastal ecosystems. Detritus Background * Organic carbon export estimates for riverine and fringe man- groves represent rates for intertidal wetlands regularly inundated by tides. In an Australian riverine mangrove forest, particulate organic matter export was 420 gC # m" 2, yr -1 f which was about 94% of litter fall (Boto and Bunt 1981). Particulate detritus export from fringe mangroves in south Florida was estimated at 186 gC*m"" 2# yr"' 1 f or only 42% of litter fall (Heald 1969). The tides in the riverine forest were 3 m/tide, for an annual tidal amplitude of about 2,190 m; compared to 0.5 m/tide in south Florida or 355 m*yr""^ in the fringe forest. Both of these export estimates are for leaf litter and particulate carbon export only, and do not include export of DOC to adjacent estuarine systems. Total organic carbon export from infrequently flooded basin mangroves was 64 gC'nT^yr" 1 (Twilley 1985). The annual tidal amplitude inside the basin forests was only 12 m, and as a result only 22% of the litter fall inputs to the forest floor were exported (Twilley 1982). In forested wetlands with no tidal influence, TOG export was only about 6% of the litter production rate (Day et al. 1977, Mulholland 1981). These comparisons suggest that tides influence what proportion of litter produced in mangroves is exported, and that the magnitude of this organic carbon export from mangroves is directly related to the cumulative tidal amplitude within the forests (Fig. 10). Nearly 75% of the TOC exported from the basin mangrove forests was dissolved organic carbon. DOC also dominated total organic carbon flux from intertidal marshes (Axelrad et al. 1976, Happ et al. 1977, Pendleton 1979, Roman 31 400- Al 1 E 300 o 9 m K 200 (E O Q. X LU 100 10 100 1,000 10,000 CUMULATIVE TIDAL AMPLITUDE, m/yr FIG. 10. Annual net export of organic carbon from mangrove forests in relation to the cumulative tidal amplitude per year in the forest. Export values (left to right) are for basin (Twilley 1985), fringe (Heald 1969), and riverine (Boto and Bunt 1981) mangroves. 32 1981) j, and more than 93% of the total organic carbon export from bottomland hardwood swamps (Mulholland and Kuenzler 1979). Mulholland and Kuenzler (1979) attributed higher DOC export from forested wetlands compared to uplands to higher water residence time in wetlands together with leaching of organic carbon from the litter* Leaching of DOC from mangrove leaf litter, particularly from black mangrove leaves, accounted for the initial high loss of leaf dry mass during; decomposition (Twilley 1982), thus providing a source of DOC to the surface water of these forests. The effect of water residence time on DOC concentrations coincides with the observation in basin mangrove forests that these concentrations decreased during August and September when tidal frequency increased (Twilley 1985). Rainfall also increases the export of DOC from basin mangroves, similar to results for salt marshes (Harris et al. 1980, Roman 1981). The inputs of organic carbon from the forest canopy to the surface water via stemflow and throughfall increased the DOC concentrations in the surface water. This mech- anism, and probably others, account for DOC being the major form of organic carbon export from most intertidal wetlands, which has only been substantiated in recent studies. During the infancy of the "outwelling" concept of detritus flux from intertidal wetlands only particulate detritus was measured, thus grossly underestimating the potential contribution of organic carbon from these systems to estuarine waters. Rates of organic carbon export from mangroves are dependent on the volume of tidal water inundating the forest each month, which may be influenced most by tidal frequency (Twilley et al. in press). As a result, export rates are usually seasonal in response to the seasonal rise in mean sea level (msl), with greatest quantities of export occurring from August to October and lowest values 33 from December to May for mangroves in South Florida* This supports the proposal by Kjerfve et al. (1978) that an increase in msl during the summer may influence material exchange in tidal creeks as a result of increased tidal inundation of wetlands along the southeastern coast of the USA. The residence time of litter on the forest floor of mangroves is controlled by the relative influence of leaf decomposition and export. A comparison of the litter production, storage, and export characteristics of riverine (Boto and Bunt 1981), fringe (Heald 1969, Pool et al. 1975), and basin mangroves (Twilley et al. in press) summarizes the effect of these two factors on litter dynamics among mangrove forests (Fig. 11). The annual estimates of cumulative tidal amplitude in these three forest types is 2,190 m, 355 m, and 15 m, respectively. As discussed by Twilley (1985), the export of organic carbon from mangroves is associated with increased tidal influence, as may be litter production. Yet the two are not proportional, since litter production in the riverine forest is 1.7 times that of the basin forest, while the difference in litter export is 7.3 times higher in the riverine forest. As tidal influence within mangrove forests increases, leaf export dominates organic carbon export, and thus the ratio of organic carbon export to litter production increases. Such ratios are 0.94 in riverine forests (Boto and Bunt 1981) where leaf litter on the forest floor is negligible. Consequently, leaf decomposition rates for Rhizophora leaves are not proportional to residence times of litter in either fringe or riverine forests since most of the leaf litter is exported. For basin mangrove forests, organic carbon export is only about 20% of the carbon input to the forest floor via litter fall (Twilley 1985), and litter standing crop ranges from 100 to 500 g dry mass # m~2. Although the seasonal standing crop values of litter decreased as tidal influence increased, this 34 LU ±:q. 10 LL. uj s e CO ro CO CO (1) CQ M-l CO o O rH U CD C U CO tH •-N CD O 4J u 60 *H d J* d 4J CO CO «H O JH O CD CQ •U CO 4J CO U CD o d o € o J-l CD u CO 0) 0) CO >> CO 60 CD 4-> i-i CO o CD U U CO o d d •H ^ CO CO CO CO CO 4J M-4 w d ^ o m W «H N CD W ON MOH CO 3 JH T3 • O O iH 4J *j CO co a 4J * 4J CD /"n co H (U H rH a o CO O ^ TJ CU d l-i CO * cd a\ 4J 3 vO CO 4J •H T3 CO rH O CO 4J G* CD 3 SB d. O >«■• c a •H CD CD TJ 60 d d O W-H ,£> C M CO TJ a 3 * iH ^ a a rH •H COO CO rH 60 CO U CD O CO CO <4-4 O O rH C 3 >» U 3 <*h CO 6 a 3 CO O CD 4J O O 4-1 o d ^ CO CD U «H O M CX CD X > CD *H O CD a CO o d o a CO >, s a co o O CD 00 «H d S •H T3 CD d £ CO 4J CO H o d CO co u iH rH rH 3 CO CO (4-i CD W CD Tj 4J CD 4J JS • •H 60rH rH «H | CD W CD > >> *C • H cOCN CD i m a • CO • 4J O CO d 60 CD O U 3 O T3 H CD CO CO cd co 3 > -Q o O rH U rH l*H 2P CO co d a > • *-■ CO CJ O.CQ* 60 35 response can be explained by the effects of hydrology on leaf decomposition (Twilley et al. in press). Export of leaves from basin mangroves was negligible during the summer (Twilley 1985) when minimum litter values were observed* The residence times of leaf litter in basin mangroves vary from 0,13 to 0.51 yr (Table 8). Leaf litter residence times for monospecific basin forests at Rookery Bay are similar to values for riverine forests, which indicates that under some conditions the relative influence of export and decomposition on litter dynamics may be equal. However, as indicated in Figure 11, the short residence time of leaf litter in riverine systems represents a loss from the system, while leaf fragmentation in basin forests results in the formation of peat deposits which are characteristic of these inland forests (Davis 1943). The organic carbon content of alluvial mangrove soils are only 4-5% (dry mass) (Hesse 1961, Giglioli and Thornton 1965), compared to about 20% for basin mangrove forests (Coultas 1978, Twilley 1982). The Gambia . Estimates of detritus export from mangroves along the Gambia River estuary were based on litter productivity values calculated above, and on assumptions of the percentage of this litter that is exported annually. As previously discussed, these export : production ratios for litter are strongly influenced by tidal hydrology, and range from 0.20 for basin mangrove forests to 0.94 for riverine mangroves. Based on these considerations, and a tidal ampli- tude of 1.2 m in the riverine forests of the Gambia estuary, an E:P ratio of 0.75 was applied to forests in the inter tidal zone flushed daily by tides (Rhizophora >20 m and Rhizophora 7-20 m) . Avicennia forests and mixed forests °f Rhizophora and Avicennia inhabit more inland areas of the intertidal zone and thus E:P ratios of 0.5 were applied to these sites. Based on these E:P ratios 36 00 • c <~» o a iH w CO CO CO 4J o) x: > 60 O -H U CI) oo,n cs CO cu 6 cu at O U T3 c O CO JQ CU U -H CO O o cu a CO CO co 3 T3 O c CO T3 CU CO CO CO CO CO J2 B cu >s U U CO T3 CO CO CU CO -H u u o ^ 00 o cu a- 4J X CO cu a CO cu 3 > 4J O •H U U (30 4J C CU «0 -a s CO u CU CO jj 3 CO 4J CO •H CU 4-) CO J-l W CU > •H • ft* 00 CO <: co o a w CO o * -4 o ,fir-4 u I CO U ro O CO i-4 CO CO X X r-» >>l M H P >S •K P* •• CO co o iH X CO O I CO I CU U f~* o 00 o o sr o co nO oo NO en CM CM CO vO as o o 00 CO 00 wo • o • vO CM OS ON o co oo o m o m co ON CM WO O CM 00 o on MD vO o m m N£> • CO ON CM co u o 00 cu u CO r** CM i-i 00 00 r^ >d- CM ON CO • • • • • r*» m 00 CO m NO CO i-4 00 co co vO o ON o NO a\ oo oo on CM co oo CO VO r-4 > CCS & <* > peS Pd cd -^ CM 00 ON cu co CO co 6 u e CO u 00 CU a oo M-4 o c o ■H iJ CO V4 4J c cu o fi o a 3 O ,o u CO a oo c •H s 3 CO CO < ■K 37 and litter productivity estimates for each category of forests, the export of detritus from mangroves of the Gambia River estuary was calculated for areas above and below Balingho (Table 8). Litter dry mass is usually about 48% carbon (Twilley 1982); from this assumption estimates of organic carbon export from these riverine mangroves were made. Total export was 181,040 tC-yr"" 1 , of which 40,080 t* yr" 1 (22%) occurred from above Balingho. Based on a total area of mangroves along the Gambia River estuary (Johnson 1978, Abell 1980; equals 71,343 ha), detritus export is estimated at 289 g C-nT^yr"" 1 (per m 2 of mangrove) . Cumulative tidal amplitude in the mangroves of the Gambia estuary is 876 nryr*" 1 (1.2 m amplitude x 2'day"" 1 x 365 d'yr"" 1 ). Using the relationship between tidal hydrology and detritus export in Figure 10, the magnitude for export from mangroves of the Gambia estuary should range from 200 to 400 gC*m~ 2 *yr~*-. The estimate above based on litter production and export to pro- duction ratios falls within this range. Annual patterns in precipitation and levels of spring high tides (Fig. 12) indicate that detritus export would be maximum from July to October. Nutrients Introduction . Intertidal forested wetlands may function as either a source or a sink of nutrients to estuarine waters. Nixon (1980) argued that the paradigm in ecology that wetlands are a nutrient sink contradicts the "out- welling" concept of marshes proposed by Odum (1980) . Yet in his review, Nixon (1980) summarized that the "outwelling" of detritus from marshes may be about 100 gC nf^yr* 1 , less than previously estimated, while both the net flux of nitrogen and phosphorus may be from coastal waters into the marsh. Thus in- 38 4J U o u 4 (0S6I-988I '39VU3AV J*fr9) (inrNva'ww) nvdNivy o 00 in o 10 nnrisiva 4 w) 3011 oNiads nvsw u o £4 e O CO 0) SO c •H V-i CO O GO co T3 T3 C co a o >> CU M V4 CO a. 3 u y-i CO tH n CO CO 3 a c cu NO3) and/or the input of NO3 from estuarine waters and/or upland runoff, strongly influence the magnitude of this nitrogen sink in intertidal wetlands. The magnitude of nutrient loss via burial and atmospheric exchange relative to the recycling of nutrients within the wetland, along with the net exchange of nutrients with estuarine waters at the wetland boundary, will determine the function of these systems as a nutrient source or sink in estuarine ecosystems. The Gambia . Sources and sinks of nutrients in the Gambia River estuary were evaluated using mixing diagrams of dissolved nutrients during October and November 1983 (Berry et al. 1985). Concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, and total suspended solid were determined on samples collected along longitudinal transects of the estuary as well as along the Bai Tenda bolon during cruises 41 aboard the R/V Laurentian . Mixing diagrams are plots of salinity along the "X" axis and the nutrient concentrations along the "Y" axis. A straight line between the two end members is called the theoretical dilution line and represents concentrations based on dilution along the salinity gradient. Variation from this theoretical line represents concentrations that result from processes that cause either a sink (below the theoretical line) or source (about the theoretical line) of that nutrient along the estuarine axis (see Liss 1976 for discussion). Dilution plots of nitrate along the Gambia River estuary indicate a source of this nutrient occurs in the oligohaline regions of the estuary during October. This source of nitrate is due to nitrification in the water column as indicated by a decrease in ammonium concentrations and a sag in the percentage of saturated dissolved oxygen in this upper region of the estuary. Nitrate concentrations reached nearly 300 yg'L""^ near Elephant Island about 200 km from the estuary mouth (Fig. 13). By November, the source of nitrate in low salinity waters was diminished with peak concentrations of only 225 yg'L"* (Fig. 13). This dilution plot also indicates that a process resulting in a nitrate sink may be occurring further down the estuary. Phosphate also is being produced along the estuary in October and November, particularly in the mesohaline areas where concentrations may reach 25 yg # L~l. Dilution plots of total suspended solids indicate that the estuary retains a major portion of the sediment load within the system. Sediment deposition was most noticeable in the oligohaline areas where concentrations decreased from 100 to about 25 mg'L"" 1 . Mixing diagrams were also used to evaluate the net flow of nutrient ex- change in the mangrove bolons (Fig. 14). Changes in nutrient concentration at a station during a tide may only reflect the movement of nutrients in a parcel of 42 OCTOBER NOVEMBER 300 200- 9 3 UJ 5 1001 Z £ 100 - CO Q 8 75 Q UJ a z u Q. CO 3 CO o O • 300- 200 100 - 50- 25" " X • 1 , L_ 100 ~ 20 - ;>n - 10 -■ ■ M 1 30 SALINITY (%o) 10 20 30 FIG. 13. Mixing diagrams for nitrate, total suspended solids, and phosphate along the Gambia River estuary during October and November, 1983. 43 OCTOBER 150 "" ^^ # 100 -J 9 9 ui 50 CC 2 1 1 NOVEMBER _ 10- 9 3 UJ < X Q. CO O X 0. 1000 J_ 200- 100- 8 6 41- 2 " 1500 2000 3500 4000 CONDUCTIVITY (umhos/cm) A A 1 1 4500 FIG. 14. Mixing diagrams for nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate along the Bai Tenda bolon in the Gambia River estuary during October and November, 1983. 44 water and not any net change due to processes within the bolon. Evapotrans- piration causes higher salinities (conductivities) in the headwaters of a mangrove bolon, thus salt can be used as a tracer of water exchanging with mangroves during a tide* Using conductivity and nutrient concentrations of water at five stations in the Bai Tenda bolon during ebb tides, dilution plots were made to evaluate the fate of these nutrients in the bolons. Negative slopes were observed for nitrate and phosphate indicating that concentrations of these nutrients are much higher in the estuary than in the bolon headwaters. This was particularly evident for nitrate that varied from 210 yg # L~^ at the mouth of a bolon to about 10 yg*L""^ in the mangroves. For both these nutrients, dilution plots indicate that concentration may be only attributed to dilution during October; yet during November, a sink for both nutrients was observed along the bolon. A loss of suspended solids was also observed within the bolons with deposition occurring in the headwaters. In contrast to these parameters, diagrams of ammonium indicated that this reduced form of nitrogen was being produced within the mangroves, probably a result of high mineralization rates associated with these organic soils. These dilution plots suggest that mangroves along the Gambia River serve as a nutrient sink for nitrate and phosphate, and trap total suspended material from estuarine waters. These three parameters have peak concentrations along the mesohaline and oligohaline regions of the estuary where mangrove forests are most prominent. Nitrate may be utilized in the sediments of these plant communities as an electron acceptor (denitrif ication) and phosphate may be adsorbed by sediments or organic material. Mangroves have been recognized as contributing to the stabilization of shorelines by accumulating riverborne sediments. However, these functions are only suggested by the data analysis 45 presented, and the role of these forested ecosystems in nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment budgets of the Gambia River ecosystem awaits more complete investigation. ALLOCHTHONOUS ORGANIC MATTER Background There are three major sources of organic matter utilized by secondary con- sumers in estuaries: autochthonous production from phytoplankton and benthic autotrophs (algae and seagrasses), allochthonous detritus from upland watersheds (riverine input), and finally allochthonous detritus from intertidal wetlands. Collectively, these pools of organic matter support the high consumption of energy characteristic of estuarine ecosystems. Many economically important fisheries, such as shrimp, use the estuary for a nursery consuming large quan- tities of food during their most active stages of growth. Thus, the sources of organic matter in estuaries must be sustained in order to maintain these high rates of secondary productivity. Much controversy has existed over the relative importance of these three sources of organic matter in estuarine ecosystems. Salt marshes were estab- lished as the major source of detritus sustaining secondary production in estuarine waters based on their high net primary production and detritus export rates (Teal 1962). Turner (1977) has also demonstrated the relationship between fishery yields in some coastal waters (kg of shrimp harvested) to the amount of marsh land in the area. However, Haines (1977, 1979) has argued that detritus from phytoplankton and riverine sources may be more important than marsh detritus in estuaries. She found that the del 13 C ratio of detritus in estuaries reflected the C-3 autotrophic pathway of phytoplankton and forested 46 wetlands rather than the C-4 mechanism associated with saltmarsh net production. Other investigators using del ^C data have observed a diversity of ratios implicating all three sources of nutrition for secondary consumers depending on which source of detritus was most available (Macko and Zieman 1983). Sources of detritus can vary considerably among estuaries and are related to the geomorphological, hydrological, and physical characteristics of the system (Mann 1975, Odum et al. 1979, Welsh et al. 1982). The importance of a source of detritus in an estuary may thus be related to its contribution to the organic matter pool within the system. In south Florida, Macko and Zieman (1983) concluded from del *-*C ratios that the major source of nutrition for penaeid shrimp in Rookery Bay was mangrove detritus. Based on a budget of autochthonous and allochthonous inputs of organic matter to this estuary, Twilley (1982) also concluded that mangrove detritus was a major source of energy for secondary productivity in this system. Since detritivores are basically nonselective in acquiring their food, compared to herbivores, their dependence on a specific source of detritus may be related to its availability. Thus a budget of the relative sources of organic matter from autochthonous net production, river discharge, and mangrove export to the pool of organic matter in the Gambia estuary may reflect the importance of these sources of detritus to the fisheries of this system. The Gambia The annual net production of phytoplankton of the Gambia estuary was estimated from data collected on four cruises on the R/V Laurentian (Healey et al. 1985). The estuary was divided into three segments (Lower - Banjul to Mootah Point; Middle - Mootah Point to Kauntaur; Upper - Kauntaur to Goulombo) 47 and net production was measured at four times during the year within each segment using ^C uptake in light and dark BOD bottles incubated at various depths at each station. Net production was converted to a daily per m^ rate by integrating production with depth and assuming a production period of 9 h*d~ . Mean net productivity ranged from 0.7 to 152.9 mg G •m~2*s a c 3 3 cr 3 3 x: •3 s CO u 3 3 4-» CO 3 V4 3 > a cd O 3 o f-4 o ua CO TS G CD H •H CO « 3 J2 u 3 • i-4 CO u T3 3 0) 00 r-4 a u a •H CO 3 CO J3 CO 3 *3 <4-l 3 O 3 O 00 *W 3 i-l r-4 4-> CO CO i-» «H U >J 3 4-J CO • a *-4 (4-1 o CO u O H J3 00 CO u o CO a V4 JC CO CO d en 3 V4 co co r-4 «D 3 3 O CO CO r-4 CQ 04 > * 3 •3 «H 3 CO 3 u co O 3 Q r-4 f-» CJ o U CO 3 3 3 3 CO «H M a CO M CO CO T3 •H 3 CO O «H 00 3 CO 4-1 U a 00 (4 00 CO 1 a CO CQ O s 3 a 3 «H «H 3 9 o •H 3 3 a 3 3 I** 4 a 3 3 > 3 3 r-« 3 U-l o eg o CO 31 cu CO J-i o «*-4 3 3 3 3 T3 ^ CU CJ rH CO co > 3 f-» 3 m > X2 <4-4 3 CO U CO «H •H O T3 H» CO CO N X* H4 J3 CQ 3 -w 3 M o Xi w • a 2 a-H o > 3 92 >> >> .e 3 2 O 3 00 CO 3 3 3 ■3 3 a 0) 04 Jfi jfi CO 4J CO S 3 rH CU H 3 •H •H O U CQ o to o o CO J3 Q 4-> -u 3 -3 ^ >^ >> 3 al 3 -«S a a 3 3 > <-» i-4 n jfi X i-4 O CQ O A 4J CU 4= u o o 3 i-4 3 M CO co CO 3 CO a a 3 •H CO U o CQ cu o u M 3 >> >> H «H <4-4 •H 3 «H >> t4 a 3 T-* a Q 3 ^ >, cd XL J= 4-> 00 O M Ou Puj O a « CO CO i-4 O 4J u TJ « H u i a O 3 3 O g.3 CO CO r-4 CO H >> >> u J2 4J o o >! OJ-H u •H •H CO O M N r-4 r-4 1-4 u u 3 u CU o cu r-4 OJJS CO o a a O. Ui •3 Cjd «H •H •H cu •H h-4 -3 j3 o >> CO M i-4 O •H O o H4 cu 3 3 ■u >^ Q H »-3 H 04 H >: CJ CJ fe 04 04 X ^» (U w CO « 33 as 93 93 CO 93 53 africanus (Table 11). The higher carnivores had only fish in their guts and included Hemichromis fasciatus and Hepsetus odoe . The potential importance of this mangrove food web to the local economy may be evaluated using catch statistics of the artisanal river fishery for July 1982 - June 1983 (R. Moll, personal communication). Catches of Kujeli ( Polydactylus quadratilis ), Catfish ( Chrysichthys nigrodigitalis and £. furcatus ), and Jotor (Fonticulus elongatus ) constituted nearly 51.5% of the total catch of the arti- sanal fishery from Banjul to Kaur. Diets of the latter two groups represent mixed trophic levels with significant amounts of detritus, while Kajeli are middle carnivores feeding on shrimp and crab. In the upper river, from Kaur to Fatuto, nearly 30% of the annual catch is represented by Tilapia , which is a detritivore found in mangrove bolons. The three species of Talapia found in the bolon all had only detritus in their guts (Table 11). Collectively, these trophic levels of the mangrove food chain represent 40% of the grand total catch of fish for the Gambia River estuary. MANGROVES AND ESTUARINE RESOURCES MANGROVE STRESS An increase in the mortality of mangroves along the Gambia River estuary has been noticed over the past several years. Dead mangrove trees are par- ticularly evident along the more inland areas of the intertidal zone in bolons that extend several km from the main body of the estuary, e.g., Bintang bolon. According to Johnson (1978), patches of dead trees could not be detected in aerial photographs taken in January and February 1972, and that most of the impact was associated with trees <7 m in height. An understanding of what stress or stressors may be causing this increased mortality is needed in order 54 to discuss the impact of further changes in the ecology of the Gambia River basin* Two scenerios discussed below have been proposed as the cause of increased tree mortality of the mangrove forests - disease and drought. Disease Teas and McEwan (1982) cited a gall disease, simlar to one caused by a fungus [ Cylindrocaroen didymum (Hartig) Wallenw] in Florida, as responsible for mass mortality of Rhizophora sp. in the Gambia River estuary. Trees >20 m tall were most susceptible and galls were widespread throughout the mangroves along this estuary. Based on this evidence, Checchi and Company (1981) predicted that within 3-5 years there would be a mass loss of Rhizophora along the river, suggesting that present harvesting should be undertaken immediately to utilize what is presently left of this natural resource. Jimenez et al. (1984) suggested that galls are common among mangrove forests as a normal occurrence in forest development. By comparing several forests, they summarized that abnormal tree mortality by gall disease would require infestation of more than 25% of stems per ha. Since older trees are more susceptible to the fungus, infestation may represent a higher percentage of total basal area of the forest. Even in cases where there were abnormal infestations of the gall in mangrove forests, it was suspected that some other stress had increased the susceptibility of the forest to this disease. In The Gambia, dead trees comprise less than 15% of the total mangrove area according to a recent report by Forster (1983). This percent is well within the natural range for tree mortality among mangrove forests (Jiminez et al. 1984), indicating that there is not a mass mortality phenomenon occurring in mangrove forests along the Gambia River. 55 Drought Intertidal wetland forests do not fall into the classification of world life zones or plant formations by L.R. Holdridge (1967; Fig. 15) * These life zones are based on available precipitation, evapotranspiration, and mean temperature (biotemperature). Thus, the structure of plant communities can generally be described in relation to the net availability of water (precipitation - evapotransporation), as well as to temperature. Yet intertidal plant communities have the advantage of obtaining water from several sources other than just precipitation; these include groundwater flow, river flooding, and/or tidal inundation. In The Gambia, where water loss by evapotranspiration is high relative to precipitation, the high tidal amplitude and riverine discharge of the Gambia River basin subsidize the high demand for water from high annual mean temperatures (26 °C). Thus these forests are able to generate structure uncharacteristic of the very dry life zone in which they exist. The ability of mangrove forest structure to be independent of those character- istics for a particular life zone was also evident for forests in Florida, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Costa Rica (Pool et al. 1977). In this survey by Pool et al. (1977), mangrove forests with the second and fourth highest complexity index occurred in tropical dry forest life zones; these forests had more structure than those mangrove forests occurring in moist tropical life zones. Yet these life zone characteristics do emphasize a key point concerning the ecology of mangrove forests in arid environments - that they are very susceptible to slight changes in hydrology. For mangrove forests in arid life zones, small shifts in precipitation patterns become very noticeable in mangrove forest structure (Cintron et al. 1978). Cyclic patterns in mangrove forest succession and structure have been documented for arid environments of Puerto 56 I I ' | ' ! M'l'l'l'l'lllllllllllllllllllllll I ] i I . I ilililihl.lllll! u cu • cu /•■s O0r- T3 r*» •H C^ U fH T3 N^ rH O • 33 rH CO !* Xi U cu CO (3 rH O o •H o 4J PL4 CO E ►» & o *M T3 cu 4J jo c •H CO M rH a a CO CD u T3 o CO CO CO cu a CO o cu N > o CU n t+-l 00 •H c rH CO 6 T3 iH M M O O M-l S CO M-l cu O C o a N o •H CO 4J CU ctJ u a CO •H a *H •H •H TD CO d CO •H co iH X CJ O X> cu x: V4 -U CO rH M a o &o M-i c CO 4-) CO O U cu to ft CO •H cu P X! H fe 57 Rico in relation to cyclic patterns in rainfall (Cintron et al. 1978) * Similar observations have been made for mangroves in south Florida (Davis and Hilsenbeck 1974). In all of these cases, a reduction in rainfall resulted in increased soil salinity which resulted in an increase in tree mortality. This increased mortality resulted in vegetation shifts from forests to "tannes" or "salinas" (areas within the intertidal zone void of vegetation) that expanded at the expense of the area previously colonized by mangroves* The cyclic nature of these shifts in mangrove forest structure observed in Puerto Rico results from changes in soil salinity stress which influences tree mortality and areal coverage. Increased rainfall (sometimes in the form of a hurricane) stimulates regeneration of forests within unvegetated "tannes" with pioneer mangrove species such as Rhizophora . The mechanisms associated with this flip/ flop control of hydrology on mangrove forest structure is demonstrated in the model of mangrove ecosystem in Figure 16. The tank which depicts soil water (diagrams use energy language characters as in H. T. Odum 1971) has inputs and losses of water as discussed above. Since transpiration is so high, the turnover time of the tank is low and thus changes in inputs quickly result in increases in salinity which translate to stress on the mangrove forest. Cintron et al. (1978) suggested that management of mangroves in dry forest life zones should account for this cyclic phenomenon by maintaining buffer zones for the expansion of mangroves during "wet" years. Also, tree mortality should be accepted as a natural process in these forests, and thus short-term observations should be placed in the perspective of the cyclic nature of these systems. These observations by Cintron et al. (1978) are very applicable to the mangrove forests of The Gambia which are also located in an arid life zone. Marius (1981) has documented the change in mangroves along the Saloum, the 58 8 u o 60 CO o 00 as rO u u CO e cu 4-1 CO >> CO o o cu cu > o u 00 e B o 00 u CU c cu o CU /-\ O r-* • 3 ^4 O ta 33 59 Gambia, and Casamance estuaries in the last decade due to the increased drought conditions in this region. Data collected by Marius (1981) from 1971 to 1978 for a mangrove forest in Senegal (Fig. 17) indicate that vegetation shifts have resulted in a decline of mangrove forest cover due to the expansion of inland "tannes." Intertidal areas vegetated by Rhizophora and Avicennia during 1971 were areas of dead trees in 1974, and by 1978 these areas were bare land. Soil water properties of these areas also changed t salinity of areas once vegetated by mangroves increased from 60 ms - cm"^ in 1971 to 150 ms'cm"-'- by 1978, and pH of soil water in these areas declined from about 7 to <5. The levels of both of these properties (salinity and pH) shifted to values characteristic of vegetated and unvegetated "tannes," and are the result of a decrease in rainfall in the region (Marius 1981, see Fig. 3 of this report). Decreases in pre- cipitation inputs to the soil water compartment result in changes in many soil water properties such as salinity, pH, hydrogen sulfide content, and concentration of other potentially toxic constituents; thus the exact mechanism causing the decline in vegetation is not known. However, this phenomenon is identical to those described by Cintron et al. (1978) for other mangroves in arid environments and demonstrates the sensitive nature of these forests to changes in hydrology. IMPACT OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Justification for the proposed salt barrage at Balingho on the Gambia River estuary is based on controlling water levels and salt distribution in the river in order to increase agricultural production in the region. The restriction of salt water at Balingho will result in an increase in salinities in an area of the estuary that was formerly mesohaline. The lack of any freshwater flow to 60 E ^ P^^ KN.W R^? :^ kw^v^v ^sss UJ s UJ 003 Ui •» CD «o CO 00 CU .X3 00 O r-4 CU W CO C CO cd 3 U «H 4J ILi 2P e a o o ?-» 0EA0 TREES , TANNE UJ s^S^N^ kVvVV\ or < KV .2 > CO yj IN^ ^XSSsN CO kXVsS 0) ■•I NNX^ L^V^ z ^^ ■ Kxs>sx: kS>^v> z z Ui o co UJ cr o fc^sSNSS — l. -i ■ ' • • U 4J a) cd §-° a a a ° O T3 t-4 CU U CO 03 cd cu 00 00 cu rv. > ON T3 e o CO 4-1 5-1 r-l cu r*. Cd r-4 5 s r-4 O •H U O M-4 CO rH «4-J 03 O 60 cu >> c 4J CU •H W C •h e cd CO T3 c cd PS a c cd 5-4 cd 3 CO CU CO M o o o o IO (uioog *o) h<* (uio/sui) A1INHVS 30N3n03S N0J1VX393A CO o CU 00 CU e c cd o XI N U iH cd • T3 f-» «U S-i • cu M C 61 modulate the salinity of this region will drastically change the character of this region of the estuary. Estuaries need fresh water in order to be estuaries. The impoundment of fresh water by the proposed dam at Balingho will result in the formation of a marine ecosystem downstream. The encroachment of higher salinity water into this mesohaline region of the Gambia estuary and the cessation of a seasonal freshet during the rain season will have deleterious effects on mangrove ecosystems. As explained above, mangrove forests that exist in arid environments are very susceptible to changes in hydrology. Many mangroves in dry forest life zones are able to develop into highly structured forests, but only with the subsidy of some periodic "washout" by fresh water; such is the case for the mangroves in the Balingho region of the Gambia River estuary. Even under present conditions, the effects of increased stress as a result of a decline in precipitation can be observed in mangrove forests in this area. The encroachment of "tannes" into areas previously colonized by mangroves is evident in the Bintang bolon and has been documented for estuaries in Senegal (Marius 1981). The "whispey" appearance of the tips of tree limbs in the canopy of Rhizophora >20 m tall is particularly common at Yelitenda. This aberrant formation in mangrove trees results from the lack of water transpiring to the canopy due to increased salinity of water in the soil (S. Snedaker, personal communication). Increased salinity and a decline in riverine freshwater flow will only exacerbate these two phenomenon. The tall (>7 m) Rhizophora and Avicennia trees will die and the total area of mangrove cover will decline soon after the barrage is built. This impact below the barrage includes 29,160 ha of mangroves (trees >7 m) which represents an estimated 334.41 x 10 3 fyr"" 1 of dry mass from litter fall (from Table 6). Based on estimates of detritus export from these forests, that is 62 equivalent to a loss of 109.9 f yr"^ x 1CH of organic carbon from the estuary below the proposed barrage at Balingho. Water levels above the barrage will be maintained at +1.70 m GD and salt water penetration will be prohibited thus forming an expansive freshwater im- poundment in this region of the Gambia River. Evidence from studies on the effects of impoundments on mangroves varies as to which species are more susceptible to constant flooding; yet personal observation of impoundments in South Florida, USA, suggests that responses are specific to the magnitude and time interval of the change. Rhizophora can exist under flooded conditions only if the water level does not entirely cover the lenticels on their prop roots. Avicennia have root modifications called pneumatophores for transporting air to roots in an anaerobic environment. These pneumatophores are able to adapt to increasing water levels by elongation; for instance pneumatophores of Avicennia trees in the Mosquito Lagoon impoundment in Florida, USA, has pneumatophores that are 3 feet long. If the water level change occurs before pneumatophores can adapt, then these "root breathing" organs will be inundated and the trees will die. As previously discussed (see Fig. 5) J( water levels will be maintained at +1.7 m GD from July to December, and depending on the acreage of rice culti- vation, the water levels will drop from -1-1. 2 m (0 ha of cultivation) to -1.0 m GD (24,000 ha of cultivation) during the dry season. For 6 months of the year water levels will be above high tide level (at Banjul) and only at rice culti- vation of 8,000 ha will water levels drop to normal low tide levels. Since the duration of these water level changes will be much longer than the normal diel frequency of tides, it is anticipated that: the root system of existing mangrove forests will not be able to adapt to this impoundment. Mangrove forests with 63 much less structure may survive and the areas abandoned by the death of the larger trees will most likely be colonized by less productive marsh species rather than mangroves since the impoundment will be fresh water. A conservative impact of mangrove loss along the Gambia River above the barrage includes trees >7 m which represents 7,719 ha of forests (from Table 4). This is equivalent to about 111.4 x 10^ t dry mass /yr of litter in the watershed, which is equal to a loss of about 39.12 x 10^ tC # yr~^- of allochthonous organic carbon to the estuary. Since tidal amplitude will be nonexistant in the impoundment, which is the key mechanism for the transport of organic carbon from wetlands, this estimate of the decline in allochthonous organic carbon import to the river above Balingho is a gross underestimate. Together, the loss of allochthonous organic carbon to the Gambia River estuary below and above Balingho as a result of the proposed barrage equals 147.92 x 10 3 tC'yr"" 1 . This loss is equivalent to 82% of the present estimate of total detritus input from mangroves to the estuary. Since inputs of organic carbon from phytoplankton and riverine discharge are so low, this decline in allochthonous detritus from mangroves represents nearly 70% of the total inputs of organic matter to this system. This loss of organic matter to an estuary that presently supports a diverse detritus food chain could have a negative impact on the fisheries of the Gambia estuary. The productivity of mangroves is coupled to the estuary and this energy is transferred along a food web that produces a source of protein for the people of The Gambia. Thus the loss of this mangrove productivity in the form of decreased detritus flow into the Gambia estuary as a consequence of the barrage should be evaluated against the gain in agricultural production that may be provided in the region. As sug- gested by this study, the mangroves of The Gambia may be a vital national 64 resource to the artisanal fisheries of this estuary. With better utilization of this fishery by the Gambian government, these forests could contribute more significantly to the local economy as a natural resource, rather than as forestry products or freshwater impoundments as presently proposed. 65 REFERENCES Abell, T.M. 1980. Letter to R.J. McEwan, 28 May 1980. Overseas Develop- ment Administration, Land Resources Development Center. Surbiton, Surrey . England . Arid Lands Information Center. 1981. 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Site Distance Upriver (km) Oyster Bolon Lamin Island 5 Bintang 60 Duntu Malang Bolon 100 Tend aba Camp 1°° Yelitenda 129 Bai Tenda 145 Elephant Island 150 Jessadi Wharf Town 192 Kudung Tenda 235 Pasari Island 235 Georgetown 291 73 APPENDIX B. List of invertebrates collected in mangrove bolons along the Gambia River estuary. Mollusca Tymp ant onus fuscatus var. fuscatus Neritina adansoniana Crustacea Penaeid Shrimps Parapenaeopsis atlantica Penaeus duo r arum Prawn Shrimp Nematopalaemon hastatus Caridean Shrimp Paleomonetes sp. Mud Crabs Sesarma huzardi Sesarma elegans Panopeus africanus Blue Crabs Callinectus pallidus Callinectus amnicola Callinectus marginatus 74 APPENDIX C. List of fish species caught in the Bai Tenda bolon along the Gambia River estuary during 1983. Aplocheilichthy s normani Bostrychus africanus Chrysichthys furcatus Chrysychthys nigrodigitatus Cynoglossus senegalensis Elops lacerta Elops senegalensis Fonticulus elongatus Hemichromis bimaculatus Hemichromis fasciatus Hepsetus odoe Hydro cynus brevis Hyporhamphus picarti Ilisha africana Liza falcipinni s Pellonula vorax Plectorhynchus macrolepis Polydactylus quadrif ilis Pomadasys jubellini Porogobius schlegeli Psettias sebae Pseudotolithus senegalensis Pythonichthys m arcrurns Schilbe mystus Strongylura senegalensis Synodontis gambiensis Tilapia brevimanus Tilapia hendeloti Tilapia occidentalis Tilapia rheophila Tilapia sp. Trachinotus f al catus 75