ADULT, JUVENILE AND LARVAL FISH POPULATIONS IN THE VICINITY OF THE J- H. CAMPBELL POWER PLANT, EASTERN LAKE MICHIGAN, 1977-1980 DAVID J. JUDE, HEANG T. TIN, GEORGE R. HEUFELDER, PHILIP J. SCHNEEBERGER, CHARLES P. MADENJIAN, THOMAS L. RUTECKI, PAMELA J, MANSFIELD, NANCY A. AUER, GEORGE E. NOGUCHI Under contract with Consumers Power Company David J. Jude, Project Director Special Report Number 86 Great Lakes Research Division The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 November I98I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The successful completion of this research endeavor necessarily involved the cooperation and help of numerous individuals. In addition to all those individuals acknowledged in previous Special Reports 65» 73 and 79 of the Great Lakes Research Division, the I98O field effort, and compilation of data from 1977-1980 presented herein, have drawn upon the resources and expertise of a number of additional associates. Sharon Klinger, who co-authored past reports and was involved In much of the formation and improvement of the project, has departed for the U.S. Forest Service in Alaska. We greatly acknowledge her help and extend best wishes for continued success in the future. The financial support provided by the Consumers Power Company, Environmental Services Department, Jackson Michigan is acknowledged and appreciated. The assistance and suggestions of Ibrahim Zeitoun and John Gulvas are gratefully acknowledged. Maintenance and smooth operation of our field station was largely the result of the efforts of James Greiner, with commendable cooperation from supervisory personnel at Campbell Units 1, 2 and 3« Access to our sampling sites was graciously allowed by Lake Michigan shoreline residents Herbert Norder and Roy Glutting. The successful collection of field samples would have been impossible without the support of the crew of The University of Michigan's R/V Mysis, Captain Cliff Tetzloff and first mates Earl Wilson and Glen Tompkins. Their cheerful cooperation despite long and arduous hours is greatly appreciated. We are indebted to a number of larval fish sorters and adult fish processors including: Jeff Braunscheidel , Jim Greiner, Dennis Mounsey, Jodie Schlott, Laura Black, Loren Flath, Jim Wojcik, Pam Humphries, Phil Hirt, Sheryl Corey, Linda Cooley, Gerard Li 1 lie, Janet Huhn. Professor Harvey Blankespoor of Hope College has aided us greatly in finding qualified summer personnel as well as helping us on numerous occasions to process samples. Jan Parr is and Linda Gardner deserve much credit for handling the abundant detail involved in travel arrangements, equipment ordering, time keeping, correspondence and record keeping, which was much needed to keep our project afloat. Linda Gardner and Pam Downie are especially acknowledged for their efforts in preparing this 4-yr summary. Nelson Navarre helped with contract negotiations. Steve Schneider coordinated report reproduction. Frank Tesar critically reviewed the report with his usual incisive style. Illustrations in this text were prepared by Jeff Braunscheidel, Sheryl Corey and Mary Sweeney. Alan Mansfield and Mary Vian De Weert also assisted in report preparation. We greatly acknowledge the help of Steve Wineberg for sharing his expertise on computer-drawn graphics in this report, as well as Barb Ladewski for her help in developing programs for the word processing unit. Arrangements for loans of various equipment were arranged by Frank Tesar and Nancy Thurber, and are gratefully acknowledged. John Dorr Ml and Karl Luttrell provided inestimable assistance in the SCUBA program, often donating time and effort despite numerous other commitments. Final thanks go to the spouses and loved ones of all the authors, who often endured their absence with little complaint. t i i TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES y^]]\ INTRODUCTION • 1 STUDY AREA 3 METHODS 7 Introduction 7 Seining 7 Gillnetting 7 Trawling 9 Missing Adult and Juvenile Fish Samples 9 Fish Larvae Tows 9 S 1 ed Tows 12 Missing Larval Fish and Egg Samples 16 Fish Egg and Larvae Processing 16 Quality Assurance 17 Laboratory Analysis of Juvenile and Adult Fish 17 Data Processing and Calculations l8 Definition of Terms 19 SCUBA Observations 20 Statistics 23 Design and Analysis Considerations 2k Power Analysis 30 Fish Larvae Analysis 32 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 33 Total Catch 33 Most Abundant Species 55 Alewife 55 Rainbow Smelt 106 Spottail Shiner 142 Trout-perch 179 Unidentified Coregoninae 205 Yellow Perch 217 Less Abundant Species 255 Lake Trout 255 White Sucker 265 Johnny Darter 268 Emerald Shiner 271 Ninespine Stickleback 27^ Longnose Sucker 279 Slimy Sculpin 28l Round Whitefish 28i+ Gizzard Shad 286 Chinook Salmon 288 Coho Salmon 289 Lake Whitefish 290 Brown Trout 292 Rainbow Trout 292 Golden Shiner 294 Common Carp 294 Silver Redhorse 297 Channel Catfish 298 Shorthead Redhorse 298 Burbot 299 Mottled Sculpin 3OO Golden Redhorse 3OI Longnose Dace 30I Walleye 302 Central Mudminnow 302 Yellow Bullhead 303 Quillback 303 Deepwater (Fourhorn) Sculpin 303 Black Crappie 305 Freshwater Drum 305 Lake Herring 305 Northern Pike 306 Bluegill 306 Lake Sturgeon 306 Brook Silverside 307 Green Sunfish 307 Pumpkinseed 307 Logperch , 307 Smallmouth Bass 307 Bluntnose Minnow 308 Goldfish 308 Fathead Minnow 308 Damaged Larvae 308 Fish Eggs 318 Introduction . 31 8 Seasonal Distribution 319 Plant Effects 33I SCUBA Observations 332 1977 332 1978-1979 334 1980 334 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 338 Introduction 338 Total Catch 338 Alewife 339 Rainbow Smelt 339 Spottail Shiner 341 VI Trout-perch 3^^ Yellow Perch 344 Unidentified Coregoninae 3^7 Fish Eggs 3^9 SCUBA Observations 349 LITERATURE CITED 351 INDEX TO FISH SPECIES 363 APPENDIXES (1-11 in text) Al-AllB (12-41 in microfiche) A114-A358 VI I LIST OF TABLES (not exact table headings) Page Table 1. Monthly sampling scheme (dates and stations sampled) for juvenile and adult fish collections. 8 Table 2. Summary of juvenile and adult fish samples missing from proposed monthly sampling, 1977*1980. 10 Table 3* Fish larvae sampling depths (m) . 11 Table 4. Example of computational procedures used to correct larvae for upper level contamination, 14 Table 5« Experimental designs employed to analyze C.P.E. data for the six most abundant species caught, 1977-1980. 26-28 Table 6. Descriptive statistics for C.P.E. data used in the experimental designs for the six most abundant species caught, 1977-1980. 29-30 Table 7. Least detectable true ratio (LDTR) for each experimental design employed for the six most abundant species caught, 1977-1980. 31 Table 8. Family, scientific, common name and codes for all species of juvenile and adult fish captured, I377-I98O. 38-40 Table 9. Taxons and abbreviations of fish larvae captured, 1977-1980. 1,1.42 Table 10. Summary of all species caught by all gear types, 1977-1980. kk-k5 Table 11. Summary of all species caught by seines, 1977-1980. 48-49 Table 12. Summary of all species caught by surface gill nets, 1977-1980. 50 Table I3. Summary of all species caught by bottom gill nets, 1977-1980. 51-52 Table 14. Summary of all species caught by trawls, 1977-1980. 53-54 Table I5-I8. Mean density of all species of larval fish collected, 1977-1980. 56-59 Table I9. Analysis of variance summary for alewives caught in bottom gill nets at stations C and L, 1977-1980. 103 Table 20. Analysis of variance summary for alewives caught in bottom gill nets at stations C and L, I978-I98C. 103 ix Page Table 21. Analysis of variance summary for alewives caught in bottom gill nets at stations C, D, L and N, 1980. 10i> Table 22. Analysis of variance summary for alewives caught in surface gill nets at stations C and L, 1977-1980. 10^ Table 23- Analysis of variance summary for alewives caught in surface gill nets at stations C and L, 1978-1980. 105 Table 2k. Analysis of variance summary for alewives caught in seines at stations P, Q and R, 1977-1980. 105 Table 25- Analysis of variance summary for alewives caught in trawls at stations C and L, 1977-1980. 107 Table 26. Analysis of variance summary for alewives caught in trawls at stations C, D, L and N, I978-I98O. IO8 Table 27- Mean density of larval rainbow smelt, 1977-1980. 123 Table 28. Number of rainbow smelt caught by all gear types, 1977-1980. 141 Table 29* Analysis of variance summary for rainbow smelt caught in trawls at stations C and L, 1977-1980. 142 Table 30. Analysis of variance summary for rainbow smelt caught in trawls at stations C, D, L, and N, I978-I98O. 143 Table 31- Analysis of variance summary for spottail shiners caught in seines at stations P, Q and R, 1977-1980. l82 Table 32. Analysis of variance summary for spottail shiners caught in bottom gill nets at stations C and L, 1977-1980. l82 Table 33* Analysis of variance summary for spottail shiners caught in bottom gill nets at stations C and L. I978-I98O. I83 Table 34. Analysis of variance summary for spottail shiners caught in bottom gill nets at stations C, D, L and N, I98O. I83 Table 35* Analysis of variance summary for spottail shiners caught in trawls at stations C and L, 1977-1980. I85 Table 36. Analysis of variance summary for spottail shiners caught in trawls at stations C, D, L and N, I978-I98O. I86 Page Table 37- Analysis of variance summary for trout-perch caught in trawls at stations C and L, 1977-1980. 205 Table 38. Analysis of variance summary for trout-perch caught in trawls at stations C, D, L and N, I978-I98O. 206 Table 39* Total number of unidentified Coregoninae collected by each sampling gear type, I977-I98O. 210 Table kO, Unidentified Coregoninae collected by each gear type, 1977-1980. 211 Table 41. Numbers of unidentified Coregoninae collected (various stations combined) . 1977-1980. 212 Table k2. Gonad conditions of unidentified Coregoninae, 1980. 214 Table 43. Average length and standard error of YOY Coregoninae, 1977-1980. 215 Table 44. Analysis pf variance summary for unidentified Coregoninae caught in trawls at stations C and L, 1977-1980. 219 Table 45. Analysis of variance summary for unidentified Coregoninae caught in trawls at stations C, D, L and N, 1978-1980. 220 Table 46. Analysis of variance summary for yellow perch caught in bottom gill nets at stations C and L, 1977-1980. 252 Table 47. Analysis of variance summary for yellow perch caught in bottom gill nets at stations C and L, I978-I98O. 252 Table 48. Analysis of variance summary for yellow perch caught in bottom gill nets at stations C, D, L and N, I98O. 253 Table 49. Analysis of variance summary for yellow perch caught in trawls at stations C and L, 1977-1980. 253 Table 50. Analysis of variance summary for yellow perch caught in trawls at stations C, D, L and N, I978-I98O. 254 Table 51. Occurrence of sea lamprey scars on lake trout caught, 1980. 263 Table 52. Number of lake trout gillnetted at stations C and L, 1977-1980. 264 XI Page Table 53. Summary of gizzard shad catch by age-groups, 1977"1980. 288 Table 5k. Densities of all species of larvae in samples containing damaged larvae taken, 1977-1980. 310-316 Table 55. Summary of the abundance, distribution and temperature- catch relationships for larval, juvenile and adult alewife collected, 1977-1980. 3^0 Table 56. Summary of abundance and temperature-catch relationships for larval, juvenile and adult rainbow smelt collected, 1977-1980. 3^2 Table 57. Summary of abundance, distribution and temperature-catch relationships for larval, juvenile and adult spottail shiner collected, 1977-1980. 3^3 Table 58. Summary of the abundance, distribution and temperature- catch relationships for larval, juvenile and adult trout-perch col lected, 1977-1980. 3^5 Table 59. Summary of abundance, distribution and temperature-catch relationships for larval, juvenile and adult yellow perch collected, 1977-1980- 3^6 Table 60. Summary of abundance, distribution and temperature-catch relationships for larval, juvenile and adult unidentified Coregoninae col lected, 1977-1980. 3^8 XI I LIST OF FIGURES (not exact figure captions) Page igure 1. Scheme of the Campbell Plant and the l8 sampling stations. 4 igure 2. Scheme of various components of the intake and discharge system for Units 1, 2 and 3* 5 igure 3* Schematic representation of adjustment calculations for upper level contamination in larvae samples. 13 igure k. Benthic fish larvae sled. 15 igure 5« Scheme of Campbell Plant and the eight diving transects swum, 1977- 21 igure 6. Scheme of Unit 3 manifold depicting site of SCUBA observations, I979-I98O. 22 igure 7- Daily Lake Michigan water temperatures, 1977"'1980. 34"37 igures 8-I9. Density and length-frequency of larval alewives collected at I-3. 6-9 and 12-15 m, 1977-1980. 62-73 igure 20. Mean density of larval alewives for north and south transect stations, 1977-1980. 7^-77 igure 21. Length-frequency histograms for alewives collected at north and south transects, 1977-1980. 82-89 igure 22. Mean bottom temperatures observed during monthly sampling, 1977-1980. 92-9^ igure 23. Number of mature alewives with well developed, ripe- running and spent gonads, 1977-1980. 97 igure 2k. Geometric mean number plus one of alewives caught in bottom and surface gill nets at stations C and L, 1978-1980. 100 igure 25- Geometric mean number plus one of alewives caught in seines at stations P, Q and R, 1977-1980. 101 igure 26. Geometric mean number plus one of alewives caught in trawls at stations C, D, L and N, I978-I98O. 102 igures 27*36. Density and length-frequency of larval rainbow smelt collected at I-3, 6-9 and 12-15 m, 1977-1980. IIO-II9 igure 37- Mean density of larval rainbow smelt for north and south transect stations, I978-I98O. 120-122 Xi I i Page Figure 38. Length-frequency histograms for rainbow smelt collected at north and south transect stations, 1977-1980. 128-135 Figure 39* Number of mature rainbow smelt with well developed, ripe-running and spent gonads collected, 1977-1980. I38 Figure kO. Geometric mean number plus one of rainbow smelt caught in trawls at stations C, D, L and N, I978-I98O. ]kk Figures 41-52. Density and length-frequency of larval spottail shiners collected at 1-3, 6-9 and 12-15 m, 1977-1980. 146-157 Figure 53* ^lean density of larval spottail shiners for north and south transect stations, 1977-1980. 158-I6I Figure 5^, Length-frequency histograms for spottail shiners collected at north and south transect stations, 1977-1980. 166-173 Figure 55- Number of mature spottail shiners with well developed, ripe-running and spent gonads collected, 1977-1980. 175 Figure 56. Geometric mean number plus one of spottail shiners caught in seines at stations P, Q and R and in bottom gill nets at stations C and L, I978-I98O. I80 Figure 57- Geometric mean number plus one of spottail shiners caught in trawls at stations C, D, L and N, I978-I98O. 184 Figure 58. Length-frequency histograms for trout-perch collected at north and south transects, 1977-1980. 188-195 Figure 59* Number of mature trout-perch with well developed, ripe- running and spent gonads collected, 1977-1980. 200 Figure 60. Geometric mean number plus one of trout-perch caught in trawls at stations C, D, L and N, I978-I98O.. 207 Figure 6I. Monthly average length of unidentified Coregoninae collected in all sampling gear, 1977-1980. 208 Figure 62. Total number of different sizes of unidentified Coregoninae collected, 1977-1980. 209 Figure 63. Length-frequency distribution of unidentified Coregoninae collected by all gear, I98O. 213 XIV Page Figure Gk. Total number of unidentified Coregoninae caught in trawl hauls at stations C, D. L and N, I978-I98O. 21? Figure 65- Total number of unidentified Coregoninae caught in bottom gill nets at stations C, D, L and N, I98O. 2l8 Figure 66. Geometric mean number plus one of unidentified Coregoninae caught in trawls at stations C» D, L and N, 1978-1980. 221 Figures 67-77« Density and length-frequency of larval yellow perch collected at l-3» 6-9 and 12-15 m, 1977-1980. Figure 78. Mean density of larval yellow perch for north and south transect stations, I978-I98C. Figure 79- Length-frequency histograms for yellow perch collected at north and south transect stations, 1977"1980. Figure 80. Number of mature yellow perch with well developed, ripe-running and spent gonads collected, 1977-1980. Figure 8I. Geometric mean number plus one of yellow perch caught in bottom gill nets at stations C and L, I978-I98O. Figure 82. Geometric mean number plus one of yellow perch caught in trawls at stations C, D, L and N, I978-I98O. Figure 83. Numbers of lake trout fry collected in trawls and the fish larvae sled, I98O. Figure 8i*. Numbers of adult and juvenile lake trout collected in all gear, 1977-1980. Figure 85. Number of mature lake trout with well developed, ripe- running and spent gonads collected, I977-I98O. Figure 86. Number of white suckers collected by all gear, 1977-1980. Figure 87. Total catches of ninespine sticklebacks by month for south transect stations B through F, I978-I98O. 277 Figure 88. Number of mature ninespine sticklebacks with well developed, ripe-running and spent gonads collected, 1977-1980. 278 Figure 89. Number of mature slimy sculpins with well developed, ripe-running and spent gonads collected, I978-I98O. 283 XV 222-232 23it-236 238-245 249 251 255 257 258-259 262 267 Page Figure 90. Mean density of larval carp for north and south transect stations, 1977-1980. 296 Figures 9I-IOO. Density of fish eggs at all depths, 1977-1980. 320-329 XV I INTRODUCTION In 1975 Consumers Power Company, Jackson, Michigan began construction of a third unit at the J. H. Campbell Power Plant, Port Sheldon, Michigan. It was decided that the cooling water for this new unit would be drawn from Lake Michigan via an offshore intake pipe with an opening at the 11-m depth contour. The openings leading to the intake pipe were fitted with cylindrical wedge-wire screens with 9-5"nim openings. The number and configuration of screens were designed to supply adequate water for the cooling of Unit 3 while creating a minimal withdrawing current of approximately 0.2 m/s. The former discharge from Units 1 and 2 flowed through a canal opening at the shoreline of Lake Michigan. This scheme was modified in 1979-1980 to an offshore discharge structure which now accommodates the discharge from Units 1, 2 and 3. The number and configuration of diffusers at the end of the discharge pipe were designed to mix discharge water with Lake Michigan ambient water to promote mixing in the vicinity of the discharge structure so the change in water temperature over ambient does not exceed 1.7 C within a 29-hectare surface area (72 acres) . To address environmental concerns, an extensive surveillance study in the area was initiated. Environmental impacts of Units 1 and 2 on the fisheries in the area were addressed in previous reports (Jude et al. 1978, 1979a, I98O, 1981a). Additional reports describing the effects of Units 1 and 2 on the benthos of the area were also published (Winnell and Jude 1979, I98O) . The present report includes data taken during 1977-1980 in Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant and is intended as a baseline data set against which 1981 operational data (Unit 3) can be compared. The entire I98O data set was considered preoperational, since Unit 3 was infrequently operated in I98O following its completion in September. Our intent in designing the sampling scheme used at the Campbell Plant was to establish a spatial and temporal pattern of gear deployment such that all important species and sizes of fish that inhabit the Campbell Plant area were collected. To this end, we incorporated different gear for both adult and juvenile (seines, trawls, gill nets) and larval fish (pelagic net and sled tows) sampling. We increased the intensity of our sampling of larval fishes during the known spawning time of most abundant species (June, July, August). We also sampled a wide range of areas (beach zone out to 15 m in Lake Michigan) and we sampled during the day and night to obviate net avoidance and to collect day-active and night-active species. Onshore and offshore migrations could also be documented in this manner. In Lake Michigan, the classical treatment vs. reference area experiment was established to assess the future effects of the Unit 1, 2 and 3 discharge at 6 m and the Unit 3 intake at 11 m. A reference 6-m station about 3.1 km south has been fished regularly with surface and bottom gill nets, trawls and larval fish nets. Catches have been compared each year to establish whether differences exist between the two areas so that this station on the south transect can act as a valid control. During I98I, any effects of Unit 3 operation can be documented by comparing catches between the two areas. From 1977 to I98O, there have been a few minor changes in sampling design. These will be specified in detail in METHODS. Our comparisons among years are thought not to be seriously affected by these changes. This report will focus on the Lake Michigan catches of larval, juvenile and adult fish. We will establish the spatial and temporal variability observed in catches over the k yr and document the patterns of spawning, local inshore and offshore movements, migrations (immigration, emigration), nursery areas, effect of physical factors such as water temperature and upwel lings on fish behavior and some food eaten by selected species of fish will be discussed. Each major species of f i sh col lected in Lake Michigan during our 1977"*1980 studies will be discussed under headings of larvae, certain age-groups (YOY, yearlings, adults) and plant effects. Less abundant species will be discussed in a more general manner with efforts directed at seasonal distribution patterns, sizes collected, sex ratios and any atypical behavior or presence noted. STUDY AREA The J. H. Campbell Power Plant is located on the eastern shoreline of Lake Michigan in Port Sheldon Township (T6N, R6W) Ottawa County, Michigan (Fig. 1). Land immediately surrounding the the 3-24-km^ site is classified as '•dune'* area and is characterized by high sand dunes and bluffs (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1971)- Within an 8-km radius of the plant, land is primarily used for agriculture and forestry. The aquatic habitat immediate to the plant exhibits considerable variation. Situated directly south of the plant is Pigeon Lake, the natural collecting basin for the Pigeon River before it enters Lake Michigan. The drainage area of the Pigeon River (approximately 155 km^) supplies an average flow of 1.12-1.26 m^/s to Pigeon Lake (Water Resources Commission I968) . The present Unit 1 and 2 water usage of I8.7 m^/s for cooling condensers causes the natural flow of Pigeon Lake into Lake Michigan to be redirected through the plant. The balance of the water demand is supplied by Lake Michigan water which is drawn into Pigeon Lake. Outflowing water from Units 1 and 2 is discharged into a canal, which prior to 1979 opened at the shoreline of Lake Michigan approximately 1 km north of the entrance of Lake Michigan into Pigeon Lake (Fig. 1). Two stone jetties (366 m long) were constructed at the entrance of Lake Michigan to Pigeon Lake to maintain a passage from Pigeon Lake to Lake Michigan and thus ensure adequate flow of intake water for Units 1 and 2. A comprehensive ecological study of Pigeon Lake is presented by Jude et al. (198la) . The Lake Michigan area adjacent to the Campbell Plant receives considerable use as a recreational resource. Many sport fishermen troll for trout and salmon, and perch fishing is popular during the summer. Dipping for smelt occurs during the spring. Sailing, swimming and camping are other common recreational uses of the Lake Michigan shore zone. Depth contours in the area of the plant run roughly parallel to shore under normal conditions. However, during the study period, construction activities associated with the Unit 3 intake and discharge structures often resulted in abnormal sand bar formations due to extensive displacement of large volumes of sand. In 1973* construction began on an additional power generating unit (Unit 3) which would be situated adjacent to Units 1 and 2 and utilize a common discharge canal. In order to minimize environmental impact, cooling water for Unit 3 was to be drawn from Lake Michigan via an offshore intake pipe. Construction of this offshore intake pipe was initiated in April, 1978. The intake was to be of a branched arm design using 9»5""nim, wedge-wire screens (see Zeitoun, et al. I98I and Fig. 2) extending to about the 11-m contour. In addition to intake construction, construction of an offshore discharge, which would accommodate the warmwater discharge of Units 1, 2 and 3» was initiated concurrent 1 y . Fig. 1. Scheme of the J. H. Campbell Plant showing Lake Michigan and the 18 sampling stations (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, N, 0, P, Q, R, U and W) established for fisheries monitoring. From Pigeon LakeN '7/ illUU/>«^ Intake Screen ll-M DEPTH Units 1 and 2 Discharge Pipe Unit 3 Discharge Pipe Discharge Nozzle '6-M DEPTH Lake Michigan Fig. 2. Scheme of the J. H. Campbell Power Plant showing the various components of the intake and discharge system for Units 1, 2 and 3. Adapted from Randall and Landon (1981). Water intake and discharge systems and water flow for the Campbell Plant as of 1979 are illustrated in Figure 2. Intake water for Units 1 and 2 continues to be withdrawn from Lake Michigan through Pigeon Lake, while Unit 3 intake water comes from offshore intake structures located at the ll-m depth contour. Cooling water for Unit 3 "S gravity fed into the intake canal, and pumped from the canal into Unit 3 condensers* Discharges of all three units are released into a common canal adjacent to the Unit 3 intake canal. Four discharge pumps near the Lake Michigan shoreline pump the combined discharge of Units 1, 2 and 3 offshore in Lake Michigan to the 6-m depth. A variety of bypass mechanisms were incorporated into the entire intake system to provide adequate flow and water levels in the canals, as well as allowing recirculation for prevention of icing. Stations were established in the area immediate to the past onshore and present offshore discharge (Fig. 1). This transect was chosen to monitor fish distribution in the area affected by the onshore discharge (Units 1 and 2) and potentially affected by the offshore discharge (Units 1, 2 and 3)* Stations I, J, L, N, 0, U and W (north transect) ranged in depth from 1 .5 m at station I to 15 m at station W. Two 6-m stations were chosen at this north transect. Station L (6m), located approximately 0.3 km south of the Unit 3 discharge, and station U (6m), approximately O.3 km north of the discharge, were chosen to aid in monitoring the projected thermal plume and its effect on pelagic fish movement. Station U will be referred to as 6 m, north discharge throughout the text. Station L will be referenced as 6 m, north, except when referring to gill nets when for clarity it will be designated 6 m, south discharge. Additional stations were chosen at a sequence of depth contours approximately 3.1 km south of the power plant in Lake Michigan (Fig. 1). This reference transect was chosen for its position outside the influence of the present and projected thermal plume and intake channel. Data from these stations are invaluable in describing "normal" trends in fish distribution occurring in Lake Michigan. Stations A - F (south transect) ranged in depth from 1.5 m at station A to 15 m at station F, with intervening stations B, C, D and E separated by ^-m depth intervals. Of the three Lake Michigan beach stations established, one (station P - Fig. 1) was positioned in the vicinity of the south open water transect (approximately 3.I km south of the plant) as a reference station in the shoreline area. The two additional stations in the vicinity of the former onshore discharge canal (station Q, approximately 0.6 km south of the discharge and station R, approximately 0.6 km north of the discharge - Fig. 1) aid in monitoring the thermal plume and its effect on shoreline fish movement. Throughout the study period slight changes in the sampling scheme were initiated to improve the data set in response to changing needs. These changes, along with those alterations in the scheme over the k yr imposed by construction activities, are summarized in the METHODS section. METHODS INTRODUCTION Adult and juvenile fish sampling scheme changes at the J. H. Campbell Plant from 1977 to I98O (Table 1) reflect refinement of our study objectives over the k yr to answer additional questions which arose after the initial sampling years. As new information became available regarding placement and configuration of the new offshore intake for Unit 3 and the combined discharge structures for Units 1, 2 and 3» deletion of some stations, which provided more peripheral information, and addition of other stations within the possible zone of influence of the intake and discharge structures became necessary. Throughout the k yr, sampling methods and the gear itself remained constant and are described as follows. SEINING Seining was performed using a 0.6-cm (0.25 in) mesh nylon seine, 15.2 m x 1.8 m (50 ft X 6 ft) including a 1.8-m (6 ft) bag. The seine was hauled parallel to shore for a distance of 6I m (200 ft). Duplicate non-overlapping hauls were performed both day and night at all seining stations. Monthly seining was performed from April through November (commencing in June 1977) at three beach stations in Lake Michigan (Table 1, Fig. 1). Hauls were performed against the current when possible. During times when waves and current did not permit seining against the current, hauls were made in the direction of the current. Over the k yr, sampling stations for seining remained constant. Limnological and physical data (water temperature, secchi disc, wind and wave height) were recorded each time a gear was fished (see Appendixes 2, 3 and k) . GILLNETTING Nylon experimental gill nets 36.6 m x 1.8 m (120 ft x 6 ft) were set once a month for approximately 12 h during daylight and 12 h during the night from April to November (commencing in June 1977) • Each gill net was composed of 12 panels, each 3 m long, starting with 1.3-cm (O.5 in) bar mesh and proceeding in 0.6-cm (0.25 in) increments up to 7.6-cm (3 in) mesh, with the last panel having 10.2-cm (4 in) mesh. Two of these nets fastened end to end were set together and considered replicates. All gill nets were set parallel to shore. During all k yr, bottom gill nets were set at the I.5-, 3-, 6-, 9- and 12-m depth contours on the reference transect 3-1 km south of the plant (also referred to as the south transect) and at the 6-m depth contour opposite the former onshore discharge canal (Fig. 1). In 1978, this north station (L) was shifted in its designation slightly to the south, but was still within the influence of the thermal plume, while an additional 6-m north station (station U-Fig. 1) was added north of station L in the event that the thermal plume moved north after coming from the discharge. Station L in this report is referred to as 6 m, south discharge and station U is referred to as 6 m, north discharge. Bottom gillnetting at station U (6 m, north discharge) and station N (9-m depth contour. Fig. 1) commenced in 1980 to better document any attraction of fish to the intake and discharge area. Table 1. Monthly sampling series for juvenile and adult fish at selected stations in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, Port Sheldon, Michigan. Trawling at station B (3 m) was only done during conditions of reduced wave height. Maximum Beach Surface Bottom Bottom Station Depth (m) Seining Gillnetting Gillnetting Trawling A 1.5 1977-1980 B 3.0 1977-1980 1977-1980 C 6.0 1977-1980 1977-1980 1977-1980 D 9.0 Jun-Aug 1977 1977-1980 1977-1980 E 12.0 Jun-Aug 1977 1977-1980 1977-1980 F 15.0 1977-1980 G 18.0 1977 (Day only) H 21.0 1977 (Day only) L 6.0 1977-1980 1977-1980 1977-1980 U 6.0 1978-1980 1980 N 9.0 1980 1978-1980 P 1.5 1977-1980 Q 1.5 1977-1980 R 1.5 1977-1980 Surface gill nets, which are identical to bottom gill nets except for additional floats, were set in all years at the 6-m depth contour at the reference and north transects. In 1978 the previously described station addition (station U, 6 m, north discharge) and modification of the existing 6- m north transect station L were effected to increase surface gill net sampling in the zone of influence of the thermal plume. Additional surface gillnetting was performed at the 9- and 12-m south transect stations only from June to August 1977- TRAWLING Bottom trawling was performed using the University of Michigan's R/V Mysis, All trawl hauls were made at an average speed of 4.8 km/h (3 mph) . Duplicate 10-min hauls were performed at the 6-, 9*". ^2- and 15"ni depth contours on a transect 3«1 km south of the plant and at the 6-m depth contour in the vicinity of the new discharge/intake structures at the Campbell Plant. Trawling was performed each year once per month from April to December except in 1977 when trawling commenced in June. In 1977 additional day trawl hauls were performed from June to August at the l8- and 21-m depth contours at the south reference transect. In 1978 a 9""' contour station (station N) was added to the trawling scheme at the north transect to better document the attraction of fish to the intake and discharge area. During all sampling periods, 1977-1980, the 3-m south reference station B was trawled only if diminished wave heights occurred. A semi-balloon, nylon otter trawl having a if.9-m (I6 ft) headrope and a 5.8-m (19 ft) footrope was used. The body and cod end of the net were composed of 1.9""cm (0.75 in) and 1.6-cm (0.62 in) bar mesh respectively, while the cod end inner liner was 0.63-cm (0.25 in) bar mesh. All trawl hauls were taken parallel to shore following the station depth contour. Two replicate samples were obtained at each station by once trawling south to north and once trawling north to south. MISSING ADULT AND JUVENILE FISH SAMPLES While it was hoped that proposed fishing could be performed every month, this was not always possible due to inclement weather, construction activity in the area, or equipment failure. Within reasonable time constraints, effort was made to reschedule sampling which was deleted because of inclement weather. In addition a number of samples over the k yr were inadvertently lost before they could be examined. In the case of lost samples, these were carefully reconstructed using field record sheets which were filled out at time of collection. Data from fish collected in the replicate sample could often be used to reconstruct missing length, weight or sexual condition data. Table 2 summarizes all samples of juvenile and adult fish which were missing from our collections during 1977*1980. FISH LARVAE TOWS Fish larvae, arbitrarily defined as any fish less than 2.5^ cm total length, were collected using a 0.5-n! diameter, nylon plankton net of no. 2 mesh (363-micron aperture). A Rigosha flowmeter (Rigosha and Co. Ltd., 10-4 Kajicho 1-Chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 101 Japan) attached to the center opening of the plankton net was used to calculate volume of water sampled. When flowmeters were not available or stopped functioning, average flowmeter values were computed from readings available from the same stations at other times or from stations of comparable depth. Suspect flowmeter readings were changed when accuracy was questionable. All meter revolutions were converted to Table 2. Summary of juvenile and adult fish samples missing from the proposed monthly sampling series near the J. H. Campbell Power Plant, eastern Lake Michigan 1977"1980. Number of missing observations in parentheses. Year Samples Missing 1977 June - All night gill net sets (I6) August - night surface gill nets at stations C (6 m, south reference) and L (6 m, north discharge) (4) October - All day and night gill nets (32) 1978 April - night trawls at station L (6 m, north discharge) (2) day bottom gill net at station A* (I.5 m, south) (1) day surface gill net at U (6 m» north discharge) (2) June - night trawl at station N (9 m, north) (1) July - day surface gill net at U* (6 m, north discharge) (1) night surface gill net at L (6 m, south discharge) (1) August - day trawl at station B (3 m, south) (1) October - night trawl at station D* (9 m, south) day seine at station P* (beach - south reference) November - day bottom gill nets at stations B* (3 m, south) and E (12 m, south) (2) night surface gill nets at stations C, L and U (all 6 m stations) (6) 1979 November - night surface gill net at station L* (6 m, south discharge) day and night bottom gill net at A (I.5 m, south) (4) day trawl at station B (3 m, south) (2) 1980 July - night bottom gill net at U* (6 m, north discharge) September - day and night trawl at B (3 m, south) November - night bottom gill nets at A (I.5 m, south), B (3 m, south) and D (9 m, south) (3) ^Samples reconstructed for purposes of analysis. 10 volume filtered using 1 revolution - 15 liters. Flowmeters were calibrated in a swimming pool by walking a measured distance with a flowmeter attached to a 0.5-m diameter hoop without the net (see Jude et al. 1979b). Duplicate surface tow samples were collected at the seining stations in Lake Michigan (Fig. 1). Three people simultaneously hand-towed two nets for a distance of approximately 6I m (200 ft) once during the day and once at night. Beach tows were performed twice in June, July and August and once in April, May and September during I978-I98O. In 1977» beach tows were performed twice in June and July (three times at station R in July) and once in August, September, October and November. Horizontal 5-min fish larvae tows were also performed at discrete depths parallel to shore at 13 stations in Lake Michigan (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, N, 0) in 1977 (sampling at stations I, J, N and commenced in July 1977) and 12 stations (A, B, C, D, E, F, I, J, L, N, 0, W) from 1978 to I98O. A summary of station depths and sampling strata is presented in Table 3* Sampling was performed both day and night on the same schedule as beach tow samples. Additionally, station L (6 m, south discharge) was sampled three times in July 1977- The series of tows performed in mid-July 1977 at north transect stations by Consumers Power personnel were made at slightly different depth strata compared with our standard series tows. Table 3- Fish larvae sampling depths (m) from selected stations in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan 1977"1980. South transect stations G* H* North transect stations W# Q, R Tow depth (m) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 ^.5 4.0 5.0 k.O ^♦•5 6.0 8.5 9.0 10.0 5.5 6.5 9.0 11.5 14.0 15.0 8.5 11.0 lif.O 17.0 20.0 0.5 Max i mum depth (m) 1.5 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 21.0 * Stations only sampled during 1977. # Station added to sampling scheme in 1978-1980. 11 Larvae tows performed in Lake Michigan at depths of } m and less were taken from 6-7"ni-]ong outboard motorboats. The University of Michigan's R/V Mysis was used for tows at deeper stations. For each tow, the procedure was similar and was as follows: 1) Plankton net with attached mason jar and depressor lowered to desired depth (average ship speed: 3''6 km/h or 2-4 mph) . 2) Plankton net towed horizontally for 5 niin starting at the desired depth which was obtained by measuring cable or rope angle and tr igonometr ical ly calculating the amount of cable or rope to be released to reach desired depth. 3) Plankton net hauled to surface and washed using a water hose from the vessel used. k) Contents rinsed into the wide-mouth glass (0.47 liter) Mason jar, preserved (40 ml of buffered formaldehyde), labeled and sealed. Total numbers of larvae captured in all tows (other than surface tows) were adjusted to compensate for upper strata contamination. The adjustment procedure is outlined in Fig. 3* The method consists of sequential subtraction of numbers of larvae from the lower water depth levels based upon densities observed in upper water strata. We assumed that larvae were homogeneously distributed within a water stratum and that nets passing through a particular stratum from a lower level would catch larvae in proportion to the volume of water filtered. Larvae from all tows conducted below the surface stratum, which were probably caught during the vertical haul following termination of the horizontal tow, were removed via calculation from the final total larvae density presented. We assumed that contamination occurring while lowering the net was negligible. The effect of differential vertical distribution due to larvae size was mitigated by stratifying larvae from each sample into 0.5*nim length intervals. A total of 5^ length intervals were defined for fish larvae. Vertical net hauls, conducted in a 3«6"ni-deep swimming pool, were used to estimate the volume of water filtered per meter of vertical tow. Mean volume filtered was 0.48 m^ (28 ± 0.52 SE revolutions) yielding a correction factor of 0.l8 m^ water filtered/meter of vertical haul. An example of this adjustment procedure is presented in Table 4. Length-frequency histograms were prepared for various combinations of the larval fish data. Data were presented as a percentage of the total based on densities. Thus, collection of two larvae of different sizes (n » 2) and presentation of these data would not necessarily yield a histogram showing 50%: 50%. SLED TOWS Bottom tows were performed with a benthic fish larvae sled equipped with a flowmeter (Yocum and Tesar I98O) (Fig. 4). A single 5""niin sled tow was performed once during the day and once at night at all Lake Michigan stations (except beach station R - north discharge) coincident with other fish larvae tows when time and weather permitted. During 1977 only selected stations were sampled, while consistent collection at all stations (except station R) 12 / / 7 A ^\ / STIUTA 1 / *^ T, /J u STMATA 2 / V / v STRATA 9 *1 ^1 /'•/ STUATA 4 / -4 \ / » / STRATA 9 / s \ / CALCULATION PROCEDURE: !• Convert current meter reading to voltime filtered (V^) 2. Stratify total larval (T^^) catch for each sample depth Interval Into n 0.5-mm length Intervals, denoted by Nj^ ^* n Thus, T^ - E N4 _ ^ ir-l ^*" 3. Calculate average concentration of larvae of length class m in the first stratum for all m. T»*"«» \,j!, - ^^^ 4. Begin iterative calculation of adjusted average concentrations of larvae for each depth stratum where i-1 _ ^lOOOftli^^ - trc (0.18(1 dj Z^^^IXmO^ c -i ' 3-1 ' ^i,m \ ^ a if a > i-1 Vi - 0.18 E d4 J-1 ^ . otherwise where d^ • vertical depth of water in the i-th water stratum D - total depth of water column 5 D - r di i-1 T|^ « total uncorrected catch of larvae in the i-th water stratum. N^ ^a » total uncorrected catch of larvae of the m-th size class caught in the i-th water stratum. Vj - estimates volume of water filtered by net towed in stratum i. (0.18; » correction factor expressed in terms of volume of water filtered/meter of vertical tow. i.e., units « m^ 2 — ■ m m trc(*) ■ function which truncates argument to nearest non-negative integer number. C|^^n ■ 3 ^ c o Q) o c i-l o ^ U ^ ^ O 0) "^ ^^ CO u GO 6 • 0) o c c - o iH CL CD o -H c: 9- >^ o 2: ^ CD CO Q) ""w/ u (U (1) Cd Cd Cd > > CO U *j o ;3 >-^ CO a Cd •H Cd <: M o g M-i 4J QJ Cd -9 •*■ •*-» o e 2 o 0) a V4 • V-i CO O B O V4 ^ Cd Cd ^ o a o 3 rH 60 C M^ 4J p N-/ tH O rH Cd Cd m < Cd U T C 4J H O 0) o •H u 4J u 3 Cd ex) U "H 3 Pt* V4 •^ /-v a 0) 0) (um 6 o g 4J rH S o -u p Cd a^ o rH ^ S u O Cd -r M-i Oi > M-j CO > O M-l O 0) 0) p:^ tH MH a o B B • P y^ Cd C u u B >^ CM CM .-H CM CO CM r-» CM ^ CM CO CM -H O O O O O O O o o o o o o o CM 1-H CO CM vO •— 4 vO v— I vo vo o o m 00 o ^ ,-4 ,-^ ,^ r-t CM CM VO e o MH a c o cd •H Cd o a Cd u u 0) O- O c 4-» CO o ]k ^ X o V) LlJ ^jA 2lxJ x< l-> 2 0: LJ< GQ J UI9 g2£ (D 4J M <3J ^ rH 6 M CO cd cd > •H .f-j O TJ S C 0) B o u 1 CO m cd ^ • 6 o o 4J 0) c a CO O -H cd rH a (U >. c: <: V4 o M-4 CM • d 60 • 5 c O O -H c X^ u CO > 3 TJ J-i C -H 0) Cd -H ^ ^ iH g U 3 TJ tH tH 0) o tE Cd cd 4J 4J i> CO c o M (u :3 (U » N Cd ^ O iH 13 a. o iJ u O u O Ti C u K a> 0) o d a 0) CJ O V4 M a (u a o a. •MO) O V4 cd 4-1 TJ 0) 0) ^ O 0) CO 4J rH d M c -u 0) H 4J T3 4J 0) 0) 00^ rH a c: CO 5 H a O ^ -H 0) iH 0) 4J cd «4-4 M CO > a Cd ^4 cd CO rH Cd X a iH CO >» O ^ (U X 50 ^ CO -H W 4J •H p^ r>» •H a\ TJ 1^ >>■• ■U ^ • 00 rH •H CO 0) u 0) o; JC 4J (U 'TS HD C ^ cd a C o cd V4 00 pC4 •H x: a • •H r^ S r^ 0^ (U 1-4 ^ cd 4J h3 CO 3 00 00 c p •H < :^ o o ^ f— 1 CO 1 a> ^ c A CO >^ iH ^ P-i a CO iH U r-l 00 Q) o ^ CI* D- o S u CO U e o • 4J 33 iJ o • ^ ^-0 M <]) o x: 4-> u •H fi M-l o O e a o B u (U ^ B o 3 w ^ CO • CO u m o 0) CO • c 00 CO •H v-i P^ 4-> 21 riprap (crushed limestone 0.1-2.5 m in diameter; 225""900 kg) deposited during intake construction to reduce erosion of in-lake cooling water intake structures. The standard series dives were conducted using two or three divers equipped with SCUBA. Divers always swam side by side and either 1 or 2 m apart. Divers made observations at the intake station (southeast arm of intake manifold) (Fig. 6) by swimming southwest along the west side of the seven risers and back northeast along the east side of the risers (approximately 50 m total). While swimming, each diver examined a plot of 2 m in width. In addition the divers swam for 5 min, side by side on the sand directly south of the southeast intake arm. Divers were 2 m apart during this swim. CAMPBELL PLANT UNIT 3 INTAKE MANIFOLD CONFIGURATION 0030 SCALE IN METERS / SOUTHEAST ARM LAKE BOTTOM l.UM DIA. RISER 2.4.M DIA. HEADER PIPE Fig. 6. Scheme of the J. H. Campbell Plant Unit 3 intake manifold depicting site of SCUBA observations during 1979 and 1980. Inset shows enlargement of an individual riser with two accompanying screens. 22 The previously described stations and observational methods comprise our monthly standard series sampling effort. Due to construction activity in the study area sampling did not begin until June. However, dives were undertaken in May and June to select the best sites for standard series dives. Observations were made following the format of Dorr and Miller (1975) and were recorded underwater on water-resistant paper. Because of the uneven nature of the riprap substrate at the Campbell Plant, abundance of cryptozoic or demersal organisms was most likely underestimated. Large chunks of limestone (approximately 2 m in diameter) rest on the bottom in such a manner as to produce a vast number of small fissures and interstices which cannot be examined and may contain demersal organisms. STATISTICS One objective of this study was to see how fish populations fluctuate from year to year and to detect differences in fish abundances between the reference area and the zone of influence (area of Lake Michigan affected by the intake of cooling water and discharge of heated water). Catch-per-uni t- effort (CPE) was utilized as an index of abundance, providing estimates of relative population size. Note that CPE is an index of numerical abundance and not an absolute measure of population size. Replicate samples were taken using trawls, seines and gill nets. Each sample represented one unit of effort. One unit of trawling effort was defined as a 10-min tow, one unit of gill net effort was defined as one lift of one replicate of the net adjusted to a standard 12-h fishing period and one unit of seining effort was defined as a 6l-m sweep parallel to shore with the seine. There are many problems equating units of effort of one gear type to effort units of another, so abundance indices for different gear types are not directly comparable (Lawrie and Rahrer 1973) • However, CPE values for different gear types may provide complementary information about a particular fish population. For example, individual fish which might avoid trawls might be captured by gill nets. Conversely, fish which are too small to be captured in gill nets are likely to be caught with seines and trawls. Assuming that biases of each gear are constant over time and sampling stations, standardized units of effort for each gear ensured that CPE was a reliable index for abundance for fish populations (Ricker 1975)- Although the data were analyzed separately for each gear type for a particular species, the aggregate of the results for all gear types was reviewed for that species. BMD8V was used to perform the analyses of variance (ANOVA) on the adult and juvenile fish data (Statistical Research Laboratory 1975). Attained significance values for ANOVA F-statistics were generated from TABLES, an interactive computer program for statistical probability distributions (Fox 1978). The Michigan Interactive Data Analysis System (MIDAS - Fox and Guire 1973) was used for analyses of ANOVA residuals. Residuals, defined as the difference between the cell mean and actual data value, were examined to determine how well ANOVA model assumptions were met (Draper and Smith I966) . A FORTRAN program was written to compute the LDTR (Least Detectable True Ratios). MIDAS was used to perform the Wilcoxon signed ranks test on the larvae data. 23 Design and Analysis Considerations Statistical analyses were performed on catch data of the six most abundant species of fish collected during field sampling in Lake Michigan. They included: spottail shiner, alewife, rainbow smelt, yellow perch, trout- perch and unidentified Coregoninae. Differences in fish abundance between the reference area and the zone of influence were examined using analysis of variance (ANOVA) . These analyses will hopefully provide information to determine what impact the power plant may be having on fish populations. The experimental designs were analyzed as completely crossed, factorial models with YEAR, MONTH, AREA, DEPTH (for some designs) and TIME OF DAY as design variables (Table 5)* All factors were considered fixed. The response variable was either number of fish per unit of effort or a transform thereof. We transformed raw data by taking log of the sum of CPE plus one. The addition of one ensured inclusion of zero values of CPE in the transformed data. This transformation was designed to reduce data variance so ANOVA assumptions might be more closely met. The factorial ANOVA designs were chosen according to species, gear type and presence of zero values in data (Table 5)- The YEAR factor was examined for each gear type to see if population abundances were significantly different among the 3 yr. The MONTH factor was expected to explain a considerable amount of variation attributable to seasonal changes in fish abundance. The STATION factor was designed to test for differences between the reference station C (6 m, south) and the zone of influence station L (6 m, north) for trawl and gill net models, while for seining, this factor was designed to test for differences between beach reference station P (1 m, south) and treatment stations Q (south discharge) and R (north discharge). AREA was used in the second trawl design to examine differences between the reference area [stations C (6 m, south) and D (9 m, south)] and the zone of influence [stations L (6 m, north) and N (9 m, north) ]• Depth was used in this design to compare abundances between the 6- and g"'" contours. The data for 6- and 9"ni stations were analyzed only for 1978-I98O because trawl samples were not collected at station N (9 m, north) In 1977. TIME OF DAY was employed in all of the designs. A main effect or an interaction was considered significant if the attained significance (p) of its statistical test was less than 0.01 (p < 0.01); the main effect or Interaction was considered highly significant If the attained significance (p) for its test was less than 0.001 (p < 0.001) . Assumptions for the ANOVA model were: 1) residuals are normally distributed, 2) variances of the population are constant for all partitions of the population and 3) observations are statistically Independent. Balanced factorial ANOVA are robust to the assumptions of normality and homogenous variances. In other words, moderate departures from these assumptions do not completely invalidate results of the model. Violation of the independence assumption may have more serious consequences. Examination of frequency histograms of residuals and plots of residuals versus cell means indicate that the assumptions of normality and homogeneous variances were not seriously violated. 24 Given that these assumptions are met, sensitivity of the ANOVA model to detect the alternate hypothesis can be calculated. In this study, we were interested in detecting significant differences between areas (or stations). The least detectable true change (LDTC) is the minimum difference in mean abundance between areas (or stations) that can be detected by our experimental design. The formula we used for LDTC, as presented by Jude et al. (1979^), is as fol lows : 6-s{2/n)^ (t^.v + 4(1-P),v) Where: 6 = least detectable true change (LDTC) s « within cell standard deviation of the ANOVA (i.e., the square root of the mean square error) n « number of observations in each of the two groups being compared a a significance level t = Student's t-statistic V = degrees of freedom for the error sum of squares of the ANOVA P » power (the probability that a true difference will be judged significant by the ANOVA test) Results for all ANOVA models were computed using both raw and log- transformed data. Data for all species and gear types were initially screened by calculating mean catch (which was equal in value to mean CPE since effort for collecting any one sample was always one), its variance and percentage of zero values in the design matrix. Summary statistics for those data sets considered amenable to further statistical analyses (Table 6) showed that percentage of zero catches for these data usually exceeded 25%. Consequently, distribution of values was generally bimodal with modes at zero and near the geometric means. The transformation did, however, yield residuals which were slightly closer to meeting ANOVA assumptions than residuals from raw-data values. Unless stated otherwise, future references to abundance when discussing the ANOVA results will refer to geometric mean abundance derived from log-transformed data. Geometric means for various partitions of the data were derived by back transforming cell means from log^^Q-transf ormed data. For example, if x represents the mean catch for log-transformed data, then x"= 10^ is the geometric mean catch. Use of log-transformed data can yield cell means which are not in the same ranking order as cell means from the original data. If so, the geometric means will also differ in ranking order since the exponential function is monotonic. When using log-transformed data, the LDTC or 6 is expressed as the change in the logarithm of fish numbers and not in terms of the actual numbers of fish. Back transforming 6 yields 10^; 10^ represents the ratio of the mean number of fish per unit effort plus one for reference area RA to that of experimental area PA (pi ant- i nf 1 uenced area). In the transformed coordinate 25 CO O P-* S r^ o> X ^ CO * fi 0) CQ ^ 00 U T-l u a CO % • CO 0) CO Jl o 0) >^ >.^ O -H 6 O CO C 0) •H 4J CO 0) (3 CO ^ 0) CO S CJ }^ CO 0) 0) X O • M 0) O a«c:o CO o> O CJ c a CO X 0) CO 0) •H U (U a CO u o o CO 13 •H I ^ 3 4J O fl U 0) U ^3 0) •H T3 3 C 0) CO CO *n o u u O (U D CO O U U CO X CO C C 3 c O CO 00 x: u c o o CJ S 13 CO CO c ^ CO CO 13 x: u s: (U a 0) :j }-i fH 00 3 o u 0) ^ 3 M • > ^ CO a ^a o x: o >^ a CO 0) c •z >• a en CO 0) c •H CO •H < H P 3 O ^ CO ^ a o 0) u a O a O 0) ^ 3 M C »H CO 00 CJ 0) •H C 00 CO -H o 00 o I a hJ 00 CO 1 CO ^ • 13 • 3 4J 00 13 s: 13 0) 3 0) CO 3 0) 00 (U 13 00 13 13 ^a CO 3 N J3 3 •H •H }^ >» iJ >» CJ -3 fH CO 3 0) ^ rH CO u fH M 00 a Q) 3 CO 4J CO 13 JZ CO 0) 3 3 13 3 3 u 3 a •H 13 •H OJ CO x: CO u fH C 3 3 a >> ^ ^ 0) CO CO 3 0) V4 s 0) u U u 00»-D ^ 0) u fH ^ 3 . 3 V4 •H ^ a 4-i u 3 4^ M •n 0) M 0) 3 0) 3 V4 > 13 3 cu •H 3 OJ 3 b 4J z ^ z CO a CO •H V4 (U 3 4J 0) •H fH J3 13 CO *3 3J CJ J3 (U 3 cn a u a "H •H CO 0) M VM 3 fH a 0) -H •H 0) ^ 0^ 4-t 00 CO 'H :^ 1 3 (U iJ "H ^ u < H 33 ^ 1-5 V4 ai3 >% CO 13 3 M-J V-i J3 •H U V4 4J 4J 0) a CO 3 CO a CO 0) 4-1 •H PS4 >• s CO H i 3 CO 4J M u a /-^ 3 /-\ vO ^ ^ >^^ 4^ A 4-) U CJ 3 a V4 0) "a oj CO \o 3 4-i V— ^ ^ 00 0) CJ «k h4 M a 00 ON a 3 a a •H -4 (U %M-i Q CO Z a 5s ON ^ 0) iH CO O. vO T3 >^ CO 13 M-l *c ^ M ^ CO 4J QJ CO 3 ^ X < Q H 26 c o c § (U CO •H O CO o a CO o 0) > T3 C o m O u u cd 1^ JQ CO C •H Cd CO -H O 0) 4J e cd CO a 4J O 0) ^ c c: •H iH cd r-i U 00 U O s ^ o u Cd ^ 4J o Cd PQ T) I 0) C M 3 Cd C fi C Cd O 00 ^ Oi a u u o ^ i S O /-s (u CO pC: U 4-i Q« •» V4 (U so CO , q ^ 'S ^ s 5 S 3 0) O " 00 3 O as < ^ vO 4J 00 > 0) ^--^ ^ a h4 00 G (1) 0) I • T3 r^ iH cd U4 cd ON 3 0) • c H Cd aT3 Cd _ o o M 4-) U 0) Cd C Cd 6 OJ O 4J •H >^ S CO H 6-» O M PQ O «4-i 3 •H 3 0) rH U Cd o '4-4 O T3 N Cd >i 4J rH Cd Cd 'O c Cd a CU Oi 0) :^ CO o rH JZ rH 00 0) 3 >N O M U x: o 3 00 .'+4 Cd >. ON ^ 2 iH Cd «— 4 Q.'T3 >. Cd TS 3 U-i O o -3 -H ^ 4-1 4J d) Cd 3 Cd g 0) O 4J •H >* S CO H O M PQ O <4-| •H Cd :5 0) 4J . g O rH CO Cd M 0> 3 O ^ Cd '^-i Ps 0) Cd rH >-l 4J 3 OJ Cd u 3 OJ o :^ M .H }-( 0) OJ >^ ■iu 0) o CO . x: ^n3 3 U r^ a ^ c 3 Cd a 0) o 3 g x: CO a 3 . ^ 00 V4 0) 3 0) o-<: :^ u ^ a CO u 0) •H (U Cd M-4 3 4J -H O *-» 3 fH O 4 iH 3 30 x-^ O CO ^ 4.t O * M CO g O ON /—N 3 "^^^ r-4 VO ^. ^ >^ >*• 4J •* 4J U 3 g U V4 o o 0) •• CO vO 3 4-J O O '^ H-3 "^ g 00 W 3 S g -H O 0) •• ON 3 O M ON 4J 0> >%'4-i Q Cd 25 g >^ cd 0) iH Cd X U Pu vO ^3 4J Cd 3 0) o u o O M PQ CJ Cd 4J OJ o- g 0) -H 27 CO (U 0) ^ ^- O OJ 4J ^ CO CO u a CO CO i CO ^ r-( CO 0) CO ^» • 4J iH C 0) ^ c CO CO JZ o 0) u rH ?s 0) o g tH u o o C 0) M^ o CJ o ^ u (2 a CO X 0) CO a 0) CO u o 4J a CO M-i O 0) > 13 c o CO H O a CO PB4 0) ^ CO M CO 0) tH TS /— \ u &a 3 u C i-l CO O 25 00 a 0) < •H C 00 PU hJ CO -H pes hJ (U w 33 M Q w o 0) (1) 3 CD X • W a a d *a cj a a 00 a a H-3 00 ^ CO » 0) r^ f-i «4-» ON 3 * H CO CO T3 C o M -U 4-1 CO 3 CO 0) O 4J >• S CO H a (U o u O CU U-i 4-t ^ o 0) CO CO M *J Q) 0) CO ^ ^ TS O 4J CO <]) CO »r-4 0) • rH CO s: ^ 3 3 u o O CO rH 1^ 0) 3 a ^ CD JC. 4-1 • J-l a o 3 M vO 0) ^*^ •» ^ o a a 0) •• vO "U o 4J 0) w ^ 00 CL a »-3 00 ON 0) 3 -H »-^ CO (U •• 3 1 M 4J 00 1 0) 3 • r* >%^ CO >» ON S ^-i-s <— 4 >» CO TJ 3 M-l O ^ -H V4 U 4J (U CO 3 CO a • S CO H O Q) o; U }-l M M-4 u OJ rH (U 0) o 3 CO 3 :^ 0) H H CO u (U u 3 x: CO a 0) 3 0) a CO 4-t x: :^ 3 ^ OJ a CO a ^ a x: •H rH TS 4J CO (U "U M •H CO 0) CO 4J 0) CO . u 3 3 •H 00 >. -H 0) • O rH ;^ •H ^ *T3 CO X ^ M O 0) CO C C C 4J o ^ 3 rH (U O CO CO o iH H H CO T3 U ^ 4S JS 00 > a c u 00 ON o 3 J-» •H 1 f 0) •• o ^ *J 3 3 r^ 0) Q) p ^^ M r** 3 M-l CO P^ >» ON 3 a th CO p^ >-5 M CU CO 3 M.( O o ^ •H u 4J 4.1 0) CO 3 CO a 0) o ?H S CO pes >-3 CO CJ CO 28 Table 6. Descriptive statistics for catch-per-uni t-of-ef f ort (CPE) data used in the experimental designs for the six most abundant species caught in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan for years 1977 through J^980. N is number of observations included in the experimental design; X is the mean number of fish caught per one unit of effort for the data set. Max i mum Percentage of catch Standard zero catch Design N (no. fish) X deviation data TRAWL 1 Spottail shiner 22U 736 23.0 69.2 42.0 A 1 ew i f e 192 4287 100.4 407.8 23.4 Rainbow smelt 224 2268 118.8 286.5 8.9 Yel low perch 96 90 6.0 12.9 40.6 Trout-perch 192 144 9.9 19.4 47.9 Unidentified Coregoninae 192 395 26.2 65.1 35.9 TRAWL 1 1 Spottai 1 shiner 384 736 27.^ 76.6 35.2 Alewife 288 4287 122.9 434.5 29.5 Ra i nbow sme 1 1 384 2268 146.0 295.7 7.0 Yel low perch 144 195 6.5 19.5 43.8 Trout-perch 336 144 11.8 20.2 37.2 Unidentified Coregoni nae 288 503 36.9 70.1 20.8 BOTTOM GILL NET 1 Spottail shiner 128 244 18.6 42.0 39.8 A 1 ew i f e 96 195 16.8 37.6 27.1 Yel low perch 96 34 ■ 6.9 7.9 21.9 BOTTOM GILL NET II Spottail shiner 144 244 24.2 43.8 33.3 Alewi fe 120 185 17.1 36.4 25.0 Yel low perch 48 3^ 8.2 7.9 14.6 BOTTOM GILL NET III Spottail shiner 96 244 19.8 43.5 27.1 Alewife 64 168 15.8 34.4 35.9 Yel low perch 48 3A . 6.9 9.1 20.8 SURFACE GILL NET 1 Alewife 64 213 29.3 41.5 31.2 29 Table 6 continued. Design N Maximum catch (no. fish) X Standard deviation Percentage of zero catch data SURFACE GILL NET II Alewife SEINE Spottail shiner A 1 ew i f e 120 2i»0 190 213 1678 617^ 22.7 68.7 225.0 36.8 20i».l» 697.^ 38.3 22.5 27.1 system (i.e., log-transformed system) changes will be detectable if |5^ * %aI > 6 where xg^and x p^ref er to the log-transformed mean catches at areas kA and PA respectively. In the original coordinate system, differences are detectable whenever: RA < 10 -5 or RA > 10' PA PA We shall refer to the quantity 10^ as the least detectable true ratio (LDTR) . Power Analysis The LDTRs (Least Detectable True Ratios) are ratios involving geometric mean number of fish. Least detectable true ratios for the designs employed ranged from ] .2k to 2.97 with most occurring between 1.3 and 1.7 (for a « 0.01 and Power « 0.95) (Table 7)- The lowest LDTR (for a= 0.01 and Power « 0.95) t 1.2^4, was for the second trawl design for trout-perch; thus for this design the mean abundance at one area should have to be at least 2k% greater than the mean abundance at the other area to detect a difference in abundance between areas. Overall the LDTRs of ANOVAs including just 1977 through 1979 data were lower than those for ANOVAS including 1977 through I98O data. This was probably due to increased variance in the data caused by difference in catch distribution between I98O and previous years. LDTRs were highest for surface gill net and seine designs. Among species, sensitivity of the ANOVA to detect a significant difference between areas was lowest for alewife, which may be related to alewife migration and highly variable recruitment of their young. The trawl was probably the best gear for assessing impacts of plant operation; in general, LDTRs were lower for trawl designs than for designs for other gear. For all the trawl designs except the first trawl design for alewife, the LDTRs were less than or equal to I.6I. Given that the assumptions of the power analysis have been met for these trawl designs (same assumptions as for ANOVA) • a 61% greater abundance at one station than at the other should be 30 (U >% o CU B CO a 0) u CO cd 0) cd c 0) B O4 a X u cd o o >. Pi rH o o •H ^ cd 0) 4J cd u u 0) 0) CO ^ Cd CO rH , CO -H -H •H X rj O iJ 00 ^ 0^ 50»-4 cd x: 0) o Cd u •H 4J o r-^ •H •H 00 (U CO > •H •H CO 00 (U ^ CO 4J •H CO a. (U >>x: ^ rH CI. rH >^ 3 X C rH CU iH ,n 3 u C tiO ^ CJ ^ ■Ui CO Cd •H 0) JD rH 'O •H U ^ C! Ou Cd 00 Xi •H (U CO ^ M (U u O-'O 1 Q Cd Cs4 < >-• Z ^-( Z it E-t O 1> Z CJ 3 a a: CU ^-t o z ;j I X u o w o 06 a* a* E-t 3 X >-• O CJ OJ H a: 3 ^ Cd o CXJ 0l4 04 5g 3 3 Cd O < Cd U H Z 0) 0X0 flu en CU C/3 rg oj m vn ^ -a- ao in — * u^ vn in >T -3- r>. pn 00 >3- T -3- in moo— *^o 000— ^00 in-^ooN CM <>4 CN — ♦ rst CM -H *-4 so — ' m o in m >T «^ ^ -^ p^ en ^ -iT <*i fo CM ,-^ ^ ■^ -"T o <• a^ m m ^ m o f^ «N o^ ^ m fo CM m 00 r*s rn r^ fM so m in vn ^ sr r*.sOinin vn-^-^cn CNsOOOCN -4CNOO r^vOOO -"^f^OOO -^O^-^-^ r^voinin o^oor** ONr>»inf*^ aor<«\OvO (*>»— «o^ ^^^ CMCNCMCM -M--^^ CM CN CM ^ 00 -4 CM r»» p>^ sO I >f ON -* m vO m in *^ oooosOvo p*»incMO r^vomm ^o^Nf^ -1,—,^ .-.— .^^ ^^^^ «^^^^ ^^.^.^ CNCMCNCN ^ ^ ^ ^ CMCM — — r* m -4 en en en 00 CM CM en r- ST. m CNJ CM o> in NO en 00 -3- en m en en NO 00 -^ vO m m ^a^ ^a- -• 00 m m CM vn CM r^ ^ -. CN 3- 00 O 0^ — 00 00 vO vO -^cMino — cMino ^iNino -♦c^iino — rsimo-^cMino -^cMino -^r^mo 000— 000— 000— • 000— ' OOO'-' 000-^ 000— • 000— ' z 1— 1 CJ 1— ( )—• E-* 03 h-i M Cd Id Z! Z Q 1 < sc -t H E- flO CJ Cd r z Ed o - 33 CJ X Z o -- aa a Cd Cd CJ Z < o: H =5 ^- E-« Cd Cd CJ Z ^ H CO CJ Cd Z 31 detected. The higher LDTRs for alewife are not a reflection of the experimental design, but rather an indication of the naturally high variations in abundance of alewives within the inshore zone. Fish Larvae Analysis The Wilcoxon signed ranks test was performed on fish larvae and fish egg data to investigate differences in larvae and fish egg densities between the reference (south) transect and the plant-i nf luenced or discharge (north) transect. This statistical technique is the nonparametr ic analogue of the t- test for paired observations (Conover 1971) • With a few exceptions, for each tow performed at a particular depth contour and a particular stratum in the water column at one transect there was a corresponding tow performed at the same depth contour and stratum at the other transect for each sampling period. Thus, during a particular diel period of larvae sampling, pairs of densities could be calculated for all taxons of larvae found and this technique could be used. To apply this procedure, both beach tow replicate samples were averaged to yield one value for the 0.5-m depth in the beach zone. The four beach tows [two at both stations Q (south of discharge) and R (north of discharge)] were averaged to yield one value to be paired with the average value of the beach tows at the south transect. The two beach sled tows at the north transect (one at both stations Q and R) were averaged to pair with the beach sled tow at the south transect. Any incomplete (one missing observation) pair of observations negated calculation of the test statistic. All zero differences or ties between pairs of observations were ignored. For most of the 1977 sampling year complete pairs of observations were available from the beach to 12 m; the 15-m depth contour was sampled for the south transect but not for the north one. The Wilcoxon signed ranks test was applied to data for each year separately from 1977 to 198O for each of the more abundant taxons of larvae collected as well as fish eggs. The. test was also conducted for all 4 yr of data pooled for each of those taxons. A difference in densities between transects was considered significant if the attained significance level for the statistic was less than O.O5. 32 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION TOTAL CATCH The total catch of various species of fish in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant is a relative index of abundance of fish populations in Lake Michigan. When fish are collected consistently with the same gear, frequency and effort, comparisons can be made among various areas and years. However, a number of factors can affect total catch and should be considered when discussing these data. Strong year classes and, conversely, weak ones have dramatic effects on total catch as YOY always comprise the highest proportion of our catches. Consequently their fluctuations usually explain most of the variability seen in total catches. Timing, frequency and duration of upwel lings (for example see Fig. 7) can also change the catch composition in a given month by causing the usual warm-water species to be replaced by cold- water species, such as lake trout, smelt and bloaters. Comparisons of catches among years are thus drastically affected. Another cause of catch variation is timing of gear deployment. Depending upon what time of the month our gear are used we may or may not encounter migrations, spawning aggregations, or as discussed, upwel lings. Lastly, there have been some minor changes in stations fished over the 1977"1980 study period, but these were minor deletions and additions which are not expected to affect total catch trends. During 1977-1980, we collected k8 different species of juvenile and adult fish in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant (Table 8). The list of larval fish collected (Table 9) does not include any new species, but the collection of lake trout larvae for the first time in southern Lake Michigan since planted lake trout were introduced in the 1960s, is a notable entry (for details see Jude et al. 198 lb and RESULTS AND D I SCUSS I ON— Lake Trout ). Among these fish were 17 families, ranging from the ancient and threatened lake sturgeon to the recently stocked array of salmonids, e.g., coho salmon, Chinook salmon, brown trout and rainbow trout. In the study area, the family with the most members was Salmonidae with nine entries, followed by the Cyprinidae with eight and the Catostomidae with six. Among fish caught are a number of marine species, including the ubiquitous alewife, rainbow smelt and the recently introduced salmon. Overall, the historical species complex in Lake Michigan has changed drastically over recent history (see Smith 1968; Christie 197^)- The more abundant and long-standing species in Lake Michigan, such as the lake herring, members of the chub complex, lake trout, burbot and lake whitefish have been overfished, preyed upon by sea lamprey, and have suffered destruction of spawning habitat and nursery areas which have resulted in wholesale extinction of some species and severe reductions in the abundance of others. Concurrent with this upheaval in species interactions was the introduction of exotic species like alewives and smelt, which are numerical dominants in our present catches and undoubtedly in Lake Michigan in general. Certain species like deepwater sculpins, which are abundant in the deeper regions of the lake, were probably less affected by these changes than other endemic species. It is against this backdrop of species interactions, fish stocking programs and the continual eutroph i cat ion of Lake Michigan that we must evaluate the impact of 33 UJ 0) u o cd -O 03 OJ 4J 4-> dJ CO > oj a o B o 1^ cn O) 3dniVd3dlAI31 d3 0) 3 4J 03 C CO CO S a. c • o o -H 00 JJ ON CO *-< j-i ON fo 03 «3 T3 C -H S^ o o o Q. O ID < 00 (J) n3 c o «>0 O) 3dniVd3d^31 d31VM 35 o Ui o > o o o a. UJ en < o CVJ T3 o 00 •H O) 3dniVd3dlAI3l d31VM 36 o UJ Q > O z u o c 0. CO < X z o 00 CD < q: Q. < < 2 m LU li. z < 0) C O 60 •H O CO O) 3dniVd3d^M31 d31VM 37 Table 8. Family name, scientific name, common name and codes for all species of juvenile and adult fish captured (from 1977 through 1980) in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant. An X denotes presence in a given year. Names assigned according to Robins et al . (I98O) . Family, Scientific and Common Name Code 1977 1978 1979 1980 Acipenser idae Acipenser f ulvescens Raf inesque Lake sturgeon LG Ather i nidae Labidesthes sicculus (Cope) Brook si Iverside SV Catostomidae Carpiodes cypr i nus (Lesueur) Qui 1 Iback Catostomus catostomus (Forster) Longnose sucker Catostomus commersoni (Lacepede) White sucker Moxostoma ani surum (Raf inesque) Si Iver redhorse Moxostoma erythrurum (Raf inesque) Golden redhorse Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur) Shorthead redhorse QL X X LS X X X X WS X X X X MA X X X X GR X X X SR X X X X Centrarchidae Lepomi s cyanel lus Raf inesque Green sunfish Lepomis gibbosus (Linnaeus) Pumpkinseed Lepom i s macrochi rus Raf inesque Bluegi 1 1 Micropterus dolomieui Lacepede Smal Imouth bass Pomox i s nigromaculatus (Lesueur) Black crappie GN PS X BG X X SB X BC Clupeidae Alosa pseudoharenqus (Wi 1 son) A 1 ew i f e Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur) Gizzard shad AL GS X X X X X X X X 38 Table 8 continued. Family, Scientific and Common Name Code 1977 1978 1979 1980 Cottidae Cottus bai rdi Girard MS X Mottled sculpin Cottus coqnatus Richardson SS X SI imy scul pi n Myoxocephalus thompsoni (Girard) FS Deepwater sculpin Cypr i nidae Carass ius auratus (Linnaeus) GF Goldfish Cypr i nus carpio Linnaeus CP X Common carp Notemigonus crysoleucas (Mitchill) GL Golden shiner Notropis ather inoides Raf inesque ES X Emerald shiner Notropis hudsonius (Clinton) SP X Spottai 1 shi ner Pimephales notatus (Raf inesque) BM Bluntnose minnow Pimephales promelas Raf inesque PP Fathead minnow Rhinichthys cataractae (Valenciennes) LD X Longnose dace Esocidae Esox lucius Linnaeus NP Northern pike Gadidae Lota lota (Linnaeus) BR X Burbot Gasterosteidae Pungi tius pungi tius (Linnaeus) NS X Ninespine stickleback I ctalur idae i ctalurus natal i s (Lesueur) YB Ye 1 low bul Ihead I ctalurus punctatus (Raf inesque) CC X Channel catfish X X X X X X X 39 Table 8 continued, Family, Scientific and Common Name Code 1977 1978 1979 1980 Osmer idae Osmerus mordax (Mitchill) SM X X X X Ra i nbow sme 1 1 Percidae JD X X X X Etheostoma nigrum Raf inesque Johnny darter Perca flavescens (Mitchill) YP X X X X Yel low perch Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (Mitchill) WL X X Wal leye Percopsidae Percopsi s omi scomaycus (Walbaum) TP X X X X Trout-perch Salmon idae Coregonus artedi i Lesueur Lake herring or Cisco Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill) Lake whi tef i sh Coregonus hoy i Bloater Coregonus spp. Unidentified Coregoninae Oncorhynchus ki sutch (Walbaum) Coho salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum) Chinook salmon Prosopium cyl indraceum (Pallas) Round whi tef i sh Sal mo gai rdner i Richardson Rainbow trout Sal mo trutta Linnaeus Brown trout Salvel i nus namaycush (Walbaum) Lake trout Sciaenidae Aplodi notus grunniens Raf inesque FD Freshwater drum Umbr idae Umbra 1 imi (Kirtland) MM Central mudminnow LH X LW X X X X BL X X X X XC X X X X CM X X X X CH X X X X RW X X X X RT X X X X BT X X X X LT X X X X ko Table 9. Taxons and abbreviations for all groups of fish larvae captured from 1977 through I98O in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant. An L denotes presence of fish larvae and an F represents fry. Names assigned according to Robins et al . (I98O) . Scientific and Common Name Code 1977 1978 1979 1980 Catostomidae 1-+ Catostomidae spp. XS Unidentified Catostomidae Carpi odes cyprinus (Lesueur) QL Qui 1 Iback Centrarchidae Lepomis qibbosus (Linnaeus) PS F Pumpk i nseed Lepomis macrochirus Raf i nesque BG F Bluegill Lepomis spp. XL L Unidentified Lepomis Pomoxis spp. PM L Unidentified Pomoxis Clupeidae Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson) AL L, Alewife Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur) GS L L L L L,F L,F L,F L L Gizzard shad Cott idae Cottus cognatus Richardson SI imy sculpin Myoxocephalus thompsoni (Girard) Deepwater sculpin Cottidae spp. Unidentified Cottidae Cypr inidae Cypr inus carpio Linnaeus CP L L L L Common carp Notropi s ather i noides Raf i nesque ES L L L Emerald shiner Notropi s hudsonius (Clinton) SP L,F L,F L,F L,F Spottai 1 shi ner Pimephales promelas Raf i nesque PP F Fathead minnow Cyprinidae spp. XM L,F L L Unidentified Cyprinidae ss L F L.F L FS L L L L UC L itl Table 9 continued. JD F L.F L.F L.F YP L L.F L.F L.F LP L Scientific and Common Name Code 1977 I978 1979 I98O Gadidae Lota lota (Linnaeus) BR L L L Burbot Gasterosteidae Pungi tius punqi tius (Linnaeus) NS L,F L L,F Ninespine stickleback Gasterosteidae spp. XG L Unidentified stickleback Osmeridae Osmerus mordax (Mitchill) SM L,F L,F L,F L,F Ra i nbow sme 1 1 Percidae Etheostoma nigrum Raf inesque Johnny darter Perca flavescens (Mitchill) Yel low perch Perci na caprodes (Raf inesque) Logperch Percopsidae Percopsis omiscomaycus (Walbaum) TP L L L,F L,F Trout-perch Salmonidae Coregoninae spp. XC L L.F L,F Unidentified Coregoninae Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum) CH F Chinook salmon Salvel inus namaycush (Walbaum) LT L,F Lake trout Larvae damaged beyond recognition XP L L L L Unidentified Pisces XX L L f Appeared as white sucker in Jude et al. 1979a. the Campbell Plant. Any conclusions we make must take into consideration the vastness of the Lake Michigan ecosystem, the present species complex in the lake and the specific life histories of each fish and how that information relates to the present intake and discharge system at the plant. hi Examining the total yearly catch of all fish caught by all gear in Lake Michigan over the 1977"1980 preoperational period, showed an unexpected shift in species dominance from alewife in 1977"1978 to rainbow smelt in 1979"1980 (Table 10). Alewives were 69% and 49% respectively of the total fish caught in the first 2 yr, while they declined to 36%. then 19% in the latter 2 yr. Though this implies a catastrophic decline in alewife abundance over the ^-yr period, careful analysis (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Alewife ) showed that most variation was due to dramatic declines in alewife YOY numbers in the catch. The adult component of the catch remained relatively stable over the k yr. Pelagic pi ankt i vorous fish, like alewives, exhibit extreme fluctuations in abundance and our findings are certainly not unexpected. In fact, alewife populations in recent years may have finally reached a certain level of stability since the 1960s when millions of dead fish littered Lake Michigan beaches. Increased salmonid predation and commercial fishing may be mortality vectors tending to keep populations in check. Our recent data (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Un i dent i f i ed Cor egon i nae ) show that bloaters, believed to be suppressed by commercial fishing and alewife abundance, are now increasing in numbers in Lake Michigan. Rainbow smelt comprised I6, 28, 38 and kk% of the numbers of fish collected during 1977 to I98O, respectively. Again, a strong year class was produced in the latter 2 yr of our i*-yr study, causing these fish to be the most abundant fish collected during 1979"1980. Most of the catch was comprised of YOY and yearlings trawled during late summer and fall. Spottail shiner catch appeared to be stable over the k yr, ranging from 7883 fish (10% of catch) in 1977» a year of incomplete fishing, to 15,273 fish in 1980 (18%). June through September were months of maximum catch of spottails. Spottails apparently are not as drastically affected by fluctuations of other dominant species such as the alewife and smelt. Spottails are usually separated temporally from smelt and spatially from alewife. They are demersal species, feeding on benthos and epibenthic zooplankton, organisms that are not the main food supply of alewives, which feed in mid-water. Spottails are also nearshore, beach-zone fishes, which keeps them spatially separated from rainbow smelt adults. Adult smelt inhabit cooler water offshore, while YOY and yearlings are usually in deeper water (6-12 m) than spottails. Yellow perch, an important sport fish in the vicinity of the plant, was a consistent part of our total catch, varying between 1 and 2% of the total number of fish caught. Large year classes of perch apparently were produced in 1977 (1254 fish) and I98O (1715 fish), resulting in high total catches during these years because of the large YOY component in the catches. In I978 and 1979. lower catches (IO78 and 605 fish respectively) were observed. Yellow perch were very responsive to water temperature, as was obvious from the 1979 catch of 605 fish during a year of frequent upwel lings and cold inshore temperatures (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Yel low Perch for more detail). Yellow perch were caught in highest numbers during August and September, when YOY are recruited to fishing gear and yearlings are sometimes 43 Table 10. Summary of all fish species caught by all gear types during June to December 1977 and April to December 1978-1980 in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. 1977 MONTHS y. OF TOTAL SPfCIES JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SUM ALEWIFE 2198 9890 13680 16314 9413 6409 93864 68.922 RAINBOW SMCLT 1065 994 7418 2706 393 70 732 12898 16.408 SPOTTAIL SHINER 999 1207 1444 4021 366 38 198 7883 10.028 YELLOW PERCH 92 147 448 463 7 43 94 1294 1.999 TROUT -PERCH 326 221 129 133 36 43 9 393 1. 136 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONtNAE 73 46 4 38 234 61 4 460 0.986 JOHNNY CARTER 116 13 17 73 68 1 298 0.379 WHITE SUCKER 3 91 191 34 4 1 294 0.374 LAKE TROUT 4 96 1 120 1 a 1 201 0.296 GIZZARD SHAD 3 14 90 13 94 174 0.221 NINESPINE STICKLEBACK 87 16 11 14 3 2 133 0. 169 COHO SALM3N 47 4 94 0.069 BROWN TROUT 11 6 3 19 4 49 0.062 SLIMY SCULPIN 12 9 3 1 23 44 0.096 LONGNOSE SUCKER 16 13 1 36 0.046 SILVER REOHORSE 6 2 1 12 0.019 LAKE WHITEFISH 8 2 11 0.013 RAINBOW TROUT 3 4 8 o.oto ROUND WMTTEFISH 1 1 2 1 8 0.010 CtSWrnOH CARP 4 2 7 0.009 CHANNEL CATFISH 6 6 0.008 CHINOOK SALMON 1 1 2 4 0.009 SLUEGXLL 4 4 0.009 MOTTLED SCULPIN 4 4 0.009 LONGNOSE DACE 1 2 3 0.004 BROOK SXLVERSIDE 1 1 0.001 SHORTHEAO REDHORSE 1 1 0.001 EMERALD SHINCR 1 1 0.001 LAKE STURGEON 1 1 0.001 PUMPKINSEED 1 1 0.001 BURBOT 1 1 0.001 TOTALS 4606 8209 23349 24090 10908 6873 1021 78608 1978 MONTHS % OF TOTAL SPECIES APfl MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SUM ALEWIFE 21 880 966 3994 1983 1896 9309 26846 6 44617 49 . 038 RAINBOW SMCLT 1093 4046 2492 6692 6216 2279 1116 1083 391 29328 27 . 838 SPOTTAIL SHINER 26 429 3083 4222 3471 1049 249 142 109 12764 14.029 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINIE 9 191 940 203 19 1666 479 18 3121 3.430 TROUT -PERCH 1 1 320 492 397 400 204 22 96 19 1841 2.023 YELLOW PERCH 8 3 8 142 302 939 28 19 29 1078 1. 189 NINESPINE STICKLEBACK 5 33 143 191 80 2 414 0.499 JOHNNY DARTER 29 48 36 89 96 62 36 6 362 0.398 WHITE SUCKER 39 29 78 78 79 9 1 1 319 0.391 SLIMY SCULPIN 61 129 13 32 9 1 34 279 0.307 LAKE TROUT 31 32 22 19 7 2 96 93 298 0.284 GIZZARD SHAD 1 69 98 19 18 32 189 0.208 BROWN TROUT 41 23 20 11 4 9 3 7 1 14 0. 129 LONGNOSE SUCKER 1 31 9 16 2 9 2 3 73 0.080 COHO SALMON 2 7 18 16 2 7 3 1 96 0.062 EMERALD SHINER 3 16 27 4 90 0.099 CHINOOK SALMON 4 1 13 7 3 1 29 0.032 BLUNTNOSE MINNOW 1 13 1 19 0.016 COMMON CARP 2 1 7 2 1 13 0.014 ROUND WHITEFISH 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 10 0.011 RAINBOW TROUT 2 2 1 4 9 0.010 LAKE WHITEFISH 4 1 2 1 1 9 0.010 WALLEYE 6 1 7 0.0O8 SILVER REDHORSE 4 4 0.004 0UILL8ACK 1 2 1 4 0.004 BURBOT 1 2 1 4 0.004 GOLDEN REDHORSE 1 3 4 0.004 CHANNEL CATFISH 1 2 3 0.003 BLUEGILL 1 1 2 0.0O2 NORTHERN PIKE 1 1 2 0.0O2 SMALLMOUTH BASS 1 1 2 0.002 SHORTHEAO REDHORSE 1 1 0.001 FATHEAD Ml?WOW 1 1 0.001 FRESHWATER DRUM 1 1 0.001 GOLDFISH 1 1 0.001 TOTALS 1313 6008 7116 19833 12952 6216 12977 28767 S02 90984 kk Table 10. Continued. 1979 MONTHS SPECIES APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SUM TOTAL 9AIN80W SMELT 305 3367 211 2108 17306 4275 599 1037 320 30028 38.400 ALE\rfIFE 449 1199 677 2703 1 193 4259 17846 164 28490 36.434 SPOTTAIL SHINER 31 1313 3442 1748 1315 417 783 219 206 9474 2. 116 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE 3 309 2730 405 429 392 1431 9 5713 7 306 TROUT-PERCH 4 440 137 514 274 171 136 72 7 1755 2.244 YELLOW PERCH 12 13 36 103 103 1 1 40 200 505 0.774 WHITE SUCKER 47 42 113 42 158 7 4 413 0.528 JOHNNY CARTER 7 99 78 37 33 68 50 t7 16 405 0.518 NINESPINE STICKLEBACK 2 35 143 167 f 1 3 1 373 0.477 LAKE TROUT 9 13 13 22 13 27 37 37 1 222 0.284 LONGNOSE SUCKER 48 14 97 4 30 12 3 208 0.266 SLIMY SCULPIN 61 65 2 1 1 1 1 24 156 0. 199 8R0WN TROUT 27 16 13 9 4 12 3 2 38 0. 113 CHINOOK SALMON 4 21 16 1 1 2 10 1 2 57 q.086 ROUND WHITEFISH 2 4 4 2 6 19 6 t 44 0.056 GIZZARD SHAD 3 1 1 1 2 2 21 2 2 35 0.045 RAINBOW TROUT 17 1 3 6 29 0.037 LAKE WHITEFISH 9 12 1 5 27 0.035 CDHO SALMON 4 4 3 4 3 18 0.023 COMMON CARP 2 1 2 1- 2 2 10 0.013 GOLDEN REDHORSE 2 7 1 10 0.013 EMERALD SHINER 3 2 2 7 0.009 CHANNEL CATFISH 1 3 2 1 7 0.009 SHORTHEAO REDHORSE 2 1 1 4 0.005 BLUNTNOSE MINNOW 3 3 0.004 SILVER REDHORSE 1 2 3 0.004 MOTTLED SCULPIN 1 1 0.001 GREEN SUNFISH 1 1 0.001 LAKE STURGEON 1 1 0.001 TOTALS 493 5967 5674 8357 22219 6900 6403 20731 1453 78197 1980 MONTHS SUM SPECIES APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC % OF TOTAL RAINBOW SMELT 2089 3327 3502 616 17865 3103 2978 1644 1573 36697 43 . 60 1 ALEWIFE 152 376 4142 1857 2042 3880 3291 198 59 15993 19.002 SPOTTAIL SHINER 35 569 3889 4667 577 3002 2175 236 127 15273 18. 146 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE 2 741 3070 710 595 348 1387 687 394 3934 10.615 TROUT -PERCH 31 470 520 626 429 610 149 45 5 2885 3.428 YELLOW PERCH 25 15 42 230 513 787 36 12 5 1715 2.038 LAKE TROUT 19 54 28 10 61 211 125 1 506 0.601 WHITE SUCKER 42 58 36 92 120 30 14 392 0. 466 JOHNNY OARTER 22 80 37 21 16 54 29 20 34 313 0. 372 EMERALD SHINER 1 SO 107 31 28 247 0. 293 NINESPINE STICKLEBACK 4 98 too 24 9 1 236 0. 280 LONGNOSE SUCKER 8 35 21 10 18 34 26 14 166 0. 197 SLIMY SCULPIN ROUND WHITEFISH 78 19 44 6 18 a 7 a 1 9 1 7 31 2 27 12 4 163 1 16 0. 194 0. 138 GIZZARD SHAD 2 1 22 51 6 25 4 1 1 1 0. 132 CHINOOK SALMON 3 3 59 3 3 21 1 1 99 0.118 CQHO SALMON LAKE WHITEFISH 5 2 88 3 13 1 1 1 36 9 17 1 1 2 75 75 . 089 0.089 BROWN TROUT RAINBOW TROUT GOLDEN SHINER COMMON CARP SILVER REDHORSE CHANNEL CATFISH SHORTHEAO REDHORSE BURBOT MOTTLED SCULPIN GOLDEN REDHORSE LONGNOSE DACE WALLEYE CENTRAL MUOMINNOW 21 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 16 1 1 2 1 2 5 2 3 1 2 6 5 3 1 2 6 5 4 1 2 3 7 15 3 1 3 1 2 3 10 2 1 1 1 50 26 15 14 14 10 7 5 5 4 3 3 2 0.059 0.031 0.018 0.017 0.017 0.012 0.008 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.004 0.002 YELLOW BULLHEAD 2 2 0.002 OUILLBACK 1 1 2 0.002 OEEPWATER SCULPIN 2 o 2 0.0O2 SLACK CRAPPIE 1 0001 FRESHWATER DRUM 1 0.001 LAKE HERRING 1 0.001 NORTHERN PIKE 1 0.001 8LUEGILL 1 0.001 TOTALS 2517 5927 15533 3851 22371 12687 10489 3079 27 11 84165 U5 abundant inshore. The exception was 1979» when December trawls yielded 200 fish which was the highest monthly total catch during that year of cold water temperatures. Trout-perch were the fourth- or fifth-most abundant fish collected during the ^-yr study (Table 10). Total catch varied from a high of 2885 fish in 1980 (3.4% of the total catch) to a low of 893 in 1977 (1.1% of the catch). The low 1977 catch was probably due to reduced fishing during the early part of the year when large catches were usually taken. Trout-perch have an extended spawning season and seem to prefer moderately warm water » so they were caught in large numbers over most of the spring and summer (May-August). The largest catch of trout-perch, in I98O, was attributed to a year of good survival for adults and yearlings, which were dominant age-groups in our catches. In prior years their contribution to yearly total catch was sporadic, with only one of the age-groups abundant. The catch of fish in the subfamily Coregoninae ( Unidenti f ied Coregoni nae ) . which are believed to be mostly bloaters, Coreqonus hoy i , rose steadily from 460 fish in 1977 (1% of catch) to 893^ fish in I98O (11% of the catch). This increase has been a lake-wide phenomenon and is attributed to the banning of gill nets for commercial harvest of bloaters and a decline in alewife abundance. The Coregoninae were the fourth- to sixth-most abundant fish collected during our study years. The catch was generally comprised of three groups of fish which varied in abundance over the study years. Most were YOY in the 60-80-mm length range. Among remaining species, lake trout was one that showed a large increase in catch from 258 and 222 in 1978 and 1979 respectively to 507 in 198O. The large increase in I98O may be a manifestation of the attraction of lake trout to the newly laid riprap in the vicinity of the plant in fall 1979"1980. However, no large differences in catch between reference (south) and plant transects were found for I98O (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Lake Trout ) . Many other species were collected in lesser numbers, including some that are known to be attracted to riprap or a thermal plume. When catches of johnny darter and slimy sculpin (species which commonly inhabit riprap areas) were examined, we found no increased catch over the k yr. Two other species, carp and gizzard shad, are usually found in greater numbers around thermal plumes. To date, however, no evidence of such an attraction was apparent in our study area, but the offshore thermal plume during I98O was probably small (Units 1 and 2 only) and intermittent. The catches in I98I should establish whether significant attraction is occurring, since Unit 3 will be in operation. The lake sturgeon, a threatened species, is present in the plant vicinity as two were collected, one in 1977 and one in 1978. Both were released. We do not expect the plant will have any impact on this rare species. The number of each species collected was separated by gear type (Tables 11» 12, 13» 14). The catch in each gear of all species pooled over years was highest for trawls (68.2% - 226,260), followed by seines (21.2% - 70,396), 46 bottom gill nets (8.8% - 29,135) and surface gill nets (1.8% - 6163) . Trawls were statistically the most effective gear for making comparisons, because among gear, trawl catches exhibited the least variability. As could be expected, surface gill nets were the least efficient gear, catching the fewest fish overall. In 1977* seines caught the most fish, while for remaining years trawls caught the greatest number. Examination of total catch by species and gear within a given year showed that for 1977» alewives were the most frequently seined fish (36,784). In 1978 spottail shiners were the dominant fish (6873) in seines followed by alewives (2999). For both I979 and I98O, alewives were the most frequently seined fish. Among fish caught in surface gill nets, attesting to their habitation of surface waters at 6 and 9 ni, alewives were by far the most frequently caught fish in all k yr. Alewives are known to migrate to surface waters during the night. For bottom gill nets, alewives (1977) and spottail shiners (1978-1980) were the most commonly caught fish. Trawl catches reflected total catch trends. Alewives were most frequently caught in 1977~1978, while rainbow smelt assumed dominance in trawl hauls in the latter 2 yr. However, total catch is not the only criterion on which we evaluate the use of four types of gear. Each type has its own particular bias and strong points. For example, although surface gill nets catch the least number of fish, it is the only gear which will fish directly in the thermal plume, as most plumes float on surface waters. All our other gear fish bottom waters. In 1977 seined alewives (36,784) and trawled alewives and smelt (15,191 and 12,725 respectively) comprised the largest percentage of the total catch (Tables 11-14). This pattern was not much different in 1978 when trawled alewives and smelt (36,528 and 24,077) were the largest proportion of the total catch and in I979 when trawls caught 23,127 alewives and 27,8l5 smelt. In 1980, the number of major species comprising most of the total catch increased, but all were collected primarily by trawls. They included: 35,238 smelt; 8834 spottails and 8043 unidentified Coregoninae. More detailed discussion of catch differences and their significance will be presented in the individual fish sections under RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. The densities and distributions of larval fish species are discussed under individual species accounts. To give a more general overview of distribution of all larvae (all species combined) with depth, we calculated a mean density for each station and sampling period, pooled over diel periods, strata and replicates (in the case of beach tows) for each year 1977-1980 (Tables 15"l8) . These data should be useful for giving times and depths of greatest occurrence of larval fish in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant. Yearly variability of total larvae was high. In I98O, catches were highest, with five incidences of densities over 10,000/1000 m^, very few catches of no larvae and remaining catches in the 1000-2000/1000 m^ range. As noted previously, 1980 was a warm year, with no major upwel lings occurring during sampling periods, or for the larval fish season. Thus, warm years and infrequent upwel lings are major physical factors controlling strength of larval fish production in eastern Lake Michigan. During 1977-1979, larval fish densities were in the 1000-2000/1000 m^ range, with few exceptionally high catches. 47 Table 11. Summary of all fish species caught by seines during June to November 1977 and April to November 1978-1980 in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. 1977 MONTHS % OF TOTAL SPECIES JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV SUM ALEWIFE 1110 5077 11218 14880 2856 1643 36784 83.655 SPOTTAIL SHINER 435 1166 1298 3634 52 24 6609 15.030 YELLOW PERCH 31 14 285 2 332 0.755 RAINBOW SMELT 19 5 16 29 5 1 75 0. 171 GIZZARD SHAD 3 2 47 13 4 69 0. 157 COHO SALMON 47 47 0. 107 BROWN TROUT 9 1 10 0.023 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE 7 7 0.016 TROUT-PERCH 4 2 6 0.014 COMMON CARP 4 1 5 0.011 BLUEGILL 4 4 0.009 RAINBOW TROUT 0^ 1 3 4 0.009 SILVER REDHORSE 4 4 0.009 LONGNOSE DACE 1 2 3 0.007 LAKE TROUT 2 1 3 0.007 WHITE SUCKER 2 2 0.005 BROOK SILVERSIDE 1 0.002 JOHNNY DARTER 1 0.002 LAKE STURGEON 1 0.002 EMERALD SHINER 1 0.002 PUMPKINSEED 1 0.002 CHINOOK SALMON 1 0.002 NINESPINE STICKLEBACK 1 0.002 TOTALS 1626 6294 12551 18886 2937 1677 43971 1978 MONTHS SUM % OF TOTAL SPECIES APR* MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV SPOTTAIL SHINER 11 146 1248 2495 2731 213 19 10 6873 62.957 ALEWIFE 3 9- 55 79 1258 1077 509 9 2999 27.471 RAINBOW SMELT 73 379 119 3 3 5 3 7 592 5.423 YELLOW PERCH 2 113 13 1 129 1 . 182 TROUT-PERCH 8 19 28 J3 15 5 78 0.714 WHITE SUCKER 4 1 39 13 57 0.522 EMERALD SHINER 3 16 27 4 50 0.458 COHO SALMON 5 17 14 36 0.330 CHINOOK SALMON 11 5 16 0. 147 Bi.UNTNOSE MINNOW 1 13 14 0. 128 BROWN TROUT 5 6 1 1 13 0. 1 19 NINESPINE STICKLEBACK 5 2 4 1 1 0. 101 LAKE TROUT 9 1 10 0.092 WALLEYE 6 6 0.055 GIZZARD SHAD 3 3 6 0.055 COMMON CARP 2 1 2 5 0.046 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE 2 3 5 0.046 JOHNNY DARTER 2 2 4 0037 SLIMY SCULPIN 1 1 1 3 027 RAINBOW TROUT 2 1 3 0.027 LONGNOSE SUCKER 1 1 2 0.018 GOLDFISH 1 0.009 SMALLMOU-^H BASS 1 0.009 0.009 0.009 0009 fathead minnow ouillback BLUEGILL 1 Q 1 1 TOTALS 110 574 1494 2754 4062 1343 543 37 10917 A8 Table 11. Continued, 1979 MONTHS % OF TOTAL SPECIES APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV SUM ALEWIFE 1 46 2155 160 220 5 2587 41 . 122 SPOTTAIL SHINER 13 171 364 1017 209 111 6 4 1895 30. 122 RAINBOW SMELT 4 . 1321 178 66 82 6 1 1658 26.355 TROUT-PERCH 3 44 1 1 49 0.779 CHINOOK SALMON 2 16 14 6 38 0.604 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE 4 6 10 0. 159 GIZZARD SHAD 1 1 1 2 4 9 0. 143 BROWN TROUT 1 3 1 1 1 7 0.111 EMERALD SHINER 3 2 2 7 0.111 NINESPINE STICKLEBACK 2 3 1 6 0.095 RAINBOW TROUT 1 4 1 6 0.095 COHO SALMON 4 1 5 0.079 LONGNOSE SUCKER 1 4 5 0.079 YELLOW PERCH 1 1 2 4 0.064 BLUNTNOSE MINNOW 3 3 0.048 SLIMY SCULPIN 1 1 0.016 WHITE SUCKER 1 1 0.016 TOTALS 32 1561 389 1255 2433 362 248 11 6291 1980 MONTHS % OF TOTAL SPECIES APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV SUM ALEWIFE 1 46 1336 283 1804 2663 127 6260 67.918 SPOTTAIL SHINER 3 182 17^ 284 297 655 74 2 1670 18. 119 RAINBOW SMELT 2 330 91 48 96 6 4 577 6.260 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE 16 236 252 2.734 EMERALD SHINER 1 80 107 3t 28 247 2.680 CHINOOK SALMON 2 52 1 55 0.597 COHO SALMON 54 54 0.586 YELLOW PERCH 7 6 20 33 0.358 GIZZARD SHAD 26 2 28 0.304 GOLDEN SHINER 15 15 0. 163 TROUT-PERCH 4 1 1 3 1 10 0. 108 WHITE SUCKER 2 2 1 5 0.054 NINESPINE STICKLEBACK 2 2 0.022 LONGNOSE DACE 2 2 0.022 LAKE WHITEFISH 1 0.011 JOHNNY DARTER 1 0.011 FRESHWATER DRUM 1 0.011 RAINBOW TROUT 1 0.011 BLACK CRAPPIE 1 0.011 BROWN TROUT 1 0.01 1 BLUEGILL 1 0.011 TOTALS 7 622 1673 572 2262 3765 280 36 9217 ^9 Table 12. Summary of all fish species caught by surface gill nets during June to November 1977 and April to November 1978-1980 in Lake Michigan near the J, H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. 1977 ■"" MONTHS — — —^ % OF SPECIES -JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV SUM TOTAL ALEWIFE 278 251 205 734 86.967 RAINBOW SMELT 1 34 35 4.147 LAKE TROUT 12 17 29 3.436 GIZZARD SHAO 19 19 2.251 BROWN TROUT 2 4 4 10 1.185 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE 7 0' 7 0.829 WHITE SUCKER 1 2 3 0.355 CHINOOK SALMON 1 2 3 0.355 COHO SALMON 2 2 0.237 SPOTTAIL SHINER 1 1 0.118 LONGNOSE SUCKER 1 1 0.118 TOTALS 278 276 265 25 844 1978 MONTHS % OF SPECIES APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV SUM TOTAL ALEWIFE 15 370 254 758 177 131 7 1712 83.026 SPOTTAIL SHINER 28 166 7 1 202 9.796 RAINBOW SMELT 5 66 2 1 1 2 77 3.734 LAKE TROUT 1 9 1 20 31 1.503 GIZZARD SHAD 12 3 1 16 0.776 COHO SALMON 1 1 1 3 1 7 0.339 BROWN TROUT 1 3 1 1 6 0.291 CHINOOK SALMON 3 1 1 5 0.242 CHANNEL CATFISH 1 1 2 0.097 WHITE SUCKER 1 1 0.048 LAKE WHITEFISH 1 1 0.048 TROUT-PERCH 1 1 0.048 LONGNOSE SUCKER 1 1 0.048 TOTALS 25 478 428 768 192 140 31 2062 1979 "~" MONTHS % OF SUM TOTAL SPECIES -APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV ALEWIFE X3 339 363 493 170 190 1555 86.197 RAINBOW SMELT 9 2 39 30 54 1 135 7.483 LAKE TROUT 1 2 2 2 14 6 27 1.497 BROWN TROUT 8 1 3 1 5 1 19 1 053 SPOTTAIL SHINER 1 3 2 12 18 0.998 RAINBOW TROUT 8 1 1 5 15 0.831 CHINOOK SALMON 2 3 1 4 1 11 0.610 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE 7 7 0.388 COHO SALMON 2 1 2 5 0.277 TROUT-PERCH 5 5 0.277 YELLOW PERCH . 5 5 0.277 WHITE SUCKER 2 2 0.111 TOTALS 10 361 371 549 204 278 18 13 1804 1980 ■"" MONTHS % OF SUM TOTAL SPECIES APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV ALEWIFE 83 472 464 46 81 1 1147 78.940 RAINBOW SMELT 6 14 22 18 56 116 7.983 LAKE TROUT 2 60 10 72 4 955 SPOTTAIL SHINER 24 21 1 46 3. 166 YELLOW PERCH 16 16 1 . 101 RAINBOW TROUT 3 3 9 15 1 .032 CHINOOK SALMON 1 1 1 8 1 1 13 0.895 COHO SALMON 3 1 7 11 0.757 BROWN TROUT 3 1 2 6 413 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE 4 1 5 0.344 CHANNEL CATFISH 2 2 4 0275 WHITE SUCKER 1 1 0.069 LONGNOSE SUCKER 1 1 . 069 TOTALS 9 99 504 488 106 160 64 _^ 23 __ 1453 50 Table 13. Summary of all fish species caught by bottom gill nets during June to December 1977 and April to November 1978-1980 in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. 1977 MONTHS % OF SPECIES JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SUM TOTAL ALEWIFE 67 - 327 325 435 1 1155 35.517 YELLOW PERCH 58 111 368 146 1 37 721 22. 171 SPOTTAIL SHINER 26 40 144 349 31 590 18. 143 WHITE SUCKER 2 48 150 82 4 1 287 8.825 LAKE TROUT 2 42 1 101 18 164 5.043 GIZZARD SHAD 12 3 71 86 2.645 RAINBOW SMELT 3 7 53 63 1 .937 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE 34 16 5 55 1 .691 LONGNOSE SUCKER 15 13 6 34 1 .046 TROUT-PERCH 2 8 3 21 34 1 .046 BROWN TROUT 2 3 3 11 10 29 0.892 SILVER REDHORSE 2 2 3 1 8 0.246 CHANNEL CATFISH 6 6 0. 185 ROUND WHITEFISH 1 3 2 6 0. 185 COHO SALMON 1 4 5 0. 154 RAINBOW TROUT 4 4 0. 123 LAKE WHITEFISH 1 1 2 0.062 COMMON CARP 2 2 0.062 SHORTHEAD REDHORSE 1 1 0.031 TOTALS 191 611 1042 1202 1 204 1 3252 1978 MONTHS % OF SPECIES APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV SUM TOTAL SPOTTAIL SHINER 7 166 1454 1718 262 202 53 39 3901 42.601 ALEWIFE 3 488 114 2397 84 219 11 62 3378 36 . 890 RAINBOW SMELT 322 149 7 16 12 61 8 13 582 6.356 YELLOW PERCH 5 1 3 23 176 199 6 13 426 4.652 WHITE SUCKER 33 28 29 65 78 5 11 249 2.719 LAKE TROUT 30 23 18 10 5 2 67 52 207 2.261 GIZZARD 5HA0 1 53 45 7 18 124 1 .354 BROWN TROUT 36 16 16 9 4 4 3 7 95 1 .037 LONGNOSE SUCKER 1 29 9 16 1 7 2 3 68 0.743 TROUT-PERCH 3 1 2 9 6 24 45 0.491 COHO SALMON 1 2 1 2 4 2 1 13 0. 142 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE 3 7 1 1 1 0. 120 JOHNNY DARTER 8 8 0.087 ROUND WHITEFISH 1 1 2 . 2 1 1 8 0.087 COMMON CARP 5 2 7 0.076 LAKE WHITEFISH 4 1 1 6 0.066 CHINOOK SALMON 1 1 1 2 1 6 0.066 RAINBOW TROUT 1 1 4 6 0.066 SILVER REDHORSE 4 4 0.044 GOLDEN REDHORSE 1 3 4 0.044 OUILLBACK 2 1 3 0.033 NORTHERN PIKE 1 1 2 0.022 SHORTHEAD REDHORSE 1 t 0.011 CHANNEL CATFISH 1 1 0.011 FRESHWATER DRUM 1 1 0.011 SMALLMOUTH BASS -0 1 1 0.011 TOTALS 411 907 1655 4224 684 845 181 250 9157 5J Table 13. Continued. 1979 MONTHS % OF SPECIES APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV SUM TOTAL SPOTTAIL SHINER 17 397 679 664 401 217 220 75 2670 45 . 908 ALEWIFE 87 510 132 248 242 2 1221 20.994 RAINBOW SWELT 8 36 5 91 276 4 420 7.221 WHITE SUCKER 47 42 110 40 156 7 4 406 6.981 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE 28 183 2 13 1 227 3,903 YELLOW PERCH 5 5 17 32 39 78 6 36 218 3.748 LONGNOSE SUCKER 47 12 93 3 29 11 3 198 3.404 LAKE TROUT 9 11 6 15 13 22 73 27 176 3.026 TROUT-PERCH 1 10 11 7 11 10 39 89 1.530 BROWN TROUT 26 8 8 5 2 7 4 60 1.032 ROUND WHITEFISH 2 3 4 6 17 5 37 0.636 LAKE WHITEFISH 9 8 3 20 0.344 CHINOOK SALMON 2 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 15 0.258 GIZZARD SHAD 2 1 2 9 1 15 0.258 GOLDEN REDHORSE 2 7 1 10 0. 172 COMMON CARP 2 1 1 2 1 7 0. 120 RAINBOW TROUT 7 7 0. 120 CHANNEL CATFISH 1 3 2 6 0. 103 COHO SALMON 2 3 5 0.086 SHORTHEAD REDHORSE 2 1 1 4 0.069 SILVER REDHORSE 1 2 3 0.052 SLIMY SCULPIN 1 1 0.017 LAKE STURGEON 1 1 0.017 TOTALS 84 654 1337 1258 843 1075 372 193 5816 1980 MONTHS % OF TOTAL SPECIES APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV SUM SPOTTAIL SHINER 11 138 924 2147 208 1033 204 58 4723 43.291 ALEWIFE 5 50 1235 960 115 184 20 1 2570 23.556 YELLOW PERCH 8 5 13 172 266 335 7 8 814 7.461 RAINBOW SMELT 240 17 39 187 224 50 766 7.021 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE 7 401 15 29 182 634 5.811 WHITE SUCKER 42 55 30 91 119 29 14 380 3.483 LAKE TROUT 15 7 15 5 61 150 1 15 368 3.373 TROUT-PERCH 2 16 10 10 8 29 67 18 160 1.467 LONGNOSE SUCKER 8 35 20 2 16 34 26 14 155 1 .421 ROUND WHITEFISH 10 3 5 4 2 27 26 77 0.706 GIZZARD SHAD 2 1 22 25 6 7 4 67 0.614 LAKE WHITEFISH 1 9 32 15 57 0.522 BROWN TROUT 21 4 13 1 3 42 0.385 CHINOOK SALMON 2 1 6 13 22 0.202 SILVER REDHORSE 1 2 6 5 14 0. 128 COMMON CARP 1 1 5 2 2 2 13 0. 119 RAINBOW TROUT 1 1 3 4 1 10 0.092 COHO SALMON 2 3 1 2 1 9 0.082 SHORTHEAD REDHORSE 2 3 1 1 7 0.064 CHANNEL CATFISH 1 3 2 6 0.055 GOLDEN REDHORSE 2 2 o 4 0.037 BURBOT 1 2 I 4 0.037 WALLEYE 2 1 3 0.027 YELLOW BULLHEAD 2 2 0.018 OUILLBACK 1 1 2 0.018 NORTHERN PIKE 1 1 0.009 TOTALS 331 327 2746" 3369 1008 2253 603 273 10910 52 Table 14. Summary of all fish species caught by trawls during June to December 1977 and April to December 1978-1980 in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. 1977 MONTHS SPECIES JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SUM % OF TOTAL ALEWIFE 743 195 2137 794 6557 4765 15191 49.740 RAINBOW SMELT 1046 •545 7395 2590 348 69 732 12725 41 .665 TROUT-PERCH 322 219 119 130 36 22 5 853 2.793 SPOTTAIL SHINER 98 2 38 314 33 198 683 2.236 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE 39 23 4 26 234 61 4 391 1.284 JOHNNY DARTER 116 13 17 73 68 9 1 297 0.972 YELLOW PERCH 34 5 66 32 6 4 54 201 0.658 NINESPINE STICKLEBACK 86 16 11 14 3 2 132 0.432 SLIMY SCULPIN 12 5 3 1 23 44 0. 144 LAKE WHITEFISH 8 1 9 0.026 LAKE TROUT 2 2 1 5 0.016 MOTTLED SCULPIN 4 4 0.013 ROUND WHITEFISH 1 1 2 0.007 WHITE SUCKER 1 1 2 0.007 BURBOT 1 1 0.003 LONGNOSE SUCKER 1 1 0.003 TOTALS 2511 1024 9752 3697 7570 4967 1020 30541 1978 MONTHS % OF SPECIES APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SUM TOTAL ALEWIFE 13 143 320 64 429 8778 26775 6 36528 53.056 RAINBOW SMELT 693 3458 2364 6633 6200 2212 1103 1063 351 24077 34.971 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE *5 189 537 196 16 1666 478 18 3105 4.510 SPOTTAIL SHINER 8 85 215 2 477 630 173 93 105 1788 2.597 TROUT-PERCH 3 297 423 354 383 195 16 27 19 1717 2.494 YELLOW PERCH 3 2 3 6 113 340 22 5 29 523 0.760 NINESPINE STICKLEBACK 31 139 151 80 2 403 0.585 JOHNNY DARTER 29 46 36 87 56 54 36 6 350 0.508 SLIMY SCULPIN 60 128 13 31 9 1 34 276 0.401 GIZZARD SHAD 7 4 32 43 0.062 WHITE SUCKER 1 10 1 12 0.017 LAKE TROUT 3 5 2 10 0.015 BURBOT 1 2 1 4 0.006 LONGNOSE SUCKER 1 1 2 0.0O3 ROUND WHITEFISH 1 1 2 0.003 CHINOOK SALMON 1 1 2 0.003 LAKE WHITEFISH 1 1 2 0.003 COMMON CARP 1 1 0.001 BLUNTNOSE MINNOW 1 1 0.001 BLUEGILL 1 1 0.001 WALLEYE 1 1 0.001 TOTALS 767 4049 3539 8087 7614 3888 11822 28480 602 68848 53 Table 14. Continued. 1979 MONTHS % OF TOTAL SPECIES APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SUM RAINBOW SMELT 293 2001 204 1891 17119 3863 588 1036 820 27815 43.268 ALEWIFE 23 325 6 130 601 4037 17841 164 23127 35.975 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE 8 277 2540 403 410 392 1430 9 5469 8.507 SPOTTAIL SHINER 1 744 2396 67 703 77 557 140 206 4891 7.608 TROUT-PERCH 386 126 507 274 154 125 33 7 1612 2.508 JOHNNY DARTER 7 99 78 37 33 68 50 17 16 405 0.630 YELLOW PERCH 6 8 18 71 64 4 3 4 200 378 0.588 NINESPINE STICKLEBACK 52 143 166 1 1 3 1 367 0.571 SLIMY SCULPIN 59 65 2 1 1 1 1 24 154 0.240 LAKE TROUT 1 5 5 3 4 1 19 0.030 GIZZARD SHAD 8 1 2 1 1 0.017 ROUND WHITEFISH 1 2 2 1 1 7 0.011 LAKE WHITEFISH 4 1 2 7 0.011 LONGNOSE SUCKER 1 1 1 1 1 5 0.008 WHITE SUCKER 2 2 4 0.006 COMMON CARP 2 1 3 0.005 CHINOOK SALMON 2 1 3 0.005 COHO SALMON 3 3 0.005 BROWN TROUT 1 1 0003 RAINBOW TROUT 1 0.002 GREEN SUNFISH 1 0.002 MOTTLED SCULPIN 1 0.002 CHANNEL CATFISH 1 0.002 TOTALS 367 3391 3577 5295 18739 5185 5765 20514 1453 64286 1980 MONTHS % OF TOTAL SPECIES APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SUM RAINBOW SMELT 1841 2966 3350 616 17612 2727 2922 1631 1573 35238 56 . 304 SPOTTAIL SHINER 21 245 2792 2212 51 1313 1897 176 127 8834 14. 115 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE 2 734 2649 695 565 430 1387 687 894 8043 12.851 ALEWIFE 146 197 1099 150 77 952 3144 196 55 6016 9.613 TROUT-PERCH 29 450 509 616 421 580 79 26 5 2715 4.338 YELLOW PERCH 17 10 29 58 224 446 59 4 5 852 1 .361 JOHNNY DARTER 22 80 37 21 16 53 29 20 34 312 0.499 NINESPINE STICKLEBACK 4 96 100 24 9 1 234 0.374 SLIMY SCULPIN 78 44 18 7 1 1 2 12 163 0.260 LAKE TROUT 1 47 11 5 1 1 66 0. 105 ROUND WHITEFISH 6 3 3 8 5 5 4 1 4 39 0.062 LAKE WHITEFISH 1 3 3 1 4 2 1 2 17 0.027 GIZZARD SHAD 16 16 0.026 LONGNOSE SUCKER 1 8 1 10 0.016 CHINOOK SALMON 1 6 1 1 9 0.014 WHITE SUCKER 1 4 1 6 0.010 MOTTLED SCULPIN 1 1 1 1 1 5 0.008 DEEPWATER SCULPIN 2 2 0.003 CENTRAL MUDMINNOW 2 2 0.003 LONGNOSE DACE 1 0.002 BURBOT 1 0.002 LAKE HERRING 1 0.002 COHO SALMON 1 0.002 COMMON CARP 1 0.002 BROWN TROUT 1 0.002 TOTALS 2170 4879 10610 4422, 18995 6509 9542 2747 2711 62585 5A Larvae were most abundant during July and August of all years. In 1977» July was the peak month, while in 1979. August had highest catches. In I978 and 1980, both July and August were months of maximum abundance. High densities of larvae were also recorded in June; densities were much higher than September levels, but lower than July and August collections. The depth distribution of total larvae was in general inversely related to depth. A clear pattern of decreased densities with increasing depth was shown for peak larval abundance months in 1978 and 1979- In 1979. densities at beach to 3-m stations were high (some over 10,000/1000 m^) , while all densities at 6- to 15-m stations averaged less than 1000/1000 m^. In 1978, a similar pattern was evident, but the densities at intermediate depths (3 to 9 m) were considerably higher with many values in the 2000/1000 m^ range. At 12 and 15 m, average densities were mostly less than 500/1000 m^. Trends in 1977 and 1980 were not as clear as the pattern established for 1978-1979* although the major deviation from the pattern was the occurrence of high average densities at intermediate depths. This occurred for two dates in I98O at 6 and 9 m and at one date in 1977 at 12 m. Other than these sporadic occurrences of high densities at intermediate-depth stations, a similar trend of decreasing densities the deeper the station was observed. MOST ABUNDANT SPECIES Alewi fe I ntroduction — Over the k yr, the relative abundance of alewives has decreased from 68.5% of the total fish catch in 1977 to 19% of the total fish catch in I98O. Although there is an apparent precipitous decline over the k yr, a closer examination of the data reveals a more stable condition in adult populations. The total adult catches not adjusted for changes in sampling design were approximately 365O, 4858, 318O, and 4190 in 1977-1980 respectively. Year-to- year fluctuations in total catch (all age-groups combined) were primarily caused by extreme variability in catch of YOY and yearlings. Additionally, the increased catches of smelt and unidentified Coregoninae from 1977 to I98O were the primary causes for the decreased percentage of alewives in our samples. Adult alewives are generally most abundant in the area of the Campbell Plant in June and July, corresponding to times of intense spawning. It is likely that most spawning occurs at depths of 9 ni or less. A major spawning peak in late June was indicated in all h yr resulting in highest densities of larval alewives in early July. The first occurrence of larvae in any year was related to the warming trend of Lake Michigan and occurred when water had warmed to approximately 12-15 C. Throughout June to August in any year cold- water upwel lings caused temporary cessations in spawning which again ensued when the upwel ling dissipated. YOY alewives along with yearlings and adults move offshore in autumn to depths outside our study area. 55 c <0 T3 0) 0) ■V r (0 0) u 3 "0 z U T3 0) (0 C ^ (Q (0 •»- (0 0) ^ (0 JC flj c • <♦-» > ^■^ c £- -0 4- (D (0 (D (. c C (Q (0 a H-> Q) C o z c Q) *■ a •^ a Ui tf) UIV c c m ^ •*■ (Q ••- ^ £. 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C U W c c c &- c c cr w r «• CD 1^ > O' C 6-. t C « I»- O c = « a c H « •-! •- o e c o o c eooocfN ctr^r>eir«ooc: o col n T3 o • r» ^ fv \o mo «o (D cm r^ r* \o m vo Otfoov-«ino*oDv*9in eo^oo** ov'O^ ofsr^o^^**) o<^«tr»voooiarm\o 03000030309 UUUUUUUUUU o »J o o o e o a o i a o ex m as i § < I OO CO . . 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Wi . , 00 a Q) 6 cd <«^ ^ c - O O -H O CO Cd ^ ,H o M e 2 '^ CU o *J Cd S in <*^ 'H -H 00 B CM S cd o o 02 o d 'O CD cd "H "H • oos -c •« . o 3 o 2 . 3 c o o o £W000l/3VAdVl ON lN30d3d ^ a\ -H 0) ^ X 5s "U • T3 a • c; CJ o d 3J w d 0) d Cd S • 0) iH ^^ CO d iH vO Q) cr O >» pid CM (U CJ 4J 4J Cd V4 •H Cd >J +« ^ 0) CO ) ^ d o d w -fi > 0) 00 M 4-1 "U V4 Q a^ 0) d 00 Cd r-4 4J 0) d »-4 CO 00 0) • M Cd (U hJ M-l 00 - □□ UJ o I > > I t I o o o o 2 2 o o £W 0001/3 VAdVn ON * i Z 2 5 ^ 1*1 S uiiOC ♦ r«.— S5^ ^ 1. i S^iiiis « z>n 8,' e 5s Hi*- - • ^25 1 1 * jMinOixZ oo'oa O CM o o O CNi 000 '^ rO Csl lN30d3d J:: 9- ^ S 42 O U < <: G 0) iJ a 0) C)0 0) (U . o 2 " V4 -H cd ^ (u :^ (U CO o :3 > >-^ -O -H 00 0) • cd cj • r-l OJ r-l • V4 o p a 4J Cd 0) 5 S Cd » -U) a fi 0) a; rH 3 rH XT O GO Cd C rH 0) o • U i-i CO C 73 1977 3000-- vf>,.^'^''^^,,V-'\„,.>*;^,,.,'• NORTH TRANSECT SAMPLING PERIOD 4000 ■- ^21 SOUTH TRANSECT SAMPLING PERIOD Fig, 20. Mean density (no./lOOO m ) of larval alewives for north and south transect stations in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, 1977 to 1980. Mean densities were calculated by averaging densities over all gear (plankton nets and sleds) , strata and diel periods (day and night) sampled. O = no sampling performed. 74 1978 NORTH TRANSECT SAMPLING PERIOD ^^_^- ^' ^-^^^- '^' ^' ^15 SAMPLING PERIOD .>'<' ..^^^' SOUTH TRANSECT Fig. 20. Continued. 75 1979 5295 I 3000- o D C — 20C0-- < > < '000-- ^^^' .c^^^' .^^^^ .0.^^^ SAMPLING PERIOD NORTH TRANSECT 3000- o o O2000- uJ < > < 1000-- SAMPLING PERIOD SOUTH TRANSECT Fig. 20. Continued. 76 1980 4000 fo 3000 o o o ^2000 > < ,v>^' ,vi^— ^— ^— ^— ^-— ^ NORTH TRANSECT \^' SAMPLING PERIOD O o o <2000 > < —I I000-- 6684 i 500 I '"■■F^ll^ ^ . ^-^''' » 5^^^'" , :>^^' SOUTH TRANSECT SAMPLING PERIOD Fig. 20. Continued. 77 Early July — For all years studied, the first sampling period in July marked the first major occurrence of larval alewives near Port Sheldon (Figs. 8-19). With the exception of early July 1979» mean densities at the beach to 3 n^ and 6- and 9"ni stations ranged from 1000 to over 6OOO iarvae/1000 m^. During early July 1979* a cold-water upwelling depressed water temperatures below those conducive to alewife spawning, and thus mean densities at the beach to 3*ffi stations did not exceed 66O larvae/ 1000 m^, and no mean densities exceeding 70 larvae/1000 m^ were observed at the 6- to 9"""^ and 12- to 15""^ stations. There are at least three possible mechanisms by which cold-water upwel lings could affect the abundance of alewife larvae in the study area. The first is the effect of cold-water upwelling on adults expected to spawn in the area. Our studies indicate that many adult alewives move from the nearshore zone affected by an upwelling (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Alewife . Adults, Seasonal distribution ) . This movement from the area by the spawning stock, as well as the retarding effect cold water would have on the spawning stock that remained in the area, would dramatically affect egg deposition and hence recruitment of newly hatched larvae. Newly hatched individuals comprised the majority of larvae in our early July samples in all years. Another effect a cold-water upwelling may have on recruitment of newly hatched larvae is direct mortality or decreased survival of alewife eggs deposited just prior to the upwelling. Edsall (1970) observed that the development of a functional jaw in larval alewives did not occur at water temperatures less than 10 C. Water temperatures below 10 C are frequently observed during upwel lings. The third mechanism by which upwel lings could affect abundance of alewife larvae in the study area is by transporting newly hatched passive larvae offshore with surface currents. The fate of larvae transported from the nearshore zone to the offshore zone is uncertain. Since the alewife has adapted to spawn in the nearshore zone, it is probably most advantageous for larvae to use the nearshore zone as a nursery. Thus factors which would distribute the larvae offshore probably negatively affect their survival. It is likely that the aforementioned mechanisms exert differential effects on the abundance of larval alewives which are dependent on the extent of the upwel 1 ing. There was a general tendency over the 4-yr study for larval alewives to be more concentrated at depths of 9 "» or less. This tendency was more pronounced during times of upwelling when nearshore stations had relatively higher water temperatures. Early July sampling during 1977"1980 confirmed that the first substantial alewife spawning activity usually took place in late June to early July. There is also a clear indication that upwel lings have a depressing effect on spawning and hatching. During 1977 when the Units 1 and 2 discharge canal opened at the shoreline of Lake Michigan substantial spawning occurred in the discharge canal during early June. Early July 1977 length-frequency histograms from the north and south transects beach to 9"^" stations were compared (Figs. 8-10). They showed that a considerably higher proportion of larvae captured at the 78 north transect stations exceeded 10 mm total length when compared with the south transect catch. We believe that early spawning in the onshore warm- water discharge in Lake Michigan was responsible for the observed differences. Late July — The effect of cold-water upwelling was most clearly observed during late July sampling. For 1977-1979. deflections in the warming trends (Figs. 8-16) in late July indicated an upwelling either during sampling or just prior to it. The result of the upwel lings during late July 1977 and 1978 was reduced mean densities at all station groupings, compared with earlier July densities of these same years (Figs. 8-13). Since an upwelling was present during both July 1979 sampling periods, low mean larval alewife densities were observed for that entire month (Figs. 14-16). Presence of upwel lings generally resulted in a more nearshore distribution of larvae, as can be seen in late July 1977 and 1979 (Figs. 8-19), which is probably related to increased spawning and hatching in warmer nearshore water. During late July 1978 sampling, the effect of an upwelling, which occurred just prior to our collections, was diminishing and a more general distribution of larvae to 15 m occurred (Figs. 11-13)- There was a striking difference between late July sampling in 1977-1979 and 1980. During the I98O period, no interruption in the summer warming trend of the inshore zone was observed, and the intensive spawning and hatching activity, observed in early July, continued. Mean densities at nearshore (beach to 3 m) stations in late July I98O were clearly higher than offshore stations, exceeding 4000 larvae/1000 m^ (Figs. 17-19)* Thus it appears that if a warming trend continues uninterrupted throughout July in the inshore zone, intensive hatching, resulting in mean densities often exceeding 2000 larvae/1000 m^, might be expected to depths of 15 m. If a warming trend is interrupted by an upwelling, a diminishing effect on spawning and hatching might be expected, resulting in mean densities well below 2000 larvae/1000 m^. The extent of this attenuating effect of upwel lings on larval alewife abundance is dependent on upwelling intensity and duration. Early August — Resumption of a summer warming trend in early August 1978 and 1979 resulted in substantially higher mean densities of larval alewives compared with late July in these years (Figs. II-I6). Continued warming of inshore water during early August I98O resulted in mean densities of alewife larvae which were comparable to levels in early August 1978 and 1979 (Figs. 17-19); however, these mean densities were much lower than densities measured during late July I98O. Lower densities of alewife larvae in early August 1980 compared with late July I98O suggest a tapering off of an alewife spawning peak which occurred in early to mid-July. Thus it appears that the upwelling temporarily delayed spawning and hatching. A resumption of the inshore summer warming trend resulted in increased spawning and hatching. During years when there were no significant upwel lings and the warming trend proceeded uninterrupted, a more defined spawning peak would be expected in July, and a tapering off of the peak would be expected in August, as was observed in I98O. 79 Distribution of larval alewives for all 3 yr in which early August samples were taken (1978-1980) showed similar trends. Highest mean densities were at beach and 3"ni stations, with successive declines at 6- to 9""''^ and 12- to 15"ni stations. It is this distributional trend which is most common, except when the major hatching peak occurs, which can occur in June-August. During those peak hatching periods the distribution of larval alewife was more widespread out to depths of 15 m. Examination of early August length-frequency data comparing north with south transects over the 3 y revealed few differences. During early August 1978, a substantially higher proportion of larvae captured within the nearshore zone (beach and 3 ni) at the north transect exceeded 10 mm while those within the similar south transect area were less than 10 mm (Figs. 11-13). A reverse of this trend was observed during early August 1979 and 1980 (Figs. 14-19); thus we feel that length-frequency differences observed between transects at these times were attributable to natural variability rather than plant effects. Late August — During most years sampled, hatching tapered off in late August. This decline was most evident during I98O when, as previously noted, the lack of substantial upwel lings resulted in a more defined hatching peak in July. Mean densities at any of the station combinations during late August 1980 did not exceed 55 larvae/1000 m^, while late August sampling during 1977 and 1978 showed consistently higher mean densities (60-5^1 larvae/1000 m^) (Figs. 8-19)- During late August 1979» even higher densities (up to 2150 larvae/1000 m^) were observed. These data support the contention that upwel lings cause an apportioning of spawning over a longer period of time, resulting in less defined peaks in abundance. Duration of major spawning effort is determined by duration of the upwel lings. During 1979 when there was an extended upwel ling through July, there was still substantial spawning occurring in late August. During 1978 and 1979f upwel lings were present only in mid- and late July, resulting in substantial spawning into early August. For these 2 years through early July the primary spawning peak was dictated by physical factors. During all study years there was a general tendency in late August for larvae to be more concentrated at depths of 9 m or less when compared with 12- and 15-m stations (Figs. 8-19). Length-frequency data indicated that during most years a substantial portion of the larvae captured in late August were hatched within 2 wk or less prior to sampling (Figs. 8-19)- September — With initiation of cooling in Lake Michigan in September, alewife spawning generally ceases. Substantial decreases in mean larval alewife densities were observed in September of all years when compared with late August (Figs. 8-I9) . These decreased densities of larval alewives in September reflect the lack of recruitment of newly hatched larvae as well as net avoidance by larger larvae which would be expected at this time. Length-frequency histograms from September 1979 stand out from those of the other years (Figs. Ii+-l6) . During 1977» 1978 and I98O all alewife larvae captured in September were 15 nim or longer (Figs. 8-19)- In September 1979* 80 in excess of 50% of the larvae captured were less than 15 mm, indicating that they probably were spawned and hatched in early September. This abnormal extension of spawning in September 1979 was probably due to the extensive upwelling which occurred in July 1979* The effect this delayed spawning has on survival of larvae hatched so late in the growing season is unknown. We believe these larvae experience higher winter mortality than larvae hatched earlier in the season. Young-of-the-Year — As larval alewives grow during summer months, they become increasingly susceptible to capture by seines and trawls. It is at this point of susceptibility that we refer to them as young-of-the-year (YOY) . YOY are an extremely important age-group of fish since they have survived the period of highest mortality. Since it is assumed that this age-group would have the highest probability of impingement on the 9'5"'nim wedge-wire intake screens, a documentation of their preoperational distribution relative to the intakes was essent i al • Seasona I d t s tr i but i on — Generally, the first substantial catch of YOY alewives in any year occurred in August (Fig. 21). The exception to this trend was observed in July 1977 when over 5000 YOY were captured in seine hauls at beach stations in Lake Michigan (Fig. 21). Although this might appear to indicate that spawning had occurred earlier in Lake Michigan during this year, larval fish data from Lake Michigan stations do not support this hypothesis (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Alewife . Larvae, Seasona I d i s tr i but i on ) . The most notable correlation which could explain the early occurrence of YOY alewives in Lake Michigan in 1977 was found by examining larval fish data from adjacent Pigeon Lake for 1977"1979 (Jude et al. 1978, 1979a, 1980). Over the 3-yr study period, the most intensive early June spawning of alewives was observed in 1977 when densities of alewife larvae were high (near 2000 larvae/1000 m^) at two of the three beach sampling stations in Pigeon Lake. It was thus strongly indicated that Pigeon Lake was used as an early June spawning area by many adult alewives. It is possible that these larvae used the area of Pigeon Lake as a nursery area and moved out into Lake Michigan in July in 1977* Another possible origin of the YOY caught in July 1977 may have been the discharge canal which in that year opened unobstructed at the shoreline of Lake Michigan. We believe that early June spawning took place there by either early inshore migrating alewives from Lake Michigan or a resident population of alewives from the canal itself. During early June 1978 and 1979 no larval alewives were reported at beach stations in Pigeon Lake (Jude et al. 1979a, I98O) indicating that during these years very little early June alewife spawning occurred there. In contrast to July 1977, only one YOY was caught at adjacent Lake Michigan beach stations during July 1979 and none were caught in July 1978. Although July data suggest that YOY alewives remain in the nearshore zone, larval fish data (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Alewife , Larvae, Seasonal di str i but ion ) indicate that some larvae which have overlapping size ranges (15"25 mm) with those classified as YOY, were distributed to the 15-m depth contour in July of all years. 81 I-YL -- AO lo-3n l6-9r NORTH TRANSECT 977 ]xlO*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' 1x10* =r 1x10' 5 1x10' S 1x10' — o 1x10* =r o w 1x10' — ^ 1x10'- iZ 1x10' - ^ 1x10*" i 1x10'- 2 I 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* =r 1x10' — 1x10' — 1x10' 1x10* =r 1x10' — 1x10' — 1x10' YOY YOY' AD ., I I, — YOY •YL AD' YOY' YOY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 21. Length-frequency histograms for alewives collected during June December 1977 and April - December 1978-1980 at north and south transects. Stations were combined into two groups for the north transect: beach and 3 m; 6 and 9 m and into three groups for the south transect: beach, 1.5 and 3 m; 6 and 9 m; and 12 and 15 m. Diel periods and gear types were pooled. YOY = Young-of-the-year; YL = Yearling; AD = Adult. 82 IxlQ'- \xlO'- ^xlC - ]xlO*- IxIC'- 1x10' - 1x10* = 1x10'- ^ 1x10'- < 1x10' - u Q 1x10* = O 1x10'- ^yi AO lQ-3n l6-9n ii2-i5n SOUTH TRANSECT 1977 l-YOY X CO 1x10' — 1x10' 5 1x10*- (T 1x10'- UJ 2 1x10'- D ^ 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- txIO' - 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - YL AD- ^ .YOY, Ij.. . .YOY YL AD- i: I • YOY -H*^ n 1 r JUN JUL RUG SEP -1 r' 1 1 1 1 1 OCT n 1 1 NOV 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 21. Continued. DEC 83 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* IxiO' 1x10' 1x10' Ix iG* S 1x10' < 1x10' O 1x10* 2 1x10' CO il 1x10' fc 1x10' O ec 1x10* LU g 1x10' S 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' ■A^— * lo-sn ie-an NORTH TRANSECT 1978 -I 1 r •YL 4^ -AD -I 1 T JU-UL 'YL ' r " I r AD r-^-V 1 ^ — YL — ,,! I! li ■! J ■■ ,. ■AD YOY YL A0< T — 1 — ■ T — YOY YL AO I I I I I . I i M .i n I! I .. .! ....... T — '^— T — ' — r — ' — 1 1- YOY I MoH ^-^-i^ YOY ^ "T r I I I I T" JY0Y< I I -i 1 r -1 1 ! ! 1 r RPR n 1 1 1 1 nflY JUN JUL ,. ■ ,. ■! ,. I! l! ■! ij .! RUG I I I I I I I 1 I I I I SEP -i 1 1 1 OCT NOV DEC 20 40 60 80 ^20 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 21. Continuea. 84 AO -^ |o-3n ie-sn Ii2-i5n SOUTH TRANSECT 1978 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig- 21, ^^outmuea. RPR nflY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 300 320 85 lo-3n l6-9n NORTH TRANSECT 1979 PPR MRY JUN JUL flUG SEP OCT NOV 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 TOTAL L E NGTH (MM) lEC Fig, 21. Continued. 86 .X lU - IxiO^- •,x1Q' - MU* - 1x10' - 1x10^ 1x10' 1x10' 1x10^ 1x10^ :x'0' 1x10* 1x10' UJ -J < CO 1x10' 1x10' S o -1 1x10* 1x10' lG-3n \6-3r. ]\2-:sn SOUTH TRANSECT 1979 YL li I, AD |i * !. !■ ». ■■ ■ YL AD " M » — H- Ji-^ 1x10*' 1x10' x10*=r o: 1x10'- UJ i 1x10*- ^ 1x10' - ^ 1x10* = 1x10'- 1x10*- 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10*- 1x10' - 1x10* 1x10'- 1x10*- ix10' ■ J— YOY ^ YL — AD YOY YL i: ,i: I I i: ,i •YOY. -ii-l-YOY^ YOY 20 Fig. — T — " 40 21 flPR nflY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 60 80 100 120 140 160 ^80 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Continued. 87 H> AO- lc-3n {6-9n NORTH TRANSECT 1980 X .0 "x lu* — r IxlC'-f ixiO' — L YL AD YL -i — '■' — r — — r — ' — r AD I 1 -r ! I! -r-- — I- ix:c'- 1x10'- < a ,yiC' CO 2 ixin* -J ixiir X IxlQ* w u. 1x10' ^-YOY- CD 1x10* - IxiQ'- ixlG'- iC ~r 'YL AO - -T 1 T" YL- AD -T r" — — r r YOY YL AO 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - n — "^n — ■ — r — " — r I YOY . T — ' — r — ■ — r — --T |ftD| 1x10* =p V r — •— T 1 1 1 r- 1,103^ l-YOYH 1x10' IxlO' •AO- IxiO* =1= ^ r — "-V 1x10' 4- I— YOY-^ IxiC- 1x10' ~i 1 1 f 1 f- flPR MAY n 1 1 1 JUN n — ■ — I 1 1 1 JUL n 1 1 1 1 AUG -T 1 1 1 SEP ~i I 1 1 1 1 1 OCT NOV 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 21. Continued. 88 DEC < u CO o O o a: Ui 00 :x;0' :xiO' 1x10' 1x10^ 1x10* 1x10^ 1x10' IxlC biC* 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* 1x10' . 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* IxiO' 1x10' 1x10' ■ 'xlO*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10* = 1x10'- IxiC- 'xlO' - hYL AD .j: l!^ Il lG-3n l6-9n :i2-'5n SOUTH TRANSECT 1980 YL tA- AD I Ij I I- I j II ' YL AO AO h-YOY- AO Id YOY YL< I- I- I jiLk. YOY Kii ^-^YOY. -AO- hvoYH _, — 20 -^ flPR nflY 1 -f 1 1 1 i H- i: 1- i: i: i: !• 1^ ;Li_i_i|_L^ i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1. 1 1 1 1 t ''• 't ' 'l ^ 1 1 , JUN JUL ALfG SEP OCT NOV Fig, 40 60 80 100 120 140 TOTAL 21. Continued. DEC IBO 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 LENGTH (MM) 89 During August of all years, there was a definite tendency for YOY to be distributed in the nearshore beach zone (Fig. 21). Without exception at least 99% of YOY captured in August from 1977 to I98O were seined at beach stations. Modal length of YOY alewives caught in August each year ranged from kO mm in 1977 to 30 mm in I978-I98O. The slightly higher modal length of YOY caught in August 1977 may substantiate the contention that some of these YOY were spawned early in Pigeon Lake or the discharge canal and moved into the adjacent Lake Michigan beach zone. It is also possible that this slight difference in modes was caused by variation in growth rates between years. A close examination of I978 length-frequency data for YOY captured in August also revealed that although modal length was 30 mm, nearly as many fish were in the 40-mm length interval. During September YOY alewives were primarily distributed from the beach to 3-m depths (Fig. 21). The most marked nearshore distribution of YOY in September was observed in 1977 when 99% of the YOY captured were taken at beach and 3-m stations. During September 1977 there were also 10 times as many YOY captured (over 15,000) than in September of any other year. The reason for this extraordinary occurrence of YOY nearshore in September 1977 may be related to water temperature differences between stations. During September of other study years, 1 978-1980, water temperatures at 6- and 9-m stations were not significantly different from beach and 3-m stations (Fig. 22), which apparently allowed for a wider distribution of YOY to the 6- and 9-m contour. During September of these years 7*33% of the YOY catch was taken at 6- and 9"»n depths. During 1977» however, nearshore bottom temperatures were substantially higher than bottom temperatures at 6- and 9-m stations (Fig. 22), resulting in a concentration of YOY in the nearshore zone. The contention that YOY alewives were attracted to warmer water temperatures is substantiated by the observed correlation of highest YOY alewife catch at beach station Q (south discharge) in September 1977 when this station exhibited highest water temperatures available (15-5 C) among Lake Michigan beach stations. Brandt (I98O) reported that YOY alewives near Grand Haven (17.5 ^ni north of Port Sheldon) were mainly captured in the warmest water available during September. Our data indicate that during years when the inshore area of Lake Michigan is more or less isothermal, YOY distribution is generally at depths of 9 m or less. Limited distribution to the 12- and 15-m depths was also indicated during I979 and I98O (Fig. 21). During years when either the natural cooling of Lake Michigan occurs or an upwelling results in marked temperature differences between depth contours, YOY alewives will probably remain in the warmest water temperatures available. Brandt (I98O) suggested that their September YOY alewife distribution was independent of depth and primarily related to water temperature. The modal lengths of YOY taken in September varied from 30 mm in I98O to 60 mm in 1977 and 1979* A definite bi modal distribution was indicated in September 1977* the modes of which were primarily separable by station. The mode of YOY caught in September 1977 at station Q (south discharge) was 60 mm, while the mode at other beach stations (P, south reference and R, north discharge) was kO mm. This observed difference in modes may reflect the increased ability of larger YOY to maintain themselves at the highest water temperature available. Another possible explanation for the difference in 90 modes among beach stations may be that those YOY sampled at station Q in September 1977 were part of the cohort spawned in the discharge canal earlier in the season which subsequently moved into the adjacent Lake Michigan beach zone. It is during October that the first substantial movement of YOY to depths greater than 9 m usually occurred (Fig. 21). In all years sampled, the October YOY catch taken at 6- and 9"ni stations ranged from 12% of the total monthly catch in 1979 to kO% in 1978, while at 12- and 15-ni stations this percentage ranged from 12 in 1979 to 72 in 198O. During 1977 when the l8- and 21-m contours were sampled, 27% of all YOY captured were trawled at these stations (Jude et al. 1978). While a definite offshore movement of YOY alewives in October was indicated in all years, the extent of the movement was variable. In I98O as low as 6% of the YOY were captured at beach and 3"ni stations, while in 1979 as high as 76% were taken nearshore. The extraordinary occurrence of YOY in the nearshore zone during October 1979 'Tiay be related to the delayed spawning peak of alewives that year, resulting in a prolonged stay in nursery areas. In most years, during October sampling the temperature differences between stations were subtle and temperature preference patterns were not obvious. For whatever reason, however, a distinct offshore movement of YOY alewives was indicated in all years (Fig. 21). The one sample collected at 21 m in October 1977 suggests the possibility that many YOY leave the study area for greater depths (Jude et al. 1978). An examination of modal lengths of YOY in October gives some indication that larger YOY migrate offshore ahead of smaller YOY. For years 1977. 1979 and I98O the modal length for those larvae captured at the beach and 3'ni stations was ^0 mm, while modal lengths for those YOY caught at more offshore stations was 60 or 70 mm. Modes of 60 mm were observed at all station combinations in 1978; however, there was a bimodal distribution at beach and 3~ni stations with the additional mode at 30 mm • During November, a continued offshore movement of YOY was indicated in all years. The extent of the offshore movement, was variable. During 1977 when 18- and 21-m stations were sampled in addition to beach to 15""n[i stations, 6i+% of the YOY were captured at 21 m (Jude et al. 1978). During I978, 70% of the YOY catch was made at depths of 6 and 9 m, while 90% of the YOY catch during 1979 was taken about equally at the 6- to 9~n™ and 12- to 15*ni contours. An even more extensive offshore migration in November I98O was indicated by the comparatively low catches of YOY in the study area. Without exception for 1977"1979 modal lengths of YOY caught at more offshore station groupings were larger than those YOY caught at more inshore stations. Modal comparisons during November I98O were precluded by the small catch of YOY. These data further indicate that larger YOY do migrate offshore ahead of smaller YOY. In all years, water temperature did not correlate with any trend of YOY abundances. 91 20 10- BEACH, 1.5,3 M NORTH SOUTH 1977 H 20 IT 10 h- < tr LU UJ 201- ir UJ < 10 BEACH, 1.5, 3 M .i. 1978 T y /-^ ■''^>:^-.^ z-^^— 4l r/ ^^^^^ / ^^N^qr 1//^^^^^ "^ -^ ^^^ \r^'^^ 1 1 1 1 1 BEACH, 1.5, 3 M '5?=— 4-^ 1979 BEACH, 1.5, 3 M 1980 -f^ 5s.T 20 . J 10 Ir 1 ^*"'**""i^~-~~^ n ^^^ APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SAMPLING PERIOD Fig. 22 . Mean bottom temperatures observed during monthly sampling from June to December 1977 and April to December 1978-1980 in eastern Lake Michigan, near the J.H. Campbell Plant. Vertical bars denote temperature range. 92 20 20 UJ 6,9 M NORTH SOUTH 1977 6,9 M 1979 ■^ i^x- 1>- 20 10- 6,9 M APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP SAMPLING PERIOD Fig. 22. Continued. 1980 OCT NOV DEC 93 20- 10 12,15 M 1977 1978 20 10 12,15 M 1980 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP SAMPLING PERIOD Fig. 22. Continued OCT NOV DEC 94 Migration of YOY alewives from the inshore water of Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant was generally completed by December of each year. With the exception of low numbers of smaller YOY (modal lengths 5O-6O mm) caught at beach to 15-m stations in December 1979 and 1980, no substantial concentrations of YOY were recorded in the study area during December, Year 1 i ngs — In general, catches of yearling alewives near Port Sheldon were lowest of the three age-groups sampled. This concurred with Jude et al . (I98O) who noted that yearlings were least abundant in samples taken near Bridgman, Michigan (108 km south of Port Sheldon), Yearling alewives are reportedly more pelagic and reside primarily offshore (Brown 1972; Wells I968) . The exception to low catches of yearling alewives occurred during I98O. In contrast to previous years* (1978 and 1979) sampling in which no yearling alewives were caught during April, effort during April I98O indicated a limited inshore distribution of yearlings (Fig. 21). This inshore presence continued to occur in May I98O when over 200 yearlings were caught inshore, compared with less than 25 caught in May I978 and 1979- During May I98O more than 95^ of the yearling alewives were caught at beach to 9"ni stations (Fig. 21). A continued inshore movement and increased abundance of yearlings were observed in June I98O when over 2000 yearlings were caught primarily at beach to 9-m stations. The total number of yearling alewives caught in June 1980 exceeded the total number of yearlings caught in all months sampled from 1977 to 1979 combined, and represented an extraordinary inshore migration of yearlings in late spring 1980. Although the reason for this extensive inshore migration of yearlings is unknown, it may be related to the previous year's abnormal delay in the spawning peak for alewives. The prolonged and somewhat delayed spawning season of 1979 seems to have resulted in a group of smaller yearlings in I98O. During 1977'"1979 the modal lengths of the few yearlings collected which returned to the inshore zone in June were 100 mm, 90 nini, and 120 mm respectively. Length-frequency data for yearling alewives caught in June 1980 indicated a mode of 70 mm. It may be that smaller yearlings are behavioral ly adapted to return again to the inshore zone during spring and summer warming, while larger yearlings remain more offshore and are more pelagic. During all years, most returning yearlings were caught at depths to 9 m. Compared with previous years, the catch of yearling alewives during August 1980 was still considerably larger, exceeding the August catch of all previous years combined. Modal lengths however were similar among years ranging from 90 to 120 mm. In all years relatively higher catches were made at 6- and 9"ni stations in August. This trend was continued during September sampling. Although these data may appear to indicate a preference for the 6- and S^m contours during August and September of most years, a more detailed scrutiny of the data indicated alewives moved offshore. The majority of yearlings caught during August and September of most years were taken in surface gill nets which were only fished at 6-m stations, except in 1977- 95 In all years sampled, no yearlings were caught from October to December suggesting that yearlings overwinter at depths greater than 21 m. Offshore migration of yearlings was generally completed by late October of most years. Adults-- From January until mid-April adult alewives were generally distributed offshore in deeper water (greater than 15 ni) (Reigle 1969; Wells I968) . As inshore water warms, adult alewives typically move inshore for an extended period of spawning from May to September. Periodic upwel lings in spring and summer months result in temporary offshore or alongshore movements and interruption of spawning. Seasonal di str ibut ion — April and May — The first indication of an annual inshore migration of adult alewives near the Campbell Plant occurred in April or May (Fig. 21). During the 2 yr when adult alewives were caught in April (1978 and I98O) catches were small (less than 100 fish). Gonad data (Fig. 23) indicated that none of the adult alewives taken in April I978 or I98O had well developed gonads, thus we believe that spawning was not occurring at this time. These data, along with larval fish data, indicate that alewife spawning in the vicinity of Port Sheldon generally does not occur prior to May. Alewives exhibited a more substantial inshore movement in May when compared with April during all years sampled (Fig. 21). Although accurate numerical comparisons among the depth groupings were confounded by the differential catch effort at each grouping, there was a clear indication that adult alewives in May showed a major concentration at depths of 9 »" of" less (Fig. 21) . Gonad data showed as high as 30% of the alewives caught in May I98O had well developed gonads or were ripe-running (Fig. 23). A small portion of the adult catch in May I978 and 1979 were spent (Fig. 23). Collectively these data indicate that alewife spawning in Lake Michigan near Port Sheldon usually initiates during May, however a large part of the population sampled in May of all 3 yr was not ready to spawn. June — With the exception of June 1978, when less than 3OO adult alewives were caught inshore (15 m or less), the catch of adult alewives in June of other years exceeded 1000 alewives, and in June of 1977 and I98O exceeded 2000 adult alewives (Fig. 21). The vast majority of adult alewives taken in June of any year were taken at 9 m or less (Fig. 21). Gonad data indicated that in all years over 50% of those adult alewives caught in June had well developed gonads or were ripe-running (Fig. 23). Generally between 5% and 20% of adult alewives caught in June were spent (Fig. 23). These data indicate that spawning activity toward the latter part of June in all years was intensified compared with May. This is supported by larval fish data indicating a hatching peak in early July of all years. 96 200- 100- N = 380 O UJ o o X CO 300 200 100 3001 UJ 3 H 200- U- 100 o UJ CD 3 600 4010. 200- ND N32i NO N3290 NsO Nsl90 Ns6 1 I APR MAY N:380 Nr553 n N«762 1977 B » WELL DEVELOPED AND RIPE-RUNNING GONADS n "SPENT GONADS N:24S r Nsl87 n. N = 626 1978 Nsl32 Ns279 I N«335 1980 N2293 n N293 n NXI39 N=I93 Nsi8 Nst3 N«3 OCT Nsl N:2 NOV NsO Ns49 NsO NsO DEC JUN JUL AUG SEP SAMPLING PERIOD Fig. 23. Number of mature alewives with well developed, ripe-running and spent gonads collected monthly during June-December 1977 and April-Decem- ber 1978^1980 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. N = total number of mature alewives caught per month. 97 July — As can be inferred from larval alewife data, July is typically the time of most intensive alewife spawning near the Campbell Plant. During July 1978 and 1980 when water temperatures were highly conducive to spawning, catches of adult alewives were high (over 3200 and over 1300 respectively) in the inshore zone. During 1977 and 1979 when the warming trend was interrupted by upwel lings, the catch of alewives in either year did not exceed 700 adults, suggesting that adult alewives had to some degree moved offshore in response to the upwel ling. In all years the distribution of those alewives that did occupy the inshore zone was primarily at depths of 9 ni or less. With the exception of July 1977f over 50% of those alewives caught in July of other years showed advanced gonad conditions or were ripe-running (Fig. 23) • In all years between 10% and 15% of all adult alewives examined in July were spent (Fig. 23). These data suggest that we observed a progression in gonad conditions through the spawning season. Individuals with well developed gonads or which were ripe-running were still present in relatively high proportions as was found in June, while generally higher proportions of spent individuals were being caught compared with June of the same years. The extraordinary low proportion of adult alewives with advanced gonad condition in July 1977 (less than 20%) was probably due to the upwel ling which occurred then and may have induced potential spawners to temporarily move offshore. August — The catch of adult alewives inshore in August of all years exhibited a marked decline compared with respective July periods (Fig. 21). This indicated that generally an offshore migration by adults from the inshore zone near Port Sheldon began in August. Relative distribution of those adult alewives that had remained inshore exhibited some variation. During August 1979 the distribution of adult alewives in the inshore zone was primarily at 9 m or less (Fig. 21). During 1977 when depths to 21 m were sampled, higher densities of alewives were observed at the beach and 3""^ depths and the l8-m station compared with the intermediate 6- to 15"ni depth groupings. Sampling in August 1978 and I98O indicated that alewives were primarily distributed at depths of 6 m or greater (Fig. 21). Gonad data from all years showed only a small proportion of those adult alewives examined in August (less than 5% " Fig. 23) had yet to spawn, while an increased percentage of adult alewives caught in August of all years, except 1980, were spent. It is possible that the more advanced progression of the adult alewife population through the spawning season was responsible for the more random distribution of adults in the inshore zone in August, compared with the more pronounced preference for depths 9 ni or less which was indicated in July of all years. September — In most years the abundance of adult alewives in September catches at depths of 15 m or less did not significantly differ from August collections. The exception to this pattern was during September 1977 when there was a two-fold increase in the adult catch in September compared with August of that year. During all years, September sampling indicated that adult alewives were less concentrated in the nearshore zone compared with August, however the extent of their offshore migration was variable (Fig. 21). The adult alewife catch in September of all years indicated that there were no 98 fish with well developed gonads or which were ripe-running (Fig. 23). It is likely that alewife spawning for the most part was completed by September. Larval fish data do indicate, however, that limited alewife spawning did occur into September 1979. During years when extended periods of upwelling delayed the major spawning period for alewives, more intense spawning into the later extremes of the spawning season were observed. October, November and December — From October to December adult alewives were only rarely caught in the inshore zone near the Campbell Plant. A massive offshore movement of adult alewives probably occurs coincident with the rapid autumn cooling of the inshore zone in late September to early October in most years. Plant Effects — A Wilcoxon signed ranks test combining data from all k yr indicated that there were no significant differences in the densities of larval alewives collected between north and south transects. Year to year variability in relative abundances of larval alewives between transects was, however, clearly demonstrated by annual Wilcoxon signed ranks testing. The combined monthly data for 1978 indicated that significantly higher densities of larval alewives were observed at the south transect compared with the north transect for that year (a » .OI58) . Conversely, during I98O, combined monthly data indicated significantly higher densities of larval alewives at the north transect compared with south transect stations (a « .0002). For both 1977 and 1979 no significant differences in the abundances of larval alewives between transects was indicated. These data collectively suggest that a single year transect comparison in I98I will be inconclusive in ascertaining the effect of Unit 3 operation on larvae, since there is approximately equal probability that in any 1 yr north or south transect stations would have significantly higher or lower densities of larval alewives. These data also suggest that operation of Units 1 and 2 is not significantly affecting the abundances of larval alewives in the vicinity of Port Sheldon. Over the k yr, the catch of adult and juvenile alewives did not significantly differ between north and south transect stations based on bottom gill net, surface gill net, seine and trawl data (Figs. 2^-27» Tables 19"26) . Simplified north transect-south transect comparisons were confounded by a variety of interactions (Tables 19"26) ; however, these interactions are primarily related to life history peculiarities of alewives previously explained. The greatest disparity in catch of adult and juvenile alewives between transects occurred in 1978, when an extraordinarily high trawl catch at the north transect in November caused the AREA factor in the ANOVA to almost approach significance (Fig. 27. Table 26). Other than this spurious event, we detected no significant buildup or depletion of fish at either transect. We thus feel that the thermal plume is not causing any significant shift in the distribution of adult and juvenile alewives near the Campbell Plant. 99 ALEWIFE J-, -* ♦ z o N ^^^^ ^ — »>. S6 > N N \. H- N ^s. Ui N ^s,,,^ z \ N \^ ^ d « . ^ — — . -. C9 ■~ "~ — -». *^ z s UJ z o2 . ta« oc >- Ui z o UJ o -, „- I„, .— ,___ __ .,1 -, - -.-,., I -. 1978 1979 YERft 1980 BOTTOM GILL NETS STATION C (REFERENCE) STATION L (PLANT) SURFACE GILL NETS STATION C (REFERENCE) STATION L (PLANT) 1980 Fig. 24. Geometric mean number plus one of alewives caught in bottom gill nets and surface gill nets at stations C (6 m, south) and L (6 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1978 through 1980. Graphs illustrate the YEAR X STATION interaction. 100 ALEWIFE 108 90 cc o 72 liJ z •■4 Ul en 54 38 Lj 18 UJ SEINES STATION P STATION STATION R 1977 1978 1979 1980 TEAR Fig. 25, Geometric mean number plus one of alewives caught in seines at beach stations P (south reference) , Q (south discharge) and R (north discharge) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1977 through 1980. Graph illustrates the YEAR X STATION interaction. Although an estimate of larval alewives lost to entrainment by Unit 3 must await analysis of data from I98I entrainment sampling, a certain amount of predictability is allowed from observation of trends during preoperational years 1977-1980. Highest entrainment of larval alewives will probably coincide with the alewife hatching peak in any year. In most years, this hatching peak occurred in July, but during years of extensive upwel lings, the hatching peak may be delayed until August. During alewife hatching peaks, larval alewives were generally distributed to depths of at least 15 m. We believe that during hatching peaks, most alewives present will be newly 101 15 < UJ + 10 2 X o o y- < E o H UJ _i 5 o I.I 1 O ALE WIFE STATIONS C AND D (REFERENCE) .^STATIONS L AND N (PLANT) 1978 1979 YEAR 1980 Fig, 26. Geometric mean number plus one of alewives caught in trawls at stations C (6 m, south), D (9 m, south), L (6 m, north) and N (9 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1978 through 1980. Graph illustrates the YEAR x AREA interaction. hatched, and thus be passively carried by water currents. It is doubtful at this point whether the majority of these newly hatched larval alewives will be able to avoid the intake current at the Unit 3 structures. There are two factors which will tend to attenuate entrainment loss through Unit 3, although the degree of attenuation in each case will be highly variable. Our data indicate that location of the Unit 3 intake structures at 11 m will result in less entrainment loss compared to water withdrawal at a shallower depth contour (see Tables 15-18 also). Over the k yr sampled, there was a general tendency for larvae, at times other than an intense hatching peak, to be more concentrated at depths of 9 m or less. This trend was particularly evident during times of upwelling. A second factor which will tend to limit entrainment of larval alewives at Unit 3 relates to the location of the intake structure in the water column. In the majority of cases, surface strata at the 12- and 15-ni stations had higher densities of larval alewives than did bottom strata. Thus, as opposed to a surface withdrawal of cooling water, the bottom water withdrawal (lower 3-i*-m strata) of Unit 3 wi 1 1 probably entrain fewer alewife larvae. 102 Table 19. Analysis of variance summary for alewives caught in bottom gill nets at stations C (6 m, south) and L (6 m, north) near the J, H, Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1977 through 1980. Data for July through September were analyzed. Attained Source of significance variation df Mean square F-statistic level Year 3 0.431i 4.5213 0.0072'> Month 2 0.5325 5.5856 0.0066* Station 1 0.i3'*5 1.9354 0.1706 Time 1 O.U58a 4.3084 0.0332 Y X M 6 1.0680 11.2023 <0.0001** Y X S 3 0.5729 6.0091 0.0015* M X S 2 0.0126 0.1337 0.8751 Y X T 3 1.1570 12.1350 <0.0001** M X T 2 2.2a81 23.5794 <0.0001** S X T 1 0.002U 0.0256 0.8736 Y X M X S 6 0.3497 3.6678 0.0045* Y X M X T 6 1.5296 16.0438 <0.0001** Y X S X I 3 0.2507 2.6290 0.0608 M X S X T 2 0.5266 5.5438 0.0068* Y X M X S X T 6 0.4792 5.0260 0.0005** Within cell error 48 0.0953 ** Highly significant (P < 0.001). * Significant (P < 0.01). Table 20. Analysis of variance summary for alewives caught in bottom gill nets at stations C (6 m, south) and L (6 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1978 through 1980. Data for June through September were analyzed. Attained Source of significance variation df Mean square F-statistic level Year 2 0.3138 3.5343 0.0354 Month 4 1.0745 12.1022 <0.0001** Station 1 0.2268 2.5540 0.1153 Time 1 1.1024 12.4165 0.0008** Y X M 3 0.9413 10.6019 <0.0001** Y X S 2 0.15C8 1.6982 0.1917 M X S 4 0.3139 3.5351 0.0118 Y X 1 2 1.3593 15.3101 <0.0001** M X T 4 1.6841 18.9681 <0.0001** S X T 1 0.0500 0.6758 0.4143 Y X M X S 8 0.2764 3.1355 0.0050* Y X M X T 8 1.4462 16.2881 <0.C001** Y X S X I 2 0.7802 8.7868 0.0004** M X S X T 4 0.6972 7.8525 <0.0001** Y X M X S X T 8 0.1633 1.3395 0.0872 Within cell error 60 0.0888 ** Highly significant (P < 0.001). * Significant (P < 0.01). 103 Table 21. Analysis of variance summary for alewives caught in bottom gill nets at stations C (6 m, south), D (9 m, south), L (6 m, north) and N (9 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1980. Data for June through September were analyzed. Attained Source of significance variat: Lon df Mean square F-statistic level Month i,5ee6 20.9999 < z 1977 12 ANO IS M DENSITY TRANSECT TEMP. D 3 NORTH SOUTH T H "i J 1 -• 25 -• 20 -• 15 '• 10 - 5 UJ q: U CL UJ 17-22 JUN 20-28 JUL 21-23 SEP 40 1 30 20-1 10 Z Ui o S 40 30 20 10 1977 20-28 JULY LAKE MICHIGAN STATION 12-15M N. TRANSECT DAY-I-NIGHT X-20.5 (2.5) N- 2 / f: 9| 21-23 SEPTEMBER 1977 o LAKE MICHIGAN "LSTATION 12-15M /N. TRANSECT DAY+NIGHT X-150 (0.0) N- 1 \ 17-22 JUNE 1977 LAKE MICHIGAN STATION 12-15M S TRANSECT DAY + NIGHT X- 6.0 (0 0) N- 1 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 27. Density (no./lOOO M"^ plotted on log scale) of larval rainbow smelt collected during June to Septeinber 1977 at 12 and 15 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N =* number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. no (D) adnivd3dW3i £W000l/3VAdVl ON 000« ~ -lOSZOlXZ l.^>^ IN 5 « 1 itxiii 25 5 o 1^2 o OOOOl c c CM O CN» . in o uO ^ 'iff o 2 ^S^i.xz ^1 - - x CO tn f2 M-4 z o ^"^ UJ ex -J /-S O OJ :^, ^ rH =- < o CO a m 3 H- CO Xl 0) ;^ c TD -H (U CO O 0) O TJ a CO CO M CO 0) (1) o (U a; •H TJ u no CO C ^ CO CO U 4-J CO CO (U 4-i CO CO CO O C O ^ o ^ xz O CO 0) o e CO O m o o o Cu CO (U •» -H CO rH u a rH O CO 4J U a c o o U N •H H V4 H O CO K 60 ^5 C)0 CO 0) 4J 4J rH CO f-^ u o •H 00 o CO ^ CO C OJ ^ a a cr CO (1) (U i CO ^ U 00 11 -• 25 + 20^ UJ + 155 10 w '• 5 40 30 20 10 UJ g 40 30 20 to 15-18 MAY 15-18 MAY 1978 LAKC UIC^HGAN STATION 6-9M M. TRANSECT OAY+MCHT X- 8 2 (0 0) 5-10 UUN 1-4 AUO I 'I S-10 JUNC 1978 : LAKE MICHICAN MUTATION 8-9M /it TRANSECT ^ DAY *HtGHr X- 8 5 (J 5) tS-tS MAY t978 LAKE MICHIGAN STATION 6-9M S. TRANSECT OAr-*-NM>fr X- 70 (0 4) S-W JUNE 1878 LAKE MICHICAN STATION 8>9M S. TRANSECT DAY ♦NIGHT 1»-U JUNC ItTt f LAKC MICMQAN STATION 8-8M N. nUNSCCT OAY-H>«IGHT i-10.1 (3 J) t-3 JULY 1978 LAKE MtCHlGAN STATION 6-8M N TRANSECT 0AY>NICHT 1-4 AUGUST 1978 LAKE MtCHICAN STATION 6-9M N TRANSECT OAY ♦NIGHT 19>2J JUNE ^78 LAKE MCHKAN STATION 8-9M S TRANSECT OAY^NKKT 5- 7 5 (0 0) 5 10 15 20 25 1-3 JUIY 1978 LAKE MTMCAN STATION 8-9W S. TRANSECT OAY^MGHT X- 7 8 (17) 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 29. Density (no./lOOO w plotted on log scale) of larval rainbow smelt collected during April to September 1978 at 6 and 9 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N = number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 112 30 -• 10 12 ANO 15 M O o g < > < o z ' L DENSITY TRANSECT TgMP. D NORTH SOUTH 1978 PI / / / / / / / 15-18 MAY S-IO JUN / / 19-23 JUN T I H i / / / / / / -r / / / / / / / / / / / / -> 25 20 a q: < q: 15 UJ a. 2 •• 10 •• 5 1-3 JUL 40 30 20 10 ^ ir tS-18 kMV 1978 LAKE MCHiCAN STATION 12-J5M N. TRANSECT DAY -f NIGHT 5 10 15 20 30 ^ 20 10 'I* k 5-10 JUNC 1978 LAKE MICHIGAN ~TATK)N 12-I5M I. TRANSECT OAY-t-NtGHT X- 8.7 (2 7) 5-10 JUNE 1978 LAKE MICHIGAN STATION 12-15M S TRANSECT DAY ♦NIGHT 19-13 JUNei978 LAKE MICHIGAN . STATION 12 -15M N TRANSECT OAY-fNKJHT X-13 7 (2.8) • 19-23 JUNE 1978 - LAKE mk:hk;an STATKX I2-I5M S TRANSECT DAY 4- NIGHT X- 7 1 (1 1) 1-3 JULY 1978 LAKE mk:hn;an STATK>N 12-15M n transect oay4Nk;ht I J .JULY I9?fl LAKE mchk;an STATH)N 12-t'SM S TRANSECT Oay>nk;ht 11 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 3C. Density (no./lOOO M^ plotted on log scale) of larval rainbow smelt collected during April to September 1978 at 12 and 15 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N = number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 113 BEACH — 3 M QENStTY TWAMSECT TEMP. NORTH SOUTH T I I I I I I 1 20 - 15 cr < q: 10% .. 5 4-6 JUN u a: UJ ql \\) s M) il) 11) - 14-16 MAY t979 LAKE MICHIGAN BEACH- 3M N TRANSECT DAY ♦ NIGHT X- 5 5 (0 I) N- 33 Si 4-6 JUNE 1«7» LAKE MICHIGAN BEACH- 3M N TRANSECT OAY^NIGHT X- 6 5 (0 0) N- 1 18-20 JUN ia-20 JUNE 1979 LAKE MICHICAN BEACH- 3M N TRANSECT DAY ♦NKiHT X- 80 (to) N- M) 2-9 JUL 17-19 JUL 2-3 JULY 1979 LAKE MICHIGAN BEACH- 3M N TRANSECT DAY ♦■NKJHT 169 (t8) X 17-19 JULY 1979 LAKE m(ghk;an BEACH -3M N TRANSECT Oay+nk;ht 40 1 30 20 10- 14-16 MAY 1979 LAKE MICHIGAH BEACH- 3M S TRANSECT OAY+NWHT X- 5 (0 0) N- 1 5 10 15 20 ie-20 JUNE »79 LAKE mh:hn;an BEACH- 3M S TRANSECT OAY tNICHT X- 6 3 (0 3) N- 6 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 31. Density (no./lOOO M^ plotted on log scale) of larval rainbow smelt collected during April to September 1979 at beach -3m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density x^ile height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N = number of larvae collected, x - mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 11^4 14-16 MAY 40 30 20 H 10 z ^ 30 20 10 i - tR MAY •979 LAKE MICHIGAN STATION 6-9M N TRANSECT OAY>NICHr X- 5 8 (O I) 14- J6 MAY 1979 LAKE MtCHIGAN STATION 8-9M S TRANSECT DAY -f NIGHT X- 6 3 (0 4) 6 ANO 9M OCMSITY TRANSECT TEMP. E NORTH 20 15 UJ q: UJ 10 ^ UJ .. 5 4-6 JUN 4-6 JUNC »79 LAKE MCHIGAN STATION 6-»U N. TRANSeCT OAY-t-NKMT 4-6 JUNC 1»7« LAKE MICHIGAN STATION 6-»y S. TRANSECT OAY-t-MCHT X-10 3 (0 5) N- IS 18-20 JUN «-20 JUNC 1>7« LAKE mn;higan STATKM 6-9M N TRANSECT OAY^MGHT X-10 6 (OS) JilL JlLlL . l»-20 JUNC W79 LAKE MCMGAN STATION 6-9M S TRANSCCT OAY-fMGHT X-13 3 (0 9) N- 22 2-3 JUL 17-19 JUL 2-3 JULY lt7». LAKE MICHKUN ^TATKm 6-9M N TRANSECT OAY-t-MCHT >?' 2-3 JULY «79 STATION 4 S. TRANSCCT OAY-»-NiGHT 5 10 15 20 25 111. . . , Mil. 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) ,1,1 5 10 15 20 25 8|17- SIlaki *LSTA1 Ts. T -19 JULY 1979 SI LAKE MICHIGAN 'LSTATION 6-9M Ts. TRANSECT OAY-t-NNMT X-12 (0 0) 5 10 15 20 25 Fig. 32. Density (no./lOOO M^ plotted on log scale) of larval rainbow smelt collected during April to September 19 79 at 6 and 9 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N » number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 115 (D) 3dnivd3dwai oT 1 2 Ui 1 H 1 a o H o U UI X X 1- »- z T ae 3 < o o OC Z «) H M > □□ bJ o £W000l/3VAaV"l ON lN30d3d M rt 4J CO 5 4-1 ^ o o iH r-^ ^ •H fH g-i CO u U 0) O OJ CU^ CO ^ < •H a 3 GC CO OC a c G U -H o •H (U •H 11 M Oi ;c: 4J 3 ^ a 25 TJ iJ 0) ^^ ^ r-} /-^ 4-) TJ -H o CO iD o 0) CO (U o a r-l C g CO O 0) •H rH •u O 'Q u CO rH p- 0) c u (U a CO CO CO u CO ^1 /—s CO ;^ •H 0) T3 . o M CO c O CO 43 0) -i CO •H o OJ (U CC »H c rH a JC }-i TS CO }-4 CU CO iT) M c ^ 00 iH ^ N—/ c c o CO O •H -H «-k VM 4J CO (U M ^ O CO OJ 00 3 c in 2 V4 c n3 a> /— s 4J C» CO > in T 0) CO CO u T3 -H K fH o 0) 00 fn CO X u OJ 4-J o r O ■u o }-l a • CN ill! CO a CO D (U M in J Q) 4J «H • 60^3 O CO 4-) > u in T3 u u U CO Q) c c ^ CO rH U o o 0) iH o 4J a N u <4-l CN O •H CO tH o u2 iH fH U :^ iH aiH o CO ,C CO SC »H 4J o m s-*' o V-f 00 ' S o c e • u (4-1 OJ o c: c tH o m CO •H CO in o ^ CJO o a c rsj f-H •H o- CO CO "^""^ XJ JC TD U 0) O • C a •H 00 a csl o CO "H s o in c s 4J II Nw' CN CO ^ QJ • •h IX CJ >^ ^ w ^ JJ J-> CO • M in •H CO hJ CO ?ST3 CO O 0) c (J> c CM C -w (U rv u (U a Q OS QJ »-H 4-J +1 3 OJ Cr rH CD CO -t CO u u o c^. <50 Cu CO cu C 5^ •H (U ,H OJ a; CO fe en pu }-l hJ rH 116 300 •■ o o g u < > cr < 100 :r 10 ;: I i 1980 / / / / / . / 19-20 MAY 96ACH — 3 M OCNSITY TWAJitSECT TEMP. n NORTH 2 SOUTH T" 1 > » z - T' 1 "3? ir L 1 1 1 / / / / / / 1 1 2-4 JUN 16-18 JUN 7 / / .^. / / / . V 1-2 JUL 20 • 15 • 10 UJ q: 5 UJ Q. 2 UJ 40 1 30 20 10 ^ 19-20 k4Ar 1960 LAKE MICHIGAN BCACH-JU N TRANSCCr OAY-l-NlGHr X- 5.9 (0.1) N- 92 2-4 JUMC 1980 LAKE MICHIGAN BCACH-3M H TRANSECT DAY 1^ NIGHT i- 5.1 (0 0) N« I o 40 1 il 19-20 IMT I9M 1 s 2-4 JUNE 1990 30- LAKC MKHttAN BCACH'JW S TRANSECT DAY+N1CHT LAKE MICHIGAN L BEACH- 3M ' S TRANSECT DAY ANIGHT X- 9.2 (0.1) N« 4 X- 88 (00) N« 1 20 10^ 18-18 JUNE 1980 LAKE MICHIGAN BEACH- 3M N TRANSECT OAY-I-NICHT 1-2 JULY 1980 LAKE MtCHWAN BEACH- 3M N TRANSECT OAY + NK^HT X-25 (0 0) N« 3 f \\ »-» JUNE M LAMC MCMGAN KACN-JM $ TRANSCCT OAY-fNIGMT X- 7 (0.7) N« 10 1-2 JULY 1980 LAKE MCHKAM 8eACH-3M S. TRANSCCT 0AY4MGHT X-23 (0.0) N- I 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 34. Density (no./lOOO W plotted on log scale) of larval rainbow smelt collected during April to September 1980 at beach -3m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan • Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N =» number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 117 70 + ro O O o < > < z 10 .. 1980 6 AND 9M DENSITY TRANSECT TEMP. E NORTH SOUTH - 25 20 3 q: 3 •• 15 -• 10 -• 5 < UJ Q. 2 19-20 MAY 2-4 JUN 16-18 JUN 1-2 JUL 40 30 20- 10- 40 30 20 10-1 SI 19 « LA i -20 MAY 1980 LAKE MICHIGAM STAriON 6-9M TRANSECT OAY+NWHT 2-4 JUNE 1980 LAKE MCHKIAN STATIOH 6-9M N. TRANSECT OAY-t-NKiHT X- « I (0 2) M- 17 ?| 16-18 JUNE 1980 ;{ LAKE MICHKV^N USTATION 6-9M /n TRANSECT ^ OAY+NHJHT 19-20 MAY 1980 LAKE mk:hk;an STATK}N 6-9M S TRANSECT DAY -•■ NIGHT X- 8 (0 0) 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 25 16-18 JUNE 1980 LAKE WMCHKMN STATKM4 S-9M S TRANSECT DAY+NKJHT X- 69 (13) s 1 1 ? JUl y t9R0 §1 LAKF MHIMIOAN USIATION 6 9M / S TRANSECT OAr fNir.HT X=12 -i (00) M- ! 5 '10 !5 20 25 5 10 15 20 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 35. Density (no./lOOO W plotted on log scale) of larval rainbow smelt collected during April to September 19 80 at 6 and 9m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown- Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown, N = number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 118 12 ANO IS M DENSITY TRANSECT TEMP. D NORTH 1980 O O o < " 25 •• 20 •* .15 - 10 •• 5 q: UJ 19-20 MAY 2-4 UUN 40 50 20 K 10 z UJ S 40 50 20 10-1 ! 19-20 MAY 1980 LAKE MICHIGAN STATION 12- ISM N TRANSECT DAY -»■ NIGHT X- 6.0 (0 4) N- 5 2-4 JUNE 1980 LAKE MICHIGAN STATION 12- ISM N TRANSECT DAY ANIGHT X- 6 (03) 19-20 MAY 1960 LAKE MICHIGAN STATION 12-15M S TRANSECT DAY ■♦• NIGHT X- 6.5 (0 0) N- 1 16-18 JUN 16-18 JUNE 1960 LAKE MKHKMN STATION 12 -ISM n transect Day>nk;ht X- 7 7 (OS) N- 25 1-2 JUL u 1-2 JULY 1980 LAKE MCHK^AN STATK)N 12-15M n transect oay^nk;ht X-2S0 (0.0) N- 1 2-4 JUNE 1960 LAKE MtCHNMN STATION 12- ISM S. TRANSECT OAY^NK^HT 16-18 JUNC I960 LAKE MICHIGAN STATKX 12- ISM S TRANSECT OAY+NWHT JU 1-2 JULY -I960 LAKE MK:h»AN STATIOM 12- ISM S TRANSECT OAY+NKJHT X-2S0 (0 0) N- I f 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) 5 10 15 20 25 Fig. 35. Density (no./lOOO >r plotted on log scale) of larval rainbow smelt collected during April to September 1980 at 12 and 15 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N = number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 119 1978 >»^' '~z^^z:^'~::^"~:^'^w~^ NORTH TRANSECT ,.*- v^°' ,,.^^^ v^^ ^^.z- SAMPLING PERIOD 150 ■■ O 100 1 O O 50-' SOUTH TRANSECT SAMPLING PERIOD Fig, 37. Mean density (no./lOOO m ) of larval rainbow smelt for north and south transect stations in Lake Michigan near the J. H, Campbell Plant, 1978 to 1980. Mean densities were calculated by averaging densities over all gear (plankton nets and sleds) , strata and diel periods (day and night) sampled. 120 1979 150 I00-. 5 <, 504- O 2 NORTH TRANSECT SAMPLING PERIOD SOUTH TRANSECT SAMPLING PERIOD Fig. 37. Continued. 121 1980 NORTH TRANSECT SAMPLING PERIOD 150 -- -^15 \^' SAMPLING PERIOD SOUTH TRANSECT NVi^ Fig. 37. Continued. 122 during June and the remainder of the summer during 1977-1980 may be related to water temperature. Relationships between water temperature and larval density will be discussed at the end of this section. Table 27. Mean density of larval rainbow smelt during May-August, 1977-1980 in Lake Michigan, near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. 1977 Mean Density (no./lOOO m^) Date North and South North South transect transect transect 17-22 June 1 1 20-28 July 2 2 1978 15-18 May 15 11 19 5-10 June 3 2 4 19-23 June k 3 6 1-3 July 9 10 9 1-2 August 1 2 1979 14-16 May 31 56 5 4-6 June 8 9 7 18-20 June kk 50 38 2-3 July 13 20 5 17-19 July 1 1 1980 19-20 May 48 83 13 2-4 June 9 13 5 16-18 June 19 23 14 1-2 July 2 3 2 During late June smelt larvae were generally more abundant in deeper water than in shallow areas (Fig. 37). Mean density ranged from 1 to 32 larvae/1000 m^ from the beach to 3 m, 1 to 63 larvae/1000 m^ at 6 and 9 m and 123 k to 67 larvae/1000 m^ at 12 and 15 m (Figs. 27-36). As has been observed during previous sampling periods there was little difference in size between larvae caught in shallow and deeper water. Three size groups of rainbow smelt larvae were observed during late June. The first group included recently hatched larvae 4.5"7*5 'nm which were most abundant during 18-20 June 1979 and 16-18 June I98O. During late June newly hatched larvae appeared to be more widely dispersed in the study area than during May. Because of relatively warm water at beach to i~m stations in spring (Appendixes 5 and 6) » smelt eggs laid in the shallow area during April and May probably hatched by early June. Since no smelt spawning has been observed in the shallow area during June, newly hatched larvae collected during late June and July (Figs. 27"36) probably originated from hatching in deep water (6-15 ni) • Delay of hatching of smelt eggs deposited in deep water until late June or July was probably caused by low water temperature. Bottom temperatures at 6 to 15 m near the Campbell Plant ranged from 5*2 to 9-2 C during I9-2O May I98O and 6.4 to 14.6 C during 1-2 June I98O. The second size group of larvae collected during late June was comprised of larvae 8-12 mm. Larvae in this size range were scarce during 19""23 June 1978 and 18-20 June 1979 but were relatively common during late June I98O (Figs. 27*36) • Based on the observed growth rate of the first cohort collected during the first few weeks of life, larvae 8-12 mm collected during late June probably hatched around early June. Larger larvae 12.5*20 mm were undoubtedly members of the first cohort which hatched during May and were approximately 1-mo old by late June. Mean lengths of this cohort during late June 1978, 1979 and I98O were 17-5» 15*7 and 16. mm respectively. Bigelow and Schroeder (I963) reported a slightly larger size (17 to I8 mm) for 1-mo-old smelt larvae in the Atlantic coastal drainage. Members of the first cohort were the most abundant size group during 18-20 June 1979» They were scarce during late June in 1977» 1978 and 1980. Based on larval density observed during May (Table 27) smelt larvae in the first I98O cohort were relatively abundant. The reason for the low catches of larvae in this cohort during late June 198O was probably their widespread distribution. July — Mean density of smelt larvae during early July declined substantially from levels observed during late June (Table 27). This decline was probably due to dispersal of smelt larvae hatched during May and June and scarcity of newly hatched larvae during early July. During 1978, however, mean density of smelt larvae during I-3 July was higher than that observed during 19*23 June. Reasons for this increase are not known. During early July larval densities in shallow and deep water were in general similar (Figs. 28-36) . Rainbow smelt larvae collected during early July ranged from 4.1 to 24 mm and may be subdivided into three size groups. Few newly hatched larvae 4.1-7-5 nini were found in 1978 and 1979* The second group consisted of larvae 8-17 ninft which probably hatched from early to late June. Larvae in this size range were more common during I-3 July 1978 than the early July sampling period in 1977» 1979 and I98O. The third group was comprised of larvae 18-25 mm which were members of the cohort that hatched during May. The latter size group occurred most commonly during I-3 July 1979* 124 Small numbers of YOY smelt 26-28.5 mm, which were undoubtedly members of the first cohort, were caught in plankton nets and sleds during 1-2 July I98O (Appendix 11). YOY smelt > 25.4 mm were not caught during early July larvae sampling in 1977, 1978 and 1979- Smelt larvae were relatively scarce during late July (Fig. 37). They were caught in low numbers during 19-23 July 1977 and 17"19 July 1979 (Figs. 27, 31-33). None were found during late July 1978 and 1980. As was found during June and early July, smelt larvae were widely dispersed in the study area during late July. Smelt larvae collected during late July ranged from 12 to 25 mm (Figs. 27, 31-33). A newly hatched larva h.] mm TL was also observed during 17"19 July 1979- Smelt fry 27-^0 mm were commonly caught in plankton nets and sleds during late July from 1977 to I98O (Appendixes 11, 39, kO and 41). Smelt fry were found in shallow and deep water at both transects. They were undoubtedly members of the cohort that hatched during May and were approximately 2-mo old by late July. Size range of fry collected during late July was comparable to lengths of 27-34 mm reported for 2-mo-o1d smelt YOY (Bigelow and Schroeder 1963). August and Septembei — Smelt larvae were scarce during August. A few larvae 15"25 mm were caught during early and late August 1978 and early August 1979. Smelt larvae have never been caught during September, except for a I5- mm larva collected during 21-23 September 1977 (Fig. 27). Smelt fry 26-45 mm continued to increase in density in our study area during early August and reached a peak during late August. Smelt fry occurred from 1 to 15 ni. High abundance of smelt fry was commonly observed in plankton nets and sleds towed at 1.5 and 3 m (Appendixes 10, 39, 40 and 41). These data suggested that YOY smelt, which were widely dispersed from May to July, began to congregate inside the 15"ni contour during August. In eastern Lake Michigan, near Ludington, most YOY smelt collected in nets during August occurred at 1 .5 and 3 m (Liston et al. I98I) . During September smelt fry were scarce in plankton nets and larval sleds (Appendix 11). During June and July distribution of smelt larvae appeared to be related to water temperature. Smelt larvae tended to be most common at moderately high temperatures. High catches of smelt larvae were observed during late June 1979 and late June I98O at water temperatures of 13 to I5 C (Figs. 22, 31-36). These data agreed with Jude et al. (1979b) who found most YOY smelt in water temperatures of 13-14 C. Smelt larvae appeared to avoid high temperatures (16-24 C) which were observed during June 1978 and early July 1980. Smelt larvae were also scarce during sharp drops in temperature due to upwelling of very cold water. Only low densities of larvae were observed during early and late July 1979 when water temperatures ranged from 4 to 12 C. 125 Young-of -the- Year-- Seasonal di str ibution — July — YOY smelt 29"^0 mm first entered trawl catches during July. Catches of YOY during July were relatively low, ranging from 1 during July 1978 to 3^1 during July 1977- Scarcity of smelt YOY during July may be due to their widespread distribution in the inshore area as has been observed during fish larvae sampling. In addition, YOY smelt generally live in the upper levels of the water column until late summer (Wells I968) and were therefore only partially vulnerable to bottom trawls during July. During July, YOY were found mostly at 6 and 9 ni; a few YOY also occurred at beach, 3f 12 and 15 m (Fig. 38) . August — During the i*-yr period catches of YOY smelt 26-5^ nim peaked in August. In southeastern Lake Michigan high catches of YOY were also observed during August (Jude et al. 1979b). As has been found during fish larvae sampling, YOY smelt began to concentrate in the inshore area during August. Crestin (1973) reported YOY migrate to the bottom as they grow older. In eastern Lake Michigan YOY smelt move to the bottom by late summer or during the fall (Wells I968) . High catches of YOY smelt in bottom trawls during August indicated that migration to the bottom started during this month in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant. Small numbers of YOY smelt occurred in beach seines during August (Appendixes 8, 3^"32) . August trawl catches showed that YOY were less abundant at 3 ni than at deeper water stations (Fig. 38). Mean catches of YOY smelt per trawl haul at 3 ni ranged from 8 to 80 during August 1977"1980. Plankton net and sled tows however, sometimes captured YOY smelt (>25.^ mm) in relatively high densities at 1.5 and 3 ^* During August 1977 and 1979 YOY smelt were most abundant at 12 and 15 m (Fig. 38). Mean catches per trawl haul at these depths were 512 and 1250 YOY during August 1977 and August 1979 respectively. During August 1978 and I98O YOY were most common at 6 and 9 n^- Mean catches at 6 and 9 ^ during these two sampling periods were 437 and 1750 YOY per trawl haul respectively. Abundance of YOY smelt in the study area may be in part related to water temperature. Low catches of YOY in the shallow water may be due to relatively high temperatures (15«8-25*7 C) observed from the beach to 3 ni during August trawling (Appendixes k, 18-20). YOY smelt tended to occur in moderately warm water during August. Highest catches of YOY during August 1977 and 1979 occurred at mean bottom temperatures of 14.6 and 14.0 C respectively. During August 1978 and I98O YOY were most common at mean bottom temperatures of 19-5 and 15*5 C respectively. In southeastern Lake Michigan, Jude et al . (1979b) found YOY over a wide range of temperatures (11-19 C) ,with highest catches observed at 13-14 C. Smelt YOY in Lake Erie were reported to inhabit the thermocline during the summer (MacCallum and Regier 1970). High catches of YOY during August 1977"1980 in the study area were also generally observed near the thermocline (Figs. 22 and 38). 126 During the 4-yr period YOY catches appeared to be increasing. Catches per trawl haul during August were 330, l83, 703 and 638 YOY from 1977 to igSO respectively. YOY smelt were substantially more abundant in 1979 and I98O than during the previous 2 yr. Discussion of the increased smelt abundance will be presented at the end of the adult section. During August YOY smelt collected in trawls ranged from 30 to 5^ nfim. Kendall (1927) reported a similar size range (31"51 ^^) ^or 3-mo-old smelt in Maine lakes. Most fish we collected ranged from 35 to kk mm with an interval midpoint of kO mm (Appendixes 8, 30, 31 and 32). During August 1977-1980 YOY in the 40-mm length interval made up 63 to 82% of the total YOY smelt collected. YOY < 35 mm represented I3 to 20% of the total YOY catches, while YOY > kk mm accounted for only 0.1 to 7%- September — Catches of YOY in September declined substantially from the levels observed during August probably as a result of YOY migration to deeper water. In Lake Erie, MacCallum and Regier (1970) found YOY smelt with yearlings and adults at 2^-27 m in September. Jude et al . (1979b) also observed a YOY smelt catch decline during September in inshore southeastern Lake Michigan. As was observed during August, YOY were scarce in shallow areas due to warm water (Fig. 22). During September I98O appreciable numbers of YOY were collected in the beach zone because of relatively cool water (16. 5 C) during sampling. During September high catches tended to occur in colder water than in August. During September 1977f ^979 and I98O, YOY were most common at 12 and 15 m at mean bottom temperatures ranging from 6.3 to 10. 5 C (Fig. 22). Many YOY were also found at 6 and 9 ^ during September during these 3 yr because of relatively cold water (7.1-12.6 C) at these depths (Fig. 22). During September in Lake Michigan Brandt et al. (I98O) found most YOY smelt at 5-6 C at night and at 13"!^ C during the day. During September I978 YOY appeared to avoid the 6- and 9'"ni contours because of warm water (mean bottom temperature I8.7 C) . Substantial quantities of YOY were, however, collected during September 1978 at 12 and 15 ni where mean bottom temperature was I6.6 C. Catches of YOY smelt during September over the k-yr period were less variable than was observed during August. Mean catches per trawl haul in September ranged from 78 to 126 during the 4-yr period. Differences in YOY catches may be related to water temperature. Low catches of YOY during September 1978 (78 YOY/trawl haul) resulted from water temperatures which were too high, while high catches observed during September 1977 (112 YOY/trawl haul) and 1979 (126 YOY/trawl haul) coincided with periods of cold-water upwel lings (Fig. 22). During September I98O, water temperature was relatively high (16.9 C at 6 and 9 ^) on the north transect and relatively low (12.1 C at 6 and 9 m) on the south transect. A mean catch of 99 YOY per trawl haul was found during the sampling period. During September YOY smelt ranged from 30 to 64 mm. As was found during August the major portion of YOY were 35'kk mm. October, November and Decembei — YOY smelt in appreciable numbers were caught from October to December during the k yr suggesting that one portion of the YOY population continued to inhabit inshore waters until the end of the 127 < o o o -J X CO o UJ CD 2 3 1x10^ 1x10^ 1x10' 1x10' 1x10^ 1x10^ 1x10' 1x10' 1x10^ 1x10= 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10= 1x10' 1x10' 1x10= 1x10= 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10= 1x10' — YL AD -3r NORTH TRANSECT 1977 ^ YOY YL AD-| \m yoy4- •YL ^- YOY r " 'I YL AD« I Ij I! . I! l ,i .i .i ■ „ ^1— YOY-4- ' YOY YL YOY YL JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 16G '80 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 38.. Length-frequency histograms for rainbow smelt collected during Jxjne - December 1977 and April - December 1978-1980 at north and south transects. Stations were combined into two groups for the north transect: beach and 3 m; 6 and 9 m and into three groups for the south transect: beach, 1.5 and 3 m; 6 and 9 m; and 12 and 15 m. Diel periods and gear types were pooled. YOY = Young-of-the-year; YL = Yearling; AD = Adult. 128 YL lo-3n l5-9n i:2-i5n I X ] G' 1x10* IxiO' 1x10'- 1x10' ■ 1x10*- ^ 1x10' • ^ 1x10'- o CO 1x10' — o 2" 1x10*" o ^ 1x10'- I 1x10'- 1x10' - u. ® 1x10*^ UJ m 1x10'- IxlG' — 1x10' 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x13' - Fig, SOUTH TRANSECT 1977 I !• I< I HyoyH AD' .YOYi A0< H YOY YL AD •YOY YL- YOY YL- ' YOY AOH -F JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 20 40 60 "^ 1 1 T 1 , 1 1 I J r— r— ■ 80 100 120 140 :60 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) DEC 320 38. Continued . 129 1x10' 1x10' — I- YL AD- 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - lc-3n !6-9n NORTH TRANSECT 1978 li ! \ I flPR h -YL 1x10* 1x10' -f 1x10'— [- 1x10' -^ _Li ,1 I I, u, AD hiL n 1 r- MflY YL ■ -=^ AO-H 1x10* = 1x10'- 5 1x10'- < en 1x10' — § 1x10* -T 1 1 r- ~T 1 1 JUN YL AO' i 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10* =r ^ S 1x10' I 1x10' — 1x10' — 1x10* =h T 1* r YL AD-I -T 1 ! r JUL 5 u.n.\ h^OY. ' i' ' I' ■ I ^ r n 1 \ r RUG .YL 1x10' 1x10' — 1x10' — AO 1x10' — 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* =r 1 V 1 1 \ r~ YOY YL SEP ! AD— I -T 1 r -1^ YOY T I 1 1 ( 1 -p. YL , - AD-f OCT 1x10^=4= — ^ ^ 1x10' — 1x10'- 1x10' — -YOY -T r- YL ' ! • ■ 1 1 1 1 r NOV 20 40 60 80 IOC 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 TOTAL L ENGTH (MM) Fig. 38. Continued. lEC ^^Q^-r- ixlC ixlQ* C-3n l5-9ri :!2-]5n AD Ui-ML. SOUTH TRANSECT 1978 AO i: ,1 |i: I [LULJiL YL AO- -RPR nflY < CO o o ixlG* 1x10^ 1x10' IxiG' 1x10* =F 2 lx,0'4 IxlC • 1x10*- 1x10* 1x10' T 1x10* 1x10' 1x*Q' 1x10' 1x10* 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* 1x10' 1x10'- — 1x10' ^YOY YL A0< |. YOY YL A0« I— YOY YL- ' !■ ■■ ' I ►YOY YL AD— I ■ t YOY YL- ►AD- jJi YOY YL I AD^ -F 20 40 60 80 Fig. 38 . Contmuea. JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 00 120 140 ^50 '80 2G0 220 240 260 260 3CC TOTAL LENGTH (MM) 320 131 ^•c= — >YL AD ' YL li .,! ! ,i li .,!■.■ YL— ' AD— i IL-:; ic- NORTH TRANSECT 1979 -n ' — ^ \ \ 1 r- --. AD -T 1* r— — T \ \ I IflY III! I I I I I ,' « ' YL- AD« CO S o o X CO UJ CD 2 3 1x10' -|- -T 1 — "'-T IxiQ' — IxiG' IxlQ' |.YOY Jl. YL AD- IX /u lx;C' — r r YOY M l« . ^ T — »— T r \ 1 1 r- — YL- AD< Ix'O^- IxlG'- ;x]Q' - Ix'C*- ■xiG'- :xlG^- Ix'G' - lX:G*- Ix'G'- I— YOY— 4- — YL AD' I I I I I I I I I n TT-^ — r — — r -I* 1* 1 1 1 r YOY — YL- YOY I — I r YL 1 1 I -I 1 r JUN -T* \ 1 1 \ \ \ 1 G 20 40 60 80 lOO 120 ^40 160 :8C 200 220 240 260 28C TOTAl LENGTH (MM) Fig. 38. Continued. 132 JUL AUG SEP OCT — YL YL AO L ;2-;3^ SOUTH TRANSECT 1979 ^-PR AO 1x10* II h: li: I. Ii. YL AO— I HRy IxlC -^ < o CO iX IL o o iv'n* o ^ Ix .u z en 1x:g^ u. 1x1," u. o IxlC* (T UJ 1v 1^' ffi IX iL 25 IxlC' z '^ -t IXid^ 1x10' ^xlO' 1x10* 1x10' — 1x10' 1x10' a- •: •: JUN JiYOY YL AO- JlLl : Ir ■!■ ■;■ Ir \f- li- I, i - ii i: !• i: 1- i: i: 1- i: i: !• li 1; 1- i: I: 1 i: 1 1- 1 i: 1 • : 1 !• 1 ¥-^ OY III - Y L i 1 u Ao•^ r ''• 'r ■ ■ • t YOY YL - 1 1 1. 1 i: 1 li 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -4. • ••* : i .: 1 : •: |i: i: i: i - AO- I- I- ll YOY YL AO jUOLJiU JUL flUG SEP OCT YOY - YL NOV YOY YL Fig. -^ 20 40 38 ?Q lOO i2Q UO :6C 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Continued JbL 133 :x]0' ixlQ^ 1x10' IxIC "xlG^ :xiO^ 1x^0 x^G' 1x10= 5 1x10= d" 1x10' o ^ 1x10^ w 1x10= u. 1x10' u. ® 1x10' (T ui 1x10= CD i 1x10= z :x10' 'xlO' 1x10^ 1x10= 1x10' 1x10' 1x10= 1x10= blO' 1x10' 1x10= 1x10= 1x10' NORTH TRANSECT 1980 lQ-3r ;6-9n YL AD YL AD -] ' '!' " T " 'I' — YL ' 1 ! r AD- I- YOY' YL. n — ■ — r 1 r .YOY^ YL 1 I AD- n 1 r -I 1 r I— YOY YL - AD ■YOY + 'YL _, — . — J. ji_ AD I n 1 ' " ' r I— YOY III! YL 1 AD —I T — — r YOY -^ — . — , , ^ YL AD— I PPR HflY "T ■ T 1 1 1 \ 1 JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 DEC Fig. 38. Continued. TOTAL LENGTH (MM) 13^ SOUTH TRANSECT 980 APR nflY JUN JUL flUG SEP 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 ^80 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 38 Continued. 135 year. During fall, YOY may be found from the beach to 15 m. Only a small number of YOY occurred in the shallow area {beach-3 m) , except during October 1980, when substantial numbers of YOY were caught from the beach to 3 ni (Fig. 38). Most YOY were found at 6 to 15 m during fall. Abundance of YOY smelt during fall varied considerably. Catches per trawl haul ranged from 3 to kO YOY during October, November and December over the k-yr period. During I978 and 1979 highest monthly catches in the fall occurred in November in water temperatures of 6.5 to 13*2 C (Fig. 22). During fall 1980 catches of YOY were highest during October in water temperatures of 7.3-12.0 C. YOY were still common inshore during December when water temperatures ranged from 0.5 to 5.3 C. During 1977 highest fall catches were observed during December. These data indicated that YOY tolerate a wide range of water temperatures. Smelt YOY reached a modal length of 50 mm in October and 60 mm in December. Since modal length of YOY was estimated at 40 mm during August, growth rate of YOY was approximately 5 ^^ P^f month (O.I6 mm/day) from August to December . Year 1 ings — Seasonal distr ibution — April — Yearling smelt live in deep water during winter and migrate inshore during spring. During April yearlings were found at all depths in the study area. Few yearlings occurred in shallow water (beach-3 m) • They were most common at 6 and 9 m during April I978 and were evenly distributed from 6 to 15 m during April 1979 and I98O (Fig. 38). Catches of yearlings per trawl haul during ApriT ranged from 10 to 64 during 1978-1980. High catches during April 1980 (64/trawl haul) were probably related to relatively warm water (3.8-12.0 C) in the study area. Cold water (1.5-10 C) probably delayed the inshore migration of yearlings during April 1979- Only 10 yearlings were caught per trawl haul during April 1979- During April, yearling smelt ranged from kO to 100 mm. Modal length of yearlings in April (60 mm) was the same as the modal length of YOY observed during December. May — Catches of yearlings increased dramatically during May. More yearlings were found in shallow water (beach-3 m) during May than during April. During May 1979 higher catches of yearlings were found from the beach zone to 3 m than at 6 and 9 m, or at 12 and 15 m. Most yearlings occurred at 12 and 15 m during May 1978 and I98O (Fig. 38). Mean catches of yearlings per trawl haul during May were from 112 to 132 individuals during 1978-1980. This large influx of yearlings to the inshore area was caused by increased water temperature in the spring. Mean bottom water temperatures during May ranged from 6.2 to I3.8 C (Fig. 22). Unlike other monthly catches, yearling catch during May varied only slightly over the 3""yr period. June — Catches of yearlings in the study area generally declined during June due to warming of inshore water (Fig. 38). June catches varied considerably over the 4-yr period. During 1977-1980 catches of yearlings per 136 trawl haul during June ranged from 7 to 112 individuals. Scarcity of yearlings during June 1979 (7 yearlings/trawl haul) was probably caused by the unusually warm water (7.5-17.0 C) observed during this sampling period. Low catches during June 1977 (36 yearlings/trawl haul) probably resulted from relatively low temperatures which ranged from 5 to 11.7 C from 6 to 15 ni. High catches (119 yearlings/trawl haul) were observed during June 1980 in water temperatures ranging from 7.3 to 13*2 C at depths of 6 to 15 m. During June 1978 water temperature was relatively higher at the south transect than at the north transect (Fig. 22). Mean catch of yearlings collected per trawl haul was approximately 87 during June in our study area. Yearlings were scarce in shallow water (beach-3 ^) during June and the remainder of the year indicating that smelt in this size group remain in the shallow area only briefly during hay. During June 1977 and 1978 highest catches of yearlings were found at 6 and 9 m, while during 1979 and I98O yearlings were most common at 12 and I5 m. July-December — Most yearlings probably live in deep water during the summer. In July large numbers of yearlings sometimes followed upwel lings to the inshore area. High catches of yearlings observed during July 1978 and July 1979 (Fig. 38) occurred in relatively cold water. Mean water temperatures from 6 to 15 m ranged from S.k to 11. 3 C in 1978 and from 5.3 to 9.3 C in 1979 (Fig. 22). During July I98O yearlings were scarce because of excessively high water temperature (mean temperatures were I8 to 21 C from 6 to 15 m) . During July 1977 however, despite a cold-water upwelling (Fig. 22), catches of yearlings were relatively low (Fig. 38). Yearling catches in the study area continued to decline during August and September. Catches of yearlings per trawl haul ranged from 7 to 36 individuals during these 2 mo. High catches were generally found in cool water (Figs. 22,38). Unlike June and July results, however, few yearlings fol lowed cold-water upwel lings to the inshore area. Low temperatures were observed during August I98O and during September 1977 and 1979 (Fig. 22), but only relatively low catches of yearlings were obtained during these sampling periods (Fig. 38). As has been indicated, yearlings were scarce in the shallow area. Most were caught from 6 to 15 m during July, August and September. Yearlings were scarce during fall. Small numbers of yearlings were found during October, November and December I98O. During fall 1977-1979 yearlings were almost absent from the study area. Adults — Seasonal di str i but ion — April — Adult smelt migrate inshore to spawn during spring. In Lake Michigan spawning takes place mostly during April and May (Daly and Wiegert 1958; Van Oosten 19^0). In the study area the spawning run probably started around mid-April during I978-I98O. No adults with spent gonads were caught during 15-17 April 1979 and only a few adults with spent gonads were collected during 23-27 April 1978 and 21-29 April 198O (Fig. 39). Daly anc Wiegert (1958) reported smelt spawning starts only when water temperature increases to 137 above 4.5 C during spring. Spawning reached a peak at a water temperature of 10 C (Euers I96O; Jude et al. 1975)- Near Ludington, Michigan, smelt spawning takes place at water temperatures of 5"7 C (Liston et al. I98O) . In the study area ripe-running and spent adults were observed in water temperatures of k to 7.8 C during April 1978 and I98O suggesting that spawning occurred at this temperature range. High catches of adults with ripe-running and spent gonads during late April I978 and 1979 (Fig* 39) suggested peak spawning of smelt in the study area takes place around the end of April e Rainbow smelt generally spawn in shallow water (Jude et al. 1979b; Rupp 1959; Van Oosten 19^0). Adults with well developed, ripe-running and spent gonads were abundant from the beach zone to 3 "^ during April suggesting spawning took place at these depths. Largest catches during April, however, were observed at 6 and 9 ni. A few adults in spawning condition also occurred at 12 and 15 m. Although rainbow smelt also migrate upstream to spawn, no spawning run was observed in Pigeon Lake or Pigeon River during I978-I98O. No spawning was found in Little Pigeon Creek, a small tributary to Lake Michigan approximately 6 km north of the Campbell Plant. These data indicated that in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant smelt spawning takes place mostly in Lake Michigan. May — Adult smelt move offshore soon after spawning. Wells (I968) found most adult smelt at 27 m by 5 Way and at 36 m by the end of May in eastern Lake Michigan off Saugatuck, Michigan. In Lake Erie, Ferguson (I965) recorded increasing catches of adult smelt in deep water during May. In our study area catches of adult smelt were lower during May than during April I978 and I98O (Fig. 38). In 1979» however, adult catches were higher during May than during April because April sampling was conducted before the major spawning run of smel t. Spawning was still in progress during May during I978-198O as some smelt with ripe-running and well developed gonads were found in May catches. Most adult smelt collected during May, however, showed spent gonads (Fig. 39), suggesting that the spawning peak was over before mid-May. As was observed during April, in May adults were caught from the beach zone to 15 m. During 1978, approximately the same number of adults were collected in shallow water (beach and 3 m) and at 6 and 9m. A few adults were found at 12 and 15 m. Adults were most common at 6 and 9 m during May 1979 and at 12 and I5 m during May 198O. Occurrence of large numbers of adults with ripe-running and spent gonads from 6 to 15 nft, also observed during April, suggested that some spawning takes place at these depths. Smelt spawning was reported to occur in water 9 to 12 m in Lake Heney, Gatineau County, Quebec (Legault and Del isle I968) and in water 9 to 22 m in Lake Erie (MacCallum and Regier 1970). Because water temperature was generally lower in deep water (Fig. 22), incubation of eggs deposited in deep water was slower than eggs spawned in shallow water. Capture of newly hatched larvae during late June and early July (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Rainbow Smelt , Larvae) substantiated spawning in deep water. 138 50 300 Q UJ H 250- O O O CO UJ tr 3 200- 150 100 50 Ll. O 50 tr UJ 150 3 100 50 NO Ns356 N«t2 Ns229 NO N«203 N*89 N>II8 APR MAY N«89 N«4 1977 ■ »WELL DEVELOPED AND RIPE-RUNNING GONADS n^SPENT GONADS Ns24 N03 N:I44 1978 M.I93 N.ST n N'^' 1979 N«79 N««76 N«35l 1980 Ns2 N>I8 N«I8 [^ N.O N.I2S ^*« 'J^I^ JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT SAMPLING PERIOD NsO N«I7 N«0 N«28 N«I8 Nsi4 NOV DEC Fig. 39. Number of mature rainbow smelt with well developed, ripe-running and spent gonads collected monthly during June-December 1977 and April- December 1978-1980 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. N = total number of mature rainbow smelt caught per month. 139 June-December — Most adults probably live in deep water during June. Adult smelt were scarce and were found only from 6 to 15 ni during this month. No adults with ripe-running or well developed gonads were collected. A few adults collected in June showed spent gonads. Adults moved offshore probably because of the warming of inshore water. They were never observed in the study area in large numbers during June even during cold-water upwel lings which occurred during June 1977 and I98O (Fig. 22). Catches of adults varied considerably during July, August and September (Fig. 37). Unlike June findings, adults often followed the upwel ling of cold water to the inshore area during these 3 nio. Relatively high catches of adults were observed during upwel lings of cold water as was found during July 1978, August and September 1979 and I98O, and September 1977 (Figs. 38,22). During I978 substantial catches of adults were observed during July when mean bottom temperature ranged from 7*6 to 12.2 C (Fig. 22). During 1979 high catches of adults occurred during August and September. Mean bottom temperatures from 6 to 15 m were 14 to 14.9 C during August and from 10. 5 to 13.0 C during September. In 1977 adults were common during September when mean bottom temperatures were 6.5 to 10.0 C from the beach zone to I5 ^* Although water temperature was relatively high (Fig. 22), adults were also caught in substantial numbers during August and September I98O (Fig. 38). Adults were scarce in the study area during fall. No adults were caught during October, November or December 1977* A few adults were collected during fall 1978-1980. Smelt populations in the study area appeared to increase during the period 1977-1980 (Table 28). During 1977 yearling and adult catches were substantially lower than in other years due to the lack of sampling during April and May, times when two size groups were most abundant. Adult catches were relatively low and did not vary greatly during I978-I98O. Low catches of adults during 1979 were due to a poor spawning run during the April and May sampling periods. Yearling catches fluctuated widely during 1977*1980 (Table 28). High catches of yearlings observed during I978 may have resulted from a strong year class and from favorable temperatures in i nshore water . The increasing abundance of YOY during I977-I98O made up the major portion of the increase in total catches of rainbow smelt. Plant Effects — During May and June 1978 mean densities of smelt larvae were slightly higher at the south reference than the north transect. During early July and early August 1978, however, smelt larvae appeared to be more common on the north than the south transect (Table 27). The Wilcoxon signed ranks test (a = 0.05) showed no significant difference in larval smelt densities between the north and south transects during 1978. During 1979 smelt larvae were more abundant at the north than the south reference transect during all sampling periods (Table 27» Wilcoxon signed ranks test, a= O.O5) . This difference resulted mainly from the high catches of larvae at the north transect during May and late June (Table 27). As was found during 1979, larval densities were significantly higher at the north lifO Table 28. Number of rainbow smelt caught by all gear types during June-December 1977 and Apr i 1 -December I978-I98O. Year Life stages 320 n55 987 1369 lit52 lit368 6271 i»285 11131 9838 22770 26043 1977 1978 1979 1980 Adults Year 1 i ngs YOY Total 12903 25351 29028 36697 than the south transect during I98O (a* 0.05. Wilcoxon signed ranks test). Smelt larvae were more abundant at the north transect during all sampling periods in I98O. Largest difference in mean densities between the two transects, however » was observed during May. Higher catches of smelt larvae at the north transect than at the south reference transect during 1979 and I98O may be related to the construction of offshore intake and discharge structures for Unit 3* During 1979 and I98O rock riprap made of 10- to 20-cm diameter rubble was laid on the bottom from shore to 11 m to cover the underground pipelines. More adult rainbow smelt may spawn on this rubble than on the sandy bottom. Smelt eggs laid on rocky substrate have a survival rate 10 times greater than those laid on sand because sand has a grinding effect on eggs under the influence of the surf (Rupp 1965)- Higher larval density at the north transect may in part be due to a higher survival rate experienced by smelt eggs laid on rocky substrate. Bottom dredging and the rocky riprap may cause an increased food supply for smelt larvae at the north transect during 1979"1980. Catches of smelt in trawls at the reference station (6 m, south) and the plant transect station (6 m north) were not significantly different during 1977 (Judeetal. 1978). The ANOVA results for trawl data for 1977-1980 showed that the STATION and AREA effects were highly significant (Tables 29 and 30). Geometric mean abundances of smelt at 6 and 9 ^ were significantly higher at the plant transect than at the reference transect. While during 1978 geometric mean catches were only slightly higher at the plant transect than at the reference transect, substantially higher catches were observed at the plant transect than at the reference transect during 1979 and I98O (Fig. 40). Trawl catches included mostly YOY and yearlings. Adult smelt were generally caught in low numbers in trawls. Higher catches of rainbow smelt at the north transect during 1979 and I98O resulted mainly from greater abundance 141 of YOY and yearlings in this part of the study area. Preparation of the bottom for construction of the intake and discharge structures may have caused an increased food supply which attracted yearlings and YOY to the north transect. During spring more yearlings were caught at the reference transect. Table 29. Analysis of variance summary for rainbow smelt caught in trawls at stations C (6 m, south) and L (6 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1977 through 1980. Data for June through December were analyzed. Attained Source of significance variation df Mean square F-statistic level Year 3 0.1351 1.0336 0.3806 Month 6 6.28U8 48.0957 <0.0001** Station 1 1.5421 11.8014 0.0008** Time 1 7.0490 53.9445 <0.0001*« Y X M 18 2.7432 20.9928 <0.0001** Y X S 3 0.1163 0.9055 0.4409 M X S 6 0.1655 1.2668 0.2784 Y X I 3 0.3292 2.5194 0.0616 M X I 6 0.7237 5.5379 <0.0001«« S X I 1 0.1700 1.3007 0.2565 Y X M X S 18 0.2116 1.6190 0.0669 Y X M X T 18 0.4774 3.6532 <0.0001*« Y X S X T 3 0.3999 3.0607 0.0312 M X S X T 6 0.1572 1.2028 0.3101 Y X M X S X T 18 0.2181 1.6693 0.0554 Within cell error 112 0.1307 «* Highly significant (P < 0.001) . « Significant (P < O.Ol) . Spottai ] Shiner I ntroduction — Spottai 1 shiners are benthic minnows of shallow areas of large lakes and rivers. They are found in all the Great Lakes and are abundant in Green Bay and the southeastern region of Lake Michigan (Wells and House 197^) study found them to be very abundant in the vicinity of the Plant during preoperational study years. Numerically they were abundant fish in 1977-1980 comprising 10, 14, 12 and l8% of the 1977, 1978, 1979 and I98O respectively (Table 10). This J. H. Campbel I the third-most total catch in Spottai 1 shiners were collected in all months that sampling was performed. Typically spottai Is began a shoreward migration in April and May, which was complete by June. Spawning occurred in June and July and was usually completed by early August. During spawning fish were concentrated in the beach zone; when water temperatures were warm enough (> 15«0 C) they were 142 Table 30. Analysis of variance summary for rainbow smelt caught in trawls at stations C (6 m, south), D (9 m, south), L (6 m, north) and N (9 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1978 through 1980. Data for May through December were analyzed. Attained Source of significance variation df Mean square F-statistlc level Year 2 2.2289 16.6865 <0.0001«« Month 7 7.5611 56.6052 <0.0001«« Area 1 2.3919 17.9065 <0.0001*« Depth 1 3.1837 23.8346 <0.0001*« line 1 3.2010 23.9639 <0. 0001*4 Y X H in 4.6116 34.5246 <0.0001«* Y X A 2 0.2093 1.5668 0.2114 M X A 7 0.4339 3.2481 0.0028* Y X D 2 0.9564 7.1598 0.0010* M X D 7 0.4726 3.5377 0.0013* A X D 1 0.4170 3.1217 0.0788 Y X T 2 0.5750 4.3050 0.0148 M X T 7 1.4513 10.8649 <0,0001** A X T 1 0.0067 0.0503 0.8228 D X T 1 3.4375 26.1089 <0.0001*« Y X M X A 14 0.7281 5.4506 <0.0001** Y X M X C 1*. 0.5299 3.9671 <0.0001*« Y X A X D 2 0.3804 2.8476 0.0604 M X A X D 7 0.2327 1.7417 0.1014 Y X M X I 14 1.0962 8.2068 <0.0001** Y X A X T 2 0.4926 3.6879 0.0268 M X A X T 7 0.2601 1.9474 0.0643 Y X D X T 2 0.7006 5.2450 0.0061* H X D X T 7 0.3210 2.4033 0.0222 A X D X T 1 0.1684 1.2609 0.2629 Y X H X A X D 14 0.1406 1.0527 0.4033 Y X M X A X I 14 0.3623 2.7126 0.0012* Y X M X D X T 14 0.1647 1.2331 0.2540 Y X A X D X I 2 0.2216 1.6589 0.1931 M X A X L X r 7 0.0850 0.6363 0.7255 Y X M X A X D X T 14 0.0885 0.6624 0.8089 Withlr 1 cell error — *■ — — — ^ — 192 0.1336 ** Highly significant (P < 0.001). * Significant (P < 0.01) . found out to 6 m. Peak numbers of adult spottails were found in the study area from late June through August. By August adults vacated the beach zone and migrated to deeper water with concentrations at 6 and 9 m. Spottail larvae were concentrated between the beach and 3 m during June through August. Upwel lings have a profound effect upon spottail spawning and hatching success. Highest larval densities occurred when spawning was not interrupted by upwel lings (e.g., I98O) . Spottail larvae were rarely caught at depths exceeding 3 m. Larval spottails in our samples seldom exceeded 15 mm TL. The 1^3 75 RAINBOW SMELT stations c and d y» (REFERENCE) / ^ STATIONS L AND N / (PLANT) < + UJ 5 X50 O ^% a: o LlI _j O < UJ a: o I- 1978 1979 1980 YEAR Fig. kO. Geometric mean number plus one of rainbow smelt caught in trawls at stations C (6 m, south), D (9 m. south), L (6 m, north) and N (9 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1978 through 1980. Graph illustrates the YEAR x AREA interaction. beach zone is a very important spawning and nursery area for spottails as evidenced by the high larval and YOY densities found there. YOY spottails remained in the beach zone through September and began a migration to deeper water by October, following the outward migration of adults. By November and December adults were beyond 15 m; YOY fish were at 12 m or deeper. Larvae — Introduction — Cyprinids were the most difficult fish larvae to identify and most were classified as unidentified minnows in 1977 and 1978. Increased expertise in larval fish identification eliminated most unidentified minnows from 1979 and I98O samples. Since we felt from 1979 and 1980 data that most unidentified minnows in 1977-1978 were spottails, we designated all unidentified minnows collected in 1977-1978 as spottails. Seasonal di str ibution — April and May — During I98O, no spottail larvae were collected during April and May and only a few were caught at the north transect during this period in 1979. Early spring water temperatures were usually too cold for spottail spawning and hatching, which occur at water temperatures of approximately 15-20 C for this species (Heufelder and Fuiman in press). No spottail larvae were collected during April-May, 1978. June — The first major occurrence of spottail shiner larvae in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant during the preoperational period was always noted in June (Figs. 41-53)- During June of preoperational years spottail larvae were primarily distributed at depths of 3 "i or less and were 5 ^^ or less in length, indicating that they were newly hatched. During early June 1977. 1979 and I98O, spottail larvae were collected at the north transect, but not at the south, while in early June 1978 mean densities at north and south transects were comparable. Mean densities in early June over the k yr study were less than 1000 larvae/1000 m^ and larvae were caught primarily i n 3 ni of water or less. Larval densities in late June were generally less than 1000 larvae/1000 m^ (except at the north transect in late June 1979) » suggesting some spawning occurred during late May and early June of these years. No spottail larvae were caught in June 1978. In June of all years, maximum densities of spottail larvae were collected when water temperatures were warmest. July — Mortimer (1975) gave a detailed description of upwel lings which we have found can have a pronounced effect upon the distribution of larva! spottail shiners as well as other species in Lake Michigan through the mechanism of depressing spawning activity. The contrast in larval spottail shiner densities during early July 1979 and I98O clearly demonstrates the effect of this phenomenon. A cold-water upwel ling in early July 1979 caused an interruption in spottail spawning and substantially reduced densities of spottail larvae. In late June 1979. when mean water temperature was about 14.5 C at north and south transect beach to ^-m stations, mean densities of 1400 and 300 larvae/1000 m^ respectively were recorded. During early July, mean water temperature was about 10.0 C and mean densities were only 100 larvae/1000 m^ or less at beach to 3""'" stations. During early July I98O when no upwel ling occurred, mean density of spottail larvae was 7000/1000 m^ at the south transect beach to ^-m stations when the mean temperature was 16. 9 C. During periods of upwel lings, densities of spottail larvae were higher at the north transect beach to 3*ni stations than at the south transect. For example, mean densities of 20 larvae/1000 m^ were observed at the south beach to 3-m stations vs. mean densities of 100 larvae/1000 m^ at north beach to 3"^ stations in early July 1979- Although Lake Michigan waters were too cool for spottail spawning and hatching, spottail spawning may have continued in the discharge channel and larvae washed into Lake Michigan at the north transect. During early July 1977 and I98O, when no upwel lings occurred, high mean densities of spottail larvae were observed at both north and south transect beach to 3"""^ stations. During early July 1977 mean densities ranged from 1400 larvae/1000 m^ to 3500 larvae/1000 m^ at beach to 3-m stations. In early July 1980 mean densities at beach to 3-ni stations ranged from 3OOO larvae/1000 m^ at the north transect to 8OOO larvae/1000 m^ at the south transect. Water temperatures were approximately I7.O C at both north and south transect beach 145 JO o 0> o o o a. s 1 Ui 1 1 H- U w X z vt ^- H 5 3 O o K z •» H >• * H □o Ui o £W000l/3VAdVn ON fl 3ix3uii ^ O ^ CN I. o « ^5|f 3« 1- in tn uj CN -I O J r-^ U OJ "H CO c o; -^ a o ctf) cd c a 4J •H ^ T3 M O; CO 0) 4J O 0) >, O r-l iJ o o CO u CO jQ •H B § == O -H O CO O- C CU CO TJ •H CO }^ 0) CO 0) 4J O a- TJ c CO Q) H C CO CO }-i > CO V4 CO ja CO u 0) c (0 O -H O CO 0) O 6 CO 'H CO ^ u o M-l 4J CO O 09 0) /^ ^ QQ 0) 4J 00 iH a o CO O V4 a TS o 00 CO •W CO CO u CO C O 00 fH >^ 00 •H OujC CO ^ O pC C •H U (U 4J CO )nI 0) CO a. 00 00 3 C CO > 0) 00 }-i a • 3 0) U 00 (0 O M O s *^ o c o •T3 O O CO 0) CO c >^ •H 0) CO -u G M O (U N 4J •H CO V4 ^ O O iH CO O a • 0) CO > CO lN33d3d O I o o ^ ^^ CO CO •H r^ CO CJN C 0) .•i ex • CO 00 •H O (24 4J c c CO •H 00 o a -H CO • »-] CO (U -hi CO 00 CO -u 0) c CO c u CO 0« eu u »H O CO pC M 00 o c r-l CO 6 C CO CO U 0) 00 S o c u Q) CO U6 70 -h O o o u < > < o z 10 - n 1977 / / / a. : •< 6 ANO 9M OCNSITY TRANSECT TEMP. D MORTM SOUTH \ \ \ \ \ N. 30 25 o UJ fr 20 3 K < cr LU 15 Q. S 10 - 5 40 30 20 10 UJ o UJ CL 17-22 JUN 17-22 , LAKC I STATIOM f-M N TRANSCCT OAY-fNIGMr X- 4 5 (0.0) M- 2 7-9 JUL »| 7-f JOLT »977 ] §1 II lAKC MICHIGAN o| / N. rMANSCCT 7 t 13-14 JUL •J-14 JULY 1977 LAKC MCHnAM STATIOM 6-9M N TRANSeCT OAY-fMCHT i- 50 (0 7) 20-28 JUL 8| 20- 2« JOLT l»7'7 il LAKC MCHIRAN LSTAriOW •-»•* /m TI»A#«CCT ^ OAYfMGHT X- 9 (0 0) 5 10 15 30- 20 10 \} 7-f JULY It77 LAKC MKHIQAN STATION 6-9M S. TRANSCCT 0AVNIGHT X-tl.4 (2 t) M- 5 10 15 20 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) 5 10 15 20 25 Fig. 42. Density (no./ 1000 M^ plotted on log scale) of larval spot tail shiners collected during April to September 1977 at 6 and 9 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N » number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 147 ANO )5 M 20 .. 10 -• O O o UJ % GC < z 1. 1 1977 DENSITY TRANSECT TEMP. Q NORTH 7 / i / - ^ / / - / / ' / 1 25 20 -• 15 - 10 '• 5 cr < cr UJ CL UJ 7-9 JUL 13-14 JUL 40 30 20-1 10 I g| 13-14 JULY 197 7 d I LAKE MICHIGAN •"LSTAnON 12-15M Tn. transect ^ oay+night X- 9.2 (4 7) N- 2 ^ 40 1 o 7-9 JULY 1977 UJ 0. 30- GO i LAKE MICHIGAN L STATION 12-15M / S TRANSECT OAY+NIGHT X» 5.0 (0.1) N- 8 20- 10^ 1 C 3 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 43. Density (no-/ 1000 M^ plotted on log scale) of larval spottail shiners collected during June to September 19 77 at 12 and 15 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N = number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 48 to CM (0) 3dniVd3dW31 D iQ O « nsnwsswss^^nXx: Ul 1 *- 1 NORTH SOUTH >- tal o O o o o o £W000l/3VAdVl ON «z 9 I •X 1 lyii. - » z r^ 2 3»mS«z ' < si? Ills (T) o Csi u < 00 c }-4 3 O 0) 'H CO S =;. o CO « ^Sindixz • z SB i . o ^2 .lai/ioixz CN - ^ V4 CO B O 0) 00 u CO 0) 0) rH 0) >s fH U O -H O CO 0) CO -O O o o CO u 0) CO ^ •H e c c o •H II o c o O CO (d > 00 0) u 00 3 c C •« 0) CO > (U 00 0) 4J U O • 3 0) U CO fH cn U O Q) a « 9« Q) S 0) CO 0) CO > u > }-i u CO u CO iH 4J iH M-l CO rH O > fH CO ^ O M 00 o c fi rH •H CO O 6 C Ou CQ CO •H 00 g SO U II CO • -H l>< » J= • 0k CO '-^ C CM C 4J INBOdBd § «— 4 g Q u 0) 0) iJ ^ CO CO »'0 a 0) c Q) O fl D 0) D*fH CO 0) iH U V4 O 149 0) 4.) • zn c 00 CO •H O rH PS4 4J Ol c «+-! a (U I CO X 0) 0) -u CO »-i 00 > a. c }-* q: < o z TRANSECT TEMP. .- 25 --20 UJ ir + H5 q: UJ Ui + 10 ^ -- 5 5-tO JUN -3 JUL 17-21 JUL l>4 AUO o 40 1 30 20 10- 40 30 20 10 ^ 3 1-3 JULY l»7t 1 S LAKC MICHICAN - STATIOH S-tM N TRANSCCT DAY •»- NIGHT 1 X- 4 5 (0 1) M- 12 S-K) JUNC 197t LAKE MICHtGAN STATION S-9M S TRANSECT OAY^MCHT X- 4 (0.0) ! 1-3 JULY 1»78 LAKE MICHiGAN STATION C-9M S TRANSECT DAY «^nm:ht X- 4.8 (0 I) N- 10 8l iy-2l JUIT »71 8| LAirC MCMttAM *L STATIOM •-•(« 7 M TRANSCCT f IS «*« '*-l CI T" »H CO 5 M-4 M (u ja o o < 0-«4-4 CO V4 go NN»4T X. 4 3 (0 0) N« 1 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 Fig< TOTAL LENGTH (MM) 48. Density (no./ 1000 M^ plotted on log scale) of larval spottail shiners collected during April to September 1979 at 6 and 9 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N » number of larvae collected, x » mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 153 ANO IS M 40 30 20 10 I 14-16 MAY 14-16 MAY 1979 LAKE MICHIGAN STATION 12-15M N. TRANSECT OAY+NIGHT X- 5.0 (0.0) N- 1 1-2 AUG 20-22 AUG I 20-22 AUGUST 1979 lAKC MICHIGAN STATION 12- ISM N. TRANSECT OAY+NIGHT X- 4.8 (0.0) N- 1 5 10 15 20 30 20 10 1-2 AUGUST 1979 LAKC MCHIGAN STATION U-ISM S. TRANSECT OAY+NIGHT X- S.8 (1.1) N- 3 I 20-22 AUOUST 1979 LAKE MCHIGAN STATION 12- ISM S. TRANSECT OAY+NIGHT X- 6.0 (0.0) Hm 1 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 49. Density (no./ 1000 n plotted on log scale) of larval spottail shiners collected during April to September 1979 at 12 and 15 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N = number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 154 (0) 3dniVd3dl^31 s UJJ 1 1 1 U z < a: »- NORTH SOUTH > □ O O o o o o o o o g CNJ £W600I/3VAMV-| ON INiOdBd rH iH V-l p •H fH Cd 5 M-4 J-i 0) ^ o o axi ^ J a z 0) CO (U OJ 4J 0) rH fH J-\ a c -H rH • CN 0) X o a g CJ .H -O o O ^M-( J2 in a »H iJ o CO O -H CO o w OJ o o M P- C e CO 0) 0) •H rH in C: CO T3 4.) CO X o c 4-) • cd CO c O CO >n 4J f-4 CO u 0) CO M CO ^ (U Pu O X O z UJ CO 4-» > 00 CN r-l CO X v-*^ c c u2 u a M-4 iJ CO 0) •H -H $-1 O CO 0) 00 c o c TJ 0) /^ ^ CO CO > CO ■ll (U 4J CO V4 TJ -H < iH Ou O 0) 00 K CO 0) ^ O CO iJ > u ^, T3 a -u» U CO (U c u CO rH 4J rH O Q) iH vn 4J rH ^a u rH ^-^ V4 :^ fH (N Q- O CO ^ S K ^-^ iJ J j m U 00 S CO o c O • 4-» U^ 0) '" O 1 c c rH O CO •H CO cf^ O ^ 00 o s c ^ CJ -H CL CO CO ^ CO ^ T3 U (U • 0) o •H oo B O ^ -H s o c s •u II S«^ iJ CO CO . M M ^ *-» O CO • •H CO hJ w ^.TJ CO CJN a 0) CN C 4J Q J-i (U +1 3 (U 00 CO o* c u •H O «-H Q) Q) CO ^£4 4J (l4 u hJ rH 155 I50C - 1000 -- O 100 O O a: < 10 6 AND 9M DENSITY TRANSECT TEMP. D a NORTH 1980 + 25 -- 20 • 15 " 10 • 5 < UJ 2 16-18 JUN 1-2 JUL 14-16 JUL 4-6 AUG 40 30 20 10 UJ o c UJ 16-18 JUNC 1980 LAKE MCHICAN STATtON 6-9M N TRANSCCT OAY-fNiCMT 5 10 15 20 I 1-2 JULY 1980 LAKE MICHICAN STATION 6-9M N TRANSECT OAr-t' NIGHT X- 5 1 (0.0) N* 444 t 30- 20 10 1-2 JULY 1980 LAKE MCHRAN STATION 6-9M S TRANSECT 0AY4-MGHT ! 14-16 JULY 1980 LAKE MICHIGAN STATION 6-9M M. TRANSECT DAY •»■ NIGHT 14-16 JULY I98( L>KE MCHIGAN STATION 6-9M S TRANSECT OAY-f NIGHT X- 5 2 (0.1) N- 21 = 1 4-6 AUGUST 1980 21 LAKE MICHIGAN ^LSTATION 6-9M Th. TRANSECT ^ oay+nk;ht 4-6 AUGUST 191 LAME URHKMN STATION 6-9M S. TRANSECT DAY ANIGHT X- 5 5 (00) 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 51. Density (no./ 1000 M plotted on log scal^) of larval spottail shiners collected during April to September 19 80 at 6 and 9 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length- frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N = number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 156 300 100 .- ro O O o % $ 10 12 *N0 IS M OgWSITT TRAW8ECT TgMP. 1980 D I NORTH SOUTH •• 25 -■ 20 n 15 g -• 10 •• 5 2-4 JUN 16-18 JUN U2 JUL 14-16 JUL 4-6 AUG 40 30 20 10 2-4 JUNC 19M LAKE MICHIGAN STATIOM 12 -OM N TRANSECT OAT-^NKNT X- 4 (0.0) N- I SIS M-w < STATION 12- ISM N. TNANSeCT OAY-fMGHT 1-2 JULr ISM LAKE MCHMMN STATION 12- OM N TRANSECT OAT-fMCMT X- 5.2 (0 0) N- 127 UJ O 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 30 20 ^ 10 1-2 JUtY IMO LAKE MOHICAN STATION 12 -ISM S TRANSECT 0AY4MGHT X- 3.0 (0 1) u 5 14-» JULY IMO CAKE MCHICAN STATION 12- ISM N. TRANSECT OAr-t>NICHT L LAKE MCHKAN STATION 12- ISM S TRANSECT 0AY4MCHT f 4>« AUGUST IM LAME MCHRAN STATION 12- OM N TRANSECT OAT-t-NKMT X- 3.0 (0 5) N- 2 H 4-« n LAKE U STAT 7 5 T' -• AUGUST IMO LAKE MCHRAN STATN}N 12-ISM 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 52. Density (no./lOOO M plotted on log scale) of larval spottail shiners collected during April to September 1980 at 12 and 15 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar repre- sents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown,. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N » number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 157 1977 3000-- -fl5» _,,^"'* ,..>-''- ,,..>-^^ „,..>■'- .^- SAMPLING PERIOD NORTH TRANSECT 3000- - -=^15 .^^.^>;,^^^'' SOUTH TRANSECT SAMPLING PERIOD Fig. 53. Mean density (no./ 1000 m ) of larval spottail shiners for north and south transect stations in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, 1977 to 1980. Mean densities were calculated by averaging densities over all gear (plankton nets and sleds), strata and diel periods (day and night) sampled. O = no sampling performed. 158 1978 ^>o- ,.^^^^ ^-^'^\..^^^^\.^'''Z^ NORTH TRANSECT SAMPLING PERIOD „.'-",...>-=" ..'*,„.'* .v^''.^-^' SAMPLING PERIOD SOUTH TRANSECT Fig. 53- Continued. 159 1979 4519 9577 2 000 O O o > lOOO- < SAMPLING PERIOD NORTH TRANSECT 9337 2000 o o o ^ 1000 ■- < ^-i:i5 ,>"^'"..«^''.^>''" «'-'\.^^^\ SAMPLING PERIOD SOUTH TRANSECT .^'^' F ig . 53. Cont inxied-. 160 1980 4176 5162 10028 NORTH TRANSECT SAMPLING PERIOD 3000 ■ 2000- < > < O !0I2B 18099 I 9zoe I '■W ^15 SAMPLING PERIOD Fig. 53. Continued. SOUTH TRANSECT 161 stations. During early July of all k yr spottail larvae were most concentrated i n 3 "^ of water or less (Figs. 41-52); nearly all were newly hatched larvae approximating 5 ^^ in length. Larval spottail distribution in late July was closely related to water temperature prior to and during sampling. In 1977 densities remained comparable from early July to late July. Water temperatures (Figs. 41-52) were not as high in late July as earlier in the month; consequently, lower densities were found in late July. Mean densities at beach to 3-m stations during late July were from 2500 larvae/1000 m^ to 3000 larvae/1000 m^ with little variation between transects. Outside the ^-m depth contour in late July 1977 larval fish densities were low. From 6 to 15 m mean densities were less than 10 larvae/1000 m^ at both transects. In late July 1978 water temperatures declined from those observed in early July and a concomitant decline in spottail larvae densities was also observed (Figs. 44-46). Spottail larvae were almost exclusively restricted to 3 m of water or less in late July 1978. Modal length of those caught in late July was 8 mm suggesting that spawning and hatching was suppressed during late July 1978 due to depressed water temperatures. As water temperatures warmed during late July 1979 there were increased densities of spottail larvae at all Lake Michigan stations 3 m and less (Fig. 47); mean size of larvae caught at this time was 5.3 mm, suggesting that most were recently hatched. As has been typical in all years sampled, when spottail larvae were present at north and south transects, they were more abundant at north stations near the discharge. Mean spottail larvae densities were very low (< 30 larvae/1000 m^) at depths greater than 3 m of water (Figs. 41-52) . The intensive spawning and hatching activity observed in early July I98O continued into the latter part of the month due to a lack of interruption of the summer warming trend. Mean densities of larval spottails exceeded 2000 larvae/1000 m^ at beach to 3-m stations at both transects. During late July mean densities of 20-70 larvae/1000 m* were found at 6- to 9"ni stations at the north and south transect, but densities declined somewhat at greater depths. Mean length of larvae caught at the beach to I5 m in late July I98O was 5-4 mm (Fig. 51) f suggesting spawning and hatching was ongoing between the beach and 15 m* Data from 198O suggest that if an upwelling does not occur in July, permitting an uninterrupted warming trend, intensive spawning and hatching activity will occur from the beach to 9 ni for the entire month. August — During 1977f sampling was performed only once during August and a pronounced decline in densities from July levels was noted. Highest mean densities at any station were less than 30 larvae/1000 m^ with maximum densities found at beach to 3*ni stations (Figs. 41-43). No spottail larvae were caught beyond the 3""^ depth contour. A mean length of 15^3 nini in August 1977 Indicated that spawning and hatching subsided after July. During early August 1978 the only appreciable densities of spottail shiner larvae were at depths of 3 ni or less (Figs. 44-46). Highest mean densities were found at south transect beach stations and length-frequency 162 data showed a high percentage of recently hatched larvae (mean length « 5.7 mm, SE « 0.3) indicating that spottail spawning had continued until at least late July during 1978. Highest mean densities of spottail larvae collected during 1979 were noted in early August. Spottail larvae at this time were primarily distributed from the beach to 3 m (Figs. 47"^9) » although sporadic occurrences of lower mean densities at deeper stations were observed. Length-frequency data indicated that many larvae caught in early August 1979 (over 50%) were 6 mm or less and probably recently hatched, indicating that spottail hatching continued through late July 1979* During early August I98O mean densities of spottail shiner larvae remained very high at beach to 3"'" stations. Mean densities between 4000 and 5000 larvae/1000 m^ at both south and north beach to 3-m stations were found. These were the highest densities of spottail larvae noted for early August of any study year. Larvae were concentrated in I-3 m of water; all station groupings deeper than 3 m had mean densities less than kO larvae/1000 m^. Length-frequency data showed that over 50% of the spottail larvae caught in early August were around 6.0 mm indicating that hatching and spawning continued through late July I98O. High densities of larvae noted in early August 1980 were presumably due to the lack of upwel lings in I98O allowing spawning to continue uninterrupted. Late August collections during all years, except 1978 when mean densities from early to late August were comparable, showed a marked decrease from early August densities of spottail shiner larvae. As in previous months densities were greatest at beach to 3-m stations (Figs. 41-52) with sporadic low densities at deeper stations. During all if yr few larvae less than 6.5 mm were collected in late August which suggests that spottail spawning and hatching does not occur past early August in Lake Michigan in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant, even when optimal conditions exist for the entire summer, as occurred during 198O. During September 1977-1979 no spottail larvae were collected in Lake Michigan, probably due to growth of fish and net avoidance. A few spottail larvae were caught at north transect beach stations during I98O, most likely because of optimal conditions which existed during that spawning season. Young-of- the- Year — Spottails may become sexually mature when they are 1-yr old (Wells and House 1974). Jude et al. (1979a) reported a size range of 35-74 mm by April for yearlings. Wells and House (1974) found that spottail growth did not begin until June in southeastern Lake Michigan; therefore, yearlings would be the same length range (35*74 mm) from late fall the year before into June. By July few fish under 50 mm were caught, demonstrating that considerable growth occurs in June and July. By August yearlings cannot be distinguished from smaller adults in length-frequency plots. 163 Seasonal di str i but ion -- August — YOY spottails first appeared in mid-August in the study area. Due to yearly fluctuations in water temperatures during spawning, sizes of YOY spottails varied by month depending upon spawning time. Jude et al. (1979b) found that in 1973 and 197^ YOY spottails had grown to 15""^^ nim by August, 25-5^ fnfn by September and 25-64 mm by October in southeast Lake Michigan. Wells and House (197^) found an average length of 79 ^^ ^or spottails at the end of their first year of growth in southeastern Lake Michigan. From their data a maximum length range of 65-79 ^^ would be achieved by November and December. These length ranges will be used to define YOY spottail (by month) in the following discussion of YOY spottail distribution in our study area. In 1977 YOY spottails first appeared in August beach seine hauls (Fig. 54) and were caught mostly during the day. Although little water temperature variation existed among beach stations, most were caught at the north transect beach stations in August 1977* August 1978 distribution of YOY spottails was quite similar to that observed during the same period in 1977* Nearly all were caught during the day, with equal distribution between north and south transects. Water temperatures ranged from 23-0 to 25-7 C at beach stations. No YOY spottails were caught in trawls during August 1978 indicating that YOY spottails were concentrated in I.5 m of water or less. YOY spottails were nearly absent from our catches in August 1979; ^^ss than 10 were collected. Upwel lings, which interrupted spawning during 1979» apparently precluded the development of spottail larvae to the YOY stage by August in 1979- Because there was no interruption in spottail spawning and hatching in 1980 (due to lack of upwellings), YOY spottail shiners had grown to ^5 nim by mid-August. In stark contrast to their near absence during August 1979f nearly 250 YOY spottails were seined in August I98O. Most were seined during the day at the north transect where the water temperature was slightly warmer (22.6 C) than at the south transect (20.2 C) . During August of all years, YOY spottail shiners were caught during the day in 1 .5 m of water or less. The diel catch difference observed may be explained by YOY spottails feeding in or near the beach during the day. At night YOY move out beyond the 1 .5-ni depth contour. Price (1963) found that spottails in Lake Erie fed mostly in the morning with feeding activity decreasing throughout the day. Absence of YOY spottails from depths greater than 1 .5 m suggests a preference by smaller spottails for shallower water. Wells and House (197^) noted that in Lakes Erie and Michigan, spottails preferred shallow, warm water and that smaller fish tended to inhabit shallower water than larger fish. Septembei For reasons not entirely known (e.g., photoperiod, water temperatures, feeding behavior, etc.) spottail shiner densities seemed to increase with depth during September. Adults were the first to move offshore, while YOY spottails were concentrated in the beach zone. During September 1977» the largest YOY catch of any year (nearly 3900) was collected in beach seine hauls; nearly 80% of these were caught at north discharge beach station R. Warm water from the plant's onshore discharge apparently attracted 161+ spottails to the north transect beach station. Water temperature at the north station was 15*6 C compared to 11.1 C at south reference beach station P. Schooling behavior may also have caused this large catch of YOY spottails. No YOY spottails were caught in trawls during September 1977- Nearly half the spottail shiners collected in September 1978 were YOY fish 25"55 nfim; 209 were caught in beach seines, IO5 were trawled at the 9"ni north transect station and 104 at the 3"ni south transect station. These data suggest that, although YOY spottails were concentrated in 3 "i of water or less, there was also a movement to deeper water as evidenced by the large catches at trawling stations. The seasonal movement to deeper water had begun by September in 1978. The lowest September catch of YOY during the preoperational study occurred in 1979- Approximately 90 YOY spottails were seined at north transect beach stations; none were caught in trawls. Because cold water temperatures occurred during the 1979 spawning season (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Spottai 1 Shiner , Larvae), high egg and larval mortality and disrupted adult spawning behavior most likely resulted in low recruitment of YOY spottails in September 1979- September I98O catches were the second largest for that temporal period during the 4-yr preoperational study (Fig. 5^) • Trawls (mostly night) accounted for 38I YOY and day seines collected SkU (79 were seined at night). Trawl data indicated that YOY spottails were concentrated at 6 and 9 ni. YOY spottails were consistently found in the beach zone during the day during all k yr. The large catch at 6 and 9 ^ indicated that the annual migration to deeper water was in its initial stages in September I98O. Spawning and hatching apparently continued uninterrupted in I98O which resulted in large numbers of YOY spottails being present in September I98O collections. This is in contrast to the near absence of YOY from samples taken during the same period in 1979 when upwel lings occurred during the spawning season. October — October catches of YOY spottails during all years (Fig. 54) of the preoperational study were influenced by the annual fall migration of spottails to deeper water in Lake Michigan as was described by Wells (I968) and Jude et al. (1979a, 1979b). YOY spottails are nearly absent from the beach zone in October (Fig. 5^) . Never more than 52 YOY spottails were seined in October of any year, a drastic reduction from numbers of fish seined in September. In all years except I98O, few YOY spottails were caught in October and those caught were concentrated at 6 m and 9 ^* The large year class of spottail shiners produced in I98O, possibly due to optimal water temperatures throughout the entire spawning period, is evidenced by October I98O trawling data (Fig. 54). YOY spottails in large numbers (for October) were trawled at 6, 9, 12 and I5 m (II6, 424, l82 and 200 fish, respectively). Because of warmer water temperatures during 198O the migration to deeper water was most likely delayed and fish remained in the study area for a longer period of time than in other years. 165 'YL ^ia_ AD NORTH TRANSECT 1977 JUN YL •AO' < u en S o o o UJ 03 3 10' -f .,3__ h- YOY xlO^-f xlO' -j- xlO*^= ^ YL-f. YOY U u U Li i4i L AD I, I . .1 , YUAO- .YOY— ' YLSAD- fiUC 'xlO' -j- I ' X ; J*' •x:C' 'x;g* :xiG' 1x:g^ —14 Ll U Li J4. -YOY 1- • YLSAD- h I lL •YOY- YL&AD- —4- ± - -ti 4C 50 80 :cn 20 lao TOTAL LENGTH (MM) 160 180 _ NCV COG Fig. 54. Length-frequency histograms for spottail shiners collected during June - December 1977 and April - December 1978-1980 at north and south transects. Stations were combined into two groups for the north transect: beach and 3 m; 6 and 9 m and into three groups for the south transect: beach, 1.5 and 3 m; 6 and 9 m; and 12 and 15 m. Diel periods and gear types were pooled. YOY = Young-of-the-year; YL = Yearling; AD = Adult . 166 < o CO S o X CO Z 1x10^- :xlO' - 1x10*- 1x10*- 1x10^- 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10* = 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10'- IxIO*- IxfO'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10*^ 1x10'^ 1x10'- 1x10' - lo-3n l5-9n :'2-:5r SOUTH TRANSECT 1977 YL — AD — AD HYOY-f •YL AD- • YOY - YUAD YOY — YUAD -+- YOY YL5A0 YOY YLSAD -+- -f- ■^ -^ ■¥- -f- JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 54 . Continued. 167 xlQ^ xiG' xlO' x10' xlO' xlO' xlQ' xlO^ xlO^ xlQ' 1x10* UJ -J < o CO 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 2 3 1x10* 1x10' i 1x10' q: Ui (S D Z xlO' 1x10* 1x10' xlO' xlO' xlO* xlO' xlO' xlO' xlO* xlO' XlO' xlO' xlO* x10' xlO' xlO' •YL lo-3r is-en -AD NORTH TRANSECT 1978 I L •YL ■AD ■AO _Y Y Y Y 1 r- YL AO YOY YL AO •YOY AO ►YOY YLSAO YOY YL&AO YOY -V ^- _j J J 1 1 RPR nPY JUN JUL RUG SEP OCT NOV 10 20 30 40 50 60 "'0 8C 90 100 HO 120 130 140 150 I'SO TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig . 54 . Cont inued . DEC ib8 . AO . SOUTH TRANSECT 1978 YL- AD- fiPR IxiC* 1x10' < 1x10' CD o 'x'O' = 1x'0' X <2 Ix'O' — a. o _ 1x10* CD '^ YL- AD- ^ 1 ! 1 — ~ 1 1 1 1 ; } 1 II i; V ll YL AD. AD' •YOY YUAD nPY YOY YLSAD- JUN ill I i; I I i: I . i: i: I I I , I !; ii !. JUL RUG SEP 'xlQ' -f IX.u ! X 1 u' Ir I U I, ij: lii Ij : J i i l ii 'YOY YL&AD • -ii ll .;• I! I|: h' YOY- -YUAD. OCT NOV Fig. 54. Continued, 20 40 6C 80 100 120 140 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) 160 180 169 NORTH TRANSECT 1979 l-VL I0-3. i6-9^' AD < u en 2 o o u. o CD IxiO' 1x10' IxiO' ixlO' IxiQ' 1x10* 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* 1x10' 1x10'- 1x10' ■ 1x10*" 1x10'- ixlO'- 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10' ■ 1x10'- 1x10' - 4 U ^ »YL -*! T r AD — PPR — T f T r- I YL • -1 1 1 AD YOY ■ YUAD- 4 L YOY YUAD YOY YUAD -r ^ V f -r ] r I^YOY YLSAD - I I I -r f r HflY -t -r i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i ■ — - 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 YL — 1 AD — - l! 1 1! 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ ^, ^,.._ 1—— YOY , ■. , 1, • ■ An . ' ' ■ r'' — -I*'- T h _| - I u ! y ' 1 r n ^ 1 1 1 1 L ii ^ — 4 — I — I — 1 JUN JUL RL/G SEP OCT MCV 10 20 30 40 50 50 70 80 90 100 nO 120 130 '40 '5C :5:! TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 54. Continuea. 170 unr ixlQ' 1x10* -xlO^ IxlO' IxlO' 1x10' IxiO' 1x10' IxIC ixIC 1x1C' S 1x10' U 1x10- o i 1x10' X 1x10' CO ^ 1x10^ O 1x10* £ 1x10' CD i 1x10' Z 1x10' 1x10* 1x10* 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' SOUTH TRANSECT 1979 lo-3n !6-9n :i2-i5n — AD - n 1 1 T- — YL n — ^- AD AD YL — AD - — AD _, , Y- •YOY YUAD YOY YUAD YOY YL&AD IP IJ. i. li: lii 1:- YOY YUAD -P RPR nPY JUN JUL RUG SEP OCT I I NOV DEC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 54. Continued. 171 q: UJ (D Z ,X !u ■ ■xlO' ■ ix id' ■ 1x10'- ixlO^- 1x10' ■ IxlQ*- IxiC- 1x10'- ixlO' ■ 1x10*^ 1x10'- 1x10^- 1x10' ■ 1x10*: 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- :xio' - ix10* = 1x10'- 1x10'- ixlO' - 1x10* = 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10* = 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - YL AD lo-3r l5-9r NORTH TRANSECT 1980 YL • AD — I .1 J — M — i;- AD YL • AD n 1 1 1 r 'YOY - T T T T T YLSAD '] 1 T" •YOY -I T T 1' YL&AO -jj. ■YOY r T Y Y V ' l ' f YL6AD -r '] V YOY YLSAD -T 1 1*- YOY — YLSAD RPR flRY r ^ , , JUN JUL n 1 1 flUu SEP OCT -f 1 1 NOV 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 54. Continuea. DEC 172 AD SOUTH TRANSECT 1980 AD- < o CO fi o o X CO a: OB 2 3 ...t , , ll* 1 '■ i- I- i: u L li: U: i: i: i: i: 1: i: 1- li i: 1- iL 111 1x10'-^ 1x10^ -J- 1x10' -|- 1x10* =1^ 1x10'— 1- ;xio'-|- 1x13' — L 1x13' =k- 1x10' -f MO' -^ ;xio'4- 1xlO'-h 1x10^ — 1x10' ■ 1x10*- IxIO' 'x!C^ 'xlO*: IxIO'- 1x10'- YL-I- AD- I— YL An - 1 , li ii 1- 1*: 1 1 1. i: 1; 1 = i: 1: 1 1- 1 1 i' ii P 1 j — YOY f— YL AD- YOY YUAD- ■ YOY- ■ YUAD- • YOY — -YUAO- -YOY- -YLSAO- 2C 40 60 80 'CO 120 140 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 54 Continued, 1 i — I— , 1 l' 1. i: u: IL 1 1 1 1 j 1 i. 1- ii i^ I: li ^RY JUN JUL flUC , NCV •80 173 November and December — Catch data from November and December of all preoperational years showed that YOY spottails were the last group to migrate to deeper water. Two YOY were caught in the beach zone in November; most were at 9 m or deeper. December trawl data for all years showed that YOY spottails were present at 12 m and deeper. No unusual trends were apparent for YOY spottails during the November-December study period. Adults — Seasona 1 d i s tr i but i on — April and May — Spottail shiners were collected in very low numbers during April 1978, 1979 and I98O. No sampling was performed during April 1977- The low density of spottail shiners in the study area during April is typical of their spring distribution in southeastern Lake Michigan. Wells (I968) found that spottails moved to shallower depths during summer (6-10 m) and deeper water (6-5O m) during winter. In Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant the inshore migration began in May, as evidenced by the large numbers of large adults (85-135 mm) caught: 425. UU and 565. respectively, in 1978, 1979 and 1980. During May 1978, 1979 and I98O, densities of adult spottails were highest in the beach zone out to 6 m. Although sporadic catches occurred at all sampling depths, between 50 and 7(>% of the May adult spottail catch was collected from 6 m or less of water from 1978-1980 (Fig. 55). June — By June, spottails have completed their movement to the inshore area. Most fish were found in 6 m of water or less, with sporadic occurrences out to 15 m. Gonad development data (Fig. 55) along with larval fish data (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Spottail Shiner , Larvae) showed that spottail spawning occurred during June of all years. The distribution of ripe-running adults as well as newly hatched larvae and fish eggs strongly suggests spottails spawn in water 6 m or less. June adult spottail catch increased each successive year during the 4-yr study. Only 559 were caught in 1977 in contrast with 3083, 3^42 and 3889 fish for 1978. 1979 and I98O respectively. Night gill nets were not set in June 1977 resulting in less sampling effort for that year. During 1977 and I978 beach seines and bottom gill nets caught most adult spottails with relatively few caught in bottom trawls. During those years north transect beach stations accounted for most of the fish caught in seine hauls. Warmer water temperatures at north transect beach stations than at the south transect beach station were most likely responsible for the catch difference among these stations (Fig. 22). In contrast to the low numbers of adult spottails caught in trawls during June 1977 and 1978, 70-72% of the June 1979-1980 catch was collected in bottom trawls. As would be expected most were trawled at night from 6-m contours or less. During June 1980 water temperatures were warmest at 3 m (14.5 C) and decreased with increasing depth (7.9 C at 15 m) . Nearly one-half of the June I98O trawl catch was taken at the 3"^ south station. This large catch (1372 fish) was most likely due to warmer water and spawning activity. The lowest June beach seine catch of the entire study period occurred in I98O. 174 480 320- 160- 0-' Q UJ K 480- O UJ NO O O (f) 320- 160 Ns9 UJ 480- cr < 320- o '«o or li^ QD 5 480- 320- 160 N:29 ND Ns|94 N = 665 N=I24 APR MAY N = 408 L N3I36 L Ms 596 N«76l Ns725 JUN 1977 ■ »WELL DEVELOPED AND RIPE-RUNNING GONADS n»SPENT GONADS N»I34 N = I27 Nal77 1978 N»270 ^ N:284 N«I27 N=75 Ns44 Ns44 N«328 Ns277 Jl Jl I I 1979 N*IOO N36I N«900 N«228 ^ .^, ^^_^ Ns365 N«I67 1980 N3402 Ns443 N « 99 JUL AUG SEP OCT SAMPLING PERIOD NOV N«26 Nsl06 Nsl5 DEC Fig. 55.- Number of mature spottail shiners with well developed, ripe- running and spent gonads collected monthly during June-December 1977 and April-December 1978-1980 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. N = total number of mature spottail shiners caught per month 175 Some general trends observed during June of the preoperational study show that adult spottails are found almost exclusively from the beach zone out to 9 m with densities increasing with decreasing depth. Numbers of fish caught in beach seines were greater during the day, while bottom gill net and trawl samples were largest at night. Most of the adult spottails ranged in size from 100 to 135 nim. July — The distribution of adul t spottai 1 shiners during July 1977. 1978 and 1979 was quite similar among years, being characterized by large numbers of fish in beach seine hauls, moderate bottom gill net catches (except 1977 when fishing time was reduced and a low catch resulted), and few caught in bottom trawls. During July 1977. 97% of the catch was collected in beach seines. Night seine hauls at the south beach station contained the most fish, but moderate catches were also recorded at north transect beach stations. Very few spottails were caught in water deeper than 1 .5 m in July 1977- July was the month of peak abundance for spottails during 1978 with beach seines collecting 58% of the monthly total and bottom gill nets k]%. Few (<]%) were caught in trawls. Day seines at the north transect, where the water temperature was 19-0 C, contained the most spottails, while at the south beach station few spottails were caught and the water temperature was I6.O C. The largest night catch in July 1978 was taken in bottom gill nets at the 9""' south station; these were all large adults 105'135 nim. Some small spottails (95"120 mm) were taken at 1.5* and ^-m south transect stations. Occurrence of ripe-running fish (Fig. 55) indicated that spawning was ongoing during July. During July 1979 a cliel activity pattern was observed in beach seine hauls where 98% of the catch was collected during the day. As in 1978 most of the catch was taken at north transect beach stations. Warmer water during the day at these stations (12.5 C in contrast to 10. 5 C at night) and spawning activity may account for this diel catch difference. Anderson and Brazo (1978) reported finding high densities of spottails in the beach zone during the day in June in east central Lake Michigan. it is possible that spottails spawn primarily during the day in Lake Michigan. Bottom gill net catches during July 1979 were largest during the day and almost all spottails (89%) were caught in 6 m of water or less. These were large fish ranging in size from 105 to 135 mm. As in July 1977 and 1979. ^ew spottails were trawled in July 1980 and gonad development data (Fig. 55) showed that spawning was occurring during this time. The largest monthly catch of spottails in I98O was taken in July. In contrast to the July catches of 1977"1979. when the majority of the catch was seined and few were trawled, k7% of the July I98O catch was collected in bottom trawls, while less than 1% was caught in beach seines. The remainder of the fish were taken in bottom gill nets. Mostly large fish were collected; size range was 105-1^5 nim. Trawl data showed that spottails were concentrated at 6 and 9 m during July I98O; 79% of the trawled fish were caught there. Trawl catches were nearly equal during day and night. Bottom gill net catches showed a nocturnal activity pattern with 77% of the spottails caught at night. 176 Largest catches were at 6 m with moderate numbers of fish caught at 1.5» 3 and 9 m. Very few spottails were gillnetted at 12 m. Isothermal waters during July 1980 were most likely responsible for the difference in catch during this year, in contrast to the first 3 /^ of the preoperational study, when periods of upwel lings tended to concentrate spottails in the warmest water in the study area. However, in July I98O, the mean water temperature from the beach to 9 m was 21.0 C and the fish moved throughout this zone, while avoiding cooler waters at 12 and 15 m (mean temperature of I8.I C) . Gonad development data (Fig. 55) showed that spottails spawned during July I98O; lack of upwel lings during I98O should produce a strong year class in I98I and I982. August — By mid-August, when sampling was performed, spottail shiner spawning was completed in the study area and large adults were dispersed throughout the area. As spawning ceased in late July or early August (Fig. 55), fewer adults were found at beach stations. During August of all k yr of the study, adults were randomly distributed throughout the study area with peak catches occurring anywhere between I.5 and 15 m; a decline in total number of fish caught in August was observed in 1979 and I98O. Because water temperatures were usually quite stable in August and spawning was complete, spottails may have moved about the lake much more than during other months. During 1979 and I98O spottails were more dispersed than in 1977 and I978 which apparently resulted in the lower August catches observed. September — During September 1977 few adult spottails were in the beach zone as evidenced by their absence from beach seine hauls. Day and night trawl hauls caught few adult spottails. Bottom gill net data showed adult spottails at 1 .5 to 6 m during the day, with largest catches at 1.5 and 3 m. At night spottails extended their depth range out to 12 m and probably deeper (few were trawled at 15 ni) . September 1978 beach seine hauls contained no adult spottails, while bottom gill net data showed concentrations at 1.5 and 6 m during the day. Night bottom gill nets showed a scattering of adults throughout the study area, with the largest catch at 12 m and some at 15 m* Few adult spottails were trawled in September 1978. Bottom gill nets accounted for the largest catch of adult spottails in September 1979 (217 fish); 83% were caught at 6 m or less. No adults were seined in September 1977"1980 and few were caught in bottom trawls in 1977"1979- The largest catch of adult spottails in September for the entire study period occurred in I98O (Fig. 5^) • Apparently the annual fall migration to deeper water by spottails, as described by Jude et al. (1978, 1979a), Anderson and Brazo (1978) and Wells (I968) had not yet begun to any substantial degree by mid-September I98O. The stable water temperatures noted all year in I98O (i.e., no upwel lings) may have prolonged spottail use of the study area. In contrast to the period 1977"1979> when few adults were trawled in September, moderate numbers of adult spottails were trawled during September I98O (853 fish). Nearly 93% of these fish were trawled at 9 ^f while the remainder were trawled at 6 m; only a few were trawled deeper than 9 ^* Bottom gill net data showed concentrations of adult spottails at 3 and 6 m with largest catch {kkk fish) at 3 ni* 177 Generally during September, adult spottails were absent from the beach zone and were often concentrated between 3 and 9 ni of water. The annual fall migration to deeper water usually begins by mid-September. Climatic conditions of the preceding summer may be a determining factor in triggering the migration to deeper water in the study area. Octobei — In October 1977"1979 no adults were caught in beach seines or day trawls. At night some smaller adults (95"1^5 "im) were trawled at 6 and 9 m. Gill nets were not set in October 1977* Eighty-three percent of the modest bottom gill net catch (53 fish) in October 1978 was caught at 6 m or deeper. Bottom gill net catches showed larger adults (110-145 mm) uniformly distributed among 1.5" to 15"nfi stations. The largest catch (60 fish) was taken at 6 m north. Water temperatures in October 1979 were nearly the same as September (11.0-13.5 C) , resulting in a delay of the annual migration to deeper water by all adult spottails. A few adult spottails were seined at north beach stations in October I98O when water in the study area was nearly isothermal (9.5"n.5 C) . All seined fish were caught at night and may have moved in to forage for food. Trawl data showed concentrations of adults at 6 and 9 ^ with lesser numbers of adults at 3» 12 and 15 ^* Bottom gill net catches showed that adult spottails were absent from the study area during the day, while at night adult fish were concentrated at 6, 9» 12 and 15 ni with the largest catch at 12 m. In general during October adult spottails were absent from the beach zone and may have migrated from the study area as was observed in 1977 and 1978. When climatic conditions remained stable from September into October, as observed in 1979 and I98O, adults may remain in the study area for a longer period of time. November and December — Catches of adult spottails decreased dramatically in November and December of all years of the study. Sporadic catches of small adults (100-130 mm) occurred throughout the study area in November and at 12 and 15 m in December. By mid-November the majority of the adult spot tail population had migrated out beyond the 15"ni depth contour. The largest adults were the first to leave, followed by smaller adults, yearlings and YOY spottai Is. Plant Effects— The primary difficulty in assessing the impact of Units 1 and 2 on spottai 1 shiner distribution is our inability to dismiss coincident construction activity as a probable cause of reference and treatment area differences. Both the timing of construction activity and resulting rTprap placement strongly correlate with significant changes in trends observed since 1977» however, there are a few anomalies to this general scheme. During 1977» when the discharge of Units 1 and 2 was onshore, no significant abundance differences between north and south transects existed for either larval or juvenile spottai 1 shiners, except for abundance of juvenile and adult spottai 1 shiners based on seine data. Abundance at the beach station group (Q, R) at the plant transect was significantly greater than that at reference station P; 178 this transect difference was fairly consistent for years 1977 through I98O (Fig. 56, Table 31). Bottom gill net data for juvenile and adult spottail shiners showed no significant differences between stations (or areas) for years 1977 through I98O (Fig. 56, Tables 32-3^). However, trawl data showed significantly greater abundance at the north plant transect than at the south transect (Fig. 57, Tables 35 and 36). Substantially higher abundance of juvenile and adult spottail shiners was observed at the plant transect during 1979 and I98O, coincident with construction activity (Fig. 57). During 1979-1980 larval abundances were significantly higher at north transect stations compared with the south reference transect, as revealed by a Wilcoxon signed ranks test (attained significance level a « 0.0011 and O.OOO6 respectively). Our data thus indicate that, especially during I979 and 198O, when riprap was being constructed and was available to varying degrees, all age-groups of spottail shiners were more abundant along the north transect. Reasons for greater abundance of spottails at the north transect are unknown; however, two obvious correlations exist. The construction itself may have provided increased food by displacing benthic organisms during dredging. The concentration of adults in the area coincident with their spawning season may have also resulted in a concentrated spawning effort there. This is substantiated in part by our larval spottail comparisons which show that north transect spottail larvae densities significantly exceeded those of the south transect during I979 and I98O (attained significance level a « 0.0011 and 0.0006 respectively). In addition. Dorr and Miller (1975) have documented spottail spawning on the riprap around the Cook Plant intake structures, which are located in 9 m of water. Another attractive influence of the intake and discharge area may be the riprap itself. It is possible that the riprap attracted spawning adults to the area, especially in 1979 and 1980, due to a preference for increased cover or food. In all years we could find no temperature correlation to explain distributional or abundance differences between the north and the south transect. We thus feel that no definitive statements regarding the influence of the thermal plume of Units 1 and 2 on spottail shiner distribution or abundance can be made. If the riprap remains exposed and if it has an attractive influence on spottail shiners, we would expect increased numbers of spottails in the north transect area. This may preclude definitive statements of thermal effect in the future and make tenuous the validity and utility of only 1 additional yr of study. Trout-perch I ntroduction — Trout-perch inhabit all the Great Lakes and a few of the larger inland lakes (Hubbs and Lagler 1958). In Lake Michigan this species occurs most commonly in shoal areas, but may range into water as deep as 94 m (House and Wells 1973)* This species is considered benthic as most fish are caught near or at the lake bottom. Most trout-perch mature at age 2, although our data and other sources (House and Wells 1973; Magnuson and Smith I963; Kinney I950) show some yearlings are sexually mature. 179 SPOTTAIL SHINER 1977 t978 1979 TERR 1980 SEINES STATION P STATION Q STATION R 10 J-^ •• ^ ♦ / ^ / 8 / >- / -^ c o / X ►- / y/^ I4i X 8 -J / y^ ^ / y^ "^ o U z cc Ui s o 2 oc H- Ul z a Ui u 1 1 1 1978 1979 YEAR 1980 BOTTOM GILL NETS STATION C (REFERENCE) STATION L (PLANT) Fig. 56. Geometric mean number plus one of spottail shiners caught in seines at beach stations P (south reference) , Q (south discharge) and R (north discharge) and in bottom gill nets at stations C (6 m, south) and L (6 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, 1978 through 1980« Graphs illustrate the YEAR X STATION interaction o ISO Trout-perch was consistently one of the most common fish species in Lake Michigan in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant from 1977 through 1980. Trout- perch comprised approximately 1.1% of the total adult and juvenile catch in Lake Michigan in 1977» slightly more than 2% of the catch in both 1978 and 1979 and about 3*5% of the catch in I98O. Catch of trout-perch adults and juveniles over the years 1977 through I98O totaled 737^ fish. About 35% (2600 individuals) of this total was comprised of yearlings and about 64% (4727 individuals) of these fish were adults (age 2 or older); a few YOY {kj fish) were also caught. All YOY and over 90% of the yearlings and adults were caught in trawls; remaining adults were caught in seines or gill nets, while the rest of the yearlings were seined. Larvae — Although trout-perch yearlings and adults were very common, trout-perch larvae were relatively uncommon in the study area. The trout-perch is not a very prolific spawner and has relatively low fecundity, which undoubtedly partially explains the low catch of larval trout-perch. Egg counts per female performed by Lawler (1954) ranged from 240 to 728 with a mean of 349- A prolonged spawning season for trout-perch may also contribute to relatively low larvae densities of this species. Trout-perch larvae apparently are demersal; of the 44 specimens collected during 1977 through 1980, 37 (or about 84%) were collected in sled tow samples. These larvae were apparently not susceptible to the majority of our sampling gear. Larvae were mainly collected at depth contours of 6 m or deeper; only seven were collected inshore (beach to 3 »") • The first 2 yr of sampling effort (1977-1978) yielded only five trout- perch larvae from Lake Michigan. In 1979f H larvae were collected, while in 1980 28 were taken. The higher incidence of larval trout-perch in 1979 and 1980 may be related to construction activity as well as the resultant riprap structures providing suitable spawning habitat. In 1977 three larvae were collected, all with the sled. A 15"mm specimen was caught at station F (15 m, south) in late July. A 6-mm larva was caught at station J (3 m, north) and a 10-mm one at station L (6 m, north), both during September 1977* Jude et al. (1979b) and Fish (1932) reported the length of hatching of trout-perch to be between 5-5 and 6.0 mm. Eggs hatch in a few days after fertilization (Scott and Crossman 1973)- Thus in 1977 trout- perch were still spawning in the study area during September. In I978 two larvae were collected in Lake Michigan: a 6.8-mm larva at station W (I5 nt, north) in late August and a 6.0-mm larva at station B (3 m, south) in September. Appearance of this newly hatched trout-perch indicates trout-perch spawning extended into September of 1978 as well. In 1979 two trout-perch larvae were captured in April (each between 6 and 7 mm TL) ; one occurred at the south transect beach station and one was found at station D (9 m, south). In early August three larvae (7-5 to 12.8 mm) were caught at station L (6 m, north), and a 5«7-nim larva was captured at station E 181 Table 31. Analysis of variance summary for spottail shiners caught in seines at stations P (south reference), Q (south discharge) and R (north discharge) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1977 through 1980. Data for June through November were analyzed. Attained Source of significance variation df Mean square F-statistic level Year 3 U.5163 22.9732 <0.0001«<^ Month U 8.1834 41.6263 <0.0001*« Station 2 2.5752 13.0994 <0.0001*=> lime 1 0.0744 0.3787 0.5395 Y X M 12 1.6998 8.6463 <0.0001«* Y X S 6 0.1385 0.9591 0.4560 M X S 8 >0.919 5 4.6775 0.0001«=» Y X 1 3 0.0942 0.4793 0.6973 M X T U 1.5958 8.1175 <0.0001*« S X T 2 0.0806 0.4099 0.6646 Y X M X S 2U 0.6206 3.1580 <0.0001*« Y X M X T 12 1.8110 9.2122 <0.0001*« Y X S X T 6 0.5325 2.7087 0.0168 M X S X T 8 0.5808 2.9544 0.0047* Y X M X S X T 2U 0.4537 2.3077 0.0016* Within cell error 120 0.19C6 «« Highly significant (P < 0.001) « Significant (P < 0.01) . Table 32. Analysis of variance summary for spottail shiners caught in bottom gill nets at stations C (6 m, south) and L (6 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1977 through 1980. Data for July through September and November were analyzed. Attained Source of significance variation df Mean square F-statistic level Year 3 2.0248 39.4046 <0.0001** Month 3 2.1267 41.4259 <0.0001*« Station 1 0.2334 5.5147 0.0220 Tine 1 9.2305 179.6337 <0.0001« Y X M 9 0.8959 17.4341 <0.0001«* Y X S 3 0.5269 10.2533 <0.0001« K X S 3 0.1464 2.8481 0.0444 Y X T 3 1.0723 20.8680 <0.0001« M X T 3 0.1874 3.6469 0.0171 S X T 1 0.0062 0.1193 0.7303 Y X M X S 9 0.4005 7.7943 <0.0001** Y X M X T 9 1.7038 33.1580 <0.0001«=» Y X S X T 3 0.1215 2.3651 0.0792 M X S X T 3 0.2504 4.8734 0.0041* Y X M X S X T 9 0.4015 7.8130 <0.O001« Within i sell error 64 0.0514 «* Highly significant (P < 0.001). « Significant (P < 0.01) . 182 Table 33. Analysis of variance summary for spottail shiners caught in bottom gill nets at stations C (6 m, south) and L (6 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1978 through 1980. Data for May through October were analyzed. Attained Source of significance variation df Mean square F-£tatistic level Year 2 0.7'4U3 13.3654 <0.0001** Month c 1,692U 30.4347 <0.0001« Station 1 0.0556 0.9994 0.3208 Time 1 18.0707 324.9602 CO.OOOl** Y X M 10 0.86S1 15.5572 <0.0001«« Y X S 2 0.0257 0.4625 0.6315 M X S 5 0.4105 7.3811 <0.0001** Y X T ^ ^ 0.aao3 7.9170 0.0008>>« M X T 5 0.7529 13.5399 <0.0001** S X T 1 0.0322 0.5794 0.4490 Y X M X S 10 0.4300 8.6323 <0.0001** Y X M X T 10 2.2130 39.7958 <0.0001«* Y X S X T 2 0.0389 0.6998 0.5000 M X S X T 5 0.247U 4.4493 0.0014* Y X M X S X T 10 0.3387 6.0909 <0.0001** Within cell error 72 0.0556 »>« Highly significant (P < 0.001). * Significant (P < 0.01) . Table 34. Analysis of variance summary for spottail shiners caught in bottom gill nets at stations C (6 m, south), D (9 m, south), L (6 m, north) and N (9 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1980. Data for May through October were analyzed. Attained Source of significance variation df Mean square F-statistic level Month 5 2.7195 47.8277 <0.0001« Area 1 0.0689 1.2115 0.2765 Depth 1 1.1206 19.7076 0.0001« Time 1 10.1230 178.0341 <0.0001** M X A 5 1.0045 17.6657 <0.0001*« M X D 5 0.5675 9.9815 <0.C001** A X D 1 0.0658 1.1580 0.2873 M X T 5 0.7420 13.0499 <0.0001** A X T 1 0.0420 0.7380 0.3946 D X T 1 0.0512 0.8996 0.3476 M X A X C 5 0.0798 1.4033 0.2400 M X A X T 5 0.1542 2.7114 0.0309 M X D X T 5 0.2982 5.2445 0.0006'»«' A X D X T 1 0.0014 0.0242 0.8771 M X A X D X T 5 0.2731 4.8029 0.0012* Within I cell error 48 0.0569 ««• Highly significant (P < 0.001). * Significant (P < 0.01) . 183 9n us T = X 6-1 I- uj tr SPOTTAIL SHINER STATIONS C AND D (REFERENCE) STATIONS L AND N (PLANT) 1978 1979 YEAR 1980 Fig. 57. Geometric mean number plus one of spottail shiners caught in trawls at stations C (6 m, south), D (9 m, south), L (6 m, north) and N (9 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, I978 through I98O. Graph illustrates the YEAR x AREA interaction. (12 m, south). Five larvae, ranging in length from 6.8 to I9.O mm, were identified in samples from September 1979? one at the south transect 9-m station and one each at 3, 9, 12 and 15 m on the north transect. In 1980 10 larvae (7.5 to 9-5 mm TL) were collected during early July in sled tows from 6 to I5 m along the north transect. In late July six larvae (6 to ]k mm) were captured at 6- to 9-m contours at the north transect. Eight trout-perch larvae (lengths of 6.2 to 20 mm) were identified in early August samples from 6 to 12 m from both transects. In late August one larva (7.0 mm) was collected from station A (I.5 m, south) and a 7.0-mm specimen from station B (3.0 m, south). A 10-mm specimen was collected from beach station Q (south of discharge) and an 8.5"»nm larva was collected from station B; both were caught in sleds in September. As for 1977 through 1979, larvae data for I98O indicate the spawning season for trout-perch extended through late August and probably early September. Densities of trout-perch larvae in Lake Michigan ranged from 8 to 337 individuals/1000 m^ for the years 1977 through I98O. Trout-perch larvae appear to be avoiding sampling gear during the day as only 6 larvae were caught during the day while 38 larvae were caught at night. 184 Table 35. Analysis of variance summary for spottail shiners caught in trawls at stations C (6 m, south) and L (6 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1977 through 1980. Data for June through December were analyzed. Attained Source of significance variation df Mean sc^uare F-statistic level Year 3 1.3414 22.9666 <0.0001** Month 6 1.9620 33.5935 <0.0001«* Station 1 1.9105 32.7109 <0.0001«« lime 1 33.1955 568.3696 <0.0001«* Y X M 18 1.8135 31.0513 <0.0001** Y X S 3 0.2255 3.8608 0.0114 M X S 6 0.0750 1.2848 0.2700 Y X T 3 0.5961 10.2058 <0.0001*« M X T 6 2.0880 35.7500 <0.0001** S X T 1 0.2809 4.8095 0.0304 Y X M X r 18 0.1645 2.8171 0.0005** Y X M X i 18 0.4901 8.3912 <0.0001*« Y X S X T 3 0.0241 0.4129 0.7441 M X S X I 6 0.0477 0.8174 0.5586 Y X M X S X I 18 0.1179 2.0193 0.0139 Within cell error 112 0.0564 «♦ Highly significant (P < 0.001). * Signif icani- (P < o.oi) . Thirty-three of the kk trout-perch larvae were collected from the north transect. The Wilcoxon signed ranks test for larval density data for I98O showed a tendency for densities of trout-perch larvae at the north transect to be higher than those at the south transect; this difference in densities between transects was significant at a * .05 (the attained significance level for the test was .0229). Trout-perch may have been attracted to the riprap for spawning and thus larvae were more concentrated along the north transect than at the south transect. Most riprap was deposited by the close of the 1979 season. In summary, trout-perch larvae are relatively uncommon in the study area. They were collected from April to September, with most being caught in June and July. They were collected mostly in water 6 m deep or deeper and almost all were caught in sleds. Larvae apparently are benthic. More were caught in 1980 than any other year. More trout-perch larvae were caught at the north transect than at the south transect. Although no fry were collected in 1977 or 1978, 21 trout-perch fry (30-57 mm) were captured during 1979 and I98O in Lake Michigan. All but one of these fry were caught in sled tows (one was caught in a plankton net towed near 185 Table 36. Analysis of variance summary for spottail shiners caught in trawls at stations C (6 m, south) , D (9 m, south) , L (6 m, north) and N (9 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1978 through 1980. Data for May through December were analyzed. Attained Source of significance variat; ion df Mean square F-statistic level Year 2 4.8385 61.5432 <0.0001** Month 7 2.0410 25.9607 <0.0001«« Area 1 1.9598 24.9282 <0.0001*« Depth 1 0.4217 5.3642 0.0216 Time 1 60.6212 771.0713 <0.0001*« Y X M la 2.8509 36.2619 <0.0001«« Y X A 2 0.3047 3.8757 0.0224 M X A 7 0.0526 0.6687 0.6984 Y X D 2 0.7045 8.9614 0.0002** M X D 7 0.3367 4.9192 <0.0001*« A X D 1 0.6874 8.7431 0.0035* Y X T 2 0.5597 7.1188 0.0010* M X T 7 2.4579 31.2633 <0.0001** A X T 1 0.3091 3.9314 0.0488 D X T 1 0.7413 9.4295 0.0024* Y X M X A 14 0.2295 2.9196 0.0005** Y X M X D . 14 0.5620 7.1478 <0.0001** Y X A X D 2 0.1741 2.2141 0.1120 M X A X D 7 0.0465 0.5915 0.7624 Y X M X I 14 0.4619 5.8749 <0.0001** Y X A X T 2 0.0119 0.1518 0.8593 M X A X T 7 0.1915 2.4355 0.0206 Y X D X T 2 0.5335 6.7860 0.0014* M X D X I 7 0.8882 11.2980 <0.0001** A X P X T 1 0.0234 0.2978 0.5859 Y X M X A X D 14 0.2452 3.1185 0.0002** Y X M X A X T 14 0.2312 2.9413 0.0004** Y X M X D X T 14 0.4661 5.9279 <0.0001** Y X A X D X I 2 0.0082 0.1042 0.9011 M X A X X I 7 0.1888 2.4016 0.0223 Y X M X A X D X T 14 0.0664 0.8445 0.6202 Uithir I cell error 192 0.0786 «* Highly significant (P < 0.001) • * Significant (P < 0.01) • bottom). These fry were all yearling trout-perch. All were caught between May and late July. Densities ranged from 17 to 133 fry per 1000 m^. These "fry" yearlings were not included in any yearling catch statistics. 186 Young-of- the- Year — A few YOY trout-perch have been caught each year from I977 to I98O (Fig. 58); all were caught in bottom trawls from August through November. Catch varied from 3 in 1979 to I6 in I98C. Since YOY trout-perch move offshore during the summer (Magnuson and Smith I963) , it is likely that most YOY had already entered offshore water (outside the study area) by the time they grew to a size at which they were susceptible to the trawl. First occurrence of YOY trout-perch during our 1977 study was in September when nine (15-^4 mm) were caught in water 9 to I5 m at the south transect (Fig. 58), The following month two YOY trout-perch (15-3^+ mm) were trawled at station F (I5 m, south) and in November 1977 another three (15-34 mm) were caught at station E (12 m, south). Similarly in I978, nine YOY (15-24 mm) were trawled in September from deeper water stations (9 to 12 m) at the south transect. That same year in October two YOY (I5-34 mm) were caught at station F (I5 m, south) and in November three (25-34 mm) were caught at the 9- to 12-m contours at the south reference transect. In 1979 only three YOY trout-perch were collected; all three (25-44 mm) were caught at station F (I5 m, south) in October (Fig. 58). Growth of YOY in 1979 may have been slower than in other years of the study because of the major upwel lings during July; YOY may not have been susceptible to the trawls unti 1 October. In 1980 YOY were collected as early as August when six specimens (15-34 mm) were caught: one at station C (6 m, south), one at station D (9 m, south) and four at station N (9 m, north) (Fig. 58). Growth of YOY was probably more rapid during July and August in I98O than during those 2 mo in any other year, since there were no upwel lings observed during those months in 1980, unlike the 3 previous yr. In September I98O another eight YOY (25-44 mm) were trawled from 9- to 15-m deep water. In October, another two YOY (35-44 mm) were captured: one at station E (12 m, south) and one at station F (I5 m, south) . All YOY trout-perch were collected at night. These fish may be effectively avoiding the net during the day. Year 1 ings — Yearlings comprised a substantial portion of the total number of trout- perch collected; over 35% (or 2598 fish) of the 7374 specimens caught during 1977 through I98O were yearlings. Growth of yearlings was analyzed by examining length-frequency data through the year. Seasonal distr ibution — April—During I978 and I98O yearlings (15^74 mm) were collected in the study area as early as April. Three yearlings were caught in April I978 and in April I98O, four yearlings were collected. 187 < o w o o X CO o q: yj ffi 3 1X10^ 1x10' 1x10' 1x10^ 1x10^ 1x10' 1x10' 1x10^ 1x10= 1x10' 1x10' 1x10^ 1x10= 1x10' 1x10' 1x10= 1x10= 1x10' 1x10' 1x10= 1x10= 1x10' ;5-9n ■YL - AD- — AD- ■YL YL AO" — r- AO YL NORTH TRANSECT 1977 JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 58. Length-frequency histograms for trout-perch collected during June - December 1977 and April - December 1978-1980 at north and south transects. Stations were combined into two groups for the north transect: beach and 3 m; 6 and 9 m and into three groups for the south transect: beach, 1.5 and 3 m; 6 and 9 m; and 12 and 15 m. Diel periods and gear types were pooled. YOY = Young-of-the-year; YL = Yearling; AD = Adult. 188 iG-sn l6-9n ■.i2-i5n UJ -J < 2 o o o UJ m 1x10* 1x10^ 1x10^ 1x10' — 10' ixl 1x10'- 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' =p 1x10' 1x10^- 1x10' 1x10* =p MO' — 1x10' — 1x10' ■ 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10' 1x10' • 1x10*- 1x10' 1x10^- 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10' 1x10'- <10' 1 SOUTH TRANSECT 1977 •YL AD- YL AO 'YL AD -YOY YL AD- YOY YL- AO- AO- JUN JUL RUG SEP OCT NOV 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 58. Continued. DEC 189 IxiQ' 1x10' xio' -r xlO* xlO' xlO' xlO' < o CO o X CO o (E ffi x10*=F xlO'- xlO'- xlO' X10*=T=~ xlO' xlG*- xlO'- xlO'- xlO' - x10* = xlO'- xlO'- xlO' - xlO*^ xlO'- xlQ'- xlO' ■ xlO*- x10'- xlO'- xlO'- xlQ*- xlO'- xlQ'- xlO' ■ l-YL h • AD—) lo-3n l5-9n NORTH TRANSECT 1978 1 S *i 'i 1 r -1 1 r YL AD- -I 1 T T AD J J M X n 1* Y- .YL -f T I n T- AD - YL- ■AD -| 1 1 T T T- YL- .AD I I T 1 -T r r r > AO -T n \ ! 1 1 1 r - AD -r r T r AD RPR ^ Y f- , r HRY n \ r JUN -T r r 1 1 1 ■JL flUG SEP OCT NOV 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 DEC Fig. 58. Continued, TOTAL LENGTH (MM) 190 1x10' - MO'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10* = 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10* = IxlO^*- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10*^ 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10*" 1x10* • 1x10* 1x10' 1x10*^ 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10" ■ 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' • 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' ■ - h- ' AD- lo-3n l6-9n ii2-i5n SOUTH TRANSECT 1978 YL AD. AO 4L_J^ ii—lt- AO AD -f — ^^ -f — p- YOY -YL AO ■^ ^ [— YOY YL ,AD-- n ] 1 1 1 r 4 — ^ AO- -i 1 1 r l-YU -¥ H^ AD- flPR nflY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 58 . Continued. 160 191 '^^^ NORTH TRANSECT MG^^ 1979 IxlO' — < o O O 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10^- 1x10' ■ 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- IxlQ' - 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 10* =r X Ix 1x10' 1x10' 1x10'- 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' ■ 1x10*- 1x10' — 1x10' — 1x10' — 1x10* 1x10' — 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* lo-3n i6-9n 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' AD 1 1 1 r YL- -AO- -r r r f .YL AD- -T r r r 1 r r I YL -- • AD .YL AD> i» r^ - YL - AD- n 1 r I .YL . ? I I ! i i I -I r 1*^ r* 1*- YL AD ~T I I 1 1 1* r* r- YL RPR 4 HflY JUN JUL AUG -T r 1 r AD SEP ..I ^ OCT T r 1 NOV AD- — ' ■' \ \ \ 1 1 1' 1 1* 1 ] ^ ^ ^ , DEC 10 20 30 40 50 50 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 58. Contimied. !92 :x]G' :xio' IxlG^ IxlC < o CO o o X en UJ s 1x10' =r 1x10^ 1x10' -f 1x10' 1x10* =y 1x10' — 1x10' 1x10' 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10* =j 1x10' — 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10* =r" 1x10' — 1x10' — 1x10' 1x10* =T^ 1x10' 1x10'- 1x10' — 1x10* =r 1x10'- 1x10' — 1x10' — 3n i5-9n :i2-i5n lo- AD 1 SOUTH TRANSECT 1979 AD- AO' -YL AD- YL AO 1 1 ! r YL 4—4 AO ■^ H^ J— YOY YL AO -YL AD -1 1 1 r -AO RPR riRY JUN JUL flun SEP OCT : NOV 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 58 . Continued. 193 DEC 160 :o'=r" YL 1- _J 1 J— . AD- H NORTH TRANSECT 1980 YL- . AO PP= J I L YL H AD , rq-' Ix'O'- YL AO u Ix _ CO 9 'xlG' 3 1x^0' X 'y:c CO _> h-YOY U]Q'-- YL AO. -Hi • * 1 |l 1 A 1 A ■ ,' 0^ -i l-YOY 01 ■' - I ix'C :x:o'- 1x10'- hYL YL 1 AO I AO -I J Li ij |-YL AO ._ RUG IxiG' ^ 20 40 50 80 :00 '20 140 160 180 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 58. Continued. 19^ < o en 2 o o -J ;xio' ■ IxlC- 1x10' -^- 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - ixlO*- IxlO'- ;xlO^- 1x10' — ;xlO*=T=" 1x10' — 1x10' — 1x10' 1x10* =p" 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' — 1x10* = 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' — 1x10* =p 1x10' 1x10' — 1x10* 1x10* =p" 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' — 1x10* =r 1x10'- 1x10' — 1x10' SOUTH TRANSECT 1980 lo-3n !5-9n ;i2-i5n K YL -AD n 1 1 H -f 1 1 f- I r ►YL AD YL AO YL AD YOY YL AD (—YOY YL- AD fYOY YL AD i_x .YL AD- 10 20 30 40 50 60 TOTA L -T — 70 RPR nflY JUN V JUL RUG .: SEP DCT NOV Fig. 58 • Continuea. 80 90 L PNGT H 195 100 lie (MM) -S f ^ r- 12c 130 140 150 160 DEC May — Catch of yearlings was fairly high during 1979 and I98O (with 99 and li+8 fish caught, respectively), but low throughout 1978. The 1977 year class was apparently relatively weak. Yearlings ranged in size from 25 to 5^ ^^ (modal -length interval of 30 mm) in 1978, 15 to 5^ nfim (modal -1 ength interval of 40 mm) in 1979 and 1 5 to 64 mm (modal -length interval of 50 "im) in 1980. Almost all yearlings were trawled; only a few were seined during the k yr study. Gill net meshes are too large to catch yearlings, as none were taken in this gear from 1977 through I98O. In 1978-1979 yearlings were caught mainly at 9 ni or deeper (Fig. 58); in 1979 some were caught at station L (6 m, north). They were caught during the day from 6 to 15 ni and at night from 3 to 15 ni- In I98O yearlings were again most common at 9 ni and deeper and at station L (6 m, north); during the day trout-perch yearlings were caught from 12 to 15 m and at night from the beach to 15 m. About half the yearlings (76 individuals) in May I98O were caught at station N (9 m, north) . Substantial populations of yearlings during the k yr 1977 through I98O were just entering the inshore area during May. Yearlings seem to accompany adults inshore during the spring and summer. Some trout-perch yearlings are sexually mature so their movement in the study area could be associated to a limited extent with spawning. During May, as throughout the study period 1977 through I98O, trout-perch exhibited a pronounced diel migration characterized by a movement to shallow areas at night and a return to deep water during the day. Night catches were consistently higher than day catches. This migration was consistent for both adults and yearlings throughout the period of study; there were few exceptions to this pattern. Indeed, the difference between day and night catches was more pronounced for trout-perch than for any other major species, and the ANOVA test (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Trout-Perch , Plant Effects) for diel period differences in trawl catches for trout-perch showed this time-of-day factor to be the most significant of all the factors tested for all major species. Net avoidance may also be partially responsible for low day catches. Few trout-perch were caught in seine hauls throughout 1977~1980. Trout- perch did not prefer the beach zone, but seemed to prefer 6- to 12-m water. Trout-perch (yearlings and adults) feed chiefly on benthos, particularly chironomid larvae and amphipods (Jude et al . 1979b). Mozley (1975) found that chironomid larvae and amphipods were sparse in the 0- to i^m zone compared with populations of these organisms farther offshore. Perhaps trout-perch were most common between 6 and 12 m when occupying the inshore area during spring and summer in response to location of food. Competition for food from spottail shiners and yellow perch in the beach zone may also limit trout-perch abundance there. June — Catch of yearlings (25-64 mm, 50-mm modal-length interval) increased from 149 in May I98O to 205 in June 1980. Catches in June for both 1978 and 1979 were lower than the respective May catches with 59 yearlings caught in June of each year; however, in 1977 yearling catch was near a peak in June at 152 fish. Yearlings ranged in size from 25 to 64 mm in June for 196 all 4 yr. The June modal -length interval was 50 mm for all k yr except in 1979 when it was kO mm. Yearlings were generally caught from 9 to 15 m during the day and from the beach to 15 m at night, except for a total of 10 yearlings caught during the day in the beach zone in 1978 and I98O. In June yearlings were most common between 6 and 12 m. Again, high night catches and very low day catches indicated a migration of trout-perch into the study area at night and back to deeper water during the day. Net avoidance probably also contributed to low day catches. July — July marked an influx of yearlings into the study area during 1977» 1979 and 1980, Catch of yearlings peaked in July I98O at 351 individuals, at 275 fish in July 1979 and at I92 fish in July 1977; the 1978 yearling catch (25"64 mm, 40-mm modal-length interval) was relatively low throughout the year. In both 1979 and I98O lengths ranged from 35 to 7^ nim with a 50-mm modal -length interval, while in 1977 yearlings (^5"7^ 'nni, 60-mm modal -length interval) were slightly larger than in 1979 or I98O. Yearlings were caught from 6 to 15 ni during the day and night with most trawled between 6 and 12 m (Fig. 58). High catches of yearlings occurred at station N (9 m, north) in 1979 and at station L (6 m, north) in I98O. Reasons for these relatively high catches of yearlings are not clear. The high catch in 1979 occurred during an upwelling, while in I98O the catch was taken at a fairly high water temperature (21.0 C) . Yearlings may have been attracted to the north transect to feed on organisms stirred into the water column by construction activity. August — Catch of yearlings declined considerably from July to August with 148 individuals caught in 198O, 146 in 1979 and 58 in 1977- In 1978 catch of yearlings (35*7^ nwn TL, 50-mm modal -length interval) increased slightly from kS individuals in July to 62 individuals in August. During August yearlings ranged in length from 35 to 84 mm in 1979 (60-mm modal-length interval), and the modal -length interval was 70 mm in 1977 and I98O. Yearlings in I98O grew substantially from July to August with the modal-length interval increasing from 50 mm to 70 mm; this was the highest growth of yearlings shown for any 2 consecutive mo during the 4-yr study. In I98O no upwel lings were observed between July and August, while upwel lings occurred in July during 1977 through 1979* A major upwelling occurred in July 1979f followed by somewhat lower than average water temperatures for August 1979; this may explain the lower growth shown by yearlings during 1979- Yearlings in August were caught from 6 to 15 m during the day and from the beach to 15 m at night. In August as for most months during 1979. most trout-perch (both yearlings and adults) were caught at 9- to 12-m stations on the south transect and at 6 to 9 m on the north transect. For the other 3 yr (1977. 1978 and 1980) most trout-perch were caught at stations mentioned above plus the 6-m station on the south transect. Yearlings migrated toward shore at night and toward deeper water during the day; the only exception to this pattern was a relatively high day catch of yearlings at station N (9 m, north) in 1979. 197 In August 1980 substantially more trout-perch (yearlings and adults) were caught at the south transect 6- to 9"ni stations than at the complement of those stations at the north transect (Fig. 58). Reasons for this difference are not clear. During most of 1979 (including August) catch at north transect stations was substantially higher than at south stations (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Trout-Perch , Plant Effects). September — Catches of yearlings (45-9^ niin, 70-mm modal-length interval) continued to decline through September 1979 when 8l individuals were caught (Fig. 58). However, catch increased from August to September both in 1977 and 1980. Of the 309 yearlings (i+5"'9^ nim, 80-mm modal-length interval) caught in September 198O most were trawled at 12- and 15"ni stations on the south transect, particularly at 15 m- During September 1977 most of the 101 trout- perch yearlings caught were captured at the south transect at depths of 9 and 12 m (Fig. 58). High catches in deeper water in 1980 indicate that offshore migration of trout-perch yearlings may possibly have begun by sampling time in September. Abundance of yearlings and adults in the Cook Plant study area declined in September in southeastern Lake Michigan (Jude et al . 1975)* The 1979 catch data for the Campbell Plant area indicated a movement toward offshore beginning in August and continuing through September. Apparently in 1977 offshore migration of yearlings started in late September or October. In September 1978, the yearling (45-7^ »nni) migration probably began in September. In 1978 and 1979 most yearlings were caught between 6 and 12 m (note that in 1977 two yearlings were trawled in water between I8 and 21 m at the south transect) . Yearlings grew substantially through September. House and Wells (1973) found mean lengths of yearlings were 49 mm in June and 83 nim by the end of their second year of life in southeastern Lake Michigan. For our study area in both 1977 and I98O yearlings reached a mode of 50 mm in June and 80 mm in September. In 1979 yearlings reached a modal -length interval of 40 mm in June and 70 mm in September. In July 1979 and I98O the modal -length interval was 50 mm. Growth apparently was slightly lower in 1979 than I98O due to lower water temperatures in July and August 1979- October, November and December — Most yearlings had left the study area by October. Catch declined drastically from September to October during 1977 and 1980 when only eight yearlings (65"'94 mm) were caught in October during each of those years. In 1979 catch of yearlings (55"9^ mm) also declined in October with 43 individuals caught, while in 1978 no yearlings were caught in October. It appeared that migration to the offshore area was more gradual in 1979 than in other years. Yearlings were chiefly caught from 9 to 15 m during the day and 6 to 15 m at night. One yearling in 1979 was caught in a seine haul at beach station P (south reference) and six were trawled at station H (21 m, south) in 1977- Only a few yearlings were caught in November and December indicating that almost all yearlings had left the study area by November. Only I3 yearlings were caught during these 2 mo over the 4-yr study period. All were collected in 6 m or deeper water. 198 Adul ts-- Adults (2-yr or older) comprised about 64% of the total adult and juvenile catch for the years 1977 through 1980 pooled. Annual adult catch was in general greater than that for yearlings. Adults include several age-groups while yearlings include just one; this partially explains the difference in catch between yearlings and adults. Furthermore adults are in the inshore waters (and thus susceptible to our sampling effort) by May; whereas, the yearling population does not show peak occurrence inshore until July. Also a small population of adults tends to stay in the inshore waters through fall, while almost all yearlings have migrated from the study area by October. The annual total adult catch was highest in 1978 and 1980 with 1626 and 1694 trout-perch caught, respectively. Adult catch was lower in 1979 (1043 fish) and substantially lower in 1977 (366 fish). The annual yearling catch was highest in I98O (1175) and lowest in 1978 (only 201 fish). Yearling fish catch in 1977 was 5^3 fish, and 709 yearlings were caught in 1979. Total adult and juvenile catch was highest in 1980 (2885 fish); the I98O total catch was considerably greater than that for I978 (l84l fish), I979 (1755) or 1977 (893 fish). However, this increase in I98O total catch does not imply a trend of increasing trout-perch populations in the Campbell Plant vicinity of Lake Michigan but rather a high catch year in a series of fluctuating catches. Note that adult catches for 1978 and I98O were about equal. Seasonal distr i but ion — April — April marks some adult trout-perch spring migration inshore in Lake Michigan. Catch data indicate only a few trout-perch migrated into the study area by sampling time in April for 1978 through I98O (Fig. 58). Eight adults (65-114 mm) were caught in I978 and four adults (95-124 mm) were caught in 1979; seven of these adults were seined, two were trawled and one was caught in a bottom gill net. In I98O, 2 adults were caught in bottom gill nets between 6 and 9 m and 25 were trawled between 3 and 12m. All adults collected in April had well developed gonads, except for two in 1978. These two, a ripe-running male and a ripe-running female, indicated trout-perch began spawning that year in April. In April I979 a trout-perch larva (6.5 mm TL) was collected in a larvae tow sample indicating that spawning also began in April during 1979- May — Migration of adult trout-perch inshore increased dramatically from April to May. Indeed catch of adults was at its peak in 1979 and I98O (catch of 341 and 322, respectively) and near its peak in I978 (308 adults). Adults (65-164 mm) were caught from the beach zone to I5 m with most trawled from 6 to 12 m (Fig. 58) . Spawning activity increased during May from April levels as more fish with well developed and ripe-running gonads were caught; this was consistent for 1978 through I98O (Fig. 59). Spent individuals were also collected in May from 1978 through I98O. 199 120- 80- 40 Q UJ O 120 O 80- O ^ 40- 3 2 80i O 40 UJ CD 120 80 40 NO N>3 Ns4 N = 2I NO N=303 1977 ■ 'WELL DEVELOPED AND RIPE- RUNNING GONADS n«SPENT GONADS Nsl37 Ns94 N = 54 H_ Ns8l ■-. In tfn Ns34 1978 N:266 N«I73 1979 Ns205 N«79 L N = 236 Ns260|98 Ns234 N = I42 Ns40 I N*20 N'S3 N'I9 N:I2I NN H Z89*N M £6S3N M ^68sN M i>89>N M Z8C1 « N N OI«N >- Z'H 6«N H^ I6C « N H ¥*H •- Q8>N M 06£3N N S9I2SN M S82 3N M 8«N 8I«N Ml — I 9i.*«M M 9991 »N H 01 sN »-^ 6»N H £023N N OlrQsN H I6I«N H fisN 2sN I • t 8-N I9«N IZ^H 8£:N 99 sN t^ 8:N HM o o o o CO ^ M o M CM Ol CVJ o to o CM o o o (O (uiuj) H19N31 IVIOI o 60 c • .CO •H O o iH 00 '< 00 a.o> 2 6 rH .-3 CO CO O U .-9 iH iH r^ -2 CO m^ c tH •H M ■~" •T3 c M o CO >» CO CO Ps-H C h- 1-1 C CO ^ •H U < 2 4J O CO c •H -3 o > CO X (U -9 ^ CO 2 • *-» O iH •H vO ^5 • M 00 CO 1^ •H dJ CO Pat^ 00 PQ 208 1977 *I978 « 1979 »I980 100 TOTA 300 LENGTH Fig. 62 . Total number of unidentified Coregoninae collected within each length-frequency interval (pooled over months) in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1977 to 1980. 209 Table 39- Total number of unidentified Coregoninae collected by each type of sampling gear in the vicinity of the J. H, Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1977"1980. Year 1977 1978 1979 1980 Gear Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Seine 7 3 2 10 250 2 Surface gill net 07 7 5 Bottom gill net 37 I8 2 9 87 HO 17^ ^60 Trawl 193 199 1020 2085 1755 371^ 3^67 ^576 Total catch 237 223 1025 2096 1852 3861 3891 5043 % of Total 52% kB% 33* 67% 32% 68* kk% 56% Total yearly catch 460 3121 5713 893^ During the 4-yr study period 1,738 unidentified Coregoninae were collected at beach and nearshore stations less than 3 m deep; 12,3^2 were collected at 6- and 9-ni inshore stations and 4,124 at 12- and 15"ni stations (Table 41). These numbers are biased due to differences in sampling gear used at each station. However, throughout the 4-yr period collections at stations 3 m or less were always less than those at deepwater stations 12 to 15 ni, and deepwater station catches were always less than those at 6- and 9"ni inshore stations (Table 41). During I98O all sizes of unidentified Coregoninae were collected offshore, while collections inshore contained mostly small (less than 80 mm TL) Coregoninae (Fig. 63). The exceptions occurred in May and June, when a few larger individuals strayed inshore due to continued cool water temperatures there (Appendix 8) . 210 Table kO. Length-frequency intervals (mm) of unidentified Coregoninae collected by each type of gear in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1977-1980. Year Gear 1977 1978 1979 1980 Seine 50-80 50-70 60-100 50-120 Surface Gin Net 130-280 110-130 120-190 Bottom Gill Net 150-290 110-240 90-240 100-310 Trawl 40-280 30-200 40-280 50-260 Total 40-290 30-240 40-280 50-310 Gonad condition evaluations revealed that approximately 13% of all fish collected in 1980 were male, 16% were female, 64% were immature and for 7% of the fish, gonad condition could not be determined. In I979 and I978 the respective gonad conditions were: 6% and 1.5% male, 8% and 0.5% female, 82% and 79% immature and for 4% and 19% of the fish, gonad condition could not be determined. The population of Coreqonus spp. sampled in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant does not seem to be dominated by either sex, however, mature fish were not abundant until I98O. Larval Coregoninae have been rare in samples collected near the J. H. Campbell Plant. Only one larva was collected in 1977, two in I978 and eight in 1979. However, during I98O, 49 larval Coregoninae were recovered. Difficulty in identifying species of the genus Coreqonus , particularly individuals less than I80 mm, has been discussed (Jude et al. 1975, 1978). Apart from the easily identified Coreqonus clupeaformis . the lake whitefish, other fish in the genus Coreqonus caught in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant are believed to be bloaters, Coreqonus hoyi . Due to problems with identification, some of these individuals may have been lake herring, C. arted i i . In the Great Lakes region Coreqonus hoyi has been reported to spawn during February and March, usually in water deeper than 36 m (Scott and Crossman 1973) • Coreqonus arted i i spawn between mid-November and mid-December 211 Table k] . Numbers of unidentified Coregoninae collected (various stations combined) in the vicinity of the J, H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1977"1980. Station depth is given in parentheses. ^ ta t 1 nn Depth Range (m) Year Groupings 1977 1978 1979 1980 By transect A (1.5 m),B(3 m) 1.5-3 36 319 298 811 C (6 m) , D (9 m) 6-9 128 987 1508 2199 E(12 m) ,F(15 m) 12-15 216 522 1016 2370 L{6 m) ,N(9 m) ,U(6 m) 6-9 59* 1288 2881 3302 P(l m),Q(1 m) ,R(1 m) 1 7 5 10 252 By depth 6-9 187* 2275 ^♦389 5501 12-15 216 522 1016 2370 18-21 1i» • . . A (1.5 m),B(3 m),P(1 m) Q(l m),R(l m) I-3 43 324 308 IO63 C(6 m) .0(9 m) .L(6 m) N (9 in) . U (6 m) E(12 m),F(15 m) G(l8 m) ,H(21 m) Total number of fish collected it60 3121 5713 893^^ % of total of a1 1 species of fish collected 0.59 5-^2 7-31 10.62 ^Stations N and U were not sampled. 212 NEflRSHORE OFFSHORE N= N= 7 N= 776 N= N= UJ ^ CJ cr S LU CL N» 238 46 I N« 42 i N= N» I ♦ >■■ RPR ♦ > » I >>«♦»<■ nflY JUN JUL I » > »■ I I AUG It > I ■ » I > > I SEP OCT NOV * ♦ t > t t DEC N= 2 N= 734 A^ N» 2294 N« 710 N- 595 49 N- 610 N- 1345 54 1 N- 687 S4 N» 894 464S i RPR nflY JUN JUL RUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 80 160 240 320 400 TOTAL LENGTH (mm) 80 160 240 320 400 TOTAL LENGTH (mm) Fig. 63. Length-frequency distribution of unidentified Coregoninae collected by all gear at nearshore stations (beach, 1.5 m, 3 m) and offshore stations (6-15 m) in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1980. 213 usually in shallow water less than 10 m (Koelz 1929). The small Coregoninae (60 to 90 nfim) collected from September to December (Fig. 6I) are most likely YOY Coreqonus hoy i , resulting from early spring spawning. Since sampling for adult fish was not conducted in the early months of February and March, adults with well developed or spent gonads were not collected (Table 42). Table 42. Gonad conditions of unidentified Coregoninae collected in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1980. Gonad Condition Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec SI ight development 26 2^+5 5 2 62 Mod. development 52 1 58 Males Well developed 3 Ripe-running Spent Slight development 6 258 12 2 42 2 Mod. development I6I 3 72 Females Well developed 3 4 Ripe-running Spent 1 Absorbing Immature 2 336 481 240 I88 257 373 190 226 Unable to distinguish 82 82 31 8 38 Larvae — Occurrence of larval Coregoninae during the 4-yr study has been rare. During 1977 and 1978 only three larval Coregoninae from 11 to 14.5 mm TL were collected. These were taken in June, at deepwater stations F (I5 m, south) and W (15 m, north). In 1979 eight larval Coregoninae were caught, four in April at shallow water station A (1.5 m, south) and in Pigeon Lake (Jude et al . 1980) and four during July and August at stations 3 to 15 ni. Those caught in April were large, 14 to 24 mm TL, while those obtained in July and August ranged from 11 to I3 mm TL. Jude et al. (I98O) hypothesized that two species of Coreqonus larvae were present, those collected in April possibly being Coreqonus clupeaformis or C. artedi i , while those collected in June, July and August were believed to be Coreqonus hoy i . This is a reasonable conclusion since C. clupeaformis and C. artedi i spawn in late fall; whereas, C. hoy i spawn in early spring. Eggs of C. hoy i therefore hatch later and larvae grow more slowly than those of C. clupeaformi s or C. artedi i which were spawned and hatched earlier. During I98O, there were again two groups of Coreqonus 214 larvae. In April, 45 larval Coregoninae, averaging 13.2 mm TL, were collected from all three beach stations at temperatures of k.h to 13*8 C. Four others, taken in June and July, were only 12.2 to 13.5 "im TL and were taken at water temperatures between 12.2 and 25.1 C. Larvae taken in April were believed to be either C. clupeaformis or C. artedi i . while th2 four captured later in the year were most likely C. hoy i . Young-of- the- Year — As previously mentioned small individuals (60 to 100 mm) collected from September to December were most likely YOY C. hoyi (Fig. 6l) . Lengths of YOY collected during these months have remained fairly consistent throughout the 4-yr period (Table 43), even though water temperature and abundance varied. YOY Coregoninae were most susceptible to seines and trawls and were captured at all stations, beach to 15 m. YOY were most often caught when water temperatures were between 5 and 17 C^. Table 43. Average total length (mm) and standard error of YOY Coregoninae collected in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan 1977 to I98O. Sample size is given in parentheses. Month Year September October November December 1977 1978 1979 1980 7311.74 (27) 7114.23 (9) 7510.42(334) 6710.29(334) 7010.59 (234) 7710.22(1666) 7510.40 (391) 7210.19(1387) 7210.99 (61) 8310.38 (475) 7710.28(1430) 7610.25 (687) 7214.79 (4) 8612.31 (18) 8214.01 (9) 7610.21(894) Yearl ings — Yearling unidentified Coregoninae have been observed during every year of the study and ranged in length from 85 to I50 mm (Fig. 6I) . These individuals were often caught from June to September usually in bottom gill net sets and trawl hauls predominantly in 6 to 15 m of water. Water temperatures at time of capture were usually between 3 and 21 C. Adults— Age-2'^ fish (age assigned using length-frequency histograms) ranged in length from I60 to 210 mm. These fish were captured in both surface and bottom gill net sets as well as trawl hauls at all stations. Fish older than 2 yr, most probably mature adults, ranged from 210 to 320 mm TL (Fig. 6I) . These fish were almost exclusively caught in bottom gill nets set at stations 215 6 m or deeper, usually during either June or September, and most often at water temperatures between 6 and 19 C. Adult Coregoninae were noticeably absent from catches during 1978 and 1979 (Fig. 6l) , which could be due to poor survival of the 1975 and 1976 year classes. The commercial fishery for this species was closed in 1976. Over the h-yr period year classes were easily followed by using length-frequency data. Close examination revealed that fish collected in May 1978 and 1979 and April I98O did not fit a consistent growth pattern, since YOY individuals caught in December were smaller than yearlings observed the following May or June. Unidentified Coregoninae collected in April 1980 were also much smaller than those observed the previous December. These individuals are not abundant, as only I5 have been collected over the ^- yr period; however, these smaller individuals may actually be YOY C. clupeaformi s or C. artedi i . These species, which spawn in late fall and whose eggs hatch in early spring, have been collected as larvae in April plankton net tows and also as YOY in April or May trawl hauls. These few fish may be stragglers from a population which utilizes cool water farther offshore. Plant Effects— Larvae — Few larval Coregoninae have been collected in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant over the past 4 yr; 11 were taken in 1977-1979 and kS in 1980. Therefore plant operational effects upon larval populations of this family cannot be determined accurately. However, of the kS larvae collected in 1980, most were collected in April with almost twice as many observed at the south reference beach station compared with the plant transect beach stationso Juveniles and adults — Seines and surface gill nets were less effective at capturing unidentified Coregoninae than bottom gill nets or trawl hauls (Table 61), therefore only the latter two were compared for a determination of plant effects. Day and night trawl catches at 6- (C, L) and S'-m stations (D, N) showed a large increase in abundance of unidentified Coregoninae between I978 and 1980 (Fig. 64). Bottom gill net data for 198O (Fig. 65) do not show greater catches for stations in the vicinity of the plant, in fact, catches at station U (6 m, north discharge) were below those observed at reference station C (6 m, south) . Catches during the day were, however, greater at the north transect in the vicinity of the plant than at the reference transect. ANOVA results for 1977*1980 showed that trawl catch of unidentified Coregoninae was significantly greater at the plant transect than at the reference area (Tables kk and kS) * This difference was most pronounced in 1979 when construction activity in the discharge area was at its peak (Fig. 66). Increased turbidity in the discharge area due to the construction may have decreased net avoidance, thus causing greater catches. Alternatively, Coregoninae may have been attracted to the discharge by organisms made more available to fish in the water column by the construction activity. Note that trawl catches mainly include YOY and yearlings. Summary — Although the unidentified Coregoninae catch has increased significantly from 1977 to I98O, construction and operation of the J. H. Campbell Plant has affected the distribution and abundance of the species in 216 Q Ui O UJ 1000 o o X (£ u. u. o (T UJ CD 500 1978 □ » DAY H > NIGHT 6M 1979 1980 6M 9M 9M C L ON 6M 9M C L ON STATION C L ON Fig. 64, Total number of unidentified Coregoninae caught in trawl hauls (pooled over months) at reference stations C (6 m, south) and D (9 m, south) and plant-affected stations L (6 m, north) and N (9 m, north) during the day and night in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1978-1980, the immediate vicinity of the plant. However, this effect does not seem to have produced an adverse impact on local unidentified Coregoninae populations. Strong year classes, evidenced by the abundance of YOY during September to December, have been produced each year and subsequent survival of these year classes has also been documented. During I98O mature adult Coregoninae appeared in the area, which is the first time this occurred since 1977. Unidentified Coregoninae were caught most often at depths of 6 to 9 m, particularly at night. Catches of larval Coregoninae have also increased from a low in 1977-1978 of 3 to a high of 45 in I98O. Yel low Perch Introduction — Yellow perch is a widespread and highly adaptable percid fish, occurring throughout most of North America. In Lake Michigan, yellow perch are most abundant in protected bays, notably Green Bay, and are moderately abundant along the shoreline at depths less than 40 m (Wells and McLain 1973). 217 80 - 1 60 < - D 6M 1 40 li. O 20 - • o - — ^ _^ M.' NIGHT 6M 9M DAY C L U 9M D N STATION C L U D N Fig. 65. Total number of unidentified Coregoninae caught in bottom gill net sets (pooled over months) at reference stations C (6 m, south) and D (9 m, south) and plant-affected stations L (6 m, south discharge), U (6 m, north discharge) and N (9 m, north) during the day and night in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, I98O. Yellow perch have been important in Lake Michigan as a commercial species since the l880s and as a sport fish since at least the 1920s (Wells 1977)- Yellow perch abundance in Lake Michigan declined abruptly in the early and mid-1960s due to displacement and interference by alewife and due to an intensive fishery (Wells 1977). Perch populations increased in some areas of the lake during the 1970s (Wells 1977). Seasonal depth distribution of yellow perch in east-central and southeastern Lake Michigan has been described by Wells (1968), Brazo et al . (1975) and Jude et a). (1975. 1978. 1979a, 1979b, 1980) . During our 4-yr study in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, yellow perch was the fourth-most abundant species captured in adult sampling gear during 1977, while during 1978, 1979 and 1980, perch were sixth in abundance. Total yearly catch of yellow perch ranged from 605 to 1715 fish 218 Table 44. Analysis of variance summary for unidentified Coregoninae caught in trawls at stations C (6 m, south) and L (6 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1977 through 1980. Data for June through November were analyzed. Attained Source of significance variation df Mean square F-statistic level Year 3 4.9421 57.0422 <0.0001*« Month 5 3.722B 42.9690 <0.0001«* Station 1 1.0683 12.3302 0.0007*« Time 1 3.9996 46.1637 <0.0001*« Y X M 15 2.1017 24.2585 <0.0001** Y X S 3 0.6458 7.4537 0.0002«« M X S 5 0.4004 4.6217 0.0008** Y X T 3 0.8769 10.1208 <0.0001** M X I 5 0.6507 7.5099 <0.0001** S X T 1 0.6708 7.7428 0.0065* Y X M X S 15 0.4132 4.7687 <0.0001** Y X M X T 15 0.3590 4.1441 <0.0001** Y X S X I 3 0.2479 2.8616 0.0408 M X S X T 5 0.2021 2.3329 0.0480 Y X M X s X r 15 0.2583 2.9810 0.0006** Uithin cell error • «»«B«B«a^«a 96 0.0866 *« Highly significant (P < O.OOl) . « Significant (P < 0.01) . representing 0.8 and 2. col lections. Ye 1 low field samples from May 0* respectively of the total yearly Lake Michigan perch larvae were generally present in Lake Michigan through August. Larvae — Yellow perch eggs generally incubate in approximately 10 days and larvae are about 5 nwn at hatching (Scott and Grossman 1973). Young perch usually grow beyond the yolk-sac stage in about 5 clays and are demersal at about 30 mm (Wong 1972). Larval perch swim well relative to other fish, and exhibit notable ability to avoid larval sampling devices at lengths exceeding 9 mm (Houde 1969; Jude et al . I98O) . Seasonal di str i but ion — May — Sampling was not performed during May 1977, but during mid-May 1978-1980, yellow perch larvae were collected at densities considerably greater than at any other time of a given year (Figs. 69-78). Mean lengths of fish sampled in May (5-7-7.2 mm) indicated that these perch were spawned in early May. Perch spawning in early May does not generally occur in cold Lake Michigan water but does occur in warmer waters of inland lakes, rivers and streams, some of which run into Lake Michigan. Perch larvae sampled in mid- 219 Table 45. Analysis of variance summary for unidentified Coregoninae caught in trawls at stations C (6 m, south) , D (9 m, south) , L (6 m, north) and N (9 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1978 through 1980. Data for June through November were analyzed. Attained Source of significance variation d£ Mean square F-statisUc level Year 2 1.8997 13.3865 <0.0001«* Month 5 5.5961 39.4348 <0.0001*« Area 1 2.1497 15.1486 0.0002** Depth 1 6.2450 44.0070 <0.0001** Time 1 11.8938 83.8132 <0.0001*« Y X M 10 3.0556 21.5323 <0.0001«« Y X A 2 0.7992 5.6317 0.0044* M X A 5 0.7066 4.9804 0.0003** Y X D 2 0.4491 3.1644 0.0452 M X D 5 0.7016 4.9438 0.0003** A X D 1 0.1643 1.1577 0.2837 Y X T 2 1.4033 9.8885 0.0001** M X I 5 1.0213 7.1970 <0.0001*« A X T 1 0.9196 6.4814 0.0120 D X T 1 0.4672 3.2921 0.0717 Y X M X A 10 0.8671 6.1104 <0.0001** Y X M X D la 0.5683 4.0049 0.0001** Y X A X D 2 0.5271 3.7142 0.0267 H X A X D 5 0.2794 1.9692 0.0867 Y X M X T 10 0.6306 4.4435 <0.0001** Y X A X T 2 0.0S46 0.3846 0.6814 M X A X T 5 0.2361 1.6636 0.1471 Y X D X I 2 0.3016 2.1256 0.1231 M X D X T 5 0.5681 4.0030 0.0020* A X D X T 1 0.0736 0.5185 0.4726 Y X M X A X D 10 0.1382 0.9740 0.4687 Y X M X A X T 10 0.5690 4.0098 0.0001** Y X M X D X T 10 0.1275 0.8982 0.5367 Y X A X D X T 2 0.3232 2.2778 0.1062 M X A X D X I 5 0.3029 2.1342 0.0647 Y X M X A X D X T 10 0.2309 1.6273 0.1043 Within cell error IHH 0.1419 ♦« Highly significant (P < O.OOl). » Significant (P < 0.01) . May in our study area probably originated from these inland waters (e.g., the Grand River, Pigeon Lake and Lake Macatawa) and were carried into Lake Michigan to our sampling area by currents (Jude et al. I98O) . Larvae were always most concentrated in water less than or equal to 3 ni during May sampling, and highest mean densities (220-300/1000 m^) for any given year were found at the south reference transect. The higher mean densities of yellow perch at the south transect might be expected since Pigeon 220 21 UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE / N. STATIONS C AND D _ ^ / ^^ (REFERENCE) 2 t ,>. / ^N STATIONS L AND N 5 g "* / N (PLANT) I- / / UJ 0^ o «- 1978 1979 1980 YEAR Fig. 66. Geometric mean number plus one of unidentified Coregoninae caught in trawls at stations C (6 m, south), D (9 m, south), L (6 m, north) and N (9 m, north) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1978 through I98O. Graph illustrates the YEAR x AREA interaction. Lake, which is the closest potential inland spawning ground, is a well documented area for perch reproduction (Jude et al. 1978, 1979a, I98O, 198la) and fish carried out from Pigeon Lake to Lake Michigan would likely be carried along the shoreline. Liston and Tack (1976) reported that current direction in Lake Michigan in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant was usually parallel to the shoreline (either north or south) and directions were sustained at times over several days. Currents from the north would sweep larvae from Pigeon Lake into our south reference transect where they would be vulnerable to our larvae sampling gear. Relatively warm water (12-1^ C) occurred in the beach zone in May 1979» and comparatively high mean densities of perch larvae were collected (I5O/IOOO m^ from the north transect and 300/1000 m^ from the south transect). Perch reproduction in Pigeon Lake was exceptional in 1979 (Jude et al. I98O) and probably contributed heavily to these high densities. Early June — Abundance of yellow perch larvae in early June samples varied from year to year in our study. No perch larvae were collected during this period in 1977 (Figs. 67-68). Relatively low water temperatures (7-17 C) in 221 BEACH — 3 M o o o >^ < a: 40 30- 20- 10 17-22 JUN 40 30 20 10 17-22 JUHC 1»77 LAKE MICHtGAN BCACH-3M S TRANSECT OAY-I^ NIGHT X- 5.S (0.0) N« I 1977 „ T t -- 30 • 25 .. 20 " 15 • 10 • . 5 s a: UJ 2 13-14 JUL 818 O-H JULY 1i77 UU(C hNCHICAN M*CM>3M N. TRANSeCT MV-fMCMT X- 4.7 (0.2) M- 2 20-28 JUL 20-28 JULY »7; LAKE MICHICAM BEACH- 3M N. TRANSECT OAY-fNK:HT X' 6 2 (0.0) N- 1 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 67. Density (no-/1000 M^ plotted on log scale) of larval yellow perch collected during June to September 19 77 at beach -3m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N = number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 222 100 -• ro O O o u) 10 < > a: < o z I 40 30 20 10 JS 40 a. 30 DENSITY TWAWSgCT TgMP. D NORTH SOUTH 7\ T' 4 11 U / / / / / / / T 1 / / / / 17-22 JUN . \A 7-9 JUL 1977 . 12 ANO 19 M OCNSITY TWAWSCCT D NORTH SOUTH / / / / / / / .- 25 20 G UJ (S 15 < UJ Q. 2 UJ •• 10 -. 5 I7>22 JUN 7-9 JUL 17-22 JUNC If77 LAKE MtCMQAM STAriON e-w N rRANSCCT OAr-fNMmr i- 8.0 {O.t) N- 2 M77 17-22 LAKC MCHMSAH STAriOM I2-15W S TRANSCCT OAV-*: NIGHT X- c.a (0.2) N- 1% II 7-» II OKI 7 $. Tl JULY 1077 LAKC MCHM2AN STAnON t3-tSM $. TRANSECT OAYfNICMr SO (0.0) 20- 10- -22 JUNC «77 LAKC MCHKAN STATION C-Mt : TUANSCCT 0AY4-NICNT J »| 7-9 JULY »77 ll LAKC yKHKUkN L STATION ft-MI 7 S TRANSCCT ^ OAYi-MCNT i« S.S (0.0) 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 68. Density (no./lOOO M plotted on log scale) of larval yellow perch collected during June to September 1977 at 6 and 9 m, 12 and 15 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar represents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N » number of larvae collected, X = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 223 BEACH — 3 M 600 t ro o o o '»^ u % IT < z 40 30 20 10 K Z UJ g 40 Q, 30 20 10 1 20 IS H UJ tr < UJ UJ 10 15-18 MAY 15-18 MAY 1978 LAKE MICHIGAN BEACH-3M N. TRANSECT DAY+NIGHT X- 6.3 (0.1) N- 45 5-tO JUN SI 5-10 JUNE 191 SI LAKE MK^HKUN **tBEACH-3M /n. transect ^ day+nksht X- 7.8 (2.6) N- 3 ini A rl 15-18 MAY 1978 LAKE mk:hk;an 8EACH-3M S. TRANSECT DAY-t-NIGKT X- 6.3 (0.1) N- 58 ^1 I 19.23 JUN 19-23 JUNE 1978 LAKE MICHIGAN BEACH- 3M N. TRANSECT DAY+NIGHT X- 6.0 (0.0) N- 4 ! ii ■ , ■ 5 10 15 20 25 5-10 JUNE 1978 LAKE MCHKAN BEACH-3M S. TRANSECT DAY+NIGHT X- 5.5 (0.0) N- 1 19-23 JUNE 1978 LAKE MCHMAN BEACH-3M S. TRANSECT DAY -ANIGHT X- 6.2 (0.2) 6 N> 5 10 15 20 25 5 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) 10 15 20 Fig. 69. Density (no./lOOO M plotted on log scale) of larval yellow perch collected during April to September 1978 at beach -3m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the (Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E, Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N = number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 22^ 50 ro o o " 10 -- q: < 40 1 30- 20 10 ^ o 40 Ui °-30 20 10 •25 a + 20^j ■I- I5< UJ • 5 15-18 MAY tS-» MAT 1078 LAKE MOMAM STATION f-9M N. TRAMSecr OAV-fNttHT X- 5.« (Of) 5-10 JUN S>n JUNC 1«7t LAKC MCHMMN STATIOM ff~9M M. TKAMSeCT OAY>NN;Mr X- 8.7 (0 2) H» f 1-3 JUL tt-23 MM »?• STAriON •-._ N. TftAHSCCT MV-»MGHr 17-21 JUL l»-ai JOIV 1078 LA«C MTHBAM STAflOM f-gM » TMAMSCCT 0*V-»MOfr i« 9 a (0.0) O-W IMT 1070 UMCC mCMWAW STATIOM l-MI X- ft (0.1) M- 7 SI?) S-tO JUNC 1078 1 LAKC MCHICAN "l-U -, -.STATION •-._ 77 s. TKANSCCT * ^ OAV'fNRiHr ft S) M-2S . LAKC MCHttlM STAfHM •>•!# S. TIUN5CCT OAY^MGMT 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) t-J JULT W7S lAKC mcHKAm STATION §-m S TRANSCCr 0AY4-NM»«r i- 9.4 (0 t) N- 23 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 Fig. 70. Density (no./lOOO M^ plotted on log scale) of larval yellow perch collected during April to September 1978 at 6 and 9 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar repre- sents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length • frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N = number of larvae collected, x « mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 225 O O < 12 AND 19 M i#%—j^^ or» J OENSITY TRANSECT TEMP. 1978 20 ^ Q NORTH rn 2 SOUTH - T 10 J pn / - 7 T] / r / r 1 • 7 T IT ' ■ / ^ 1 ^ 4^ i ' 1 \ ^-^. Kd 1 V\ 7 y 1^ L/ 1 1 1 / T- / ^ ^^ / I / 1, • rr / / 11 "7 / 20 *"i^ o LU 15 H < (T Ui 10 Q. 2 yj •• 5 15-18 MAY 19-23 JUN t-3 JUL 17-21 JUL o q: 40 30 ^u - U) 40 30 20 10 15- tS MAY 1978 LAKE MICMIGAN STATION !2-15M S TRANSECT DAY > NIGHT 19- 2 J JUNC »7S CAKE MICHIGAN STATION t2-t5M N TRANSECT OAY^ NIGHT W-23 JUNE 1978 lAHC IMCHICAN STAriON 12- ISM S TfUHSeCT DAY ♦MCHT »-3 JULY »978 LAKE MICHlCAN STATION 12 -ISM N TRANSECT DAV-fNiGHl i- S 2 (0 K3 JU.Y 1878 LAKE mchm;an STATIOM 12-15M S TRANSCCI OAT^MCHT |§ 17-21 JUIY 1978 « LAKE MHJIMGAN Lr STAllOI* 12 ISM / N TRANSECr OAY^NIClIf X- 8 3 (0 3) 17-21 JIM « M/S CAKE MWIWaW STATIOM 12 ISM S TRAMSEC1 OAVtNICHf i- S« (0 3) 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 b 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 ^"'^' TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 71. Density (no./lOOO M plotted on log scale) of larval yellow perch collected during April to September 1978 at 12 and 15 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N = number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 226 (0) adnivd3di^3i o . a. s 1 Ui H- 1 1 , > »--^H J 1 i f \\ ^ 1 y a: 9 X S 2 \\ < 1- \\ a >- \\ •- M z UI o □O .\\ NSSSV \ ' \ \ \ ■ // // I » < > o o II 1 1 I I o £WOOOI/aVAdVl ON > y u o wo** •- . c -N^ r^^ . £ z ^ - -r ^ ^avtoixz 5 2 ^Hil = U.U*- «- 1 riSzS.ii INaOdBd M O CO !<« 4J ^ O O fH JS fH tH ^-< 00 u •H 0) O 0) »-i ^ 4?-i a. cu ^ <: e j= D CO 00 c c OOO -H o c ^M-j js (U /^ *J O 00 fH ♦O -H rH 0) CO 0) o O »H C 8 CO L iD a o 0) •3 ^ CN O TJ U CO o jc a ■ r^j o c ^ 0) V4 QO CO CO }^ • £ 0) TJ 0) CO *"" a o 6 /-s . o •H 0) TS • ^ >-l QQ C o CO ■ a-) O •« CO V4 0) CO ^U C JOl 0) a 2 (« CO i CO O > 00 w c {- •H -H M^ -U CO 0) M X O CO (U dO 3 c H U C T3 0) O/^ 4J CD CO > .■~, Z Q) CO CO M T3 -H ' .< UJtH O u > u O CO U-) •O 4J *J U CO rsi 0) d c M CO iH ^_^ *J o o 0) fH ' rsl 4-1 a N 4J U4 O -H to iH O ■ £ tH fH M 3 iH D.fH O CO ^ CO S M-i 4J . c m w O »^ 00 S ^ o c ■ uO S • •U VM 0) o c C iH O CO CO •H CO a'^ O 00 o e c CN -4 1 H Qu CO CO o ^-* X no V4 0) • pC a :H 00 s O O -H S o J-J C CO S U II — w (U 00 ^ 0) • -H IX o >% ^ » ^ 4J 4J CO •H CO hJ • M uO CO >st3 00 U 0) C ON C 00 a. CO Cu c u •H 1- □□ Ul o 0> O) £W000l/3VAaVl ON Pill? UK - 9 iSxini^ O O 3 xsws o CN I. o o O CN . o lN30d3d c CN CN O CN o I. ^ CN o X o z u •J < o \^ in CN ^2 o CO 5 •u ^ o tH ^ rH iH VW CD •H ,M-i a» .^ 4J o .H 'O -H » 0) 0) CO CO M 4J > TJ CO Vj CO CO ;> CO u vw 4J CO Q) O CO 0) 60 0) QQ 0) CO U u 0) CO x: M CO Q« CO 0) 60 TS Q) o c .^ r^ ••HO) CM 6 O 3 »H 0) O CO -U *T3 ^U 4J -' CM 4J 4J CO • •H CO h4 CO CD C ^ C CM 0) P^ >-• Q 0> 0) -l-l 0) CO o CO •H 0) U CO a 0) ^ d O 0) CO V4 (U CO 60 d d •H -H 3 d > 0) 60 u u • CO (0 > u CO CO ^ 229 CQ CD u vn u (U (1) d n Q) S • CO 0) "U a; 60 CL CO 0< •H 0) *H 0) Pb« CO Oi ^ >-l 60 o d ^ CU iH CO 6 d CO CO u (U 60 6 o 4J il CO •H 1^ ^ •k >.'T3 a 0) d u 0) a d 0) CTrH 0) iH ^ O M-4 1 a -d 0) 4J CO 60 > d V-i 0) CO hJ rH 1000 f ro O O o Hi < > a: < o z 100 .. 10 - BEACH ^- 3 M 40 30 20 10 40 30 20 i 10 19-20 MAY 19-20 MAT 1980 LAKE MICHIGAN BCACH-3M H TRANSeCT DAY ♦NIGHT X- 7 2 (0 2) N- 25 i 19-20 MAY 19M LAKE MICHICAN BCACH-JU S TRANSECT DAY > NIGHT X- 7 (0 3) Ui 2-4 JUN 8j 2-4 JUNE 1980 ol LAKE mchk;an ljBEACH-3M 7h transect DAY ♦MGHT ' 9S (0 0) N« 1 16-18 JUNE 1980 LAKE MICHIGAN BEACH- 3M N TRANSECT DAY ♦NIGHT X- 3 5 (0 0) 5 10 15 20 1 I I ' 18-18 JUNE 1880 LAKE MiCHiGAN BEACH-3M S TRANSECT DAY ♦NIGHT X- 6 5 (0 0) 1-2 JULY 1980 LAKE MICHK^AN BEACH- 3M n transect oay>nk;ht X- 8 2 (0 2) 14-16 JUL oj 14-16 JULY 1980 §1 LAKE MICHtGAN "L8EACH-3M 7n TRANSECT DAY ♦NIGHT X- 8 (0 0) I 1-2 JULY 1980 LAKE mk:higan BEACH- 3M s transect day>nk;mt X- 5.8 (0 3) N- 7 5 10 15 ^L) ZS 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig 75 Density (no,/1000 M^ plotted on log scale) of larval yellow perch collected during April to September 1980 at beach -3m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length- frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N - number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 230 - 25 20 3 UJ -• 15 -• 10 - 5 40 1 30 20- 10- 19-20 MAY t9-20 UAY 1960 UKC MICHiGAN ! STATION S-9M v TRANSECT 0AY4NIGHT X- 7.1 (0 6) M- 3 -18 JUN 1-2 JUL 14-16 JUL W-18 JUNC 1980 LAKE MICHIGAN STATION •-9M N TRANSECT DAY -f NIGHT X» 5.5 (0.0) M- 3 U K UJ a 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 30- 20 10- 1-2 JULY 1960 LAKE IMCHKAN STATION «-9M N. TRANSECT OAY-fNIGHT X- 9.0 (0 2) N- 57 J . ;?| 1-2 JULY I6M «| LAKE MCM6AN ^L STATION %-m 7 S TRANSECT \ 16 JULY 16« UKE MCHIGAN STATION S-6y TRANSECT DAY •►NIGHT 7 ♦ (0.4) OAY-t-MGHT 6 (0 1) H-W JULY «« LAKE MICHKAM STATION 6-IM S. TRANSECT OAY-l^NIGMT X- 6.1 (0 6) 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) 5 10 15 20 25 Fig. 76. Density (no./lOOO M plotted on log scale) of larval yellow perch collected during April to September 1980 at 6 and 9 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michgian. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar repre- sents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N = number of larvae collected, 5c « mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 231 80 4 fO o o o >^ UJ % < 12 ANO 19 M DENSITY TRANSECT TEMP. Q NORTH 2 SOUTH 1980 10 .. 25 -• 20 -• 15 - 10 - 5 D cr Q. UJ 40 50 20 10 19-20 MAY 19-20 MAY mo LAKE MICHtGAN STATION I2-15M N TRANSECT DAY+NICHT 16-18 JUN o UJ 0. t«-ia JUNE 1960 LAKE WNCHtCAN STATK>N 12-13M N TRANSECT DAY ^nn:ht X- 7 J (0 7) 1-2 JUL 1-2 JULY 1980 LAKE MCKHCAN STATION 12- ISM H TRANSECT OAY-t-MGHT 14-16 JUL y. 14-16 JULY 19S0 LAKE mk:hk;an STATION 12-15M N TRANSECT OAr ♦NIGHT X=.10 4 (16) 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 30 20 '°U1 1-2 JULY 1M0 LAKE MiCHiCAN STATKW 12-15M S TRANSECT OAY+NKtHT X- 5 9 (0 1) N- 41 o| 14- )• JULY 19«0 ol LAKE MICHKMN •"LSTATION 12-15M 71 TRANSECT 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 77 . Density (no./lOOO >r plotted on log scale) of larval yellow perch collected during April to September 1980 at 12 and 15 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar re- presents ± 2 S.E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. Length-frequency histograms for all larvae collected during each period are also shown. N = number of larvae collected, x = mean length of larvae, S.E. given in parentheses. 232 Inshore water in 1977 probably delayed perch spawning until mid-June in Lake Michigan, and fish spawned in inland waters were apparently large enough by early June to avoid our sampling gear. In contrast, unusually warm beach zone temperatures (17"21 C) in I978 resulted in late May - early June spawning by yellow perch in Lake Michigan (Figs. 69-71) • Perch larvae collected were represented by a combination of fish spawned in Lake Michigan (length less than 7-0 mm) and a few fish spawned in inland waters which ranged in length from 7*5 to I3.O mm. Collection of a 13.0-mm larva was unusual, since perch larger than about 7.5 mm were generally able to avoid our nets. Low mean densities (1 - i*. 5/1000 m^) of perch larvae recently hatched in Lake Michigan were estimated from early June collections in I979 (Figs. 67-77) • As in 1977* perch spawned in early May were apparently large enough to avoid our nets. A 9.5-mm yellow perch larva that was probably spawned in inland waters was collected on 2-4 June I98O (Fig. 75). Our early June sampling period apparently preceded perch spawning in Lake Michigan in I98O since no newly hatched larvae were collected. After the first sampling period of June I98O, perch that were spawned in early May and collected then in high densities were not collected in fish larvae sampling gear. Perch from this cohort were not caught again until August when they became vulnerable to adult and juvenile sampling gear. Late June — Perch spawning in Lake Michigan generally occurs in late May - early June, and yellow perch larvae that were spawned in Lake Michigan were collected at relatively high densities during late June of each sampling year (Fig. 67-77). Mean length of perch ranged from 4.0 to 7.3 mm. Although larvae were distributed at all sampling depths, highest fish larvae densities occurred at contours less than or equal to 3 m during all years, except 1977. in 1977 perch larvae densities were highest at 6 and 9 m. Larvae were collected at both transects in all years, but in I979 and I98O, fish larvae densities were greater at the north transect than at the south reference transect, perhaps because areas of riprap were available to spawning perch at the north transect during those years. July — Length-frequency data for early and late sampling periods in July indicated that scattered perch spawning continued into late June (Fig. 67-77). Samples collected in July therefore included some newly hatched larvae along with larvae that were hatched in early June. Some fish from early June spawning were large enough in July to exhibit net avoidance behavior. Yellow perch larvae densities were roughly comparable for July 1977-1979 despite the upwelling which occurred in July 1979. The effect of the upwelling upon perch YOY was not evident until August and September. During July of all 4 yr, larval perch densities were generally lowest in water 3 m deep or less. 233 I50-- O o o Ixl < > cr < 50 1978 ,.*'";.-" ,,^' NORTH TRANSECT SAMPLING PERIOD «sri5 ^>^ i^^ .A^"^ ^^^ ^.i> svi^ SAMPLING PERIOD Fig. 78. Mean density (no./lOOO m ) of larval yellow perch for north and south transect stations in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, 1978 to 1980. Mean densities were calculated by averaging densities over all gear (plankton nets and sleds) , strata and diel periods (day and night) sampled. Ilk 1979 307 195 SAMPLING PERIQD W NORTH TRANSECT r.^^' ^15 ^^^ ' ^0^^ ^;5^''^ "^ w^ ^^ ^ SAMPLING PERIOD SOUTH TRANSECT ^-^^ -^ ,^^^^ V^ x1'^^ -^^ ^O''^'' Fig. 78. Continued, 235 o o o < > SO- < 1980 NORTH TRANSECT SAMPLING PERIOD SAMPLING PERIOD SOUTH TRANSECT Fig. 78. Continued, 236 Water temperatures rose gradually but steadily from April through July 1980 (Fig, 22), and perch spawning may have been concentrated over a comparatively short time period in mid-June when temperatures were favorable. This would explain the relatively high mean densities (e.g., about 50/1000 m^ at depths from 6 to 15 m) of yellow perch larvae estimated from samples collected in early July I98O. August — During 4 yr of sampling, yellow perch larvae were collected in August only in 1979 (Figs. 67-77). In other years (1977. 1978 and I98O) a few YOY were caught in adult sampling gear (Fig. 79). but perch were able to avoid fish larvae sampling gear. Larvae collected in August 1979 were small relative to other years (6.0-10.5 mm) possibly due to the July upwelling which could have retarded perch growth. Net avoidance could also explain this f i nd i ng . Young-of- the- Year — YOY comprised from 30 to k]% of the total number of yellow perch caught in trawls, seines and gill nets during the 4-yr study. Catch was lowest in 1979 (183 fish) when an upwelling and persistently low temperatures (Fig. 22) apparently limited perch reproductive success and perch catches in general. In contrast, 696 YOY perch were captured in I98O when water temperatures were mild and no upwel lings were observed. Seasonal di str ibut ion — July and August — Except for five perch (30- and 40-mm length interval) caught in July 1977. YOY were not vulnerable to adult sampling gear until August. In general YOY exhibited length modes at 30 and 60 mm. The upper end of this size range represents fish that were spawned during mid-May in major streams and lakes which flow into Lake Michigan (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Yel low Perch , Larvae). These fish were probably carried to the sampling area from their nursery grounds by shoreline currents (Jude et al. I98O) . Smaller fish captured in August were spawned in the inshore regions 'of Lake Michigan during late May or early June. Although YOY were caught at all sampling depths, most were caught from the beach zone to 9 ni (Fig. 79)* Catches of YOY in 1977 (62 fish) and in I98O (224 fish) were notable. Perch fry also appeared in August larvae samples in 1978 and 1980 at densities from 16-53/1000 m^. No YOY perch were caught during August 1979 probably due to cold water temperatures which limited YOY growth and numbers. Clady (1976) reported that survival of larval yellow perch is adversely affected when fish are exposed to a temperature of 10 C. Temperatures between 2.5 and 10 C were prevalent from July through early August in 1979- September — By September a few YOY had grown into the 90-mm length interval. Fish distribution was still skewed towards shallower sampling depths (beach to 9 m) even though IO9 perch (representing 28% of the YOY catch) were captured at 12 and 15 m in I98O. September catches of YOY were high in 1977 (283 fish), 1978 (268 fish) and I98O (385 fish). Only one YOY 237 < o s o o a: UJ CD IX IG' ■ 1x10*=^ 1x10'- 1x10' — 1x10' — 1x10' — 1x10* =r 1x10' — 1x10' — 1x10' — 1x10* 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' hYL ► p^O - - lo-3n l6-9n NORTH TRANSECT 1977 h-YOY- <10' — 1x10' - 1x10*- 1,10' 4- HOY- 1x10'- 1x10' 1x10* =r 1x10'- 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* =r •YL J L — r \ -AD -J — u — I — u — U — J — I. ,1 . YL AD I I I I -I j_ |.YOY- YL AO V-LJx 1,1 t 1.1 li I, • YOY •YL •YOY- AO YOY. .AD — I JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 20 40 60 30 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 79 . Length-frequency histograms for yellow perch collected during June - December 1977 and April - December 1978-1980 at north and south transects. Stations were combined into two groups for the north transect: beach and 3 m; 6 and 9 m and into three groups for the south transect: beach, 1.5 and 3 m; 6 and 9 m; and 12 and 15 m. Diel periods and gear types were pooled. YOY = Young-of-the-year; YL = Yearling; AD « Adult. 238 . YL AD- SOUTH TRANSECT 1977 _^H , - • , JUM . _ KOY-I •YL- AO- < o o o 1x10' ,x lu IxlQ' MO* ■xlO' ^x-J' :x;o' :x:o' 1x10' •xlQ' N-0' 1x10* 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' Ix'O* 1x10' IxlC IxlC -t '^ L i li I i |i li J -YOY- •YL _j L AD- I ■ I ij Jilllll lM i l i l . ll YOY- •YL AD . I' I' i' !• I i ' |! |i. • is . ! Ii' I. S I !•- •YOY- YL-H- •AO- YOY 1 YL. •AD JUN RUG , SEP OCT 1x10' IxlC^ 'xlC ■ I t. L YOY- YL- .AD- N'CV ^ 40 8G 120 :5Q 200 240 280 320 360 400 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 79 . Continued. GEC 241 < o CO o d" O X IX lU - 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10^- 1x10" - 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10^- 1x10' ■ 1x10*^ 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' ■ 1x10* =r" 1x10' — 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10' — 1x10' — 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10' — 1x10' — NORTH TRANSECT 1979 |_YL 1- lo-3n l6-9n • AD- -T— ' — r YL — -1 — ' — I 1 r AD n 1 — — r — YL AD -I 1 — ' — r 1 — — r YL AD _^ ^ — . — ^ YL AD n 1 1 1 r _j — J — I — i ' YL AD II I I I I I I r^ YL AD -1 1 1 1 \ r AD- 1 1 r -T — ■ — r 1 \ r YOY. YL -AD- -I 1 — I -! 1 1 1 1 r- RPR HRY -i 1 1 — ■ — \ \ 1 1 JUN -T r r 1 \ 1 1 JUL f — ' — r — ' — r ! ! 1 1 AUG n 1 1 1 SEP 1 1 1 1 \ 1 OCT NOV 20 40 60 80 inn 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 DEC TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 79 . Continued. 242 l:-3: i = - YL- AO. SOUTH TRANSECT 1979 !x;3'— [- < O CO o o" o 2 i 1x10' -^ 1x10' Ix.lO' 1x10' 1x10' ix1G'-|- 1x10'—^ Ixlu' — h I 1x10' =y 1x10' -|- ]^:r\' — H YL- YL- YL. AO AO- -;— I — : L. AD YL- AO f— YOY- I! Ii r r ! • 1: I II YL- AO PPR _. npY _ JUN JUL _ PUG 1x10'-+ ■x10' — 1x10' — 1x10' =F \:o' — 1x10' 'XiO' -YOY- : . Ill -J uL-L li r ! i{- !■ !• . I f . •YL AD< ix:o'- 1x10'- ■x'O' - j YOY— ^ YL — ^ AD- i ■ ' '- ' ■•• 'l i I YOY 1 YL- AD SEF OCi ^^ 90 120 160 20n 240 280 320 360 4C0 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig, 79 . Continued. 243 YL AD NORTH TRANSECT 1980 s o o Ix^C "x IC* ix "C IxiC' ; X 'C' Ix IC* 1x10' ixlO' ]xlO' 1x10* 1x10' IX 10* 1x10' 1x10* 1x10' T YL AO YL— H AD _i — I—, — t 1 — jk 1_ YL AD -ii I > I f-YOY YL AD 03 3 I I I I YOY- - YL AD< I I ii I • J — I ii III — I I , I -YOY HYL AD PPR jUN _ JUL RUG SEP iQ* 1x10^ YOY- -YL' •AD -YOY ylH 40 16C 200 240 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) 280 520 360 Fig. 79. Continued, Ihk <10' -4- ixlQ* ■ 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10*" 1x10' - 1x10' — 1x10' IxIO'^ ^ 1x10'- Ui ;J 1x10'- O ^ 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - O 1x10* IaJ ffi Z 1x10' — 1x10' — 1x10' 1x10*^ lQ-3n !6-9n :i2-i5n YL . -AD- SOUTH TRANSECT 1980 I r RPR 'YL AD I I I -| 1 1 1 1 1 r .AD— nRY -• — 1 — ■- -J-: ■n 1 — ' — I — ■ — I — '— *T 1 — ■ — I 1 \ 1 r • AD JUN •YL I. I; .i J Ij ■i >' ij \' i ir JUL J—YOY 1- •YL -AD- I. I ., I» I. \\\\\ \ Ij .1 .i I. nuc •YOY YL AD j ■■• I! I Ij- I I IJ: Ij IJ- . { l| : Ij - I ;: 11 . j- SEP OCT fviOV 1 I ^ \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 , 1 , L 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 150 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 TOTAL LE-NGTH (MM) Fig. 79 . Continued. 2^5 DEC was caught in September 1979 again illustrating a possible detrimental effect upon perch reproductive success brought about by the upwelling which occurred in July of that year. October, November and Decembei — in general YOY perch were caught less frequently after September and fish growth slowed down or was arrested. Perch began moving to deeper water for winter. However, the number of YOY caught in December rebounded in 3 of the k yr of sampling (the exception was I98O) . Most remarkable in this regard was the 1979 catch. Only five YOY were caught from April through November 1979* then I78 fish were caught in December. These fish may have migrated to our sampling area from a different part of the lake which was not affected by the upwelling we observed in July 1979« in December, YOY perch measured between about 35 and 104 mm. Year 1 ings — Near the J. H. Campbell Plant, yearling perch between kS and 9^ ^^ were caught in April. This was the same length range as YOY perch caught in December, so it is evident that little if any growth occurred during winter. Other investigators, working at northern and southern ends of Lake Michigan, have reported roughly similar sizes for yellow perch at the end of one growing season (Toth 1959; Jude et al. 1979b)- Compared with other life stages, yearling perch were numerically of least importance during each sampling season except 1978* Relatively low catches of yearlings were probably due to high mortality of YOY during their first winter of life and to yearlings spending a relatively greater proportion of their time in deep water, out of the range of our sampling gear. Yearling perch generally did not move into sampling depths (1-15 ^) until July and they retreated to deeper water after September. They were therefore susceptible to sampling gear for only about 3 nio of the year. A weak year class of YOY (such as that observed in 1979) results in an impoverished class of yearlings the following year (seen in 1980) . Yearlings, following the strong 1977 YOY population, however, were prominent in 1978 samples. From these data it is reasonable to assume that yearling perch will be important in I98I field collections since YOY produced in 1980 were relatively numerous. Seasonal di str i but ion — April, May and June — Few yearlings were collected in April, May or June during our k-yr study (Fig. 79)* it appears therefore that yearlings lag behind adults in their movement toward shallower water after wintering at greater depths. July, August and September — Increased numbers of yearlings, over early spring levels, were observed in July, August and September catches in all years except 1979- Fish were in length intervals from kO to I60 mm, although most were between 70 and 120 mm. Yearling perch generally occupied water less than or equal to 9 ni from July through September. 246 Largest numerical catches of yearlings for any given year came in July, August and September 1978 when 110, 117 and I3I fish were caught respectively. Concentration of yearling perch in I978 shifted from the north plant transect in July to the south reference transect in August and September. During July 96% of the yearlings collected was collected at north transect stations. However, south transect stations accounted for 76% of the yearling catch in August and 77% in September. These data may suggest that perch actively seek warmer temperatures in their environment. During July, the warmest inshore water occurred at the north transect, while in August, temperatures were relatively equal between the two transects. In September, south transect water was slightly warmer than at the north transect (Fig. 22). October, November and December — Presence of yearling perch in sampling areas diminished after September of all years. No yearlings were caught October through December 1977. and catches were negligible for this time period during other years (Fig. 79). It appears that yearlings precede adults in their fall migration to deeper water. Size range of yearling yellow perch in December was between 105 and 15^ mm. Yearling perch reaching or exceeding 150 fimi were somewhat exceptional in our samples, but were more frequently collected by other investigators in different parts of Lake Michigan. Brazo et al. (1975) reported that yearling perch from Lake Michigan near Ludington had an average standard length of about I60 mm at the end of their second year of growth; Jude et al. (1979b) documented that yearling perch caught during October and November, in Lake Michigan near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, had a modal size of I5O-I6O mm. Adults- Adults dominated yellow perch catches during all study years. This is reasonable since adults were present in our sampling area during a relatively greater proportion of the year compared with YOY or yearlings and, in addition, our adult classification is comprised of several year classes (any fish beyond yearling). Adult perch caught ranged between II5 and 324 mm. According to age-length data presented by Brazo et al. (1975), Lake Michigan (Ludington) fish measuring 313 mm are 7-yr old. Thus, our samples at least included adult yellow perch from 2- to 7-yr old. Lowest numbers of adults were caught in I979 which we attributed to an upwelling and overall low temperatures (Fig. 22). Seasonal distr i but ion — April and May — Adult perch overwinter at depths beyond our deepest sampling station (15 m) , but during April and May a few perch began moving to shallower water. Male perch (many with well developed gonads) are generally the first to come inshore where they congregate and await the arrival of females (Scott and Crossman 1973). Apparently fish are fully occupied by pre- spawning behavior during this time and generally do not feed (J. Dorr III, personal communication. Great Lakes Res. Div., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich.). Most fish caught were in water greater than or equal to 6 m. Perch concentrate inshore toward the end of May at which time spawning may commence if temperatures are favorable. 2i*7 June — Perch were collected from all sampling depths in June, but were most abundant at 12- and 15"^ stations in 1977 and I98O. In the vicinity of the Campbell Plant, perch spawning has been most prevalent during early to mid-June 1977"1980. Scott and Grossman (1973) give 8.9-12.2 C as predominant perch spawning temperatures; temperatures within this range were recorded during June each sampling year (Fig. 22). Male and female perch that were sexually spent were first seen in June, but some fish were found with well developed gonads indicating that spawning was not yet complete (Fig. 80) . When possible, perch prefer to spawn over gravel, rocks or even somewhat obscure crevices in bottom substrate (J. Dorr iii, personal communication, Great Lakes Res. Div., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich.). Egg deposition in such locations may help stabilize eggs so that they remain in a favorable environment with fairly stable temperatures until eggs hatch (usually after about 10 days) rather than drifting randomly because of currents and wave action. Gravel or rocky substrates may also serve as underwater landmarks where fish may gather in concentrations favorable for spawning. Obviously riprap deposited over the Campbell Plant's offshore discharge and intake structures could serve the purpose described. To date, however, adult perch have not been documented as concentrating at the north transect (near the riprap) when compared with the south reference transect during May, June or July. Dredging and construction activities during 1977~1980 probably discouraged congregating perch, but it is likely that perch will be found in greater densities at the north transect in I98I. At the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant, perch were caught in greater abundances at the plant (riprap) station than at the reference (sand) station (WAPORA 1979)* July — Compared with June, perch in July were more abundant in water less than or equal to 9 ni. Perch with spent gonads were collected in July of all k yr indicating that limited spawning activity continued beyond the period of intense spawning in June (Fig. 80) . More perch were collected in beach zones during July than in previous months as fish apparently sought warmer water temperatures and food. August — From 1977 to 1979» catch of adult perch was higher in August than in any other month. In I98O the August catch was second only to that of September. The relatively larger catches of yellow perch in August probably relate to water temperature. Preferred temperature for yellow perch is approximately 20 C (Scott and Grossman 1973) ; from 1977 through 1979* water temperatures at any given sampling depth were more consistently near 20 G during August than during any other month. In August 1977f most perch were caught (all gear) in water less than or equal to 3 nfi where the mean temperature was 19*8 G. In 1978, adults concentrated from 6 to 9 »" where mean temperatures were 20.1 G (north transect) and 19*5 C (south transect). Water in the beach zone was 15*1 G when field work was performed in 1979 and most adults may have been in deeper water. In I98O mean temperatures of 18. 3 G were recorded in water less than or equal to 3 ni and many adults were collected. However, more perch were caught in water from 6- to 9"ni deep during August I98O when water temperatures were only 14.9""15*5 G. 248 60 40 20 UJ 60 O UJ -I 40H -J o o 20- X en 60 40 Ul 20- O GO 60 3 2! 40- 20 NO Ns6 Ns9 NO N*3 N«8 N>62 N«5 N«22 N«35 1977 n N«I93 1978 N>2tO N»70 d1 1979 N*34 -p. 1980 Nsi89 N«IO I APR MAY JUN JUL N<266 Ml AUG H * WELL DEVELOPED AND RIPE-RUNNING GONADS □ «SPENT GONADS N^^ ^^""^ ;ov^^>i<^'-s^^^oC'^^^o>i^ o^^ ° .<^ Fig. 83. Numbers of lake trout fry collected in trawls and larval sled tows for each month and station during I98O, near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. indicated upwel lings existed. Unlike adults, young lake trout remain in deeper water during the fall and are therefore not as susceptible to capture in our study area during that time. Adults- Adults comprised 91% of all lake trout collected over the i*-yr study period. Eighty-seven percent of the II67 adults collected were captured at night, with annual percentages ranging from 80 to 90%. Jude et al . (1979b) reported night catches of lake trout in southeastern Lake Michigan near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant ranging from 83 to 91% (1973-197^) • The authors attributed these high percentages to fall spawning activity which is known to be a nocturnal event for this species (Scott and Crossman 1973)* This explanation seems plausible here since the majority of all adult lake trout captured in our study area were collected during the spawning season, from September to November. Gill nets were responsible for catching over 97% of adult lake trout in each of the 4 yr studied. At stations where both surface and bottom gill nets were set [stations C (6 m, south); L (6 m, north); U (6 m, north) set only in I98O; and D (9 m, south) set only in 1977]. 67 to 71% of the catch occurred in bottom gill nets. Two adult lake trout were trawled in I98O, one at station E (12 m, south) in April and one at station B (3 m, south) in October. Three were collected in trawls during 1979» none in 1978 and one in 1977- Few lake trout were collected in seine hauls: I98O (0); 1979 (0); 1978 (10); 1977 (3). 257 1977 MONTH 1978 MONTH < ,>-% ►-' r . .*t^J^^lifl^*^ _. MONTH Fig. 84. Numbers of adult and juvenile lake trout collected in all gear for each month, station and year near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1977 through 1980. D = juveniles, ■ « adults, O = standard schedule gillnetting not performed, ^ = surface gill net, dashed line indicates no sampling performed. Refer to METHODS (Tables 1 and 2) for standard sampling schedule. 258 MONTH MONTH Fig. 84 . Continued. 259 Temperature is a major factor influencing the distribution of lake trout. Spigarelli (1975) determined the preferred temperature for adults of this species in the nearshore area of Lake Michigan in the vicinity of a power plant discharge to be 11.8 C. In I98O over 95% of the lake trout caught in our study area were in water 15 C or less (Appendix 2) . Comparable temperature-catch relationships were observed from 1977 through 1979 (Jude et al. 1978, 1979a, 1980) . During spring of all study years, monthly mean water temperatures at 6- and 9"n» gin net stations ranged from 2.4 to 5*9 C in April, 6.6 to 11.5 C in May and 6.3 to 14.0 C in June (Fig. 22). Temperatures at 1.5" and 3"^ gill net stations for the same period were somewhat higher, yet within a range that lake trout would be likely to occur, 6.8 to 9-9 in April; 8.3 to I3.8 in May and 9*9 to 17-3 C in June. Few adult lake trout however, were captured during these months (Fig. 84). Largest catches occurred in I978 when 82 fish were collected, while abundances in I98O and 1979 were 41 and 24 fish respectively. Analysis of stomach contents indicated lake trout were actively feeding in the study area from April through June, as 80% of those examined contained food. Rainbow smelt were present in 42% of the stomachs containing food in April; this percentage dropped to 6% in June. Alewives increased in abundance as a food item from I8 to 62% for the same period. The relatively low spring catch of lake trout in 1979 may have been influenced by the relatively low abundance of forage fish in the study area. Numbers of rainbow smelt (305) and alewives (0) collected in April 1979 were low compared to a greater abundance in I978 (1093 rainbow smelt, 21 alewives) and I98O (2089 rainbow smelt, 152 alewives) (Table 10). Furthermore, the offshore movement of lake trout into deeper water, necessitated in late spring by rising nearshore water temperatures, may have been initiated earlier in 1979 than in 1978 or I98O because of the rapid warming of inshore water from April to May (Fig. 22). Lake trout were present inshore during the summer (July and August) when suitable temperatures were available. Cold-water upwel lings in July 1977. 1978 and 1979 permitted nearshore residence of lake trout. Rising temperatures from July to August all but eliminated lake trout from the area in 1978 (five fish captured) and 1977 (one fish captured), while large catches in 1.5- and 3"'" gill nets attested to the availability of suitable temperatures in 1979- Mean July water temperatures of 19*9 and 21.0 C at 6- and 9""^ stations excluded lake trout from our study area in I98O (Fig. 22, Fig. 84). A sparse August catch of three fish reflects limited inshore movement, as bottom temperature dropped within a more tolerable range for the species. The fall spawning migration of lake trout into shallow, nearshore areas produced seasonal high abundances during all study years. The combined September, October and November catch of 836 represented 77% of all adults collected. Fifty-seven percent of these fish were found to be in spawning or near spawning condition as indicated by gonad condition data. Examination of stomach contents suggests that most of these fish were not feeding in the area. Greatest catches occurred at 1.5''» 3" and 6-m stations. Shallow, 260 inshore areas have been reported to attract large concentrations of spawning lake trout presumably as a result of stocking yearlings in such areas to which planted stocks "home" as adults (Rybicki and Keller 1978), During I98O, 387 adult lake trout were collected from September through November. Notably fewer fish were captured during this period in 1979 (U6) and 1978 (146). The aggregation of mature fish over nearshore spawning areas appeared to begin in September, peaked in October and declined in November when spent individuals began to appear (Fig. 85). The large number of lake trout collected in September 1977 suggests that the cumulative fall catch for this year may have equalled that of I98O. However, gill net sampling necessary to confirm this contention was not performed in October 1977. Successful lake trout spawning and reproduction in our study area during fall 1979 was evidenced by the occurrence of lake trout fry in spring and summer samples the following year (Fig. 83). Stomach analysis of 10 round whitefish collected in fall I98O disclosed the occurrence of lake trout eggs, ranging in abundance from 1 to 50 eggs per individual. One of these fish was captured in October. The remaining nine were caught in November at both north and south transects, suggesting that lake trout spawning had occurred in the vicinity of our study area during I98O. There have been other reports of lake trout spawning in nearshore areas of southeastern Lake Michigan. An estimated 100,000 lake trout eggs were observed along the Lake Michigan shoreline in the vicinity of the D. C. Cook Plant in November I975 (Jude et al. 1979a). Occurrence of these eggs followed an intense storm that passed through the area the day before. Examination of lake trout for lamprey scars revealed an overall decline in the frequency of attacks from I977 through I98O. Twenty-three percent of i*28 fish examined in I98O had lamprey scars (Table 51). This value along with the 2k% observed in I979 substantiated a downward trend in scar frequency from 1978 (36%) and 1977 (27%) (Jude et al. 1980, 1979a, 1978). Other authors have reported scarring rates of 25% in Indiana waters of Lake Michigan (McComish and Miller 1975) and 22% near the D. C. Cook Plant (Jude et al . 1979b). Occurrence of fresh lamprey wounds on only 2% of the lake trout examined in 1980 suggests low lamprey activity within our study area. Plant Effects- Several noteworthy observations on the distribution and abundance of lake trout during the k yr of preoperational data collection deserve special mention. Most significantly has been the unique occurrence of lake trout fry in 1980. It is believed the newly laid riprap covering the intake pipe provided a suitable environment for egg incubation during the previous winter (1979-1980). This type of substrate is similar in structure to historical spawning reefs, protecting the indiscriminately dispersed eggs from severe wave action and ice scour, which could otherwise damage unprotected eggs occurring on sand bottoms. 261 160 1977 ^^i □'SPENT GONADS 80 40 Q LU h- 160 O LU -J I20^ -J o ^ 80-1 X UJ 160 cr ZD H 1201 < 80-1 o 40 LU CD UJ ^ 160 ^ I20H 80 40 »WELL DEVELOPED AND RIPE-RUNNING GONADS N3II9 Ns40 L NO HO N.2 ■_ ^" ■ '^" N«l 1 1978 Ns92 Ns93 Ns29 N:32 f^^'d N'lO '^^ l^'l H N«0 1979 Ns87 Ns24 Ns35 N'lO Ns8 '^ N*I3 ■ fM NsO I Ns207 1980 Nsll9 Nsl6 Ns7 N«I7 N«5 '*'* H H^ NsQ N<6i I APR mIy JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SAMPLING PERIOD Fig. 85. Number of mature lake trout with well developed, ripe-running and spent gonads collected monthly during June-December 1977 and April- December 1978-1980 near the J- H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. N = total number of mature lake trout caught per month. 262 Table 51* Occurrence of sea lamprey scars on lake trout caught near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, I98O. Length Total No. scars per fish 1 nterva 1 Number Number P&rr^nt 1 1 1 !• ^ 1 vol (mm) 1^ \Jlllh/ W 1 Examined 1^ will V ^ 1 Scarred Id W wl 1 1. Scarred 1 2 3 4 900-949 1 850-899 5 3 60 3 8OO-8A9 15 8 53 4 1 3 750-799 74 26 35 18 6 1 1 700-749 105 32 30 29 2 1 650-699 147 25 17 22 2 1 6OO-6A9 52 3 6 2 1 550-599 17 1 6 1 500-549 4 450-499 2 400-449 350-399 300-349 250-299 1 200-249 150-199 1 100-149 4 Total 428 98 207 79 12 6 1 Differences in the fall abundance of lake trout between plant (north) and reference (south) transects were evident in I978 and 1979 (Table 5I) . Consistently greater catches from September through November at north transect stations occurred while there was a high level of construction activity in the area, including dredging for the deposition of riprap. However, during the years of greatest lake trout abundance (I98O and most likely 1977), construction activity in the vicinity of the plant transect was absent and catch differences between transects were not as obvious. Temperature differences in November I98O between stations U (6 m, north) and L (6 m, north), which lie north and south of the offshore discharge, revealed the presence of the thermal plume. These water temperature differences appear to have influenced the distribution of lake trout in the immediate vicinity (Table 52). Colder water (5 C) at station U (6 m, north) attracted greater numbers of lake trout (31) than plume-i nf 1 uenced station L (6 m, north) (15 fish, 9 C) . An intermediate catch (19) was observed at reference station C (6 m, south) where water temperature was 5.8 C. 263 Table 52. Number of lake trout collected in bottom and surface gill nets set in Lake Michigan in September, October and November 1977-1980 at stations L (6 m, north) designated as north and C (6 m, south) designated as south. Day and night catches were pooled. Water temperature, in degrees Celsius, at time of capture is enclosed in parentheses. # denotes operation of 6-m offshore discharge; ## denotes operation of onshore discharge; ** denotes presence of introduced substrate such as riprap in the discharge area; ### denotes construction activity in the discharge area. ND denotes no data. Transect Month Year Sep Oct Nov Total 1980 # ** North (plant) South (ref.) Total 13 (16.2) 7 (15. 2-13.0) 39 (12.0) (10.5) 15* (9.0) 19 (5.8) 67 80 147 1979 North (plant) 5 21 10 36 it* (14.0-11.7) (13.7-13.0) (8.5-6.9) ### South (ref.) 2 11 1 M* ## Total (14.5) (13.5-13.0) (7.2) -50 1978 North (plant) 1 24 12 37 ** (13. 5) (12.9-12.0) (9.0) ### South (ref.) 11 2 13 ## Total (19.8-15.6) (12.5-11.7) (8.5) 50 1977 North (plant) 25 ND 1 26 ## (10.6-6.0) (15. 3) South (ref.) 23 (9.0-7.3) ND k (10.6) 27 Total 53 * November gill net catch of lake trout at station U (6 m, north) was 31; water temperature was 5 C. 264 White Sucker I ntroduct ion — White sucker was the eighth-most abundant species taken in Lake Michigan during 1980, There were 392 individuals collected, representing 0,^7% of the total catch. During the k yr of the study the importance of white suckers in the total catch was between 0.3 and 0.6% (Jude et al. 1978, 1979a, 198O) . In 1977. 294 white suckers were collected; 319 were taken in I978 and ^13 in 1979. White suckers comprised only 0.1% of the catch in 1973-197^ «n southeastern Lake Michigan near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, Bridgman, Michigan (Jude et al. 1979b). Larvae — In April, adult white suckers in the study area migrate into streams to spawn. Sucker larvae were captured infrequently in the Campbell Plant vicinity because they spend at least 1 mo in streams before moving down to the lake (Geen et al. I966) . In the early years of the study, sucker larvae could not be identified to species; however, since white suckers are the most common catostomid .in the study area, most sucker larvae collected were probably white suckers. During our study, only two sucker larvae were captured in Lake Michigan; one in April and one in July 1979 at depth contours of 1 and 3 m respectively. These larvae were 10.0 and 12.0 mm TL. Sucker larvae were also taken in entrainment samples at Units 1 and 2 during May I978 and 1979. indicating spawning took place during April and early May in the Pigeon River. The larva caught in July 1979 may have been spawned during an upwelling which took place that year, although spawning in Lake Michigan is not documented for white suckers. This larva more likely originated from a late spawning in the Pigeon River. Young-of-the-Year and Yearlings — Growth rates of white suckers vary considerably among studies, making separation of year classes difficult. Koehler (1978) found that white sucker YOY near Ludington averaged 100 mm and yearlings averaged 225 mm. Other studies (Car lander I969; Hubbs and Creaser 1924) found YOY no larger than 70 mm by August. Few small white suckers have been collected near the Campbell Plant. In 1977. 1978 and 198O, a few fish smaller than 7^ rnm (probably YOY) were captured, all in beach seines in July and August. White suckers 75"244 mm (probably yearlings) were also infrequent and scattered in catches, being captured both in seines and in bottom gill nets from the 3" to 12-m contours. At the D.C. Cook Plant all white suckers less than ]kk mm were col lected with beach seines, and no ]h5^2kk-mm fish were taken (Jude et al. 1979b). YOY white suckers collected near the Campbell Plant and the Cook Plant had newly emerged from streams, as evidenced by their small size (most were 50-65 mm) and restriction to the beach zone. Scarcity of YOY and yearlings, compared with adults, suggests most young white suckers remain in streams up to 1 yr before moving downstream to Lake Michigan. Those white suckers 265 emerging from streams in their first year inhabit the beach zone only briefly before moving offshore out of our sampling area, or undergo considerable mortal i ty . Adults- Adult white suckers were captured most effectively by bottom gill nets during the k yr of our study and near Ludington (Liston and Tack 1973)* This was probably due to this species' benthic habits and physical structure. Demersal fish are not usually caught in surface gill nets, while trawls and seines are more easily avoided by large fish. White suckers ranged from 25 to GOk mm in samples from all gear, but most fish caught were between 300 and 500 mm. White sucker adults were not captured during April from 1978 to I98O (in 1977» sampling did not begin until June). In April white suckers spawn in streams, and thus might not be expected to occur in Lake Michigan samples (Fig. 86). By May, 1977"1980, many adults had emerged from the streams and many had spent gonads. The greatest catches during May were at stations C (6 m, south) and D (9 m, south) . June catches of white suckers during the 4 yr were similar in number to May; a greater proportion of fish had only slightly developed gonads, indicating spawning was largely finished by that time. In 1977 and 1979* July catches were high (Fig. 86), particularly at stations A (I.5 iri, south) and B (3 m, south). Upwel lings of cooler water occurred in July of both years and possibly led to an inshore movement of suckers. In 1978 and I98O catches of adult white suckers in July were similar to June catches. In August the number of white suckers captured appeared to vary inversely with water temperature; in 1977 and I98O August catches were high at lower temperatures, while in 1979 water temperatures were warmer in August than in July and catches decreased (Figs. 86, 22). From I978 to I98O, highest catches of white suckers occurred in September, with relatively high numbers observed in 1977 as well. In 1977 the September catch was highest in the nearshore zone (beach to 3 m) , while in other years white suckers were more abundant at 3-12 m. Fish with well developed gonads generally began to appear more frequently in September. In October, November and December white suckers appeared to have moved offshore, beyond our sampling stations. In all k yr the numbers of white suckers taken during these months were much lower than in September (Fig. 86). White suckers were captured much more frequently at night than in the daytime. Water temperatures at which suckers were captured ranged from 4.0 to 25.9 C; in 1980 highest catch was at 14 to I6 C, while in 1979 large catches were observed at somewhat lower temperatures, 9"13 C. In I978 white suckers were captured at higher temperatures with most caught at 18-19.9 C. In 1977f white suckers were captured primarily at water temperatures of 6-12 and 18-22 C; fish of the same size were caught at both temperature ranges. Relative 266 75- 25- 75- X o = 25-1 o <2 Ul 125- UJ m 3 Z 75 25- 75- 25- 1977 □ day ■ NIGHT NO NO I J 1978 rai rl 1979 I ,1 1980 APR MAY J JUN JUL SEP OCT NOV DEC AUG MONTH Fig. 86 , Number of white suckers collected by all gear during day and night sampling once per month June to December 1977 and April to December 1978-1980, near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. 267 scarcity of fish caught between 12 and l8 C in 1977 may be due to less frequent occurrence of these temperatures during 1977 sampling periods, rather than actual temperature preference by white suckers. In the vicinity of the D. C. Cook Power Plant, more female than male white suckers were collected (62% females in 1973 and 69% in 197^) (Jude et al. 1975). However, in the Campbell Plant study areas the sex ratio was more balanced, with 50 to 53% females collected during 1977-1980. Neoplastic lesions have been observed on the heads, usually the lips, of white suckers in southeastern Lake Michigan (Jude et al. 1979b). Lesions were found infrequently on fish caught in our study; six were observed in 1979 and one in I98O. Plant Effects- Plant impacts were difficult to assess, since the number of white suckers caught was insufficient for statistical analysis. Sucker larvae were so seldom encountered in field sampling that no comparisons can be made between transects. However, data for all k yr show five times as many adult white suckers were caught at south reference transect station C (6 m) as at north transect station L (6m). Also, studies in the vicinity of the D. C. Cook Plant indicated that more white suckers were caught at the reference transect than in the vicinity of the plant (Jude et al. 1979b). White suckers usually prefer cooler waters; however, water temperatures were not consistently higher at the north transect. In the latter years of the study, construction activity may have caused white suckers to avoid the north transect area, but we feel that the south transect area was in some way more attractive to white suckers than the plant transect. Johnny Darter I ntroduction — Although not classified as a major species in terms of numbers of fish caught, johnny darters were among the top 10 species in numerical abundance during the period 1977-1980. This demersal species was caught almost exclusively in bottom trawls in Lake Michigan during the preoperational study period, mostly at night. Because of their size and shape they are not caught by our gill nets. Their near absence from beach seine hauls during 1977-1980 suggests little use of the beach zone. Larvae — During the 4-yr preoperational study, adult johnny darters were quite common in the study area; however, collections of darter larvae were infrequent compared with adult catches. Winn (1958) reported that johnny darters spawn under rocks, logs and other objects and that the young are guarded by the adults. Therefore, the larvae may not be very susceptible to 268 our sampling gear. One larva each was caught in 1977 and 1978, 9 in 1979 and 105 in 1980. Distributional patterns of larval johnny darters were only evident in I98O, the year of their greatest abundance. The first occurrence of johnny darter larvae in I98O was during early June at the 6-m south station. Densities of 32 larvae/1000 m^ were noted at this time (Appendix 9). During late June, I98O, nearly 70 larvae/1000 m^ were found at the north transect beach station Q (Appendix 8). In early July, 1980, densities of 30-70 johnny darter larvae/1000 m* at the 9-, 12- and 15-m north transect stations were observed (Appendix 8). Late July sampling in 1980 revealed johnny darter larvae again at north transect 6-, 9"t 12- and 15" m stations; the highest density (87 larvae/1000 m^) occurred at the 9"ni station. Water temperatures were nearly equal at all of those stations, ranging from 20.3 to 25-3 C. Johnny darter larvae were also caught at south transect 9*" and 12-m stations with densities of 57 and 267 larvae/1000 m^ respectively at this time. Water temperatures were approximately 21 C at the bottom stratum where johnny darter larvae were collected at both stations. During early August 1980, johnny darter larvae were caught at both transects with the highest density of the year occurring at 9 m, north (I7OO larvae/1000 m^) . Concurrently, densities of 828 larvae/1000 m^ were found at the 9"n» south station. Although johnny darter larvae were caught at both transects in late August I98O, highest densities were found at north transect stations; 625 larvae/1000 m^ at 9 m north in contrast to 197 larvae/1000 m^ at 9 m south. During September 1980 low densities (87 and 26 larvae/1000 m^) of johnny darter larvae were found at 1 .5- and 6-m north stations. Johnny darters in Lake Erie hatched at 5.0 mm TL (Fish 1932). Our data showed that johnny darter larvae caught in early June had a mean length of 5*6 mm indicating they were newly hatched. Occurrence of 6.2-mm larvae in early July indicates that hatching and spawning were taking place at that time. A median length of 6.2 mm in mid-July suggests that spawning and hatching continued through July I98O. By mid-August I98O median size of johnny darter larvae had reached 11. 7 mm, suggesting that spawning had halted by that time. By mid-August the median size had reached 16. 5 mm and increased to 24.5 mm by September. Adults— Seasona 1 d i s tr i but i on — Introduction — During the study period (I977-I98O) a predictable pattern of inshore and offshore movement was exhibited by adult johnny darters. A pre-spawning movement to inshore waters was quite evident by May. Jude et al. (1975» 1979b) documented that johnny darters spawn during late May, June and July in southeastern Lake Michigan. After spawning, a movement to deeper water was observed. The majority of johnny darters during July and August were caught at 6- and 9"ni depths during the 4-yr study period. As autumn approached, a movement to deeper water began. Most fish collected during September and October were trawled at the 9- and 12-m contours. Catches 269 declined during November and December with most caught at 12 and 15 m. Although collections were not attempted during January-March, it is suspected that johnny darters inhabit water beyond the 15~ni depth contour. April — During 1978 no johnny darters were caught in April. Small catches of johnny darters occurred during April 1979 and I98O; less than 25 fish were caught. These fish were trawled at 9 and 12 m indicating that the bulk of the population was in water deeper than 15 ni. May — Increased numbers of johnny darters entered the study area in May. During I98O, May was the month of maximum catch for the entire year; 80 fish were caught and all but one were adults (3^""57 mm), most likely moving inshore to spawn. June and July — After spawning, johnny darters move into deeper water overlying sand and gravel (Winn 1958). This pattern appeared to be exhibited near the Campbell Plant. During June 1977» II6 johnny darters were collected; of theses 86 were trawled at 6 and 9 n). During June I978-I98O the largest catch was also at 6 m with a few caught at 9 "^ and none beyond 12 m. July catches during 1977"1980 were much like June with concentrations at 6 and 9 ni. Jude et al. (1975) found a similar distribution of johnny darters near the Cook Plant in southeastern Lake Michigan. All fish caught in June and July were adults. August-Decembei — During August johnny darters were noted at 6, 9 and 12 m. None were caught at 15 ni during 1977"1980. Densities of johnny darters increased with depth from September to December. During September catches were almost all at the 9" and 12-m contours. The bulk of the October and November catch during 1977*1980 was collected at 12- and ]5^^9 while in December largest catches occurred at 15-ni. Johnny darters were caught primarily at night (85% of the 1977*1980 catch) and most (95^) were adult fish 40-70 mm. Johnny darters were caught at water temperatures from 4 to 23 C in Lake Michigan during the period 1977*1980. This wide range of temperatures indicates johnny darters exhibit no distinct preferred temperature. Movement to a preferred seasonal depth in contrast to distribution governed by temperature preference is indicated by data collected from 1977 to I98O. Gonad development data collected over the preoperational period showed a near equal sex ratio of 317 females to 271 male johnny darters. Plant Effects— The large increase in johnny darter larvae observed in I98O was most likely the result of the riprap at the north transect where darter larvae densities were markedly higher. The riprap is ideal habitat for adult johnny darters providing both foraging and spawning habitat. SCUBA observations confirmed the increased abundance of johnny darters on the riprap; they are one of the most frequently observed fish. Preliminary observations in I98I noted densities as high as 40 johnny darters/m* on the riprap. Jude et al • (1979b) reported an increase in johnny darters on the riprap at the Cook 270 Plant In southeastern Lake Michigan. There surely will be an increase in numbers of johnny darters in the study area due to the riprap. Additionally, the spawning habitat in the area immediate to the intake may result in considerable entrainment of johnny darters by Unit 3. Emerald Shiner I ntroduction — The emerald shiner is a pelagic species inhabiting lakes and large rivers. Emerald shiners are characterized by considerable fluctuations in abundance (Scott and Grossman 1973). In Lake Michigan emerald shiner populations drastically declined from extreme abundance in the 1950s to scarcity in the 1960s, coincident with the increase in alewife populations (Wells and McLain 1972). Emerald shiners and alewives are both shallow-water planktivores, thus their population interactions may be due to competition for food (Smith 1970) or predation by alewives on the eggs and larvae of the shiner (Crowder I98O) . Emerald shiners spawn from June to August in Lewis and Clark Lake, South Dakota (Fuchs I967) and western Lake Erie (Flittner 1964). Spawning in Lake Erie occurred inshore, over clean sand and hard, mud bottoms. First evidence of spawning was not observed until lake surface temperatures exceeded 22 C (Flittner 1964) . Emerald shiners exhibit schooling behavior with schools of YOY moving inshore in autumn. Groups of adults stay offshore in summer and overwinter in deep water (Scott and Grossman 1973) . In our study emerald shiners were uncommon in Lake Michigan, comprising less than 0.06% of the catch from 1977 to 1979. In I98O, however, the proportion of emerald shiners increased to 0.29% of the total, catch. Two hundred forty-seven were collected in adult sampling gear in 1980, compared with 1 in 1977, 50 in 1978 and 7 in 1979. Spawning of emerald shiners in Lake Michigan was not documented by our study, though it undoubtedly occurred in times of population abundance, prior to i960. Areas of Pigeon Lake influenced by Lake Michigan offer suitable habitat for emerald shiner reproduction (Jude et al. I98O) . Many YOY were collected in October 1978 and yearlings were collected In spring I979 in Pigeon Lake, indicating a strong year class was produced in I978. This timing coincides with a relatively low catch of alewives in 1978, while in I977 and 1979 alewives were abundant and YOY emerald shiners less so. This suggests possible competition between the two species. Size of the Lake Michigan catch may also reflect the strong I978 year class produced in Pigeon Lake. However, the characteristic irregularity of emerald shiner abundance and their schooling behavior may account for this apparent increase. At times, schools of emerald shiners may have inhabited the study area but were not captured. 271 Larvae — Analysis of emerald shiner larvae data is complicated by the difficulty of identification at early stages. In 1977 and 1978, all minnow larvae less than 9 ni"i (except carp) were classified as unidentified Cyprinidae. By 1979» characters were defined for separating emerald shiners, spottail shiners, golden shiners and bluntnose minnows. Therefore in 1979 and I98O more emerald shiner larvae were identified from our collections than in 1977 and 1978. In 1977 no emerald shiner larvae were identified. A few were collected from late June to late July, 1978, at the south transect, to a depth stratum of 8.5 m at stations 1 to 15 m in depth. In 1979 and 1980, I7 emerald shiner larvae were collected, providing more data for interpretation than the first 2 yr. In 1979 emerald shiner larvae were taken from Pigeon Lake on ]k May, somewhat earlier than in Lake Michigan. The earliest in the season an emerald shiner larva was collected from Lake Michigan was on 3 June I98O at beach station R (north discharge). The specimen was 5-2 mm, collected soon after hatching. Newly hatched emerald shiner larvae were also collected 20 June ^979. 2 July 1980 and I8 August I98O at north transect stations 1 to 9 m in depth. This indicates a spawning season from June to August, which is similar *o that found by Fuchs (19^7) and Flittner (1964). The highest densities were at beach station R (north discharge), up to 585 larvae/1000 m^. Older larvae were collected from beach stations out to IS^m stations F and W, but at deeper stations the larvae were found at the surface or in strata above the thermocline. Slightly more larvae were collected at night than during the day. Emerald shiner larvae were collected at water temperatures from 8.9 to 24.5 C. Since many were captured at water temperatures below 22 C, and such cool temperatures are not conducive to spawning (Flittner 1964), larvae found in Lake Michigan may have originated in Pigeon Lake or the discharge canal. Young-of-the-Year — Emerald shiners less than 50 mm in August through November were assumed to be YOY from age-growth data presented by Fuchs (19^7) and Flittner (1964). YOY emerald shiners were captured by seine in Lake Michigan in 1978 and 198O. During the 4 yr, no YOY emerald shiners were taken in trawls or gill nets. In 1978 most were found at beach station Q (south discharge), while in I98O most YOY were at beach station R (north discharge). Only one YOY was collected at beach station P (south reference) during the 4 yr. YOY were found from August to November in our study. August or September was the earliest that YOY shiners were large enough to be susceptible to seining; the smallest emerald shiner collected by seine was 28 mm. Most YOY emerald shiners were captured at water temperatures from 6 to I9 C. Cooler temperatures at time of collection may reflect abundance and schooling of young shiners during autumn months, rather than a temperature preference. 272 In 1978 YOY emerald shiners were abundant in Pigeon Lake (Jude et al. 1980), particularly at sandy beach station S (influenced by Lake Michigan). Connecting inland waters may provide a suitable habitat for growth of young emerald shiners. Year 1 i ngs — In Lake Erie* approximate minimum size at maturity is 5O-6O mm and most emerald shiners spawn in their second summer (Flittner 196^). Therefore fish larger than about 60 mm might be expected to spawn. However, in our study many emerald shiners smaller than 80 mm showed no gonadal development. There are two possible reasons for this: (1) emerald shiners deteriorate rapidly so that gonads may not be easily seen; and (2) emerald shiners may take longer to reach maturity in Lake Michigan than in Lake Erie. Evidence for slow growth was provided by observations in April and May of numerous emerald shiners 20-44 mm in Pigeon Lake and in Little Pigeon Creek, 6 km north of the Campbell Plant. Emerald shiners this size cannot be YOY so early in the season so they were assumed to be yearlings. These yearlings overwinter at a smaller size than emerald shiners studied in other areas (Fuchs 1967; Flittner 1964). Few emerald shiners of any size were collected in the spring in Lake Michigan during our study. Most yearlings may remain in connecting inland waters during the spring. Three emerald shiners 63""64 mm collected in June 1978, one in April 1979 (50 mm) and one in April I98O (42 mm) were probably yearlings. By August, when emerald shiners occurred more frequently in our samples, yearlings would have attained sufficient growth to be indistinguishable from 2- and 3" year-old fish. Adults — As was observed with YOY and yearlings, adult emerald shiners were collected exclusively by seine during our study. They ranged from 70 to 104 mm in length. Few were found in our samples from April to July; they were most abundant August and September and in I98O continued to be common in October and November. Since fish larvae data indicate spawning was mostly prior to August, the late summer-fall aggregations were not for the purpose of spawning. Indeed, their gonads showed only slight to moderate development, although those in poor condition or classified as immatures could have been spent. In I98O, for example, only about 20% of the emerald shiners captured in seines showed visible gonad development and most of those were only slightly developed. Presumably, then, adult emerald shiners spawn in June and July elsewhere than in Lake Michigan, probably Pigeon Lake or other inland waters. Spawning grounds in our study area have not been discovered, although high densities of larvae were noted at station S in Pigeon Lake (Jude et al. 1979a). During the 4 yr, 23 females and 27 males were collected in Lake Mi chi gan. Emerald shiners usually spend summer months offshore, schooling near the surface (Scott and Crossman 1973) • Thus they may not be susceptible to our sampling gear at deeper stations (beyond 6 m) . Even if emerald shiners are 273 present offshore in the summer, they probably do not spawn there, since water temperatures are cool and Flittner (1964) reports they spawn in 3-6 m of water . From 1977 to 1979, approximately as many emerald shiners were collected at night as in the daytime. In I98O, however, almost three times as many shiners were taken at night. Emerald shiners were collected at water temperatures from 7-3 to 25-7 C. Abundance seemed to be related more to season and habitat than temperature. Plant Effects- More emerald shiners were captured at beach stations R (north discharge) and Q (south discharge) than at beach station P (south reference) during the study. This is more likely due to the use of Pigeon Lake for a spawning and nursery area than attraction of emerald shiners to the thermal plume. However, it may be that emerald shiners are attracted to the warmer water as wel 1 . Ninespine Stickleback Introduction — The ninespine stickleback is widely distributed in fresh and salt waters, and is common in the Great Lakes basin (Scott and Grossman 1973)* Jt is, however, not as abundant in southeastern Lake Michigan as it is farther north (Wells 1968; Griswold and Smith 1973). Its distribution in the more northerly sections of Lake Michigan may be due to its preference for cooler, deeper water (Wells I968; Nelson I968; Dryer I966) . Although ninespine sticklebacks frequently nest in vegetation, they have also been observed spawning in areas devoid of rooted aquatic plants. In such cases they may use bits of algae and detritus to build nests (McKenzie and^ Keen ley side 1970). Spawning occurs from April to August in Crooked Lake, Indiana (Nelson I968) , and in June and July near the Apostle Islands, Lake Superior (Griswold and Smith 1973). Studies of ninespine stickleback seasonal distribution show variation by study area; however, in most areas ninespine sticklebacks overwinter in deep water (Griswold and Smith 1973; Nelson I968) . Ninespine sticklebacks spawn in two different habitats in the Campbell Plant vicinity: Pigeon Lake (Jude et al. 1979a) and Lake Michigan, demonstrating that spawning requirements were met in both environments. The extent to which the inshore area of Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant was used for a spawning and nursery area is thought to be slight due to the scarcity of larvae in our samples. Ninespine sticklebacks comprised between 0.1 and 0.5% of the total adult and juvenile catch during the k yr. In adult sampling gear 133 were collected in 1977* ^1^ in 1978, 373 in 1979 and 236 in 1980. No trend in abundance could be detected. 274 Larvae — Ninespine stickleback larvae were more frequently collected in 1980 than in previous years, possibly due to utilization of Campbell Plant riprap for spawning. Two unidentified sticklebacks taken in 1977 (Jude et al. 1978) are now known to be ninespines, based on our increased expertise at identifying larval sticklebacks. Abundance of ninespine stickleback larvae found in our samples gradually increased during the study to 26 in I98O. The nest building habit of adult sticklebacks as well as the protection of the eggs and larvae by the adult male stickleback is probably in part the cause for generally low densities of larval sticklebacks in our samples. Additionally, we feel that the inshore area (beach to 15 m) of Lake Michigan near the plant is not used extensively as a spawning and nursery area. Ninespine stickleback larvae were most effectively collected by sled tows. During the study 17 sled tows contained stickleback larvae, compared to only 7 net tows. This probably reflects the demersal habit of larvae. Densities ranged from I9 to 1^52 larvae/1000 m^ for sleds and from 9 to 370 larvae/ 1000 m^ for net tows. Larval ninespine sticklebacks were collected from the beach zone (station P, south reference) out to IS"*" stations F (south) and W (north). However, shallow water appeared to be inhabited only by larger, older individuals (7.5-20 mm). Small larvae soon after hatching (4.7-6.0 mm) were collected at deeper stations (12-15 "») but were taken infrequently, probably because the male keeps :he young in the nest for up to 2 wk (Scott and Grossman 1973) • Older larvae were collected at a variety of depths. These data indicate spawning in 12-15 nn (and deeper) water and subsequent dispersal of larvae. Lengths of stickleback larvae in our samples ranged from k.J to 20.2 mm. Ninespine stickleback larvae were collected from 1 July to 19 September, most frequently in July. Sizes of larvae indicate probable spawning from late June to late August. Water temperatures at time of collection ranged from 4.7 to 25.2 C, including temperatures over 20 C for newly hatched larvae. Griswold and Smith (1972) found temperatures 11-12 C triggered spawning in the laboratory; however, in our study the temperature at which sticklebacks spawned could not be determined. Young-of-the-yeai — Length of ninespine sticklebacks after one growing season is approximately kS mm in Lake Superior (Griswold and Smith 1973) and 35 nrnn i n streams in Europe (Jones and Hynes 1950). Therefore, fish less than 35 nwn in late summer and less than 45 mm in autumn were considered YOY. A few YOY were collected each year of the study, 15 in all. They were captured in trawls from July to November, mostly at south transect station F (15 m) and some at stations N (9 m, north), D (9 m, south) and E (12 m, south). 275 Adults — Ninespine sticklebacks may spawn after 1 yr of life (Jones and Hynes 1950). During our study yearlings could not be distinguished from older age- groups by size or distribution. For these two reasons yearling ninespine sticklebacks will be discussed together with adults. Most ninespine sticklebacks were collected May through August, which includes their spawning time. This species spends winter in deep water and moves inshore to spawn (Griswold and Smith 1973) • >n our study, few were collected in April (Fig. 87» Appendix 7) » probably because they were farther offshore than our deep stations. By May an inshore movement had begun. Catches at north transect stations L (6 m) and N (9 m) resembled those of south transect stations C (6 m) and D (9 m) respectively. in May ninespine sticklebacks were distributed uniformly among our sampling stations (Fig. 87). Most sticklebacks in May showed only slight to moderate gonad development (Fig. 88), although in May 1978 ripe-running ninespine sticklebacks were collected in Pigeon Lake (Jude et al. 1979a) • In June and July a large proportion of fish had well developed or ripe gonads. Spent fish occurred mostly in July and August (Fig. 88). In June and July ninespine sticklebacks were collected from the beach zone to 15 ni; however, they were most numerous from 9 to I5 ^ (stations D, E, F and N) . This observation correlates with collection of ninespine stickleback larvae at 12-15 m, indicating spawning in Lake Michigan's open water. During the k yr, ninespine sticklebacks were most abundant at station E (12 m, south). In all k yr ninespine sticklebacks apparently moved out of our study area after spawning. The occurrence of ripe-running or spent fish was followed a month later by their near disappearance from our samples. In 1977 abundance dropped sharply after June; in 1978 and 1980 after August and in 1979. ninespine stickleback abundance decreased after July (Appendixes 7f 27* 28 and 29). There was a tendency for ninespines to be more concentrated at deeper stations from late summer through fall (Fig. 87). They were scarce at all of our stations from September to December, 1977 to I98O. None were collected in December at the south transect. However, two were taken at north transect stations L (6 m) and N (9m) in December 1979 and I98O respectively. Nearly all ninespine sticklebacks collected during our study were taken by trawl, but a few (20) were collected by seine at beach stations. Their preference for deep water and their small size makes them most susceptible to capture by trawl. Ninespine sticklebacks collected by trawl and seine ranged from 15 to Sk mm in total length, although fish from 1 5 to 44 mm were considered to be immatures. Ninespine sticklebacks were more frequently collected at night than during the day; 82% of all sticklebacks were taken in night samples during the k yr. Ninespine sticklebacks were collected at water temperatures from 1.0 to 22 C. The July 1979 upwelling, which depressed water temperatures below 5 C, did not immediately decrease catches. It may, however, have depressed spawning, since in the following month (August) sticklebacks were scarce and 276 80- 40- F - 15 M Q UJ H 80 O O 40 O X en E- 12 M tr UJ CD 80 • D - 9 M 40 - ,1 , , . , 20 20- C- 6 M — I I =f= B- 3 M APR MAY NOV DEC JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT SAMPLING PERIOD Fig. 87. Total catches of ninespine sticklebacks by month for south transect stations B (3 m) through F (15 m) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1978-1980. The 1977 data are not included because sampling was not conducted in April and May. 277 80 40 a NO 1977 NO I 'WELL DEVELOPED AND RIPE-RUNNiNG GONADS □ 'SPENT GONADS Ns70 I N<5 — I — o UJ o o X 80 40 80 U. 40 O CC CD 80 40 N«4 I N*2 I N*3 APR 1978 N*28 1979 N«92 1980 N»a7 I MAY N«II7 N*II9 N«76 I JUN N«9S In N«39 N«i06 N«0 I NsiS N<3 JUL AUG SAMPLING PERIOD Fig. 38. Number of mature ninespine sticklebacks with well developed, ripe-running and spent gonads collected monthly during June-December 1977 and April-December 1978-1980 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. N = total number of mature ninespine sticklebacks caught per month. 278 had probably moved offshore as they do after spawning. Preferred temperatures appear to be 6-14 C from our data. There was no apparent spatial separation related to water temperature. An unusual sex ratio was observed in our study. Females far outnumbered males, 663 to l84. Since ninespine sticklebacks are small fish, the poor condition of gonads may have resulted in some males with small gonads being classified as immatures. However, if all immature and deteriorated fish are added to the male category, the total is still only 372, which would still result in a skewed sex ratio. This sex ratio may be related to the spawning habits of the species. Males construct and guard nests, while up to seven females may deposit eggs in a single nest (Scott and Grossman 1973). During our study eight ninespine sticklebacks were found to be infected by an acanthocephalan, probably Leptorhynchoides thecatus. Six of the fish were females and two were males. They ranged from 65 to 74 mm in length. Plant EffectS" As previously stated, catches of ninespine sticklebacks at the north transect were similar to catches at stations of equal depth at the south transect. A minimal difference of two fish captured in December near the plant while none were taken in December at the reference transect was observed. It is unknown whether the intake structures themselves and associated riprap will encourage additional spawning of ninespine sticklebacks there in the future. However, any algal growths and trapped debris on the riprap would supply additional nesting material. If the availability of additional nesting material causes increased use of the area for spawning, larval sticklebacks may become more common near the Campbell Plant. Longnose Sucker Introduction — Longnose suckers were the twelfth-most common species captured in I98O; 166 individuals were taken, comprising 0.20% of the total catch (Table 10). Of the k yr, longnose suckers appeared to be most abundant in the study area in 1979, when 208 were captured (0.27% of the total catch). In I977 and I978 they were more scarce; only 36 and 73 were captured respectively (O.05 and 0.08% of the total catch) . These data imply an increase in abundance over the last k yr. A slight increase in numbers of longnose suckers was also observed in the vicinity of the D. C. Cook Plant between 1977 and I98O (unpublished data. Great Lakes Research Division) . Longnose suckers in Lake Michigan, like white suckers, usually spawn in April in tributary streams (Becker 1976). Few catostomid larvae were captured during this study, and white suckers were more abundant than longnose; therefore longnose sucker larvae were probably not captured in Lake Michigan during this study (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, White Sucker) . 279 Young-of-the-Year and Yearlings — Age-growth data (Koehler 1978) for Lake Michigan near Ludington were used to separate YOY (10 to approximately I50 mm) and yearling (150 to 264 mm) longnose suckers from adults. Eleven YOY longnose suckers were captured from 1978 to 1980. They were caught from June through September in trawls and seines from the beach to the 6-m contour. YOY ranged in size from 35 to Mk mm. Three yearling longnose suckers, 155 to 17^ nim, were captured at the 6-m contour in September and October 1978 to I98O. A probable yearling, approximately 80 mm in May, was seined in 1978 at beach station Q (south di scharge) . Adults- Adult longnose suckers were captured most effectively by bottom gill nets; fish 225 to 624 mm were caught during the 4 yr. A few longnose suckers were captured in trawls, seines and surface gill nets, but adult suckers can often avoid trawls and seines, and their benthic habit prevents many from being caught in surface gill nets. Longnose suckers were generally scarce in April samples, due to spawning migrations to streams. By the May sampling period, longnose suckers had returned to Lake Michigan and in some years showed peak abundance during that month. Many of these had spent gonads. In summer months, abundance of longnose suckers fluctuated during the 4 yr. By late fall longnose suckers moved offshore and few appeared in our samples. Longnose suckers, like white suckers, were most abundant in our samples collected near the 6-m contour. Exceptions to this distribution pattern occurred during midsummer upwel lings of cooler water in 1977 and 1979- 'n those years longnose suckers moved inshore with the cool (8-12 C) water and were captured at the 1.5" and 3"ni contours. Longnose suckers were found at water temperatures ranging from k to 2k C, and appeared to prefer temperatures between 8 and 16 C. Night samples yielded larger numbers of longnose suckers than day samples. More male longnose suckers were collected during the study than females {2kk males, 204 females). However, this difference was not consistent during the 4 yr. Individuals with spent gonads were observed as early as April (1980) and as late as July (1979). Plant Effects— Longnose suckers were more abundant at reference station C (6 m, south) than at station L (6 m, north). Total bottom gill net catch from 1977 to 1980 at reference station C (6 m, south) was 104 longnose suckers, while at station L (6 m, north) catch was only 24. This catch difference existed all 4 yr of the study; possible reasons for lower catch at plant stations include construction activity and presence of riprap at the plant structures. Fish may also prefer south transect habitat over that available in the vicinity of the plant. However, water temperatures at times of sampling were not 280 consistently warmer at the north transect (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, White Sucker ) . Interestingly a similar relationship (more fish at the south transect) was also documented for white suckers. SI imy Sculpi n I ntroduction — The occurrence of slimy sculpins in the inshore zone of Lake Michigan near Port Sheldon was highly correlated with water temperature. Our study indicates that slimy sculpin were rarely caught at water temperatures exceeding 10 C, and were most frequently caught at water temperatures of 7 C or less. These results compare well with those of Rottiers (I965) who indicated a preferred water temperature of 6 C for slimy sculpin and Wells (1968) who reported that this species was most frequently caught at temperatures of 4-5 C. Additional data from Wells (I968) suggest that even during winter and spring months, the bulk of the slimy sculpin population inhabits depths greater than I8 m, and thus our sampling effort collected only from the fringes of the slimy sculpin populations of Lake Michigan. The major occurrences of adult slimy sculpin in the inshore zone were during April, May, December and periodically during summer months when cold-water upwel lings occurred, which accommodated the thermal preference of this species. The present importance of the slimy sculpin as forage for the salmonid fishery in Lake Michigan is difficult to determine. Prior to the invasion of the alewlfe. Van Oosten and Deason (1938) indicated that cottids comprised 72% by volume of the food of lake trout in southern Lake Michigan. The most dominant items in the stomachs of lake trout in the present study were smelt and alewives (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Lake Trout ) . Thus, it appears that there is diminished importance of this species as forage since the invasion of the smelt and alewife, at least in the inshore zone. Our observations do confirm, however, at least some importance of sculpins in the diet of brown and lake trout during spring months when these species both occur inshore. Slimy sculpins in the area of Port Sheldon were reported to have an extremely high infection rate of the acanthocephal an Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Heufelder and Schneeberger I98O) ; however individual fish seemed unaffected by their presence. Larvae — Effective sampling of larval sculpins is made difficult by the nesting and protective behavior of the adults. Slimy sculpins have been observed spawning on the undersides of objects at depths to 12 m in the study area. When larvae hatch, they remain close to the protected nest area until approximately the time of yolk absorption. Remaining close to a protected area often affords protection from conventional sampling gear and explains the absence of newly hatched larvae (6-6.5 mm) in our samples. Occurrences of larval slimy sculpins in our samples over the 4-yr period were sporadic and exhibited no evident trends. During I977 only three slimy sculpin larvae (12-19 mm) were captured, all in late July. The occurrence of 281 slimy sculpin larvae in the S-S" and 15"ni strata of station H (21 m, south) resulted in estimated larval sculpin densities of 13"20 larvae/1000 m^ and suggested that larval sculpins may be less demersal than adults. No larval slimy sculpins were captured in the study area during 1978. During 1979» sculpin larvae (8.5 - l6.5 nf^ni) were sporadically present at various depth strata of the 9" to 15-ni stations during both July sampling trips as well as during early August (Jude et al. I98O) . There were no significant differences in the densities of larval sculpins between transects (13"l67 larvae/1000 m^) in 1979 and water temperatures at times of capture did not exceed 8.0 C. Late June sampling during I98O indicated a large dispersed aggregate of slimy sculpin larvae at the four surface-most strata of station (12 m, north) (15-37 larvae/1000 m^) and the two surface-most strata of station N (9 m, north) (21-40 larvae/1000 m^) (Appendix 9). These larvae were small, 7-9 mm, and suggest that even larval sculpins with some remaining yolk may occasionally migrate toward surface strata. The remaining sporadic occurrences of slimy sculpin larvae in early July to late August I98O were all recorded from sled tows at depths of 9 ni or greater and resulted in densities of 29-240 larvae/1000 m^. Over the 4-yr period the majority of sculpin larvae were caught at night. This concurs with studies by Liston et al . (I98I) , near Ludington, Michigan and suggests either increased daytime net avoidance or a movement to protected, less accessible areas during the day. Adults- Si imy sculpins were most abundant in the inshore area during April and May 1978-1980. Greatest abundance was at the deeper 12- and 15-m stations, with progressive decline in abundance with shallower depths to 3 ni* Slimy sculpins were rarely caught in the beach zone. Sculpins collected ranged in size from I5 to 114 mm. The occurrence of slimy sculpins in the inshore zone is probably related to two factors, spawning instinct and water temperature. Gonad data for April-June, I978-I98O indicate that spawning of slimy sculpins in the area of Port Sheldon occurs in April or May (Fig. 89). The exact date of spawning is probably temperature dependent. Slimy sculpins were reported to spawn at 5"10 C in New York (Koster 1936) and 8 C in the Montreal River (Van Vliet 1964). Rottiers (I965) observed that in Lake Michigan spawning occurred prior to early May in 1964, however, no water temperatures were given. A mass of slimy sculpin eggs was taken from a log which was trawled at station E (12 m, south) on 14 May 1979 at a water temperature of 11.2 C, however it is probable that these eggs were actually spawned at a lower water temperature. Thus it appears that the inshore zone is used by at least some sculpins as a spawning area. It is probable that although the bulk of the sculpin population is at greater depths during April and May, as indicated by Wells (I968) , the search for suitable substrate on which to spawn causes some sculpins to disperse into areas not normally inhabited. This dispersal into the inshore zone is allowed by colder water temperatures in April and May of most years (generally below 282 10 C) . Slimy sculpins generally prefer water temperatures less than 10 C (Rottiers 1965; Wells I968) . With the warming of inshore water in June, and the continuance of this trend in July - August, slimy sculpins were rare in the inshore zone. The exceptions to this trend were observed during times of upwelling, and times when bottom water temperatures at the deeper inshore stations were still within the temperature preferendum of the slimy sculpin. At these times varying catches of slimy sculpins were observed. There was also an occasional and sporadic occurrence of sculpins at inshore stations at warmer (greater than 10 C) water temperatures. The majority of these slimy sculpins caught at warmer water temperatures were smaller immature sculpins which we feel have a higher tolerance for warmer water compared with adults over 70 mm. 40 O U CO ^'20 1978 103 1979 ■^WELL DEVELOPED ^^ AND RIPE-RUNNING GONADS □=SPENT GONADS 1980 APR MAY JUN APR MAY JUN Af^R SAMPLING PERIOD JUN Fig. 89* Number of mature slimy sculpins with well developed, ripe-running and spent gonads collected monthly during Apr i 1 -December I978-I98O near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. The next major occurrence of slimy sculpins in the area of the Campbell Plant was typically during December when water temperatures were again within the temperature preferred by slimy sculpins. It is likely that throughout the winter months some slimy sculpins persist in the inshore zone; however. Wells (1968) suggests that the bulk of the population remains offshore. Data from all years 1977"I980 showed that the majority of slimy sculpins were caught at night. Although the reasons are unclear, aquarium as well as diving observations indicate that sculpins exhibit a negative phototaxis, and often seek areas of cover during daylight hours. Slimy sculpins can also bury themselves in sand when no cover is provided. 283 Plant Effects-- Diving observations confirmed that the protective riprap area of the intake and discharge structure has provided a considerable expanse of spawning substrate for slimy sculpins. This increased spawning substrate in the area of the Campbell Plant structures may be responsible for the increased occurrences of sculpin larvae in 1979 and I98O field samples compared with those taken prior to the placement of riprap in 1977 and 1978. The increased spawning substrate provided near the intake structure as well as the occasional migration of larval sculpins off the bottom is expected to result in considerable entrainment of larval slimy sculpins during Unit 3 intake operation. The magnitude of the entrainment loss of slimy sculpin larvae is difficult to predict and will depend largely on the extent of continued use of the area by slimy sculpins as a spawning and nursery area. There is some indication, based on diving operations, that fewer sculpins utilized the area for spawning in I98O compared with 1979* The maximum entrainment loss of larval sculpins is expected to occur from June to July, based on a hatching time of late May - early June. Yolk-sac larvae remain relatively near the nest and are subject to less entrainment loss, so we expect the primary loss to be in larger larvae (larger than approximately 7*5 mm). Eggs of sculpin should not be entrained to any great degree since they are adhesive and laid in nests guarded by the mal'e sculpin. Round Whitefish Introduction — The round whitefish is widely distributed in North America and into northeastern Asia, primarily in deep lakes (Scott and Grossman 1973)- It inhabits relatively shallow water, from surface to 25 m in Moosehead Lake, Maine (Cooper and Fuller 19^5) and to about U5 m in the Great Lakes (Koelz 1929)- Like lake whitefish, round whitefish have decreased in abundance in Lake Michigan since the early 1900s (Mraz 1964). Round whitefish usually spawn in November in the Great Lakes region (Scott and Crossman 1973)* Spawning habits are similar to those of lake whitefish (Machniak 1975)- Spawning occurs in relatively shallow water, on silt-free substrate. Collections of round whitefish in the Campbell Plant vicinity have increased during our study. In 1977» 8 were captured; in 1978, 10; in 1979. Uk and in 1980, 115- Percentage of round whitefish in the total catch likewise increased from 0.01% to 0.14% (Jude et al . 1978, 1979a, 1980). Spawning evidently occurs in our study area; spent fish, and greater abundance of round whitefish, have been observed in the fall. Larval Coregoninae are difficult to identify to species. Possibly some round whitefish larvae have been collected in our study. For a discussion of this, see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Unidentified Coregoninae , Larvae. 284 Young-of ~the-Year and Yearlings — Great variation exists in growth rates of round whitefish throughout its range. Lake Michigan populations appear to grow faster than in other areas (Mraz 1964). Age-growth data from the Ludington area (Armstrong et al . 1977) and western Lake Michigan (Mraz 1964) were used to estimate age of our specimens. YOY round whitefish were collected only in July and August I98O. Ten fish 50-97 n»m were trawled from depths of 3 to I5 m. All but one were from the south transect; however, this may be due to less trawling at the north transect. Nearly all YOY round whitefish were collected at water temperatures of 18-21 C, which was warmer than temperatures at which adults were col lected. Several fish 101-130 mm collected in fall may also have been YOY. These were taken at stations 6-15 ni in depth, at the north and south transects, at cooler water temperatures than those taken in summer (6.8-12 C) . There was no clear separation between lengths of YOY and yearling fish. Round whitefish 138 to 173 nin™ collected in late fall 1977 and I98O may also have been yearlings. These were trawled (one was gill netted) at north and south transect stations 6-12 m in depth, most at water temperatures of 4-5.5 C. Adults- Round whitefish were collected from April to December during our study at all stations where trawling or bottom gill netting was conducted. in April and May they were found at a variety of depths. From June to August, however, round whitefish appeared to prefer deeper waters, primarily 9 to 15 m. From April to September round whitefish were not abundant; however, in October and November abundance increased dramatically, particularly at depths of 3 to 9 m (Appendix 6). During October and November, fish with well developed and spent gonads were collected, indicating spawning occurred inshore. In December mature round whitefish were nearly absent from our collections, apparently moving from their spawning grounds to deeper water. Round whitefish usually mature sexually at approximately 340-36O mm (Mraz 1964). Immature fish older than yearlings were generally distributed with adults in our samples, except that they remained inshore in December, after spawning ended. Several round whitefish 225 to 350 mm had slight gonad development in the fall and probably would have spawned the following year. More females (68) than males (46) were collected during our study. Sex ratios are usually 50:50 for round whitefish (Armstrong et al. 1977; Normandeau 1969)* Our resulting 60:40 ratio may simply be due to small sample size. Most round whitefish were collected by bottom gill net, and some by trawl. Trawls were more effective in capturing small fish, especially YOY. Total size range of round whitefish was 50 to 515 mm. Studies at Ludington (Armstrong et al. 1977) and western Lake Michigan (Mraz 1964) yielded round 285 whitefish up to 528 mm and 515 ^^ respectively; however, researchers in New Hampshire and Great Slave Lake seldom found round whitefish over ^50 mm (Normandeau 1969; Rawson 1951) • Round whitefish were collected at water temperatures from 1,0 to 20.8 C, most between 5 and 14 C. At temperatures above 16 C only immatures (< 215 mm) were found. Most round whitefish were collected during the night; however, this trend was not as marked as for lake whitefish. Round whitefish are benthic feeders, primarily consuming insect larvae and small gastropods (Armstrong et al. 1977; Rawson 1951). Stomach contents from round whitefish examined during our study included chironomid and caddisfly larvae, gastropods, amphlpods and lake trout eggs. Round whitefish are known to consume their own eggs (Normandeau I969) ; however, during our study trout eggs were prevalent in stomachs. From size, coloration and season these were judged to be lake trout eggs (Jude et al . I98O) . In 1979 a few instances of egg predation occurred and in I98O eight round whitefish were found with trout eggs in their stomachs, up to 50 eggs per individual. During our study several round whitefish examined had parasitic copepods, which were probably Salmincola edwardsi i (Hoffman 19^7) f attached to their gill filaments. In I98O two fish (immatures I69 and 262 mm) were found to harbor acanthocephalans. Plant Effects— In 1977 through 1979 the number of round whitefish collected were approximately equal between north and south transects. However, in I98O, especially in autumn, more were collected at north transect stations L (6 m, south discharge), N (9 m, north) and U (6 m, north discharge) than reference stations C (6 m, south) and D (9 m, south). Bottom gill net catches for these stations were: C, 8; D, 8; L, 21; N, 13; and U, 10. The riprap laid down for the new offshore intake and discharge serves as spawning habitat for lake trout (Jude et al. 198lb) and round whitefish may be attracted to it for various reasons, including food (lake trout eggs), cover and spawning habitat. Gizzard Shad I ntroduction — Gizzard shad utilize, at least seasonally, all of the types of aquatic habitat available near the Campbell Plant. Prior study of impingement samples at Units 1 and 2 (Jude et al . 1979a) indicated the year-round presence of gizzard shad in the discharge canal. The field catch of adult and juvenile gizzard shad in Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant was 17^ in 1977» I89 in 1978, 35 in 1979 and 111 in 1980, which accounted for less than 0.5% of the catch by number in any year. It is difficult to assess the degree to which gizzard shad utilize the area of the Campbell Plant as a spawning or rearing area. Our estimates of larval gizzard shad abundance are probably low due to the difficulty in distinguishing them from larval alewives at that point in development from after yolk absorption to fin formation. Observations in the 286 Pigeon Lake-Pigeon River system as well as Lake Michigan and the discharge canal lead us to believe that the primary site of shad reproduction is the discharge canal itself. Larvae found in Lake Michigan near the plant probably originated in the discharge canal or the Grand River. Larvae — The first occurrence of gizzard shad larvae in years 1979 and I98O corresponds to our increased expertise in identifying them, rather than a sudden appearance in these years. Gizzard shad larvae were sporadically present from May or June to July in I979 and I98O. Densities of larval gizzard shad at these times were low, not exceeding I50 larvae/1000 m^ at any time. Field sampling of adults in Lake Michigan revealed no spawning activity of adults in the area, so an inland source of larval gizzard shad was implicated. Supplemental sampling in the discharge canal in May 1979 revealed high densities of larval gizzard shad and strongly suggests that the discharge canal was the source of larval shad sampled in Lake Michigan. Young-of-the-Year, Yearlings and Adults — YOY gizzard shad (up to 134 mm) over the if-yr period occurred sporadically from August to December (Table 53). No distributional trends, however, were evident. Yearling and adult gizzard shad were present in the area primarily from August to November, but occasional catches in all months except December were observed. During the entire study period the majority of yearling and adult gizzard shad were caught at depths of 6 m or less. Nearly all adult gizzard shad collected exhibited only slight or moderate gonad development. Fish with spent gonads occurred rarely during the study, appearing in July and August. These observations provide further evidence for spawning in the canal, rather than in Lake Michigan. Gizzard shad were collected in all gear types utilized. Large gizzard shad were collected primarily by gill nets, while trawls and seines accounted for most smaller fish. Most were taken at night, at water temperatures exceeding 10 C. Plant Effects — Due to the low abundance of gizzard shad near the Campbell Plant, it is doubtful whether plant operation (Unit 3) will significantly affect their population or that the discharge of Units 1 and 2 was affecting their Lake Michigan distribution. Bodola (1966) has noted a tendency for shad to be attracted to warm-water discharges even during winter months; however, we have not seen any inordinate concentrations of gizzard shad near the Lake Michigan discharge thus far. We feel that the substantial production of shad larvae in the discharge canal will undoubtedly continue in future years. Since warm water will be discharged at 6 m, some gizzard shad larvae will be discharged into Lake 287 Table 53- Summary of gizzard shad catch by age-groups in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Power Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1977"1980, Gizzard shad were assigned to age-groups based on Bodola (1966). ND=no data. Age- Year Group Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1977 1978 YOY 16 10 32 1979 1980 YOY NO NO year 1 ing and adult NO NO YOY yearl ing and adult YOY yearl ing and adult 3 1 YOY yearl ing and adult 22 35 12 3 li* 15 1 91 16 10 65 42 5 18 2 10 1 2 11 1 28 21 23 6 k if Michigan at this contour. It is quite possible that under certain conditions these gizzard shad larvae, which came from the discharge canal, could be entrained by the 11-m depth intake structure at a later time or live and complete their life cycle in Lake Michigan. Chinook Salmon Chinook salmon catches during our study have increased steadily from k in 1977 to 32 in 1978, 67 in 1979 and 99 in 1980. During the last 3 yr, collections were dominated by recently smolted fish. Smolts comprised from 66 to 75% of the catch between 1978 and I98O. However, chinook spring fingerlings stocked by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources have decreased (from 700,192 in I978 to 500,200 in I98O) in counties immediate to our sampling area (i.e., Ottawa, Allegan and Newago) , so our progressively greater catches are not easily explained. It is possible that natural reproduction by chinook near our study site has increased during the last few years, since more fish with well developed and spent gonads were caught in 1979 and 1980 than in previous years. Mature males (18 total) have consistently outnumbered mature females (9 total) in our samples. In general, chinook were present in our sampling area from April through November in water temperatures from 5 to 21 C. Jack salmon (200-^20 mm) usually were gillnetted in spring, while smolts (70-120 mm) were seined in beach zones mostly during June and July. Adult chinook migrate from deep 288 water to spawn and mature salmon (up to 1010 mm) were most commonly captured in gill nets from September through November. Chinook were taken at all sampling depths (beach-12 m) . Night catches surpassed day catches in earlier sampling years, but diel catch differences were not observed in later years. No consistent differences were noted between Chinook catches at north and south transects. Coho Salmon During 1977"1980, 18 to 75 coho salmon were caught per year in the study area. Coho salmon collected ranged from k] to 850 mm, most being small individuals <200 mm (Appendixes 7. 27» 28 and 29)- Patriarche (I98O) reported that 9-3% of coho salmon caught in Lake Michigan during 1979 were naturally spawned. Coho salmon planted in the spring were 100-152 mm (M. Patriarche, personal communication. Institute for Fisheries Research, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Ann Arbor, Mich.). Juvenile coho salmon 41-99 nrni, which occurred in small numbers in the study area during 1977"1979f probably originated from natural reproduction. In the spring of 1978 all coho salmon planted by the four states bordering Lake Michigan were marked by fin clips. Seven fin-clipped coho were caught in 1978 and six in 1979» Of these 13 marked fish, seven came from the Grand or Muskegon Rivers, two from Little Manistee River, two from the St. Joseph River, one from the Platte River and one from Indiana. Coho salmon 41-190 mm occurred from May to October, with most being found during May, June and July (Appendixes 7» 27f 28 and 29). Most of these smaller coho salmon (9^^) occurred in night beach seines. These data agreed with Tody and Tanner (I966) who reported young coho salmon remained close to shore upon first entering the sea. Small coho salmon moved offshore during summer; a few were caught in bottom gill nets at 6 and 9 ni during July, August and September. Larger coho salmon 240-820 mm migrate inshore during spring and fall. Most were collected in night bottom gill nets. Approximately 25% of larger coho salmon were caught during April and May; most were found during September, October and November. A few larger coho salmon were also collected during June and July 1978. A few coho salmon collected during fall were from 240 to 410 mm. Based on age-length data for coho salmon collected in Lake Michigan during the fall (Patriarche 1980), these coho salmon were 2-yr old. Most coho salmon collected during fall were adults (420-820 mm), several of which showed well developed gonads. Coho salmon migrate upstream to spawn. Jude et al. (198la) found adult coho salmon in Pigeon River during the spawning season and suspected that some spawning could occur in this tributary stream. Small coho salmon (41-190 mm) were found in relatively warm water (11-21 C) . Most larger coho (300-820 mm) occurred in water temperatures of 5-13 C. These data agreed with Tody (1973) who reported coho salmon preferred temperatures around 11.6 C. Several adult coho, however, were caught in water temperatures of I8.5-23 C during September I978. During 1980, 50% of larger coho salmon were found in water temperatures of 5"9 C and 50% in water temperatures 15"17 C. 289 Catches of larger coho salmon (>200 mm) at north and south transects were similar during the k-yr period. Smaller coho (<200 mm) were more common at beach station Q or R (plant transect) than at beach station P (reference transect) in 1978. During I98O more small coho were seined at the south reference transect than at north transect stations Q or R. Reasons for these catch differences are not known. Seine catches of small salmon at the two transects were similar during 1979- Lake Whitefish I ntroduction — The lake whitefish is widely distributed in the fresh waters of North America, especially in large lakes and rivers. It is an important commercial species. Populations in Lake Michigan have been reduced in recent years due to environmental deterioration and depletion of stocks (Scott and Grossman 1973)* Lake whitefish tend to inhabit deep waters in the Great Lakes. Van Oosten et al. (1946) found them most numerous at depths exceeding 25 m in Lakes Huron and Michigan. Thus most lake whitefish in the Campbell Plant vicinity have probably been outside the range of our sampling stations. During our study there has been an increase in the number of lake whitefish collected. In 1977 and 1978, 11 and 9 were captured respectively; however, in 1979, 27 were collected, and 75 were taken in I98O. This trend was not observed in studies at the D. C. Cook Plant, where lake whitefish catch remained low from 1973 to 198O. Lake whi tef ish usually inhabit shoal areas in spring, deep water in summer, and return to the shallows in fall to spawn (Scott and Crossman 1973)* They usually spawn in November through December at water temperatures between 0.5 and 10 C, over silt-free substrates such as rocks, gravel or sand (Machniak 1975). In the Ludington area, whitefish spawn in October and November on a rocky reef (Listen et al. I98I) . Larval Coregoninae are difficult to identify to species. Some of the coregonine larvae collected during our study may be lake whitefish (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Unidentified Coregoninae , Larvae) . They were taken so infrequently that the Campbell Plant vicinity is probably not an important spawning area for lake whitefish. No YOY lake whitefish were collected during our study. Year 1 ings — Great variation exists in growth rates of lake whi tef i sh in various populations. In northern Lake Michigan Roelofs (1958) found age-1 lake whitefish varied from IO8 to I7I rnm. Two areas in Lake Superior yielded age-1 fish 180 - 200 mm (Dryer I963) , and Lake Erie age-1 whitefish were I65-I8O mm (calculated length) (Van Oosten and Hile 19^9). From these data, lake whitefish less than about I70 mm TL at the beginning of the growing season were assumed to be yearlings. Only a few were collected. In 1979 anci I98O three yearlings were taken in April, July and November at stations 6 m and deeper. All three were captured at relatively cold water temperatures, 4.7-5.5 C. 290 Adults- Lake whitefish were collected from April to November during our study, most frequently in summer months. In 1977 and 1979 ^3^ke whitefish were most abundant in June and July. In 1978 their occurrence was scattered from April to August, and in I98O they were most abundant in June, August and September (Appendix 7) • Inshore-offshore movement was not traceable due to generally low abundance of lake whitefish. Scarcity of whitefish during fall, and complete absence of ripe-running or spent fish from study area collections, indicate that lake whitefish spawn elsewhere. Few fish were collected that had more than moderate gonad development. Somewhat more males (60) than females (35) were collected. Lake whitefish sex ratios usually approximate 1:1; however, males and females do not appear at the spawning grounds simultaneously, so uneven ratios are often observed (Machniak 1975)* Only one lake whitefish was captured in less than 3 ni of water: in June 1980 a 222-mm fish, probably 2-yr old, was seined at beach station Q (south discharge). Most lake whitefish were collected in bottom gill nets during our study (85 fish), while 35 were trawled and 1 was taken in a surface gill net. Station E (12 m, south) exhibited the highest catch and was the deepest gill net station. However, trawl catches of lake whitefish at stations E and F (12 and 15 m, south) were similar, so peak abundance at station E may be a function of our sampling scheme. As, in other studies (Van Oosten et al. 19^6; Machniak 1975) t lake whitefish may be found offshore from the Campbell Plant in deeper water. Lake whitefish collected ranged from 142 to 700 mm TL. The majority of these were >390 mm, by which length most lake whitefish are sexually mature (Van Oosten 1939). Collection of lake whitefish occurred at water temperatures from 3.3 to I9.3 C. Temperature preference from our data appeared to be 7 to 15 C. Nearly all lake whitefish collected were taken at night. Lake whitefish are primarily bottom feeders, consuming benthic macroinvertebrates and small fishes (Scott and Crossman 1973). Stomach contents of whitefish we collected included chironomid larvae, amphipods and gastropods. One lake whitefish 175 rnm TL was infected with an acanthocepha 1 an . Plant Effects — During most of our study, catches of lake whitefish were too low to draw any conclusions about plant effects. However, in August I98O, 23 whitefish were taken in bottom gill nets at station N (9 m, north), while only 5 were caught at station D (9 m, south). Water temperatures were similar: U.O C at station D and I5.O C at station N. It is unlikely that lake whitefish would be attracted to the thermal plume, since they were usually found at temperatures below I5 C in our study, indicating a preference for cool water. Since increased catch at the north transect occurred only once, it is probably 291 not an important plant effect. Also, lack of adult fish sampling at 12- and 15-m north transect stations prevents us from comparing whitefish abundance at these preferred depths. Brown Trout Brown trout were first introduced to Lake Michigan in I883 (Brynildson et al. 1973) • Natural reproduction, occurring both in the lake and in inflowing streams, and subsequent plantings of several hundred thousand fish have resulted in the firm establishment of this species in the Lake Michigan basin (Becker 1976). Movements of brown trout can be fairly extensive. One year after being planted in Lake Michigan, some specimens were found up to 323 kni from the point at which they had been released, though most recovered fish were found less than 2k km away (Becker 1976) . Variable numbers of brown trout were collected during the course of our study. Yearly catches were 49, 114, 88 and 50 fish respectively from 1977 to 1980. During all h yr, juvenile brown trout (106-200 mm) were caught predominantly in the beach zone where warmest water temperatures existed. Brown trout were captured at a wide range of water temperatures (3"21 C) , but most fish were caught in water between 6 and 15 C. Larger fish (up to 707 mm) were generally found in water less than or equal to 6 m. Brown trout are largely piscivorous (Brynildson et al. 1973)- Stomach content data from our study indicated that brown trout fed heavily upon slimy sculpins and smelt during spring, and upon alewives during summer. Although brown trout were generally present in our sampling area from April through November, greatest numerical catches of trout occurred during spring and fall. Fish probably move into sampling depths to feed during spring, then move back out to cooler water in summer. Diel movements by brown trout were also noted; more fish were caught at night than during the day. Many brown trout captured during fall had well developed gonads. Brown trout spawn in the fall when water temperatures are between 6.7 and 8.9 C (Scott and Grossman 1973) • Brown trout were more prevalent in south transect reference samples than in north transect samples. Differences were due to deployment of gill nets at 1.5 and 3 m (where many brown trout were collected) in the south while these contours were not sampled in the north. Gill nets were the most effective gear for catching brown trout during all sampling years. Rainbow Trout Rainbow trout were first introduced into the Lake Michigan watershed in 1880 (Smiley I88I) and by I906 the population supported a commercial fishery with fish averaging about 0.45 kg in weight (MacCrimmon and Gots 1972). The next 20 yr would see a commercial fishery thriving on stocks thought to be sustained primarily by natural recruitment of anadromous fish spawning exclusively in Michigan streams. Coincident with the arrival in I936 of the sea lamprey, numbers of rainbow trout declined and continued to do so through 292 the 1940s and 1950s, As efforts to control sea lamprey (initiated in 1948) were intensified for Lake Michigan tributaries during the early 1960s, greater numbers of rainbow trout were stocked. In I966 254,000 rainbows were planted in Lake Michigan tributaries and by 1973 the total annual planting had risen to over 3 million. Since 1973 annual plantings have ranged from I.3 to I.9 mill ion f i sh. During I98O, 26 rainbow trout (270-840 mm) were collected in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant (Appendix 7) as compared to previous catches of 29, 9 and 8 in 1979* 1978 and 1977 respectively (Jude et al. 198O, 1979a, 1978). The substantial rise from I978 to 1979 might be attributable to an increase in the number of rainbow plantings in Pigeon Lake from 5,038 in 1975 to 20,275 in 1976 and 10,000 in 1977 (Great Lakes Fish Commission I978, 1979, I98O) . Stocked as 2- to 3-yr olds, these fish should have matured by age 5, and returned to our study area within 3 yr (1978, 1979, I98O) . Two of the 26 rainbows collected in 1^80 were caught in the spring. One was captured in a bottom gill net at station A (I.5 m, south), and the other was seined in May at beach station P (south reference). The remaining 24 fish were caught with increasing frequency from late summer to late fall. Most rainbows were found at 6-m depths or less and all were gillnetted, with surface outnumbering bottom net catches 44 to 10. Water temperatures at time of capture ranged from 3 to 17 C. Over the 4-yr study period, 90% of the rainbow trout were collected at night, indicating diel inshore and offshore movements. During 1979 rainbow trout were most abundant in the spring when I7 fish were collected in April. One rainbow was gillnetted in May and the remainder were taken in October (five) and November (five) . Of the nine rainbow trout captured in 1978, four were collected in the spring and five in the fall. Sampling began in June 1977; consequently, all rainbows collected that year were caught in the fall. Populations of both spring- and f al 1 -spawn i ng rainbow trout have been planted in Lake Michigan (Daly et al . 1975). Gonad data suggest that individuals of both stocks have been encountered in our study area. Fifty percent of the fall I98O catch was found to have well developed gonads; whereas, spring spawners prevailed in 1979 (Jude et al . I98O) . Few rainbows were collected in I978 and 1977; however, sexually mature individuals were present in September and November samples. Supplementary sampling and visual observation indicate that adult rainbow trout were utilizing the discharge canal during winter I979 and spring I98O (Jude et al. I98O) . Stomach analysis of these fish revealed an abundance of gizzard shad and alewives, presumably consumed while in the canal. Seasonal high densities of forage fishes near thermal discharges into Lake Michigan (Romberg et al. 1974) could attract salmonid fish and may provide energetic advantage to plume residents. 293 Golden Shiner Golden shiners were collected from Lake Michigan only in I98O in our study. They prefer weedy, quiet water with extensive shallow areas (Scott and Grossman 1973). They are common in Pigeon Lake, particularly areas influenced by the Pigeon River (Jude et al. 198la) . It is likely that those golden shiners observed in Lake Michigan originated from Pigeon Lake. Seine hauls at beach stations P (south reference) and Q (south discharge) in October 1980 yielded 15 golden shiners. Eleven of these were immatures from 37 to 53 ^^f probably YOY. They were collected during the day and night at water temperatures of 10.5-11.0 C. The four remaining shiners were 84-90 mm, all adults. These four were collected during the day at beach stations P and Q along with the YOY. Three were females with slight to moderate gonad development and one was in such poor condition that sex could not be determined. No golden shiner larvae were collected from Lake Michigan during our study. Common Carp I ntroduction — The common carp, a native of eastern Asia, was widely introduced in North America in the late iSOOs. It has become abundant in many locations, particularly where both shallow marsh habitat for spawning and deeper water for overwintering are available (McCrimmon I968) . These requirements are met in our study area. Pigeon Lake is bordered by several small marshes and deeper water for overwintering is provided by both Pigeon Lake and Lake Michigan. Adult carp were occasionally collected during our study. In 1977f 7 were captured; in 1978, 13; in 1979. 10; and in I98O, 14. the total catch was about 0.01% in each of the k yr. about 0.01% of the catch in studies at the D. C. Cook al . 1979b). Carp are common in warm waters (Becker abundant in inland waters than in Lake Michigan. Percentage of carp in Carp also comprised Nuclear Plant (Jude et 1976) and are more Larval carp were collected more frequently than would be expected from the occurrence of adults. Spring spawning presumably occurs inland, not in Lake Michigan, due to cold water temperatures. However, spawning has occurred regularly in Lake Michigan at the Cook Plant after startup of Unit T, presumably due to the warm-water discharge (Jude et al. 1979b). Swee and McCrimmon (I966) reported that spawning did not occur below I7 C in Lake St. Lawrence, and optimum spawning temperatures were between I9 and 23 C. Water temperatures above 19 C did not occur in Lake Michigan until at least early July in our study, yet carp larvae were collected in May 1979 and in mid-June I98O. Later spawning may occur in Lake Michigan, but preferred spawning habitat is not present; therefore lake spawning is probably less successful . 294 Populations of carp exist in Pigeon Lake and the intake and discharge canals of the Campbell Plant (Jude et al, 1979a)' The warm water of the discharge canal is conducive to early spawning, although little vegetation was present even before construction of Unit 3 began. Carp larvae captured early in the year in Lake Michigan may have been produced by the discharge canal population. Reproductive contributions of carp populations in Pigeon Lake and the intake and discharge canals occur at different times, explaining the capture of larvae at widely separated times throughout the year. Larvae — First occurrence of carp larvae in Lake Michigan was in mid-May to June during the study. These larvae were thought to be from intake or discharge canal spawning in 1979 and I98O, while in I978 they probably originated from Pigeon Lake. These conclusions are based on samples in the intake canal, Pigeon Lake and entrainment samples from Units 1 and 2. Densities of larval carp collected in Lake Michigan in May and June were somewhat higher at the north plant transect compared with the south transect. For example, in May 1979 carp larvae were collected at north transect stations Q (beach, south discharge), I (1.5 m, north), J (3 m, north), L (6 m, north) and (12 m, north), with estimated densities of 15 to 195 larvae/1000 m^. At the south reference transect carp larvae were captured only at stations P (beach, south reference) and B (3 m, south) with estimated densities of 21 and 63 larvae/1000 m^ respectively (Fig. 90). These differences are evidence for intake or discharge canal spawning. Similarly, Waybrant and Shauver (1979) found much higher densities of carp larvae in backwater or vegetated areas compared with open waters of Lake Erie. Carp larvae in their study area were captured relatively close to the mouth of the Huron River, which was probably the source of carp larvae rather than Lake Erie. In the k yr of the study, carp larvae were always collected during July except in 1979* August and September catches included some larval carp in 1979 and 1980 respectively (Fig. 90). The discontinuous, apparently sporadic occurrence of carp larvae can be attributed to spawning of separate populations. Carp larvae were collected at water temperatures from 9*5 to 24.2 C. Although larval carp were captured from the beach to 15~ni stations, they were more abundant inshore (Fig. 90) and remained above the thermocline when in deeper water (never deeper than the 8.5"^" stratum). Densities of carp larvae in Lake Michigan during the study ranged from 15 to 591 larvae/1000 m^, with greatest densities occurring at beach stations and the 1.5-ni contour. These values compare with densities of 1 to 103 larvae/ 1000 m^ obtained by Cole (1978) from Lake Erie. Carp larvae collected during our study were mostly between k.O and 7-0 mm TL and were recently hatched. The largest carp larva, 10.5 n^ni, was taken 28 July 1977 at station I (I.5 rn, north) at a water temperature of 11.8 C. Larger larvae were captured infrequently, perhaps due to mortality or net 295 ^^ iO>^' iNi^*^ iNi'^' ^Ni^*^ >.^^ S^^ SAMPLING PERIOD Fig. 90- Mean density (no./lOOO mO of larval carp for north and south transect stations in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, 1977 to 1980, Mean densities were calculated by averaging densities over all gear (plankton nets and sleds), strata and diel periods (day and night). avoidance, so a pattern detected. Carp larvae pattern was apparent. of length distribution with depth could not be were captured in both day and night samples; no diel No YOY or yearling carp were collected in Lake Michigan during our study. Absence of age-groups of carp between larvae and adult suggests that Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant does not serve as a favorable nursery area. Absence of YOY at any time during the study further suggests that those larvae spawned in Lake Michigan or those which drifted from inland sources, do not survive. It is likely, therefore, that adult carp captured in Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant were spawned and reared in inland waters connected to Lake Michigan, which are more conducive to spawning and successful rearing of carp. Some of these carp then disperse from their rearing areas into Lake Michigan as adults. The nearest successful rearing area to the Campbell Plant is Pigeon Lake as indicated by observations of YOY there in 1977 and 1978 (Jude et al. 1979a). In Lake St. Lawrence, YOY carp were found in shallow marshes until at least mid-autumn (Swee and McCrimmon I966) . Adults- Seasonal distribution of adult carp in Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant showed no obvious trends. A slight movement offshore from spring to fall was suggested, since in April carp were collected only from beach stations to 6 m, while in late summer and fall carp were sometimes collected at stations E (12 m, south) or F (15 m, south). Throughout the year, however, carp were most frequently found nearshore (to 6m). In 1978 peak catch of 296 carp occurred in August; however, in other years the catch of adult carp remained relatively constant from April to October or November. None were collected in December of any year. Adult carp in our samples ranged in length from 515 to 78O mm. They were most effectively sampled by bottom gill net (29 fish); however, some carp were also collected by seine (10 fish) and trawl (5 fish). More carp were found in night samples than day samples. Carp were collected at water temperatures from 3*9 to 2k C, but the greatest catch occurred at temperatures from 8 to 17 C. Carp with well developed gonads were observed from April to November in the study area; however, the only ripe-running fish was a male in July I98O. Occurrence of carp with well developed gonads from spring to fall may be due to repeated spawning by individuals, or spawning at widely differing times. In the vicinity of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, carp with well developed or ripe gonads were observed May through July (Jude et al. 1979b). During our study somewhat more females {2k) than males (20) were collected. Plant Effects— From 1977 to 1979 adult carp showed no particular trend in catch difference between reference and plant transects. In I98O, however, catch of carp (five fish) was greatest at station N (9 m, north); two were the most collected at any other single station. Temperature preferences of carp are known to be above 25 C (Reutter and Herdendorf 197M . Pitt et al. (1956) found final preferred temperature to be 32 C for YOY carp. Carp may therefore be attracted to the vicinity of the thermal plume emitted by the Campbell Plant. However, so few adult carp were caught that their attraction to the warm-water plume cannot be confirmed at this site. In the vicinity of the D. C. Cook Plant near Bridgman, Michigan, occurrence of carp larvae at plant transect stations indicated carp spawning in the thermal plume (Jude et al . 1979b). This may occur at the Campbell Plant as well, although spawning in the intake and discharge canal is thought to be more important. The Wilcoxon signed ranks test showed that for 27 cases during the k yr, there was a tendency for carp larvae to be more abundant at the north transect than at the south reference transect (significant at a « 0.05) . The Campbell Plant has provided favorable habitat for carp spawning in the intake and discharge canals. More sheltered and warmer than Lake Michigan, the canals provide optimal water temperature, food and habitat for early spawning. Larvae produced there may survive and contribute to carp populations in Pigeon Lake and Lake Michigan. Si Iver Redhorse The silver redhorse is uncommon in the Lake Michigan basin, and primarily inhabits moderate to large rivers and reservoirs (Becker 1976). Like other redhorses, it was collected infrequently in the Campbell Plant vicinity. 297 Twelve were captured in 1977; ^ in 1978; 3 in 1979; and 14 in 1980, One juvenile (57 nrm) and three adults were caught in a July, 1977 night seine haul at beach station R (north discharge). All other silver redhorses collected were adults taken in bottom gill nets. Water temperatures at time of collection ranged from 8 to 2k C; most fish were caught at 12 to 20 C. Adult fish ranged in length from 3^5 to 595 n^m. Silver redhorses were captured from June to November from the 1- to 6-m depth contours. Most were collected in late summer through fall. More were collected at night than in daylight. No trends between reference and plant transects were apparent. Eighteen male and 13 female silver redhorses were collected. Well developed gonads were observed from July through September; no ripe-running or spent fish were captured, so spawning time is unknown for our study area. Channel Catfish Although the catch of channel catfish in any year did not exceed 10 fish, our data indicate that during August and September channel catfish exhibit a migration to some extent into Lake Michigan, possibly from large river systems. With the exceotion of one channel catfish caught in April I98O, all occurrences of channel catfish in Lake Michigan samples were observed from August to October. Since channel catfish are not common in Pigeon Lake, it is possible that those individuals caught in Lake Michigan originated from Lake Macatawa (I5 km south of the plant) or the Grand River (17 km north of the plant). While it is possible that the intake and discharge riprap may be an attractive influence for channel catfish as was suggested to occur at the Cook Nuclear Power Plant (Jude et al . 1979b), it is doubtful that plant operation will cause any impact on channel catfish populations in adjacent areas. One YOY channel catfish (60-mm length interval) was trawled at station D (9 nfi, south) in December 1979* The remaining channel catfish collected were mature adults, 285-73^ nwn in length, including I8 males and 7 females. All had slightly or moderately developed gonads, another indication that they do not spawn in Lake Michigan in our study area. Adults were taken in bottom or surface gill nets, mostly at depths of 6 m or less. Channel catfish appeared to prefer warm (>15 C) water temperatures. Most were collected at night. Shorthead Redhorse The shorthead redhorse occupies a wider range of habitats than other species of Moxostoma , being present in lakes and in moderate to large streams (Becker 1976)* Shorthead redhorses are uncommon in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant; from 1977 to I98O, only I3 adults were collected. No larvae, YOY or yearlings were observed during the study. In I98O seven were captured, which was more than in any previous year. During the study all redhorses were taken in bottom gill nets, mostly at night. Water temperatures at time of capture ranged fror 10 to 21 C. Fish collected were between 3^0 and 700 mm in length. 298 Shorthead redhorses were collected from June to October, most frequently at station A (1 .5 m, south), but a few were caught at 6- and 9-m stations. There were no apparent differences in catch between reference and plant transects. More females (eight) than males (four) were collected during the k yr . Most had slight to moderate gonad development; individuals with well developed gonads were observed twice, in August and October. One spent female was collected in June 1979f indicating spawning during spring. Burbot I ntroduct ion — The burbot is widely di waters of lakes and large, cool 18.3 C and spawns in midwinter, Grossman 1973). At the Campbell because they inhabit deep water spawn in winter, when sampling i burbot larvae have been col lee been observed in Pigeon Lake in appeared in Pigeon Lake and Therefore, Pigeon Lake, in add it site for burbot. stributed in North America and Eurasia in deep rivers. It prefers water temperatures I5.6 to under the ice, in shallow water (Scott and Plant adult burbot are infrequently collected during our sampling season and move inshore to s not conducted. Because of inshore spawning, ted more often than adults. Adult burbot have December and February, and larval burbot have in entrainment samples from Units 1 and 2. ion to Lake Michigan, is a likely spawning Larvae — Burbot larvae first appeared in Unit 1 and 2 entrainment samples on 11 April 1978. Field larvae samples from Lake Michigan usually contained burbot larvae from mid-April to mid-June. Many newly hatched (3.6 to 5.O mm) larvae occurred in samples from April through June. Seasonal distribution varied from year to year. In I977 no burbot larvae were collected, probably because sampling commenced in June. In I978 burbot larvae were most abundant in April at the north transect, particularly at beach stations R and Q. Estimated densities in the nearshore zone ranged up to 56A larvae/ 1000 m*. High densities at beach stations indicated spawning may have taken place there. In 1979 no larval burbot were collected in April, but some were taken in May and more in June. Unlike other years, burbot larvae occurred at mid- depths and not at beach stations. Estimated densities were low, I6 to 48 larvae/1000 m^. Perhaps hatching occurred after our April sampling and larvae had begun to disperse by May. In 1980 burbot larvae were most abundant during May at beach stations R (north discharge) and P (south reference), at densities as high as 843 larvae/1000 m^. Larvae were less abundant in deeper water, but they were found from 1 to I5 m at the north transect and 1 to 12 m at the south transect, which was similar to the April I978 distribution. Our data suggest 299 spawning near the beach and subsequent dispersal of larvae to deeper waters. Larger larvae (to 7-5 nini) were generally found in 6-15 m of water; this was the only trend in distribution by size. A later peak of abundance in I98O than 1978 suggests later hatching. Burbot larvae usually were slightly more abundant at or near the bottom than in surface tows. More larvae were found in night samples than day samples, particularly larger larvae, to 7-5 'nm. Burbot larvae were collected at water temperatures from 4.5 to I6.O C, however, most newly hatched larvae were taken at cooler temperatures, from 4.5 to 10 C. Young-of-the-Year and Yearlings — Burbot undergo rapid growth, especially in their first year (Muth 1973; Scott and Grossman 1973) • Three immature burbot 95""144 mm trawled in late summer and fall 1978 were probably YOY. All were collected at station E (12 m, south); water temperatures were 10 to ]k C. One male burbot with slightly developed gonads was trawled in October 1978 from station C (6 m, south); it was in the l60-mm length interval and was probably a yearling. All four of these fish were collected at night. Adults- Few adult burbot were collected during our study, due to their preference for deep water. In December 1977 a female with well developed gonads was trawled at station D (9 m, south). No mature burbot were collected in 1978 or 1979* Five burbot, all females, were collected In 198O by bottom gill net and trawl at stations 3 to 9 ti in depth. One, collected in April, was spent; the others, taken during October and November, exhibited moderately to well developed gonads. Most adult burbot were collected at night. Water temperatures at time of capture were 1 to 12 C. The six fish ranged from 3^9 to 618 mm. Stomach contents of several burbot examined included alewives, rainbow smelt, gizzard shad and sculpins. Plant Effects— Al though in 1978 burbot larvae were more abundant at the north transect than the reference transect, a Wilcoxon signed ranks test showed this was not statistically significant at a « O.O5. Larvae were evenly distributed between transects in 1979 and I98O. Adult burbot exhibited no particular difference in abundance by transect. Preliminary SCUBA observations did indicate that burbot were attracted to the intake and discharge areas, presumably due to the increased cover afforded by the riprap. Mottled Sculpin During preoperational years 1977"'1980, the mottled sculpin only occasionally occurred in Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant. Only four mottled sculpins were caught during 1977* while one was caught in 1979 and five were taken in I98O. Mottled sculpins were not collected in Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant in I978. 300 Mottled sculpins were collected only by trawling, mostly at night, during our study. They were taken at stations 9 ni or deeper, at water temperatures from k to 1^ C. Sculpins ranged in size from 25 to 9^ fnm; adults had only slight gonad development. While the typical habitat of mottled sculpin does not include the open water area of Lake Michigan, construction of artificial reefs in the inshore zone has often resulted in the establishment of local populations there, similar to what occurred at the D.C. Cook Plant (Jude et al. 1979b). It is likely that a similar situation will develop at the Campbell Plant structures as mottled sculpins from adjacent Pigeon River occasionally disperse into Lake Michigan, take refuge in and colonize the riprap area. Mottled sculpins will probably remain in the intake area throughout the summer months when slimy sculpins exhibit an offshore distribution (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, SI imy Sculpi n ) , and may gain importance as forage for some of the warm-water species of fish (i.e., yellow perch). Golden Redhorse The golden redhorse usually inhabits streams (Becker 197^); it was uncommon in the Campbell Plant vicinity during our study. In our 1977 sampling none were captured in Lake Michigan; in 1978, k; in I979t 10; and in 1980, 4. No golden redhorse larvae, YOY or yearlings were collected. All fish collected in Lake Michigan were caught in bottom gill nets at water temperatures from 8 to 22 C. Lengths ranged from 400 to 636 mm. Golden redhorses were caught during June to October from the 1.5" to 6-m depths, somewhat more frequently at shallower depths. Unlike other suckers, golden redhorses were not collected in greater numbers at night than in daylight. No trends in catches between reference and north transects were apparent. Ten male and eight female golden redhorses were collected; most had slight to moderate gonad development. In July 1979 three fish with spent gonads and two females with reabsorbing eggs were caught, which indicates some spawning occurred before 17 July. Longnose Dace Longnose dace are found in swiftly flowing streams, lakes and inshore waters of the Great Lakes (Scott and Crossman 1973)- Although they are widely distributed, they are uncommon in our study area. Apparently the beach zone near Ludington, north of the Campbell Plant, provides more favorable habitat as Anderson and Brazo (1978) seined dace in sizable numbers during 1975- Three dace were collected in 1977 and three in I98O during our study. Their benthic habit should make them susceptible to trawling, but only one was captured in our trawls, probably because of their preference for the beach zone. No longnose dace larvae were collected. Two fish 45-5^ mm seined in November 1977 at beach stations P (south reference) and Q (south discharge) were probably YOY. A 49-mm longnose dace seined in July I98O at station Q was 301 probably a yearling; it had undeveloped gonads. Two adult longnose dace, 55""105 nim, were seined in October 1977 and July I98O respectively, at beach station P. One was a spent female and one a male with slight gonad development. The only fish captured by trawl was 82 mm, taken in July 1980 at station C (6 m, south). Longnose dace were collected at water temperatures from 10 to 21.5 C. Most were captured at night. It is unlikely that plant operation will affect this species, since it is uncommon in the Campbell Plant vici ni ty . Wal leye Walleyes are planted in the Muskegon River system (47 km north of the Campbell Plant) and in Lake Macatawa (19 km south of the Campbell Plant). Walleyes also spawn naturally in eastern Lake Michigan (R. Lincoln, personal communication, Mich. Dept. Nat. Res., Grand Rapids, Mich.). However, walleyes are uncommon in Lake Michigan in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant. No walleyes were observed in Lake Michigan field samples in either 1977 or 1979* In 1978, seven YOY walleyes were collected, six in beach seines in August when water temperature was between 22 and 25*7 C and one in a trawl haul at 6 m in December when water temperature was 1.0 C. Whether these fish migrated from their planting site or originated from natural reproduction is not known. Three walleyes between 415 and kkk mm were gill netted in fall I98O at water temperatures between 9 and 11 C. All three fish were males with moderate to well developed gonads. These fish were all caught from the north transect and may have been attracted to the riprap in the area. Becker (I976) reports that walleyes prefer clear water with gravel, rock, sand or hard-clay bottoms. It is possible that greater numbers of walleyes will concentrate around the Campbell riprap in future years, since several species which serve as forage fish for walleye (e.g., alewife, trout-perch, rainbow smelt and yellow perch) may also concentrate near the riprap. Central Mudminnow The central mudminnow inhabits small creeks and isolated ponds (Scott and Crossman 1973) • its presence has been noted in small creek tributaries of the Pigeon River within about 12 km of the J. H. Campbell Plant (Jude et al. 1981a), and one specimen was caught in Pigeon Lake in May 1978 (Jude et al . 1979a). The collection of an immature mudminnow and a male with well developed gonads in Lake Michigan (12 m, south) in May I98O was therefore considered unusual. Several mudminnows (many with ripe-running or well developed gonads) have been collected from traveling screens at the D. C. Cook Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan, always during spring (Jude et al. 1979b)* Central mudminnows spawn in mid- to late April (Scott and Crossman 1973) so their presence in Lake Michigan may be related to spawning behavior. 302 Ye] low Bullhead Only two yellow bullheads were caught in Lake Michigan during the entire study period. They were collected at stations B (3 m, south) and L (6 m, north). Both fell in the l80-mm length interval. Their occurrence in July 1980 suggests that they only rarely enter Lake Michigan, and thus have little ecological importance in this system. Qui 1 Iback Populations of quillbacks inhabit the Grand and Macatawa rivers (Becker 1976); from these sites north and south of the Campbell Plant this species may spread to the plant vicinity. Quillbacks were observed in our Lake Michigan samples in 1978 (two) and I98O (four). An 8.2-mm qui 1 Iback larva was collected at night on 27 f (Q (0 • ^ — W 0) ® OJ — (0 c a > - e £. L. s- E 0) 58 £- O o r (0 c u (a -^ L, t^ (D 0^0) Q. 0. 0. CJ^ 0) to in '- 0) 2 w^ r^ w - n CM X -^ 2 U) CN ^ CN ^ w CM X CO z • ^-*, >««-» • in -w -^ in X ^ u ,^«k ^ ^^ ^■^ ^■^ cN^ in ^^^ s. © r- w Q. < ^ < z -i U a)inzcM^-i^x c -o > < X < < cnx .<<<>-^ '-^ Oi >-' r? 5^ ^^' ^^ ^^ .w>--www(0 Z -J ^ 0) 0) ^- ^ ^ CN r* Z^O-i^cotnto < O n ▼- ^^ in to 0) CM -J ^ < in in 00 in >■.* ^ • CM n CM ^ CM < -w 00 C5 o «» • ^^ (0 ^^ ^^ ^ *~ CM '-^ -1 to -J in 8ii ^^ 00 < in ^ U r^ ^-^ ^ ^wU) < CM O < ^ a >^ 00 w f^ r) o ^ in 10 n 0) ^ r*' o r* ol > LOW 00 "^ n 00 ^^ ^«> -1 0. o tio 0) CM ^ CD cnootootocMintotDi*^ r*no)cnincMCMoo^cM *- CM CM ••- CM cMain-^^r^incM cMr^ooflOflOCMC*3in *- ^ ^ in 00 (O n CM to r h- •M (Q f** a-H 0) 0) (Q O L oooooooooo to 00 to oooooooo to to in 0) o o o ^ttaM~3Zoott>-« a- > Q. Q. > CO 0. to -^ CL 2 CN CO • iD CO CD ^ ' n in CM < < < • •9' 0) I cn CO • "^ in < -J ^ < 8S in -I CN < in w O 00 M < ^ w < 00 w 00 CO in ^ -^ CN -J 0) < • ^ < ^ w 00 CM O in a in -i to - < 00 ^ (0 O < n >-^ in <<<<<< CO CO CN iD t^ O ^ -^ 00 in -^ n CN O) in CN to 0) 00 ^ ^ to ^ < < w < WW O) w O r^ in n to CN • rr CN ^ n O '-o)'9'00"^'^coo)toOcNO)0)inflototoop*tO"^tor^a)cnintoo)0) nfo*-o)oocNCN'^'-nt^(nt^'^coo^cnin'^"^r3'^'^'-c*5cncNCN^ r T3 0) D C in OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOinininooooOinoOino ^CNOO'-Cn C0-»- ^ CN ^tOCN-^ — O«)CNTr0)^OVCN«^Cn -l-JZO-3-J005^a-D-3-JZZZ-H^0-JZZO-JO5^i-i ^^^^^^"'"'""^"^^f^^c^^^^c^cNcno)'*-'^-^".-".--*--.--^^^ OOOO — CNOOOOOOOOOOOO'^'^CNCNCMCNOOOOOO (0 311 o - e > t. (D o •H 3 > O '-\ 1 o o c o w T3 0) 3 C C o u in 0. o ^ '^ 0) -I • c < -^ o -^ -J z ^ < rj ^ en •^ n ^ ID 0. >-*■ tt ■*^ z 0. CL CL 0. CL 0. n 2 CQ 2 t/) > > > > > > CN l/) «/) '^^ >"S >^ ^^ >M' >l^ ^^ <^ >^ ■ ^ .^^ ^-S (T) '-^ ^^ .^^ O -J 0) n CD ^ ^ o o >«-». >-^ *- a o. in ^ -J ^ ® CL D TT < ^^ ^ CM ''T < CM CM ^ Q. CM > > -< < < c > n • '•-r • » » • '^^ • • < > • >-»' O w - — * 00 ^ N^ cor*CLino>nZO)'^ -J O u u ^ ^ CM ^ ^ 00 m -i 00 *- > r^ 0) •^^ CM Q. < -^ < < < < 00 < < '- CM < ^ N-< r* "^ ^» > ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ '«v <^ ^ >m^ >^ n > ^^ in s^ ^• ^ in 03 fN. n to ^ 00 00 n d ^- ^ Ol '^ O J in CO iD CM (P L nj o •H 3 > o o t- o O (0 '- o -\ » o o c O w (0 «*- > t. >»- 01 0) C OJ 0) <0 O E (0 ^ Q. to w X X '-^ ^-^ '-' jn ^-^ ^^ >-' -J -I — ^ ^-^ «i o --». < < O to t^ 0) < Tf CM < • O -J CN < lO w O a. CO 00 < < ^ o < < '^ WW < C WW -in o w 00 O — ^ -^ C>4 '^ z n ^ -J en o CN ^ ^ "« w n ^ C5 ^ O (0 . 00 ^ * 0. a (/) in -^ CN 0) 00 00 - u < < w w 00 00 CN 10 CN ^-* (O ^ -^ < -J in < (0 CN in O CN > 0) Z -J 0) z C U) < C t/) O WW O w z ^ to Z "^ (0 0) 0) (0 3 C in raootor^ooint^oooootoiomoo'^tOQOintO'^to cNr^cN'^'^'-'^O'^'^noocNCN'^tocDn^^n -*- ^ ^ ^ fM ifl \a n ^ m r- in "^ t^ O n OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOinOOO a) £- (0 O •M 3 > O - O £- O to U «J -^ C O -\ 0) I O Q O C O w 9 O L. E (0 >- O C 0)\ (D (0 O O E C (0 w 13 r •H (0 Q t. 4- CO T3 Q) D C in 13 (0 00 (0 Q. (0 in s ^ CO < • 0) < o 00 ^ CO a w > '^ ^^ n -J cp ^ < tp - ^ >-» -J •^ -J < < w w >— '>l/?CO- >-^(/)'-^ w «r-ww w^ a c I/) CO or^O^OQ. o^C QO'-^-^-^-'^coflO'^—i^t/''"^'**''^"^*'"*' '^*'>-^o)"w"-^^^ inaa-iCN -(o-^ -wf^OO<<<<< >«)'^CNC5C0 • ^^ ^.^ >^ * ^ <^ C^ • Tf >»i' ^^ ""^ -^"^ ^^ Si^ • • • ^^ ^^ '-'incNr3^-*«/)-JO'-^Ocsr-in'^cM t^>-^^^intp -jinoo^-j>-'-< in CM w - >-^w.w in '•^ n ^ 00 tP CM CM n a a 2 n *- cp > > to -^ ^ 0. 0. 0) CO > C w « z o *- ID in D 0) CO r* in CO • in n ^ "- in < 00 CM co(0^a)inooin'^^r*»c^inr5inop*Htfln'^ ^^^«^«*-<^coo)'^r*iOO 0) -^ 00 "^ "^ CM n -^ OOCO-^I^^OtOOJf^O n to inoinoinoooinooiointnintoinooo inooointnininin OwcMtoooi'-oi'^ z z ^ 3 o o a cr -i o o cr a Qc •-« -J z z z o o. cq u o o o < cq < OOOO — '^'^'^'^OOOOOOOMCMCM'^ I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I r*r^r*i*»r*»r*«'i**p*r*'COooflOoooooocooococoo) ^mininmintoino) I I I I i I I I I ininininininin(0(p 3 O to 3]k H- C O - E £. 0) > J> (0 O •M r > Q - u V. o W U (0 "^ C O ^\ O I o o o c Q. > -I n < - in ^ CN < t^ 0) 00 «/) CM c -^ o - 0. ' to tn in ^ . ^ < < ^ If) < CM O ID T 0) CN • >-K >->m >-. Q, >-^ 0. .«^ >-i^ (/) Q. >i— Z>-^ >->-i^t/)»-mw< w>«^>.^Tr ^i^ 00 >i^ >-^ -^ CM cNtDiDco^Qr^noooco^ CM - • -> . . -•»-CMCO< '-'-Jt/)-jcM-j-j-j'-«>>-^— ^cn ^-^ r^ 10 CM looo^'ww ^r-'^w oioofloooo) CM-^ in -r-^^ in-^ in ^ Q. CM flL CO CM (/) w - w in ^ ^ in «) a ^ -J o ^ to (/^ < - -wZ ^^^ to w ^ -J -J rr CM O < < -CM O O) -J 0) ^ < 0) h- w CO "^ |- n CM •*- > " O I. E (0 ♦^ O - T3 O 10 © ^ C 0)\ O (0 o O E C (Q >^ O I. C C o u in (/) '-^in'^oo^oom rjco'^h-tO'-'^'^ CM to to (0 to C*) O n 0) V O O CM ^ cn CM •^ ^ ^ •^ D O f^ CM CN CM c^ •^ inoininoininin Otooo-^ — 6^o OO O inino OOO ininino *"CN •»- ^oo) -^^-n OincNto oaoo > ^^ Q. w w ^ 0. ^ CO ^ '^ to ^ CL t/) 0) <^*. Q. w n a -^ Q. t/) «*- c « tn 00 - to • t/) ^-^ Q O - E w T- >-^>^^-^^^ rr -0 o t- 0) ^ n ql "»- Q. *- T ^K w^ to > I- (0 O '^in(/)CNcor)n-J04-JO •H 3 > o . CM ^ -w r» -«- < '^ < in •^ t- o -^ -CM^O - - ■^i^ • ^ •> to (0 -^ j^ CN -1 CO ^^ 0) ^TT ^ C — v^ <-l -< --J-JCO-JtP-J Q) 1 W < ^W^ < < CM < < O c ^ w J CO -1 WW >.^ -s^ in 00 < CM < to to ' § -- to w 00 w.- ^ •^ 00 O to to "^ O f^ "^ 0) CM ^ CM to 0) (0 t/1 (D D C in Q) 13 -^OO^-CMtOO^CMCMWQ cMcn'^^'^cMOi'^'^'^O CM CM n Oiointninotnioiooo wOinoonOOO'-'^ ujauuju.oQo.tJOuia '-n^^^in^inininto r^r^i^t^r^r^flooocofloco 316 1978- Of the 81 samples collected in 1978 containing damaged larvae, adjustments to known categories in the samples would have resulted in less than 10% increases in 39 cases. In I9 of the remaining samples, alewife was the only concurrently captured, known species, thus it is highly probable that damaged larvae in these samples were alewives. Yellow perch was the only concurrently caught species in three of the samples, while smelt was the only concurrently captured species in one sample. It seemed warranted, based on time of occurrence and concurrently caught larvae, to designate the damaged larvae in the former sample as yellow perch. The identity of the larva in the latter sample, which concurrently contained only smelt larvae, was probably an alewife. This larva was 4.0 mm in late June, which was considered too small for a smelt hatched during spring 1978. Of the 19 remaining 1978 samples containing damaged larvae, 15 samples contained a mixture of known species, making determination of the identity of these damaged larvae difficult. Proportionally assigning damaged larvae to species, based on the proportion each of the known species made up of the sample would not result in any significant alteration of the results for these species with two notable exceptions. The sample taken at beach station Q (south discharge) on 7 June would have contained an inordinate density of yellow perch i,f 66.7% of the damaged larvae were speculated to be yellow perch. Length-frequency data show that larvae causing the high density of damaged larvae were 5*0 mm and were more likely unknown minnow or spottail shiner larvae. Additionally, the size range of 3*0-5»0 mm of damaged larvae caught at station N (9 m, north) at the 2-m depth stratum in early July 1978 makes it more probable that they were alewives and precludes their classification as smelt. Four samples collected in 1978 contained only damaged larvae. With the exception of the larva caught in late June at station F {I5 m south), which we believe was a smelt based on its total length of 19 nftm, all remaining damaged larvae in these samples were probably alewives. 1979— Of the k2 samples collected in 1979 which contained damaged larvae, I8 samples would require adjustments of less than 10% if damaged larvae were proportionally assigned to concurrently captured species. Thirteen of the samples contained a single concurrently caught, known species, and assignment to that respective species would not have altered our conclusions about these species. Similarly, proportional assignment of damaged larvae in samples which concurrently contained a mixture of known species would not have significantly affected our conclusions about the distributional and abundance trends of these species. There were only four samples collected in 1979 in which only damaged larvae were found. It is probable that those damaged larvae observed in early June 1979 were smelt; whereas, those observed in early July were alewives. 317 1980— Of the 2k samples containing damaged larvae in 1980, only 5 would require adjustments of more than 10% if damaged larvae were proportionally assigned to species. In four of these cases, alewives were the lone or predominant species, and it is probable that damaged larvae in these samples were mostly alewives. In the single case of the sled tow at beach station R (north discharge) on l6 June I98O, there appeared to be equal probability that the damaged larvae were yellow perch or alewives. In all cases where damaged larvae alone were caught in the sample, the resultant densities were too low to cause a significant change in our results. FISH EGGS I ntroduction Occurrence of fish eggs in the study area gives added support to the contention that the inshore zone near the Campbell Plant is used as a spawning site for a number of Lake Michigan species. While the nondescript appearance of many fish eggs precludes their identification, we can, based on our knowledge of the biology of indigenous species, make some speculation on the identity of eggs collected. We feel that the majority of fish eggs in our samples were those of spottail shiners and alewives. Additional species which are thought to spawn in the study area are yellow perch, trout-perch, smelt, emerald shiner, burbot, slimy sculpin, ninespine stickleback, johnny darter, white sucker, longnose sucker, gizzard shad, lake trout and coregonids. Due to the fact that slimy sculpins and ninespine sticklebacks lay their adhesive eggs within nests and johnny darters lay their adhesive eggs on the bottom of submerged objects, it was unlikely that we sampled the eggs of these species. White suckers and longnose suckers were more apt to spawn in streams, and also have comparatively larger eggs which would facilitate identification. Trout-perch eggs contain an oil globule which would aid in distinguishing it from alewife or spottail shiner eggs. Burbot eggs were eliminated from consideration due to their occurrence in late winter. No field sampling was conducted in January-March when the eggs of this species might be expected. Burbot eggs were collected during December at the D. C. Cook Plant (Jude et al. 1979b). Eggs of emerald shiners have a large per ivi tel 1 ine space which would facilitate separation from all other eggs. Eggs of yellow perch and smelt are highly characteristic and could easily be identified. Gizzard shad eggs could possibly be in our samples; however, absence of spawning adults in the area diminishes the possibility, with the exception of those eggs originating in the discharge canal. Lake trout eggs were observed in the stomachs of round whitefish collected in gill nets in November I98O, and SCUBA divers \n a non- project dive found lake trout eggs within the newly laid riprap. 318 Undoubtedly the most effective gear for sampling fish eggs was the benthic sled. This gear was only consistently used during 1978-1980, The less consistent use of the benthic sled in 1977 is a reason for the lower mean fish egg densities reported and precludes inclusion of I977 data in meaningful year to year comparisons. Seasona 1 D i s tr i but i on Apr! 1 — Fish eggs first occurred in April of only one of the k yr sampled (I978) (Figs. 91-100). Since these eggs were found only at the north transect during April 1978, we suspect the origin of the fish eggs was the discharge canal. Warmer water temperatures there undoubtedly facilitated early spawning of resident species. It is possible that these eggs were those of gizzard shad which are known to spawn in the discharge canal. Mean densities of eggs present (less than 2 eggs/1000 m^) suggested either very limited spawning, or an extremely high dilution of the discharge water with Lake Michigan water in the sampl ing area. May— During all years when sampling was conducted in May, fish eggs were only collected at the north transect; densities were less than 50/1000 m^. Again this may suggest a contribution of eggs from the discharge canal or it may reflect some limited initial spawning in Lake Michigan near the discharge. If eggs we collected were the result of spawning occurring in Lake Michigan during May of these years, it was likely that alewife or spottail shiner were the species involved. Early June — The first occurrence of fish eggs at both transects occurred in early June of all years sampled. In all years at all depth groups, except 12-15 m during 1978, north transect fish egg densities exceeded those of the south transect, which further suggests either a contribution of fish eggs from the discharge canal or a higher level of spawning activity In the area of the discharge canal compared with the reference transect. With few exceptions, the difference In mean water temperature between transects was generally less than 1.5 C. A comparison of mean egg densities among years indicates there was more intense spawning activity in early June I978 and I98O compared with 1979. which appeared to be related to water temperature. The highest inshore water temperatures were present in I978 coincident with highest early June fish egg production, while lowest early June fish egg production in I979 corresponded to generally lower water temperatures. With the exception of the high mean density of fish eggs at the 12- and 15-m south transect stations in early June 1978, there was a distinct trend toward decreased mean egg densities with increased water depth (Figs. 91-100). 319 (0) 3aniva3diAi3i ID O lO o tf> o fO fO CVJ tM 1 in ^ ; f-' , • • / c 1 / / / / _ / / - -r-^- ■/■■- ■ / / / / 1 z CO CVJ M CO u CO O 00 o 00 u - □n o ^ I M i I I » I I ^ | l l I ^ Iii I t i I i I ^.1" I ' I I I ' I i m I I I I ""x-v ^-v ''l-^ ^*^ "V«ik O O O O o £l/\l 0001 / S993 'ON 320 lO 2xl0\ IxlO^;; O O o CO § IxlO' ill 1x10 1977 AND 9M 06NSITY TRANSECT TEMP. D NORTH SOUTH ni \ \ \ \ •20 30 O 25 UJ 5 IT |l5 LU Q- •10 •5 UJ 31 MAY-3 JUN 17-23 JUN 7-10 JUL 13 JUL 25-28 JUL K> 4xl0'+ o o o IxlO'l CO CD CO UJ Ix icf. ANO 15 M 17-23 JUN PERIOD 13 JUL 25 1203 15 UJ (T H- 10 < 01 Ul UJ SAMPLING 3 Fig. 92. Density (no./lOOO m plotted on log scale) of fish eggs collected during June to September 1977 at 6 and 9 m, 12 and 15 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar represents ± 2 S. E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. 321 3yniva3diAi3i lO o o 3 < N m 1 0) ^ M * C 3 *j cd M CO O C 0) 0) 00 4J cd a •M • 60 C fH Cd c O (U o PU CO 3; s -> O 0) o < J2 rH 4J M-4 JC CO iH rH O O CO ^ •H rH 0) d • M-J Cd pO (U 4J CO N.-*' O. TJ c •H ^ 6 •H O B Cd M O d 1 cj Cd CI* o "1 /^ CO rQ TJ •H -» 0) • •H 4J rH 1 p: ^ s a CSJ cd o OJ a X • cd rH h- CO o •-) c 8 O +J u 0) lO n 1 o A 0--H OOJS %-• >.<; n3 -H 00 -M x: •H 0) •H OOtJ U 0) 00 CO d C Ij ;C d a C5 -H Cd S cd 2 0) u 0) M Q P Cd 0) rH 00 TS "M M •H 0) 1 cd Cd ^ M lO . T3 V4 ^ ^ P CO 0) u ^-> 0> 4J CO c J>% cd O M U u < O o K at M H (0 nrn Ul o o o tr Q. o 00 CO • O CO u O CM CO CO (U +1 Q) C CO U CO c < en O M B CO 0) a o > U U ^ (U -H iJ 4J CO a CO c 0) CO OJ o CO 0) 0) 00 c CO u Q) u u CO u 0) a e K 3 4J cd >-• W \ \ CO O C 0) - , N^\ , < CO fH iH O O CO •~ ^\ . 1 "^ UM (d ^ OJ 4J CO (0 □□ i\ ' ' ^ 4-4 6 -H z Ui 1 O ^ cd M o c o S a Cd a. o ,\ .^ _ ^ T3 "H Oj "^ • -H 4J rH '-^ 33 4S S a n ■^^. Kwm l"" J 3 Cd ^ a 0) a ^ • Cd rH 1 \\ i 1 1 CO C 1-3 0) . rH -\ K-Jt ^ ^ WO OOCNJ (U CO o ' — Tl "^ t O ^ ^ CO • rH 4J O CO M-l / o o C cd V4 a CM / o cd Cd 0) ? / (T 00 -» i 1 2 C -H rH C 0) ^^ >-< 0) cd 4J > P* "H 00^ ^-^ \ >» <3 TJ -H 00 4J ^ "H 0) \ •H 00^3 O 0) 00 CO C C 2J -^ C 1 \ z C -H cd S cd l'^''K!lk?K KlfcgliK^fc^i^^B^1i%f?^fc^'i^^H^^^1|i^lfcJil^;^^lifcJI^^Hfc^ii^Jii^M^I|^^^Jilfc^iK;^fc^^^^Ji . 13 d) U (DM 1 . 1 \ . *5 Q :3 cd (U th -, w — o TJ *J ^ -H 0) cd Cd ^ M m 0) 4J • 4J 1 4 A \ 0> 4J CO C >^ cd \ O M 4J M \ OJ ^ i 8EACH -^ 3 M ^ 1979 ■• FoENSITY TRANSECT TEMP. IxlO^ i.. D U NORTH / / / / / r / IxlO^ : , ]Ttl T ' 1 / 1 T lO • ii / T It ^ IxlO^ T 1 --_ 1 q T 1 4': 1 ' t~~- O o g S IxlO^- 1.:. 1 / / / •1 \ T 1 H. 'si' „''• CD y^ / / 1 w^ 1 / / / 1 / 1 u / • o / 1 / I / 2 , ,^2 / Ii- ?" / IxlO : / / i / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / .^1 / / / / / IXIO: / / / / ] „ , / / / / , / / • / / / ' ^ ■' / / / / " / / / IrlO^ / / , , / 14-16 MAY 4- 6 JUN I8-20JUN 2- 3 JUL 17-1 9 JUL i-e H AUG 20- . J 1 22 AUG SAMF 'LING PE :riod .20 ••15 •10 O UJ q: 3 < LU CL ' UJ "5 Fig. 96. Density (no./lOOO m^ plotted on log scale) of fish eggs collected during April to September 1979 at beach - 3 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the J. H. Campbell Plant eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes meai density while height of bar represents ± 2 S. E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. 325 1979 IxlO O O O CO g IXIO' 1x10' 6 ANO 9M DCNSITY TRANSECT TEMP. 4-6 JUN I8'20JUN SAMPLING 2-3 JUL PERIOD 17-19 JUL 20 15 UJ UJ i-2 AUG AMO 19 M -6 JUN 2-3 JUL SAMPLING 17-19 JUL PERIOD i-2 AUG Fig. 97. Density (no./lOOO m plotted on log scale) of fish eggs collected during June to September 1979 at 6 and 9 m, 12 and 15 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar represents ± 2 S. E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. 326 4x10 ■ IxiO' 19-20 MAY 2-4 JUN 16-18 S JUN AM 1-2 JUL 14-16 JUL PLING PERIOD 4-6 AUG 18-20 AUG Fig. 98. Density (no./ 1000 m plotted on log scale) of fish eggs collected during April to September 1980 at beach -3m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar represents ± 2 S- E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shoxm. 327 ixid* 10 2 O O o CO o 2-4 JUN 16-18 JUN 1-2 JUL l4-i6 JUL -6 AUG SAMPLING PERIOD Fig. ^^. Density (no./lOOO m plotted on log scale) of fish eggs collected during April to September 1980 at 6 and 9 m (all contours, depth strata and diel periods pooled) near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Horizontal line across each bar denotes mean density while height of bar represents ± 2 S. E. Midpoint of water temperature range (vertical line) at time of collection is shown. 328 3aniva3diAi3i CO 00 00 Q) cfl CO O C 0) •u cd a O PL4 CO a 00 c Cd 0) Cd u i- (U 0001 / sooa 329 Late June — • Trends in mean egg densities in late June of any year closely paralleled trends in larval alewife abundance (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Alewife , Larvae, Seasonal Distribution). During late June of the k yr sampled, highest mean fish egg densities were reported in 1979 and I98O coincident with the highest reported late June larval alewi f e densi ties. Higher inshore water temperatures probably stimulated increased spawning activity in late June 1979t compared with early June of that year. Generally comparable early and late June water temperatures in I98O allowed for increased spawning activity in late June of that year. Decreased fish egg densities in late June I978 compared with early June of that year were probably caused by depressed nearshore water temperatures. The reason for continued low mean densities of fish eggs during late June 1977 despite generally increased water temperatures was lack of use of the benthic sled; plankton tows alone were unable to demonstrate trends in egg abundance. As was found during early June, the highest mean densities of fish eggs were in the nearshore (beach - 3 ni) area, with substantial declines with increased depths (Figs. 91-100). An extraordinarily high mean density of fish eggs (1.05 x lOVlOOO m') was observed in late June 1979 at the south transect nearshore station group, which indicated that more substantial egg deposition had occurred in this area than during late June of any year at either transect. Early July — Considerable fish egg deposition was indicated in early July I978-198O. Again, lack of sled tow samples in early July 1977 was the primary cause of low egg densities in our samples at this time. The upwelling in early July 1979 may have caused low mean egg density (175 eggs/ 1000 m^) at the south transect; however, the north transect beach to 3"ni stations seemed unaffected. Uninterrupted contribution of eggs from the discharge canal to the north transect stations even during times of upwelling may explain this. In all years, mean densities of fish eggs at north transect stations in early July exceeded those of the south transect. The distribution of fish eggs in the study area continued to be primarily nearshore (beach - } m) at both transects in all years (Figs. 91-100). Late July — The level of spawning activity of alewives and spottail shiners in late July varied considerably from year to year. During these years, no correlation between water temperature and spottail shiner larvae, alewife larvae or egg abundances was observed. During late July 1977" 1979. mean densities of larval alewives and spottail shiners (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Alewife and Spottai 1 Shiner , respectively) diminished compared with early July of these years, apparently in response to cold-water upwel lings. Coincidental ly during these years, densities of fish eggs were generally higher in the nearshore zone during late July compared with early July 330 (Figs. S^'^OO) . As in early July of all years, north transect stations had higher mean densities of eggs compared with south transect stations. Additionally, eggs were primarily distributed at the beach to 3"""i stations; however, densities at the 6- to 9""ni stations of both transects in late July 1980 were the highest reported at this station grouping of all years or time periods. This may be related to eggs spawned in the discharge canal being pumped out to the 6-m contour by the offshore discharge, which began operation in December 1979* We are unsure, however, whether the discharge of eggs at the 6- and 9~(n north station grouping would cause increased egg densities at south transect stations at this contour. Densities of larval spottail shiners exhibited similar trends: mean densities at the 6- and 9""^ station grouping in 1977-1979 were less than 100 larvae/1000 m^, while densities at these stations in I98O often exceeded 100 larvae/1000 m^. This may be supportive of the contention that eggs and larvae from the discharge canal are being transported offshore by the discharge system, or may simply indicate that there was increased spawning activity in the area of the 6- and 9~»n station grouping compared with other years. August and Septembei — The first sampling period of August in I978-I98O showed continued spawning activity with mean densities of eggs exceeding 2500 eggs/ 1000 m^ during all years at the beach-3*'" station grouping. Again north transect egg densities exceeded south transect densities, and eggs were markedly more concentrated nearshore. Later August sampling in I978-I98O indicated that spawning activity had appreciably diminished in the area as mean densities greater than 20 eggs/1000 m^ were not observed in any year. This trend continued into September, when no densities exceeding 5 eggs/ 1000 m^ were observed in any year. Although these data might indicate very little spawning activity, presence of newly hatched larval alewives in September of 1979 (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Alewi fe ) indicates that spawning does occur to some degree in late August and September . Plant Effects A Wilcoxon signed ranks test combining data from 1977 to I98O indicated that densities of fish eggs were very significantly higher at the north transect compared with south transect stations ( a» less than .001). There are a number of possibilities which might explain the observation of higher egg densities at north transect stations. Foremost, our observations in the discharge canal lead us to believe that there are resident populations of fish which are able to spawn there successfully. We believe that eggs spawned in the discharge canal were a major component of the eggs in our samples taken at the north transect. This contention is, in part, supported by the higher densities of larvae found in samples from the 6- and 9"ni contours when the discharge was moved offshore in I98O. There is also a possibility that the offshore warm-water discharge or associated riprap and current encouraged more spawning to occur in the area of the discharge canal, and thus more eggs were found there. This contention is supported by the fact that larval, juvenile 331 and adult spottail shiners were generally more abundant at the north transect; however, alewife abundances were not significantly different between transects. SCUBA OBSERVATIONS 1977 I ntroduction — SCUBA dives were performed in August 1977 prior to construction of the Unit 3 water intake system. Diving was conducted to evaluate the potential site for the presence of important spawning and nursery grounds. A complete description is given in Jude et al . (1978); a brief summary of findings will be repeated here. Results — SCUBA observations at each of the transects swum in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant on 9"10 August 1977 are summarized below in three categories: physical, limno logical and biological. Physical Observations — (1) Bottom sediments in the vicinity of the transects swum consisted exclusively of sand, primarily fine-grained and of homogeneous size. (2) In all instances, grain, size of substrate increased with decreasing depth. A distinct transition zone (from fine to coarse sand) occurred at approximately the 7-5*ni contour. Coarse sand and occasional pebbles extended from the 7-5" to the 6.0-m contour. (3) A few areas of fine sand overlain by several millimeters encountered, primarily offshore from the 7»5-n! contour, concentrated in troughs of ripple marks. of silt were Silt was often {k) Substrate was entirely shifting-sand; rocks, gravel, clay and heavy were not encountered. si It (5) Ripple marks at stations deeper than 7*5 ni were generally small (2-5 cm trough-to-crest, 10-20 cm crest-to-crest and 30""60 cm long) and were not consistently developed from any specific direction. Larger and more pronounced ripple marks were observed from the 7-5"'n^ contour shoreward. (6) Bottom profile was flat and even; rises, depressions and sudden drop-off s were not encountered. 332 Limno log leal Observations — (1) Slight variations (1-4 C) in water temperature were noted between locations. Highest water temperature recorded (25 C) was at the 5^2-m station in front of the jetties, and may have resulted from heated discharge water flowing south and being deflected offshore by the jetties. Vertical temperature stratification was not encountered. (2) Secchi disc readings remained relatively constant ranging from 3.0 - 4.0 m. Generally, horizontal visibility along the bottom increased with decreasing depth as a function of increased light penetration. An exception occurred at the jetties (dive no. 3) where visibility increased from 2 m to 3 ni despite increasing depth. No explanation of this occurrence was apparent. (3) Suspended material was finely particulate in nature; composition of particulate matter was indiscernible to the unaided eye. Biological Observations — . (1) Loose algae were not found. (2) Macroscopic accumulations of per iphy ton were not observed except when an occasional large substrate (e.g., tree branch, rock, trash) was encountered. (3) Small (2-10-cm diameter) clumps of loose aquatic plant material were infrequently observed. A consistent pattern of occurrence was not determined but clumps appeared to occur more frequently at deeper (6-12 m) stations. Composition of clumps appeared to be similar. One sample was collected and found to be primarily the aquatic vascular plant Myr iophyl lum sp. and associated algae. (4) Several tree branches and one log were encountered at isolated locations. (5) Small aggregates (1-cm thick - approximately one handful in volume) of organic debris were occasionally observed. Debris was composed primarily of unidentified decayed material and pieces of terrestrial vegetation. Material was concentrated in troughs of ripple marks. Organic debris and floe were more abundant offshore from the 7-5"n^ contour; very little was observed at shallow (6.0 m) stations. (6) Thousands of snails ( Valvata sp.) were seen on the bottom within the south reference transects (dives no. 2 and 7) between the 11.6- and 9-l-ni contour. Density of snails was estimated to be 100-300/m^. Large concentrations of snails were not observed at other stations; often none were seen. (7) Other macroinvertebrates were not observed; however, pieces of sphaeriid and gastropod shells were abundant, concentrated in troughs of ripple marks. 333 (8) Young-of-the-year alewives (20-30 mm TL) were observed at many but not all locations. Numbers were estimated to range from 1 to 30/m^ for the water volume examined. Fish were most frequently seen in schools, although larger numbers of fish may simply have been more highly visible. During other underwater studies we have observed that YOY alewives tended to school together during daylight hours. Fish appeared to remain predominately within 2 m of bottom, but a few schools were noted higher in the water column. (9) Other species of fish were not observed, 1978-1979 No SCUBA observations were made in Lake Michigan during 1978 or 1979* Efforts were directed at the intake canal of Units 1 and 2. V I ntroduction — The underwater observation program In I98O was designed to facilitate monitoring of the J. H. Campbell Plant's Unit 3 intake structures and associated riprap areas. Observational methodologies have been devised to allow divers to qualitatively and quantitatively assess and describe physical and biological characteristics of the study area, both spatially and temporally, and explore the relationship of observed changes with operation of the power plant. Discussion of visual observations will occur in the following format: sediment, turbidity, per iphyton, loose algae, invertebrates (attached invertebrates, mollusks, and others), fish, eggs and other observations. Results — Sediment — Encroachment of sand onto the riprap area was observed in I98O. The layer of sand had increased from a trace (barely detectable) in July to about 1 mm by October. Dorr (unpublished data. Great Lakes Research Division) reported an average floe layer of 2-3 mm on the Cook Plant riprap near Bridgman, Michigan during I974-I98O. Ripple marks were often observed in the sandy areas adjacent to the riprap and at the south reference station. Generation appeared to have occurred from the west, southwest or northwest. Ripple marks observed were small with wave- length less than 22 cm, amplitude less than 6 cm and length along crests less than 25 cm. Turbidi ty — Visibility within the study area during any particular dive series varied little between the south reference station and the intake station. Secchi disc readings ranged from 1.5 to 3-5 m at the intake and 33^ south reference station. There appeared to be no increased turbidity associated with the Unit 3 intake risers* The least turbid conditions were associated with periods of warmest water temperatures. Periphyton and loose algae — One 5"cm diameter piece of riprap was collected from the intake area to analyze composition of periphyton. Twenty- six periphytic algal taxa were identified during sample analysis including 21 diatom taxa, 3 green algal taxa, and 2 blue-green algal taxa. The algal component of the periphyton analyzed was relatively depauperate and lack of the green alga Cladophora was noted. The riprap associated with the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant located farther south in Lake Michigan is similar in location and composition to that of the Campbell Plant. Although Cook Plant riprap was placed in 1972, luxurious growths of Cladophora were not noted unt i I summer 1975* The Campbell Plant riprap was basically uncolonized and free of periphyton during I98O. In the upcoming years increased periphyton colonization on the Campbell Plant riprap is expected. Because of the intake manifold depth (11 m) at Campbell, potential for growth as luxuriant as that seen at the D. C. Cook Plant is diminished. Small clumps (3-25-nim diameter) of loose algae were observed periodically at the sou^h reference station and at the sand/riprap interface (densities ranged from zero to k clumps/m^) . Large accumulations (i.e., masses or mats) of algae were not observed. Algae appeared to be the major constituent of most clumps. Macrophytes were not observed. Invertebrates — Sphaerids (fingernail clams) were observed frequently at the south reference and intake reference stations. Live specimens were not encountered, probably because only the exposed surface of the bottom was examined, not the underlying strata. Winnell and Jude (1979) found that in 1978 Sphaer ium spp. were numerous at 9-, 12- and 15-m depths, but were most abundant at I5 and 20 m in 1977* Valvata sp. (snail) were observed on the intake risers during August. The large interstices caused by the large size of the limestone comprising the riprap could contain many more unattached invertebrates but it was not physically possible to examine these areas. One Baetidae (mayfly) nymph was observed in July on the intake manifold riprap. No evidence of bryozoan or freshwater sponge colonies on the riprap was found. The attached invertebrate Hydra showed a notable increase during the period July through October 198O. Hydra were observed on the fine-mesh screens, the intake risers, and on the riprap. Although Hydra did not clog up screen openings, the potential for biofouling by Hydra exists. Colony height reached 1.5 mm by October. Lack of any heavy algal growth may facilitate the growth of Hydra . Dorr (unpubl i shed data. Great Lakes Research Division) reported that heavy algal growth precluded the growth of attached invertebrates at the D. C. Cook Plant; Hydra were observed in large numbers on sides and undersides of rocks where algal growth was reduced. Fish eggs — Slimy sculpin eggs were collected from the riprap of the intake line during preliminary dives in June. These eggs were in an advanced stage of embryonic development and hatching began within 15 min of collection. 335 These eggs were collected from small, 2-5"cm diameter riprap. The present riprap overlies this smaller-sized stone, and should provide good nesting sites for slimy sculpins. Fish eggs were observed on the sand at the south reference station in July and August. They were most likely alewife eggs and were not viable (decomposition was beginning). During July, fish eggs were also observed at the sand/riprap interface near the intake manifold. Densities were low (3"5/nrt*) . During a non-project dive in December lake trout eggs were collected from the intake line riprap i n 9 n' of water. Several were in the early stage of embryonic development. Based upon these observations, the riprap substrate should provide good spawning and incubating habitat for demersal spawners such as slimy sculpin, johnny darter, lake trout and yellow perch. F i sh — Nine species of fish were observed during the study period (July- October 1980) and listed in descending frequency of sightings (measured as presence or absence, not as numbers of fish) during dives were: alewife, johnny darter, yellow perch, spottail shiner, trout-perch, slimy sculpin, ninespine stickleback, mottled sculpin and burbot. Lake trout were observed during December (non-project) dives. Multiple sightings of all species, except burbot gnd mottled sculpin, often occurred during a dive; usually less than five were seen. YOY alewives and adult spottails were often seen in schools (alewife 20-250, spottail IO-3O) . Schools of YOY alewives were observed in September and adult spottails in July. Seasonal occurrence and abundance of adult and juvenile alewives and spottail shiners in field catches were coincident with diver observations. More fish species and greater numbers were observed at night than during the day. Fish abundance and species diversity was highest In July and August; seven of the nine species encountered during the study were observed in July and August. Number of fish observed was highest in August due to the large schools of YOY alewives. Very few fish were observed during October. Yellow perch were more active during the day, but rested on the riprap at night and could be easily grasped. Sculpins were more active and visible at night coming out of the rock interstices to rest on the riprap. During a preliminary dive in June large numbers of sculpins (10 per m^) were observed guarding nests on the smaller (2-5~cm diameter) riprap which underlies the present strata of large (l-2.5~nt diameter) riprap, which will make observations of fish very difficult in the future because of the cryptozoic nature of slimy sculpins. Although yellow perch spawning was not observed in 1980, (spawning was probably completed before SCUBA observations began) perch most likely will use the riprap as a spawning substrate. Johnny darters were more active during the day than night but were more alert than yellow perch at night. Schooling was observed for alewives and spottail shiners; sculpins and johnny darters were randomly distributed. Numbers of fish observed were much higher in the riprap area of the intake manifold than either sand substrate reference area. Dorr and Jude (I98O) reported similar observations at the D. C. Cook Plant. Only one johnny darter 336 was observed at the reference station south of the plant. Spottails, trout- perch, and smelt were observed at the reference area adjacent to the intake mani fold, all at night. Other observations — During July and August large numbers of dead and live adult alewives were observed inside the intake risers. These fish were obviously residents of the discharge and intake channel. They apparently swam through the intake line into the risers; quillbacks and spottails were also observed. Dives in the intake channel revealed a large population of adult alewives was present. They were observed orienting themselves against the flow from the intake pipe, apparently feeding. Alewives were observed well i nto the i ntake 1 i ne. Summary and Conclusions — Twelve dives were performed during the period July-October I98O: three during each month. Both sand and riprap substrates were examined. The sand and floe covering the riprap was about 1 mm thick by the end of October. Periphyton growth was sparse with a notable absence of Cladophora . Disturbance of the area due to construction activity (mechanical scour) and the 11-m depth probably limited Cladophora growth. Sphaeriid shells were frequently observed on the sand substrate, but not on the riprap. Unattached invertebrates were rarely observed in the riprap area. The attached invertebrate Hydra became increasingly abundant during the study period. They were most noticeable on the intake risers and screens. Alewife, spottail shiner, slimy sculpin and lake trout eggs were observed on the riprap in I98O. Nine species of fish were observed during the study period. Listed in descending order of frequency of observation they were: alewife, johnny darter, yellow perch, spottail shiner, trout-perch, ninespine stickleback, slimy sculpin, mottled sculpin and burbot. Lake trout were observed during December (non-project dive). Young-of-the-year alewives were abundant during September. They occupied the upper one third of the water column over the intake manifold. Large numbers of slimy sculpins were observed nesting on the riprap during preliminary dives in June, but dumping of additional (larger) riprap over nesting sites most likely decreased successful incubation of their eggs. Numbers, species diversity and activity of fish were highest at night and were much higher in the riprap area than in sand substrate areas. Seasonal abundance of alewives and spottail shiners, as determined from diver observations, coincided with field collections of these species. Due to construction activities this study did not begin until July and therefore complete seasonal trends in biological activity and abundance could not be documented by diver observations. A more intense sampling effort will be undertaken during I98I. Observations will be made from April to November and a complete pattern of biological activity will be documented. In conclusion, compared with the surrounding inshore zone of the lake (I5 m or less), the riprap area has created an atypical, more diverse and more sheltered habitat which attracts fish and other biota. The riprap area is now in its early successional stages. With the passage of time, this area should exhibit increased species diversity and abundance. 337 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS INTRODUCTION This report summarizes k yr of preoperational fishery data for Lake Michigan, with emphasis on the last year, I98O, which had not yet been discussed in detail as had the previous 3"yr, 1977*1979* 't was our intent to document the variability in the spatial and temporal distribution of larval, juvenile and adult fish near the J. H, Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Data from the k-yr study were examined for each life stage for each species. A description of spawning times, nursery areas and location of concentrations of each appropriate age-group was made. Catch differences between transects, among depth contours and years as well as whether plant operation has affected the abundance of fish species were elucidated. We prepared distribution graphs, length-frequency histograms, water temperature plots, statistical test data and summarized our findings in preoperational years. These data sets and conclusions will eventually be used as background data to evaluate any effects of 1 full year of operation of Unit 3 on the Lake Michigan ecosystem, particularly as it relates to fish. TOTAL CATCH During our if-yr study, 48 species of fish representing 17 far! lies, were collected or observed in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant. They included a wide range of species, including marine forms (alewife, smelt, salmon, sea lamprey), a threatened species (lake sturgeon), sport fish (yellow perch, trout), commercial fish (bloaters, lake whitefish) and forage species. The yearly catch of juvenile and adult fish during 1977" 1980 was dominated by alewives in 1977 (69%) and 1978 (^9%) t while rainbow smelt assumed dominance in 1979 (38%) and I98O (44%) . Alewives were the second-most abundant fish caught in I979-I98O. Large alewife fluctuations were attributed to YOY abundance changes over the years; the adult catch has remained relatively stable over the 4 yr. Rainbow smelt produced strong year classes in 1979 ancl I98O, which contributed to the large trawl catches of YOY and yearlings observed in these years. Spottail shiner catch was relatively stable over the 4 yr ranging from 10% of the total catch in 1977 (not a full year of sampling) to l8% in 1980. They were the third-most common fish collected in Lake Michigan. Trout-perch were the fourth- or fifth-most common species collected during the study years, with I98O being the year of maximum catch. This year was marked by a strong yearling age-group and good survival of adults from 1979. Yellow perch comprised between 1 and 2% of the total catch each year, usually ranking sixth in abundance (fourth in 1977)- Large year classes were produced in 1977 and I98O, while cold inshore water temperatures in 1979t due to frequent upwel lings and cold air temperatures, caused depressed yellow perch catches. 338 The catch of unidentified Coregoninae, believed to be mostly bloaters, rose dramatically during the course of the study from 1% of the catch in 1977 to 11% in 1980- They rose from the sixth-most often caught fish to fourth. The increase is a lake-wide occurrence attributed to banning of commercial harvest by gill nets and a decline or at least stabilization in alewife populations. A number of lesser-caught species, such as lake trout, carp and gizzard shad, exhibited some catch differences over the 4-yr period. Lake trout were caught in much higher numbers during I98O (after the newly laid riprap for the Unit 3 intake was in place) than in previous years. However, lake trout were abundant at both plant and reference stations. Slimy sculpins and johnny darters (which are known to be attracted to riprap) and carp and gizzard shad (documented as being attracted to thermal plumes), were not collected in larger numbers in the vicinity of the plant. Of the four gear types used for collecting juvenile and adult fish (trawls, surface and bottom gill nets and seines), trawls collected the vast majority of fish. Surface gill nets caught the least number of fish. This gear was the only gear that fished directly in the thermal plume. ALEWIFE Alewife was the most abundant species in our catches during 1977^^978 and second in abundance in 1979""1980 (Table 55)- Alewife larvae are the most abundant larval fish during most of late spring and summer. Larval fish abundance is strongly linked to favorable water temperatures; during 1979» a year of frequent upwellings, alewife larvae catches were considerably reduced. Statistical testing of larval fish densities pooled over the k yr showed no significant differences existed between the reference and pi ant- influenced transects. Examination of alewife density data for differences between transects revealed that in 1978 more alewives were collected at the south reference transect, in I98O more were observed at the north transect and for 1977 and 1979 no differences in larval density between transects were found. Because of the yearly variability in preoperational alewife larvae densities, a single year comparison in 1981 probably will be inconclusive. For trawl catches of juvenile and adult alewives, no significant differences between transects were detected. Highest entrainment of alewife larvae will clearly occur during peak alewife hatching times, usually July. During years of extensive upwellings these peaks could be delayed until August. RAINBOW SMELT Rainbow smelt was the dominant species in our 1979-1980 catches. Many YOY and yearlings were present in our trawl catches during these latter years of our study. Smelt are an introduced marine species. Adults spawn in the spring and then move offshore, returning inshore only during upwellings (Table 56). YOY inhabit the inshore zone during most of the summer and fall, while yearlings are present during spring and early summer. Densities of smelt 339 c (0 r u o — (13 c -^ 0) 1 L. ^ O :3 (Q £- D -I -H T3 C (0 0) (. t- -H © 0) O -H a 0) (0 E - (0 0) — 01 -H O o - c « c (0 <^ (0 C 5 q1 O (D 4- (0 ^ 3 0) n ** n - - a t- 3 E -H T3 (0 U) (Q U •5 t: • c I - (0 U ® -3 C '- (0 •*• o •0 c r c o -H D > X3 3 •»- eo -^ O O - > r ^ -H > c O fl o >*" > (Q O 0) E •♦- r E -H 3 W r • w O IT) C 00 in o o) (S c •^ (0 •H -0 (0 c - 3 a < •M E C E > c a 0) Q) 3 t- -J 0. L O (0 I a © - J- r 3 jc en 4- o c (0 *- o 0) o ♦- a (Q E - c o (0 -H - 3 •M jQ (0 '^ a c 0) c O 15 -H C 3 o n (0 — (0 t. (1) 4- C/) (A O Q) «t- O) ^ (0 c (Q "D > C £- 3 > <0 .. .. ^ <^ ^ o • • • • • in in in T 00 CM CM CN 1 I I I I in in in in o C5 n CO D ^ > c - o) a flj 3 3 3 a> 2 "D "3 < t/> 0) (0 CJ 10 > (0 £- CO (0 CN 5 -- I o ♦* in — TD w '- 0) O (A r E *- «j u T3 <0 — -M c r - c 3 (0 (Q O > t. "O «♦- - © c 5 C 3 ♦- 0) © 13 3 • r © • •H CM ..a "^ t. 0) © <«- 3 £- X3 O) C O 3 C O -M o — ^ o c •H — S- O C <0 3 W U Q O) U C C £ E fli — 10 1 T3 -^ -- • in c (0 © O -^ 3 £- 5 I O -H Q. O «•- H- W 3 -H 15 •H C 0) E 0) (0 O 3 Z U < c (0 "0 c 3 n (0 c o C E O E E O E O O O C O "H 3 C (0 T3 C 3 13 (0 .. ..O O O Q O O O -^ n O IP QQ ^ ^ ^ ^ I I I t I I o o o o o o "^ "^ CN CM CM ^ ^ 0) a-H > o 3 3 © O O © -D < l/» O Z O > « - o •^ E W I. — © (0 <0 L. E 3 f- ** ♦* £. «/> -^ (0 ^ I © • O - > (0 OJ-^ £. > 3 W 3 O < 3 O Z I — 4* I — O C 4- 3 X O O I "3 © U O (P •-0 o o o o O CO n ^ in in I t I I I I o o o o o o (O (0 (0 in in r^ L. > c '^ O) a a (C 3 3 3 © < 2 -D -3 < i/> o o o o o o © • Oco^in^D»*-0 CMCMCMCMCMCM^-'O I I I I I t CM O O O O O O > I D^CMCNCM^ OO I- > c — 0) a-M a <0 3 3 3 © o < 2 -3 "D < l/) O in u +- © u o 1 I -- O) 3 3 -3 < (0 E « I © 4^ in a £- - ^ © O 3 I (/) Z 13 (O i (Q > • -^ CO E C OS 2 00 0) £ 0) — I 4- •^ (0 O w £. O 3 >■- ^0—0) •^ 4* 4- <0 1- c w *- a o o © < u E a o 00 0) 3 *B ♦* 4^ < (0 (0 L. (0 C 3 4-» c 3 c 3 -D 4^ (0 C "0 •M Ot c c c o 3 n o L. E (Q 3 1 r TJ tn 4-» -t^ (0 a £ 1 © o E -0 0) c > > <0 - 3 C in a 3 © i/i I- a > a © (0 < I/) z C3) c •^ r— L. (0 © >- c -¥* I (Q M c a O 3 10 E -n > •- 4^ © • > C H O) O (0 K 3 Z TJ < « C • I £- 3 -- C Q.n 3 3 < (0 -D -3 3 V 3^0 larvae were low compared to other major species in the area. A statistically significant catch difference (more caught at plant transect stations) between transects was documented for larval smelt in 1979"1980. Since rocky substrate from construction of the offshore intake and discharge system existed during 1979 and 1980 from near shore to 1 1 m, smelt were thought to have spawned there. Survival rates were also expected to be higher in this habitat, thus contributing to the higher larval densities recorded there. Adult and juvenile trawl catch statistical analyses revealed no significant catch differences in 1977 between transects; however, in I978-I98O significantly more smelt were consistently taken in the vicinity of the plant along the north transect. Trawl catches were comprised of mostly YOY and yearlings, which were present in higher abundances in the plant area. Construction of the intake structures during 1979" ^980 corresponded with years of maximum catch differences. In 1978, when no intense disruption of the study area by construction activities occurred, catches were similar between transects. Increased food supply, the riprap or currents in the vicinity of the plant apparently attract YOY and yearling smelt. SPOTTAIL SHINER Spottail shiners are benthic minnows commonly found In the vicinity of the Campbell Plant. They were consistently the third-most abundant fish in our catches, being caught during every month sampling was conducted. Spottails migrate shoreward from deep water starting in April and May, spawn during June and July and remain inshore, usually in the beach zone to 9 nn of water, until late fall when they migrate offshore (Table 57) • Larval spottails are abundant in the beach zone to 3 nn where most spawning occurs. YOY migrate to deep water in October. Spottails feed on benthic organisms, but are seldom eaten by piscivorous fish in our study area. Timing of construction activity in Lake Michigan was correlated with statistical differences in catches noted for larval, juvenile and adult fish, making definitive statements about plant effects difficult. In 1977. when the thermal discharge from Units 1 and 2 was onshore, no catch differences between transects were noted for larval or adult fish. From 1 979*1980 however, coincident with initiation and near completion of intake and discharge structure construction in Lake Michigan, larval, juvenile and adult fish were statistically more abundant in the vicinity of the plant. Reasons for the increased abundance of all age-groups of spottails at the plant transect are not clear; however, increased food supply, because of bottom disruptions in the area and increased spawning substrate provided by the riprap (which extended all the way to shore) are two possible causes. Entrainment of larval spottails during future years is expected to be limited to fish which spawn on the riprap in the vicinity of the intakes. To date, the overwhelming majority of spawning occurs in the nearshore (beach to 3 m) zone, where larvae were most abundant. Since YOY spottails are generally demersal and most often found inshore, they probably will not come in contact 3^1 Q) 4^ -H Q) u c c > c C «0 (0 c •^ (0 T3 ^ •H -0 g C c E (Q C g 3 3 E '- 3 1} 13 O 13 (0 (0 . u tt < n • 4-) ' rr cs • • •• c in ' n ..^ o • 0) ^ in .. .- CM in 1 rr n O ^ c^ n O 6 ^ 4- a^ O O 1 CM -^ in cr O ^ ^ ^ 10 C0 RJ O) 3 E ■«- CN "^ I » 1 1 U '- >'^ 110-^ Ol > C E I 1 • CS in u> tn 0) 1 (0 1 in o cp 1 Qi 1 0) 0) C w n in rr -^ CM C - 0) -- 0) a-*- £- C - 0) £- "^ C Oi (0333 3 3 0) u a 3 3 3 a 2 -D -D < -D < (/) O < -D -D < < Z r r 3 O T3 - •M Z «J T3 U 0) V) 1 -H jji 1 a 0) U (0 0) ^ L. ^ J. r 3 ^ 3 r w c • c c c ■H ^ c •M c o o o • (0 £. « -M E (J E U ;. U Q> C (0 -^ E U) E (0 E E © •t^ 0) U -H .. o -^ .- CM .- ^ a-H (0 a CO O O 1 O i O '- o o ^ E — (0 E ^ CM i 0) (D Q) 1 Q) ^ -H -^ in -M -»- in -M -^ — +- to •H E 1- a CM W CM (0 CM w CM (0 (0 - 1 -H 1 -M I ^ 1 g -H •D -M I^ E (0 -- E CO - E (0 '- E CO C 5 C (Q »-• 1- »- E V E S E E 3 0) .. fo ^ -H J3 c - S J- .o •^ O •»- U « CO (0 ^ o — o 13 D «•- (0 -^ c - > ? £ — -H E c ^- (0 — E (0 > c c • •• *. £- -^ u 0) > £. (. (Q U 3 CO a a 10 -H •M C •M < -M Z ♦* < < > > C 3 CO 3 (0 in (0 L. L, n -D c c c c (Q O U) -^ E E - E -^ E -^ — E ««- r (0 £- £- E ♦^ 0} ^ .- .- ^ .. 4^ .- +- 0) D W (/) U) D u c O C u c c t/) a c 3 > 0) (0 (D (0 0) (0 -^ Q < (0 o u Q T3 Q -D C r ^ 1 z 1 c 1 C 1 C 3 • • (0 O > — 3 £- 3 ;- 3 (0 > (0 C 00 (0 c 3 i3 an an a (0 in o> z •- -D (0 < (0 < (0 (0 z -H 1 5^ — (0 r^ c £ — t^ (D 0) CD ^" {. '^ ^ "M s. > (0 3 to (0 o (U "0 -1 > > < 3^2 c c •^ (0 J- O) 3 - •a r r o "0 - U U 0) 1 0) ^ 0) — (0 £- «- -J D O "HOC (Q ^ L. C 9 13 3 M- « -^ O 0) - > £ ^ -M ^ « -^ > c O (0 U >'" > (Q O 0) E «*- H E -M 3 W (/> a C • w O r^ C 00 in o 0) CD -H I »- Bj r* la - r* (Q (D 0) 0) > c •^ (0 ^ T3 (Q C ^ 3 tt < C (Q O) 3 E > C O E 0) 0) L. w 0) I a o ^ J- r 3 JC (0 •HOC E (. E Q) O > O to to • in • • "^ in • in in -^ "^ r) I I I I CN O O 00 n f • • • • in in ^ ^ ^ -^ > c ^ o) a (03330) 2 "D -3 < (/) C o E E O o 00 in .- •- I rr o ^ to t^ • I I in to to w ■ CM CM n Q vo I CM O) a-H > 3 o o o < 00 o z in o t^ c o • - E CJ O E in in o • n "H CM CM (0 I I o in 00 E -^ 0) (*3 c — a « 3 3 < 2 -D -3 ^ O oo O in rr tj- ^ •>'»-»--.-^^<.- O"^ <0 I 3 i O I (D I zto'Dtootooin £- C O) > a 3 3 o < -D < Z - c •- C U U t^ E • r* E • • O . (J in o in o CM n CM o 1 -H CM 1 ♦- CM O tn 1 O tn 1 • -- • ^ ^ B-^ ^ e^ c o E E O • -H 3 (0 < o E T3 C •- (0 a 0) — t/) 3 1 "D (0 c •^ « to I I ^ E "^ 10 • o a E o t/) o c o I "H OJ c 3 (ti < "D C T3 3 - 13 Z (Q >- O >- 01 n L, -H t- -H 3 « 3 (0 O •H C -H C C C E E U E U E E E O • 1 E > E in H in -H -•- w c^ -- w to 1 1 1 1 -^ E ^ ^ E - 3 T3 • (0 (0 — 3 N r -D •^ - < O H- c 3 •H -3 C (0 -^ o c e ^ c •- "H (0 • c a- 0) (0 (0 3 0*0 -D 1 C > J C 3 ® C ajD r 3 3 T3 < 3^3 with the Unit 3 intake screens, which are situated off the bottom in 11-m water. However, some movement off bottom was documented for juveniles and adults, as between 0.1 and 9«8% of surface gill net catches during 1977"1980 was comprised of spottails. In addition, spottails may be vulnerable in the fall during seasonal movements offshore. TROUT-PERCH Trout-perch was the fourth-most abundant species collected during the 4- yr study period comprising from 1 to 3% of the total catch. They are a demersal species, which reach a length of 160 mm. They feed primarily on benthos and are seldom fed on by piscivorous fish in the study area. Trout- perch have an extended spawning period from April through August (Table 58). Most fish were caught by trawls. Trout-perch were caught mainly at night and they exhibited a diel horizontal movement toward shore during the night and back to deeper water during the day. We have not collected large numbers of trout-perch larvae because we believe so few adults spawn during a given month that their larvae are never very abundant. Entrainment potential of trout- perch is expected to be negligible because of their demersal habit. We statistically compared the juvenile and adult catches between the reference and plant transect 6-m stations in 1977 and found no significant difference. In 1978-1980, a significantly greater catch was registered at the plant transect station L (6 m, north) compared with reference station C. One year (1979). contributed to the significant AREA and YEAR X AREA interaction. During 1979f maximum construction activity on the new intake system in Lake Michigan was transpiring. Food stirred into the water column or decreased net avoidance may have caused the higher catch at plant transect stations. Trout- perch larvae data also suggest that the riprap may be attracting spawning trout-perch as almost two-thirds of the kk larvae caught during the i*-yr study were taken in I98O, the first year the riprap area was completed during the trout-perch spawning season. YELLOW PERCH Yellow perch are one of the important sport fish in our Lake Michigan catches. They comprised from 1 to 2% of the catch, usually ranking sixth in abundance. Yellow perch are offshore during the winter, migrate inshore during spring and usually spawn sometime in late May or early June (Table 59) • Exact spawning areas are unknown in the Campbell vicinity. Some spawning may occur on the jetties and on the newly laid riprap, as these types of areas appear to be optimal habitat. Larval perch are not common in our collections, but do occur in modest densities during June. They quickly grow to a size (around 10 mm) where they avoid all our sampling gear, until late July-August when many YOY are seined in the beach zone. In the fall perch migrate offshore. Catches of yellow perch during the 4-yr study varied considerably depending on water temperatures in the study area. During 1979» a year of frequent upwel lings of cold water, yellow perch apparently sought warmer temperatures elsewhere, thus depressing total catch for that year. Statistical evaluations of juvenile and adult catch data showed no significant 344 "D u ^ > c 4- O •^ « '^ 4- U.-^ aoi > "T 1 1 r 1 1 1 o -^ 1 in in Q. ^ tj '- (0 5>5 i 1 2 ' in in IT in in tn 1 in (0 to 1 01 1 c > S- U £ 1 L. If) *- CM CN > c - n rr to Q \D OJ a-H > to A A 00 in Q in 1 h» 1 00 > C ^ 0) -M £ a. a 3 OJ 3 3 3 u o «J 3 3 3 o 0)5^ < < 2 "D -D < t/> O Z 2 -D -D < O C £ £ - U u ;- •- •H 3 2 «J "D (0 U Q> 1 a 1 T3 Jt ^ 0) (D (Q i. £ c • c "O C i- 4- «I 3 £ (0 u a • t. ^ y ^ •HOC E U U -H E CJ •M Q) C « 4- £ CN O E c — o <0 ^ JL t. rtJ — - £ E E « (0 n e iD £ E (0 £ 3M- c (0^0 > d) >» > C (Q - E o . > >-H E > c ^ 2 0)£ •H C C 0) £ — 4- 4- (0 -^ > c c C > - Z > a « > 4^ (B r •^ - E 01 c (0 £ O (0 °>- -^ •» -^ (Q U « 4- 4- -^ 4* (0 > to -H (0 (0 to C £ £ <0 t. T3 0) 3 -^ < 2>i^ > a c ' 5 Q. Summary Ips for 1 In the v1 iE c z © c H^B 4^ £ a 0£ 1 C C > a C»- (0 4* £(0 44 O LO O -Sep: r ;ommon 1 plant . -Sep. •- c > E Z E Dec; d ng thr at Ion ng nig to de r durl tlvely hes Ma abund ul . Dec; h h usua hore s| atlon) (0 0) c c Aug w1 but s| r Apr-! 58. onsh 980 ' 1 -^ u ■^ ^ 9 n O JC "D 1 u to t. ^ 1 - -1 I- u •- a c M. 3 < 3 -D 0) u 3 C < 3 £-;-caj-04- — 4^(0 J-4-CO)(0>CO ato-^— aflJ3u t. ■^^ h- 1- '- -J 4- L. > (0 3 "0 to (Q O —1 > > < 3^5 c c - 3-^ «M T3 2 (0 T3 « 1 0) ^ fl) -H «0 {. U -J 3 O •H - C CO — t- (.0 0) © O -H a tf) £ £ (Q O U 0) ♦* i- c c (Q :s (0 o — c ^ a o - ^ © -- -M > — 3 0) U -H J3 -- ^ a t- 3 E •M -O (0 (0 (Q O "5 T3 • C I 0) c - (0—0) T3 C £ C 0) -H 3 > 13 3 H- (0 -^ O 0) - > r ^ ♦* ♦- (0 -^ > c «*. i. -^ O (0 U >*" > (0 0) s «*- r e -H 3 w I/) a c r • w O O) C 00 in o 0) U »- r- (Q 0) 0) 0) U > c - (0 (0 C - 3 O 13 q: < ■M E C E (0 O) CO > c a 0) 0) 3 t- -I o C3 I a J. r 3 r to -HOC «J -M o t- (0 -^ ffl u -H a «s E - 0) o I- a c o (0 ♦- ^ 3 flj — a (. CO -H (0 .. CM in • < • • O r^ O) -^ I I I i f* O CN < in ^ "^r < > c -- (0 3 3 2 -D -3 3 < C O C 3 O 13 to -^ (Q L. Q) -H CO (0 Q) Q) c o • E U E .. o ^ I 00 -H r^ CM OT en E (0 (0 s. 3 O C 4- <0 u c e • £ E £ o n 1 u I r r o >* u «0 » (Q 0) O (D JQ £ 13 in c o E .- E 0)0 c 3 O > 3 < (0 -3 > to "0 (Q O C C 2 £ -- « C o £ £ O u c o £ £ O u ^ IP 0) ^ 1 1 1 o in in in 0) •*- CM C^ CM O 1 1 in ,1. 0) a -H en 3 3 u -D < I/) o c • o u • £ U £ 0) -^ in u I CM 4- ^ CM 10 I O -H "i- £ « to ;. 3 O 4i« C -M O (Q O in c o • £ £ £ O 0) I U I r r (0 to (Q Q) O 0) i3 £ 13 .. rr Tt ^ ^ -^ ^ -^ "^ CM n ^0 n O) -^ -^ -^ -^ "^ in I I I I I « O "^ in in in in in in 0) i incM^TTO)0)Qin I O c >c— o)a-H"^ a (0 3 3 3 Q) a < 2 "3 "3 < t>l O - c (J o • E U 0) £ • o o d I I •«-• 00 ^ 10 • o *- CM £ (8 (0 3 o •♦■* ■ C -M (Q u c £ • 1 £ £ in £ '- O 0) I U i r £ O -H O (0 (0 (0 0) O 0) X3 £ X3 ^ ^ Tf ^ rr rr CO tp n ^ n en CM CM en n n en t I I i I I I ^ inininininin u n '"T -^ 0) O "^ CN 0) » ^ ^ -p- -.- — Q in I en a (0 3 3 3 ® u < 2 "D -3 < 00 O CJ o • £ O in £ . o -^ CM U CM CM I I <¥* r* O to . O -H - E (0 CO £. 3 o ■♦-» O (0 u in c o £ •• £ o • d) u a O Q) 1 •♦-» t/) — (0 3 O C -3 £ - o c o £ - £ O I 0) O — O 3 1 V -3 • L. to a a o c 0) < £ -^ CO O) c c o • £ £ £ O 0) I U I r £ o -M o (Q to (Q 0)0 0) £ E 13 C3» C c • - o a c E 0) 3 • -£(/) (0 o I a • 0) u c to c O 3 3 1 -M -3 ^ -3 (.to (Q a o c 0) c < £ — CL '^ 3 < 346 differences between transects in 1977 and 1978. In 1979 more fish were caught at the north transect; however, as noted, 1979 was a year of low catches and the low sample size at 6-m stations decreased the validity of inferences about results. In I98O, more fish were caught at the south reference transect. Again, catch differences between transects for I98O were not consistent and one spurious high catch in September was thought responsible for the significant catch difference result. Therefore, it was our belief that no valid and consistent differences in catch were present for yellow perch. A similar finding was rendered for larvae; no overall catch difference was apparent between transects. However, more were collected in June 1979 at the north (plant) transect. Depending on the extent spawning perch use the riprap, we may see consistently higher numbers in these areas in future years. Entrainment potential for yellow perch could be high as a result, since newly hatched larval perch (5-6 mm) move passively with^ water masses. Once they reach about 10 mm (growing at a rate of about 0.1 mm/day), they are very mobile and we rarely collect them in plankton nets. Depending on how these larger larvae react behavioral ly to the intake screens, even perch this size have the potential to be entrained, for example, if they perceive the structures as escape or concealment habitat. UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE Members of the subfamily Coregoninae are very difficult to separate consistently; therefore, we use the subfamily designation. Most are believed to be bloaters. Members of this group were part of the historical complex of whitefish species, which inhabited all parts of the lake. With invasion of the sea lamprey, overfishing and introduction of exotic species, most members of the "chub complex'* became extinct. The bloater is one species, the smallest in size, which has survived the upheaval in low numbers. Recently, due to banning of commercial harvest with gill nets and a long term decline and stabilization in alewife populations, this group is expanding. They went from 460 in our collections in 1977 to 893^ in I98O. We sample only the fringes of this offshore population (they prefer cold water) and most fish collected have been YOY and yearlings. Bloaters are inhabitants of the deep basins of Lake Michigan and they are only found inshore during upwel lings (Table 60) . They also spawn in very deep water during winter (72-108 m) , but we have collected some of their larvae inshore. Bloaters feed on benthos and zooplankton and traditionally were the mainstay of lake trout diets. We have not found any fish we could identify as bloaters in the stomachs of piscivorous fish collected to date. Larval bloaters were collected in highest numbers during I98O (^9), while combined catch for 1977-1979 was only 11 larvae. These were too few fish for definitive statements, but larval densities on the south transect were twice those of the north in the beach zone during April, the month of highest catch in 1980. For juveniles and adults, trawl catches in I978-I98O on the north transect were statistically greater than those on the south transect. This difference was most pronounced during 1979 when construction activity in Lake Michigan was at its peak. Increased turbidity may have decreased net 347 c (0 CO a r o «H O O (0 ■^ ;- (0 >«-• O Z M- £- C O E > > E 3 "H I/) C J" O • (0 -^ o > > c -^ (0 (0 c ^ 3 0^ < •M E CUE (0 c w > Q) a 0) -J 3 £- O o. (. C3 0) a t- -^ 3 r ** £ w (0 u c ;- -H o S (0 0) — K 0) « 3 (0 i. (/) (0 CM > 0) > t. in u 00 in CM CM to ;. 3 o 4-* c o u CO ;. a •- o E w • 10 lO • u O -^ (0 CO £ I 4- «^ (0 fO (. £ C -H O (0 in E ^ E — I O '- C*3 U (0 '^ 00 "^ 0) r* r-» CO CO III! CM in in ^ (0 (D (P U) a-H > u 0) u o 0) (/I o z o o (0 in o £ "H (0 o c o CO £ CM £ I O ^ O •H £ (0 O CM £ *- I ..vp £ 4- in (0 T c r o u E (0 E o o 00 u c o 10 -M C 3 n 10 -^ (0 s. (fi 4- (/) CO > T3 C (0 c a en 3 C 3 (D 0) Q) > -J 4- L. L, (/I (0 (0 T3 C (0 (0 u o E c u 0) c Q 1 E • a E > 0) o o 0^ u z o •- ^ in o rr CM M in O -- ^ -^ •»- I I I • O O in O O -^ CM 0) -r- «- — c -- c» a 3 3 3 © -D -D < l/» CM 4- I (0 r3 o E -M (0 J C O n E CM £ I o en o £ 0) 4- I (0 (O E -H <0 E C O in E ^ £ I o T3 c (0 -M C (0 3 -D ! = © c (/) o 1 E • C E - 3 3 -3 U -3 © C C» U O « C C E C -^ « £ — (0 "D © O (0 C U r^ O -H © 3 C t^ C 3 t. C 1} -^ 0) 3 D O -^ (0 W -^ an © t CO O • (0 c -^ 3 o 0) v 1 10 (0 E ♦i* (0 u c CO g CM g 1 CO u c (0 £ o • 4- £ -M O in n 7 c tp — © • 4- Oi 5 5 c a O T3 C 10 £ C 5 • • E (0 (0 > a o a'- © u c (/) ;. to 3 « I 4- -D • © c w -- 3 O C 3 O -D E -^ -3 ♦- 3 CJI © © .0 13 O O T3 T3 © © > > © © © © 03 CQ Ui 348 avoidance leading to the higher catch or increased densities of suspended food organisms in the water column may have attracted fish. Most fish trawled were YOY and year 1 i ngs. FISH EGGS Collection of large numbers of fish eggs in the inshore zone of Lake Michigan emphasizes the importance of this area as nursery grounds. Most eggs we believe to be those of alewife and spottail shiner, but a number of other species are not precluded. Other species, such as sculpin and johnny darter, lay their eggs on the undersides of rocks and only SCUBA observations confirmed their presence. Yellow perch egg masses are also suspected to be laid in areas of rocks that we cannot sample with our standard gear. The benthic sled was the most efficient gear for sampling eggs. June was the first month when high densities of fish eggs occurred; maximum densities occurred in late June. September was the last month in which eggs were observed. However, lake trout eggs were discovered by SCUBA divers in November. Highest densities of eggs were found in the beach to 3""^ zone, with diminished quantities farther offshore. Considerably more eggs were found at the plant transect than at the reference area during 1977"1980. Source of these significantly higher quantities of eggs are thought to be the onshore and offshore discharge of eggs spawned in the intake and discharge canals. Undoubtedly, the offshore discharge of warm water, currents and riprap encouraged spawning in the vicinity of the plant in I98O. SCUBA OBSERVATIONS Underwater observations of the Unit 3 intake and discharge area during 1980 were designed to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the physical and biological characteristics of the area. We also assessed how the wedge-wire screens and their associated structures and riprap were used by the ecological community, monitored colonization of the screens by algae and invertebrates and documented what fish frequented the area for cover, food and spawning. We found that sand had encroached onto the riprap area in I98O. Regarding visibility (water clarity), no differences between transects were observed. A rock examined for per iphy ton contained 26 species of diatoms, 3 species of green algae and 2 species of blue-green algae. No Cladophora was observed, which was unexpected, since Cladophora is a common green alga which attaches itself to plant intakes, breakwaters and other solid objects in the photic zone of Lake Michigan. The riprap was newly laid in 1979 and early I98O, and we found that it was basically uncolonized and free of extensive periphytic growth. Fingernail clam shells were frequently observed at both transects, and a snail ( Valvata sp.) was observed on the intake risers in August. Hydra , a coelenterate, showed an increase over the period July-October I98O. They were found on the wedge-wire screens, intake risers and riprap. Slimy sculpin eggs were collected from the riprap in June, while suspected alewife eggs were found on the sand at the reference station in July-August. Lake trout eggs were collected from the riprap in December I98O. Nine species of fish were observed during the study including: alewife, johnny darter, yellow perch, spottail shiner, trout-perch, slimy sculpin, ninespine stickleback, mottled sculpin and burbot. Lake trout were seen in November. Higher abundance and 349 diversity of fish were observed at night. More fish were on the riprap than at comparable sandy areas on the south transect, demonstrating the well known fact that fish are attracted to these rocky areas. During July-August, many dead and live alewives along with with live spottails and quillbacks were observed within the intake risers. These fish are believed to be residents of the intake canal . 350 LITERATURE CITED Amundrud, J. R., D. J, Faber and A. Keast, 197^* Seasonal succession of free-swimming perciform larvae in Lake Opinicon, Ontario. J, Fish. Res. Board Can. 31:1661-1665. Anderson, R. C. and D. Brazo. 1978. Abundance, feeding habits and degree of segregation of the spot tail shiner ( Notropis hudsonius ) and longnose dace ( Rhi nichthys cataractae ) in a Lake Michigan surge-zone near Ludington, Michigan. Mich. Acad. 10:337-346. Armstrong, J. W., C. R. Liston, P. I. Tack and R. C. 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Fish-Cult. 42:118-119- Zeitoun, I. H., J. A. Gulvas and D. B. Roarabaugh. I98I. Effectiveness of fine mesh cylindrical wedge-wire screens in reducing entrainment of Lake Michigan ichthyopiankton. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 38:120-125. 362 INDEX TO FISH SPECIES Alewife, 55 Black crappie, 305 Bluegill, 306 Bluntnose minnow, 308 Brook silverside, 307 Brown trout, 292 Burbot, 299 Central mudminnow, 302 Channel catfish, 298 Chinook salmon, 288 Coho salmon, 289 Common carp, 29^ Deepwater (fourhorn) sculpin, 303 Emerald shiner, 271 Fathead minnow, 308 Freshwater drum, 305 Gizzard shad, 286 Golden redhorse, 301 Golden shiner, 29^ Goldfish, 308 Green sunfish, 307 Johnny darter, 268 Lake herring, 305 Lake sturgeon, 306 Lake trout, 255 Lake whi tef ish, 290 Logperch, 307 Longnose dace, 3OI Longnose sucker, 279 Mottled sculpin, 3OO Ninespine stickleback, 27^ Northern pike, 3O6 Pumpkinseed, 307 Qui 11 back, 303 Rainbow smelt, 103 363 Rainbow trout, 292 Round whi tef ish, 284 Shorthead redhorse, 298 Silver redhorse, 297 SI imy sculpin, 281 Smallmouth bass, 307 Spottai 1 shiner, 142 Trout-perch, 179 Unidentified Coregoninae, 205 Walleye, 302 White sucker, 264 Yellow bullhead, 303 Yellow perch, 217 364 APPENDIXES TO ADULT, JUVENILE AND LARVAL FISH POPULATIONS IN THE VICINITY OF THE J. H. CAMPBELL POWER PLANT, EASTERN LAKE MICHIGAN, 1977-1980. DAVID J.JUDE, HEANG T. TIN, GEORGE R. HEUFELDER, PHILIP J. SCHNEEBERGER, CHARLES P. MADENJIAN, THOMAS L. RUTECKI, PAMELA J. MANSFIELD, NANCY A. AUER, GEORGE E. NOGUCHI Under contract with Consumers Power Company David J. Jude, Project Director Great Lakes Research Division The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 November, 1981 Al A2 APPENDIXES Appendix 1 Appendix 2, Appendix 3' Appendix 4< Appendix 5, Appendix 6. Append i x 7 « Append i x 8 . Appendix 9* Alphabetical listing of code letters and common names of all fish species and species groups captured in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1977 to I98O A9 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during gillnetting, April to November I98O near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. * « surface gill net AlO Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during seining, April to November I98O near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan ^]k Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during trawling, April to December I98O near the J- H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan AI5 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during fish larvae sampling by plankton net, April to September I98O near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan AI8 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during fish larvae sampling by sled, April to September 1980 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan A42 Monthly length-frequency distributions of species caught during April to December I98O in the J. H. Campbell Plant study area, Ottawa County, Michigan. Catches from all gear were pooled. Length intervals given represent the mid-point of a 10-mm length group A48 Monthly length-frequency distributions of most abundant species caught in Lake Michigan during I98O in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, Ottawa County, Michigan. Distributions were segregated by gear type. Length intervals given represent the mid-point of a 10-mm length group A66 Number of fish larvae and eggs per 1000 m^ for north transect stations in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, April to September 1980. D « day, N « night, * = sled tow. See Appendix 1 for species code identification A76 A3 Appendix 10, Number of fish larvae and eggs per 1000 m^ for south transect stations in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, April to September I98O. D « day, N = night, ^^ « sled tow. See Appendix 1 for species code i dent i f i ca t i on .A9^ Appendix 11 Appendix 12. Appendix 13« Appendix ]k. Appendix 15 . Appendix l6. Appendix 17- Appendix I8. Appendix 19 . Appendix 20. Number of fish fry per 1000 m^ caught during fish larvae sampling near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, April to September I98O. D « day, N « night, * « sled tow. See Appendix 1 for species code i dent i f i cat i on A 1 09 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during gillnetting, June to December 1977 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. * « surface gill net Al 15 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during gillnetting, April to November I978 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. * « surface gill net AII8 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during gillnetting, April to November 1979 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. * » surface gill net A 122 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during seining, June to November 1977 near the J. H Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan A125 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during seining, April to November I978 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan A128 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during seining, April to November 1979 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan A131 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during trawling, June to December 1977 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan A132 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during trawling, April to December I978 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan A137 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during trawling, April to December 1979 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan c..Al45 A4 Appendix 21 . Appendix 22. Appendix 23* Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during fish larvae sampling by plankton net, June to December 1977 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan A 1^9 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during fish larvae sampling by plankton net, April to September I978 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan A 15^ Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during fish larvae sampling by plankton net, April to September 1979 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake M i ch i gan A 1 6 1 Appendix 2k. Appendix 25* Appendix 26. Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during fish larvae sampling by sled, July to October 1977 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan AI67 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during fish larvae sampling by sled, April to September 1978 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan AI69 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during fish larvae sampling by sled, April to September 1979 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake M i ch I gan • • A 1 76 Appendix 27 « Appendix 28. Monthly length-frequency distributions of species caught during June to December 1977 in the J. H. Campbell Plant study area, Ottawa County, Michigan. Catches from all gear were pooled. Length intervals given represent the mid-point of a 10-mm length group ...* o. .AI83 Monthly length-frequency distributions of species caught during April to December I978 in the J. H. Campbell Plant study area, Ottawa County, Michigan. Catches from all gear were pooled. Length intervals given represent the mid-point of a 10-mm length group * A 197 Appendix 29 < Monthly length-frequency distributions of species caught during April to December I979 in the J. H. Campbell Plant study area, Ottawa County, Michigan. Catches from all gear were pooled. Length intervals given represent the mid-point of a 10-mm length group A21 1 A5 Appendix 30. Appendix 31 Monthly length-frequency distributions of most abundant species caught in Lake Michigan during 1977 in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, Ottawa County, Michigan. Distributions were segregated by gear type. Length intervals given represent the mid- point of a 10-mm length group o. »A226 Monthly length-frequency distributions of most abundant species caught in Lake Michigan during 1978 in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, Ottawa County, Michigan. Distributions were segregated by gear type. Length intervals given represent the mid- point of a 10-mm length group .A23^ Appendix 32. Monthly length-frequency distributions of most abundant species caught in Lake Michigan during 1979 in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, Ottawa County, Michigan. Distributions were segregated by gear type. Length intervals given represent the mid- point of a 10-mm length group .A2if5 Appendix 33 « Number of fish larvae and eggs per 1000 m^ for north transect stations in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, June to December 1977- ■ clay, N N « night, * « sled tow. See Appendix 1 for species code i dent i f i ca t i on « .A260 Appendix 3^< Number of fish larvae and eggs per 1000 m^ for north transect stations in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, April to September 1978, D « day, N « night, * « sled tow. See Appendix 1 for species code i dent i f i cat i on .A268 Appendix 35 « Number of fish larvae and eggs per 1000 m^ for north transect stations in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, April to September 1979- * clay, N ■ night, * « sled tow. See Appendix 1 for species code i dent i f i cat i on .A286 Appendix 36. Number of fish larvae and eggs per 1000 m^ for south transect stations in Lake Michi.gan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, June to November 1977* D = day, N » night, * « sled tow. See Appendix 1 for species code i dent i f i cat i on • o .A30i* Appendix 37. Number of fish larvae and eggs per 1000 m^ for south transect stations in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, April to September 1978. D « day, N = night, 3i5: = sjed tow. See Appendix 1 for species code identi f i cat ion , ,A3l8 A6 Appendix 38. Number of fish larvae and eggs per 1000 m^ for south transect stations in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, April to September 1979* D « day, N » night, * = sled tow. See Appendix 1 for species code identification .A333 Appendix 39- Number of fish fry per 1000 m^ caught during fish larvae sampling near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, July to October 1977* D " clay, N « night, * « sled tow. See Appendix 1 for species code i dent i f i cat i on .A348 Appendix 40. Number of fish fry per 1000 m^ caught during fish larvae sampling near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, April to September 1978- D « day, N « night, * « sled tow. See Appendix 1 for species code i dent if i cat ion .A352 Appendix k] • Number of fish fry per 1000 m larvae sampling near the J. H. Lake Michigan, April to September 1979 N « night, * « sled tow. See Appendix code identification ^ caught during fish Campbell Plant, eastern 1 D - for day, spec i es ► A355 A7 A8 Appendix 1. Alphabetical listing of code letters and common names of all fish species and species groups captured in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, 1977 to I98O. Code Common name Code Common name AL Alewife MA BC Black Crappie MM BG Bluegill MS BM Bluntnose Minnow NP BL Bloater NS BR Burbot PM BT Brown Trout PP CC Channel Catfish PS CH Chinook Salmon QL CM Coho Salmon RT CP Common Carp RW ES Emerald Shiner SB FD Freshwater Drum SM FS Deepwater Sculpin SP GF Goldfish SR GL Golden Shiner SS GN Green Sunfish SV GR Golden Redhorse TP GS Gizzard Shad UC JD Johnny Darter WL LD Longnose Dace WS LG Lake Sturgeon XC LH Lake Herring XG LP Logperch XL LS Longnose Sucker XM LT Lake Trout XP LW Lake Whitefish XS XX Unidentified Pisces YB YP Yellow Perch Si Iver Redhorse Central Mudminnow Mottled Sculpin Northern Pike Ninespine Stickleback Unidentified Pomox i s spp. Fathead Minnow Pumpk i nseed Qui 1 Iback Rainbow Trout Round Whitefish Smal 1 mouth Bass Ra i nbow Sme 1 1 Spottai 1 Shiner Shorthead Redhorse SI imy Sculpin Brook Si Iverside Trout-perch Unidentified Cottidae Walleye White Sucker Unidentified Coregoninae Unidentified Stickleback Unidentified Lepomis spp. Unidentified Cyprinidae Damaged Larvae Unidentified Catostomidae Yel low Bui Ihead A9 •- •• fN OO I • t I O H O • i • I • I • I >*^>« >*>*>* ^ >» >* tntocntntntntntn cncncn ssd saesD^s i4i4ij»a^»4^Ni>iJ>kJ>>^»j>i-i>>iJOi-ie4«->H^H>-iouoaE->^i-»NaHiJH^^^H uououououououoouuouoouft«ua*uA«u^uo*ueuuo*uo*uo«uo« • e • • • I • • » • • * K • eBB •& • tSS •!■ •& • ^ » K cS tS •& aB cB •& • e oooooooooooo»iioo»4«Jo«Jooi-3*Jo*-aoi>ao^ONJo»-'o^OHJo»Jo*-iOM>o«-' oooooooooooouoouuouoouuououououououououououo^o ai3saaiss9(nacnsB»aBBaRBsi o o o o o OO o o I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I t I I I t I I I I I I • I I * I I • I I I * I I I I > I moi^ou^otnoooootriooiritnou^ootnooooooooooooooooooooooo cnHMBapaB4Bapa(npainHoaMHMDap>iKaaaaMPasHafia»usMaiMsM9HaiBaso4SHsB Bcnavi in vi cnv) tn tntnstnaBcnascnmtnscnaBviBviaBcnacnaBcnaskj oacdMMM H MpaH 0aHoa»3Kcn(nMfiaMoaM< icn o« or*»oir«uno«oflO»nao«p(Nf>iir»tn»f>«r>tn®tnou^tr>tf^ooa>»*"«^tf>o*'^p^'^^«/>^'*><^*^ ooo<>iOfloo«)Oo»ooif>in»n»ncoa>»n<^ornr»iooooooflDcoo»<^fNoo\o'n->-J«-izssas; 30ouio»r!u^inounr*'inr^oinccr^in*ou^rnrsiinrooir»inu~'^o«^t/^i^otnooou~inir. lou^o u^(NofNOJfn»-rnfn*roin^rnrnrn«-inou^^tr»*-»-o*-'^u^ir! oOO«O'3'3O0O«0'3OO<^'5'^0e00ooooaDaDODflOaDCDooaoiriu^iP»riiru"ir>u'iru^u~iriu"ioir»ir. vnkr. iTiTvc AlO U ^ B w o — I tl •! alll •! •! 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