Biodiversity and Representativeness of Research N atural A reason N ational Wildlife Refuges in M ontana Designated Areas Within Benton Lak^ CharlesM . Russell, LakeMason, Medidne Lakeland Red Rode Lakes National Wildlife Refuges FINAL REPORT August, 1999 Submitted to the U . S. Fish and Wildlife Service P repared by: Stephen V. Cooper and Bonnie L. Heidel M M W 1' A N A Natuml Heritaj Biodiversity and Representiveness of Researcii N atural Areas on N ational Wildlife Refuges in M ontana Designated Areas Within Benton Lake^ ChariesM. Russdl, LakeMason, MedidneLalce^ and Red Rode Lakes Nation^ WildlifeRefuges August, 1999 ©1999 M ontana N atural H eritage Program state Libi^y Building. P.O. Box 201800. 1515 E^Sxth A\^ue. Hdoi^ MT .596201800. 406-444-3009 This document should be cited as follows: Cooper, S. V. and B. L, Heidel. 1999. Biodiversity and representativeness of Research Natural Areas on National Wildlife Refuges in Montana: designated areas within Benton Lake, Lake Mason, Medicine Lake, Red Rock Lakes and C. M. Russell National Wildlife Refuges. Unpublished report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 63 pp. plus appendices. I There are fifteen Reasarch Netural Areas(RNAs) on National Wildlife Abstract Refuges administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Montana Each vjss inventDried for significant ecological and botanical attributes outstand- ing plant association exampless rare plant association^ and M ontana plant species of special concern. Tvjo more study sites with existing or prospective special management designation were also considered in tine inventory \MDrk. Biodiversity and representativeness information was prepared for each study sit^ including a profile of all v^l-de/doped and uncommon native plant association^ description of any rare plant species population^ and a summary of biodiversity significance that incorporates this new data with originai RNA designation records Related information was compiled to help put results in contEKt for each sit^ including description of environment; land LJ^ management notes^ and recognized non- biological values As a result ten outstanding plant association examples, four rare plant associations^ and four M ontoia plant ^ecies of special concern vj&s docu- mented within twelve of the study sites M ost of the study sites are located in the Great Plains complementing one another and generally representing biodiversity features not otherwise undo" specif management designation in Montana. The^ include riparian and dune system^ once- widespread grass- land plant associations that have been drastically reduced d^where and rare grassland plant associations thet have not been reported in M ontana before, uncommon forest and woodland plant association^ and suites of successional habitats associated with black-tailed prairie dog colonies Individually and collectively, these RNAs help anchor the conservation of Great Plains natural environments and their component plant associations and species We recommend additional surveys that ©ear work order and challenge cost-share ^reements betv\een tiie U . S. Fish and Wildlife Service Program, theU. S. Fish and Wildlife Service- Ecological Services Office in H den^ and the M ontana N atural H a"itage Program. Ill TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction i Study Areas 4- Methods 6 Results lo Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge 13 Mullan Trail Research Natural Area 13 CHARLES M. RUSSELL NATIONAL "WILDLIFE REFUGE 15 Fourth Ridge Research Natural Area 15 Hell Creek Potential Research Natural Area 17 Limber Pine Research Natural Area IS Manning Corral Prairie Dog Town Research Natural Area 22 Missouri River Bottomlands Research Natural Area 24" Prairie Dog Island Research Natural Area 28 Spring Creek Research Natural Area 30 Two Calf-Douglas-fir Research Natural Area 33 York Island Research Natural Area 3G LAKE MASON NATIONAL WILDLIFE Refuge 39 Lalce Mason Research Natural Area 39 MEDICINE LAKE NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE 4*1 Big Island Research Natural Area 411 Bruce's Island Research Natural Area 415 Homestead Research Natural Area 416 Medicine Lake Sandhills 4'7 Tepee Hills Research Natural Area 419 RED ROCK LAKES NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE 53 Sheep Mountain Research Natural Area 53 DISCUSSION 57 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 59 LITERATURE Cited ei IV FIGURES Figure 1. Location ofU. S. Fish and Wildlife Service-administered Research Natural Areas in Montana 4* Figure 2. Big Island Research Natural Area: Map of pi ant communities and associations 4i3 Figure 3. Tepee Hills Research Natural Area: Map of distribution of plant communities and associations 51 TABLES Table 1. Target list of Montana plant species of special concern in the study area 8 Table 2. Synonyms among scientific names for dominant graminoids 9 Table 3. Matrix of plant communities / associations by Research Natural Area "'."v it h in Montana's National Wildlife Refuges (arranged alphabetically within lifeform) 11 Table ^. Partial matrix of National Wildlife Refuge RNA criteria and sites in Montana 57 APPENDICES Appendix A. Community survey form Appendix B. Plant species of special concern survey form Appendix C. Photographs of state-significant vegetation features Appendix D. Vegetation constancy-cover sampling data - N Ot Available Online. See M T N H P for Details. Appendix E. Element occurrence records for Montana plant species of special concern Appendix F. Illustrations of Montana plant species of special concern Appendix G. Vascular plants cited in this report, by common names, scientific names, and six-letter acronyms INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study is to develop a baseline of ecological and botanical information on each Research Natural Area (RI^TA) within the National "Wildlife Refuges administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in Montana. The study results provide a reference for refuge managers and researchers, a standard for comparing throughout the Refuge system in the Region, and a contribution to the systematic evaluation of natural areas across the Montana landscape as a whole. This report presents the information on plant associations and rare plants collected at all RNAs over the t'-'vo years of study, replacing the previous Part 1 report that was submitted as a drafl, and "■-"vhich described half of the RNAs. Plant associations and species that are threatened, endangered and sensitive are central "elements" of biodiversity catalogued by the Montana Natural Heritage Program statewide. The centralised database and computer-assisted inventories focus on the state's rarest animals and plants, as well as high-quality examples of "natural" plant communities. As part of the ongoing operations, we assess the "relative endangerment of species and natural communities" (Genter 1986)^ a daunting task in eastern Montana with the relative paucity of information on biodiversity features and their location. This was the rationale in proposing an inventory of RNA biological features among National Wildlife Refiiges in Montana, emphasising community t3^es, and also considering threatened, endangered and sensitive plant species. It was designed to contribute to the statewide framework for identifying and filling representative natural areas targets in eastern Montana, to identify the features protected by them, and to increase the potential wildlife management usefulness of existing RNAs for the USFWS while also contributing to the understanding of ecological and botanical resources. From the early years of wildlife management and the emphasis on regulating mortality and productivity for individual species, the scope has broadened to managing species' habitat, habitat processes, and the fauna and flora at large. The USFWS adopted an ecosystem approach to fish and wildlife conservation in 1991-, defined as ^Protecting or restoring the function, structure, and species composition of an ecosystem, recognising that all components are interrelated" (Martin 1996). Ecosystem management and sustainability hinge on the maintenance of plant and animal species diversity as well as natural processes, including disturbance (e. g. fire, grasing), succession, and evolution. Biological processes and biodiversity can be defined at a variety of spatial and temporal scales, including genetic, species, population, community, ecosystem, landscape and regional (Noss 1983). Like the "ecosystem management" term, "natural" has acquired numerous potential meanings. A conceptual point of reference in considering "natural conditions" is comparison to the ecosystem's condition prior to European settlement, though this is not readily reconstructed in grassland landscapes, complicated by their dynamic nature at several short- and long-term scales. Using a compendium of historic information (Knowles and Knowles 1993) and current information, preliminary deductions and identification of geographic priorities can be developed. On this basis, some of the National Wildlife Refuges or areas within them offer the last or best vestiges of natural conditions as reference areas for ecosystem management. Research Natural Areas are critical to ecosystem management in the following ways: Reference and Monitoring Sites : The number of examples of natural ecosystems that remain is finite and shrinking as landscapes are altered and degraded (Noss 1987). It is judicious to manage some ecosystems for their existing natural conditions to reduce the risks associated with our limited knowledge of ecosystem functions and to insure ecosystem diversity, health, and sustainability. Many natural resource management activities can be conceived of as experiments; their outcome, including changes in vegetation, animal populations, soils quality, plant susceptibility to insect and disease vectors, and changes in future productivity are, at best, incompletely understood (Franldin 1992). As such, reference points are needed to evaluate the experiment's success. Regardless of the entity monitored, small mammal demography, breeding bird success, neotropical migrant birds, health of endangered species populations, site productivity, or impacts of road density on ungulate distribution, reference points are essential. The reference or benchmark function is one of the principal merits of RNAs and similar areas for management and environmental analysis. The availability ofRI'JAs as sites for pure and applied scientific research is closely linked to their importance as reference and monitoring sites, for which research is nonmanipulative and no ndest ru c t iv e. Broader Research Applications : RNAs provide more than a framework to answer refiige or regional management questions. RNAs are available to investigate the functioning of ecosystems and the sustainability of both ecosystem processes and community components. Theypresent an opportunity for studying given ecological processes and the natural range of ecosystem variability. Research Natural Area systems are ideally pristine examples that collectively represent the full range of ecosystem types, and the accompanying range of biota, landform, ecosystems, soils, climate, successional stages, disturbance regimes and other ecological processes (see Ryan et al. 1 99^ for the Rocky Mountain Region types identified to date and Chadde et al. 1996 for the Intermountain Region). In a similar tone, the Refuge Manual states that "RNAS are intended to represent the full array of North American ecosystems; biological communities, habitats, and phenomena; and geological and hydrological formation and conditions" as part of a larger neh-vork for understanding cumulative effects and large-scale changes. Biodiversity Protection : One of the stated goals of ecosystem management is the protection of biodiversity. The RNA system functions at the "fine filter" level in harboring populations of rare or localized animals, plants, and plant communities. The RNA system may also serve as core areas of genetic diversity for common plant and animal species and their habitats and as a safety net for little loiown elements of biological diversity (e.g. soil microflora and fauna, terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates, etc.) and their contribution to ecosystem processes. In this capacity they thus serve as part of the "coarse filter" paradigm for protecting biodiversity (Hunter 1991); all the more critical in fragmented landscapes and patchworks of management objectives. Research Natural Areas are established consistent with the Objectives Handbook of the National Wildlife Refiige System (USFWS Refuge Manual S RM 10; referred to as "Refuge Manual" in the rest of text). Their establishment rests on the Handbook policy that "The Service recognizes the importance of preserving plant and animal communities in a natural state for research purposes." They are categorised according to one or more of the following biological or physical features, consistent with their contribution to ecosystem management: A. Biological features 1. An ecological community significantly illustrating characteristics of a physiographic province or a biome.* 2. A biota of relative stability maintaining itself under prevailing natural conditions, such as a climax community.* 3. An ecological community significantly illustrating the process of succession and restoration to a climax condition following a naturally caused disruptive change. A habitat supporting a vanishing, rare, or restricted species.* ^. A seasonal haven for concentrations of native animals or a vantage point for observing concentrated populations such as a constricted migration route. B. Physical features 1. Outstanding geological formations or features significantly illustrating geological processes.* 2. Significant fossil evidence. 3. Any site containing significant evidence illustrating important scientific discoveries. *(From USFWS Refiige Manual S HM 1 Of) Many of the 15 RNAs were originally designated based on their biological significance as providing ecological communities characteristic of the physiographic area. Others were cited as having significance in providing relict habitat or habitat for restricted species. This study was designed to evaluate all of the 15 RNAs in Montana for their ecological and botanical significance as they relate to five of the criteria in the Refuge Manual (asterisked above). Ecological communities are held a.s synonymouE with plant communities, in the broadest sense, as the logical units of inventory for the RNA system. Plant communities and their variation are often interpreted as an integrated expression ofbiotic and abiotic influences (Pfister and Arno 1 9S0). This was the thinking in setting the original conservation targets each RNA, identified in terms of "Kuchler Types" (Kuchler 1964i). They are coarsely defined potential natural vegetation units used to characterize prevailing vegetation across the country. Some but not all Service-administered lands within these vegetation units may represent the prevailing vegetation features of the unit. standard establishes the upper physiognomic classification levels nationwide, the alliance and plant association (floristic levels) have not been standardised and are in progress. The latter are the levels at which targets are set. Most of the detailed classifications are from western Montana compared to of eastern Montana (Pfister et al. 1977, Hansen and Hoffman 1988, Hansen et al. 1995, DeVelice et al. 1996, Cooper et al. 1996). Nevertheless, a synthesis of vegetation research results from eastern Montana and adjoining states and provinces provides a sound framework upon which to build and incorporate the fijll breadth of Great Plains plant community diversity. This contrasts with a field-oriented approach that focuses on plant associations. This "ground up" approach was used in keeping with the plant associations of Bourgeron and Engelking (1996). Plant associations and alliances represent the existing, on- site composition as recognized in the National Vegetation Classification Standard (Federal Geographic Data Committee 1997), rather than a generalized mapping unit. While the new federal There has not been an interagency synthesis of RI^-JA information since the work by the Federal Committee on Ecological Reserves (1977) at the national level. In addition to all previously-mentioned objectives, this project contributes new and standardized information for incorporation into statewide, regional, and national natural areas efforts and applications. STUDY AREAS Eight establ ished research natural areas (RNAs) were inventoried in 1 997 and seven were inventoried in 199S, representing all designated RNAs administered bj the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) on the national wildlife refuge (NWR) system in Montana (Figure 1). Together they total 11,756 acres. The fifteen research natural areas fall within five National Wildlife Refuges (I'JWRe), including Benton Lalce, Charles M. Russell, Lake Mason (administered by Charles M. Russell), Medicine Lalce, and Red Rock Laltes National Wildl ife Refuges. They are part of the NWR System that includes more than 500 refuges nationwide encompassing over 99 million acres of land and water, supporting a diversity of flora and fauna, and establ ished for many different purposes. The five National Wildlife Refuges of this study are among the largest NWP^ in the state, including most of the NWRs east of the Continental Divide. They were established to protect specific wildlife values, briefly highlighted below. This summary provides a basis for considering the contributions of the RNAs within them to the overarching refuge goals. Benton Lake NWR was established in 1929 as a "refuge and breeding ground for birds." It is a significant breeding ground and migration stopover for ducks, geese and swans and is a recognized shorebird site of the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network. It also harbors colonial nesting bird Species of Special Concern including Franklin's gLjU, double-crested cormorant, white-faced ibis, black- crowned night-heron, black-necked stilt, common tern, forster's tern and black tern, and upland grassland birds declining elsewhere in their range. Charles M. Russell I'JWRwas established as a national game range in 1936, later converted to a national wildlife refuge in 1976 in recognition of key game and non-game species occupying its rugged terrain and extensive habitat. They include: pronghorn antelope, white-tailed and mule deer, reintroduced elk, introduced Rocky Mountain bighorn, colonial nesting birds, piping plover, raptors, mountain plovers, black- tailed prairie dogs, upland grassland birds declining elsewhere in their range, and reintroduced black- footed ferret. Lake Mason I'JWR was established in 194il and provides habitat for breeding and migratory waterfowl, shorebirds, passerines, raptors, and antelope. Medicine Lake NWR was established in 193^ through the passage of the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act, as a "prodigious" waterfowl nesting area for Canada geese, dabblers, and divers. It has been subsequently recognized for its value for colonial nesting birds, as a migration stopover, and as habitat for upland grassland birds, including upland game, that are declining elsewhere in their range. Red Rock Lakes NWR was established in 1935 through the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act as a major trumpeter swan breeding and wintering area. It has subsequently been recognized for its value for threatened and sensitive raptors, reintroduced peregrine falcons, waterfowl migration stopover, and habitat for lacustrine Arctic gf^iying. Clarke's grebe, black-crowned night-heron, colonial nestingbirds, and a host of others. Figure L Locations of US Fish and Wildlife Service-administered Research Natural Areas in Montana bine's i^md AWA Jepee\ms RNA METHODS Two sets of information were compiled for each RNA site before fieldwork. First, written information was reviewed about the RNAs. This was in the RNA estabhshment information as available from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It had previously been collected and entered by Montana Natural Heritage Program in the Biological Conservation Database (BCD) as representing recognised natural areas and public lands (Site Basic Record Database, and Managed Areas Database, respectively.) Second, U.S.G.S. topographic maps ("■&) and available aerial photos were assembled prior to or in conjunction with fieldwork at each site, and RNA boundaries were copied onto the maps. The photographs were used for site stratification and planning traverses across the major features of the RNA. Mylar overlays were used to map out areas having spectral signatures to consider for ground- truthing^ and as base maps for future map production. Often photos were not readily available, so that the topographic maps were used to guide the site traverses, focusing mainly on unique combinations of slope, aspect and elevation throughout the site. In addition, comments were routinely requested from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists familiar with the RNAs for information on biological features and management, and for information and clarification about access and boundaries. Additional botany and ecology resources were compiled in technical preparation (described separately in methods.) Field investigations were restricted to established RNA boundaries, with two additions. The Sandhills area of the Medicine Lake NWR was included in surveys because it shares some of the rare plant species features as Big Island RNA, and has a special designation as part of wilderness area. In addition, an area west of Hell Creek State Park was identified by Bill Haglan (Charles M. Russell ITWR) as possessing features potentially worthy of considering for RNA designation. We refer to the set of seventeen study sites as including the Medicine Lalce Sandhills and Hell Creek areas though they are not designated as RNAs. Ecological and botanical information collected in the field was used to expand the RNA establ ishment information, fully described in this report and summarized in BCD. In addition, the individual rare plant records have been entered in BCD, and vegetation plot data is stored in vegetation databases and draft classification documents. Ecological Methods Plant communities were identified and documented in terms of their community composition, structure and associated abiotic environmental parameters by establishing representative 1/10 acre plots (37.2 fl radius). Data were recorded on a standardised Community Survey Form as used by Montana Natural Heritage Program consistent "■-vith ECADS vegetation ordination analysis (Ecosystem Characterization and Description System, USFS 1996; see Appendix A). At each RNA, plant associations were documented that met one or more of the four following criteria; 1. Prevailing plant associations within designated areas, i.e., the most extensive vegetation features dominated by native plant species, 2. Plant associations that were the basis of original designation, e.g., the Douglas fir forest at the Two Calf-Douglas-fir RNA, 3. Well-developed plant associations that are potentially rare statewide or rangewide, and ^. Well-developed plant associations in outstanding ecological condition regardless or rarity of extent at the site. Vegetation sampling plots were placed within each major natural vegetation type based on observed aerial extent of the type. This approach provided documentation for common vegetation types, but was not intended for exhaustive sampling of localised or atypical environments, large replications, or fiill gradient representation. In some instances, a given common community t3^e may span a range of environments, in which case the attempt was made to sample the modal expression of a community's environmental range. Sampling sites were chosen "subjectively, but without preconceived bias" (Mueller-Dombois and EUenberg 1974) to meet the criteria of homogeneous vegetation composition, least disturbance, and representative setting. Plot points are mapped on U.S.G.S. topographic maps with 300 feet precision. On the first Refuge visited. Medicine Lalte, excellent quality aerial photography "was available at 8 inches / mile that served as abase layer upon which vegetation type maps could be traced. This was used experimentally as a documentation tool in mapping, The plant associations as units of inventory are fundamentally different from species targets because they are not often discrete in nature but intergrade with one another, often with changes imposed by man over space and time. Yet they are as real as for a person to say "I live in Great Falls" without regard to the dynamics or the definitions of Great Falls. In addition, they have different geographic scales attached to them in the region, over time, and within each PINA. Some plant associations were prevailing across the Great Plains landscape prior to European settlement, some were restricted to large areas set apart from the prevailing vegetation, or some were restricted to small-sised patches of vegetation. The presettlement extent of plant associations has been changed in more recent times with such changes as conversion to cropland and drainage or impoundment constructions. Plant associations were identified using major classifications (Bourgeron and Engelking 1994, Hansen et al. 1995, Schneider et al. 1997) and other vegetation literature from Montana and the northern Great Plains in general. These plant association references have incorporated extensive literature searches and are subject to refinements with new data. Some among them also present a system and compilation of "status ranlc" information that have been developed statewide and rangewide, considering past/present extent, as well as threats and uniqueness. This assisted in identifying plant associations that may be vulnerable or imperilled on a statewide and rangewide basis. Within the boundaries of each RNA, there are also differences in extent attributed to each plant association regardless of current landscape extent or presettlement extent. Their landscape and presettlement scales are noted as context in reviewing collective significance and priorities among the plant associations of all RNAs in the final discussion chapter. Other site-specific information was used for initial evaluations identifying plant associations of outstanding quality and condition, including relative species richness and exotic species component. Botanical Methods Montana plant species of special concern were inventoried and documented on the Plant Species of Special Concern Survey Form (Appendix B). Vouchers specimens were collected if population numbers were sufficiently large to avoid impact (Montana Native Plant Society 1993) and documentary photographs were talcen. ground-tru thing and digitising the vegetation of Tepee Hills and Big Island. Tentative inventory targets were identified by querying the Montana Biological Conservation Database (BCD) for all records of state plant species of special concern loiown within approximately a five mile radius of the sites. This was based on the Montana plant species of special concern list (Heidel 1997) and most current occurrence information in BCD. The data search produced rare plant records in the vicinity of the Research Natural Areas in the Medicine Lake NWR. and fourteen rare species known from the same counties as the Research Natural Areas (Table 1). Note: For purposes of this report, these species will be collectively referred to as "rare" plant species. They are sometimes referred to as "threatened, endangered and sensitive" species, but there are no federally listed plant species known in eastern Montana, nor species recognised as sensitive or watch apart from those so of the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service. Rare plant inventory was coupled with vegetation sampling in visiting the RiW range of habitats. Those habitats known to harbor rare species "were closely inspected. Preliminary floristic information was available at Medicine Lake NWR as represented by a large mounted set of Refuge plant specimens. They were examined for possible rare species and as habitat indicators. In addition, a running list of the vascular flora "was maintained over the course of the site visit, and species that could not be positively identified in the field were collected for later determination. Specimens have been deposited at the University of Montana (MONTU). The main floristic references used included the Great Plains Flora Association (1977, 1986), Dorn (1984), and Hitchcock and Cronquist (1973). Nomenclature used in this report is generally consistent with these references, except for revisionary taxonomic treatments, mainly for grasses (Kartess (1994i). This means incotporating unfamiliar-sounding names for some dominant and indicator species, particularly the grasses in the Triticeae (Agropyron and Klymus in the traditional sense). Thus, western wheatgrass, called Agropyron srmthzi in Booth (1950) and Efymus srmthzi in Dorn (198-4?), is referred to as Pascopyrum srmthii (Tables.) Table 1. Target list of Montana plant species of special concern in the study area SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMONNAKm COUNTY GLOBAL/ STATE RANK' NO OF OCCURRENCES IN COUNTY(IES) vs INSTATE Cyperus schweinitzn Schweinitz' Flats edge Sheridan G5S1 1 /* Ehdea hTigi':jagmata Long Sheath Watervjeed Phillips G^G5Sl e/* Lobelm spicata Pale-spiked Lobelia Sheridan G5SH 1/e Mirabihs hirsuta HairvFour o'clock Sheridan G5S1 1 ■ i FJmcelm thermahs Hot Spring' Phacelia Garfield, Phillips G3G^ Si e/ 3 FlagiGhothrys kptodadus S 1 ende r-b ran ch ed P op corn-fl o w e r Phillips G^Sl 1 / s Fsihcarphus hreinssimus Dvj arf Wo o 1 ly-heads Muss el Is hell, Phillips G5S1 ^/7 Scirpus hetsrochaetus Slender spikerush Sheridan G5S1 1 ■ 1 Sohdago sparsifiora Few-flowered Golden rod Garfield GPSl 1/5 'Species and communities are evaluated and ranked by the Heritage Program on the basis of their global (rangewide) status and their state (statewide) status according to a standardised procedure, using the following set of values and accompanying definnitions. Rank Definition 1 Critically imperiled because of extreme rarity (5 or fewer occurrences, or ^i^ry few remaining individuals) or because of extinction-prone factors. 2 Imperiled because of rarity (6-20 occurrences), or because of other factors making it demonstrably vulnerable to extinction. 3 Vulnerable because of rarity (21-100 occurrences) or found in a restricted range. ■4 Apparently secure, though it maybe quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the periphery. 5 Demonstrably secure, though it may be quite rare in parts of its range. H Known only from historic records; possibly extirpated but concerted searches have not been conducted 8 Table 2. Synonyms among scientific names for dominant gTaniinoids Coitiiiioii name Bootli (195Q)» Great Plaius FLoL'a Assoc. (19S6) Doru(l9S4) Kartcsz (1994) Western "'."v he at grass Agropyron srmthii 'Elymus swi tJrn Pasco pyrum srmthii Bluebunch wheatgrass Agropyron spicatum Elymus spicatvs Pseudoroegnena spicata Sun sedge Carex pensyha mca Carex pensykja mca Carex inops ssp. h^hophzla Green needlegrass Stipa vtndida Siipa wndida I'Jasella vindvla tn this report, we have crosE-referenced each species by both scientific name and common name the first time the species is mentioned under each heading, and by scientific name throughout the remainder of the section. Appendix G is added as a synopsis of common, scientific and six-character acronyms. Common names are based on the list developed by the U.S. Forest Service ofRegion 1, generally consistent with major floras and the USFWS (Dittberner and Olson 1983). RESULTS The fifteen Research Natural Areas and h-vo additional study sites encompass over 60 plant associations, including four that are potentially globally rare. The plant associations provisionally identified as significant representations of globally rare habitats include: • Douglas fir / littleseed ricegrass forest {Pseudotsuga Tnenitissii / Chy^^psis rmcrantha Forest) on Two Calf-Douglas-fir RNA of C. M. Russell NWR • Rocky Mountain juniper / Wyoming big sagebrush Shrubland (JuTizpenis scopulorum/ ArtsTmsia tndetdata ssp. luyormngensu Shrubland onFourthRidgeRNAofC. M.Russell NWR • Porcupine needlegrass — thickspike wheatgrass grassland (Shpa curhseta — Elymus lanceolatus Herbaceous Vegetation) on Teepee Hills RNA of Medicine Lake NWR • Indian ricegrass / lemon scurf-pea barrens [Chy^^psis hytnenoides / Psoraisa ianceolata Sparse Vegetation) on Medicine Lake Sandhills Wilderness area of Medicine Lake I'JWR population of hotspring phacelia {Phacdia tkermalis) was relocated on York Island. The records for the four species that are tracked are presented in Appendix E, and illustrations of them accompanied by descriptions are presented in Appendix F. This new information was added to prior information in order to chai'acterise each RI'JA by its primary biological attributes among the RNA criteria in the Refuge Manual. These also include the composite significance of landscape gradients, environmental processes, and biological processes, whether they are separate from or complementing single species and plant association features. Ten more plant associations are outstanding examples of more common habitats. Each of the state- and globally-significant plant communities are bold-faced in the following table (Table 3. Matrix of plant communities/ associations by Research Natural Area.) This table represents all vegetation sampling conducted in the course of the study for documenting plant community biodiversity significance. Most state- and globally-significant features are highlighted in photographs presented in Appendix C, and all vegetation sampling data is documented in constancy- cover tables in Appendix D. Two Montana plant species of special concern were documented on the Big Island RNA, including plains phlox (Phlox a.7id,icola.; G6 S2) and hairy four o'clock (Khrahihs hirsvia G5 S3). Both species also occur in the Medicine Lake Sandhills, along with two additional rare species, Fendler cat's-eye (CTyptanthaJendlen ; G^ Si) and Schweinits' flatsedge (C)^^TT^ jirfee'^^^^fe^; G5 S2). Each of these is a "■-"v ide spread species but rare from a state perspective. The Sandhills have the highest number of rare plant species among the study sites. We note that the Big Island and Medicine Lake sandhills field evaluations provided the basis for changing the status o^Mirahihs hzTsuta from a species of special concern to "watch. In addition, the known 10 E i i 01 C CD ir T3 at (U -3J l: o "id Z i3 w X [0 5^ 0) 3 : X [A c: B c o 5 < I 2: cc ID CO a> IT >< CO J5 o o 3 E E m Cl CO ro 2 3 ra o q: C o :3 a; JZ O X X X &< >< X 4 O ■^ ■^ >^ E If CO OJ diversity. Patterns of variation from place to place within the area may correspond with land use differences or small-scale natural disturbance such as burrowing animals. The PASSMI-NASVIR plant association occurs in Montana, North Dakota. South Dakota, Wyoming, Saskatchewan, and southwestern Manitoba. It is ranked G4 by TMC (Schneider et al. 1997). Nasella vindula is both more palatable and more sensitive to grazing than Pascopyni/m STmthzi and also has a narrower ecological amplitude. In the Yellow Water Triangle area Jorgensen (1979) notes the indicator value o^Uasella vindvla for recognising sites with a higher soil moisture status, such as swales, toeslopes and moist terraces dominated by silver sage (ArtsTmsia cana). There is a need to refine U.S. and Canadian vegetation classification as it involves this t3^e. Based on a study of relict and near pristine sites, Coupland (1961) identifies a porcupine grass — thickspike wheat grass grassland (Stipa curiissta — Agropyron dasystachyuTn Herbaceous Vegetation) as the major grassland type on dark brown and brown soil zones of southern Canada, essentially the prevaling mesic sites in landscape. Coupland notes that south of the ■4?9'^ parallel the importance value of porcupine grass [Shpa curhseta includes some or all of what has been treated as Shpa spartea in Montana) as determined by cover declines drastically and that Agropyron dasystach^m (synonym; Klymus lancsolatus') exhibits a gradual decrease as well. Shpa cwriiseta was noted as dominant elsewhere in the RNA system at Tepee Hills. DeVelice et al. (1995) documented the importance of a PASSMI - NASVIR association across the northern tier of Montana counties. They recognised PascopyruTnsTmthzi and Kly?nus lancsolatus as ecological equivalents for site identification and noted the difficulty of field discrimination of these two species based on vegetative or reproductive characters. |^Plots NHMTECMT97SOD001, NHMTECMT97SCOOOq OVERALL BIODIVERSITY SIGNIFICANCE; The Mullan Trail RNA represents a good quality occurrence of what may have been a common if not the prevalent plant association of the Hi-Line (Glaciated Plains Section) of Montana under presettlement conditions. It is a mesic, productive grassland type of the Great Plains biome, and it is estimated that over 90 % of its original p re-settlement extent has been plowed. While this is not globally 13 rare, few other occurrences are protected and documented on public lands in Montana, and they are smaller or lower quality/ condition. The absence of surrounding natural vegetation does constrain options for landscape-scale management if not also its value in having landscape context. Nevertheless, it provides a good rangeland reference and ecological baseline. The RNA may contribute habitat to previously- documented upland grassland bird Species of Special Concern including Ferruginous Hawk, Burrowing Owl, Loggerhead Shrike and Baird's Sparrow, but does not contain the wetlands that provide primary habitat for the waterfowl and colonial nesting birds found elsewhere on the Refuge. Wildlife values were not evaluated. OTHER VALUES: The RMA also preserves a segment of the Old Mull an Trail, part of a 6^9 mile wagon road linking the western-most navigable waters of the Missouri River at Fort Benton with the eastern-most navigable waters of the Columbia River at Walla Walla, Washington. laot:) USE: Prior to and afler refijge establishment in 1929, the area was grazed as a part of a large common grazing allotment. A summer-fall season grazing permit system was instituted in the 19^0s. After the refuge was staffed and facilities developed in the early 1960s, a new grazing management plan provided for a much- reduced level of summer and fall grazing. Although it is not possible to determine the exact grazing regime applied to the RNA, grazing on the whole refuge dropped from about 2,700 animal unit months (AUMs) in 1960 to 1,631 AUMs in 1966. In 1976, livestock grazing was terminated on the refiige, and the area has been rested since that time. The existing composition suggests that is was part of secondary range or more likely a relatively recovered primary range in good condition. Since the time of RNA establishment, there has been at least one experimental fertilizer application over undefined segments of the area. Refiige records indicate that it did not have the desired effect of increasing productivity or stand structure, and was discontinued. Records do not specify treatment area» application concentrations, or include monitoring. MAMAGEMENT COMMENTS: Exotic species are uncommon at present. Although both are present, populations of cheat grass (3ro7mis teciorum) and intermediate wheatgrass (AgrGpyrvfi inUrmediuTri) are at low levels within and outside the RNA. The very aggressive yellow sweetclover (Klehlotus officinalis) and crested wheatgrass (Agropyon cnstabiTri) probably pose greater threats in the long term. A narrow band of encroaching crested wheatgrass is found along the road grade disturbance zone along the west boundary of the area. Historically, fire and bison grazing were two major driving forces in this landscape, responsible for renewing the vigor of the grasses, stimulating forb numbers, and keeping shrub density low. Re introduction of appropriately timed fire is a management option to consider in containing nearby weed populations and stimulating forbs; realizing that it can help control or increase 3ro7nus tectomm a.r\.d Melilotus officinalis depending on conditions. 14 Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refiige Fourth Ridge Research Natural Area ENVIRONlvlENT: The Fourth Ridge RNA spans 1,^80 acres representing one among a repeating series of shale ridges at the northeast end of Fort Peck Reservoir. Outcrops of Bearpaw Shale are exposed at the surface. Soils have developed from this parent material and thus are heavy-textured "■-"vith clays predominating. The shale outcrop landscape is predominantly gently rolling with parts of the landscape prominently erosion-sculpted with pitches and rolls that would be registered only on a large-scale map. The semi-arid continental climate has pealc precipitation in June followed by July and May (mean annual precipitation of 1 1 .6 inches; cl imate data from Fort Peck Power Plant. Western Regional Cl imate Center, 1 956-1 997). "VEGETATION: The vegetation is made up of two extensive upland plant associations that compose a mosaic of shrubland and open woodland. The RNA does not include ponderosa pine [Pinus ponderosa) vegetation types as indicated in the establishment report, raising the question of whether boundaries need to be reviewed. ArtsTmsiiZ tndentata siip "ivyoTmngensis / PascopyruTn srmtJm Shrubland CARTTSW / PASSMI3 Wyoming big sagebrush / western wheatgrass shrnjbland This is the prevailing vegetation type on Fourth Ridge RNA. Its occurrence is close to defining the northeastern-most distribution of big sagebrush (ArtsTnisia tndentata) as a species and as avegetation type in North America, regardless of subspecies (Shultz 1 98^). This shrubland occurs on benches and gentle backslopes with fine-textured soils (silty clays to silty clay loam) weathered from shale and claystone. The amount of bare ground and litter is inversely related and highly variable, perhaps depending on past grazing history. The shrub layer is dominated by Wyoming big sagebrush (ArtsTmsia tTidentnita ssp. •iiTyoTmTigensis; the Great Plains subspecies) but total canopy cover ranges between 10-20 %, seldom exceeding 25 %, so that according to the National Vegetation Classification Standard (1997) this community is technically grassland with a shrub component. The dominant and diagnostic grass is western wheatgrass (Pascopyrumsrmthii) "with subordinate graminoids like threadleaved sedge (Carex Jihfoha), Sandberg's bluegrass [Poa sscanda)^ and junegrass (Koehna moiTrantha) attaining only a fraction of the iiQ % plus canopy cover of the dominant graminoid. The highly palatable green needlegrass {I'Jasdla vindula) is present in only trace amounts. Forb diversity is low, not surpassing 15 per plot and individual cover values seldom exceed trace amounts: American vetch (Vicia aTnencand)^ white onion (Alhutn textile), bastard toadflax (CoTrwiandra urtd>ellata)^ prickly pear (Opuntia polyacantha\ and yellow sweetclover (Klehloius officinalis) have high constancy in the community. Alehlohts officinalis is uncommon and widely scattered in this type, and may be increasing. ^Plots NHMTECFR97SC0001, NHMTECFR97SC0003, NHMTECFR97SC00063 Junzpems scopudoruTn /Ariemzsia tndentata ssp. wyormv^erisis Woodland CJUNSCO / ARTTSW;] Rocky Mountain juniper / Wyomingbig sagebrush woodland Rocky Mountain juniper / Wyoming big sagebrush woodland (JuTupents scopuiorum / Artsrmsia tndentata ssp. zvyormngensis Woodland) is an extensive t3^e within this landscape, generally occurring on higher positions with silty clay soils derived from one of the subsidiary shale members of the Bearpaw Shale. JUNSCO / ARTTSW is ranked globally imperiled (G2; Schneider et al. 1997) and is cited to occur only in Montana, Wyoming and Colorado. It is noted to grade most frequently to the ARTTSW / PASSMI community type, which occupies similar positions in the landscape. Sometimes the difference in these communities may reflect past disturi>ance, such as fire, but the mosaic pattern at Fourth Ridge as it corresponds with gentle dips may indicate edaphic microhabitat differences. The Bearpaw Shale includes mostly non-calcareous members but also has calcareous and ben ton it ic shale beds. Junipems scopulorwm is the only tree present, occurring as short-statured and highly branched forms and in a rather clumped distribution. Canopy height ranged from 5-10 fl. At Fourth Ridge, as elsewhere along this area of the Missouri River, its growth form is rounded and generally without a central axis. It is not known if 15 the peculiar growth form is genetically- or environment ally- induced. Its sporadic distribution challenges accurate estimates of canopy cover, which range from 15-30 %. placing these stands, according to the parameters of the National Vegetation Classification Standard, in both the woodland and grassland categories. The relatively species diverse shrub layer is dominated by Wyoming big sagebrush (Artermsia indsntata ssp. ^^yowin^snsis), whose variable canopy cover appears to be a function of competition with neighboring trees. Graminoid and forb cover vary depending on aridity, with western wheatgrass {Pascopyru-m svutJni), prairie junegrass (Koelena TnoiTrantha) and yarrow (Achillea Tmllefolium) in the widespread, less arid conditions, and little bluestem (Schz%acktyium scopanum), sun sedge (Carsx iTiops), and few-flowered wild buclcwheat (Kriogonurn paitcifloru/m) in driest places. Piiccindha nuttlalhaTia Sparse Vegetation CPUCNU'ri Nuttall's alkaligrass barrens This association is sparsely-vegetated with Nuttall's alkaligrass (Piu:cinnelha nuttalhi) as dominant, occurring as a broken stringer along an intermittent drainage that feeds into Third Coulee. It constitutes the vegetation band closest to the incised channel on a floot^lain position with silty loam alluvial soils; salt efflorescence was not observed but this community is loiown to occur on salt-affected soils that have a slightly wetter, temporarily inundated, moisture regime. Within the TNC tracking system this community type has been reported only from Colorado as Gl? but Heidel and Cooper (1996) have documented it from western plains of Montana near the Rocky Mountain Front, noted it in field reconnaissance, and cited it from the Canadian literature (synonym: P'u^cinnellia airoidss, Dodd and Coupland 1966). The Fourth Ridge example of this type has low diversity and is compositionally very similar to other observed Montana occurrences with Piiccinelha nuitalhana dominant at around ^0 % canopy cover; inland saltgrass {DistiMts spicatd) and povertyweed {Iva accdlans) are the only other forbs exhibiting more than trace coverages. This community grades to Tkshchihs spicata-dormn^l^d sites on drier posit ions. Wyomingbig sagebrush [ArteTmsia tndentata s^. -^yormngsnsis) in trace amounts was the only shrub noted within the plot. Within the channelway, yellow sweetclover (Mehlolus qfficiTiahs) was noted as forming extensive, virtually unbroken s'-vathes in the same position as PUCNUT and extending to the drier Distichzhs stncta association positions as well. Downstream from the PUCNUT sampling site a comparable landscape position was occupied by what has been described as western wheatgrass — inland saltgrass grassland (Pascopyri£7n srmthzi — Distcklzs spicata Herbaceous Vegetation; G^; WY, ND). This type has not been formally described from MT, but probably has been subsumed to date within the Tkshchilis sincta or Pascopyrwm srmthit community types of Hansen et al. (1996). |^Plot i^JHMTECFRgrscooo^;] Calamovilfa longifoha — Carex tnops Herbaceous Vegetation CCALLON - CARING^ prairie sandreed — sun sedge grassland There are sites occurring as tiny woodland openings at higher positions in the landscape that appear to be developed on a more erosive shale member that weathers to a fissile texture (functions as sandy soil analogue) and may be acidic in its reaction. These sites have a high percent of exposed soil (in excess of 80 %), a much reduced vegetation cover and the composition in dominant vegetation is highly variable across the landscape. They are in erodible settings, which complicates interpretation. The sample plot appears to be most similar in site and vegetation parameters to the prairie sandreed — sun sedge grassland {Calarriovilfa loTigifoha - Carsxtnops Herbaceous Vegetation) that has been identified for southeastern Montana (Hansen and Hoffman 198S). The vegetative aspect is dominated by rhizomatous graminoids, sun sedge {Carsxinops) and Cala-movilfa longifoha (prairie sandreed) with plains reedgrass (CalaTnagrostis montajienszs) and PiiscopyrwrnsTfutkii just exceeding trace amounts. We hypothesise that an acidic reaction of the substrate is reflected in the forb component dominance by few-flowered buclcwheat (Knogomim paucifloTUTn). Shrubs like prairie rose (Rosa arkansana) and trees 1 ike Rocky Mountain juniper (Juniperus scopvlorum) constitute less than 3 % canopy cover and their population structure does not indicate a change in their contribution. I^Plot I^JHMTECFR97SC00053 OVERALL BIODIVERSITY SIGNIFICANCE; Fourth Ridge RNA features a woodland community dominated by Rocky Mountain juniper (Junipsrus scopvlorum) in good condition It is part of one of the most extensive Rocky Mountain juniper woodland stands in the Great Plains portion of the state, and 16 near the northern 1 imits of its distribution. It also represents JuTupents scopulorum as dominant in a low, rounded growth form. It is not known if the peculiar growth form is genetically- or environmentally- induced, i.e, whether the plant association is appropriately recognised as discrete from all others. The rank, may be elevated accordingly. The Wyoming big sagebrush/ western wheatgrass shrubland {ArieTmsia tndentata ssp. zuyoTmngensis / Pascopyrum srmihzi Shrubland) is also near its northernmost extent, subject ofbiogeographic interest, and in notably good condition. The NuttalTs saltgrasE barrens {Pitccitmsllia tiuUalliaTia Sparse Vegetation) signifies an under-documented vegetation type of the northern plains. Wildlife values were not evaluated. Overall values are enhanced by the continuity with native vegetation on all upland borders. LAUD USE; The area is grazed by livestock. The current condition suggests that it is part of secondary range or a grazing regime that maintains good ecological condition. The area lies north of The Pines Recreation Area- Signs of recreational use that were noted include hunter and limited OHVuse. MANAGEMENT COMMENTS: There are few exotic species in this habitat, with the exception of yellow s'-veetclover (A'ldilotus qfficimdis). It is widespread but sparse throughout most of the area, and particularly abundant along the ephemeral watercourses. There were no signs of fire in the landscape. Fire is lethal to Juniperus scopidoruTn under most conditions, a species that is highly-combustible whether it is dead or al ive. Hell Creek Potential Research Natural Area ENVIRONlvlENT: This area includes rolling uplands at the head of Cold Turkey Coulee but could certainly be expanded to include some of the surrounding highly dissected Missouri Breaks terrain. The climate is essentially Continental (refer to the characterization of the Missouri River Bottomland on the basis ofHaxby IS SWandRoyS^NE Mobridge, Montana.) All of the landscape is underlain by sedimentary formations. The highest have sandstone caprock and the rest are various shale and mudstone members that weather to fine-textured soil. Thin, carbonate rich lenses occur sporadically. VEGETATION: Hell Creek is an area notable for the fact that a relatively recent wildfire has burned much of the upland, rolling portion of the landscape and removed the once-dominant Wyoming big sagebrush [Arteimsia tndsntata ssp. "iayoTniTigensis). The terrain surrounding the uplands portion is highly dissected and erosive, dropping off into badlands, and supports primarily Pondorsa pine-dominated t3^es, including ponderosa pine / sun sedge (Pi nus ponderosa / Carex inops) and badlands slopes with sparse shr^ab cover. PascopyrwmsTmthii —I'Jasdla z/zndida Herbaceous Vegetation [:passmi-nasvir;] western wheatgrass — green needlegrass grassland Much of the landscape bordering the Missouri Breaks is believed to have been occupied by Wyoming big sagebrush / western wheatgrass — green needlegrass shrubland (Artermsia tndentata ssp. •'jjyormngensis / Pascopyrwm STmthzi — I'Jasella vindvla) that has been burned. This had the result of killing all of the A. tndentata, sometimes completely consuming the crown and main stem to ground level, and leaving the landscape dominated by grasses as a serai community. The upland component of this landscape is characterised as gently swelling benches to moderately rolling lands with many different exposures, all of which support this plant association, making it a prevail ing type. Soils are derived from fine-grained sedimentary strata (shale?) and are primarily silty clay loams. The length of time since fire is difficult to determine but most of the landscape that once supported ArtsTmsia tndentata ssp. zvyoTmngsnsis as a dominant, as inferred from density of sagebrush skeletons, is only very slowly returning to that status. No ArtsTmsia tndentata seedings were found on the plot and only the merest traces of fringed sage {Artermsiajilifoha) and broom snakeweed [Guiierrsi^a sarothras) were noted. The grass component strongly dominates this serai phase; western wheatgrass {PascopymmsTnithii) is relatively evenly distributed throughout the stand and its cover (currently ■4?0-5O%) may still be increasing following the bum (see Hansen and HofTman 1988 for a comparison of grass production with and without A tndentata). The appreciable cover of green needlegrass {I-Jasella z^ndida) indicates the relative mesic, productive nature of this site. Threadleaf sedge 17 (Carexfihfoha) and bluebunch wheatgrss (Pseudoroegnsna spicata) are also important grasses in the plot and across the stand. The forb component is diverse but no one species is represented by more than a trace. Of the native forbs, prairie smoke [Gewm triflorum), shaggy fleabane (Kngeron purmhs), scarlet globemallow {Sphneralcsa (XiCciTted) and dotted blazing- star {hiains punctata) appeared to the most consistently distributed across the landscape. I^Plot WHMTECRN98SC0011;] ArteTmsia tndentata ssp. "iayoTmngsnsis / Pseudoroegnena spicata Shrubland CARTTSW/PSESPi;] Wyoming big sagebrush / bluebunch wheatgrass shrubland The representation of this association is highly dependent on the extent of coarser-textured substrates. Within the Hell Creek area this association is found in small patches confined to the uppermost portions, usually having vjestem or southern exposures, of gentle slopes that are capped "■.vith a sandstone member of the local mix of sedimentary strata. Soil texture ranges from fine sandy loam to fine sands. Wyomingbig sagebrush [ArteTntsia tndentata ssp. -MyormTigensis) dominates the shrub layer but its cover is generally not sufficient (20% or less) to place these stands as shrublands in the national classification. Fringed sage {ArtsTmsaJhgida), 3Mcca {Tiu^ca glauca) and fragrant sumac (Rhus aroviatica) are regularly present with cover usually less than 1 or 2 percent. Within the plot, threadleaf sedge {Carexfilijoha) rather than bluebunch wheatgrass [Pseudoroegnena spicata) is the dominant graminoid. but across the local representation of this type dominance shifts among three graminoids, also including needle-and-thread (Stipa comata). This description of the type differs from that of Hansen and Hoffman (1988) for southeastern Montana in which Pseudoroegncna spicata is uniquely dominant and may be an artifact of the dissected terrain or it reaching the margins of its distribution. The foii> component is shared with the adjacent PASSMI - NASVIR community, with the exception of silver-leaved scurf-pea (PsoraUa argophylla) a species v/ell loiown to favor sandy substrates. |^Plot NHMTECRN98SC0012^ Other VegetationT3^es: Little bluestem (3chz%achynum scopanum) is a localized dominant on coarse-textured knolls in the area. The presence ofponderosa pine (Pitius ponderosa) in surrounding lands is taken to represent the Pinus ponderosa / Cartx inops Woodland. In addition, limber pine {Pirms Jisjzlis) is known from ridgelines with lenses of calcareos substrates in Hell Creek State Park to the east, and could possibly occur in the potential RNA area. OTOIRALL BIODIVERSITY SIGNIFICANCE; The Hell Creek uplands present a well -developed, moderately extensive example of a productive, widespread plant association of western wheatgrass — green needlegrass grassland (Pascopyrwm srmthzi — I'Jasdla vind-ula Herbaceous Vegetation) in excellent condition. This area lies at the border between gentle plains and Missouri Breaklands, and warrants evaluation for its representation ofboth segments of the Great Plains biome as well as the landscape gradient. The habitat continuity with all of this surrounding unglac iated terrain contributes to its ecological value. Small cage exclosures were noted, and it is possible that this area is already being used in studies of fire response or wildlife utilization. If not, itwouldbe worthwhile to compile wildfire history information for use of this otherwise well-suited area as a laboratory for studying natural succession. Wildlife resources were not evaluated. LAI^JD USE: The area has been part of a grazing allotment as secondary range. It is not currently grazed. Though it is isolated, it receives use by hunters, if not other visitors. MANAGEMENT COMIvlENTS: The area is notably free of yellow sweetclover (Mehlotus officiTialts). No exotic species management problems were identified, though Japanese brome (BroTnus japomcus) is present at low levels in all communities across this landscape Limber Pine Research Natural Area environment: Limber Pine RNA encompasses 1,053 acres representing a cross-section of Missouri River Breaks habitat developed on residual soils weathered from shales and non-calcareous sandstone mainly of the Fox Hill Sandstone. It includes all of a large ravine system incised to a maximum of about 300 feet, fed by small springs, and emptying into the backwaters of Fort Peck Reservoir. Extensive grasslands with scattered outcrops span the upland benches and 18 exposed ravine slopes, Ehnjb-doniina.ted communities are parts of the ravine, and small, scattered woodlands are characteristic of nor th- facing ravine slopes and segments of the narrow bottoms. The semi-arid continental climate has peak precipitation in June followed by July and May, and a mean annual precpitation of 1 1 .6 inches (Climate data from Fort Peck Power Plant. Western Regional Climate Center, 1966-1997). "VEGETATION: Represented on this site are at least three major grassland plant associations and many other types of small size or restricted ravine habitats. They readily sort by topographic position, slope, and aspect; but the highly dissected nature of the setting fosters a compl icated vegetation pattern. Shpa coTnata — Boutdoua gracilis — Carexfihfoha Herbaceous Vegetation CSTICOM - BOUGRA - CARFIL;] needle-and-t bread — blue grama — thread-leaved sedge grassland This grassland association occupies the rolling uplands and upland benches with well-drained soils derived from sandstone; it also occurs on moderate to steep slopes, usually those "with a southerly aspect. This association is consistently dominated by needle- and-thread (Stipa coTnata). Cover of the major co- dominant species, threadleaved sedge (Carexjilifoha) and blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis), is highly variable and factors controlling this variation have not been identified. Forbs constitute -^^ry little cover in this or the following grassland types scarlet globemallow (Sphaeralcea coccinsa), rush skeletonweed (Lygodesrma juncea), and silver scurfpea (Psoralea argophylla) are the foibs with greatest cover and constancy. Together with the western wheatgrass — needle-and-thread grassland (PascopyruTnsvuthzi —Shpa co-maia Herbaceous Vegetation), they comprise the great majority of the upland landscape. There was some ■western wheatgrass {F'ascopyru7ns7m^ai)'^v^s^r)\. in nearly ^^^vy upland site. While there are characteristically steep gradients from Pascopyrwm j?rai/!Z2-dominated sites to those dominated by Shpa compoent is minor; the only time a significant forb presence was noted was in the case of exotic species such as Canada thistle [CiTszurfi avjenss), yellow sweet clover [Mehlohis officinalis)^ and blaclc medic [Klsdicago lupuliTia). Canada goldenrod {Sohdago cartade fists) was the only native forb occurring in more than half the study plots. [;Plots NHMTECRN9SSC0018, UHMTECRN98SC0026, NHMTECRN9SSOD030^ Sarcohatus verrmadabis / Ainplex gardnen Intermittently Flooded Shrubland CSARVER / ATRGAR;] greasewood / Gardner's saltsage intermittently flooded shrubland This association, or one affiliated to it in name, has previously been identified only from the southeastern and Bighorn Basin regions of Montana and adjoining lands in Wyoming. It has been characterized as a small to large feature occurring on alkali-affected alluvial flats, thus the title of intermittently flooded shrubland. More recently this same type has been noted in Carter County to occur en badland formations (Vanderhorst et al. 1998). The two plots representing this association on the RNA occur on dissected, Beai' Paw Shale uplands, bentonite inclusions, and slope aprons with rill, gully and sheet erosion and with plant pedicelling. Ground cover is a monotonous expanse of grayish-tan exposed clayey substrate lacking soil development and with traces of gravel. The vegetative physiognomy of these plots does not technically qualify as shrubland but rather as dwarf shrub lands verging on sparse vegetation (<10% total canopy cover). It may be advisable to change the modifier name of the type because even the intermittent flooding is inferred and may not if fact be a significant ecological driver. This type is extensive and recurrent along the Missouri River valley, with so much exposed valley slope. Part of this landscape mosaic supports patches of Gardner's saltsage (Atnplex gardnen) or rill scale (A suckleyi) alone, without Sarcohatus verTtuadatus These species may define two different associations in the provisional statewide classification, but do not necessarily represent two distinctly-different environments. Dominance in the shrub canopy shifls between Atnplex gardnen and Sarcohatus ZJerffucidahts but their cover^ singly or combined, does not exceed 15-20%. Wyoming big sagebrush {Ariermsia tndsTitata ssp, zvyoTmngensis) is present in trace amounts. The graminoid layer is depauperate to nonexistent and the forb component usually follows suit, except for the sporadic, unexplainedly high coverages of rillscale [Atnplsx sucklcyi). Tall ^e^Vite {Suaeda Tnoquinii) is consistently present in trace amounts. |^Plots NHMTECRN9SSOD023, I1HMTECRN9SSC00293 Sarcohatus ZJerTmadatiis / Pascopyrum STmthii Shrubland CSARVER / PASSMq greasewood / western wheatgrass shrubland This community is predominantly a large patch type that develops on the heavy silt to clay loam soils of alluvial fans, toeslope or slope apron positions and old river terraces on nearly level terrain with at most 2- 3% slope. Many of these stands receive considerable slopewash including entrained fines from the adjacent erosive uplands. It differs markedly from the previously described black greasewood (Sarcohatus vsrtmculatvs)- type immediately above in that it is sufficiently productive that Utter forms and accumulates leaving little exposed soil. Most often this type is noted to grade to the ArisTmsia cana / PascopyTU/msTTnthzi (silver sagebrush / western wheatgrass) association, that occurs on less salt- affected positions. Together with the Ariermsia cana shrubland, it is an integral component of the riparian mosaic in this landscape, though none of the representations inventoried on the RNA met the requirements for a jurisdictional wetland. The shrub canopy is dominated by Sarcobatvs vervmculatus, usually in excess of 25% canopy cover. Both silver sagebrush [Ariermsia cana) and rubber rabbbitbrush (Ckrysotkamnus nauseosvs) are consistently present, their cover seldom exceeding 10%. The three plots represented sites inferred to be in good condition by their high cover values (>60%) for the dominant grass, western wheatgrass [PascopyrK/msvutkii). Other high constancy graminoids are alkali bluegrass {Poa juncifohd), green needlegrass (I^Jasella vindida) and the annual weed Japanese brome (Bromvs japortzcus); the combined cover of native graminoids apart from Pascopyruvi STTntkii ui^ua[\y do^^ not exceed 10-16%. The forb composition reflects past disturbance with a variable assemblage of weedy, increaser species present, but their coverages usually don't exceed trace 26 amounts. Stands and stand segments were noted "where Poa secanda (Sandberg's bluegrass) "was dominant in place of, or in addition to, Pascopyrwm STmthii, a feature that is likely to be a disturbance response. [;Plots NHMTECRN9SSC0O21, WHMTECRN9SSC002S, NHMTECRN9SSC0032^ Pinvs ponderosa / Carex inops var. W^o^fe^iZ Woodland CPINPON / CARING] Ponderosa pine / sun sedge woodland This woodland t3^e of limited extent is found as small patches within breakland or highly dissected and slumpy topography on moderate to steep slopes having cooler exposures. The highly erodible and immature soils are derived from shales. Sheet, rills and gully erosion, as well as plant pedicelling, are evident. This type exists in a mosaic "■-vith two other woodland communities; Ponderosa pine [Pinvs ponderosa)- dominated patches having such erosive substrates that the undergrowth is virtually absent (< 6% canopy cover) and on cooler aspects small patches of the Douglas-fir / small-seeded Indian ricegrass (Psevdoisu^a merisziesti / Ory%opsis rmcrardhxi) association are found. Prior to this report, the type has onlybeen identified and described by Hansen and Hoffman (1988) for southeastern Montana and adjacent portions of the Daltotas and by Hoffman and Alexander (1987) for Wyoming. It is notable that this type, as described by the above-cited authors, is outside the distribution limits of Douglas fir {Pssudohuga men^iestiy Though the stands on the RNA are dominated bj an open canopy o^Pzrms ponderosa in the uppermost layer, as well as the reproductive layers, these sites are not so severe as to be beyond the limits o'i Psendotsuga men?a.€sii establishment and growth. Coring of the largest pine trees {Pinvs pondtTosa^\'^-\Q inches dbh, 38 fl. tall) reveals ages of at least 130 years; none of these trees have fire scars. The canopy cover of Rocky Mountain junper (JuTupervs scopulorum) ranges widely but, usually is in the 10-20% range. The undergrowth of this association is dominated by graminoids. Shrubs and forbs are poorly represented. Fragrant sumac (Rhus arojTiatica) and Wood's rose (Rosa zvoodiii) are consistently present, occurring in trace amounts. Sun sedge {Carex iTiops) dominates the undergrowth with coverages generally not exceeding 30%. This contrasts with its representation in southeastern Montana stands where it is nearly sward-like, coverages mostly exceeding 80%. Bluebunch wheatgrass {Psevdoroegnena spncata) and western wheatgrass (PascopyniTnsmithz-i) are consistently present in low coverages. Yarrow {Achillea Tmllifohum) and American vetch [Vicia amerzcand) appear to be the forbs most consistently present. CPlot MHMTECRN98SC0O313 Popvius deltotdes / Comus senceiis Temporarily Flooded Forest CPOPDEL / corser;] plains Cottonwood / red-osier dogwood temporarily flooded forest Mote: This stand was sampled directly oii"tside of the Refuge within James Kipp Campground area. It had previously been sampled by the Montana Riparian Association (Hansen et al. 1995); this data has been weighted heavily in characterising dogwood as the undergrowth dominant in "natural", undisturbed Cottonwood stands. This stand was sampled to satisfy our curiosity as to the composition and landscape position o^ ^Popidus ^^^oz ^-dominated stand that differed from all other such stands noted in the RNA- In terms of landscape position, relationship to the watertable and flooding regimes this stand appeared no different than those of the P deltoides / Syjnphoicarpos occidentahs association seen upriver from this point. In extensive reconnaissance of the upriver bottomland stands only once did we find a shoot of red-osier dogwood (Cornvs senceus). Hansen et al. (1995) interpret POPDEL/SYMOCC as a browsing- induced serai expression of the POPDEL / CORSER community. This may be a plausible explanation for what was observed for Popidus deltoides stands on the Missouri River Bottomlands. But it begs the question as to why the James Kipp Campground stand could escape browsing altogether for a period sufficient for CoTfvus senceus to attain a height putting its foliage beyond the reach ofbrowsers. This stand is also somewhat anomalous in either lacking other shrub species like western serviceberry (Avielanchzer almfoha, common chokecherry (Prumts ZJirgtmaTia), gooseberry species (Rzbes spp.) or having their coverages much below ranges cited as typical for this community type as in the case of Wood's rose (Rosa zvoodsii) and western snowberry (Symphoncarpas occidentahs). For both the plot and the small examined portion of the total stand, the herbaceous cover was extremely depauperate. Clasp ing-leaved dogbane [Apocynum sihincum) was the only forb noted. Other Vegetation Types: The shoreline vegetation zones were not briefly described. They often included off-shore emergent bands of Three-square (Scirpus pungens), water sedge (Carex aquatilis) along the 27 shorelines, thickets or interrupted strips of coyote "willow (Sahx e3::igiia) on the banks a.nd flats, and open flats colonized by wild licorice [G-lycyrrhzi^^a lepidota) 3.nd Pascopyrufn svuthzi. There were occasional grassy banks with scattered patches of prairie cordgrass {Sparhna psctinata) and Canada wild-rye {^ymus canadensts), but they were heavily invaded by quackgrass {Agropyron repens) and smooth brome (^ormis inermis)^ so it was not clearwhether this is a discrete local vegetation feature. OVERALL BIODIVERSITY SIGNIEICANCE: The Missouri River Bottomlands RNA has significance as representing a major Great Plains river valley and its accompanying natural succession and geological processes. It is a fitting example with three major islands, an array of cottonwood stands at different successional stages, bottomlands with the full suite of shrubland communities^ and boundaries oJong app. nine miles that take in many ofthe valley slope communities. It is contiguous with and is accessible overland via the Two Calf-Douglas-fir RNA, discussed below. The Douglas fir forest is not othet"-^ise represented in Missouri River Bottomlands RNA, and the b-vo together represent an outstanding example ofthe Missouri Breaks gradient and complement one another. Together they contrast with and complement the drastically different vegetation ofthe Limber Pine RNA, also in a Missouri Breaks setting over 60 miles east, but with a predominantly sandstone, rather than shale bedrock. This RNA is known to harbor the following animals species of special concern: bald eagle {Hahaeeius l^yiXfcephalus), Ferrugineous hawk [Butso regahs), Sturgeon chub [Hybopszs gdida), Sicklefin chub {Hybopszs Tneeki), and a major Missouri River population of pallid sturgeon (ScaphzrhyTickus albiis) above Fort Peck. Most of these have territories that extend beyond the limits of RNA boundaries. Wildlife values were not evaluated. laot:) USE: Extensive segments ofthe Missouri River bottomlands were plowed, representing over half of the bottomlands running through the center ofthe study area, and including all accessible, large flats. These were subsequently seeded to non-native species. Homesteaders also based their ranching operations in the valley, and prior to settlement, woodhawkers cut timber to supply passing ferries. Most ofthe area has not been grazed since the late 1960s or the early 1970s (Haglan pers. commun.) Boating, motorized travel on existing roads, and hunting are regular recreational activities. The site adjoins James Kipp Campground and Boat Ramp, and is the lower 9 mile end ofthe 1^9 mile-long V/ild and Scenic segment ofthe Missouri River. MANAGEMENT COMlvlENTS: The flooding regime is modified by upstream impoundments, diminishing the magnitude of floods, increasing the rates ofwater erosion, and perhaps altering the character of ice jams. The highwater conditions of 1997 were reflected in overtopping cutbanks and new- or newly-expanded silt and gravel deposits. Habitats that are flooded have the continuous threat of invasion by water-borne exotics like Russian knapweed (Centaurea rsptns)^ one of the most invasive exotic species at present in the bottomlands ofthe RNA. V/ater is not its only dissemination vector, and the bottomland plantings of non-native species are vulnerable to its expanded invasion in general. One of the most serious Icnapweed invasions is on Hess Bottoms, located above the best-condition cottonwood stands. Invasion by Taviansk chine nsis (tamarisk) is another serious potential threat to riverside habitat though it was not observed in the limited study area visit. In the uplands, yellow s'-veetclover (AleUlotus qfficiTiahs) is widespread and appears to be particularly abundant on shale uplands and some brealdand areas that have burned. Prairie Dog Island Research Natural Area ei'jvironment: Prairie Dog Island is a 1 5 acre island in the upper end ofthe Dry Arm» a major south-trending arm at the eastern end of Fort Peck Reservoir. Its highest point rises less than 60 feet above water level. This site is somewhat atypical of Missouri River Brealcs Subsection (f) ofthe Northwestern Glaciated Plains Section (33lD, Nesser et al. 1997) in that it is not dissected but gently rolling terrain and the predominant soil texture is a fine sandy loam, indicating a weathering from mainly sandstone. The climatic regime is essentially Continental with hot summers and frigid winters; 35% of average annual 28 precpitation (1 1.5 in.) occurs in May and June (data averaged overyears 1966 to 1998, from Fort Peck Power Plant, Western Region Climate Center). VEGETATION: The great majority of the island was at one time a black-tailed prairie dog [Cynomys ludovzcianvs) colony, that has been extirpated as the result of sylvatic plague. During the colonys existence or following its demise, 3ro7mis tectorum established in dense s'-"vards over the area occupied, or once occupied, by the colony. Only two plots were established to document the island's vegetation composition, one representing this community within historic prairie dog colony, and the other representing the probable undisturbed native vegetation. Brornvs feir^or^?^ Disturbance Vegetation [EROTEC^ cheatgrass disturbance vegetation Cheatgrass [Brormis tectorum) is the dominant species in the area formerly occupied by prairie dog colony. Cheatgrass cover is variable, but generally is in excess of 60% and ranges as high as 90%. A number of species that were once prominent on the site, inferred from composition of adjacent landscape, are still present, including silver sagebrush (Ariermsia cana), fringed sage (ArteTmsiaJrigida), blue grama (Bouteloiia gracilis), needle-and-thread (Stipa comata), Indian ricegrass [Oiy^opsis hymsnoidss) and scarlet globemallow (Sphaeralceacoccinsa).}rioYje,-^^T, the site is dominated by weedy, increaser species that also include common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), tumblemustard (SzsymbnuTn altzsstjnum), goat's beard (Tragopogon did>ius), Russian thistle (Salsola kali), and rough pennyroyal (FLedeoTna kispidum). I^Plot NHMTECRN98 S COOO^] Stipa coTnata — Boutdoua gracilis — Carexjilifoha Herbaceous Vegetation CSTICOM-BOUGRA-CARFIL^ needle-and-thread — blue grama — threadleaf sedge grassland This is the prevailing grassland where sandy deposits are extensive, as at Prairie Dog Island. The composition of the sampled site, representing the fraction of vegetation not impacted by the "dog town", matches the modal conditions described for this plant association with Stipa coTmnta dominant and Bouteloua gracilis and Carexfilifolia being subsidiary graminoids (Hansen and Hoffman 1988, Jensen et al. 1992). Of only four forbs present, scarlet globemallow (Spkasralcea cocciTied) is the dominant. The presence of silver sagebrush (ArtsTmsia cana) probably reflects the high water table. This site has also received some past disturbance, as evidenced by several alien species being present. [[Plot NHMTECRM98SC0005^. The unvegetated sandy shore ends abruptly in cutbank with no inter'vening vegetation gradient between it and the grassland. OVERALL BIODIVERSITY SIGNIFICANCE; This site has limited merit as an RNA due to the explosion of weed populations, particularly &[>7???ty tectorum (cheatgrass). This condition may reflect the combined history of prairie dog use and surrounding land use. Even if this site were in pristine condition, it would have limited vegetation significance because it represents a single major community t3^e; one that is best represented as part of a large, contiguous landscape. The presence of colonial nesting birds was evident and warrants enumeration. Cutbanlts on the leeward (southeastern) shore were favored as perches and shoreline nest sites. The original establishment record said that this site also provides habitat for burrowing owl; it is unclear whether this meant that breeding of this species had been documented or suspected. Existing and potential wildlife significance may warrant further consideration. OTHER VALUES: Like the Manning Corral RNA, this site could be used to track plant succession in the wake of prairie dog use, or be considered for prairie dog re Intro duct ion. LAI^JD USE: Grazing by large ungulates, if it occurs at all, would be confined to winter when the frozen-over reservoir provides the only access, but it was once part of primary range for livestock grazing. Until recently, it was also subject to foraging from prairie dogs in the main colony. MANAGEMENT COMlvlENTS: Weeds and increaser species are prevalent on this site. Native graminoids and forbs are present, but there is no indication that they can outcompete the weed population to reestablish their dominance. Though there are various theories on cheatgrass invasion (Young and Allen), the projections are similar. On comparable sites of the Columbia Basin and Great Basin, despite a 4iO year hiatus in disturbance, cheatgrass (Br^Tnus tectorum) has continued - and even 29 increased - its site dominance (Mack. 1981 ). There is low potential for the return of natural vegetation on Prairie Dog Island. A large sward of Canada thistle (CiTsium arvense) adj oins the southeast end where bird use seemed heaviest. The plains cottonwood (Popidus deltozdes) and tamarisk (Ta?rn2T^k chineTTsis) that had established along the shoreline "were innundated and killed in the high water conditions of 1997-98. Spring Creek Research Natural Area ENVIRONlvlENT: Spring Creek RNA is a 160 acre tract that encompasses an incised ravine system, adjoining tableland, and valley slopes along the Dry Arm of Fort Peck Reservoir. It is part of the Missouri River Breaks (Subsection f) of 33lD {Nesser et al. 1997). The 190 fl. ofvertical relief dissects both sandstone and underlying siltstone bedrock. It is situated north of Spring Creek and Spring Creek Bay, with an ephemeral streamcourse that empties westward into the Reservoir. Upland soils, upper ravine slopes, and ravine bottom soils are fine sandy loams developed from the underlying bedrock. Lower ravine slopes, benches and valley slopes are silt loams (shale derived). The climate is essentially Continental (refer to the characterization of Fort Peck monitoring data, presented for Prairie Dog Island RNA.) "VEGETATION: We 11 -developed expressions of tableland and ravine slope plant communities are found, as well as a stringer of woody draw vegetation that has a prevalent green ash (Fra3::inus pensyliiamca) component in the canopy mixture. The original designation of this RNA to preserve an unusual stand of aspen (Popid-us treTmdoides) may have been based on the interpretation that this species, being the tallest in the ravine, is the stand dominant. The complement of plant associations does not have one that is clearly more extensive than any other. Perhaps the most extensive, though variable, cover t3^e is comprised of the Wyoming big sagebrush shrubland {ArteTmsia inderdata ssp. zvyormngensis Shr^abland) on benches at the mouth of the ravine and valley slopes above the reservoir. Artermsia tndentata ssp. •'JuyormngsTtsts / Pascopyru-in sTmtJm Shrubland CARTTSW / FASSMI] Wyoming big sagebrush / western wheatgrass shrubland This association is a major vegetation type both in the study area and across the Northern Great Plains from Colorado north to Saskatchewan, on both glaciated and non-glaciated surfaces. The majority of the type occurs in Wyoming and Montana. It generally occurs, as on this RNA, over large areas, except at the perphery of its range, where it may occur in small patch fragments. There are several recognised names and variations for the Wyoming big sagebrush/ western wheatgrass shrubland (including Artevusia tndentata / PascopyruTn srmthii, ArtsTnisia tndentata ssp. tndentata / Pascopyrum srmthii, ArtsTmsia tndentata / Efymus lanceolabis, A. tndentata / PascopymTti srmthii — (Efymus lanceolatus) (^Schneider et al. 1997, Vanderhorst et al. 1998^.) Some of these differ only in that the subspecies of big sagebrush was not stipulated or known at the time the investigations were conducted. Only the Artemisia tndsTitata ssp. tndentata association (ARTTST) represents a distinct habitat, one more associated with swales and drainages and foundto the west oftheARTTSW/PASSMI type. The ARTTSW / PASSI type is generally associated with low relief uplands, benches, plateaus, or rolling terrain but within most of the RNA these flatter surfaces are sandstone capped and favor needle-and- thread [Shpa ^%^??M:t^^dominated grasslands, whereas the ArteTmsia tndentata communities are found downslope on gentle inclines with heavier-textured soils (silty clay loams). This association, including the RNA representation, has considerable exposed surfaces (soils mainly), generally in excess of 50%. The shrub canopy o^ Artemisia tndentata ssp. luyormngensis is variable in cover, but generally in the vicinity of 20-30%, straddling the shrubland to herb- dominated structural break according to NVCS. Winter fat (Krascheramtikovia lanata) and Fringed sage (Artermsiajrigidd) are present in trace amounts, though areas of disturbance support more Artermsia Jhgida. Western wheatgrass (Pacopyru/m STmthzi) and threadleaved sedge {Carexjilifbhd) are the dominant graminoids. their combined cover usually not exceeding 50%. Green needlegrass {I'lasdla z/zndida) is present, mostly under the protective canopy of -^. tndentata, raising some speculation, at least for the footslope positions, that ARTTSW / PASSMI - I'Jasdla vindvla maybe the potential community type. Certainly in the past, livestock grasing pressure might have been extreme and led to significantly reduced coverage for the highly palatable I^Jasella wndida. The forb component is both sparse and species poor. In the plot, two of the four species, includingplains prickly- pear (Opuntia polyacantha) and brittle prickly-pear (Opuniiajragilis) are associated with overgrasing, 30 though their low cover here would not necessarily indicate overgrazing at present or in the recent past. Scarlet globe mallow (Sphasralcea coccinsa) is a forb found here and across all manner of range sites. I^Plot WHMTECRN9S s cooos;] Stipa co-maia - Boutdoua gracihs - Carexfikfoha Herbaceous Vegetation CSTICOM - BOUGRA - CARFIL;] need] e-and-t bread - blue grama — threadleaved sedge grassland This is one of the most extensive of Great Plains grassland community types, occurring from the Midwest to the Rocky Mountain Front of Montana and north well into Saskatche'-van and Alberta. In eastern Montana and North Dalcota it occurs, as at this site, on soils with a higher percentage of sand than is represented in soils of adjacent communities; it occurs on both glaciated and unglaciated landscapes. In eastern Montana landscapes these sites are frequently on ridge systems where sandstone strata are exposed. In the shale- and siltstone-dominated plains of eastern Montana it is often manifested as a small patch type on projecting ridge crowns and hillocks. It has also been the subject of some vegetation classification uncertainty because there have also been two other plant associations named with needle-and- thread in separate combination with the two other species. There is no existing unequivocal key to vegetation types that can distinguish among these types, so the most inclusive name was chosen, one that appears to fit published descriptions of the type (Allen et al. 1999). This t3^e is potentially extensive on the sandstone-underlain benchlands that cap the local landscape. It is in particularly good condition as it occurss within the RNA whereas this type has undergone a gr as ing-induced conversion to a fringed sage (ArtsTmsiaJhgida) and blue grama {3outdoua gracihs)-dounn.^led disci imax on directly adj oining tracts separated by fence. Litter and lichens dominate the ground cover within the RNA type and ai'e a decidedly reduced outside the fenceline, where exposed soil is the dominant surface category. Within the RWA's expression of this type, Artewisia JTigida is the only shrub-like plant, present in trace amounts. Nee dle-and-th read {Shpa coTnata) strongly dominates the herbaceous component. Throughout this grassland, threadleaved sedge (Carexfilifoha) has cover values ranging from 60 to 70 %, though blue grama {^Bouidona gracilis), is still an important component. Western wheatgrass (PascopyruTn smithii) is consistently present in trace amounts in contrast to its greater cover on adjacent heavier-textured soils. There are no forbs with greater than trace amounts of cover; those noted to have with high constancy in this t3^e and present throughout the stand are rush skeletonweed (Lygod^rma juncsa) and scarlet globemallow (Sphsusralcsa coccinea). I^Plot I^JHMTECRM98SC0006^ Fraxinus psnnsyhanica / Prum/s ZJzrgtmana Temporarily Flooded Forest CFRAPEN / PRUVIR^ green ash / chokecherry temporarily flooded forest Typically this t3^e occurs along riparian corridors, springs and ponds and other floot^lain positions, but in this landscape it is associated with v-shaped ravines known colloquially as "woody draws". It is very similar to the green ash-American elm/ western snowberry forest [Fraxinus psnnsylvanica — Ulmus amencana / Symphoncarpos oa^dentalis Forest) identified for North and South Dakota, though in Montana only slightly more than 10% of the stands g^ this t3^e have UlTmis a??^T7£i?;?tz present. Most of this stand is confined to the ravine bottom and toeslope positions. The forest floor is nearly completely covered with litter, the limited ungulate trails being the only areas where soil that is sandstone-derived, fine sandy loam is exposed. This example of the type is of good to moderate quality due to the dominance of the alien Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) and the somewhat low diversity of the forb component, though noxious weeds are not present The upper canopy is rather open, appropriately classified as woodland cover (^0-60%) and height ('25 fl.), w ith Fra3^nus pennsylvaTuca generally the dominant tree species, as well as being represented in all layers of the multi-storied canopy. Conks (bracket fiingi) were present on almost all larger Fra3:imis stems, though elevated mortality rates were not evident. In some portions of the stand quaking aspen [Popidus tre-rmdoides) is codominant with the Fraxinus. Both Popndits irerfudotdes and Rocky Mountain juniper (Juniperus scop/uloruTn) also occur in multiple size classes throughout the stand. The shrub component is relatively diverse with at least seven species consistently represented. Common juniper (Jumpervs commums) and western snowberry {Symphoncarpos occidentalis) are the dominants, but if the browsing pressure on chokecherry (Prunvs 'Jirgimana) and western serviceberry (Amelanchisr alnifoha) were relaxed, it is possible that these species might increase in cover. Past disturbance is probably the reason that Kentucky bluegrass [Poa prats nsis) is the dominant grass. Other important grasses are Canada wildrye 31 (Klymus canadensis) and bearded wheatgrass (Klymus trachycaulis). Starry Solomon-plume (Svulacin^ stdlata) and horsemint (Klonardafistidosa) are uniformlywell- distributed, the only forbs among the eight total occurring in greater than trace amounts. Absent are forbs such as purple meadowrue (Tkahctmm dasycarpum), northern beds t raw (Gahufn apanrie) and Sprengel's sedge (Carsx sprengdii) that quite often inhabit these sites; their absence couldbe attributed to poorly-developed soils or to habitat conditions. I^Plot WHMTECRN98 S COOO?^ Juntpsms konrxftitahs / ScIn^ack/nuTnscopanu7nY)'7^^Ti Shrub land CJUNHOR / SCHSCO3 creep ingjunper / little bluestem dwarf shrub land This association, both at large and ■within the RNA, is characterised as a topoedaphic climax, found on moderate to steep, potentially highly erosive slopes of fine sands to sandy loams, with north- to east-facing exposure. In some instances it does occur on flatter slopes, but still the substrate is prone to erosion. For the most part, patch size is dependent upon local vertical relief of appropriate substrate, which is limited in the RWA and thus the type is exemplified by small patches occurring on cooler exposures of steeply incised ravines. There are several other associations having creeping juniper (Jumperus hori'^iontalis) dominant but they differ somewhat with regard to the graminoid component. All occur on coarse-textured, erosive soils, but some, such as Jumperus hon^^ntalis / Carex inops, are confined to steep cool exposures (Hansen and Hoffman 19SS). Jumperus kon^^nialzs generally has greater than 60 % cover at these sites and is the primary substrate binding agent; other shrubs occur in trace amounts. Within the plot, the dominant graminoid is threadleaf sedge (Carexfilifoha) but the indicator graminoid is actually bluebunch wheatgrass (PssudorosgTiena spicata). Across the local landscape there was a fluctuation as to which of these two species is dominant. The grass for which the t3^e is named, little bluestem (Schz^^^achynujnscopa.num), is at best, sporadically distributed in this RNA, though overall its distribution is largely coextensive with that of Pseudoroegnena spicata in considering sites of this nature and in this region (thus its attribution as an indicator species as well). Other grasses present and typical of sandy sites include plains reedgrass (Calaviagrostis Tnontanensts') and prairie sandreed (CalaTnoi'ilfa loTigifohd). The forb component is diverse, ranging up to 20 species on a plot, but only one or two species, usually standing milkvetch (Astragalus adsurgsns) or purple prairie clover (PetalostsTnon purpureurri), are present in greater than trace amounts. CPlot NHMTECRN98SC00093 Rhus aromaiica / Pseudoroegnena spicata Shrubland CRHUARO / PSESPQ fragrant sumac / bluebunch wheatgrass shrubland The sample plot is representative of steep, erosive and high solar intensity slopes^ mostly of upper slope and slope shoulder positions. This association occurs predominantly as small patches. This severe and heterogeneous environment has a concomitantly sparse and variable vegetation composition with dominance in the shrub component alternating, in no readily explained manner, between soapweed yucca (Tu^ca glauca) and fragrant sumac (Rhus aromaticd). The soils are fine sands to sandy loams in texture and rills, gulleys and faceted slopes are testimony to their erosive nature. There are at least six closely related plant associations that occur as small patch t3^es on sites with abiotic parameters comparable to those of RHUARO / threadleaf sedge (Carexjihjbha), RHUARO / little bluestem (ScJwzachryiumscopanurd), RHUARO / plains muhly [Khihlenhergia cuspidata), Tucca glauca / Calamovtlfa loTigifoha, and Tucca glauca / Pseudoroegnena spicata (Hansen and Hoffman 19S8, Jensen et al. 1992, Schneider et al. 1997, DeVelice et al. 1995). There are no vegetation keys that permit one to unequivocally identify /differentiate these communities, but the site descriptions and vegetation parameters most closely match the RHUARO / PSESPI association described by DeVelice et al. (1995) for northcentral Montana and RHOARO/ PSESPI (Shallow Depth Ecological Type) by Jensen et al. (1992) for western North Dalcota. Rhus aromatica, Tucca glaiica, Jurdperus kon'^ntalis and ArteTmsiaJhgida are ubiquitous shrubs in this type, but only the first three listed exhibit even 5% canopy cover within this landscape; all other shrubs are present in trace amounts. These low shrub coverage values are not in accordwith the modal description o? the type on a regional basis. For the sample plot, and most of association as developed on the RI'JA, there is not a dominant graminoid; rather there exists an assemblage of graminoids typical of coarse-textured, well-drained sites. In approximate order of importance, in decreasing cover, these include: plains muhly (KluMenhergia cuspidata), 1 ittle bluestem [ScJu^ackryium scopanum), bluebunch wheatgrass [Pseudoroegnena spicata)^ prairie sandreed (Calamoz/ilfa longifolia), indian ricegrass (Qry^opsis kymcnotdes), 32 needle-and-thread (Shpa comata), sand dropseed (Sporobolus ctyptaTidnis) and red threeawn (Anstida iongiseta). Other short graminoids, not necessarily associated with coarse-textured soils, can also dominate these sites. The forb component is low in cover and extremely heterogeneous, with high diversity (30 plus species / plot-sised area) in some areas and scarcely one third that in others. Almost ubiquitous within the t3^e are hairy golden-aster (Usterotheca '^llosa)^ American vetch (Ficia aTnencana)^ scarlet globemallow (Sphaeralcsa cocinea), scarlet gaura (Qaura cocciTisa), silver-leaf scurf-pea {PsoraUa argopkylla) and woolly groundsel (Senecio canus). Other Vegetation Types: Where the woody draw opens up and widens some distance above the reservoir, ]ih.Q ArtsTmsia canii / Pascopyrurn STmihii (silversage / western wheatgrass) association is found contained within what becomes a broad, shallow drainage. This community is in relatively good range condition as indicated by the high cover o^ Pascopyrum srmtkii and low cover of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis). Comparatively large specimens o^ Ariermsia indsntata ssp. luyormngensu contribute to the high shrub cover. OVERALL BIODIVERSITY SIGNIEICANCE: The boundaries were set to encompass the ravine, a particularly well -developed landform with its full complement of associated vegetation. The ravine itself is an unusually mesic woodland in its composition for the Northern Great Plains biome, though limited in development and extent as is the case for most Missouri Breaks ravines due to their narrowly- incised settings of limited length. This gives it all the more contrast and development in north-south ravine slope vegetation as a consequence. A segment of the surrounding upland grassland features are serendipitously included that are representative of a prevailing Northwestern Unglaciated Plains landscapes in excellent condition. Such grassland habitat extends onto adjoining lands to provide landscape continuity, though adjoining lands are not in as good a condition. As such, Spring Creek RNA potentially affords a rangeland reference area for land managers and ecology researchers, and a striking fenceline contrast in range condition between adjoining pastures. Wildlife values were not evaluated. LAUD USE; The site has been protected from livestock grazing to keep the area in a natural state, presumably since establishment in 1991. The current excellent condition and paucity of exotic species suggests that it had been managed in good-excellent range condition prior to establishment. IvIANAGEMENT COMlvlENTS: Mo immediate management issues or concerns were identified; there is a nearly complete absence of noxious weeds and exotic species invasions with only limited yellow sweetclover (Kfelilotus offtcnwhs) along the western bottoms. Vehicle access is limited, and weeds were found along the corridor. Historically, fire and bison grazing were two major driving forces in this landscape, responsible for renewing the vigor of the grasses, stimulating forb numbers, and keeping shrub density low. Re introduction of appropriately timed fire is a management option to consider in stimulating grass upland grass vigor and foii> flowering, within the wildlife management framework. The grassland had relatively low forb numbers and litter accumulation. Apolicy excluding wildfire suppression under discrete terms, if not a rotating prescribed bum treatment, may warrant fiirther consideration. The consideration of any treatment must factor in yellow sweetclover life history and responses. Two Calf-Douglas-fir Research Natural Area environment: Two Calf-Douglas-fir Research Natural Area is a 160 acre block of Missouri Breaks that encompasses an almost 500 feet vertical gradient of moderately to highly dissected terrain developed in highly erodible shales. It encompasses the upper slopes of Knox Ridge and extends northward down to the Missouri River; thus the mostly steep slopes have contrasting north- and south-facing exposures. Barely reaching the southern boundary, in the vicinity of an ephemeral stream feeding Two Calf Creelc, a wildfire has burned the predominantly pine forest, leaving scattered blackened snags. At the northern base of the ridge, the ridge slope tapers into highly convoluted slump block terrain with small-scale relief that is not revealed by ^0 feet contour intervals. The climate is essentially Continental (refer to the characterization of Mobridge monitoring data, presented for Missouri River Bottomlands RNA.) 33 "VEGETATION: Bisected as it is by a east-west oriented ridge, the RNA's predominant vegetation cover includes moderately to densely forested north-facing slopes and open woodlands and sparsely vegetated south- facing slopes. Pseiidotsuga men^issii / Ory^opsis Tmcrantha Eorest [:PSE1vIEN / ORYMIC3 Douglas fir / little-seed ricegrass forest This forest t3^e is of very limited rangewide distribution, found only in the Missouri River Breaks of Montana. It was originally characterized by Roberts and Sibbernsen (1979) as Douglas fir / plains muhly forest {Pseudotsuga me/f^ersii / AhJderThergza cuspidate Eorest) as a result of mis identifying the dominant grass in vegetative condition. It occupies moderate to steep slopes with northwest to northeast aspects. This is a major type within the RNA, where it is best-developed on steep north-facing slopes that are very undulating in both the horizontal and vertical. It appears to be developed on the same erodible shale substrate that supports other forested types as "well as long-leaved sagewort/indian ricegrass barrens on south exposures. The ground surface has a patchy cover of mosses and lichens, the combined cover of which generally exceed 50%; about '^% is contributed by litter and the remaining 10% is bare soil which shows sheet and rill erosion in places. There were no fire scarred trees or buried charcoal which tends to support the contention of Roberts et al. (1979) that these sites experience low fire frequencies. This type usually grades to ponderosa pine woodland on drier/ warmer slopes or on flats and toeslopes below. The overstory approaches canopy closure with Pseudotsuga menio^esii (Douglas fir) strongly dominant and PiTius pondsrosa (Ponderosa pine) scattered. The understory has numerous stems o^ Pssvdotsuga Tnen^^esii^ and Rocky Mountain juniper (Jumperus scopuloTum) in a distinctly shrubby form. The canopy is too dense for Pim^s ponderosa reproduction, clearly xi^ZikAn^Pssxidoisuga 7nen%iesti the climax dominant and apparently serai dominant as well. Eurther evaluation of old-growth characters may be warranted. Tree ring studies were conducted among Douglas fir at a study site referred to by the nearby "James Kipp Recreation Area" out of the National Laboratory of Tree Ring Research; they documented the oldest age among sampled Douglas fir trees to be ■4?91 years (L. Smith pers. commun. to J. McCollum, 1982). The rhizomatous western snowberry [Symphoncarpos occidentahs) is present in patches as the dominant shrub; squaw currant (Rihss cerium} is consistently present, as is the intensively browsed common chokecherry (Prunus virgimaTia). The dominant herb, little-seed ricegrass (Qty^zopszs Tmcranthd) is highly variable in cover; the sample plot represents the high end (4iO%) of this species' cover values. Sun sedge [Carex inops) and bluebunch wheatgrass (PssiidoTsognena spicata) are consistently present w ith coverages generally not exceeding 5%. Oregon woodsia (IVood^ia oregana) is a fern occurring in more than trace amounts; forb cover is lower than this. Yellow sweetclover (Mehlotus officinalis) is also present in trace amounts despite the shaded environment, confirming its aggressive nature and broad ecological amplitude. ^Plot NHMTECRN98SC00133 PiTius ponderosa / C(?r^j:z/io/is Woodland CPINPON/CARINO;] Ponderosa pine / sun sedge woodland On the steep, south slopes a complex of open pine woodland vegetation encircled the sparse vegetation associations of the long-leaved sagewort / indian ricegrass barrens. The open pine stands represent a wooded shale barrens complex in which there were frequent clumps of sun sedge {Carsx mops'), but undergrowth vegetation was sporadic, sparse over most of the area, and variable in composition. Plains reedgrass (Calamagrostis montanensis) and bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegnena spicata) were also locally abundant. Multiple plots would be needed to make generalisations and characterize the highly variable structure. This plant association has been documented as a distinct woodland community on isolated shale outcrops such as the War Horse Area of Critical Environmental Concern (Lesica 1987), and on secondary tributaries of the Missouri River such as Woodhawk Creek (Heidel 1996) where it is generally better-developed under less harsh conditions. |^No Plot^ The virtually ubiquitous ponderosa pine of the plains has been employed for reconstructing climate history as indicated by tree ring patterns. Ponderosa pine elsewhere on the Refuge have been cored to document Great Plains drought history (Meko 1982. 1992). Artermsta lon^foha / Ory^zopsis h/menoides Spai'se Vegetation CARTLON / ORYHYlvT] long-leaved sagewort / indian ricegrass barrens 34 This community was found on steep, south-facing slopes eroded from acid shales that heat up under direct exposure to the sun. Both of the community co- dominants, long--leaved sagewort (Arisrmsia longifoha) and few -flowered wild buckwheat {Knogonum paiiciflourn) are highly associated with soils derived from acid shales (in Montana the Bearpaw, Colorado and Clagget Shales) and bentonite. These shales are intrinsically highly erosive, with sheet, rill and gi-jlly erosion evident on site. Plant establishment is further hindered by low pH values (< 5) and low values for moisture available to vegetation. Thus, these sites are -^Gvy stressful for vegetation and support a suite of uniquely adapted species, which individually, or in the aggregate, seldom exceed 10% canopy cover (the value defining the break between sparse/not sparse in the NVCS). We have placed the inventoried stand into this association using the key of DeVelice et al. (1995); the congruence between our plot and their description of this type, regarding both environment and vegetation, is close. Several species present are generally associated with sandy soils such as soapweed yucca (Tiicca glaiica), indian ricegrass (Chy^^pszs hymenoides), and prairie sandreed (Cala-movilfa longifoha). They are found on these clay shales because the weathering process produces a substrate of predominantly sand-sized platy shards rather than the clay-sised particles that are the ultimate product of shale decomposition. Forbs t3^ical of disturbed sites occur in trace amounts. Other vegetation: In the northern portion of the RNA, where the ridge slope tapers into highly convoluted slump block terrain, there is a fragmented and repeating pattern in plant communities within a short distance, with most of the communities occupying only a few square meters. Some of the communities noted but not formally sampled were Pinus pond.srosa / Carex ntops and a Pinus pojiderosi2-doni\n:ited type that had virtually no undergrowth due to the highly erosive nature of the substrate. These types were not sampled because the surface was so rolling and convoluted that there was no portion extensive enough to accommodate a plot sample. Other Vegetation T3^es: Small patches of the following types were noted; ChrysothaTnniis naussosvs — KnogonuTn paucijlorum (a variation of ARTLON- ERIPAU), PASSMI; SARVER-ATRGAR and ARTTSW/ PASSMI. OVERALL BIODIVERSITY SIGNIFICANCE: This is significant as the only RI^-JA that contains the uncommon to rare PSElvlEN/ORYMIC Forest. It encompasses an interesting contrast of vegetation for a small area; juxtaposed with the north slope PSEMEN/ORYMlCc.t. is ARTLON/ ORYHYM occurring on the steep south slopes. As such, this RNA captures an unusual slice of the Great Plains bio me. Two Calf-Douglas-fir RNA is contiguous with and provides access to the Missouri River Bottoms RNA below. While the latter does not provide additional PSEMEN/ORYMIC habitat, the two together represent an outstanding example of the Missouri Brealcs gradient and complement one another. The relatively dense canopy of the PSEMEN / ORYMIC and other forested types of northerly slopes constitute important thermal and hiding cover for large native ungulates. The palatable shrubs of these slopes, including serviceberry (ATnslanchzer almfoha.) and chokecherry [Pruniis virgimana) have been reduced to stubs only inches high presumably due to intensive wildlife browsing. The skewed orientations of otherwise straight tree trunlts ("drunk forest") raised questions about the history of slumping. The massive slope wasting phenomena currently under intact vegetation signifies an interesting subject for research into "natural" stability /instability of this landscape. LAI-JD USE: The general area has been grazed in the past but local conditions are unfavorable ^ot such use. It may have been subject to selective removal of suitable trunlcs of Juniperus scopulorwm cut for fencing, and trunks of Psevdotsuga men^iesii cut for fuel and building material from the perimeter of the stand where access and removal were practical. MANAGEMENT COMlvIENTS: This 160 acre patch is too small to encompass the disturbance regimes (wildfire, wildlife browsing and grazing) affecting the Missouri Brealcs landscape. If a wildfire were to burn the northern slope, it would probably crown-out and be stand replacing for most of the forested landscape, setting back the forested landscape to an early serai stage. Tree seedling establishment in such an environment is very sporadic, and it talces many years for an establ ished forest to produce a mature stand in this dry enviroment. Given the rarity of the type and relative lack of its protection in Montana, it would be prudent to either add more area of this association to the current RNA or find additional examples of high qualityPSElvlEN/ORYMIC that could be placed in 35 RNA status. Mote: Fire suppression was identified in the original establishment record as needed to maintain the vegetation. There is currently not a weed threat to the area, but the introduced yellow sweetclover (Jslehlobis qfficiTtahs) is aggressive and can be seen invading environments as disparate as PSEMEN / ORYMIC andARTLON / ORYHYM. "While it has the greatest potential for expansion on the shrub and grassland sites within the area, it could also proliferate with fire or other major changes to forested community structure. The Knox Ridge road is a maintained BLM road running through the area that is a potential corridor for new invasions of exotic species. Any road-grading work on such a steep-sided, narrow ridge also presents the possibility of destabilising the slopes that drop off on either side. York Island Research Natural Area ENVIRONlvlENT: York Island is a 120 acre island in the eastern end of Fort Peck Reser'voir in a highly exposed setting at the juncture of the main reservoir and the Dry Ar'm. Its highest point rises less than SO feet above water level. The undulating to sharply incised surface is t3^ical of Missouri River Breaks Subsection (f ) of the Northwestern Glaciated Plains Section {33lD, Nesser et al. 1997) where dissected river breaks have formed in shale, sandstone and siltstone. Most of the island's communities are developed on soils weathered from fine-textured sedimentary parent materials, including montmorillinitic clay, i.e. bentonite, awater deposited volcanic ash. The climatic regime is Continental with hot summers and frigid winters; 35% of average annual precipitation (total 1 1,6 in.) occurs in May and June (data averaged over years 1 956 to 1 998, from Fort Peck Power Plant, Western Region Climate Center). "VEGETATION: This site has two major community t3^es, both dominated by Wyoming big sagebrush (ArteTtusia tndentata ssp. zvyoTmngsnsis). While the cover of this species is quite variable, it averages in the mid-20% range, i.e., close to the 25% threshold for distinguishing between shrubland and herbaceous vegetation (Federal Geographic Data Committee — Vegetation Subcommittee 1997.} We have described only the ArtsTmsia tndentata shrub assoc iations (shrub canopy cover > 26%) because they appeared to be more prevalent and their intergradation with the herbaceous associations is structurally and compositionally overlapping without a discretely different herbaceous type at another extreme. Ariemisiiz tndentata ^^ zvyoTmngensis / PascopyTU/tn snuthzi Shrubland CARTTSW / PASSMQ Wyoming big sagebrush / western wheatgrass shrubland This is the most extensive of the island's vegetation types, occurring on fine-textured silt and clay loams derived from shale and siltstone, and found on upland benches and gently to moderately inclined slopes of all aspects. Its varies between the more densely vegetated undulating uplands and more sparsely vegetated south-facing slopes, inversely related to the amounts of exposed soil and gravels (less than 20% - over 80%, respectively). Traces of scattered rounded rock are testimony to past glaciation but veneers of till were not found as part of the soil profile. Upland sites have a notably well-developed microbiotic crusty including crustose lichens and algae, that constitute as much as 80% cover. This is circumstantial evidence that the site is a refiige from grazing ungulates, and previously had light use when it was contiguous with the mainland. As noted above, Wyoming big sagebrush (ArtsTmsia tndentata ssp ivyormngensis) dominates the shrub component, coverages varying from approximately 15 to 30% but giving a distinct impression of a shrubland. Other shrubs/ subshrubs present, generally in less than trace amounts, are fringed sage (Arte-rmsia fngida), broom snakeweed (Gutisrrs^ia sarotkr^y and fragrant sumac (Rhus tnlohata). The graminoid component is dominated by western wheatgrass (PascopymmsTmikii) with higher coverages (to 60-70%) occurring on rolling uplands. Other graminoids commonly present but in amounts not exceeding 5%, include: narrowleaved sedge (Carex stenophylla)^ sun sedge [Carex inops), needle-and-thread (Siipa coTnatd), blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis), and prairie junegrass (Koelena Tnacranika). Green needlegrass (Masella vindida) is sporadically present; higher coverages of I'Jasdla 'i^indida, generally on lower north-facing slopes or toeslope postions, indicate a transition to more mesic and relatively scarce habitats (and the ARTTSW / PASSMI-NASVIR association). The forb component constitutes little cover, the most constant species being scarlet globemallow 36 (Sphaeralcea coccinsa), northern fairy-candelabra (A?idrosace ssptsntnoTialis), and Nuttall's pussy-toes (AnUnnana parvifiora) Yellow s'-veetclover (Melztotus officinalis) is uncommon in the sampled stand but ■widespread; other expressions of this association are densely carpeted ■with this introduced species and it has high potential for expansion. Other introduced species such as goat's heard (Tragopogon duhius) and Japanese brome (BroTmis japomcus') generally have insignificant populations. CPlot WHMTECRN9SSC0001;] Artermsia tridentizta s^ wyoTmngensis / Pseudoroegnena spicata Shrub land CARTTSW/PSESPi;] Wyoming big sagebrush / bluebunch wheatgrass shrub! and This association is typical of the mid- to upper-slope positions of steeper slopes of all aspects, associated with glacial drift soils, both coarser-textured (mostly sandy loams) and having greater amounts of gravel than the ARTTSW/PASSMIp.a. It grades to ARTTSW / PASSMI both at downslope positions and at slope shoulders. General ly both the amount of bare soil and the exposed gravel/rock comprise upwards of 70% of the substrate; the erodible surface probably accounts for the lack of a microbiotic soil crust. Wyoming big sagebrush {ArteTmsia tndeniata ssp. WyormTtgcTtsis) ranges in cover from 10% to upwards of 35 % but generally exceeds 20%. Fringed sage {Artermsiajrigida), broom snakeweed [Guiisrrs^ia sarothras), soapweed yucca {Yucca glaitca) and aromatic sumac (Rkus tnlobata) are the shrubs consistently present in trace amounts. Bluebunch wheatgrass (PssvA-orosgnsna spicata) is the dominant graminoid, though its cover does not much exceed 30%. Graminoids consistently present with low covers and associated with coarser-textured substrates, or well- drained xeric sites include, plains muhly (Muhlet^ergia cuspidata\ prairie sandreed (CalaTnovilfa longifoha), and sand dropseed (Sporoholvs CTyptandrus'). Little bluestem (Schz^achynum scopaTium) is often present. The foii> component is very weakly represented; no one species can be said to be abundant but scarlet globemallow (Sphasralcea coccinea), brittle prickly-pear [Opunha Jragihs)^ Hood's phlox (Phlox hood^ii) and American vetch (Vicza amencana) are consistently present. I^Plot NHMTECRN98SCOOOq Chrysothamnvs naitseosvs / 'Knogonu-m paitafiorum Sparse Vegetation CCHRWAU / ERIPALT] common rabbitbrush / few-flowered wild buckwheat barrens This localized and small patch association is found on the island's uppermost outcrops and has been previously described in the Limber Pine RNA, in Valley County (Branson et al. 1970) and in Carter County (Vanderhorst et al. 199S). Soils of this site possess no horizons and are weathered from a very dark grey, possibly acidic, shale and bentonite. Though the ultimate result of weathering is clay-sized particles, much of the substrate has just been broken down to sand-sise particles and thus has better drainage than would be expected of a soil high in clay; it is also highly erosive, rills and gullies abound. This association mostly occupies upper hill slopes or crests and has depauperate vegetation (< 10% canopy cover). There is a suite of species adapted to these sites including long-leaved sagewort (Artermsia longifoha), common rabbitbrush (Chtysothamnvs nauseosus), few- flowered wild buclc-vheat (Knogonum pauciflorum K hrevicaids ^m\ hrevicaide in southeast Montana), indian ricegrass (Chyi^psis ky?n£7ioid^) and western wheatgrass (Pascopymm snuikii) that regularly appear in various mixes and quantities. On York Island. Knogofmrn paucifloruTn has greater cover than associated species, and Chysotkamnus Ttauseosus cover is less than 3%. The 19 species of the sample plot is an unusually high number; normally species richness does not exceed 5-10 for this type. I^Plot NHMTECRM9SSC0003^ Other Vegetation; Other patchy or restricted plant associations were noted on York Island. The southern east em point had the best development of the Rocky Mountain juniper / indian ricegrass woodland (Juniperus scopulorum /Or^opsis micrantha Woodland; JUNSCO/ORYMIC) on the steep, north- facing slope of a small hill. Small patches of western snowberry shrubland (Symphoricaipos occidental is Shrubland) are confined to swales and drainage courses. Sandy ridgetops at the north end have prairie sandreed — sun sedge (Calamagrostis longifolia — Carex inops), and the drainage courses graded in places into the western wheatgrass — green needlegrass grassland (Pascopyrum smithii - Nasella viridula Herbaceous Vegetation). Most of the perimeter was ringed by sparsely- vegetated shoreline flats of shale fragments colonized by yellow sweetclover (Mshlotus officinalis), pummeled by the waves and pounded into rack 1 ines that set off backwater wetlands in what were previously bays. These backwater wetlands are colonized and variably dominated by adventive and exotic species like common sunflower {Hdianthvs annuus), tumbleweed (Ajnaranthus alhiis), [Powell's amaranth (Amaranthus pozvdlu), red orache [AtripUx rosea), slimleaf goosefoot 37 (Ckenopodzu-m leptopkyllum), and Russian thistle (Sabola kali). The shorel ine is interrupted by scattered, high cutbanlcs. OVERALL BIODIVERSITY SIGNIEICANCE: York Island is a small but representative example of the Missouri River Breaks segment of the Great Plains biome. As such, it affords a rangeland reference area for land managers and ecology researchers. The island is small and vertical relief is limited, and though there are two or three major substrate types, overall biological diversity of the uplands is limited. The survival of Hotsprings Phacelia (Phaceha therTnahs) on York Island is confirmed, restricted to relatively sparse, successional vegetation zones created by the Fort Peck Reservior; including scoured beaches and the drawdown zone in "■.vetland baclc-vaters. Places where Montana rare plant species of special concern are confined to zones of man-made disturbance raise questions whether the disturbance mimics natural habitat conditions or the species is adventive by nature. One other collection of this species has been made on the Refuge^ in Douglas-fir habitat near the former Slippery Anne Guard Station (E0#001), suggesting that the species occupies natural habitat elsewhere and the York Island disturbance may mimic natural habitat conditions. The Refuge is the only place "where this species occurs on public land in Montana, and even though York Island does not have biodiversity significance as a representative site for this species' conservation, it points to the possibility of finding such sites elsewhere on the Refuge. OTHER VALUES: York Island is also a Fort Peck Reservior landmark and shelter for boaters. Archeological artifacts may be present. Wildlife values were not evaluated. LAUD USE; This landscape has been grazed in the past and the Jumpents scopidoruTn woodland was probably cut for fencing/ firewood. Juniperus scopuLorum. stem density probably approaches p re-disturbance conditions. No signs of grazing were evident. It is otherwise idle except for occasional visits by passing boaters. MANAGEMENT COMMENTS: Exotic species present included Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) at scattered shoreline and backwater locations, and minor upland populations of cheatgrass {3romus tsctoTU/m) and Japanese brome {Bromus japomcus). Yellow sweetclover [M^diloius officinalis) dominates beach vegetation where it may interfere with shoreline bird use, and forms dense populations in limited upland areas. It is currently the most abundant non-native species and may have the potential to occupy virtually all habitats on the island, with orwithout disturbance, as evidenced by its mainland patterns of distribution. 38 Lake Mason National Wildlife Refiige Lake Mason Research Natural Area ENVIRONlvlENT: Lalte Mason RNA is in a broad, open natural basin, comprised of two parcels totaling 1,420 acres, lying on either side of Lake Mason at the lalte perimeter. The lake outlet is South Willow Creelt, and it has a spillgate to artificially maintain lake levels. Lacustrine deposits and alluvium derived from shale and sandstone are the primary parent materials in the basin, though residuum derived soils occur in the "western half of Section 22. All soils appeared to have a heavy texture, with silty clays and silty clay loams predominant. The semi-arid continental climate has peak precpitation in June followed by May, and a mean annual precipitation of 12.-4? inches (Climate data from Roundup, Western Regional Climate Center, 191^1997), This RNA occurs within the Montana Sedimentary Plains Subsection of the Powder River Basin Section where annual precipitation ranges from 11 to lii inches annually, about a third ofwhich is snow. "VEGETATION: The three main vegetation types are distributed primarily according to soil moisture regimes, which vary with distance from Lalte Mason and South Willow Creelt with the exception of the uplands in Section 22. All but the standing water (herbaceous emergent) plant communities were sampled. Pascopyrum STmthzi Herbaceous Vegetation CPASSMi;] western wheatgrass wet meadow The extensive alluvial flats are dominated by western wheatgrass (Pascopymfnsrmthzi). There are at least six plant associations named across the Northern Great Plains that have Pascopyrum srmthii as the first-named indicator species; only the t3^e named here is defined by the virtual monospecific dominance ofP srmtkii and is rated G3G5 by TNC. This type is t3^ically strongly associated with sub irrigated alluvial flats and most of this plant association in the RNA meets definitions of jurisdictional wetland (Hansen et al. 1996). Consistent with this characterization, both sample plots displayed gleyed and mottled soils. It is dominated by a sward of P. snuthzi ranging in cover from 50 to in excess of 80 percent, making up a relatively homogeneous expanse on the flats (and beyond) around the perimeter of the lake. At least in the sampled locations, weedy or increaser with disturbance species, e.g. Japanese brome (BroTnus japotacus), povertyweed (Iva accdlans), wild lettuce Q^actuca canadensis)^ flixweed tansymustard (P>€scwrai7\ia sophid), and common dandel ion {Taraxacwm officinale) dominate the heiijaceous layer to the near exclusion of native species except grasses. This may reflect a history of heavy grazing by livestock. [[Plots NHMTECLM97SCOO01, NHMTECLM970006^ Pascopyru/m STTnthzi —I'Jasdla vindida Herbaceous Vegetation [[passmi-nasvir;] western wheatgrass — green needlegrass grassland This association is the prevailing type on non-wetland alluvial flats and on gentle upland slopes; it constituted a major plant association prior to agricultural development. It is ranked as G^ and occurs in North Dakota. South Dakota, Wyoming, and Saskatchewan. Stands on the flats grade to the western wheatgrass wet meadow {Pascopyrum STmtkii association) and those of the uplands grade to western wheatgras- needle-and-thread grassland {PascopyruTn srmthzi / Stipa comata) of drier sites. In the vicinity of South Willow Creek this t3^e appeared to be in good to excellent condition with I'Jassella ZJindula (green needlegrass) canopy cover ranging from 10 to ^0 percent, exceeded only by that of Pascopyrufn STfutkii. The uplands in northwest corner of Section 22 also support fair to good quality occurrences of this type. Other graminoids represented with more than 6 percent cover include needle-and-thread (Stipa coTruzta) and prairie junegrass (Kodena macrantha) Exotic graminoids, including Japanese brome (3ro7mis japonzcus), crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cnstatum), and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa prate nsis), are much less prevalent than on the association described above. In the curtailment of grazing, populations o^^Brumvs japonicus and Agropyron cnstatum oflen decline, but Poa pratensis has shown a propensity on similar mesic sites to increase without disturbance. Povertyweed (Iva a3::iUans) and scarlet globemallow (Sphaeralcea coccined) are the only forbs occurring with more than trace coverages; other high constancy heiijs include prickly pear (Opuntia polyacanihd), American vetch (Vicia 39 izmencaTta) and Holboell's rockcress (Arahis holhodhi). Fringed sage (Arte-misiajrigidd) is the only shrub-like plant consistently present; however, it does not exceed 3 percent in canopy cover. |^Plots WHMTECLM97SC0003, NHMTECLM9 7 30000^3 Sar(x>hatus vermictdaius / Pascopyrwmsmithii Shrubland CSARVER/PASSMi;] black greasewood / western ■wheatgrass shrubland This is a common type on the RNA, especially extensive on the eastern side of the lake where it occurs upslope by a matter of a few tenths of a foot or more from the PASSMI alluvial flat t3^e. These sites are more salt-affected than those "with Pascopynim STmthii alone. This t3^e as found in a lacustrine setting typically develops under conditions in which salts from alkaline lakes are deposited by wind and water on the leeward shores. The deposition process and probably other habitat conditions are altered by the artificially maintained water levels on Lake Mason. Black greasewood (SarcohGhis ii^rmiculatus) occupies slightly raised mounds, perhaps as a result of an ensuing erosion processes. Its canopy cover is low, varying between 5 and 20%. but the visual aspect is that of shrubland due to the stature of the Sarcohahis verrruadahis relative to that of the associated undergrowth. This association in the RNA has been as affected by grazing as those of the PASSMI type judging by the dominance of increaser species, foremost among which are Japanese brome (Btovi;us japomais) and povert3'weed [Iva a3::illans). We noted a micro-patterning within this type as the dense patches o^ BroTmis japonicus seemed to have little Pascopynnn STtuthn and conversely where tillering of P STmtJm was especially dense there was little B.japomcits. This is not a high-quality occurrence of this type due to the altered environment and abundance of weeds. I^Plot WHMTECLM97SC0002^ Atnplex gardnen / PascopyruTn srmthii E>warf Shrubland CATRGAR / PASSMq Gardner's saltsage / western wheatgrass dwarf shrubland This association occurs as small stands that are fractions of an acre, across salt-affected alluvial /lacustrine flats on the west side of Lake Mason. These sites undoubtedly have standing water during spring runoff and are slow to dry given the clay soils. At least one site had mottled and incipiently gleyed soil, indicating an oxygen depleted condition developing during extensive inundation. Canopy cover of Gardner's saltsage (AtnpUx gardnen) is typically not greater than 20 % and usually exceeded by that of a suite of graminoids whose cover contributions are quite variable, including western wheatgrass {Pascopyrum STmthii) as usual dominant, meadow barley (Hordewmbrackyantkenijn), foxtail barley (H.ordeu7njid)ahim)^ bottlebrush squirreltail (Sitamon h^fstnx), and Nuttall's alkaligrass (Pucanelha nuUalhana). Graminoid cover is higher for the Lake Mason examples than has been seen elsewhere for this association and probably reflects the relatively favorable soil moisture of these sites. The herbaceous component is dominated by weedy species or ones that increase with disturbance, including povertyweed [I'ija axillaris), clasping pepperweed (hepidium perforatuTn), wild lettuce (l^actitca canadensis), and common dandelion (Taraxaaim officinale). The suite of weeds/ increaser species indicates past disturbance and decreases the baseline value of these sites. j^Plot NHMTECLM97SC00063 Emergent Wetlands: We did not sample the semi- permanent emergent wetlands that are part of the RNA. They are dominated by hardstem bulrush (Scirpus acutus) with abundant sago pondweed [Potarriogeton pectinatiis), chara {Chara spp.), and water buttercup (Ranunculvs spp.). OVERALL BIODIVERSITY SIGNIFICANCE; The Lake Mason RNA represents a fair example of the western wheatgrass wet meadow {PascopyruTnsrmtkiijy and a once common plant association, Pascopyrum STmthii-l'Jasella iiindula with isolated areas in good condition. There are also weed infested occurrences of a less common type (PASSMI alluvial bottom) as well as several associations (SARVER / PASSMI, ARTGAR / AGRSMI) of more restricted occurrence also plagued by weeds. We are not prepared to address the affects of elevated water table levels to this low-lying RNA. In comparison with Mullan Trail RNA and its glaciolacustrine setting, it protects more plant associations and more of the hydrological gradient, though the overall ecological condition is not as high. The RNA is contiguous in places with surrounding grasslands connecting to the larger landscape of the surrounding basin slopes. LAI-JD USE: Lake Mason was intensively grazed in the past. Livestock grazing ceased in 1980. MANAGEMENT COMMENTS: This RNA maybe suited to study of community succession and habitat values with and without restoration practices. The elevated water levels may affect restoration potential and efforts to simulate the historical ecological drivers of grazing and fire. 40 Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge Big Island Research Natural Area ENVIRONMENT: Big Island RNA is the second largest of h-vo major islands in Medicine Lalte at 961 acres. It has a loioll on the south end that rises 35 ft. above the lake, and two distinct wetland swales north of the knoll, but most of the island is less than 10 feet above lake level and gently rolling. A large bay at the south end is set offby two long isthmuses that are at or below the lake water level and covered mainly by robust grasses. The island is mapped as Blanchard fine sand, 4i-20% slope (Richardson and Hanson 1977) though most of the island soils appear to be loamy sands; possibly with glacial till on the knoll at the south end. The controlled lalte level affects the island shore, regulated at the Lake Creek outlet, with a dam and spillgate to artificially maintain lalce levels. The semi-arid continental climate has peak precipitation in June followed by July and May, and a mean annual precpitation of 13.25 inches (Climate data from Medicine Lake, Western Regional Climate Center. 1911-1997). Note: This area and b.vo others in Medicine Lake are part of the 11,366 acres designated as Medicine Lake Wilderness Area. VEGETATION: The array of plant communities forms a grassland- shrubland mosaic. It can be explained by both small- scale relief as evidenced in height above the lalce level, which need vary only a fraction of a foot in order to influence vegetation, and by soil texture. See Figure 2 for an occurrence map of Big Island vegetation types. Syrriphoncarpos occidentalis Shrubland CSYMOCq western snowberry shrubland Western snowberry shrubland constitutes the most extensive vegetation type on the island and is among the most common shrub communities in the Northern Great Plains. Across the island it occurs on gently undulating topography and s'.vales. some ofwhich may be seasonally inundated, intermittently flooded, or sub irrigated via subsurface connection to Medicine Lake. It has been characterized in regional classifications as a "temporarily flooded" system, but this is the case on Big Island only when ground thaw is delayed. As noted by Hansen et al. (1995) and exemplified on Big Island, it spans an environmental range from mesic upland slopes to wetlands (hydric soils and wetland hydrology). Almost none of the sites in the RNA would qualify as jurisdictional wetlands because the dominant, western snowberry (Symphoncarpos ocadentahs), and all associated species including western wheatgrass (PascopyruTnsTmthzi), smooth brome (BroTnus inerrms), and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa prats nsis) are rated FACU (Facultative Upland, i.e. only occurring in wetlands less than 55% of the time and conferring no wetland status) by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This t3^e has nearly continuous cover of Symphoncarpos occidentalis, a shrub that produces sucker shoots emanating from stout, spreading rhizomes. Given the density o^ Symphoncarpos occid^ntahs, it is perhaps not surprising that the only other native species found with regularity are also rhisomatous (mentioned above). Weedy species such as flixweed tansymustard (Descuraima sophia), pinnate tansymustard (Descu/rairfza pinnata)^ and leafy spurge (Kupkorhia esida) occur in patches, perhaps areas formerly disturbed. The Euphorbia esvia is widespread on the island in these relatively moist communities and appears to be expanding, forming dense clones. Several species of spurge fleabeetles have been introduced on the island to provide leaiy spurge control. Ordinarily SyTnphoncarpos occidentalis shrubland occurs in small stands rather than as a prevalent vegetation feature. It is recommended that recent aerial photographs of the island be compared with historic photos if it is possible to determine from them whether shrubland has been present since early years ofRefuge establishment. A literature review and dialogue with other refuges of species' management responses and wildlife benefits or deterrents might also be helpful in applying current vegetation information to wildlife management and noxious weed management matters. Shpa comata - Boutdoiia gracilis — Cartxjilifolia Herbaceous Vegetation CSTICOM -BOUGRA-CARFIL) needle-and-thread — blue grama — threadleaved sedge grassland 41 This grassland association is found on soils ranging from sandy loam to fine sand. It occurs on Big Island across higher ground and warmer exposures. It is dominated by needle-and-thread (Stipa comala), usually having greater than ^0% canopy cover. Blue grama (Bouteloiia gracilis) and threadleaved sedge (Carexjilifohd) are consistently present, often as co- dominants. Their cover can exceed that o^ Stipa coTnata and varies greatly across the landscape v/ ith no obvious correlation to site factors, "'.vhether due to distuiijance patterns, imperceptible environmental disturbances, or chance. This type usually grades to grasslands dominated by western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum simthzi) including PASSMI - CARFIL or PASSMI -BOUGRA While western wheatgrass is consistently present in this prevailing association, it has low cover values. Forijs are a minor component; only pricklyp ear [Qpurdia polyacantha) consistently occurrs in more than trace amounts, favored by the sandy substrates or else the land use history. Fringed sage (ArieTmsiafngida) is consistently present, but seldom exceeds trace amounts. This community type generally has only minor populations of weedy or exotic species; for example, crested "■-"vheatgrass (AgropyroR cnstatum) occurs in scattered blocks. STICOM-BOUGRA-CARFIL is aprevailing grassland association of the Northern Glaciated Plains where medium- to coarse-textured soils are found, as previously described for Spring Creek RNA. I^Plot MTWHECRA97SC0007^ Hansen and Hoffman (1988) recognize this type by the dominance oi PascopymTnsjmthzi over Stzpa coTnata and generally this occurs only on lower positions in this landscape or those having planar surfaces and/ or having finer-textured soils. Where PascopyruTti srtuthii and Stipa coTnata are co-dominant, or nearly so, we have assigned these sites to PASSMI -BOUGRA - CARFIL due to the appreciable cover o? Pascopyrum sTmthii indicating the higher moisture status of these sites (technically, several examples of this community with Ci7?"^j:spp. dominant do not "key out" to any type). Mote that Schneider et al. (1997) in the provisional Great Plains vegetation classification of The Nature Conservancy, recognize a Pascopynctn svuthzi —Shpa comata community type but cite no parameters for its recognition. The whole complex of community t3^es involving PuscopyniTn STmthzi, Shpa comata, Carexjilijbiia, Carex stejiopkylla, Boutdoita gracilis, and I^Jasdliz vindida needs extensive work to separate intrinsically different environments from disturbance induced states and a worlcable key for discriminating types one from another. This, too, is a broadly distributed Northern Great Plains plant association (CO, MT, ND, SD, SK, WY). Pascopyrwm svuthii — 3outeloua gracilis — Cartxjilifolia Herbaceous Vegetation CPASSMI-BOUGRA- CARFIL] western wheatgrass —blue grama — threadleaved sedge grassland This is an uncommon grassland asociation <:>t\ the island because fine-textured soils are limited. Western wheatgrass (Pascopymjn sjTuthzi) is typically the dominant graminoid in this grassland association, but narrowleaved sedge (Carex stsnophylla; synonym: C eleochans) was the dominant graminoid (50% c.c.) in the one island plot. Only two shrub-like plants, fringed sage (ArteTntsiafngida) and broom snakeweed (Quhsrrei^ia sarrothrae), regularly occur but with low cover values. Rush skeletonweed {hygodesTmajuTicsa), American vetch (Ficia aTnencana)^ pricldypear (Opuntia polyacantha) and scarlet globemallow (Sphaeralcsa coa:iT!£a) are the forbs with high constancy but seldom do their coverages exceed 1 or 2% under natural conditions. The occasional bunch of crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cnstatitTn) and patch of fl ixweed tansymustard (Descuraima sophia) indicate past disturbance. ^Plot NHMTECRA97SC000S] 42 Fi&Jiirc 2- 0,05 0.05 .1 0.1 5 02 C2S Scale in MjIeb '.■ IS Mg^a^ine Lake Vegetation of Big Island RNA Medicine Lake NWR Shrub Cammualitl^S. '•'■■i[ ] Symphoricarpos occid^ntalEs ^ La :| 5ymphcn"lcai"pos occidentalis (BrDmus inermis) lb I Symphoricarpos occid^ntalis (Euphorbia esula) 2.1 Symphoricarpos occidentalis (Agropyran smithii) ■^ j S^phcricarpos ocddent?li5 (Prunus vlc^iniana) .^ I Symphoricarpos occidentalis (Distichiis strictsi. Euphorbia esula] 4 I Symphoricarpos occidentalis (Spartina pectinate) '? i^l Frunus virjiniana fe I Prunus virginiarta (Symphoricarpus occidentails) . S I Sarcobatus vermiculatus {Prunus vJrginiana. A^ropyron cristatum) : 7. I Sarcobauis vermiculatus {Agropyron cristatum. Hordpgm jubatiam^ vartaus 6XO-tiC£) Grassland Communities 8 Agropyron smithiii-Stipa Comata s^ Agropyron smithii-Sdpa comaiia (CaEamoviifa longifolia-Agropyron smitliii) 9 Agropyron smPthii-Stlp-a comata-Bouteloua gi^cilis 10 Distichlis scricca 1 1 I Juncus balticus-Care* praegracllis iia. Juncus balticus-Carex praegracilis (Poa prac^nsps) 12 Spartina pectinata (Phragmites communis) Disturbed Connmunities 13 j Bromus inermis 14 I Bromijs inermis- Agr-Dpyi"&n f rlstacumi 15 I Descurainia sophia {Pelacan damage) mPH Urikown Plant Communities Bg^ch Water Ephemeral water At the pvmniap scale nnl all commuiuEy or -dUTmoani^ E>pes i:atL be elTeclively majjped. ■which. ii«£teilatC5. miillLpJc labels ajid licsiflnatiMja nf LBciusiona. Buckets Lrn;:]&£e^onniiLmil> L>pcs or sp^Jes ll:iin wngitutc in tsncpy aiiva it^tir^^A nf a jKjlygoti; uf poLyE^qja Idbclc^d li lajving L>»0 commLimly t>pei the TaraL JjsLed is Ulc more ext^SSivc intl separated Jrnm Ihc iCKEL^r b^ s.arj1c>n. V-awward ^ils-ihcs {''} ^■rdii^L^b [-) dCpur^Lc ihf ron^iLlunri Species by ^lucti a pJarJ coisijiJUJiityoc association i^ r^^ Vegdaiiim miipiiniTs fromS"'l Tnite (I :f92fl3 serial pliotography. Field verifitUJitnc.l^S'/. AJtras RquaJ ArcaPrajcctiAjn DalLimHAD^?. June J.'^, iy93f Muniar^ Maiunil J[enla»rt Pmj^jin, 1^'5 Ri3S( Sivl:h Ave, flclcna, MT.Wfj^il Other Vegetation T3^es: In the lost portions of the landscape where the water table is shallow. subirrigated conditions are found. In such settings "with soils that are salt-afTected. inland saltgrass (DistzMzs spicatd) forms extensive and nearly pure communities or occurs in various mixes with Nuttall's allcaligrass (Piu:cimlha nuttalhana), prairie cordgrass (Spartifm pechnata) or scattered blaclc greasewood (Sarcohatus ZJerTmcidatits). Another wetland association of Baltic rush — clustered field sedge (JuntTus halticus — Carex praegracilis) occurs in alkaline habitats as stringers or small patches that are a few tenths of an acre. Kentucky bluegr ass (Foa prate nsis) often establishes and outcompetes the natives in this habitat. Wet areas that are not so salt-affected have Sparhna psctinatm dominant, with orwithout an abundance of common reed (Phragrmtss commuTus). On the island's west shore there is a mix of woody species and communities that may be more a result of past, or ongoing, disturbance than any intrinsic site differences. Associated with near-shoreline locations and ostensibly subirrigation are several stands of common chokecherry (Prunus virginiana). some serving as nesting sites and perches for black-crowned night herons. They have a margin and sometimes a low-shrub layer of western snowberry (Symphoricarpos occidental is) and herijs that are mainly non-native grasses. Also present is a band of black greasewood (Sarcobatus vermiculatus), largely dominated by exotics such as Agropyron cristatum or opportunists such as Hordeum jubatum and H. brachyantherum. This vrgetation type is usually present only on the shores of alkali lalces, perhaps reflecting the original nature of Medicine Lake. On the sandiest substrates associated with needle-and- thread (Stipa comata)-dominated communities were fragments of associations codominated by prairie sandreed including Calamovilfa longifolia — Carex stenophylla and Calamovilfa longifol ia — Pascopyrum smithii plant associations. These were too small to map other than noting as inclusions. The abruptness of the transition between the Stipa- and these small Cal am ovil fa-dominated communities was noted with no discernible soil or other enviromental differences to account for the pattern. Some of the most heavily-used wildlife habitat has no associated native vegetation. The places of concentrated nesting by the American white pelican colony shifts over time, and the history of use has created areas with extensive bare ground and patches of annuals/biennials, oflen dominated by flixweeds [Descuraima sophia and D pinnata.) Two Montana plant species of special concern were documented on Big Island. Site information is presented on the Element Occurrence Records in Appendix E, and annotated illustrations are in Appendix F. Hairy four o'clock (Alznzbtlts hirsuta) is represented by widely scattered plants in -^^ry low numbers at different ends of the island, among plant associations dominated by both prairie sandreed (CaLzmozJzlfiz longifoka) and needle-and-thread [Stipa comata). It has the lack of habitat specificity on Big Island and in the Sandhills that is characteristic of adventive species. While it is only known from 3 different counties in Montana, there have been reports that it is adventive and more common than records indicate. This study lent support to the case for moving it offto the watch list. Plains phlox (Phlox artdicola) occurs on the north- facing slopes of the IcnoU on Big Island. It is likely to be scattered across most of this slope, but the species was at the ^^vj end of flowering at the time of visit, so it could not reliably be located to determine population numbers and extent. It, too, is present on the Medicine Lake Sandhills. In general, it is restricted to sandy soils and was previously known in Montana only from southeastern counties. The numbers of records in recent years provides the basis for changing its state rank from Si to S2 (potentially imperiled); this rank is subject to review with additional fieldwork in early summer. OVERALL BIODIVERSITY SIGNIFICANCE: Big Island RNA supports a spectrum of community types, from slivers of typical prairie wetlands with Sparhna pectinata and Dishchlis stncta to dry prairie and to tall shrub copses. This community diversity affords a wildlife habitat diversity, even if the plant assoc iations are not rare or in noteworthy condition. The complex mosaic of communities may not representative of the distribution of these communities in the local landscape due to the regulated lake water level. Wildlife values were not evaluated, though it has previously been noted that Big Island harbors nesting subpopu Iations of piping plovers, federally listed as threatened, apopulation of black-crowned night herons and a large colony of American white pelicans, both ofwhich are state species of special concern. It is productive forwaterfowl and sharp-tailed grouse nesting. Big Island directly contributes to the core waterfowl production mandate, as well as providing habitat for colonial nesting birds. It is one of two 44 major islands in the lake, and among the fev/ large islands in the Prairie Pothole landscape of northeastern Montana, particularly important in reducing mammalian predation. LAUD USE HISTORY; The island was not previously contiguous "■-"vith the mainland, but livestock were brought out prior to Refuge establishment. The vegetation-altering affects of grazing history compared to raised "'.vater levels and colonial bird use were not evaluated. Whatever the cause(s), there are areas that are covered by nothing but the exotic grasses 3romus inerrms (smooth brome) and quackgrass (Klymus repsns) to the extent that native communities are not identifiable. Usually ■where these grasses have invaded native communities, there are vestiges of the native communities. MANAGEMENT COMMENTS: Threats are posed to this whole landscape by exotics and noxious weeds. Leafy spurge [Kuphorhia esvia) is by far the most aggressive and tenacious of noxious "weeds, and is well established. It has a strong presence in the southern end of the island. Several species of spurge fleabeetles are established on the island (Rabenberg pers. commun.) Their potential for curbing seed production is particularly important because the seeds of leafy spurge are readily disseminated by water and wildlife vectors as whitetail deer and mourning dove. The far north and south ends have much Canada thistle (CiTsiuTn a7\jsnse). Smooth brome (BroTnus insTmis), quackgrass (Elyrmis repens), and crested wheatgrass (Agropyron i7nstatu/m) are also present throughout the island. 3ro7ms inertms appears to be aggressively displ^c in^ PascopyruTn snuthiz from Sympkoncarpos occidentahs- and PascopyruTnsvutkii- dominated communities. Other common exotic grasses include cheatgrass (Bromus tedoji/m), Japanese brome (Bromvsjapomcus), fowl bluegrass (Poa palustns) and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis). Exceptionally high litter accumulation levels were noted over most of the Island in both grassland and shrubland habitat. As mentioned previously, it is possible that the extensive shrub cover of Sympkoncarpos occidentahs is an artifact of the land being left idle. This same shrubland type is present in trace amounts in Tepee Hills RNA, and though the two sites have different settings and substrates, they have some comparative value. The management options for addressing these situations depends on desired vegetation structure for wildlife and the framework for integrating noxious weed management. Bruce's Island Research Natural Area environment: Unlike Big Island, which is mostly low-lying terrain, Bruce's Island is a ridgeline that had once been connected to the mainland, made up of a hump and toeslopes together totaling 367 acres. It has little of the micro topography patterns as found on Big Island. The high shores on the north are eroding in places as cutbanks, and the gentle toe slopes on the south are temporarily inundated. Soils are mapped as Dooley fine sandy loams on the high north end, Dimmick silty clay in a low-lying middle band, and Williams loam, undulating at the south end (Richardson and Hanson 1977). The controlled lalce level affects the island shore, regulated at the Lake Creek outlet, with a dam and spillgate to artificially maintain lake levels. The semi-arid continental climate has pealc precipitation in June followed by July and May, and a mean annual precipitation of 13.25 inches (Climate data from Medicine Lake. Western Regional Climate Center, 1911-1997). Note: This area and two others in Medicine Lake are part of the 1 1,366 acres designated as Medicine Lake Wilderness Area. VEGETATION; Approximately one half ofBruce's Island on the higher elevations of the north has been plowed. In this area, as well as unplowed uplands, Agropyron cnstatu-m (crested wheatgrass) is the prevailing cover t3^e. As a whole, the uplands have been sufficiently altered so that they no longer support intact native vegetation, instead reduced to small, irregular patches of native species among the exotics. The potential prevailing matrix community t3^e of the uplands is probably western wheatgrass —blue grama — threadleaved sedge grassland (Pascopyrum STmthzi — Bouteloita gracilis — Carexjilifoha Herbaceous Vegetation) or western wheatgrass — needle-and-thread grassland (PascopyruTn STns-ihn. —Stipa j%f???i?:if? Herbaceous Vegetation), Sample plots were not established in the course of field reconnaissance of this RNA because of the lack of intact vegetation. The lower lying terrain on the island's southern portion, particularly along the shorelines, has well- developed palustrine emergent vegetation. Inland saltgrass (Lkshchlts spncatd) is among the most extensive wetland vegetation types, occurring predominantly as a broad ecotone between wetter sites dominated by bulrush (Scirpus spp.) or alkali cordgrass (Spartina gracilis) and uplands. In some 45 locations salt efTlorescence was noted in the Dishchlis spicata flats, indicating it exists along the capillary fringe of wetland sites, ^kali bulrush (Scirpus Tnanhmiis), hardstem bulrush (Scirpus aaitus'), and sharp bulrush (S puTigens) dominate the communities at the shoreline fringes in positions that are nearly continuously flooded. Prairie cordgrass (Spartina gracilis) was noted in shoreline patches. The Baltic rush —clustered field sedge meadow (Juncus haltiais- Carex pras gracilis Emergent Vegetation) is found on wetland sites that appear to be only temporarily or intermittently flooded. Where disturbance occurs in this vegetation, American licorice {Glycyrrki^^a lepidota) can be an important component. Canada thistle [QirsiuTn arvsnse) is scattered in with the Glycyrrhi%a Ispidota and has patches of abundance in the Sympkoncarpos occidsfdalis Shrubland where it forms a discontinuous and narrow fringe between true wetland sites and upland grasslands. There are also gentle mudflats and a small bay on the eastern shore. OVERALL BIODIVERSITY SIGNIFICANCE: There are no intact upland plant assoc iations represented on Bruce's Island. In the southern portion of the island there are typical Northern Glaciated Plains Section wetlands types represented- These wetland types may be more appropriately sought as RI'JA targets among natural wetland basins, and it is expected that they are represented elsewhere on the refuge system in Montana. Wildlife values were not evaluated. It has previously been documented that Bruce's Island harbors nesting subpopu Iations of pipingplovers, federally listed as threatened. It is said to be productive for waterfowl and upland game bird nesting, as well as harboring significant numbers of Baird's sparrows and grasshopper sparrows. Site biodiversity significance may hinge on the contribution of Big Island avifauna to the Medicine Lake landscape as a whole. The artificially maintained lalce levels ensure the isolation of Bruce's Island as an island, directly contributing to the core waterfowl protection mandate. It is one of two major islands in the lake, and among the few large islands in the Prairie Pothole landscape of northeastern Montana, LAND USE: Bruce's Island is covered by a tamegrass planting or "goback" of crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cnstatum) over the higher northern half of the island, and has been grazed in the past. It has been an island since lake levels were raised. MANAGEMENT COMMENTS: The site has limited potential to serve as a natural area ecology/botany baseline despite its wildlife values Homestead Research Natural Area environment: The Homestead RNA is a 39 acre tract on a gently- rolling glacial till deposit above the mouth of Lake Creek on Big Muddy Creek. Soils are a mixture of Bowdoin and Lohler clay loams in the northwest corner, with Manning coarse sandy loam along the eastern margin (Richardson and Hanson 1977). The semi-arid continental climate has pealt precipitation in June followed by July and May, and a mean annual precipitation of 13.25 inches (Climate data from Medicine Lake, Western Regional Climate Center, 1911-1997). VEGETATION: The grassland is unbroken but heavily invaded or seeded into smooth brome {Broviiis insrmis) and quackgrass (Efymvs repens). The closest semblance to a natural plant association is composed of small, weedy patches of western wheatgrass - blue grama grassland (PascopyruTnsTmthzi —Boutdoua gracihs Herbaceous Vegetation). Sample plots were not established in the course of field reconnaissance of this RNA because of the lack of intact vegetation. OVERALL BIODIVERSITY SIGNIFICANCE; The RNA was originally designated in recognition of its value as a lek for breeding sharptail grouse, as well its reported vegetation features. Wildlife values were not evaluated. LAI'JD USE: There are abandoned quarry sites present. The name for the area comes from the nearest town called 'Homestead." The site is bordered by roads on two sides, with deep ditches to drain water from the roadbed, lowering the water table. Cottonwood trees have become established in the ditch on the western margin. MANAGEMENT COMMENTS: The site has limited potential to serve as a natural area ecology/botany baseline despite its wildlife values. 46 Medicine Lake Sandhills (Part of Medicine Lake "Wilderness Area) ENVIRONlvIENT: The Medicine Lake Sandhills are of recent Holocene geological development, formed when prevailing "winds from the northwest scoured sediments from dried Pleistocene lake beds. The lacustrine beds contained all particle size classes. Silt and clay fractions "were carried far downwind but the sand- sized particles were deposited immediately to the southeast, and partially reworked by the winds to form sand dunes. Much of the landscape is rolling but portions have typical choppy dune features, with blowouts and associated stages of dune stabilization. Not all of the springs and seeps were developed for livestock use, and they contribute significantly to species and habitat diversity. The semi-arid continental climate has peak precipitation in June followed by July and May, and a mean annual precq:>itation of 13.25 inches (Climate data from Medicine Lake, Western Regional Climate Center, 1911-1997). Note: This area and two others in Medicine Lake are part of the 11,366 acres designated as Medicine Lake Wilderness Area. This report is a very preliminary descrption of the refiige portion (about 2,300 acres of the Wilderness Area) of the entire sandhills area that in the aggregate covers about 21 square miles, the largest dune complex in Montana. "VEGETATION: The sandplains and sand dunes harbor community types that are possibly unique in Montana, underdocumented, and pending classification review in the northern Great Plains states and provinces. The landsc:^e is primarily composed of graminoid- dom in ated vegetation, especailly in blow-out areas, though in swales and bottomlands shrub-dominated vegetation types are common. CalaTnozfilfa longifolia — Stipa coTnaia Herbaceous Vegetation [GALLON - STICOlvTI Prairie sandreed (-) needle-and-thread grassland Stabilized sites constitute the vast majority of the landscape, particularly the more planar areas while the blow-out patches are very scattered. The more stabilised states have high canopy coverages of needle- and-thread [Stipa comata) usually in excess of 50%. There are far lesser amounts of the next most prevalent grass, prairie sandreed (Cala-mD'-nlfa loTigifoha), with lemon scurf-pea [Psoralea laTicsolata) as the most common species among aweakly represented forb component (total cover not exceeding 10%). It was tentatively place in the Calamoi'ilfa longifoha — Sapa comata Herijaceous Vegetation type (prairie sandreed — needle-and-thread grassland). This plant assoc iation may in turn be an early and long- persisting serai stage of to Stipa comata —3outeloiia gracihs — Care3:jilifoha Herbaceous Vegetation, but no examples of the latterwere found in either the choppy or the gently roiling terrain. Additional field sampling may be required to adequately describe the plant associations, their relation to successional processes, and the site variables. |^Plots NHMTECRA97SC0004, NHMTECRA97SC0005. NHMTECF^97SC0006^ SyTnphortcarpos occidentalis Shrub I and CSYMOCC] western snowberry shrubland Shrubland dominated by western snowberry (Syjnphoncarpos ocadentahs) is a recurrent community type within the Sandhills, usually occurring in swales but extending upslope in the area, though with reduced stem density. In the physiognomic portion of the classification it is referred to as a temporarily flooded type which could hardly be the case for the Sandhills sites; there have to be some unappreciated circumstances that favor the establishment o? Sympkoncarpos occidentalis and other shrubs on such seemingly droughty sites. The undergrowth is dominated by western wheatgrass (PascopyTH/m STmthzi) and --j^ry few herbaceous spec ies (usually fewer than five). Elaeagnus coTmnutata /Stipa co-maia Shrubland CELECOM / STICOM] silverberry / needle-and-thread shrubland This is community type has not been previously named or described. A rare silverberry /western wheatgrass shrubland (Elaeagnus coTmrtutata / PascopyTumsTrathzi Shrubland; G2) has been named and cited as occurring in MT, SK, ND, and IvlB. The combination of ElaeagTuts cofmnutata and Stipa comata is unique in that Elaeagnvs commutata is usually associated with moist sites in the landscape and Stipa comata with drier, sandy soils. Quite possibly the deeper-rooting K coTmnutata is tapping a watertable unavailable to the herbaceous component. This is supported by the fact that common chokecherry (Pmnus ZJzrgimaTta) and western snowberry [Symphoncarpos occidentalis) occur as community dominants adjacent to the Klaeagnus coTnmutata- dominated community, ostensibly on the same site. 47 Both of these other species require moisture in levels above that supplied through precipitation alone or by compensating environments where evaporative losses are mitigated. The Pmmis •i^rgimaniZ-doTn.m.^y.^d community has an undergrowth with Shpa coTnata dominant but with Poscopyrum srmihzi prominent whereas the Sympkoncarpos occideniahs-domin^lad communities have an undergrowth with the abundances of these undergrowth species switched [Shpa comata relegated to merely present in most cases). It would be difficult to envision a scenario wherein the Pascopynim srmihii was grazed out of the ELECOM / STICOM p.a. and not the adjacent P virginiana- and S occiderdahs- dominated communiities. In keeping with the sandy substrate, by far the dominant forb in ELYCOM / STICOM was slimleaf scurfpea {Psoralea lanceolata); other forbs were present in only trace amounts. Wildlife browsing has been intensive on the Elaeagmis with shrubs attaining only 3-3.5 fl. height in 1 1 to 12 years. |^Plot NHMTECRA57SC0003] In general, Klaeagnus co-rmmdata is rarely regarded as a shrubland dominant in the south of the i'S'^ Parallel except possibly as a localized feature on limestone, including montane settings, or on well-drained Northern Great Plains grasslands in idle conditions and with ample moisture. Prunus virgtmana Shrubland CPRUVIR] common chokecherry shrubland Common chokecherry (Prunus z/zrgiTuan^) dominates 'very small stands within the Sandhills; the stems had been exceedingly hedged by wildlife browsing and the leaves fed on by insects. The undergrowth has both needle-and-thread (Shpa comata) and western wheatgrass {PascopyruTnsTnithzi) as dominants, their roles apparently shifting by site. This t3^e is found primarily on the undulating flats but also occurs on slopes of arrested dunes, sites seemingly too dry for a species normally associated with mesic sites. |^No Plot^ Oryfi^pszs hymenoidss / Psoralea lanceolata Sparse Vegetation CORYHYM / PSOLAiri Indian ricegrass / lemon scurf-pea barrens A recent blowout early in the process of stabilization was sampled that represents an indian ricegrass / lemon scurf-pea barrens (Oryzopsts hymenoides / Psoralea lanceolata Sparse Vegetation). The unconsolidated sand substrate constitutes over 90 % of the cover at the surface, and the vegetation canopy cover is less than b %. This is a fundamentally different vegetation than the Centennial sandhills, but these two sites have one rare plant species in common {Cryptantha feTidUn) as well as analogous successional processes (Lesica and Cooper 1999). SPECIES: Eour Montana pant secies of special concern have been documented in the Medicine Lalte Wilderness Area; two in the course of this study. Species site information is presented on the Element Occurrence Records in Appendix E, and annotated illustrations are in Appendix E. Detailed information is lacking to compare their numbers in the Refuge to elsewhere on the Sandhills for providing concise statements of botanical significance. Nonetheless, for its habitat uniqueness and accrued botanical information, it represents the highest known concentration of rare plants in the Sandhills and in the county. Eendler's cat's-eye [CryptanthafindUri) occurs in the Sandhills on discrete zones of unstable sand, oflien the leeward rim of active dune blowouts. It was found in two of the most active blowouts on the Refuge, perhaps a small segment of a much larger population complex alluded to by Lesica in estimating total plant numbers in excess of 10.000 across the entire Medicine Lalte Sandhills. Schweinitz' flatsedge (Cyperus sckzveimtzzi) also occurs on unstable sand, often in the hollow at the head of an active blowout. It was found at a single site on the Refijge, presumable part of a much larger population complex alluded to by Lesica in estimating total plant numbers as "many thousands" across the entire Medicine Lalte Sandhills. Hairy four o'clock (JS/hrabihs Jursuta) is widely scattered in low numbers across a range of sandy habitats. It shows no discernible habitat specificity in relation to composition or structure. It is present in both the Medicine Lake Sandhills and Big Island. It has since been documented outside of the Refuge in disturbed settings including roadsides and CRP. It exhibits the distribution pattern of an adventive species, thus providing the basis for removing it from the list of Montana plant species of special concern to the watch list. Yet it is only Icnown from three counties and seven collection records so that field data will continue to be compiled on it for further evaluation. 48 Plains phlox (Phlox andicola) is locally common on gently rolling sandhill slopes under a sparse canopy of Klaeagniis commutata (silverberry) I^Plot HHMTECRA97SCO003;] where only the vestiges of flo'werE remained at the time of visit. It was occasional in the best condition grassland habitat of Big Island, as found on a steep, north-facing slope. It may be under-documented in the sandhills area because it is inconspicuous except during its early flowering, but there is not enough information to confirm or refiite this idea at present. OVERALL BIODIVERSITY SIGNIEICANCE: The Medicine Lake Sandhills are part of the largest sandhills in Montana, followed by the Centennial Sandhills in southwestern Montana which overlaps with Red Rock Lalces I'JWR. These landscapes, and their dune system in particular, constitute highly significant landscapes, harboring unique plant communties and rare species. This characterisation is at best a preliminary highlight of the sandhills vegetation and rare plant species. Wildlife values were not evaluated. OTHER VALUES: Archeological and cultural values are oflen associated with sandhills. LAUD USE; The area has a long history of grazing by livestock. Grazing leases were recently cancelled on the area. Upland segments near roads have been planted into crested wheat grass (Agropyron cnstabimy MANAGEMENT COMMENTS: V/idely-scattered patches of leafy spurge (Kupkorbza. esidd) have been identified by Refuge personnel (Rabenberg pers. commun.} There are several spurge flea-beetle release sites in the Sandhills. Prior to the settlement, this landscape was maintained in various successional states by periodic disturbance, mostly via buffalo, pocket gophers, fire and wind. The processes operative here are probably analogous to those within the Centennial Sandhills. Studies have demonstrated for the Centennial ecosystem, that without periodic disturbance and with the healing of existing blow-out and deposition surfaces, the result is reduced community and species diversity, particularly of rare species associated with early serai states (Lesica and Cooper 1999). Cattle have served as surrogate disturbance agents in the Centennial system and in the Medicine Lake Sandhills in some measure. Weed problems could be exacerbated w ithout close control of management and weed population responses. Portions of the sandhills native communities are overwhelmed by dense populations of increaser species, for example, sagewort (Artevusia caTnpestns)^ brittle prickly-pear (Opuntiajragilis)^ flixweed tansymustard (Descuraima sophza.)^ jZTi^pinnate tansymustard (D. pinnatd) that may have resulted from past grazing practices. Leafy spurge (Kuphorhia es-ula) is present in w idely-scattered patches and spurge flea- beetles have been released in an effort to control it (Rabenberg pers. commun.). Canada thistle (CirsiuTn arvense) and other exotic species like smooth brome (BroTniis iTtermzs), Japanese brome (3. japomcus)^ and crested wheatgrass (Agropyon cnstahim) are present in low numbers. Re introduction of appropriately timed fire may possibly be a management option to consider in containing neaiijy weeds, reducing litter accumulation, setting back woody species, and stimulating forbs. The undeveloped areas of natural spring and seep features and associated riparian habitat that were noted are in relatively good ecological condition and are among the segments of the landscape warranting closer investigation. Water developments below them reduced grazing pressure in the hills above. Tepee Hills Research Natural Area environment: Tepee Hills is developed on a till/outwash plain that has been down-cut by an abandoned meander channel of the Missouri River. It straddles the crest of the slopes above Medicine Lake, with mainly south-facing slopes mapped as Zahill clay loam» steep (Richardson and Hanson 1977) that have overlying gravelly, cobbly water-worked deposits of Elaxville gravel (Witkind 1 959). The center of the RNA is dissected by a coulee. The RNA comprises only 50 acres but with the variation in relief aspect and soil depth, a range of environments are represented. The semi-arid continental climate has peak precipitation in June followed by July and May, and a mean annual precipitation of 13.95 inches (Climate data from Medicine Lake, Western Regional Climate Center, 1911-1997). 49 "VEGETATION: The variation in aspect, soil depth as it affects water holding capacity, and slope runofTproduce a number of distinct environments in a relatively confined area (see Figure 3. Tepee Hills RNA plant communities and associations). Stipa co-maia — Boutdoua gracilis — Carexjilifoha Herbaceous Vegetation [:STICOM - BOUGRA - CARFIL;] needle-and-thread — blue grama — threadleaved sedge grassland This is one of the most extensive and broadly distributed of upland plant associations within the Northern Great Plains, occurring in Manitoba, Saslcatchewan, Nebraska, Wyoming. North and South Dalcota and in Montana is a major matrix t3^e from the base of the Rocky Mountain Front eastward. In the Medicine Lalce landscape it is restricted to the most xeric exposures, moderate to steep, south- to southwest- facing, mostly convex slopes having shallow soils. ??Compositionally the RNA examples of this type are not close to the modal description "wherein Shpa comata is the dominant graminoid and ^outsloua gracilis has 100% constancy (but cover values not exceeding 30 %). Quite possibly past grazing, favoring short-statured rhizomatous species, has influenced the composition of this site. I^Plot NHMTECRA97SCOOO 1 J Shpa cartiseta — Klyjnus laTtceolatus Herbaceous Vegetation CS TI CUR - EL YL AN] porcupine needle-grass (-) thick-spike wheatgrass grassland This association is found only on moderate to steep, north-facing slopes with well-developed soils, as restricted to the coulee. It has been described from similar settings in northern Valley and Phillips Counties (DeVelice et al. 1995) and in northwestern North Dalcota. However, w ithin the Canadian prairies or prairie parldands it occurs on planar and roll ing surfaces as an extensive^ prevailing type in mesic settings. In the Tepee Hills representation of this type, porcupine needle-grass {Stipa curtiseta) is mono- dominant (in excess of 50 % canopy cover) and other graminoids, including thickspike wheatgrass {Symus lancsolahis) which are said to be dominant or co- dominant in Canadian settings, comprise little more than trace amounts. This suggests the need to further evaluate if not reclassify this plant association. There is a noteworthy and relatively luxuriant diversity of native forbs, reflecting the mesic environment, totaling 36 species in a single plot. They include outlying Rocky Mountain plant species such as small- flowered penstemon (Penstemon procenis) that are of biogeographic interest. I^Plot I'JHMTECRA97SC00023 Pascopyrumsmithzi — Boutdoua gracilis — Carexjilifblia Herbaceous Vegetation CPASSMI -BOUGRA- CARFIL;] western wheatgrass —blue grama — threadleaved sedge grassland This is a broadly distributed t3^e Northern Great Plains plant association, which we have distinguished from ELYLAN-STICOM because it appeared to be present lower in the landscape, on the flats and toeslope positions, than was the ELYLAN - STICOM community t3^e. This distinction may be somewhat artificial but their respective distributions appeared distinct at the time of sampling. This type generally occupies heavier soils and more poorly drained sites than does ELYLAN - STICOM. Western wheatgrass (PascopynijnsTnithii) is the dominant graminoid with cover usually in excess of ^0 %; the cover of blue grama (Boutdoua gracilis) and threadleaved sedge (Carsxjilifolia) is usually less than that o^ Pascopyrum srmthii. Which species has greater cover seems to vary randomly across the landscape. Within this RNA, crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cnstatum) has established significant coverages in this community type, mostly by volunteer seeding from adjacent agricultural lands. |^No Plot^ Pascopymm srmthii Herbaceous Vegetation CPASSMI3 western wheatgrass grassland This association represents, along with westerm smpwberry shrubland. the most mesic sites within the uplands of the refijge. It is a widely distributed across the Northern Great Plains from Montana to Nebraska and south to Colorado, It occupies, as a narrow band, the heaviest alluvium soils of toeslopes and ephemeral drainages; oflen this t3^e is assumed to be sub irrigated and occasionally it can qualify as a jurisdictional wetland (no examples of this on RNA), In its native state, this type is characterized by virtually 50 FigLre 3. ^ Vegetation of Tepee Hills RNA Medicine Lake NWR ^t.;-;j Synphori carpus occidentalis Gi^iland Commjnltl^ ^ AEr9p>ron smrthii-Sripa Com&ci-Bouteloua jracilis {Agrop^ron crtetatuni) IS Agr&pyiNin iinidtll (Agropyron crlstatum. Broihu* Irenuls, Caragana arhoresf eni) 0.1 ff.i 17 i Stipa coma^^Go lAcbUti I'mc ills -Care k fillfolhi IS I StipacurcUsita-El^mjA Unce&latus 3^ Stipa. connata-Elymus lanceolatus jAgropyron crJataUim} K) Agrofi^roii ^mltfiii-Scipa viridola I riediciieUkeNWH I Private Land Water Stole bMile Atbers Bqiul AimPrEijBtldQQ DfitLjniHAD27 At Ok givnj map a^ab Qijl all«nmjumLly«dijmiaflJxctj'pcs-<^QiLlff rfl^'vdyi^^^ uceaiUtJitscEaiikpJcJabcLs-BDiJ d^^fIU1iaDBatlIl?LuaLC^ Br^kn? cncloffCvn^pi'iO'L^pv? ar4tfiLifi&tluto:in!!tJtLit>^En izjjk^ ca>v£^ up ti20^clKiQstLsvli]e Lw c^rmni^ilv Cyf4(l]i«r[$;]ij^-if^lheTfu:itdexL^^ivA ^d^^p^rncdfram-^ lEBvrtiyB colon. Forvard Blaskcs i^Oofi^BsbBl-jKparHHttic Mostinicm:qKdBby¥ili]A4planicTTTiBiiiTiyoT aisa:uitioD is lujnzd. VFBrt3t]mniapumta-fc[mS":a imip(i:7S'2y;j ncrialpioiciEriyjhy, field v?ri-flGKl June 1M7 June 15, i99S 1515£35JSSTthAvc ITGBFTia.MrS5620 monoEpecific dominant PascopyruTn STmthii (coverages generally in excess of 60 %) and low forb diversity. Within the RNA, almost all of these habitats have been either seeded to, or invaded by, Agropyron cnstatuTTi (crested wheatgrass) and BroTnvs inerrms (smooth brome) though Pascopymm srmthzi has often maintained dominance or co-dominance. |^Mo Plot^ Symphorictsrpos oa^dsntalis Shrubland CSYMOCC] western snowberry shrubland This is a common Northern Great Plains type of subirrigated settings or those receiving overland flow, draws and swales, positions that on the RNA are merely mesic uplands and not wetlands or riparian habitat. The RNA examples of this type are small inclusions in more extensive types and are in relatively good condition with the density of western snowberry [Symphoncarpos oa^dentahs) sufficient to exclude most other species except for the rhisomatous grasses like western wheatgrass [Pascopyrum smithit), smooth brome (BroTnus inermis, and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratsnsis). |^No Plot^ OVERALL BIODIVERSITY SIGNIEICANCE: Tepee Hills has the most intact vegetation overall among the Medicine Lake Refuge's established RNAs, a slice of Great Plains landscape. Perhaps the most significant ecological feature captured by this RNA is the Stzpa curtiseta — Efymus lanceolatus plant association, a relatively high quality example ofwhat is considered as an important vegetation type of the Canadian glaciated plains. There are no other protected examples of this community documented within the state. OTHER VALUES: Tepee Hills has archeological values, featuring a historic Native American encampment, recognized on the National Registry ofHistoric Places. LAND USE: The area was grazed prior to RNA establishment. It has light non-motorized recreational use. It is bordered by a crested wheat grass planting on the west that may extend w ithin RNA boundaries. MANAGEMENT COMMENTS: Tepee Hills is a relatively small area, surrounded mainly by agricultural lands and man-made features that can be expected to provide a continuous threat through weed introductions and simple fragmentation of populations and habitat. It is situated between a CRP planting ofcrested wheatgrass (Agropyron cnstahijri) to the north and aweedy roadside right-of- way to the south. A large area of smooth brome (Brovus inerrms) has become established on the western end of the ridgetop. Planted windbreak species within the RNA include Siberian pea-shrub (CaragaTia arhor^cens) and green ash (Fra-xiniis pennsyivamca). It was burned in the spring of 1 994i (Rabenberg pers. commun.) 54 Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge Sheep Mountain Research Natural Area environment: Sheep Mountain RNA rq^resents an 86 acre segment of a unique environment both ■within the USFWS refiige system in Montana and the state at large. The Centennial Range is Montana's only large mountain range whose main axis is oriented east-west. As such, it is in position to intercept cells of moist air that originate in the Gulf of Mexico and drift north"'-"vard in mid to late summer. These cells are the source of afternoon thunders how ers that can be quite intense and can cause mountain meadows to remain green long into the growing season. Annual precipitation at Lakeview (6,700 fl.)» in the Centennial Valley at the ^ery base of the mountains, is ^.1 inches, which is quite high for a valley location (compare to Wisdom, MT 1^6,100 ft elevation^ which receives 11. S in. annually). Near the crest of the range annual precipitation probably exceeds 50 inches. About 27% of annual precipitation falls in May and June, which is typical for western Montana's mountainous areas. Soil, snow, winds, and snow slides also shape its uniqueness, as recognised in the original establishment record. The Sheep Mountain RNA, ranging in elevation from 7,600 to 8,'K)0 ft., is but a partial representation of a 3,000 vertical feet long mountain gradient developed wholly on the calcareous (predominantly Madison limestone) north flanlc; quartzite is also reported to be present here according to the original establishment record. The limestone- derived soils are generally thin and have a low water holding capacity. An avalanche chute is located along theRNAs north edge. VEGETATION: The vegetation features of Sheep Mountain RNA are consistent with Society of American Foresters (SAF) cover type (c.t.) targets originally identified for the site, including the Engelmann sprue e-subal pine fir c.t.. Interior Douglas Fir c.t., and limber pine c.t. They are in noteworthy old-growth form. In addition, grassland communities and the avalanche chute successional features are present. Four tree species are the climax dominants in the forest series on Sheep Mountain RNA: Engelmann spruce (Pzcea engelmanmi), subalpine fir (Ahies lastocarpa), Douglas fir (Fseudotsuga Tnen^nssii) and limber pine (Pinvs Jles^hs). In addition, a grassland ridgeline opening is near the lower end toward the east, and an avalanche chute is near the upper end toward the west. The predominantly north-facing slopes of the RNA support plant associations of forest series even at the lowest elevations because of the high precipitation. This is in contrast to other portions of southwestern Montana, where at the elevations represented on this RNA. grasslands are prevalent and any forest series present would be only the Pseudotsuga meni^iesii or Pinvs Jls3::ihs series. High elevation sites that have thin soils, are on wind-exposed or ridgeline positions, or have warmer exposures, regularly support the Pseudotsuga 7nen^a,esii and Pinusjlexilis series. Pseudotsuga men^iesii, Pirms jiexihs and even P. engdmatimi tend to be favored over Ahies iasiocarpa and lodgepole pine {Pirtus cotitoria) by calcareous substrates. In fact, Pitius contorta was rarely seen in the course of our RNA transect, which appeared to traverse only limestone. Thus, these three species. Pseudotsuga merisziesn, Picea engelmanmi, andPinus Jlexdis, tend to have greater cover on these mesic slopes than would be predicted from precipitation and temperature alone. Where thin soils combinewith exposed positions and warmer exposures, non-forested environments are produced and usually dominated by bunchgrasses like bluebunch wheatgrass [PseudoToegnena spicata) and/or Idaho fescue [Festitca idahoensts\ Ahies iasiocarpa / Thxihctrum occidentals Forest CABILAS / THAOCC^ subalpine fir / western meadowrue forest The vast majority of this RI'JA is considered to be in various serai stages of this potential or climax plant association. The subalpine fir is used to name the association even though Douglas-fir is strongly dominant in stands representing this type. This naming convention is used because the national vegetation classification, at least in the western United States, has been based, up to now, on plant associations named in the context of potential natural vegetation or habitat types (Pfister and Amo 19S0). The existing vegetation or serai associations that occurwithin habitat t3^es (potential natural vegetion 55 based associations) are yet to be documented. The area capable of supporting the subalpine fir / western meadowrue forest (Abies lastocarpa / Thahctrwm occidentaie Forest; ABILAS/THAOCC) ranges from the steep, north-facing slopes at the lo\"vest elevations of theRNAto the upper slopes (7,900 ft. plus) where it extends to warmer slopes as increasing elevation ■with colder temperatures and increased precipitation compensate for aspect with increased solar insolation load. The ground surface is continuously carpeted "■.vith litter, having virtually no stone or gravel exposed. This plant community could be "typed" in two ways, using Pfister et al. 1977 (which is specific to Montana) and Steele et al. 1983 (which is specific to eastern Idaho and western Wyoming); the undergrowth and associated mesic environment better correspond to the ABILAS / THA.OCC cl imax association described in Steele et al. (19S3) as a minor type in northwestern Wyoming. Most of the stands are rather open (verging on woodland at less than 70% canopy cover), not exceeding 65 to 75 ft. in height, single-aged to two- aged and dominated by Psendotsuga in the upper canopy. At least two old-growth stands were encountered, where Pssud.otsuga exceeding 20 inches and 200 years were common. Though there are occasional mature Abies specimens in the upper canopy, P eTigelmtznmi is the more common representative of mature to late serai tree species. At the start of reconnaissance from the slope bottom, it was especially notable that virtually all smnller Abies projecting above the snowline had been browsed, ostensibly by moose. Given that most of these Abies stems were decidedly shorter than they should have been given the thickness of their stems, it is inferred that this snowline browsing has continued for years and is the primary reason these stands will never become Abies dominated. Serai Ptnusjlej::ilis is perhaps the most abundant canopy tree after Psevdotsuga and Ptcea. Undergrowth cover, which varies inversely w ith the degree of canopy shading, ranges from just barely more than trace amounts to 50% plus and is dominated by forbs; those with the greatest cover and constancy include showy aster (Aster cons picuus), western meadowrue (Tkahctrwm occidentale), mountain sweet-cicely (Qsmorhi%a chzlensis\ heart-leaved arnica (Armca cordifblia), northern valerian (Falenana dioica) and slender cinquefoil (Potenhlla gracilis). Shrub cover barely exceeds trace amounts; various Ribes species (currant or gooseberry) and mountain snowberry (Symphoncarpos oreophilus) are regularly present. The grass component is also depauperate with nodding bluegrass (Poa refle.xa) and pinegrass (Calaviagr^sUs mbescens) usually the only species present and always with low cover, usually not exceeding 5%. |^Plots NHMTECRM9SSC0033, WHMTECRN9SSC003q Abies lasiocarpa / Juniperus communis Woodland CABILAS / JUNCOM] subalpine fir / common juniper woodland This is a vary common plant association, identified from the drier mountain ranges of eastern Oregon and Washington, eastward into Montana and Wyoming and south as far as New Mexico and Arizona (see explanation under ABILAS / THAOCC association as to why these stands dominated by Douglas-fir [Pse-udotsiiga m^n^zesiz) are named for subalpine fir [Abies lasiocarpa) Common juniper (JuTuperus com.-mums) is a relatively stress-tolerant shrub. Within the context of this relatively mesic, generally north-facing ftank of the Centennial Range it represents habitats experiencing greater moisture stress than are reflected by the presence of other forested associations commonly encountered that instead have subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) in association with either western meadowrue (Thalictmfn occidentale), pinegrass [Calamtzgrostis n^esceTis) or with shiny-leaf spireaea (Spiraea betuhfoha). On the RNA, ABILAS / JUNCOM was encountered on warmer exposures, those with a westerly component, and above 7,800 ft., though it is capable of occurring at much lower elevations. It generally grades to ABILAS / mountain gooseberry (Ribes rnontigenuTn), which is present on the RNA as narrow patches where snowpacks are deeper than on surrounding terrain. Being a woodland, tree canopy cover is generally below 60% and tree form approaches "stunted" with heights barely exceeding -I^O feet at more than 350 years of age. Engelmann spruce (Picea eTigelmnfinii) and Abies lasiocarpa are present mostly in the sapling/seedling layer, though scattered mature and old-growth Picea engelmanTui are typically present as well. This association is at the dry extreme o^ Abies lasiocarpa distribution and this species probably will never achieve canopy dominance. The canopy dominant over most of the stand is Pseud-otsuga, though limber pine [Pinusjlej::ilis) is a major component in patches. Common juniper (JumpeTits coTtimunis) dominates the undergrowth, its cover generally exceeding 10%. The graminoid element is especially depauperate with only traces of nodding bluegrass (Poa reflexa) and Ross sedge (Carex rossiil). Showy aster (Aster conspicuus) is the forb with highest cover in the plot and it and lanceleaved stonecrop 56 (Sedufn lanceolahim) were noted as the prevalent forbs throughout the drier "woodland environments. I^Plot NHMTECRN98 S C0037^ Piniisjlss^hs / Pseiidoroegnsna spicGta Woodland[;PINKLE / PSESPQ limber pine / bluebunch wheat grass woodland This plant association was found on a very rocky, thin-soil, limestone ridge with a northwest- and "■-vest- facing aspect and stretched up and downslope approximately 120 vertical feet from the 8,160 fl. contour. The ground surface is more than S5% exposed gravel and rock with bare soil constituting another 5-10%. There is no soil profile development and of the upper 10-20 cm. more than 50% is rock (gravel size or larger); this site verges on being a scree slope. In this old growth stand of stunted limber pine {Pirms Jlexiiis) (?^^Douglas fir (Pssudotsuga 7nen^a,esii\ maximum height of 300 plus yr. old trees 22-24 ft.) all the veteran trees have very battered crowns and boles emblazoned with numerous lightning scars, often having more bare bole and scar tissue than functioning bark. Tree canopy cover ranges between 30 and 60%, composed of only the above named species; there are scattered seedling and samplings but the mid-sized age classes are missing. Shrubs like mountain snowberry (Sympkoncarpos orsophilvs) and common juniper (JuTuperus coTmnums') occur in only trace amounts. The herbaceous layer is very sparse (total cover <10 - 12%) and dominance shifts across the stand, some portions (or patches) being dominated by bluebunch wheatgrass (PssitdorosgTisna spicata) others by grayish cymopteris (CyTnopUrus glauc^is), lanceleaved stonecrop [Ssdumlancsolatus), weedy milkvetch {Astragalus Tmser) and even many-flowered phlox (Phlox Tnultiflora). Overall Pseureognena spicata appears to consistently have the highest coverage, though this is generally less than 5%. This is among the oldest PINKLE / PSESPI stands that have been inventoried in south"'-Yestern Montana; it is so old and lightning struck that none of the trees cored yielded a core that was countable beyond several hundred years, extrapolation yields ages in excess of 500 years. Stand structure is rather typical of xeric- site, old-growth with very scattered reproduction and few intermediate-aged trees. This stand represents the moisture stressed extreme of a type that is known as one of the driest of the woodland vegetation types in Montana with exception of Jumpems spp.- dom in ated woodlands. I^Plot WHMTECRN9S S C00363 Pseudoroegnsna spicata — Poa secunda Herbaceous Vegetation CPSESPI-POASEC] bluebunch wheatgrass — Sandberg's bluegrass grassland This association is found as small patches on the very driest of spur-ridges that project to the north from the main east-west trending ridgeline of the Centennials. The combination of thin, rocky, limestone-derived soils, the western exposures of the spur-ridges (having the highest solar insolation values in a landscape with primarily northern exposures) and the prevailing southwesterly winds which scour snow from the windward slopes (west) and crests causes these ridges to be the most moisture-limited of any features in this landscape. Wind deflation causes more than 80% exposed limestone gravels; the depressed interstices are occupied by soil. Litter and basal area together comprise less than 5% of the surface area. These ridges are so dry as to be incapbale of supporting much biomass, the total cover approaches the 10 % cutoff of sparsely vegetated communities. Though we have classed the plot as belonging to the bluebunch wheatgrass — Sandberg's bluegrass association {Pseudoroegnena spicata —Poa secunda Herbaceous Vegetation), its position and composition, both in alpha diversity and in the number of cushion plant spec ies prominent, place it closer to the P spicata / "Cushion Plant" community described by Cooper et al. (1995) for southwestern Montana (not yet recognised in TNC's Western Region Classification). The shrub component is almost nonexistent; Woods rose {Rosa zvoodsii) and green rabbitbrush (ChtysoihammiTns viscidiflorus) are so thinly scattered and depauperate as to be obscured by the herbaceous layer. Only two graminoids were present in the plot; the dominant P spicata and a trace of Idaho fescue (Fstuca idakoensts) which is virtually ubiquitous in moutain grasslands of southwestern Montana. Low- growing, cushion-like plants or those more typically found in exposed subalpine to alpine environments (e.g. grayish cymopterus ^X/^Tnopterus glaucus^, lance- leaved stonecrop {Sedum laTiceolatum), Rocky Mountain douglasia {Douglasia montane), Cut-leaved daisy (Engeron compositus), Parry's townsendia (To'!vnsendia panyi) and sheep cinquefoil (Potenhlla ovina) are conspicuously reperesented, though individually not exceeding 5% cover. OVERALL BIODIVERSITY SIGNIEICANCE; The Sheep Mountain RNA as currently defined is a small, intact sample of predominantly old-growth forest in the Rocky Mountains biome. It is in the 57 middle of a much larger and more diverse ecosystem, the whole north face of the Centennial Range, where the escarpment begins in shrub land/ grassland at approximately 6,700 ft. and sweeping upwai'd uninterrupted to the highest alpine sites at 9,600 feet. The RNA is encompassed by the Red Rocks Lalces Wilderness, affording additional protection to it and a much larger area. However, neither the RNA nor the surrounding wilderness area that is centered in the valleybottom capture the scale of the processes that operate in this landscape or more than a fraction of the habitat diversity existing in it. Avalanches constitute one of the more salient of these processes; very steep terrain at the highest elevations causes avalanche chutes that fringe parts or all of two RNA borders. These chutes represent a feature of geological process as well as natural succession, and only two plots were taken in the array of wet-to-dry habitats in these avalanche features. gradient ostensibly spans several jurisdictions (Red Rock Lalces National Wildl ife Refuge, BLM Centennial Mountains Wilderness Study Area, USFE Targhee National Forest. Agricultural Research Service's Sheep Experiment Station). The RNA directly adjoins the only known extant occurrence ofWhipple's Beardtongue (Penstsmon zvhzppleanus) in Montana, a species that was documented incidental to the baseline sensitive species work in the Centennial Valley for the Bureau of Land Management (Culver 1993). The avalanche chutes and talus slopes are also potential habitat for dwarf goldenweed {JrLaplopGppus nanus), known only in Montana from a historical collection on the slopes south of Red Rock Lakes. There was not adequate time for completing a systematic survey of these two species across the RNA. It was suggested in the original establishment record that the unique, exposed climatic conditions found within this RNA affords an excellent opportunity for studies in forest ecology and plant physiology. The same records ascribed wildlife values to this RNA, but they were not evaluated in this study. LAND USE: The site is essentially pristine; no timber cutting or evidence of domestic stock use was found It receives limited recreational use from hunters and hikers. MANAGEMENT COMMENTS: This site would ideally be core of a much larger RNA spanning the fiill range of environments and processes of the Centennial Mountains. It lies within Red Rock Lalces Wilderness Area, which spans the lower segment of the 3,000 ft Sheep Mountain slope. The RNA could be expanded lengthwise within wilderness area boundaries, but any expansion of the vertical 58 DISCUSSION The 1 5 RNAs and two additional study sites encompass a highly significant array of natural landscapes for Montana and the upper Missouri River watershed. Over 50 different plant associations are present, representing about 10% of all the recognised terrestrial plant association t3^es in Montana. About a third of these examples are truly noteworthy in their quality and condition to be considered good or outstanding representatives of the biodiversity embodied in Montana's natural vegetation (represented by shaded cells in Table 3, pgii) These noteworthy plant associations are interpreted as representing significant biome features, the first of the RNA criteria in the Refuge Manual. RNAs may also represent stability in ecological communities, succession in ecological communities, habitat for threatened, endangered or sensitive species, and geological processes. Twelve RNA sites met one or more of these RNA establishment criteria in our partial assessment, as highlighted in Table 4i (below). We refer to this as a partial assessment because it did not address wildlife features. Most of the five RNAs that do not contain exemplary ecological or botanical features were originally nominated based on wildlife values, and this study simply provides background habitat description. Table 4. Partial matrix of National Wildlife Refuge RNA criteria and sites in Montana SITE BIOME CLIMAX ■ SUCCESSION TES PLANT SPECIES GEO. PROCESS Mullan Trail RNA Yes Fourth Ridge RNA Yes Hell Creek area Yes Yes Limber Pine RNA Yes Manning Corral Prairie Dog Town RNA Yes Missouri River Bottomlands RNA Yes Yes Yes Spring Creek RNA Yes Two Calf - Dou^las-fjr RNA Yes Yes York Island Yes Sheep Mountain RNA Yes Yes Yes Yes Medicine Lake sandhills area Yes Yes Yes Yes Tepee Hills RNA Yes 57 Among the significant examples of plant associations, as determined by their outstanding quality and condition, several are considered potentially rare or vulnerable across their entire distribution. The Douglas fir / littleseed ricegrass forest (Pseudotsuga menziesii/Oryzopsis micrantha p. a.) is a well-developed plant association found only in central Montana that is rare on account of its geographical restriction, even if it is not under widespread threat. Three other plant associations may possibly be globally rare and are in varying stages of status evaluation in cooperation '.vith adjoining states and provinces. They include: Rocky Mountain juniper/ Wyoming big sagebrush woodland (Juniperus scoulorum / Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis Woodland), Indian ricegrass / lemon scurf-pea sparse vegetation (Oryzopsis hymenoides / Psoralea lanceolatap.a) as found in sand dunes, and the porcupine needlegrass - thickspilce wheatgrass grassland (Stipa curtiseta / Elymus lanceolatus Herbaceous Vegetation). We believe that most or all of the other high global ranks (Gl-GS) for plant associations on Table 2 are artifacts of gaps in research or literature review. of Stipa comata — Bouteloua gracilis — Carex filifolia, but only Spring Creek had more than 10 acres in good condition and surrounded by more-or-less intact upland landscape approaching good representation of the grassland system and processes. Even the two RNAs established to represent prairie dogs towns were studies in contrast: an exotic species had talten over in Prairie Dog Island RNA whereas native species associated with early serai conditions prevail across the prairie dog town site of Manning Corral Prairie Dog Town RNA Other recurrent patterns appear in collectively considering these 12 sites. They include some of the few protected public lands in eastern Montana with intact mesic, productive plant associations. Such inventory features include the once-widespread Pascopyrum smithii-Nasella viridula p.a. ofMullan Trail RNA as mentioned above. The other associations of high biomass are highly localized features like the Stipa curtiseta — Elymus lanceolatus p.a. of Tepee Hills RNA, restricted to north-facing slopes. There was relatively little overlap between plant association features at different sites. This may reflect the system of selecting sites or the inherent diversity within the NWR system. Even in cases of overlap, the ''redundant" plant association features diflered in their ecological context. For example, two significant stands of Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis / Pascopyrum smithii were identified: on York Island, and on Fourth Ridge just to the west. Yet they differed in that the York Island shrubland is pervasive across the uplands and represents a typical landscape, while the Fourth Ridge shrubland is part of a juniper woodland mosaic in an extreme example in an unusually harsh setting. Two sites of Pascopyrum smithii -Nasella viridula p.a were documented at Mullan Trail RI'JA and in the Hell Creek area, the former in a glaciolacustrine setting and the latter in an unglaciated setting where the community is a post- fire serai stage. Many sites had vestiges or patches The largest RNA, the Missouri River Bottomlands RNA, is in a class by itself, encompassing riverine processes and succession, and containing relatively large Missouri River islands, relatively large stands of plains cottonwood, and erodible valley slopes. The presence of intact landscape processes, as well as the plant association components, are enhanced by representation of active geological processes, which enhance system sustainability. Geological processes are also captured in the sandhills segment of the Medicine Lake Wilderness Area, the largest sandhills in Montana with its aeolian processes and succession. The Medicine Lake sandhills also have the highest numbers of Montana plant species of special concern among study sites because of the uncommon sand dune habitat. The third notable RNA example of geological process are the avalanche chutes of the Sheep Mountain RNA, although the RNA includes only small portions of two chutes. 58 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In addition to background and habitat information for each site, this report provides a baseline for assessing the diversity of ecological features and processes represented in Montana's U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service RNAs. Together "■."vith information on U.S. Forest Service RNAs and BLM "Areas of Critical Environmental Concern" (ACECs), this assessment can be used to help systematically identify protected or unprotected habitats and landscapes in Montana and the region. While boundai'y review per se was not the focus of this project, information we collected suggests some possible changes that would better fulfill establishment or representation objectives for h-vo of the RNAs studied. These comments focus on a landscape perspective, including gradients and processes, which are important to the long-term viability of communities and species within the sites. Some of the RNAs already encompass broad gradients. The Spring Creek RNA encompasses a well-developed ravine system with its full complement of habitats. The Limber Pine RNA encompasses a typical Missouri Breaks cross-section with a complementary suite of plant associations. The Missouri River Bottomland in combination with the Two Calf- Douglas-fir RI'JA similarly encompasses a cross- section of Missouri Breaks landscq:>e, though the difference between the vegetation on the former with its sandstone and siltstone bedrock is a striking contrast with the vegetation of the latter on Bearpaw Shale and bentonite. The value of the Missouri River Bottomlands RNA (representing the valley slope gradient) is enhanced by the adjacent Two Calf-Douglas-fir RNA. However, the boundary may be inadequate to effectively represent the latter forest type and accompanying upland processes, and boundary review for the latter is recommended- The Sheep Mountain RNA area is not large enough to represent viable stands and landscape processes, but is surrounded by designated wilderness on the Refijge. The Refuge extends to midslope positions in the Centennial Range so any recognition of intact landscape gradients would involve collaboration with other agenc ies. Sheep Mountain is also in a geographic class by itself among Fish & Wildlife Service RNAs as a Rocky Mountain site rather than a Great Plains site, with intact old-growth plant associations that are otherwise incompletely represented in the Forest Service RNA system in Montana. We recommend that the Service consider expanding the RNA lengthwise on Refuge lands and explore elevational expansion of the RNA to encompass the unbroken ecological gradient that extends into higher elevations onto BLM and USES lands. Though a "gap analysis" and exploration of alternative or additional sites was beyond the scope of this project, some observations emerged from our studies. Most important is that despite the array of plant associations within this USFWS RNA system, it does not include large areas of once-extensive plant associations that covered the Great Plains. However, some RNAs we studied occur within larger areas where these important systems are represented in good condition. The Charles M. Russell NWR offers outstanding and unique opportunities to identify and sustain large, intact plains landscape features not found elsewhere on publ ic lands in Montana. Further field assessment is recommended beyond the RMA boundaries to document the locations and condition of key communities and landscape complexes to provide information that can assist w ith management and conservation of key ecological features and areas on the Refiige. On as smaller scale, the Manning Corral Prairie Dog Town site could include representative south-facing breaklands habitat in addition to prairie dog town succession. We also noted that few. well-developed plant associations or wetland settings with intact hydrological gradients were found, and these represent a gap in types represented within existing RNAs. In conclusion, we recommend a "next phase" of effort focussed on identifying areas that would fill gaps and 59 achieve representation at scales more consistent with ecological processes and the historic nature of once- widespread types. Much of this effort should be focussed on the Charles M. Russell NWR and surrounding public lands, where there maybe outstanding representation of large scale landscape systems and conservation opportunities potentially unique in Montana and the region. Future work should also include assessment ofwildlife representation and values, emphasizing rare, declining and keystone species. 60 LITERATURE CITED Allen, L., S. Cooper, D. Faber-Langendoen and G. Jones. 1999. P. Comer (ed.) Selected shrubland and grassland communities of the northern Great Plains. A report to the Nebraska National Forest by The Nature Conservancy, Boulder, CO. 12^ pp. Booth, W.E, 1950. Flora of Montana, part 1, Conifers and Monocots. Research Foundation at Montana State College, Boseman. 232 pp. Bourgeron, P. S. and L. D. Engelking (eds.). 1991?. A preliminary vegetation classification of the Western Unitied States. Unpublished report prepared by the Western Heritage Task Force for The Nature Conservancy, Boulder, CO. (not paginated) Branson. F. A., R F. Miller and I. S. 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COMM.: C.T: BAILEY CLASS.: SECTION SUBSECTION LTA POLYGONNO.: POLYGON NAME: SITE NAME: ^ STATE: COUNTY: USGS QUAD NAME: ^ QUAD CODE: EXTENT C.T./P.AW/IN LANDSCAPE: Matrix, Lg. Patch, Sm. Patch (circle) COMMUNITY. SIZE (acres): GPS REF. NO.: Field UTM X_ _TnE Field UTM V___ mN Corrected UTM X mE Corrected Field UTM V mN UTM Zone Public Land Survey:T, NorS ; R, Eor W ; Sec, _; 1/4S ; 4/4 ; 4/4/4 ;, ^!^fiiA ; LATITUDE: (degO; _ _(min.):_ _._ _(sec.): LONGITUDE: (deg.);_ _(min.);_^ _■_ Jsec); OWNERSHIP (circle): Private {Name: ). U. S- ForesI Service, BLM, Tribal, Bur. of Rec , State MT, ^__„ PLOT TYPES: PLOT SIZE: RADIUS/LN; WIDTH SURVEY: PHOTOGRAPHY: {type, azimuth, etc.) DIRECTIONS (to plot): _. ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES: DL: SOILRPT: SOIL UNIT: SOIL TAXON: SOIL TEXTURE ;(i:ircic one) clayi sandy day: Silly clay; cloy Joflmi dliy clay loam; sandy day Joam; loam; sill Eoam; ?ili; sandy loam; loamy sand; sand; x= unable (0 assess PARENT MATERIAL(S): LANDFORM: PLOT POSITION: SLOPE SHAPE: (vert,)^ ; (hor.) ASPECT(c): SLOPE (%): ELEVATION: (ft. ot M) EROSION POT.; EROS. TYPE(S): HORIZON ANGLE: N ; E ; S __; W IFSLP: ^^__^^_ IFVAL: SPECIAL FEATURE(S): GROUND COVER (by cover cla^): son.-!- GRAVEL+ ^ROCK + LITTER. + WOOD + MOSS + BASAL VEG -^ OTHER =100^ (baresoil = <2mmfracliC)n;gfav^ = 2nnnn to ORGANIC HORIZON THICKNESS (cm or in): MEAN MIN. MAX.; Oa Oe ^Oi OCULAR PLANT SPECIES DATA: PLOT NUMBER; . NO. SPECIES: PNC:. MINIMUM COVER VALUE: TREES: T6TAL CV. TALL CV. LOW CV, m£AH HT- MED. CV. GRND-CV, FOftSS: ^<:^TAL CV. MED, CV. GRND. CV. MEAN KT, LOW CV. Tree Height | Canopy Cover by Dia, Class SPECIES IDENT/ >18" <1B" O" <5" 1'' T 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 T 7 T e ; / / _/_ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / i / / / ! / / / ! _/_ 1 / / i / SPECIES IDENTIFICATION F 1 SHRUBS: TOTAL CV. TALL CV. LOW CV. MEAN HT- MED CV. GRND.CV. 1 2 3 4 5 S S S S S 3 S S 8 S 9 SIO 311 312 7 / / / 7" / / / / "/" 7" 7' GRAMINOIDS: TOT. CV. MED. CV. GRND. CV. MEAN HT. LOW CV. F F F F F F F 8 F 9 FIO Fll F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 F21 F22 F23 F24 F25 F26 F27 F28 HT. CCC / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ : / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ 1 / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ) / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] G 1 / F29 F30 F31 F32 F33 F34 F35 F36 FERNS tot; LOW F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 _ G 2 / / G 3 G 4 / G 5 / G 6 / / / G 7 G 8 G 9 / AND ALLIED FORMS (S.( \L CV. MEAN HT. CV. GRND CV. J EQUISETUM, 1 GIO / MED. C Gil / / G12 G13 / / / G14 G15 G16 / BRYOIDS £ LICHENS: TOTAL CV. Broids : / / / / / / / / TOTAL L 1 L 2 L 3 L 4 L 5 L 6 L 7 L 8 CV. Lichens: B 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 B 6 B 7 B 3 ] ] ] ] ] ■ / / / / / / / / / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] I r [ [. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " Tree canopy cover for nrnture (> 5 in. dbh) and Beed lings /saplings {< 5 in. dbh.J is Che minimum breetidown for tree stratum, lor any species; ' Canopy Couer CUssea (Percent Values) ; 0] T - >0, <.\: P • 51, <%: ! = >5,<1S; 1 - zlS, <25; 3 - ?25, <35; 4 = i3S, <15; 5 - 545, <55; 6 = £%^, <65j 7 = £S5, <1^i e - i^S, <&5; 9 - ^95, <&5; F - j95 'Fiifit three letters uf genus ami apeciesp' wjrite tomplete tpeciss naiiie if confusion poeslbie within lifeforrn; uan S to innJicBte collected toxou Appendix B Plant Species of Special Concern Survey Form Plant Species of Special Concern Survey Form MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM P.O. Box 201800, 1515 E. Sixth Avenue, Helena, MT 59620-1800 SCIENTinC NAME; OBSERVER(S): WORK LOCATION / ADDRESS: SicatiOnrmttachseOBy pfpertment'7.¥-or35 COUNTY: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: ADDITIONAL T/R/S, SECTIONS OR V* SEC: DATE OF SURVEY: USGS QUAD: . SEC.(s): __ NATL. FOREST DISTRICT/BLM DISTRICT RA/OTHER: , DIRECTIONS TO SITE (Refer to towns, roads, trails, other geographic features): . 'A SEC.:. TOTAL NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS (estimated or exact population count; sum clumps or stems if vegetative}: NUMBER OF SUBPOPULATIONS AND SUBTOTALS (if applicable):. SIZE OF AREA COVERED BY POPULATION (acres): PHENOLOGY (% flowering, fruiting, vegetative): EVIDENCE OF DISEASE, PREDATION, INJURY; EVIDENCE OF SEED DISPERSAL, ESTABLISHMENT: , POPULATION TREND/OTHER COMMENTS: paHitat: iB^s™be.thejli3fcgtiis^H^atores»o£itht;^^^^^^^ _ fj ^edes'Jiabitatin the^etting):P_^ '*^ " ' " ''^'^''^' ELEVATION (mean or range): ' ASPECT: QN QNE QE QSE QS QSW QW QNW % SLOPE: SLOPE SHAPE Q Concave D Convex O Straight Q Other TOPOGRAPHY: Q Crest □ Upper Q Mid Q Lower Q Bottom QOther . MOISTURE: D Dry D M^'S^ D Saturated □inundated □ Seasonal seepage □ Other ^ UGHT EXPOSURE: □ Open □ Shaded □ Partial shade □ Other _ PARENT MATERLVL: ' _ SURFACE COVER (TOTAL %): MOSS/LICHEN BASAL VEG. BARE GROUND SOIL TEXTURE/SERIES: . ^ CANOPY COVER: TREE (%) SHRUB {%) FORB (%) GRAMINOID(%). PLANT COMMUNITY; (dominant species at present, age and structure notes): ^ . — CLIMAX VEGETATION (if not above): . ADDITIONAL ASSOCIATED PLANTS (include most common, conspicuous, and characteristic spp.):_ EVIDENCE OF DISTURBANCE: . PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN ? (if so, mdicate photographer and depository) : SPECIMEN TAKEN? (if so, list collector, collection #, and repository): _ IDENTIFICATION (name of person making determination, and/or flora used):. ECODATA PLOT NUMBER (attach photocopied data sheets}: . OTHER DOCUMENTATION OR REFERENCES: Appendix C Photographs of State-significant Vegetation Features Glaciated example of the once-widespread western wheatgrass — green needlegrass prairie [Pascopyrum smithii — Nasetta viridula Herbaceous Vegeta- tion) at Mullan Trail RNA- Benton Lake NWR Good example and unusual mosaic pattern formed by Rocky Mountain juniper woodland {Juniperus scopulorum/ Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis Woodland] a! Fourth Ridge RNA -Charles M. Russell NWR Unglaciated example of the once-widespread western wheatgrass - green needlegrass prairie {Pascopyrum smithii - Nasetia viridula Herbaceous Vegetation) at Heii Creels potentiai RNA - Charies M. Russell NWR Good representation of Missouri Breaks gradient at Limber Pine RNA - Chartes M. Russell NWR, foreground includes prairie sandreed - sun sedge prairie [Caiamoviiia longifolia - Carex inops Herbaceous Vegetation] and in the background Juniperus scopulorum and Pinus ponderosa dominate northern exposures and ravines Natural succession with blue grama prairie [Bouteloua gracilis Herbaceous Vegetation) as dominant across former prairie dog town at Mannhg Corral Prairie Dog Town RNA - Charles M. Russell NWR; light-colored grass present In extensive patches Is the native tumblegrass {Schedonnardus panicutatus) Good example of intact island communitieB on Two Ca[f Island tn Missouri River Bottomlands RNA — Charles W. Russefl NWR; Including silver sagebrush shrubland {Artemisia cana/ Pascopyrum smithii Herbaceous Vegetation), plains cottonwood woodland [Populus deltoides/ Symphoricarpos occidentalis woodlands) and willow {Salix spp.) thickets Intact stand ol plains cottonwood/ western snowberry woodland {Populus deltoides/ Symphoricarpos occidentatis Woodland) at Hess Bottoms of Missouri River Bottomlands RNA - Charles Nfl. Russell NWR; mature plains cottonwood mostly 16-20 inches in diameter Representa!Jve black greasewood / western wheatgrass shrubland [Sarcobatus vermicutatus I Pascopymm smithii Shrubland) at Missouri River Bottom- lands RNA - Ciiarles M. Russell NWR; black greasewood is also a major component of the vegetation on steep valley slopes to the right Head of ravine woodland with aspen bordering green ash/ chokecherry woodiand {Fraxinus pennsylvanica I Prunus virginiana Woodland] at Spring Creek RNA - Charies M. RusseH NWR; sandstone slopes to the right support a bunchgrass mosaic \n which skunl^brush sumac {Rhus aromatica) and yucca {Yucca glauca) are consistent components. Fenceline contrast with excellent condition prairie (left) of needle-and-thread — blue grama [Slipa comata - Bouteloua gracilis Herbaceous Vegetation] at Spring Creek RNA — Charles M. Russell NWR; poor range condition landscape (right] is dominated by 6. graciiis and fringed sage (Artemisia fftgida). Good example of the widespread Wyoming big sagebrush/ western wheatgrass shrubland {Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis I Pascopyrum smithii Shrubland) at York Island RNA— Charles M. Russell NWR; In the background just below horizon are seen patches of yellow sweetclover Good example of the uncommon Douglas fir/ litlle-seed ricegrass forest [Pseudoisuga menziesii/ Oryzopsts micrantha Forest), at Two Calf - Douglas fir RNA - Charles M. Russell NWR; undergrowth is dominated by O. micrantha and bright green lichens Good example of the indJan ricegrass - slimleaf scurpea barrens {Oryzopsis hymenoides - Psoralea ianceolata Sparse Vegetation) serai community surrounding an active dune blowout area at Medicine Lal^e Sandshllis - Medicine Lake NWR Good example of uncommon porcupine grass — thick-spike wheatgrass prairie [Stipa curtiseta - Elymus lanceolatus Herbaceous Vegetation] at Tepee Hjlls l=^NA - Medicine Lale is an annual with simple or branched stems that are 5-20 cm high. The alternate, narrow, strap shaped leaves may be up to 5 cm long; those at the base are usiially brown by the time the plant is fruidng. Foliage is sparsely covered with spreading hairs. Tin>; white flowers are bome on coiled stalks Ihat unwind and elongate as flowering progresses from the base upward. The corolla is ca. 1 mm high and has a small, united poilion below and 5 spreading petals above. The calyx is covered with stiff, straight hairs and becomes 4-6 mm long in fruil. Within each fiuiti ng cal jx are 4smooth, shiny, narrowly lancc-shaped nutlets that are ca. l,5mmiongandl/3 as wide; 1 or more of these may be missing. Flowering in May-early July. Annual species of CRYPTANTHA are distinguished by characters of the seeds. C. FENDLERI is distinguished by having 4 smooth, shiny nutlets that are lance-shaped and 1/3 as wide as they are long. A hand lens or microscope are needed for positive identiflcation. Reprinted wiih pt^mission ^om the New Britton and Brown niuslrated FlOTa of the NoitheasTein United States and Adjacent Caoada, Vol. i, page 253, Copyright 1952, The New York Btrtaiiieal Garden. CYPERUS SCHWEINITZII SCHWEIMTZ' FLATSEDGE Schweifiitz' Flatsedge is a grass-like perciinia} witli stems that are 10-40 cm high, arising Ax)ni short, irregularh' swollen rhizomes. The leaves are 1-4 mm wide and located mostly near Jhebaseoftheslem. The inflorescence is subtended b>' 3-6 long Jeaf-like bracts, some of which are wider than the leaves. The innoresence is made up of ascending dusters of flatten spikelets that are 5-25 mm long and bome on stalks that are veiy short to long. Tlie flowers are crowded opposite each other and consist only of a small, pointed scale, tliat is ca. 3-4 mm long and subtends 3 stamens and an ovary. The seed is triangular in cross-section. Fruit mature in late June-July. This is our only peremiial CYPERUS and is the only one occurring in upland habitat llluslration by Jeanne R. Janish, From 'Vascular PlanK of the Pacific Northwest' PHACELIA THERM ALIS HOT SPRING PHACELIA Hot Spring Phacelia is an annual that is branched from the base, with prostrate or ascending stems. The alternate leaves have broadly lance-sliaped blades that are 1-9 cm long widi toothed and deeply lobed margins and well-developed petioles- Foliage isglandular-hairy. The short-stalked flowers are bome in crowded, narrow, l-sided, curved spikes that are up to 10 cm long. The spikes unwind as they mature and originate in the leaf axils. The lavendar to whitish flowers each have a 5 lobed tubular corolla that is 3-4 mm long and 5 narrowly lancc-shapcd, hairy sepals that are as long as the corolla in flower but twice as long in ihiit. The stamens are included in the corolla tube. The fruit is a capsule with 2-A seeds covered by a honeycomb pattern. Flowering in June. PHACELIA rVESIANA differs from P. THERMALIS in that it has strap shaped sepals and is not as densely glandular- hairy, P. LUTEAhas yellow flowers and only shallowly lobed leaves. Illusiraiion by Debbie McHiel PHLOX ANDICOLA PLAINS PHLOX Plains Phlox is a perennial with loosely tufted stems that are 4-10 cm high arising from creeping rhizomes. The 5-8 pairs ofopposite, linear leaves have prominent midveins and whitish bases and are 10-25 mm long, ca. 1 nun wide and come to a sharp point. Foliage is glabrous to sparsely hairy. Stems are while. 1-5 white flowers are home at the stem tips. Each flower has 5 petals and a tubular corolla. The calyx is also tubular, with 5 lobes, tangled long hairs, and 6- 1 1 mm length. Flowering in May-eaiiy June. Distinguished from PHLOX HOODll by leaf length over 10 mm long, and from R ALYSSlFOLlAby leaf width less than 2 mm wide. Flowers aje needed tor positive identification, and hybridization between these species is reported elsewhere in the range. \ Appendix G Vascular Plants Cited in This Report, BY Common Names, Scientific Names, and Six-letter Acronyms Appendix G, Trees Ccxle ABILAS FRAPEN JUNSCO PICENG PINFLE Scientific Name Abies lasiocarpa Fraxinus pennsyivanica Junlperus scopuiorum Picea engelmannii Pinus flexilis Common Name Subalpine Fir Green Ash Rocky Mountain Juniper Engelmann Spruce Limber Pine Code Scientific Name PINPON Pinus ponderosa POPDEL Popuius deitoides POPTRE Popuius tremuloides PSEMEN Pseudotsuga menziesH Common Name Ponderosa Pine Great Plains Cottonwood Quaking Aspen Douglas-fir Shrubs Code Scientific Name /\j-A EALM Ameianchier ainifoiia ARTCAN Artemisia carta ssp. cana ARTFRI Artemisia frigida ARTTSW Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis ATRCON Atripiex confertifoiia ATRGAR Atripiex gardneri BERREP Berberis repens CERLAN Ceratoides ianata CHRNAU Chrysoihamnus nauseosus CHRViS Chrysothamnus viscidifiorus CLELIG Ciematis iigusticifoiia CLEOCC Ciematis coiumbiana CORSTO Cornus stoionifera ELACOM Eiaeagnus commutata GUTSAR Gutierrezia sarothrae JUNCOM Juniperus communis JUNHOR Juniperus horizontaiis LEPPUN Leptodactyion pungens LONUTA Lonicera utahensis PRUVIR Prunus virginiana Common Name Western Serviceberry Silver Sagebrush Fringed Sagewort Wyoming Big Sagebrush Shadscale Gardner's Sallsage Creeping Oregongrape Winterfat Common Rabbitbrush Green Rabbitbrush Western Virgins-bower Columbia Clematis Red-osier Dogwood Silverberry Broom Snakeweed Common Juniper Creeping Juniper Prickly Phlox Utah Honeysuckle Common Chokecherry Code Scientific Name RHUARO Rhus aromatica RIBAUR Ribes aureum RIBCER Ribes cereum RIBLAC Ribes iacustre RIBMON Ribes montigenum RIBSET Ribes setosum RIBVIS Riijes viscosissimum ROSARK Rosa arkansana ROSWOO Rosa woodsii RUBPAR Rubus parvifiorus SALEXI Saiix exigua SALLUT Saiix iutea SARVER Sarcobatus vermicuiatus SHECAN Shepherdia canadensis SPIBET Spiraea betuiifoiia SYMALB Symphoricarpos aibus SYMOCC Symphoricarpos occidentaiis SYMORE Symphoricarpos oreophiius TOXRYD Toxicodendron rydbergii YUCGLA Yucca giauca Common Name Fragrant Sumac Golden Currant Squaw Currant Swamp Currant Mountain Gooseberry Missouri Gooseberry Sticky Currant Arkansas Rose Woods Rose Thimbleberry Sandbar Willow Watson Willow Black Greasewood Canada Buffaloberry Shiny-leaf Spiraea Common Snowberry Western Snowberry Mountain Snowberry Poison Ivy Yucca IRAMINOIDS CcxJe Scientific Name AGRCRI Agropyron cristatum AGRINT Agropyron intermedium AGROPY Agropyron spp. AGRREP Agropyron repBns AGRSMI Agropyron smithii (= Pascopyrum smithii) AGRSPI Agropyron spicatum (= Pseudoroegneria spicata) AGRTRA Agropyron trachycaulum (= Agropyron caninum) ANDHAL Andropogon haliii ARILON Aristida iongiseta ARIPUR Aristida purpurea (= Aristida tongiseta) BOUGRA Bouteioua gracilis BROINE Bromus inermis B RO JA P Bromus japonicus BROTEC Bromus tectorum GALLON Calamovilfa iongifoiia CALMON Calamagrostis montanensis CALRUB Calamagrostis rubescens CAREX Carexspp. CARFIL Carex filifolia CARHEL Carex heliophila (= Carex pensytvanica) CARING Carex inops (= Carex pensytvanica) CARPEN Carex pensyivanica GARROS Carex rostrata (= Carex utriculata) GARSTE Carex stenophylla GYPSGH Cyperus schweinitzii DISSTR Distichlis stricta (= Distichlis spicata) ELYCAN Elymus canadensis Common Name Code Scientific Name Grested Wheatgrass ELYTRA Elymus trachycaulus Intermediate Wheatgrass (= Agropyron caninum) Wheatgrass Ouackgrass Western Wheatgrass FESIDA Festuca idahoensis FESOCT Festuca octo flora HORJUB Hordeum jubatum KOEMAC Koeierla macrantha Bluebunch Wheatgrass (= Koleria cristata) MUHGUS Muhienbergia cuspidata Bearded Wheatgrass ORYASP Oryzopsis asperifolia ORYHYM Oryzopsis hymenoides Sand Bluestem ORYMIG Oryzopsis micrantha Red Threeawn PASSMI Pascopyrum smithii Red Threeawn POACOM Poa compressa Blue Grama POAGUS Poa cusickii Smooth Brome POAINT (= Poa fendleriana) Poa interior Japanese Brome (= Poa glauca) Cheatgrass POAJUN Poa junci folia Prairie Sand reed (= Poa second a) Plains Reedgrass POAPRA Poa pratensis Pinegrass Sedge POAREF Poa reflexa POASAN Poa sandbergii (= Poa secunda) Thread-leaved Sedge POASEG Poa secunda Sun Sedge PSESPI Pseudoroegneria spicata Long-stolon Sedge PUGNUT Puccinetlia nuttalliana SGHPAN Schedonnardus paniculatus Long-stolon Sedge SGHSGO Schizachyrium scoparium Beaked Sedge (= Andropogon scoparius) SITHYS Sitanion hystrix Narrow- leaved Sedge SPOGRY Sporobolus cryptandrus Schweinitz's Flalsedge STICOM Stipa comata Alkali Saltgrass STIGUR Stipa curtiseta STIVIR Stipa viriduta Ganada Wildrye (= Nasella viriduta) Common Name Bearded Wheatgrass Idaho Fescue Six-weeks Fescue Foxtail Barley Prairie Junegrass Plains Muhly Roughleaf Ricegrass Indian Ricegrass Little-seed Ricegrass Western Wheatgrass Ganada Bluegrass Gusick's Bluegrass Inland Bluegrass Alkali Bluegrass Kentucky Bluegrass Nodding Bluegrass Sandberg's Bluegrass Sandberg's Bluegrass Bluebunch Wheatgrass Nutt all's Alkaligrass Tumblegrass Little Bluestem Bottlebrush Squirreltail Sand Dropseed Needle-and-thread Porcupine Needlegrass Green Needlegrass FORBS Code Scientific Name ACHMIL Adiiiiea millefofium AGOGLA Agoseris glauca ALLCER Allium cernuum ALLIUM Allium spp. ALLTEX Allium textile ALYDES Alyssum desertorum ANDSEP Andfosace septentrionalis ANEMON Anemone spp. ANEPAT Anemone patens ANTCOR Antennaria corymbosa ANTENN Antennaria spp. ANTMIC Antennaria microphylla ANTPAR Antennaria parvi folia APOCYN Apocynum spp. APOSIB Apocynum siblrlcum AQUILE Aqullegia spp. ARABIS Arabis spp. A RAG LA Arabis glabra ARAHIR Arabis hirsuta ARAHOL Arabis hotboellil ARNCOR Arnica cordi folia ARTCAM Artemisia campestrls ARTDRA Artemisia dracunculus ARTLON Artemisia iongi folia ARTLUD Artemisia iudoviciana ASCSPE Asciepias speciosa ASCVER Ascieplas verticliiata ASCVIR Asciepias viridi flora ASTADS Astragalus adsurgens ASTAGR Astragalus agrestis ASTBIS Astragalus bisulcatus ASTCER Astragalus coram leu s ASTCON Aster conspicuus ASTDRU Astragalus drummondil ASTER Aster spp. Common Name Code Common Yarrow ASTFAL Pale Agoseris ASTFLE Nodding Onion ASTGIL Onion ASTKEN Textile Onion ASTLAE Desert Alyssum ASTLOT Northern Fairy- ASTMIO candelabra ASTMIS Anemone ASTPAN Pasqueflower ASTPEC Meadow Pussy-toes ASTPER Everlasting Pussy-toes ASTPUR Rosy Pussy-toes ASTRAG Nuttall's Pussy-toes ATRHOR Dogbane ATRIPL Clasping-leaved Dogbane ATRROS Columbine ATRSUC Rockcress Towermustard BAHOPP Hairy Rockcress BUPAME Holboell's Rockcress CALELE Heart-leaf Arnica CALELE Pacific Sagewort Tarragon CALNUT Long-leaved Sagewort CAM ROT Prairie Sagewort CAMSAT Showy Milkweed CASLIN Whorled Milkweed CENREP Green Milkweed CERARV Standing Milk-vetch CHADOU Field Milk-vetch CHEALB Two-Groove Milk-vetch CHEBOT Painted Milk-vetch CHEGIG Showy Aster CHELEP Drummond's Milk-vetch CHENOP Aster Scientific Name Aster falcatus Astragalus flexuosus Astragalus gliviflorus Astragalus kentrophyta Aster laevls Astagalus lotlflorus Astragalus missourlensis Astragalus miser Aster pansus Astragalus pectlnatus Aster pereiegans Astagalus purshll Astragalus spp. Atrlplex hortensis Atrlplex spp. Atrlplex rosea Atrlplex suckleyl (= A triplex dioica) Bahia opposltifolia Bupleurum amerlcanum Calochortus elegans Caiopiaca eiegans (=Xar}thona elegans) Calochortus nuttallll Campanula rotundl folia Cameiina satlva Castiiieja tinariifoiia Centaurea repens Cerastium arvense Chaenactis douglasll Chenopodium album Chenopodlum botys Chenopodium gigantospermum Chenopodlum leptophyllum Chenopodium spp. Common Name White-prairie Aster Wiry Milk-vetch Plains Orophaca Thistle Milk-vetch Smooth Aster Lotus Milk-vetch Missouri Milk-vetch Weedy Milk-vetch Tufted White Prairie Aster Tine-leaved Milk-vetch Elegant Aster Pursh's Milk-velch Milk-vetch Garden Orache Saltbush Red Orache Rillscale Plains Bahia American Thorough-wax Northwest Mariposa Sego-lilly Harebell Gold-of-pleasure Narrow- leaved Paintbrush Russian Knapweed Field Chickweed Hoary Chaenactis Lambsquarter Jerusalem-oak Goosefoot Maple-leaved Goosefoot Slimleaf Goosefoot Goosefoot FORBS Ccxle Scientific Name CHEPRA Chenopodium pratericola CHRVIL Chrysopsis viiiosa CIRARV Cifsium arvense CIRUND Cirsium undulatum CLESER Cleome serrulata COLLIN Coliomia linearis COMUMB Comandra umbeifata CONARV Convoivuius arvensis CONCAN Conyza canadensis CONORI Conringia orientalis CORMIS Coryphaniha missouriensis CREACU Crepis acuminata CREPIS Crepis spp. CRYCEL Cryptantha ceiosioides CYMBIP Cymopterus bipinnatus CYMGLA Cymopterus giaucus CYMHEN Cymopterus hendersonii DALCAN Daiea Candida DALPUR Daiea purpurea DESCUR Descurainia spp. DESPIN Descurainia pinnata DESRIC Descurainia richardsonii DESSOP Descurainia sophia DOUMON Dougiasia montana DRAOLI Draba oilgosperma ECHANG Echinacea angustifoiia EPIANG Epiiobium angustifoiium ERICAE Erigeron caespitosus ERICER Eriogonum cernuum ERICOM Erigeron compositus ERIFLA Eriogonum fiavum ERIPAU Eriogonum paucifiorum ERIPUM Erigeron pumiius Common Name Slimleaf Goosefoot Hairy Golden-aster Canada Thistle Wavy-leaved Thistle Rocky Mountain Bee Plant Narrow-leaf Coliomia Bastard To ad -flax Field Morning-glory Horseweed Mustard Hare's Ear Nipple Coryphantha Tapertip Hawks beard Hawks beard Northern Cryptantha Hayden's Cymopterus Grayish Cymopterus Henderson's Cymopterus White Prairie-clover Purple Prairie-clover Tansymustard Pinnate Tansymustard Richardson's Tansymustard Flixweed Tansymustard Rocky Mountain Dougiasia Few-seeded Draba Pale Purple Coneflower Fire weed Tufted Fleabane Nodding Wild Buckwheat Cut-leaved Daisy Yellow Buckwheat Few-flowered Wild Buckwheat Shaggy Fleabane Code Scientific Name Common Name ERIUMB Eriogonum umbeiiatum Sulfur Buckwheat ERYASP Erysimum asperum Plains Wallflower ERYREP Erysimum repandum Spreading Wallflower EUPROB Euphorbia robusta Rocky Mountain Spurge EUPSER Euphorbia serpyliifoiia Thyme-leaf Spurge FILARV Filago arvensis Field Filago FRASPE Frasera speciosa Giant Frasera FRAVES Fragaria vesca Woods Strawberry GAIARI Gaiiiardia aristata Blanket-flower GALBOR Galium boreale Northern Bedstraw GALIUM Galium spp. Bed straw GAUCOC Gaura cocci nea Scarlet Gaura GAYDIF Gayophytum diffusum Spreading Groundsmoke GERVIS Geranium viscosissimum Sticky Geranium GEUTRI Geum triflorum Prairie Smoke GILCON Giiia congesta (= Ipomopsis congesta) Ballhead Gilia GLYLEP Glycyrrhiza lepidota American Licorice GOOOBL Goodyera oblongifolia Western Rattlesnake- plantain GRISQU Grindelia squarrosa Curlycup Gumweed HACDEF Hackeiia defiexa Nodding Stickseed HACFLO Hackeiia fioribunda Showy Stickseed HAPACA Hapiopappus acaulis Cushion Goldenweed HAPSPI Hapiopappus spinulosus Spiny Goldenweed HEDDRU Hedeoma drummondii Drummond False Pennyroyal HEDHIS Hedeoma hispida Rough Pennyroyal HELANN Heiianthus annuus Common Sunflower HELIAN Helianthus spp. Sunflower HELPET Heiianthus petiolaris Prairie Sunflower HETVIL Heterotheca viiiosa (= Chrysopsis viiiosa) Hairy Golden-aster HEUPAR Heuchera parvi folia Small-leaved Alumroot HEURIC Heuchera richardsonii Richardson's Alumroot HYMFIL Hymenopappus fHifolius Columbia Cut-leaf IRIMIS iris missouriensis Rocky Mountain Iris FORBS Code Scientific Name Common Name IVAAXI Iva axillaris Poverty-weed LACCAN Lactuca canadensis Wild Lettuce LACSER Lactuca serrioia Prickly Lettuce LACTUC Lactuca spp. Lettuce LEPDEN Lepidlum densifiorum Prairie Pepperweed LEPPER Lepidium perfoiiatum Clasping Pepperweed LEPSAT Lepidium sativum Garden Cress LEPSAT Leptogium satumium LESLUD LESQUE LIAPUN Lesquereiia iudoviciana Lesquereiia spp. Liatris punctata Silvery Bladderpod Bladderpod Dotted Blazing-star LINLEW LINPER Linum iewisii (=Unum perenne) Linum perenne Wild Blue Flax Blue Flax LINRIG Linum rigidum Yellow Flax LITARV Lithospermum arvense Corn Gromwell LITINC Lithospermum incisum Yellow Gromwell LUPARG LUPLEP LYGJUN MACCAN Lupinus argenteus Lupinus iepidus Lygodesmia juncea Machaeranthera canescens Silvery Lupine Prairie Lupine Rush-like Skeletonweed Hoary Aster MACGRI Machaeranihera grindeiioides Nuttall's Goldenweed MEDLUP Medicago iupuiina Black Medic MEDSAT Medicago saiiva Alfalfa MELALB Mefaneiia aibertana MELALB Meiiiotus aiba White Sweet-clover MELOFF Meiiiotus officinalis Yellow Sweet-clover MIRABI Mirabilis spp. Four-o'clock MONFIS Monarda fistuiosa Horsemint MUSDIV Musi neon divaricatum Leafy Musineon OENCES DENSER OPUFRA Oenothera cespitosa Oenothera serrulata (= OerKithera rhombipetaia) Opuntia fragiiis Desert Evening-primrose Shrubby Evening- primrose Brittle Prickly -pear OPUPOL Opuntia poiyacantha Plains Prickly-pear Code Scientific Name Common Name OROFAS Orobanche fasclculata Clustered Broomrape OROLUD Orobanche Iudoviciana Suksdorf's Broomrape ORTLUT Orthocarpus luteus Yellow Owl-clover OSMCHI Osmorhiza chilensis Mountain Sweet-cicely OXYCAM OXYLAM Oxytropis campestris Oxytropis lambertii Slender Crazyweed Purple Locoweed OXYTRO PARPEN PARSES Oxytropis spp. Parietaria pensylvanica Paronychia sessili flora Crazyweed Pennsylvania Pellitory Stemless Whitlow-wort PENPRO PENSTE Penstemon procerus Penstemon spp. Small-flowered Penstemon Penstemon PETCAN PHACEL Petaiostemon candidum (= Dalea Candida) Phacelia spp. White Prairie-clover Phacelia PHAFRA Phacelia frankllnii Franklin's Phacelia PHALIN Phacelia linearis Threadleaf Phacelia PHLALY PHLAND Phlox alyssi folia Phlox andicola Alyssum-leaved Phlox Moss Phlox PHLHOO Phlox hoodii Hood's Phlox PHLMUL Phlox multi flora Many-flowered Phlox PHLOX Phlox spp. Phlox PHYSAR PICOPP Physaria spp. Picradeniopsis oppositifoiia Twin pod Plains Bahia PLAARI Plantago aristata L arge- bract ed Plantain PLAELO PLALAN Plantago elongata Plantago ianceolata Slender Plantain Buckhorn Plantain PLAPAT POLALB POLALB Plantago patagonica Pofychidium aibociiiatum (= Leptochidium albociHatum) Polygala alba Indian-wheat White Milkwort POLAVI Polygonum avicuiare Prostrate Knotweed POLERE Polygonum erectum Erect Knotweed POLTRA POLYGO Poianisia trachysperma Polygonum spp. Clammy-weed Knotweed POTARG Potentitta arguta Tall Cinquefoil FORBS Code Scientific Name Common Name POTENT POTPEN PSOARG Potentilla spp. Potentiiia pensylvanica Psorafea argophylia Cinquefoil Prairie Cinquefoil Silver-leaved Scurf-pea PSOESC Psoraiea esculenta Indian Bread-root PSOLAN Psoraiea lanceolata Lemon Scurf-pea PYRSEC Pyroia secunda One-sided Wintergreen RATCOL Ratibida columnifera Prairie Coneflower RUMVEN Rumex venosus Wild Begonia SALKAL Salsola kali (= Safsola ibehca) Russian Thistle SEDLAN Sedum lanceolatum Lance-leaved Stonecrop SENCAN Senecio canus Woolly Groundsel SENINT Senecio integerrimus Western Groundsel SENPLA Senecio plattensis Prairie Groundsel SENSTR SILSCO Senecio streptanthif alius Silene scoulerl Rocky Mountain Butterweed Scouler's Silene SISALT Sisymbrium altissimum Tumblemustard SMIHER Smilax herbacea Carrion-flower SMIRAC Smilacina racemosa False Spikenard SMISTE Smilacina steilata Starry Solomon-plume SOLCAN Soildago canadensis Canada Goldenrod SOLIDA Solldaqo spp. Goldenrod Ferns and Fern Allies EOULAE Equisetum iaevigatum SELDEN Selagineiia densa WOOORE Woodsia oregana Smooth Scouring Rush Compact Selagineiia Oregon Woodsia Code Scientific Name SOLMIS Soiidago missoun'ensis SOLMOL Sofidago moiiis SOLMUL Soiidago muitlradiata SOLNAN Soiidago nana SOLNEM Soiidago nemoraiis SONARV Son^us arvensis SPHCOC Sphaeraicea cocci nea STERUN Stephanomeria runcinata SUAMOQ Suaeda moquinii TAROFF Taraxacum officinaie THAOCC Thaiictrum occidentalo THAVEN Thaiictrum venuiosum THERHO Thermopsis rhombifoiia TOW PAR Townsendia parryi TRADUB Tragopogon dubius TRAGOP Tragopogon spp. TRAMIS Tragopogon misceiius TRAOCC Tradescantia occidentaiis VICAME Vicia americana VIOLA Vioia spp. VIONUT Vioia nuttaiiii Common Name Missouri Goldenrod Velvety Goldenrod Northern Goldenrod Low Goldenrod Gray Goldenrod Field Milk-thistle Red Globe-mallow Runcinate-leaved Skeltonweed Tall Seablite Common Dandelion Western Meadowrue Veiny Meadowrue Round-leaved Thermopsis Parry's Townsendia Goat's Beard Salsify Hybrid Salsify Prairie Spiderwort American Vetch Violet Yellow Prairie Violet