CHRONOLOGY 343 A.D. 809 Death of Haroun-al-Rashchid 843 Treaty of Verdun : Partition of Charlemagne's Empire. 865—925 Rhazes (Arab scholar). 870 Treaty of Mersen : further division of Charlemagne's Empire. 900—1100 Cholas; Golden Age of Islamic Science. 960—1280 Sung Dynasty. 962 Otto the Great crowned by the Pope : beginning of the Holy Roman Empire. 973—1048 Al-Binmi. 980—4.037 Abu 'Ali-al Husayu ibn Sina (Avicenna). 1056—1106 Henry IV (Emperor). 1056—1254 Crusades. 1068—86 Wang An-shih. 107&-1142 Abelard. 1095 Council of Clermont 1101 Godfrey first King of Jerusalem died. 1106—25 Henry V (Emperor). 1122 Concordat of Worms. 1126—98 Abu'l-Walid ibn Rushd. 1147 Turks massacre Christians at Edessa. 1152—SO Frederick Barbarosa (Emperor). 1155—1227 Chengiz Khan. 1187 Jerusalem taken by Saladin. 1198—1216 Pope Innocent III. 1206—80 Albertus Magnus. 1212 Children's Crusade. 1212—50 Frederick II (Emperor). 1215 Magna Carte. 1236 Cordoba captured by King of Castile. 1258 Abbasid Caliphate ended by Hulagu : Bagdad des- troyed by Mongols. 1260—95 Marco-Polo. 1274 Thomas Aquinas died. 1280—1368 Yuan Dynasty. 1292 Kublai Khan died. 1294 Roger Bacon died.