SECTION FOUR In this section are described all the ' main' currents' of modern life. Chapter XXII deals with the contributions of Monarchy to the progress of the world as well as its evils. Chapter XXIII describes how the fall of the Old Order was brought about by breaking The Spell of Grand Monarchy. Chapter XXIV contains the story of The Making of Modern Europe, particularly in the politi- cal field. The culmination of the national and economic developments in The Expan- sion of Europe overseas is dealt with in Chapter XXV ; while the Awakening of the East which was the inevitable result of the intrusion of the West is described in Chapter XXVI. The complex resultant of the modern trends in The World To-day is the subject of Chapter XXVII ; and some philosophic reflections on the entire histori- cal process, as described in all previous chap- ters, are contained in Chapter XXVIII which deals with the Past, Present) and future.