THE WORLD TO-DAY 423 marck, governed by one passion, the passion to make his land great and powerful, how can we cast his horoscope ?" asks Mr. A. G. Gardiner ; and he answers: " Here was a new Napoleon, filled with dreams of glory, armed with the most gigantic military weapon in history." His ambition was ominously announced by him in his first address to his army : " I solemnly vow always," he declared, " to be mind- ful of the fact that the eyes of my ancestors are looking down upon me from the other world, and that one day I shall have to render to them an account both of the glory and the honour of the army/5 The Great War of 1914-18 was the fulfilment of this 'solemn vow.' Bismarck had already in the year of Wilhelm's accession (1888) increased the German army by 800,000 'in shining armour/ The new Kaiser therefore set himself to the task of creating a great German navy; for without it his ambi- tion of the Teutonic domination of the world (in commerce and colonisation) could not be achieved. So Heligoland was purchased from England herself in 1890, to form a splendid naval base for Germany ; the excellent Kiel Canal was con- structed ; and strong naval stations were also built at Bor- kum, Cuxhaven, and Wilhelmshaven. A series of Naval Bills were passed to carry out the Kaiser's naval programme. In 1900, at the Paris Exhibition, the Germans openly pro- claimed to the world in gold letters "Our futwe lies on the water" The ' peaceful penetration' of the world by German mis- sionaries and merchants in the meanwhile had proceeded apace. For instance, while there were not more than 16,000 Germans in all their colonies at the accession of Wilhdm II, in Brazil alone there were not less than 350,000 Germans on the eve of the Great War. " At *home science was put in commission to do its Best—or worst... All their know-