CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE Know that the science of History is noble in its conception, abounding in instruction, and exalted in its aim.—IBN KHALDUN The survey of Human History that we set out to make in this brief volume is now at an end without being complete, In the Approach we visualised that ' There is such a phe- nomenon as Progress; call it culture, civilisation, or by any other name/ We understood this to mean that 'there may be setbacks here and there, or retrogression now and again, in the long course of human history. But with all these, Man has evolved out of the brute-creation. He has risen above the mere animal. He has ever toiled .to make his lot better than his inheritance in every age. And what- ever may be his ultimate Destiny, an eternal urge keeps him striving .after Utopias. The Vision beckons and re- cedes before our faltering steps. Yet Faith keeps us stead- fast on the thorny upward path.' ' This/ we characterised, ' is one of the fundamental human traits which are univer- sally true/ Beginning with the First Steps, some 50,000 years or so ago, we have come down the millennia, to the World To-day. Is this long procession of the human race without any mean- ing or significance for us ? There is at least one -fact in aD this which no one can deny, namely, ' While it took millions