PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE 455 ought to give place to the truth that East plus West Is much the Best. In spite of all its apparent conflicts and divisions this is the New Vision of Man that is striving for realisation in the World to-day. The First Steps in civilisation taken by Africa and Asia led on to the marvellous creative activity of Europe. But now it appears that the Oriental ' Conquest of Civilisation' has culminated in the Occidental 'Ordeal oj Civilisation'—tv use the phraseology of Breasted and Robinson. However, there could be little doubt that the World to be must be the creation of a united effort of Humanity as a whole; for Integration—not dis-integration —has been the dominant tendency of Universal History. From Palaeolithic man to our times the World has become increasingly inter-dependent: waves might break and rivers may run dry, but the ocean cannot be split into puddles. What the ancients perhaps dimly perceived is now being laboriously but accurately verified. Herein lies the signi- ficance of Pure science which is hardly to be distinguished from Philosophy. In essence, the problem of both is identi- cal : it is Man's attempt to understand Life, to master all its complexities, and to attain the Platonic ideal of Truth, Beauty, Goodness. The East, particularly India, sought to re- alise these primarily through intuition, meditation, and the mystic ways of religion. The West, following the pragmatic path of Science, aimed at the same ideal and came by its materialistic civilisation. At the present moment the subjec- tive Idealism of Asia and the objective Realism of Europe, meeting in apparent conflict, are engaged in producing the synthesis of a new Universalism. Viewed in the perspective of Man's history from the very