CHRONOLOGY SECTION FOUR A,D. 871—901 Alfred the Great. 968 Hugh Capet 1066-87 William the Conqueror. 1108-37 Louis VI. 1154—1204 Angevins in France. 1155-89 Henry II (England). 1180-1223 Philippe II (France). 119&-1216 King John of Magna Carta. 1226-70 (Saint) Louis IX, 1272-1307. Edward L 1295 Model Parliament, 1301 Philippe IV (France) rejects secular authority of the Pope, 1327-77 Edward III. 1338-1453 Hundred Years1 War, 1348 Black Death. 1368-1644 Ming Dynasty. 137&-1417 Babylonish Captivity. 1381 Peasant's Revolt 1413-22 Henry V. 1415 Battle of Agincourt 1429 Joan of Arc takes Orleans. 1450 The English expelled from Normandy, 1453 Constantinople captured by Turks. 1455-85 Wars of the Roses. 1461-88 Louis XI. 1485-1603 Tudor Dynasty. 1493-1514 Maximilian I (Emperor). 1494-1559 'Italian Wars' of France.