484 A BRIEF SURVEY OF HUMAN HISTORY Islam, 232, 252, 255, 303, 308, 309, 310, 398. Birth of, 316. Hindu converts to, 312. rise of, 251. Islamic Science, Golden Age of, 259. Ismael, 255. Israel, 445. Israelites, 82, 88, 90, 91, 104. Italy, 123, 135, 162, 167, 1G3, 171, 195, 203, 224, 229, 230, 232, 268, 292, 322, 327, 332, 336, 360, 366, 375, 379, 390, 391, 398, 399, 422, 425, 428, 429, 430, 433, 434. Ivan the Terrible, 386. lyeyasu; 416, 417. Jains, 313. Jainism, 2,14, 309. James I, 368, 379. .James II, 370. Japan, 68, 82,137,205,214,217, 219, 220, 221, 306, 405, 409, 410, 413, 414, 415, 416, 4L7, 418, 419, 420, 421, 425, 430, 43'4, 435, 436, 437, 439. Sea of, 431. Java, 242. Jayavarma, 243. Jehangir, 368. Jemappes, 383. Jerusalem, 43, 87, 88, 89, 186, 187, 272, 280, 282, 283. temple of, 229. Jesuits, 277, 340, 341. Jesus, 185, 255, 280. birth of, 184. Jews, 33, 44, 186, 187, 189, 230, 231, 254. Jeziya, 254. John, King, 252, 356, 367. John, Philippe, 356. Johnson, Dr. 459. Joseph II, 362, 388, 397. Judaea, 185. Judah, 44. Juggurtha (King of Numidia), 172. Jugoslavia, 429. Justinian, 203, 232. code of, 202. Jutes, 229. Juvenal, 193. Kabir, 312. Kadesh, battle of, 86. Kailas, Temple at Ellura, 24. Kaiser, 433. Kalidasa, 239. Kanagawa, Treaty of, 418. Kiang Hsi, 411. Kalingas, annexation of, 208. Kanishka, 211, 212, 214, 236. Kanouj, 237, 310, 314. Pratiharas of, 313. Kahvas, 235. Kappel, 337. Kara Korum, 306. Karnak, 31, 35. , Great Temple of, ,16. Kashgar, 212. Kashi, 75. Kashmir, 314. Kaundinya, 243. Kaunitz, Count, 381. Kautilya, 235. Kassites, 41, 42. Keatinge, Prof. 322. Keats, 139. Kemal, 421. Kepler, Johann, 261, 323. Khaljis, 311. Khan, Kublai, 304, 305, 306, 314, 409, 416. Khan, Sir Saiyyad Ahmad, 408. Khafre, King, 16. Great Sphinx of, 25. Khotan, 212. Khufu (Cheops), 25. Kiaochow Bay, 414. Kiel Canal, 423. Kimberley, diamond mines of, 399. Kinmei, 221. Kish, 35, 39.