i. Abstract of the Teseide of Boccaccio. [From Tyrwhitfs " Chaucer" 1822, i. 114-20.] THE " Theseida " is distributed into twelve Books or Cantoes. Book I. Contains the war of Theseus with the Amazons; their submission to him; and his marriage with Hippolyta. Book II. Theseus, having spent two years in Scythia, is reproached by Perithons in a vision, and immediately returns to Athens with Hippolyta and her sister Emilia. He enters the city in triumph; finds the Grecian ladies in the temple of Clemenzia; marches to Thebes; kills Creon, &c. \ and brings home Palemone and Arcita, who are Damnati—ad eterna fresone. Book IIL Emilia, walking in a garden and singing, is heard and seen first by Arcita, who calls Palemone. They are both equally enamoured of her, but without any jealousy or rivalship. Emilia is supposed to see them at the window, and to be not displeased at their admiration. Arcita is released at the request of VOL. IV.O H