356 THE LIFE OF PERICLES. monies "of the mysteries were made) was first founded by Corsebus, who raised vp the first pillars in order, standing beneath on the ground, and did set them vp vnto the maister chaptrels. But after he was dead, Metagenes, borne in the towne of Xypeta, turned the arches ouer, and then did set the pillars in order also which are aboue: and Xenocles of the towne of Cholargea. was he that made the lanterne or top of the steeple which couereth the sanctuary : but the long wall which Socrates heard Pericles himselfe giue order for the building of it, was done by Calli-crates, who vndertooke «the worke. Cratinus the Poet, in a comedie he made, laugheth at this worke, to see how slowly it went forward, and how long it was a doing, saying : Pericles long a go, did end this worke begunne; and build it high, with glorious words, if so it had bene done. But as for deedes (in deede) he built nothing at all, but lei it stand; as yet it stands, much liker for to fall. And as for the Theater or place appointed for musicke, where they heare all niusitions play, and is called Odeon : it is very well made within with diuers seates and degrees, and many ranges of pillars, but the top of the roofe is altogether round, which is somewhat hanging downeward round about of it selfe, comming together into one point. And it is said that this was made after the patterne and fashion of King Xerxes royall pauilion, and that Pericles was the first deuiser and maker of it. Wherefore Cratinus in another place of his comedie he maketh of the Thracians, doth play very pretily vpon him, saying : Pericles here doth come, 2}an Itifiter surnamed, (and onions head) which hath in his great noddle finely framed