AV MORELS SKI&. 431 I will swe'ete wife, then gan he say, Fulfill your mynde both loud and still; But ye be able, I sweare in fay, In all sportes to abide my will. And they wrestled so long beforne, That this they had for their greate rneade : Both shyrt and smock was all to tome, That their vprysyng had no speede. But yet the mother came agayne, And sayd to her daughter, how doest thou nowe ? Mary, mother, betweene us twayne, Our shyrtes be torne, I make God auowe. By Gods dere mother, she sware than, This order with vs may not continue : I will no more lye by this man, For he doth me brast both vayne and sinew. Nay, nay, deare mother, this world goeth on wheeles : By sweete Saynt George ye may me trowe, He lyeth kicking with his heeles, That he is like to beare me a blow. My owne deare daughter, if thy smock be asonder, Another thou shalte haue-then, by this light: I pray thee hartely doo thou not wonder, For so was I dealt with the fyrst night That I by thy father lay, by the roode, And I doe thee with wordes playne : Me thought neuer night to me so good, As that same was when I tooke such payne. Why, mother, were ye then glad To be thus delt with as I am now ? Me thinke my husband worse then mad, For he doth exceede, I make God auow. I could not lye still, nor no rest take, Of all this night, beleue ye me: Sometime on my syde, and sometime on my backe, He rode and layd me, so mote I thee.