60 . A FEW MEMORIES —In noticing the debut of Miss Anderson at Macauley's last night, before proceeding to the necessary task of criticism, we chronicle with great pleasure the fact that she achieved a very decided success. The house was filled with such an audience as only the most favored stars can bring out on Saturday night, and it showed a warmth of appreciation and made such demonstrations of enthusiasm as Louisville audiences rarely indulge in. Miss Anderson was called before the curtain after every act Considering that she is just sixteen years of age, and has never been upon the stage of a theatre before her first rehearsal upon Friday, her achievement last night may be fairly classed as remarkable. We have too high an opinion of her abilities and of her good sense to think that she desires indiscriminate praise in a notice of her first performance. " She attempted a very difficult and no less remarkable task last evening in coming before the public for the first time in her life in the character of Juliet. But when we come to consider all the bearings that surround a first appearance, the manner in which she acquitted herself must have been very gratifying to her friends and very encouraging to her hopes. It was brave in Miss