GENERAL GRANT 77 At Savannah a bevy of school-girls—forty or fifty in number—swept past the stage-door keeper, and, bursting into my dressing-room, insisted that I should embrace them one and all. The request was extremely embarrassing. I made a rush for the door, but was seized upon by the crowd, and not allowed to depart until I had kissecl them all. This feat accomplished with a very ill grace, I was permitted to quit the theatre. Not being able to find a carriage in which to escape, my mother and I were followed by the entire school, whose ranks were enlarged on the way by stragglers and passers-by until, reaching our hotel, they formed a long procession behind us. My cup of indignation overflowed when a grinning spectator remarked as we passed, " My stars! what a long tail our cat's got 1" It was during that delightful Southern tour that Dr. Griffin presented me to General—then President—Grant, whom he had known in old soldiering days, when the General had captured and imprisoned him. It was pleasant to see these enemies in war so friendly in time of peace. Kindliness and simplicity were marked traits of the President, while a certain ruggedness of manner and speech that was suggestive of his earlier life gave an ad-