CONTENTS, Odyssey—Ignorance of the Western Countries—Wanderings of Ulysses— Their Mythical Character—Exceptions to this—Rumours about far distant Countries—The Pygmies—Long Days and Nights of Northern Europe-- Primitive Trade-routes—The Amber Trade—Route through Vannonia— Route through Gaul—Entrep6t at the Mouths of the Po—Story of the Sisters of Phaethon—The River Eridanus—The Tin Trade -Tin not imported from India, but from Spain, and Britain—The Cassiteridcs Islands—Opinions as to their Situation—Trees imported into (Irecce; the Palm, the Pomegranate, the Cypress, the Plane—The Cardinal Points determined by the Winds—The Four Winds in Homer—Character of the Greek Winds.......... CHAPTER III. SPREAD OF THE GREEK COLONIES. Geography advanced by the Greek Colonies—Causes of their Establishment— Qualifications for a Site—Early development of the Colonies—Communi- cation with the Natives—-Information transmitted to Greece—Colonies on the Euxine—Dangers and Attractions of that Sea—Sinope, tire, 77011.0.— Cyzicus on the Propontis—Colonies on the North Coast of the Kuxinc— Olbia, 645 B.C.—Panticapaeum (Kertch)—Dioscurias—Chalcidic Colonies in Thrace—Megarian Colonies in the Propontis: Byzantium, 658B.c,— Greek Colonies in Italy, Cumae, Neapolis, Rhegium and Messana— Sybaris, 721 B.C.—Croton, 710 B.C.—Paestum—-Melapontum—Ixxsri— Tarentum, 708 B.C.—Colonies in Sicily: Naxos, 735 H.C.—Syracuse, 734B.C.—Gela, 6908.0.—Agrigentum, 580 B.C.—Himera, 6483.0,—-The Phocaeans at Massilia, 600 B.C.—Colonies of Massiiia—Its Influence in Gaul—Cyrene, 631 B.C.—Its Site and Commerce—The Greeks in Egypt—- Their Settlement at Naucratis, circ. 650 B.C.—Summary . * 43~58 CHAPTER IV. EARLY GEOGRAPHICAL SPECXJLATIOHS : HECATAEUS. Speculations on Mathematical Geography—Anaximander, tire* 5803.0.— Spherical Form of the Earth—Theory of Zones—Speculations on Physical Geography—Volcanic Phenomena—The Delta of Egypt—Inundation of the Nile—Explanations of it, by Thales, Hecataeus, Anaxagoras, Hero- dotus, Aristotle, and Eratosthenes—Invention of the Gnomon—Map-mak- ing—Its Early Difficulties—Aristagoras and his Map at Sparta, 4993.0.— Delphi the Centre of the Earth's Surface—Origin of the Belief—Division