340 PTOLEMY AND LATER GEOGRAPHERS. [CHAP. it was imperfect we gather from Ptolemy, who, while he extols the diligence of Marinus in collecting and sifting Deficiencies. ^is data, and notes that in the successive editions of his work he had done his best to amend and supplement it, remarks also that much was left for himself to accomplish in correcting and improving it, To this must be added a more serious deficiency arising from want of method, for the continuity of the treatise was much broken up by the insertion of discussions of disputed points. The map also left much to be desired, because the parallels of latitude and meridians of longi- tude were represented upon it throughout by straight lines, and the meridians of longitude were drawn parallel to one another— a system, of the faultiness of which Marinus shewed himself to be aware in the criticisms which he passed on the attempts of his predecessors to delineate the spherical surface of the globe on a plane map1. Of the life of Claudius Ptolemy hardly anything is known, but it is probable that he studied and wrote at Alex- Ptolemy. andria, where the renowned school of letters which had been founded by the Greek rulers of Egypt still flourished. His treatise on geography was published subsequently to the completion of his astronomical works, and its date may be fixed approximately at 150 A.D. The greatness of his Reputation! fanie as a mathematical geographer, which is superior to that enjoyed by any other ancient writer on the subject, has arisen from several causes. In the first place it is to be attributed to the age in which he lived, for it coincided with the decline of learning among the Greeks and Romans, and in consequence of this he towered so conspicuously above the writers who followed him, that an undue importance was attached to his statements. No doubt, also, the renown of Ptolemy as an astronomer was reflected on his geographical studies, and heightened the estimation in which they were held. 1 Ptol. i. so. 3, 4; Sirep Ma/wos els MffTww o& rty rvxodffw &ya,y&pt xai irdrus dTaŁa*rXws /le/t^AjLtevos ra?s fLe668ois r&y tiriirtdw Ka,Ttiypa,uv, ottep yrrov aMs 0aberai Kexjnj^os rj jadXtora M irotofofl ffvw&povs TAs &a