CORPORATE BODIES AS AUTHORS________________________122 F. Local ecclesiastical councils. Enter councils called by local Baptist, Congregational, Unitarian, etc., churches, or at the request of a local church by a local association of churches, under the name of the church or association issuing the call for the council. Brooklyn. Plymouth Church. Advisory Council, 1876. Proceedings of the Advisory Council of Congregational churches and ministers called by the Plymouth Church of Brooklyn, N. Y., and held in Brooklyn from the 15th to the 24th of February, 1876. G. Creeds, hymnals, and service books. (1) Enter creeds, hymnals, and service books issued by a local church or for its use under the name of the church. Boston. King's Chapel. Liturgy collected for the use of King's Chapel. (2) Enter creeds, hymnals, and service books issued by denomina- tional bodies under the name of the body. Add the name of the creed or hymnal in the heading only if essential for the arrangement of large groups of material; the name of a service book, if added, follows the subheading LITURGY AND RITUAL. Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. The hymnal . . . United Lutheran Church in America. Liturgy and ritual. Common service book . . . Church of England. Liturgy and ritual. Coronation service. Church of England* Book of common prayer** 121. Creeds, hymnals, and service books (Jewish). Enter Jewish creeds, hymnals, and service books under the head- ing JEWS. LITURGY AND RITUAL. No single Jewish organization represents all Jews, but the continuity of liturgical rites and forms justifies an entry in this form. Jews. Liturgy and ritual. Prayer book; abridged for Jews in the armed forces of the United States. Jews. Liturgy and ritual. Hagadah. 1934. The Haggadah. A new edition, with English translation, intro- duction, and notes by Cecil Roth. i. Jews. Liturgy and ritual. Hagadah. English. 1934. n. Roth, Cecil, 1899- ed. and tr. 122. Religious orders. Enter religious orders under a conventional short form of name in English, if the order extends over more than one country and is known by an English name. wBy exception the Book of common prayer is entered directly under the name of the church without the subheading LITURGY AND RITUAL. 187