2o6 A MODERN COMEDY tude. And what was worse, she could see herself seeing it—a triple-distilled modern, so subtly arranged in life-tight compartments that she could not be submerged. If only something would blow in out of the unkempt cold, out of the waste and wilderness of a London whose flowers she plucked. The firelight—soft, uncertain—searched out spots and corners of her Chinese room, as on a stage in one of those scenes, seductive and mysterious, where one waited, to the sound of tambourines, for the next moment of the plot. She reached out and took a cigarette. She could sec herself lighting it, blowing out the smoke—her own half-curled fingers, her parted lips, her white rounded arm. She was decorative 1 Well, and wasn't that all that mattered ? To be decorative, and make little decorations ; to be pretty in a world that wasn't pretty ! In 6 Copper Coin ' there was a poem of a flicker-lit room, and a spoiled Columbine before the fire,