374 A MODERN COMEDY in the fate of a pound of sugar bought with the fraction of a Bradbury; He would not arbitrarily interfere with a ripple of the tides set loose by His arrangement of the Spheres. God, to Michael, was a monarch strictly limited by His own Constitution. He restored the letter to his pocket. Poor creatures ! But really, with 1,200,000 and more English unemployed, mostly due to that confounded Kaiser and his Navy stunt------! If that fellow and his gang had not started their Naval rivalry in 1899, England would have been out of the whole mess, or, perhaps, there never would have been a mess ! He turned up from the Temple station towards the offices of ' The Outpost.' He had c taken ' that weekly for some years now. It knew everything, and managed to convey a slight impression that nobody else knew any- thing ; so that it seemed more weighty than any other weekly. Having no particular Party to patronise, it could patronise the lot. Without Imperial bias, it professed a special knowledge of the Empire. Not literary, it made a p oint of reducing the heads of literary men—Michael, in his publishing days, had enjoyed every opportunity of noticing that. Professing respect for Church and the Law, it was an adept at giving them * what-for.' It fancied itself on Drama, striking a somewhat Irish attitude towards it. But, perhaps above all, it excelled in neat detraction from political reputations, keeping them in their place, and that place a little lower than ' The Outpost's.' More- over, from its editorials emanated that ' holy ghost' of inspired knowledge in periods just a little beyond average comprehension, without which no such periodical had real importance. Michael went up the stairs two at a time, and entered a large square room, where Mr. Blythe, back to the door, was pointing with a ruler to a circle drawn on a map.