IN THE MONTH OF RAMZAN 89 My fight continued even when I was lodged behind prison bars. I have been several times In prison and every time I have left only friends behind in the jail officials and others with whom I have come in contact. " It is a speciality of non-violence that its action never stops. That cannot be said of the sword or the bullet. The bullet can destroy the enemy ; non-violence converts the enemy into a friend and thus enables the civil resister to assimilate to himself the latter's strength." By their Civil Disobedience struggle, he continued, they had demonstrated to the world their determination no longer to be ruled by the British. But they had now to give proof of valour of another and higher type. During the Khilafat days tall, hefty Pathan soldiers used to come and meet the Ali Brothers and himself secretly. They used to tremble at the thought of their visit being discovered by their superior officers and resulting In their dismissal from service. In spite of their tall stature and physical strength they used to cower and become servile when confronted by a person physically stronger than they, " I want strength which will enable me to submit to none but God, my sole Lord and Master. It is only when I can do that that I can claim to have realized non-violence." He then proceeded to expatiate on another speciality of non-violence, viz., one need not go to a school or a pir * or a guru to learn its use. Its virtue lay in its simpli- city. If they realized that it was the most active principle that worked all the twenty-four hours without rest or remission, they would look for opportunities for its appli- cation in their homes, in the streets, in relation to their foes no less than friends. They could begin to practise it in their homes from that very day. He had disciplined himself sufficiently never to feel angry with the enemy r but he confessed that he sometimes lost temper with friends. Such discipline in non-violence as he had, he told them, he had at home from his wife. And with that* he unfolded in poignant detail a chapter of his domestic * A Muslim spiritual teacher.