A PILGRIMAGE FOP. PEACE you will have done your duty. Ten to one, killing you. unarmed and unresisting will assuage the assailant's lust and he will leave his victim unmolested. But it has been said to me that tyrants do not act as we want or expect them to. Finding you unresisting he may tie you to a post and make you witness the rape of the victim. If you have the will you will so exert yourself that you will break the bonds or break yourself in the attempt. In either case, you will open the eyes of the wrong-doer. Your armed resistance could do no more, while if you were worsted, the position would likely be much worse than if you died unresisting. There is also the chance of the intended victim copying your calm courage and im- molating herself rather than allowing herself to be dishonoured." It was probably for the first time that anybody had spoken to them in that strain and dared to present to them the gospel of non-violence in its completeness. The very fact that Gandhiji found it possible to do so consti- tutes a new era in the history of the Pathan race. As one watched these rough soldiers listening to Gandhiji's strange message of peace under the watchful eye of their chief, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, one could not help recalling to oneself the immortal lines of the poet describ- ing " stout Cortez " and his men that looked at each other £t with mild surmise, silent, upon a peak in Darien." " Then felt I like some watcher of the skies When a new planet swims into his ken, Or like stout Cortez, when with eagle eyes He stared at the Pacific, and all his men Looked at each other with a mild surmise, Silent, upon a peak in Darien."