ACROSS THE SALT RANGE H3 besides at Paniala. But before giving the substance of Gandhiji's talks, it is necessary to note a few things about the people to whom his remarks were addressed, their characteristics and traditions. Unlike the term Afghan which is used, in its widest sense, to denote any inhabitant of the modern kingdom of Afghanistan, the term Pathan has a linguistic deriva- tion, being a corruption of Pukhton, the Pukhtu-speakers. It includes all Pushtu- or Pukhtu-speaking people of Southern and Eastern Afghanistan and the Indian border- land. One of the points which Badshah Khan used often to emphasize in his public speeches was that in the Front- ier Province everybody was a Pathgn who had made that province his home and spoke Pukhtu, irrespective of whether he was a Hindu, Sikh or Mussulman. And as a matter of fact there are Hindus and Sikhs, women and children settled among the Pathans who have adopted the Pathan dress and who can speak only Pushtu. They have even adopted the Pushtu suffix zai~ son of \ By temperament the Pathans are a childlike and jovial race. They are fond of music, poetry and folk-dances and when exhilarated, will express their exuberance by the firing of ' festive shots J. Their favourite instruments of music are drums (nagara), flute (surnai) and bagpipes. In appearance the Pathan is of a stalwart make, lean and wiry. Throughout our tour we did not come across a single Pathan with a paunch, thanks to lean meat which lie consumes and his sparing use of starch. He never moves without his weapons. When grazing his cattle or driving his beasts of burden, when tilling the soil or at- tending a fair or a public function he is still armed. His rifle or his long, heavy jezail (as the old style Pathan matchlocks are called), which is generally slung over his left shoulder, the belt of cartridges and the knives and daggers that are stuck about his person, one of them often between the nape of his neck and the collar of his mantle, are never laid aside outside his home and during his wak- ing hours. He is a crack shot and an adept in ambuscade and mountain guerrilla warfare.