The Struggle for Independence 193 government with no direct authority for Arab politicians and no opportunity for men of talent and ambition to rise higher than very secondary positions in the administration. The states which had achieved full political independence were those on the outer edge of the Middle East: Turkey, Persia, Sa'udi Arabia, Yemen, under their autocratic rulers Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Riza Shah, Ibn Sa'ud, and the Imam Yaliya;1 and even these, in ascending order, were hampered in their dealings with greater Powers by their economic weakness and the social backwardness of their peoples. 1 Imam Yahya of the Yemen was muidered in a rising of 'progressive' elements in February, 1948; but the Ciown Prince Ahmed succeeded in re- asserting his authority in the following month icf. Times editorial, 16 March, 1948).