D. THE FREEDOM OF HUMAN SOULS THAT IS THE LAW OF GOD IN the present Part of this Study we are trying to gain some insight into the relation between Law and Freedom in History; and, if we now reapproach this question in the light of the evidence that we have been gathering in the course of an empirical inquiry, we shall find that the question has already received an answer. How is Freedom related to Law ? Our evidence declares that Man does not live under one law only; he lives under two laws, and one of these two is a Law of God which is Freedom itself under another and more illuminating name. This 'perfect law of liberty'1 is also a law of Love; for Man's freedom could only have been given to Man by a God who is Love in person,3 and this divine gift can only be used by Man for freely choosing Good and Life instead of Death and Evil3 if Man, on his side, loves God well enough to be moved by this responsive love of his to commit himself to God, by making God's will his own, as unreservedly as God has com- mitted Himself to Man by giving Man the power of free choice. Our wills are ours, we know not how; Our wills are ours, to make them thine.4 *La sua voluntade e nostra pace';3 and this self-surrender of Man's will to God's, which the Prophet Muhammad has preached in the lapidary word islam, is 'the glorious liberty of the children of God'.6 'History is, . . . above everything else, a call, a vocation, a dispensation to be heard and responded to by free human beings—in short, the interaction of God and Man';7 and this truth has been partially divined by pre- . Christian Hellenic philosophers and been faintly echoed in the utterances of post-Christian Western heresiarchs. Plato has testified that the Gods do not drive human beings, but steer them;8 and Hegel's description of creation as a synthesis obtained through a settlement of accounts be- tween a thesis and an antithesis is a recognizable academic abstract of the living truth, even though it makes nonsense of it by perversely depotentializing the creative act of God's and Man's mutual love into the logical procedure of an intellect that 'by itself, moves nothing*.9 Law and Freedom in History prove to be identical, in the sense that Man's freedom proves to be the law of a God who is identical with Love. But this finding does not dispose of our problem; for in answering our James i. 25. * i John iv._8. 3 Deut. xxx. 15. Tennyson: In Memoriam, in. the invocation. Dante: La Divina Conanedia: Taradiso*, Canto III, 1. 85. 6 Rom. -riii. 21. Lampert, E.: The Apocalypse of History (London 1948, Faber), p. 45. Plato: Critias, 109 B-C: They tended us as herdsmen tend their flocks, live-stock and nurselings, except that they did not use physical force, as shepherds do when they drive beasts by beating them. The Gods led Mankind by steering them. They guided Mankind's course from astern, which is the way in which a living creature is most easily manipulated, and they used as their rudder the instrument of Persuasion to influence the Human Psyche in accordance with the Gods* own ideas/ 9 Aristotle: Ethica Nicomachea, Zzt pp. 1139 A-B, quoted in III. in. 231, n. I,and on pp. 327-8, above.