INDEX 281 295, 34*» 525; analysis of recurrent characteristics of cycles, ix. 251 seqq.j generation cycles in relation to, be. 322-3, 326; psychological causes of, ix. 322-3; synoptic view of, ix. 281-7; tables illustrating, ix. 255,268-9,273,285; wave-lengths, ix. 286-7, 336; see also under HEL- LENIC CIVILIZATION; Sixic CIVILI- ZATION; WARS; WESTERN CIVILIZA- TION. Cynoscephalae, Battle of (197 B.C.), "vii. 94; is. 270; x. 134-5. Cynwise, wife of Penda, King of Mercia, viii. 658. Cyprian (Thascius Caecilius Cypri- anus), Saint, vii. 343; De Catholicae Ecclesiae Unitate, quoted, viii. 111 n. Cyprus: British administration of, vii. 17; Iconoclast and Iconodule move- ments in, ix. 90; Jews in, ix. 90. Cyrenaica: Achaemenian conquest of, viii. 434; Greek colonization of, v'ui. 422; Italian conquest of, viii. 262. Cyril (Constantine), Saint, Apostle of the Slavs, vii. 106«., 2397?.; ix. 714. 7i6. Cyril, iSth-century Oecumenical Patriarch, viii. 160. Cyrus, provenance of name, vii. 652, 686. Cyrus I, the Achaemenid: Assyrian overlordship recognized by, vii. 621; patrimony of, vii. 620-1 and «., 639- Cyrus II, the Great, the Achaemenid: administrative policy of, vii. 178, 582, 597-9, 603-6, 611, 613, 656, 671, 674 n., 685; alliance with Saka Haumavarga, vii. 64472.; campaign of, against Eurasian nomads, viii. 431; centre of gravity of Achae- menian Empire under, vii. 203-4; conquests of, vii. 78, 101, 102, 205 «., 206 «., 226-7, 597, 598-9; viii. 205 n.t 425, 427, 431, 433, 435, 441, 462, 710-11 fl.j ix. 521; death of, vii. 120, 684; viii. 431; establish- ment of Achaemenian Empire by, vii. 204, 424, 434, 580, 582, 598, 622 and «.; genealogy of, vii. 622 and TZ.; Greeks, relations with, viii. 431; Jews, treatment of, vii. 11671., 693; viii, 299; Medes, relations with, vii. 204, 597, 598, 599, 655; viiu 433; patrimony of, vii. 639; retention of title 'King of AoSan', vii. 204; tomb of, vii. 206. Cyrus the Younger, the Achaemenid, vii. 98, 206 »,, 657, 674; viii. 548 »* Czechoslovakia: Germany, relations with, vii. 476; ix. "501, 533; U.S.S.R., relations with, ix. 533. Czechs, the, vii. 244. da Gaxna, Yasco, vii. 300; viii. 117 «., igS n., 199, 471 *,; ix. 480; x. 96, 118. Dacians, the, x. 56. Dagobert I, the Merovingian, ix, 671, 672. Dakar, Straits of, ix. 751. Dalai Lama, the, vii. 693. Dalhousie, J. A. B. R,, Marquess of, Governor-General of India, vii. 167. Damaratus, King of Sparta, ix. 403 n., Sign. Dandurand, Raoul, Canadian Senator, ix. 484 n. Daniel, Abbot, Russian pilgrim to Jerusalem, viii. 380 jr. Daniel the Stylitc, Saint, vii. 389-90. Danielou, Jean, vii. 744; x. 238; Le Mysterede VA?mtt quoted, vii. 738, 741,742-3,744. Dante Alighieri, vii. 703, 709, 711; viii. 100; ix. 7, 65, 71-72, 74, 77» 130, i35» 359, 400. 428; x. i4«-» 28, 53» 54) 145; Divina Commedia, quoted, ix. 395; x. 14 n., 237. Danzig, city-state of, vii. 205. Dao An, Chinese jurist, vii. 264 n. Daqiqi of Tus, Abu Mansur Muham- mad b. Ahmad ad-, Persian poet, r. 44. Darbishire, Robert Shelby, x. 224. Dardani, the, viii. 716-17 and «. ^ Darius I, the Achaemenid: adminis- trative reorganization of Achae- menian Empire, vii. 178, 180, 183, 205, 206-7, 582-4, 597-9» 603-5, 6ri seqq., 620, 623, 624, 637, 642, 648»., 657, 660, 67971., 683; viii. 433-4; assassination of Smerdis, viL 178, 580, 598, S99-6oi, 611, 612, 613; viii. 136 ;ix. 503; assump- tion of crown, viL 584 »,, 599, 611; conquests of, vii. 580, 584,594,614, 642, 646, 649, 650*1., 6So«., 684; viii. 205?!., 434, 436; Egyptians, relations with, viii. 325 «., 435; ex- ploration ordered by, viL 633, 634 and n., 642 «., 685; genealogy of, vii. 622 and ».; Greeks, relations with, viii. 431, 434~5.» 457-S* 459. 710; 'die huckster', vii. 613 and «., 614, 634 and ».; hybris of, viii. 435, 457~8» 459; marriages of, viL 612; nomads, attempts to subju- gate, vii 614, 646, 673, 685, 686;