332 INDEX Long, Major Stephen H., viii. 634-5, 640. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: Saga of King Olaf, quoted, vii. 533; The Arrow and the Song, quoted, x. 37. Longinus, Dionysius Cassius, Greek man of letters, viii. So, 653 n.; Sublimity in Style, attributed to him, quoted, is. 608. Longinus, Constantinopolitan Roman Viceroy of Italy, viii. 661—2. Loot, cultural non-conductivity of, viii. 51572. Loredano, Leonardo, Doge of Venice, x. 56. Lot, F.: Les Invasions Germaniques, quoted, vii. 285 «., 288. Lothair, see HLOTHAR. Lotto, Lorenzo, Venetian painter, vii. 712. Lotus-Eaters, the, ix. 615. Louis II, Count of Flanders, ix. 237, 23871. Louis IX, King of France (Saint Louis), viii. 354, 355, 362. Louis XI, King of France, viii. 300. Louis XIV, King of France: ambitions of, ix. 239 n.; x. 100; Bossuet's atti- tude towards, ix. 177; campaigns of, vii.707; ix. 15471., 255 72., 258-9 72.; egotism of, ix. 687; Ottoman Empire, sense of Western Christian solidarity in opposition to, ix. 247; religious intolerance of, ix. 325. Louis XVI, King of France, vii. 408. Louis Philippe, King of the French, ix. 14. Louisiana: French settlement in, ix. 297; history and law of, vii. 276 and 72.; incorporation of, into United States, ix, 550. Loukaris, Kyrillos, Oecumenical Patriarch, viii. 152-60, 168, 170-1, i So «., 184 «., 499 7t,, 605. Love, as essential element in higher religions, vii. 387-8, 390-1; viii. 149; ix. 405; see also under GOD. Low, D. M.: Edward Gibbon, quoted, x. 101,102 n. Loyang: religious role of, vii. 237; sack of—in civil war (A.D. 191), ix, <>55; — by Hiongnu (A.D. 311), x. 655, 666, 678, Loyd, S. J. (Lord Overstone), ix. 225. Lubbock, Basil: The Blackball Frigates, quoted, ix, 372 72, Lublin, Treaty of (A.D. 1569), viii. 538. Luce, Henry Robinson, ix. 581 n. Lucius III, Pope, ix. 33, Lucretius Carus, T., x. 143,217,229- 30; De Rerum Naturd, quoted, vii. 46, 48, 52, 53, 73 «., 300, 416, 452, 756; viii. 87; ix. 245, 320, 331, 396, 484, 544;x. 19, 94, 97,. Hi- Lucullus, L. Licinius, viii. 411, 587. Ludendorff, Erich, General, vii. 326. Ludwig, E: Schliemann of Troy, quoted, x. 13, 37 *•> 148, H9, 150, 155, 161 72., 163, 164. Lueger, Karl, viii. 295 n. Lugal-zaggisi, King of Erech, x. 172. Lurs, the, vii. 21072.; viii. 20. Lusius Quietus, Trajan's Moorish general, ix. 680 n. Luther, Martin, vii. 49572.; ix. 93, 151 TZ. Luvian language, the, viii. 491 n. Lyall, Sir A.: The Rise and Expansion of the British Dominion in India, quoted, vii. 186-7; viii. 731-2. Lyautey, L. H. G., Marshal de France, viii. 20-21, 28 and ?z. Lybyer, A. H., x. 234; The Govern- ment of the Ottoman Empire in the Time of Suleiman the Magnificent, quoted, ix. 37, 38-39. Lycians, the, viii. 570 n. Lydian Empire, the: establishment of, viii. 45672., 45772.; expansion of, viii. 717, 718; geographical range of, viii. 710-11 n.'y Greeks, relations with, viii. 434, 438; Hellenization of, viii. 438, 718; Medes, relations with, vii. 605; viii. 433; Persian conquest of, vii. 598; viii. 427, 431, 433,435, 710-11 n., 718-19; rise of, viii. 433. Lydian language, the, vii. 677. Lydians, the, vii. 677, 686; viii. 504. Lynd, Robert S. and Helen M.: Middletown, ix. 186-7. Lyons, Council of (A.D. 1274), ix. *34- Lyons (Lugdunum), Roman colony at, vii. 15471., 162. Lysias, Claudius, Roman military tribune, vii. 15672. Lysimachus, son of Agathocles, dia- dochus of Alexander, vii. 94, 201, 65271., 695; viii. 68, 714; ix. 264, 269. Ma, worship of, vii. 693. Macadam, Ivison, x. 241. Macao, as 'living museum', ix. 362. Macartney, George, Earl, viii. 328. Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Baron: 'History', in Miscellaneous Writings, quoted, vii. 395. Maccabees (Hasmonaeans), the, vii. 298; viii. 279 n., 414, 446,582, 584- 5, 611, 616; ix. 301, 363.