62 AFRICAN POLITICAL SYSTEMS the Maaloso by Kgama I for his son, Kgari; and the Maaloso-a-Ngwana for Kgari's son, Sekgoma I (father of Kgama III). The heir, on coming to the chieftainship, relied considerably upon the assistance and support of the retainers thus attached to him, and as a rule placed under their supervision all the wards originating in his reign. -The creation of new sections ceased in the reign of Sekgoma I, who consolidated the system into its present form. All wards since created were placed, at the discretioa of the chief, within one or other of the existing sections. In Serowe each section has its own quarter of the town, within which its component wards are located. The headman of the nuclear ward in each is also headman of the whole section. Associated with him in the administration of its affairs is the senior kgosana of the section, i.e. the royal headman most closely related to the chief.1 These two men act together as the senior judges of the section. They hear all cases referred to them directly or on appeal from the other ward-heads of their section in Serowe, or from a district governor where members of their section are involved; and until they have done so the case cannot come before the chief. As heads of the section they also command much greater influence in the tribe than do the other ward-heads. The chief frequently consults them on questions of tribal policy, and may depute them to deal on his behalf with important administrative matters. They speak for their people at tribal meetings where the opinions of each section are separately canvassed, and can also summon meetings of their own to discuss matters of sectional or tribal interest. The section to which the chief himself belongs—and, as already indicated, different chiefs have belonged to different sections—is generally regarded during his reign as the ruling section of the tribe. He relies more upon its senior headmen for help in formulating tribal policy, and looks to them particularly for support in all his plans and undertakings. 1 The descendants of Sekgoma I, who are all more closely related to the chiei than other royal headmen, are associated with him in the central government of the tribe, and do not take part in the sectional administration. The next senior royal headman in each section is regarded as its responsible royal headman. This position is held in Ditimamodimo by the headrrian of Ditlharapa ward, in Basimane by the headman of Tshisi ward, in MaalosO by the headman of Maboledi ward, and in Maalos6-a-Ngwana by the headman of Menyatso ward, all of whom are descendants of Kgama I. ;