is no place found for it, for it is itself th of all beings and the fulness of all things, is apprehended or seen by nothing. For : eye in itself, as Ezekiel the prophet saw tl figure at the introduction of the spirit of his A God, when his spiritual figure was introduc the wisdom of God by the Spirit of God ; 1 attained the vision, and in no other way can The Second Text. 20. We understand, then, that the divine in threefoldness in the unground dwells i] but generates to itself a ground within its the eternal word or heart, which is the ce goal of rest in the Deity; though this is be understood as to being, b\it as to a ti spirit, where each is the cause of the birtl other. . 21. And this threefold spirit is not mea divisible or fathomable ; for there is no plac for it, and it is at the same time the ungr eternity, which gives birth to itself within a ground. And no place or position can ceived or found where the spirit of the tri- not present, and in every being; but hidde: being, dwelling in itself, as an essence that fills all and yet dwells not in being, but itsc being in itself; as we are to reflect concen ground and unground, how the two are to b< stood in reference to each other. 22. Thus, we understand eternity : (1)