way than through fire, where the will is brot the deepest sharpness of omnipotence, as it consuming in fire. Contrariwise, light is ; ness of the genetrix of the onrni-substanl 37. But fire must have a genetrix to i and life, and here it appears in two lives and And they are rightly called two principles., ; there is only one ; but it is a twofold sour< being, and is in respect of the source rcg; two beings, as is to be seen in fire and light 38. We now consider Desire, and find t a stern attraction, like an eternal elev motion. For it draws itself into itself, an itself pregnant, so that from the thin where there is nothing a darkness is p For the desiring will becomes by the dr thick and full, although there is noth darkness. 39. The first will would now be free f darkness, for it desires light, and yet can] attain it. For the greater the desire is for 1 the greater becomes the attraction and t of the essences, which take their rise in the or desire. 40. Thus the will draws the more stron itself, and its pregnancy becomes the grea yet the darkness cannot comprehend the < the word or heart of the ternary; for thi is a degree deeper in itself, and yet is a bane 41. But the first will, in which the gest Nature takes place, is deeper still than th of the word, for it arises from the eternal U