shut up in the midst, the first will of the Father labouring to the birth of fire. 42. Now, we are to understand that in the stern attraction a very unyielding substance and being is produced. And so then substance from eternity has its origin; for the drawing gives sting, and the drawn gives hardness, matter from nothing, a substance and essentiality. The sting of the draw- ing dwells now in this essentiality, pierces and breaks; and all this from the desiring will which draws. 43. And here we are to recognize two forms ol Nature, viz. sour (astringent), that is, Desire, and then the sting, which makes in the desire a breaking and piercing, whence feeling arises, that is, bitter, and is the second form of Nature, a cause and origin of the essences in Nature. 44. Now the first will is not satisfied with this, nor set at rest, but is brought thereby into a very great anguish; for it desires freedom in light, and yet, however, there is no brightness in freedom, Then it Mis into terrible anguish, and so uplifts the desii*e for freedom, that the anguish, as a dying or sinking down through death, introduces its wil into freedom out of the breaking, piercing, anc powerful attracting. 45. Here, then, we understand the will in twc ways : One, which rises in fierceness to generatior of the wrath-fire; the other, which imaginates aftei the centre of the word, and, passing out of th« anguish, as through a dying, sinks into the free life ; and thus brings with it a life out of the tormenl