ire, where there is a moving, driving, (ding, as also a feeling, tasting and yet it is not a right life, but only without a principle. For it has no i like a frenzy or madness, where i whirling in itself as a wheel, where ; a bond of life, but without undcr- owledge ; for it knows not itself. \vc are to inquire concerning the the eternal Father which is called the centre of its heart desires light station of the triad in wisdom. This ircctcd towards the centrum naturae, iturc must; the splendour of Majesty is other will in the Word of life has elf; and the angnishful will in the 'aturc desires freedom, that freedom 2aled in the anguish of the fierce then also anguish arises, that the :s to be free from the dark .sourness and freedom desires manifestation; ind itself in itself without sharpness the will of freedom, which is called to manifest itself, mul that it cannot pcrties. :rcforc desirous of properties, which n anguish, in essences, in Ore, thereby . wonders, power and colours, which i cannot be. ic first will (which is called Father, B