world. 65. And the other being, viz. the house of terror in itself, in death, in the darkness of the hostile source (Qual), which must stand thus in order that there may be an eternal longing in this anguish to be freed from the source. For this longing makes the first will to Nature eternally desirous to come to the aid of its being. Whence then in the Father's will mercy arises, which enters with free- dom into the anguish, but cannot remain in the anguish, but goes forth in fire into the source of love. 66. That is, his other will, or his heart, issues in him as a fountain of love and mercy, from whence compassion has its origin, so that there is a pity on distress and misery, and a sympathy ; viz. here, the Father's will, which is free, reveals itself in the fierceness of Nature, so that the fierce wrathfulness is mitigated. 67. But nevertheless on one part the terrible wheel of fierceness continues independently. For in the terror a mortification is brought about, not indeed a still death, but a mortal life; and re- sembles the worst thing, as is an aqua fortis or a poison in itself. For such a thing must be, if the centrum naturae is to subsist eternally. 68. And on the other part life proceeds out of death, and death must therefore be a cause of life. Else, if there were no such poisonous, fierce, fervent source, fire could not be generated, and there could be no essence nor fiery sharpness ; hence also there would be no light, and also no finding of life.