itself thus in wonders ; and the other will, which is called Son. finds itself thus in power. Moreover, thus also the kingdom of joy arises ; for if there were no pain, there were also no joy. But this is the kingdom of joy, that life is delivered from anguish, although life has its origin thus. 70. And therefore the creatures have poison, viz. a gall, for their life. The gall is the cause that there is a mobility by which life rises; for it occasions fire in the heart, and the right life is fire, but it is not the figure of life. 71. From the fire-life springs the right spirit, which goes forth from fire in the light; it is free from fire as air, which nevertheless arises from fire, is free from fire. 72. For the right spirit, or in man the spirit which is generated from the soul's fire, has its property in the Light of life, which burns from fire. For it arises from death, it proceeds out of death, the hostile source has remained away from it in fire, and below fire, in the cause of fire, viz. in fierce wrathful death. 73. Fierce wrathful death is thus a root of life. And here, ye men, consider your death and also Christ's death, who has begotten us again out of death, through the fire of God ; for out of death is the free life born. Whatever can go out from death is released from death and the source of wrath. That is now its kingdom of joy, that there is no longer any fierce source in it; it has remained away from it in death (in the dark world). And thus out of death life attains eternal freedom,