origin of the light-world ; and the terrible evil1 must be a cause of the good, and all is God's. 5. But the light-world is only called God; and the principle between the light-world and dark world is called God's anger and fierce wrath. If this be awakened, as by the devil and all wicked men, these are then abandoned of the Light and fall into the dark world. 6. The dark world is called death and hell, the abyss, a sting of death, despair, self-enmity and sorrowfulness; a life of malice and falsehood, in which the truth and the light is not seen and is not known. Therein dwell the devils and the damned souls; also the hellish worms, which the Fiat of death has figured in the motion of the omnipresent Lord. 7. For hell hath in the darkness the greatest constellation of the fervent, austere power. With them all is audible as a loud noise. What rings in the Light, knocks and thumps in the Dark, as is to be? seen in the thing men use to strike upon, that it gives a ringing sound. For the sound is not the thing; as a bell that is rung is itself not a sound, but only a hardness and a cause of the sound. The bell receives the stroke as a knocking, and from the hard knocking proceeds the ringing sound. The reason is this, that in the matter of the bell there is an (element, which, at creation, in the motion of the omnipresent God, was shut up in the hardness; as is to be seen in the metalline tincture, if mer would not be so mad and blind. 8. We recognize, then, that in hell, in the abyss