but many hellish worms according to th of their constellation, and void of und< As in this world there are irrational worms, toads and serpents—so has also such in the fierce wrathful world. For to be creaturely, and is gone into a beii the wrath-mirror also exhibited its wo manifested itself. 9. There is indeed no feeling of p£ hellish worms, for they are of the same e property. It is their life, and is a nati hidden to the outer world ; but the Spi who in all three principles is himself in accordance with each property, he kn reveals it to whom he will. 10. If now we would say how the three are united together, we must place £ middle as the highest force, which briiij principle a satisfying life and a spirit that There is, therefore, in the principles no fire is the life of all the principles,—unde: cause of life, not the life itself. To th gives its pang, viz. the sting, so that <3 itself in a life; else the abyss were a st gives it its fierceness, which is the life and original condition of the abyss ; were a still eternity and a nothing. 11. And to the light-world fire give essence, else there were no feeling nor lig and all were only one. And yet bey« Nothing, as an eye of wonders that itself, in which were no understanding