Christ taught us, saying : If any smite one cheek, offer him the other also; if a away thy cloak, withhold not from him 1 also (Matt. v. 39, 40); that he may have i mirror and retreat into himself, see thy ir acknowledge thou art God's child, and th; Spirit leads thee ; that he may learn of t scend into himself and seek himself. Else oppose him with defiance and spite, his spite kindled still more, and at last he thinks he right to thee. But thus he must certainly r he doth thee wrong. 26. And as God's love resists all wick and the conscience often dissuades from also thy meekness and patience go to his 1 science, and arraign the conscience in itse" God's light in the wrath. In this way wicked man goes out from his wickedness, < into himself and seeks himself. Then God puts him in mind of thy patience, and sets his eyes, and so he is drawn thereby into rej and abstinence. 27. Not that one should not defend against a murderer or thief, who would and steal. But where one sees that any upon unrighteousness, one should set h openly with a good light before his eyes, ar and of good will offer him the Christian loving heart; that he may find actually fact, that it is done out of love-zeal to G that love and God's will are more to that m the earthly nature, and that he purposely