66 SIX THEOSOPHIC POINTS more any mirror of the sun, but is imprisoned in the wrathful dark earth. 16. So it is also with human life. As long as it imaginates after God's Spirit, it receives God's power and light, and knows God. But when it imaginates after earthliness or after the dark world's property, it receives the essence of earthli- ness and of the dark world, and becomes filled with the same. Then is life's mirror shut up in darkness, and loses the mirror of God, and must be born anew. 17. As we know that Adam thus made the pure mirror earthly, and lost God's power and light, which Christ, God's Son, restored again, and broke open the earthly darkness, and forcibly introduced the mirror of God. 18. Thus we recognize how the holy tree grows through all things, and out of all beings ; but is apprehended by no being, save only in the mirror of purity, as in the pure life of man ; which life desires that tree, and it can be apprehended in no dark life. This then is the fourth point.