68 SIX THEOSOPHIC POINTS sink down through the anguish of fire into death, and bud forth in the light. That depends on its choice. Where it yields up itself, there it must be; for its fire must have substance, that it may have something to feed upon. 4. Will the spirit eat of its first mother the sour- ness, that is, will it give to its fire for food the fierce essentiality in the centre, or the light's essentiality in the light-world, that is all in its own power ; whatever its fire receives, in the property thereof does it burn. 5. In the dark property it burns in the dark, harsh, stern source, and sees in itself as a flash; it has only the mirror of darkness, and sees in the darkness. In the light's property it catches the gentleness of the light, in which the light-fire burns, and sees in the light-world. All is nigh unto spirit, and yet it can see in no other world or property save in that wherein its fire burns ; * of that world is the spirit only susceptible, it sees nothing in the other world ; it has no eyes for that. It remains to it an eternal hiddenness, unless it has been in another world and gone out from thence, and given itself to another fire, as the devils did, who have indeed a knowledge of the light-world, but no feeling or seeing thereof; the light-world is nigh to them, but they know it not. 6. And now we are to recognize life's perdition, which comes about in the first Principle. Them