70 SIX THEOSOPHIC POINTS clear brightness is able to arise; but the freedom out of Nature is a cause of such shining. Whatever yields itself up to Nature,, yet desires not Nature's property but freedom,, that becomes enkindled in its flash of life by freedom, in the way the second Principle has enkindled itself. 10. Thus we understand how a life perishes, that is, how it introduces itself in anguish and torment into darkness; namely, when it will be its own lord and desires plurality. If it will not give itself up to death, then it cannot attain any other world. 11. For every life arises in the torment of anguish, in Nature, and has no light in itself, except it enter into that which gives birth to Nature; there it receives light. 12. For all that is in Nature is dark and in anguish, as is to be recognized by this world. Were the sun to be taken away, there would be nothing but anguish and darkness. And therefore God put himself in motion, so as to give a light to this world, that the external life might be in light. 13. But as regards the inner life of the soul, it has another form. This inner life can the external not attain. Hath the soul's fire not God's light, neither can the soul's will enter into God's light; it must remain in the darkness of the Eternal Nature. 14. External Reason thinks, if the outward eye