But he bears not God's but the serpent's image; and is only in the external kingdom a likeness to an image of man, so long as he remains in this property, so that this property is supreme lord. 41. But if he find strife and combat within him, that his inner will always, yea hourly, fights against these evil properties, suppresses them, and suffers them not to attain to evil being; that he would fain always do well, and yet finds thslt these evil pro- perties hinder him, so that he cannot accomplish what he would; and finds the desire for abstinence and repentance, that a perpetual desire after God's mercy springs in him, so that he would gladly do well if he could: 42. This man may think and assuredly know that God's fire glimmers in him, and continually labours towards the light. It would fain burn, and is always giving essence for flame; but is quenched by the evil humidity of this world, which Adam has introduced into us. 43. But when the outer evil body with its vapours perishes, so that it can no longer obstruct the glimmering wick, then the divine fire becomes enkindled in its essence, and the divine image is figured according to the strongest quality which tht man has here carried in his desire. If, however, he continue not in the above-mentioned warfare, but drops the struggle, he may again deteriorate most dangerously. 44. The third proof and trial is this, that a man recognize in what being or figure he stands. If he find that he hath a constant desire after God,