86 SIX THEOSOPHIC POINTS Often the father and mother, as also the 1 are godless, and only evil beasts, and no real earnestness. The outward pomp money is the main point with them; they the mystery. Here the child is wholly property of wrath. Who then shall I None other than the wrath of God in his c< for that men do but make a mock of it. 26. Thus the source of wrath seizes 1 spirit, works powerfully in it, and brings fo to perdition. As St. Paul says of the oth< ment, that the wicked man receives it un ment, not discerning the Lord's body (1 Cor That is, he distinguishes not in himself the 1 part of his essence from the earthly, to put into the heavenly and offer this up to Gc deems all common, as an ox cats the foddt 27. Therefore the wrath of God springs ir: that he doth not break off his will from the and repent of his wickedness. His heavei cannot become partaker of God's body, he cannot awaken the essence of the ,1 part. Thus it has no mouth to reeeiv body, the mouth being shut up in deal earthly part, however, receives Christ's be according to the property of wrath, aoco the property of the dark world ; for the tc