perdition. God's covenant is never moved without fruit. God works in his covenant according to his word. 29. As is the soul which moves the covenant, so is the medicament in the covenant., and in such a power the Spirit of God works in love and wrath ; for he is the spirit of every life, and assimilates himself to every life. He is in every thing as the thing's will and property is, for one property seizes the other. What the soul wills, that he wills also, and thereinto the soul enters. 30. It is all magical; what the will of a thing wills, that it receives. A toad takes only poison into itself, though it sit in the best apothecary's shop ; the like also does a serpent. Every thing takes only its own property into itself; and though it eat the substance of a good property, yet it converts all in itself into its own property. Though a toad should eat honey, yet this becomes poison in it. As indeed the devil was an angel; but when he willed nothing good, his heavenly essence became to him hellish poison, and his evil will remained evil one time as another. 31. We are therefore highly to consider our life, what we would do and be at. We have evil and good in us. The one wherein we draw our will, its essence becomes active in us; and such a pro- perty we draw also from without into us. We have the two Mysteries, the divine and the devilish in us, of the two eternal worlds, and also of the outer world. What we make of ourselves, that we are; what we awaken in ourselves, that is moving