the tyrant delights when he can torment men, and spend their sweat in show and luxury, in foolish strange attire and behaviour, and ape the fool; so do also the devils in hell. And the luxury of this world in its strange garb is a true type of the hellish world. 37. All the curious tassels and tufts which the proud man devises, and clothes his foolish man therewith, whereby he would be distinguished from the true children of God, are types of the hellish world. All his bedizenment, glittering show and ostentation, by which he withdraws himself from humility, is a hellish mirror; for the devil's pride will be like to none, it keeps itself distinct in this world. And the blind man understands not this, how the devil fools and deceives him, and thus only to mock God prefigures his own proud mask; so that the poor man does as he does, and thinks he is thereby fine, and better than other men, whereas we all arise and proceed from one body and spirit. But before God and his angels he is recognized only as a devil's mask, and is in the sight of heaven an abomination. As a fool in com- parison with wisdom is but an abomination, so is also hypocritical pride an abomination before God and his angels, in presence of the noble image. The world still cleaves to this abomination, and there- with marks out the corrupt image of earthliness. 38. He who sees a proud man sees the heavy fall of Adam, and a type of the hellish world; a half devil and half man, to whom the devil has con- tinual access. For he is the deviPs servant in this